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12 theSun | MONDAY MARCH 16 2009

news without borders

Bombs thrown at Northern

Ireland policemen over arrests
BELFAST: Gangs of youths threw petrol rested but later released, while a male in
Probe into faked studies
pains medical community
bombs at policemen in Northern Ireland his early teens had also been arrested.
on Saturday after a prominent republican The Real IRA, a dissident republican
was among three people arrested over group, claimed responsibility for the
the murder of two British soldiers. March 7 attack which killed Mark Quinsey,
The troubled province’s police chief, 23, and Cengiz “Patrick” Azimkar, 21, in
meanwhile, warned that hundreds of the first such killings for over a decade.
dissidents, whom he described as “very CCTV footage of the attack – in which
dangerous”, were aiming to derail its four people were also injured in a hail of WASHINGTON: A trail-blazing anesthesiolo- inhibitors, which he claimed reduced post-
fledgling peace process. bullets, when the soldiers stepped outside A soldier and gist, whose research shaped pain-relief for mil- surgical pain and dependence on steroids and
The three men, aged 21, 32 and 41, the barracks to receive a pizza delivery his son at a lions around the world, has been fabricating addictive drugs like morphine.
were being questioned by police over the – has helped detectives hunting the killers. prayer vigil data for more than a decade, a hospital where Reuben plugged the use of one COX2 in-
shooting of the soldiers at Massereene Three men were already being questioned for the slain he once practised claimed on Saturday. hibitor – Celebrex – along with another drug
Barracks in Antrim, northwest of Belfast, over the killing of policeman Stephen soldiers and Massachusetts-based doctor Scott Reuben called Lyrica, both manufactured by US-based
on March 7. According to a police source, Carroll in Northern Ireland on Monday, policeman is accused of producing at least 21 crooked pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc., as well as
the 41-year-old was Colin Duffy, who has an attack claimed by another republican outside the research papers, some of which talked-up another anti-inflammatory drug made by
distanced himself from Republican party splinter group, the Continuity IRA. British army drugs made by a pharmaceutical firm that Merck.
Sinn Fein since it agreed to share power On Saturday, a police barracks at gave him research grants. Anaesthesia & Analgesia, where some of
with pro-London unionists. spokesman said that they had Massereene. “The reports contained fabricated data that Reuben’s work had been published, said he
In the aftermath of his arrest, gangs seized a gun and ammunition was created solely by Dr Reuben,” said Jane had received research grants from Pfizer and
of masked youths threw stones at police while conducting a search in Albert, a spokeswoman for the Baystate Medi- is a member of its speaker’s bureau.
near Duffy’s home in Lurgan, southwest Craigavon, the town where cal Centre, where Reuben once practised. In a statement, Pfizer spokeswoman Sally
of Belfast, and petrol bombs were later Carroll was shot. If proven, the discovery would be one of Beatty said the firm was “not involved in the
thrown at vehicles belonging to the Police Officers also arrested the biggest cases of medical research fraud conduct of any of these independent studies
Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI), a police an unnamed 30-year- on record – spanning at least a decade and or in the interpretation or publication of the
spokesman said. old woman and a implicating potentially dozens of supposedly study results.”
“Missiles including petrol bombs and 3 7 - y e a r- o l d peer-reviewed articles. “It is very disappointing to learn about Dr
stones have been thrown at police at a man in the According to journal Anaesthesia & Anal- Scott Reuben’s alleged actions,” the company
number of locations in Lurgan,” a PSNI same town gesia at least 21 articles are in question dating said.
spokesman said, adding that no one had in connec- back to 1996. The journal’s editor Steven Reuben’s work first aroused suspicion
been injured and no petrol bombs had tion with Shafer said the discovery could prove a body when he submitted two abstracts for an an-
been thrown since around 7pm (3am in “serious blow to the field. “Doctors have been using nual Baystate research conference.
Malaysia). terrorist (his) findings very widely. His findings had a Assessors discovered that the data con-
The spokesman estimated that the offences”. huge impact on the field.” tained in the reports had not been cleared with
youths had numbered around 20, and – AFP Although Baystate said there were no the hospital’s review board.
said that a male in his late teens was ar- allegations involving patient care, Shafer The investigation which began in spring
cautioned against ruling out practical reper- last year “eventually uncovered an extensive
cussions. history of fabrication dating back to 1996,”
“We have to be open to the possibility there said Baystate’s Jane Albert. The 21 studies that
was patient injury. Nothing is without risk.” have been discredited deal with anaesthesia
Reuben, 50, had been a high-profile propo- used in post-operative care ranging from knee
nent of anti-inflammatory drugs called COX2 to spinal surgery. – AFP

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