Thesun 2009-03-16 Page19 g20 Bridges Differences Before Key Summit

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theSun | MONDAY MARCH 16 2009 19


G20 bridges differences

HORSHAM (England): Before
a key summit on tackling
the economic crisis, rich and
emerging nations have agreed
common ground on hiking
IMF funds and stricter market
regulation but remain split on
stimulus measures.
G20 finance ministers on Sat-
urday vowed to take “whatever
action is necessary” on the world
economic slowdown, after talks
preparing for a London summit
of world leaders on April 2.
before key summit
tional Monetary Fund (IMF),
although a communique is-
tion has emerged that somehow
there are sides developing with
French Finance Minister
Christine Lagarde said she
They played down signs of sued afterwards did not state a respect to the G20,” Obama told was “delighted” that the G20
division between the United figure. reporters after meeting Brazil’s was closer on agreeing tighter
States and Europe on how best They also agreed to some President Luiz Inacio Lula da regulation of markets.
to boost the global economy, tougher regulation of the finan- Silva at the White House. The US, eurozone, Japan
insisting the road to the summit cial system. Agreement on IMF funding and Britain are all in recession
next month was smooth. But the meeting failed to came after the US recently as the global economy struggles
“We’re prepared to take reach consensus on a new suggested its lending capacity to recover from the worldwide
whatever action is necessary to stimulus package, despite should be trebled to US$750 credit crunch that erupted in
ensure growth is restored and controversial calls from the US, billion. European leaders want late 2007.
we’re committed to do that for the world’s largest economy, to double the figure to US$500 Commercial banks are
however long it takes,” British for coordinated international billion. lending less cash amid fears
finance minister Alistair Dar- pump-priming in recent days. The G20 on Saturday stated about their exposure to the
ling said Saturday after hosting US President Barack Obama, its key priority was restoring collapsed US subprime property
the G20 talks. who will attend the London bank lending to help ease the market.
“I believe this does provide summit in April, denied there effects of the crisis. Also on Saturday, British
a very clear sense of direction.” were divisions on how to tackle But Germany and France Prime Minister Gordon Brown,
The politicians managed to the financial crisis, deriding are opposed to US’s call for who will host the G20 summit,
reach agreement on the need such a notion as a “phony” story new stimulus, instead favour- and German Chancellor Angela
for an “urgent” and substantial drummed up by the media. ing tougher regulation to tackle Merkel talked up the prospect
funding boost for the Interna- “I don’t know where this no- the crisis. of agreement on April 2. – AFP

Bailed-out AIG plans bonuses worth million$

WASHINGTON: Ailing insurer AIG – which re- senior employees. Although AIG has agreed to cut back on
ceived US$180 billion (RM666 billion) in federal “We cannot attract and retain the best multi-million-dollar bonuses for its highest
aid – is to give out millions of dollars in bonuses and brightest talent to lead and staff the AIG ranking officers, others will receive full pay-
this week, according to a report on Saturday. businesses – which are now being operated ment if the company’s restructuring is followed
American International Group CEO Edward principally on behalf of the American taxpayers through, the Post said. The firm’s lower-ranked
Liddy told Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner – if employees believe their compensation is employees are still set for a massive pay day.
bonuses could not be cancelled due to a risk of subject to continued and arbitrary adjustment Bonus payments to thousands of employ-
lawsuits for breaching employment contracts, by the US Treasury,” Liddy wrote, according ees totaling “in the hundreds of millions of dol-
the Washington Post said. to the Post. lars” are to be given out, the daily reported.
In a letter to Geithner – who has expressed The AIG bailout, which saw the government For the fourth quarter, AIG announced a
dismay over the payments – Liddy also indi- taking a major equity stake in the firm, was loss of US$61.7 billion – the biggest ever for a
cated a refusal to pay bonuses worth tens of billed as an effort to stave off the collapse of US firm in one quarter – pushing up its net loss
millions of dollars would prompt an exodus of what had been the world’s biggest insurer. for 2008 to US$99.3 billion. – AFP

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