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Compendium of Veterinary Standard

Precautions for Zoonotic Disease Prevention

in Veterinary Personnel
National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians

Veterinary Infection Control Committee

Preface................................................................................................................................................................ 417
I. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................... 417
A. BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES.................................................................................................... 417
B. CONSIDERATIONS............................................................................................................................. 418
II. ZOONOTIC DISEASE TRANSMISSION.................................................................................................. 418
A. SOURCE .............................................................................................................................................. 418
B. HOST SUSCEPTIBILITY...................................................................................................................... 418
C. ROUTES OF TRANSMISSION............................................................................................................. 418
1. CONTACT TRANSMISSION............................................................................................................ 418
2. AEROSOL TRANSMISSION............................................................................................................. 418
3. VECTOR-BORNE TRANSMISSION................................................................................................. 418
III. VETERINARY STANDARD PRECAUTIONS............................................................................................ 419
A. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE ACTIONS AND EQUIPMENT................................................................. 419
1. HAND HYGIENE............................................................................................................................. 419
2. USE OF GLOVES AND SLEEVES.................................................................................................... 419
3. FACIAL PROTECTION.................................................................................................................... 419
4. RESPIRATORY TRACT PROTECTION........................................................................................... 419
5. PROTECTIVE OUTERWEAR.......................................................................................................... 420
a. Laboratory coats, smocks, and coveralls........................................................................................ 420
b. Nonsterile gowns........................................................................................................................... 420
c. Footwear....................................................................................................................................... 420
d. Head covers.................................................................................................................................. 420
6. BITE AND OTHER ANIMAL-RELATED INJURY PREVENTION................................................... 420
B. PROTECTIVE ACTIONS DURING VETERINARY PROCEDURES..................................................... 420
1. PATIENT INTAKE............................................................................................................................ 420
2. EXAMINATION OF ANIMALS........................................................................................................ 420
3. INJECTIONS, VENIPUNCTURE, AND ASPIRATION PROCEDURES........................................... 421
a. Needlestick injury prevention......................................................................................................... 421
b. Barrier protection.......................................................................................................................... 421
4. DENTAL PROCEDURES.................................................................................................................. 421
5. RESUSCITATION............................................................................................................................. 421
6. OBSTETRICS.................................................................................................................................... 421
7. NECROPSY...................................................................................................................................... 421
8. DIAGNOSTIC-SPECIMEN HANDLING.......................................................................................... 422
C. ENVIRONMENTAL INFECTION CONTROL..................................................................................... 422
1. ISOLATION OF ANIMALS WITH INFECTIOUS DISEASES.......................................................... 422
3. HANDLING OF LAUNDRY............................................................................................................. 422
4. DECONTAMINATION AND SPILL RESPONSE.............................................................................. 422
5. VETERINARY MEDICAL WASTE................................................................................................... 423
6. RODENT AND VECTOR CONTROL.............................................................................................. 423
7. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS....................................................................................... 423
IV. EMPLOYEE HEALTH............................................................................................................................... 423
A. GENERAL............................................................................................................................................ 423
1. EMPLOYEE VACCINATION POLICIES AND RECORD KEEPING............................................... 423
a. Rabies........................................................................................................................................... 423
b. Tetanus......................................................................................................................................... 423
c. Influenza....................................................................................................................................... 423

JAVMA, Vol 233, No. 3, August 1, 2008 NASPHV Compendium of Veterinary Standard Precautions 415
2. MANAGEMENT AND DOCUMENTATION OF EXPOSURE INCIDENTS.................................... 423
3. STAFF TRAINING AND EDUCATION........................................................................................... 424
B. IMMUNOCOMPROMISED PERSONNEL............................................................................................ 424
V. CREATING A WRITTEN INFECTION CONTROL PLAN....................................................................... 424
A. INFECTION CONTROL PERSONNEL .............................................................................................. 424
1. AVAILABILITY.................................................................................................................................. 425
2. LEADERSHIP................................................................................................................................... 425
3. NEW STAFF..................................................................................................................................... 425
4. CONTINUING EDUCATION.......................................................................................................... 425
5. REVIEW AND REVISION................................................................................................................ 425
6. COMPLIANCE................................................................................................................................. 425
VI. REFERENCES........................................................................................................................................... 425
1—Zoonotic diseases of importance in the United States, 2008................................................................. 428
2—Selected disinfectants used in veterinary practice................................................................................. 430
3—Model infection control plan for veterinary practices, 2008................................................................. 431


Brigid L. Elchos, rn, dvm, (Co-Chair), State Public Health Veterinarian, Mississippi Board of Animal Health, Jackson, MS 39207.
Joni M. Scheftel, dvm, mph, dacvpm, (Co-Chair), State Public Health Veterinarian, Minnesota Department of Health, Saint Paul, MN .
Bryan Cherry, vmd, phd, Deputy State Public Health Veterinarian, New York State Department of Health, Albany, NY 12237.
Emilio E. DeBess, dvm, mpvm, State Public Health Veterinarian, Oregon Department of Human Services, Portland, OR 97232.
Sharon G. Hopkins, dvm, mph, Public Health Veterinarian, Public Health—Seattle & King County, Seattle, WA 98104.
Jay F. Levine, dvm, mph, dacvpm, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, College of Veterinary Medicine, North Carolina State
University, Raleigh, NC 27606.
Carl J. Williams, dvm, ma, State Public Health Veterinarian, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Raleigh, NC

Consultants to the Committee

Michael R. Bell, md, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, GA 33033.
Glenda D. Dvorak, dvm, mph, Center for Food Security and Public Health, Ames, IA 50011.
Christine A. Flora, mlt (ascp), American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA), Lakewood, CO 80228.
Jo Hofmann, md, Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE), Atlanta, GA 30341.
Boris I. Pavlin, md, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD 21205.
Oreta M. Samples, cvt, mph, National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (NAVTA), Alexandria, VA 22304.
Jamie L. Snow, dvm, mph, United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Veterinary Services
(USDA APHIS VS), Fort Collins, CO 80526.
Rebecca E. Stinson-Dixon, dvm, American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), Schaumburg, IL 60173.
This article has not undergone peer review; opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the American Veterinary Medical
Address correspondence to Dr. Scheftel, NASPHV VICC, Acute Disease Investigation and Control Section, Minnesota Department of
Health, 625 N Robert St, Saint Paul, MN 55155-2538.

416 NASPHV Compendium of Veterinary Standard Precautions JAVMA, Vol 233, No. 3, August 1, 2008
Preface Abbreviations
Veterinary practices are unique environments that ACIP Advisory Committee on Immunization
bring humans into close contact with many species of Practices
animals. Whether in a clinic or in field settings, veteri- NASPHV National Association of State Public Health
nary personnel are routinely exposed to infectious patho- Veterinarians
gens, many of which are zoonotic (transmitted from ani- NIOSH National Institute of Occupational Safety
mals to humans). Some reported zoonoses in veterinary and Health
personnel include multidrug-resistant salmonellosis, OSHA Occupational Safety and Health
cryptosporidiosis, cat-associated plague, sporotrichosis, Administration
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection, VICC Veterinary Infection Control Committee
psittacosis, and dermatophytosis. Infection control mea- VSP Veterinary Standard Precautions
sures vary from practice to practice and are often insuf-
ficient to prevent zoonotic disease transmission. occupationally acquired zoonotic infections in-
The Veterinary Standard Precautions outlined in clude the following:
this Compendium are designed to minimize transmis- • Multidrug-resistant salmonellosis outbreaks
sion of zoonotic pathogens from animals to veteri- with zoonotic transmission to veterinary staff
nary personnel in private practice. The Compendium and students.9–11
is based on current scientific evidence and the VICC • Cryptosporidiosis among veterinary students.12–16
members’ collective experience and knowledge of the • Cat-associated plague (Yersinia pestis infec-
veterinary profession. tion) in veterinary personnel.17
• Cat-associated sporotrichosis in veterinary
I. INTRODUCTION personnel.18–22
A. BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: • Transmission of methicillin-resistant S aureus
Zoonotic diseases are occupational hazards faced infections among veterinary personnel and
by veterinary personnel on a daily basis.1 Although equine, bovine, porcine, canine, and feline.
the scope of zoonotic disease risk has been docu- patients.11,23–33
mented, guidance for infection control in general • Psittacosis.34–37
veterinary practice has been limited. Currently, in- • Dermatophytosis (ringworm).38
fection control measures vary tremendously among
veterinary facilities and are often insufficient to Veterinary Standard Precautions include strat-
prevent zoonotic disease transmission.2,3 In human egies to reduce the potential for bites and other
medicine, infection control evolved substantially trauma that may result in exposure to zoonotic
with the recognition of transmission of HIV and pathogens. During their careers, approximately
hepatitis B and C viruses to health-care workers; two thirds of veterinary medical personnel are
currently, the cornerstone of infection control in hospitalized or unable to work for considerable
human health-care settings is the consistent use of periods of time as a result of animal-related in-
Standard Precautions.4 Similarly, the 2003 US out- jury.1,39–42 Dog and cat bites, kicks, scratches from
break of monkeypox virus infection among humans cats, and crush injuries account for most occupa-
in 6 states, in which 18 of 71 (25%) affected indi- tional injuries among veterinary personnel.1,39–42
viduals were veterinary personnel, highlighted the According to 1 report,43 approximately 3% to 18%
need for infection control precautions in veterinary of dog bites and 28% to 80% of cat bites become
medicine.5,6 infected. Most infected dog- and cat-bite wounds
Veterinary Standard Precautions are infection contain mixed aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. The
control guidelines intended to minimize the risk most commonly isolated aerobes are Pasteurella
of occupational zoonotic infections from recog- multocida (cats), Pasteurella canis (dogs), strepto-
nized and as yet unrecognized sources. Regardless cocci, staphylococci, Moraxella spp, and Neisseria
of the diagnosis made for a particular animal, these weaveri; the most commonly isolated anaerobes
precautions should be used whenever personnel are various species of Fusobacterium, Bacteroi-
may be exposed to potentially infectious materi- des, Porphyromonas, and Prevotella.43 In addition,
als, including feces, blood, body fluids, exudates, rare but serious systemic infections with invasive
and nonintact skin. pathogens such as Capnocytophaga canimorsus,
New infectious diseases are continually emerg- Bergeyella zoohelcum, Bartonella henselae, and
ing.7 Approximately 868 of 1,415 (61%) known CDC Group NO-1 may develop following bites or
human pathogens are zoonotic, and approximate- scratches.43–47
ly 132 of 175 (75%) emerging diseases that affect Needlestick injuries are also among the most
humans are zoonotic.8 Global commerce, trade, frequent accidents in the veterinary workplace.48,49
and travel continue to increase the potential for The most common needlestick injury is inadver-
exposure to zoonotic pathogens. tent injection of a vaccine.1,50,51 In a 1995 survey of
Although reports of exotic infections in vet- 701 veterinarians, accidental self-injection of ra-
erinary personnel dramatically illustrates the need bies virus vaccine was reported by 27% of respon-
for routine infection control precautions, use of dents; among large-animal practice respondents,
VSP would minimize exposure to many zoonotic 23% had accidentally self-injected vaccines con-
pathogens encountered more frequently. Reported taining live Brucella organisms.1 Additionally, nee-

JAVMA, Vol 233, No. 3, August 1, 2008 NASPHV Compendium of Veterinary Standard Precautions 417
dle punctures sustained during procedures such are carriers of an infectious agent, and animals that
as fine-needle aspiration are potential sources of are clinically ill. Environmental sources of infection
zoonotic pathogens.52 include contaminated walls, floors, counters, cages,
Based on the need for infection control guide- bedding, equipment, supplies, feed, soil, and water.
lines that were specific to veterinary medicine, B. HOST SUSCEPTIBILITY:
the VICC set the following objectives for the cre- Human susceptibility to infection varies
ation of the Compendium: to raise awareness of greatly. Factors influencing susceptibility include
the scope of zoonotic disease risk in veterinary vaccination status, age, underlying diseases, im-
medicine; address issues specific to the veterinary munosuppression, pregnancy, and deficiencies
profession; establish practical, science-based vet- in the body’s primary defense mechanisms (eg,
erinary infection control guidance; and provide a damage to intact skin, loss of cough reflex, or re-
model infection control plan for use in individual duced production of stomach acid). Humans may
veterinary facilities. be immune to or able to resist colonization by an
B. CONSIDERATIONS: infectious agent, become asymptomatic carriers,
Although elimination of all risks associated or develop illness.
with zoonotic pathogens is not possible, the pur- C. ROUTES OF TRANSMISSION:
pose of this Compendium is to provide reasonable Pathogens are transmitted via 3 main routes:
guidance for minimizing disease and injury among contact, aerosol, and vector-borne transmission.
veterinary personnel in clinical settings. The guide- Some agents may be transmitted by more than 1
lines are intended to be adapted to individual needs route.4
and circumstances, but veterinary practices must 1. CONTACT TRANSMISSION
first comply with federal, state, and local author- Contact transmission occurs when patho-
ity regulations, and modifications should adhere gens from animals or their environments enter
to the basic principles of infection control that are the human host through 3 mechanisms: inges-
necessary to prevent spread of occupational zoo- tion, cutaneous or percutaneous exposure, or
notic pathogens by all routes of transmission. The mucous membrane exposure. Direct transmis-
authors of this Compendium advocate a multifac- sion may occur during examination, bathing,
eted approach to infection control, incorporating and general handling of animals or during
personal protective activities with appropriate ad- administration of treatments. Indirect trans-
ministrative and environmental engineering con- mission involves contact with a contaminated
trol measures. intermediate object, such as during cleaning
Employers should promote safe work habits. of cages and equipment or during handling of
The cost of implementing these guidelines should soiled laundry.4
be compared with the potential consequences of 2. AEROSOL TRANSMISSION
inadequate infection control, including sick leave Aerosol transmission occurs when patho-
or hospitalization of personnel, loss of credibility, gens travel through the air to enter the host.
and litigation.53–55 Training is an essential part of Aerosols may be large droplets that are de-
VSP implementation that is most effective if each posited on the mucous membranes or smaller
employee understands the relevance of these guide- particles that are inhaled. For most pathogens
lines to his or her health and the health of others. transmitted by this route, specific data defining
Client education that addresses issues such as risk of infection are limited; in general, risk of
the importance of rabies vaccination of animals, aerosol transmission increases with proximity
comprehensive internal and external parasite con- to the source and duration of exposure.
trol, and bite prevention will also help protect vet- Large droplets are created by coughing,
erinary staff from zoonotic diseases. Veterinarians sneezing, and vocalization and by procedures
are accessible and expert sources of information re- such as lancing abscesses and dentistry. Particles
garding zoonotic diseases and should be prepared that can be inhaled may be generated through
to inform clients of risks specific to their commu- procedures such as suction, bronchoscopy,
nity. Written educational information should be sweeping, vacuuming, and high-pressure spray-
made available in hospital and clinic waiting areas ing. Certain aerosolized pathogens may remain
and on practice Web sites. infective over long distances, depending on par-
ticle size, the nature of the pathogen, and en-
II. ZOONOTIC DISEASE TRANSMISSION vironmental factors.4,56 Two zoonotic pathogens
Transmission of pathogens requires 3 elements: known to be transmitted over long distances are
a source of the organism, a susceptible host, and a Coxiella burnetii57–59 and Mycobacterium bovis.60
means of transmission between them.4 Infection 3. VECTOR-BORNE TRANSMISSION
control involves eliminating or isolating the source, Vector-borne transmission occurs when vec-
reducing host susceptibility, or interrupting trans- tors such as mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks trans-
mission of the agent. mit pathogens. Animals may bring flea and tick
A. SOURCE: vectors into contact with veterinary personnel.
Animal sources of infection include animals Working in outdoor settings may increase risk
that harbor endogenous microflora that are patho- of exposure to arthropods and other biological
genic to humans, apparently healthy animals that vectors.

418 NASPHV Compendium of Veterinary Standard Precautions JAVMA, Vol 233, No. 3, August 1, 2008
III. VETERINARY STANDARD PRECAUTIONS When running water is not available, the
A. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE ACTIONS AND mechanical action of a moist wipe may en-
EQUIPMENT: hance the effectiveness of an alcohol-based
1. HAND HYGIENE hand rub, especially when hands are visibly
Consistent, thorough hand hygiene is the soiled. In sole use, moist wipes are not as ef-
single most important measure veterinary per- fective as alcohol-based hand rubs or washing
sonnel can take to reduce the risk of disease hands with soap and running water.61
transmission.4,61,62 In veterinary practice, hand 2. USE OF GLOVES AND SLEEVES
washing is preferred over the use of hand rubs Gloves reduce the risk of pathogen trans-
because hands are routinely contaminated mission by providing barrier protection. Nev-
with organic material. ertheless, wearing gloves (including sleeves) is
Hand washing with plain (nonantimicro- not a substitute for hand washing.70,71 Wear-
bial) soap and running water mechanically ing gloves is not necessary when examining or
removes organic material and reduces the handling healthy animals. Gloves should be
number of transient organisms on the skin, worn when an animal has evidence of disease
whereas antimicrobial soap kills or inhibits or its medical history is unknown and worn
growth of transient and resident flora.63,64 routinely when contact with feces, blood, body
Plain or antibacterial products are appropri- fluids, secretions, excretions, exudates, and
ate for routine use. To reduce the opportunity nonintact skin is likely. Gloves should also be
for cross-contamination, liquid or foam soap worn when cleaning cages, litter boxes, and
products should be selected rather than bar environmental surfaces.
soaps. Refillable dispensers should be com- Gloves should be changed between exami-
pletely emptied, cleaned, and then refilled nations of individual animals or animal groups
to prevent creation of a bacterial reservoir. (eg, litters of puppies or kittens, groups of
Moisturizing soaps can preserve skin integ- cattle), between dirty and clean procedures
rity and encourage compliance with hand hy- performed on a single patient, and whenever
giene protocols among veterinary staff. Dry, torn. Gloves should be removed promptly after
cracked skin is painful, and indicates skin use, and contact between skin and the outer
barrier disruption. glove surface should be avoided. Disposable
Hands should be washed between animal gloves should not be washed and reused.72,73
contacts and after contact with feces, blood, Immediately after glove removal, hands should
body fluids, and exudates. Staff members be washed because gloves can have undetected
who have animal contact should not wear perforations or hands may be contaminated
artificial nails and should keep fingernails unknowingly during glove removal.
short.61,65 Wearing rings may reduce the ef- Gloves are available in a variety of materi-
fectiveness of hand hygiene.61 Hand wash- als. Choice of gloves depends on their intended
ing should focus on thorough cleaning of all use. If allergic reactions to latex are a concern,
hand surfaces. acceptable alternatives include nitrile or vinyl
The correct technique for hand washing is gloves. Further information regarding preven-
as follows66: tion of allergic reactions to natural rubber in
• Wet hands with running water. the workplace is provided by NIOSH.74
• Place soap in palms. 3. FACIAL PROTECTION
• Rub hands together to make a lather. Facial protection prevents exposure of
• Scrub hands vigorously for 20 seconds. mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and
• Rinse soap off hands. mouth to infectious materials. Facial protec-
• Dry hands with a disposable towel. tion should be used whenever exposures to
• Turn off faucet using the disposable towel splashes or sprays are likely to occur,4,53,75 such
as a barrier. as those generated during lancing of abscesses,
flushing wounds, dentistry, nebulization, suc-
Alcohol-based hand rubs are highly effec- tioning, lavage, and necropsy.
tive against bacteria and enveloped viruses and Facial protection includes a surgical mask
may be used if hands are not visibly soiled.61,67,68 worn with goggles or a face shield. Surgical
However, hand rubs are less effective against masks provide adequate protection during
some nonenveloped viruses (eg, norovirus, ro- most veterinary procedures that generate po-
tavirus, and parvovirus), bacterial spores (eg, tentially infectious large droplets.
Bacillus anthracis and Clostridium difficile), or 4. RESPIRATORY TRACT PROTECTION
protozoal parasites (eg, cryptosporidia).61,68,69 Respiratory tract protection is designed to
The correct technique for use of hand rubs protect the airways of the wearer from infec-
is as follows 61: tious agents that are transmitted via inhala-
• Apply alcohol-based hand rub to palm of tion of small particles. Although the need for
1 hand. this type of protection is limited in veterinary
• Cover all surfaces of hands and fingers. medicine, it may be appropriate in certain situ-
• Continue to rub hands together until dry. ations, such as during investigations of abor-

JAVMA, Vol 233, No. 3, August 1, 2008 NASPHV Compendium of Veterinary Standard Precautions 419
tion storms in small ruminants (Q fever), ab- while keeping the contaminated surface
normally high mortality rates among poultry on the inside.
(avian influenza), respiratory disease in an. • Remove gloves and wash hands.
M bovis–positive herd (bovine tuberculosis), • If body fluids have soaked through the
and ill psittacines (avian chlamydiosis). gown, promptly remove the contami-
Disposable particulate respirators often re- nated clothing and wash the skin.
semble surgical or dust masks but fit closely c. Footwear
to the wearer’s face and are designed to filter Footwear should be suitable for the spe-
smaller particles (surgical masks are not de- cific working conditions (eg, rubber boots
signed to prevent inhalation of small particles). for farm work) and should protect person-
A variety of inexpensive respirators, such as the nel from exposure to infectious material
commonly used NIOSH-certified N95 respira- as well as from trauma. Recommendations
tor (designed to filter at least 95% of airborne include shoes or boots with thick soles and
particles) are readily available.76 Fit-testing is closed-toe construction that are imperme-
necessary to ensure an effective seal between able to liquid and easy to clean. Footwear
a respirator and the wearer’s face. Additional should be cleaned to prevent transfer of in-
information about respirators, fit-testing, and fectious material from one environment to
the OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard is another, such as between farm visits and
provided by NIOSH and OSHA.76,77 before returning from a field visit to a vet-
5. PROTECTIVE OUTERWEAR erinary facility or home. Disposable shoe
a. Laboratory coats, smocks, and coveralls covers or booties add an extra level of pro-
Laboratory coats, smocks, and cover- tection when heavy quantities of infectious
alls are designed to protect street clothes materials are present or expected.
or scrubs from contamination. They are d. Head covers
generally not fluid resistant, so they should Disposable head covers provide a barrier
not be used in situations where splash- when gross contamination of the hair and
ing or soaking with potentially infectious scalp is expected. Disposable head covers
liquids is anticipated. Garments should be should not be reused.
changed promptly whenever they become 6. BITE AND OTHER ANIMAL-RELATED .
visibly soiled or contaminated with feces or INJURY PREVENTION
body fluids. For most personnel, outerwear Veterinary personnel should take all nec-
should be changed and laundered daily. essary precautions to prevent animal-related
These garments should not be worn outside injuries. Preventive measures include use
of the work environment.4,78,79 of physical restraints, bite-resistant gloves,
b. Nonsterile gowns muzzles, sedation or anesthesia, and reli-
Gowns provide better barrier protection ance on experienced veterinary personnel
than laboratory coats. Permeable gowns rather than owners to restrain animals.80 Re-
can be used for general care of animals in quest that owners notify veterinary person-
isolation. Impermeable gowns should be nel before contact is initiated if the animal
used when splashes or large quantities of is aggressive. Aggressive tendencies and bite
body fluids are present or anticipated. Dis- history should be recorded and communi-
posable gowns should not be reused. Reus- cated to personnel. Practitioners should re-
able fabric gowns may be used repeatedly main alert for changes in their patients’ be-
to care for the same animal in isolation, but havior. Veterinary personnel working with
should be laundered between contacts with large animals should have an escape route in
different patients or whenever soiled. Use mind at all times.1,42
of gloves is indicated whenever gowns are B. PROTECTIVE ACTIONS DURING VETERI-
worn, and the outer (contaminated) sur- NARY PROCEDURES:
face of a gown should only be touched with 1. PATIENT INTAKE
gloved hands. Gowns and gloves should be Waiting rooms should be a safe environment
removed and placed in the laundry or re- for clients, animals, and employees.
fuse bin before leaving the animal’s environ- Aggressive animals and those that have a po-
ment. Hands should be washed immediately tentially communicable disease should be placed
afterwards.53 directly into an examination room. Animals with
To avoid cross-contamination, gowns respiratory or gastrointestinal signs or that have
should be removed as follows: a history of exposure to a known infectious agent
• After unfastening ties, peel the gown should be brought through an entrance other
from the shoulders and arms by pulling than the main entrance.81 If possible, an exami-
on the chest surface with gloved hands. nation room should be designated for animals
• Remove the gown, avoiding contact with potentially infectious diseases.
between its outer surface and clean 2. EXAMINATION OF ANIMALS
surfaces. All veterinary personnel should wash their
• Wrap the gown into a ball for disposal hands between examinations of individual ani-

420 NASPHV Compendium of Veterinary Standard Precautions JAVMA, Vol 233, No. 3, August 1, 2008
mals or animal groups (eg, litters of puppies or protocol, a forceps can be used to replace the
kittens, groups of cattle). Routine hand hygiene cap on the needle or a 1-handed scoop tech-
is the most effective way to prevent transmis- nique may be employed as follows85:
sion of zoonotic diseases. Every examination • Place the cap on a horizontal surface.
room should have a source of running water, a • Hold the syringe with attached needle in
soap dispenser, and paper towels. Alcohol-based 1 hand.
hand rubs may be provided for use in conjunc- • Use the needle to scoop up the cap with-
tion with hand washing. out use of the other hand.
Veterinary personnel should wear protective • Tighten the cap by pushing it against a
outerwear and use gloves and other protec- hard surface.
tive equipment appropriate for the situation. b. Barrier protection
Animals with potentially infectious diseases Gloves should be worn during venipunc-
should be examined in a dedicated examina- ture of animals suspected of having an infec-
tion room and should remain there until ini- tious disease and when performing soft tis-
tial diagnostic procedures and treatments have sue aspiration procedures. Currently, there
been performed. are no data indicating that venipuncture of
3. INJECTIONS, VENIPUNCTURE, AND . healthy animals constitutes an important risk
ASPIRATION PROCEDURES of exposure to pathogens.
a. Needlestick injury prevention 4. DENTAL PROCEDURES
Needlestick injuries are of concern in vet- Dental procedures create splashes or sprays
erinary medical settings because they can re- of saliva and blood that are potentially infec-
sult in the inoculation of live vaccines or in- tious. There is also the potential for cuts and
fective aspirate materials. Additionally, skin abrasions from dental equipment and teeth.
breaks from needlesticks can act as a portal Veterinary personnel performing the dental pro-
of entry for environmental pathogens. The cedure and anyone in range of direct splashes
risk of exposure to blood-borne pathogens or sprays should wear protective outerwear,
from needlestick injuries is inherently dif- gloves, and facial protection.86 In 1 study in hu-
ferent in veterinary medicine than in human mans, irrigation of the oral cavity with a 0.12%
medicine. Contact with animal blood (except chlorhexidine solution significantly decreased
primate blood) has not been reported as a bacterial aerosolization.87
source of occupationally acquired infection; 5. RESUSCITATION
nevertheless, percutaneous and mucosal ex- The urgent nature of resuscitation increases
posure to blood and blood products should the likelihood that breaches in infection con-
be avoided. trol will occur. Barrier precautions, such as use
After injection of vaccines containing live of gloves and facial protection, should be ap-
organisms or aspiration of body fluids or tis- plied to prevent exposure to zoonotic infectious
sue, the used syringe with the attached nee- agents that may be present. Never blow into the
dle should be placed in a sharps container nose or mouth of an animal or into an endotra-
(a container designed for safe collection of cheal tube for purposes of resuscitation; instead,
medical articles that may cause punctures intubate the animal and use a manual resuscita-
or cuts to those handling them). Although tor or an anesthesia machine or ventilator.
not ideal, following most other veterinary 6. OBSTETRICS
procedures, the needle and syringe may be Common zoonotic agents, including Bru-
separated for disposal of the needle in the cella spp, C burnetii, and Listeria monocytogenes,
sharps container. This can be most safely may be found in high concentrations in the
accomplished by use of the needle removal birthing fluids of aborting or parturient animals
device on the sharps container, which allows and in stillborn fetuses and neonates.88 Gloves,
the needle to drop directly into the contain- sleeves, facial protection, and impermeable pro-
er. Alternatively, the needle may be removed tective outerwear should be used as needed to
from the syringe by use of forceps. Uncapped prevent exposures to potentially infective mate-
needles should never be removed from the rials. Never attempt to resuscitate a nonrespir-
syringe by hand. In addition, needle caps ing neonate by blowing directly into its nose or
should not be removed by mouth. mouth.
Puncture- and leak-proof sharps contain- 7. NECROPSY
ers should be located in every area in which Necropsy is a high-risk procedure because
animal care occurs.82–84 After disposal, sharps of potential contact with infectious agents in
should not be transferred from one container body fluids and aerosols and on contaminated
to another. Devices that cut needles prior to sharps.75 Nonessential persons should not be
disposal should not be used because they in- present during necropsy procedures. Veterinary
crease the potential for aerosolization of the personnel should wear gloves, facial protection,
contents.82 and impermeable protective outerwear as need-
When it is absolutely necessary to recap ed. In addition, cut-proof gloves should be used
needles as part of a medical procedure or to prevent sharps-associated injuries. Respirato-

JAVMA, Vol 233, No. 3, August 1, 2008 NASPHV Compendium of Veterinary Standard Precautions 421
ry tract protection and environmental controls or whenever visibly soiled. Surfaces in areas
should be employed when band saws or other where animals are housed, examined, or treated
power equipment are used. should be made of nonporous, easily cleaned
8. DIAGNOSTIC-SPECIMEN HANDLING materials. During cleaning, adequate ventilation
Feces, urine, aspirates, and swabs should be should be provided; generation of dust that may
handled as though they contained infectious contain pathogens can be minimized by use of
organisms. Protective outerwear and disposable central vacuum units, wet mopping, dust mop-
gloves should be worn when handling these ping, or electrostatic sweeping. Surfaces may be
specimens. Discard gloves and wash hands be- lightly sprayed with water prior to mopping or
fore touching clean items (eg, medical records sweeping. Facial protection and control of splat-
or telephones). Eating and drinking must not ter can minimize exposure to aerosols generated
be allowed in the laboratory. by brushing during cleaning activities. High-
C. ENVIRONMENTAL INFECTION CONTROL: pressure sprayers may aerosolize and dissemi-
1. ISOLATION OF ANIMALS WITH INFECTIOUS . nate infectious small particles, and their use
DISEASES should be limited.
A single-purpose isolation room is recom- Gross contamination must be removed be-
mended for the care and housing of animals with fore disinfection because organic material de-
potentially communicable diseases. A designated creases the effectiveness of most disinfectants.91
examination room that can be easily emptied of To maximize effectiveness, disinfectants should
nonessential equipment and cleaned and disin- be used according to manufacturers’ instruc-
fected can be transformed into an isolation room. tions; check label for proper dilution and contact
A cage may be brought in for the animal. If an time. Personnel engaged in cleaning and disin-
isolation room has a negative pressure air-han- fection should be trained in safe practices and
dling system, the air should be exhausted outside provided necessary safety equipment according
of the building away from animal and public ac- to the product’s material safety data sheet.
cess areas, employee break areas, and air-intake Routine dish washing of food and water
vents.4,89 Air pressures should be monitored daily bowls is adequate for hospitalized patients with
while in use. infectious diseases,4 although use of disposable
The isolation room should have signage in- dishes should be considered for animals in isola-
dicating that the animal may have an infectious tion. Toys, litter boxes, and other miscellaneous
disease and detailing what precautions should items should be discarded or cleaned and disin-
be taken.53 Access to the room should be limit- fected between patient uses. Litter boxes should
ed, and a sign-in sheet should be used to moni- be cleaned or disposed of at least daily by a non-
tor all people entering the isolation area. pregnant staff member. Clean items should be
Only the equipment and materials needed for kept separate from dirty items.
the care and treatment of the patient should be 3. HANDLING OF LAUNDRY
kept in the isolation room. Items intended for use Although soiled laundry may be contaminat-
in the isolation room should remain there; if nec- ed with pathogens, the risk of disease transmis-
essary, replacement items should be procured for sion is negligible if handled correctly. Personnel
use elsewhere in the hospital. Items in the isola- should check for sharps before items are laun-
tion area should be disassembled, cleaned, and dered. Gloves and protective outerwear should be
disinfected prior to removal. Use of disposable worn when handling soiled laundry. Bedding and
articles minimizes exposure of personnel to po- other laundry should be machine washed with
tentially infective materials. Potentially contami- standard laundry detergent and machine dried.
nated materials should be bagged before transport To prevent cross-contamination, separate storage
within the practice and disinfected or disposed of and transport bins should be used for clean and
according to their level of hazard.53,84 dirty laundry. If soiled clothing is laundered at
Limited data are available regarding the ef- home, it should be transported in a sealed plastic
ficacy of shoe covers and footbaths for infec- bag and put directly into a washing machine.
tion control in veterinary settings. When shoe 4. DECONTAMINATION AND SPILL RESPONSE
or boot coverings are used, personnel should Spills and splashes of blood, body fluids, or
be trained to use, remove, and dispose of them potentially infective substances should be imme-
properly because improper use or disposal may diately sprayed with disinfectant and contained
increase the risk of exposure to pathogens. with absorbent material (eg, paper towels, saw-
When a disinfectant footbath is in use, it should dust, or cat litter). Personnel should wear gloves
be placed just inside the door of the isolation and other appropriate protective equipment
area so that personnel step through it before de- before beginning the cleanup. The spilled flu-
parting the room.90 Footbath disinfectant should ids and absorbent material should be picked up
be changed daily or when visibly dirty. and sealed in a leak-proof plastic bag, and the
2. CLEANING AND DISINFECTION OF EQUIPMENT. area should be cleaned and disinfected. Animals
AND ENVIRONMENTAL SURFACES and people who are not involved in the cleanup
Environmental surfaces and equipment should be kept away from the area until disinfec-
should be cleaned and disinfected between uses tion is completed.89

422 NASPHV Compendium of Veterinary Standard Precautions JAVMA, Vol 233, No. 3, August 1, 2008
5. VETERINARY MEDICAL WASTE should maintain staff records including details
Medical waste is defined and regulated at the of vaccinations, rabies virus antibody titers,
state level by multiple agencies but may include and exposures to infectious organisms to ex-
sharps, tissues, contaminated materials, and pedite care following occupational health in-
dead animals.84,92 The AVMA recommends vol- cidents.99,100 Employee health records should
untary compliance with the OSHA Bloodborne be collected on a voluntary basis, with a clear
Pathogen Standard93 regarding medical waste. understanding that confidentiality will be main-
It is beyond the scope of this Compendium to tained. Health-related issues that may influence
describe veterinary medical waste management employees’ work duties should be documented
in detail; for guidance, local or state health de- in personnel files. Employees should inform
partments and municipal governments should their supervisor of changes in health status,
be consulted. Additional information regarding such as pregnancy, that may affect work du-
state regulating agencies is available from the ties. Veterinary personnel should inform their
Environmental Protection Agency.94 health-care provider that their work duties in-
6. RODENT AND VECTOR CONTROL volve animal contact.
Many important zoonotic pathogens are 1. EMPLOYEE VACCINATION POLICIES AND .
transmitted by insect vectors or rodents. Inte- RECORD KEEPING
grated pest management is a comprehensive a. Rabies
approach used to prevent and control pests.95,96 Veterinary personnel who have contact
Measures included in integrated pest manage- with animals should be offered preexposure
ment are as follows: vaccination in accordance with recommen-
• Seal potential entry and exit points into dations of the ACIP.101 Preexposure vaccina-
buildings; common methods include the tion consists of 3 doses of a human rabies
use of caulk, steel wool, or metal lath under vaccine; after the first dose (given on day 0),
doors and around pipes. subsequent doses are administered on day
• Store food and garbage in metal or thick- 7 and day 21 or 28. Following preexposure
plastic containers with tight lids. vaccination, the ACIP guidelines recom-
• Dispose of food waste promptly. mend that rabies virus antibody titers be
• Eliminate potential rodent nesting sites (eg, checked every 2 years for individuals in the
clutter or hay and food storage). frequent risk category, which includes most
• Maintain rodent traps in the facility and veterinary personnel in the United States.
check daily. Preexposure vaccination against rabies does
• Remove sources of standing water (eg, emp- not eliminate the need for appropriate treat-
ty buckets, tires, and clogged gutters) from ment following a known rabies virus expo-
around the building to reduce potential sure, but it does simplify the postexposure
mosquito breeding sites. treatment regimen (2 doses of vaccine with-
• Install and maintain window screens to prevent out administration of human rabies immune
entry of insects and rodents into buildings. globulin for preexposure-vaccinated indi-
viduals vs 5 doses of vaccine with admin-
Additional measures may be warranted for istration of human rabies immune globulin
control of specific pests. For example, bats for individuals who were not previously
should be excluded from hospital barns and vaccinated). In addition, preexposure vacci-
veterinary facilities. Veterinary facility manag- nation may protect against unrecognized ra-
ers may wish to contact a pest control company bies exposures or when postexposure treat-
for additional guidance. ment is delayed.101
It is important to designate staff areas for Veterinary personnel should be vaccinat-
eating, drinking, or smoking that are separate ed against tetanus every 10 years in accor-
from patient care areas. Separate and appropri- dance with ACIP recommendations.102
ately labeled refrigerators should be used for c. Influenza
food for humans, food for animals, and biolog- Veterinary personnel, especially those
ics. Dishware for human use should be cleaned working with poultry or swine, are encour-
and stored away from animal-care areas. aged to receive the current influenza virus
vaccine. This is intended to minimize the
IV. EMPLOYEE HEALTH small possibility that dual infection of an
A. GENERAL: individual with human and either avian or
Veterinary practice managers should promote swine influenza viruses could result in a new
infection control as part of a comprehensive em- strain of influenza virus.103–106
ployee health program. Senior management sup- 2. MANAGEMENT AND DOCUMENTATION OF.
port is essential for staff compliance with policies EXPOSURE INCIDENTS
and procedures.97,98 Display incident response procedures prom-
In addition to maintaining up-to-date emer- inently. First aid should be readily available,
gency contact information, veterinary practices and personnel should be trained to recognize

JAVMA, Vol 233, No. 3, August 1, 2008 NASPHV Compendium of Veterinary Standard Precautions 423
and respond to emergency situations. Following ters); animals with internal or external para-
the administration of first aid, strongly encour- sites; wildlife; reptiles and amphibians; and
age affected persons to contact an appropriate exotic or nonnative species. 66
health-care provider. Although data regarding the risks of zoo-
Injuries or potential exposures to zoonotic notic infection for HIV-infected persons em-
pathogens should be reported, investigated, and ployed in veterinary settings are limited, there
documented. Practice managers should develop are none that justify their exclusion from the
policies that encourage reporting.100 An incident veterinary workplace. 108 Risk of exposure to
report form, such as OSHA form 300, should in- zoonotic pathogens in the workplace can be
clude details as follow: mitigated with appropriate infection control
• Date, time, and location of the incident. measures.108
• Name of person injured or exposed. During pregnancy, physiologic suppres-
• Names of other persons present. sion of cell-mediated immunity occurs, which
• Description of the incident. increases a woman’s susceptibility to certain.
• Whether or not a health-care provider was infectious diseases, such as toxoplasmosis,
consulted. lymphocytic choriomeningitis, brucellosis,
• Status of the animal involved (vaccination listeriosis, and psittacosis. 109 Vertical transmis-
status, clinical condition, and any diagnos- sion of certain zoonotic agents may result in
tic test results [or tests pending]). spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, premature
• Documentation of any report to public birth, or congenital anomalies.
health authority. Employees with immune dysfunction should
• Plans for follow-up. discuss their health status with the practice man-
ager so appropriate workplace accommodations
Practice managers should contact their lo- can be made. It may be advisable to consult the
cal or state health department to inquire about employee’s health-care provider or an infection
mandatory reporting of bite incidents and zoo- control, public health, or occupational health spe-
notic disease exposures. cialist.110 Employers must abide by state and fed-
3. STAFF TRAINING AND EDUCATION eral laws that protect pregnant women and per-
Staff training at the beginning of employ- sons with disabilities. Employees must be assured
ment and at least annually is an essential that confidential information will not be disclosed
component of an effective employee health to others.
program. Training should emphasize infec-
tion control practices, the potential for zoo- V. CREATING A WRITTEN INFECTION CONTROL PLAN
notic disease exposure, hazards associated All veterinary practices should have a written in-
with work duties, and injury prevention. It fection control plan that is reviewed and updated at
should also include instruction in animal least annually. A model infection control plan that
handling, restraint, and behavioral cue recog- can be tailored to individual practice needs is avail-
nition. Additional in-service training should able (Appendix 3).
be provided as recommendations change or Effective infection control plans should do the
as problems with infection control policies following:
are identified. Staff participation in training • Reflect the principles of infection control out-
should be documented. lined in this Compendium.
B. IMMUNOCOMPROMISED PERSONNEL: • Be specific to the facility and practice type.
Immunocompromised personnel are more • Be flexible so that new issues can be addressed
susceptible to infection with zoonotic agents easily and new knowledge incorporated.
and more likely to develop serious complica- • Provide explicit and well-organized guidance.
tions from zoonotic infections.107 Immune re- • Clearly describe the infection control responsi-
sponses may be suppressed by conditions, in- bilities of staff members.
cluding HIV/AIDS, diabetes mellitus, asplenia, • Include a process for the evaluation of infection
pregnancy, certain malignancies, or congenital control practices.
abnormalities. Certain treatments (eg, admin- • Provide contact information, resources, and
istration of corticosteroids, chemotherapeutic references (eg, reportable disease list, public
agents, and immunosuppressive drugs) and ra- health contacts, local rabies codes and envi-
diation therapy may also suppress immunity. ronmental health regulations, OSHA require-
Potentially immunocompromised personnel ments, Web sites of interest, and client educa-
and their supervisors should be aware that tion materials).
workplace activities with a higher risk of expo- A. INFECTION CONTROL PERSONNEL:
sure to zoonotic pathogens include processing Designated staff members should be respon-
of laboratory samples and direct patient care, sible for development and implementation of
especially care of high-risk animals. 66 These infection control policies, monitoring compli-
include animals that are young, parturient, un- ance, maintenance of records, and management
vaccinated, stray or feral, fed raw meat diets, of workplace exposures and injury incidents. Ad-
or housed in crowded conditions (eg, shel- ditional personnel should be assigned responsibil-

424 NASPHV Compendium of Veterinary Standard Precautions JAVMA, Vol 233, No. 3, August 1, 2008
ity for completion of infection control activities in 8. Taylor LH, Latham SM, Woolhouse ME. Risk factors for hu-
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B. COMMUNICATING AND UPDATING THE 9. Wright, JG, Tengelsen LA, Smith KE, et al. Multi-drug re-
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1. AVAILABILITY Emerg Infect Dis 2005;11:1235–1241.
Copies of the infection control plan and re- 10. Cherry B, Burns A, Johnson GS, et al. Salmonella Typhimuri-
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1994;204:352–360. tions of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Prac-
83. Grizzle WE, Fredenburgh J. Avoiding biohazards in medi- tices (ACIP) and the Hospital Infection Control Practices
cal, veterinary, and research laboratories. Biotech Histochem Advisory Committee (HICPAC). Morb Mortal Wkly Rep
2001;76:183–206. Recomm Rep 1997;46:1–44.
84. Brody MD. Safety in the veterinary medical workplace envi- 103. CDC. Interim guidance for protection of persons involved
ronment. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 1993;23:1071– in U.S. avian influenza outbreak disease control and
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2008. ning: shouldn’t swine and poultry workers be included?
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care guidelines for dogs and cats. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 105. Myers KP, Setterquist SF, Capuano AW, et al. Infection due
2005;41:277–283. to 3 avian influenza subtypes in United States veterinarians.
87. Logothetis DD, Martinez-Welles JM. Reducing bacterial Clin Infect Dis 2007;45:4–9.
aerosol contamination with a chlorhexidine gluconate pre- 106. Myers KP, Olsen CW, Setterquist SF, et al. Are swine work-
rinse. J Am Dent Assoc 1995;126:1634–1639. ers in the United States at increased risk of infection with
88. Heymann DL. Brucellosis, Q fever, listeriosis. In: Heymann zoonotic influenza virus? Clin Infect Dis 2006;42:14–20.
DL, ed. Control of communicable diseases manual. 18th ed. 107. Trevejo RT, Barr MC, Robinson RA. Important emerging
Washington, DC: American Public Health Association, bacterial zoonotic infections affecting the immunocompro-
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89. CDC. Guidelines for environmental infection control in 108. CDC. Guidelines for preventing opportunistic infections
health-care facilities: recommendations of CDC and the among HIV-infected persons—2002: recommendations of
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90. Morley PS, Morris SN, Hyatt DR, et al. Evaluation of the 109. Moore RM, Davis YM, Kaczmarek RG. An overview of occu-
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Continued on next page.

JAVMA, Vol 233, No. 3, August 1, 2008 NASPHV Compendium of Veterinary Standard Precautions 427
Appendix 1
Zoonotic diseases of importance in the United States, 2008.

Most common species notifiable Severe or prolonged
Means of associated with for human (H) infection usually Deaths
transmission transmission or animal associated with in humans
Disease Agent to humans to humans111–113 (A) cases immunosuppression reported
Acariasis Sarcoptes scabiei, Contact Dogs, cats, horses, goats, No No No
(mange) Notoedres cati, and sheep, swine, birds
other species of mites
Anthrax Bacillus anthracis Contact, aerosol, Cattle, sheep, goats, horses H, A No Yes

Avian influenza Highly pathogenic avian Contact, aerosol Poultry, pet birds H, A No Yes
influenza viruses

Babesiosis Babesia microti Vector Cattle, rodents A Yes Yes
and other species
Baylisascariasis Baylisascaris procyonis Contact Raccoons No No Yes

Bordetella Bordetella bronchiseptica Aerosol Dogs, swine, rabbits, No Yes No
bronchiseptica guinea pigs
Brucellosis Brucella melitensis, Contact, Goats, cattle, swine, dogs, H, A No Yes
Brucella abortus, aerosol horses
Brucella suis,
Brucella canis
Campylobacteriosis Campylobacter Contact Cattle, sheep, goats, swine, No No Rare
jejuni, Campylobacter dogs, cats, birds, mink,
fetus, Campylobacter ferrets, hamsters
Capnocytophaga Capnocytophaga Contact Dogs, cats No Yes Yes
canimorsus canimorsus,
infection Capnocytophaga
Cat scratch disease Bartonella henselae Contact Cats No Yes Rare

Chlamydiosis Chlamydophila abortus, Aerosol, contact Sheep, goats, llamas, cats, No No Yes
(mammalian) Chlamydophila felis cattle
Contagious Parapoxvirus Contact Sheep, goats No No No
pustular dermatitis
(orf or contagious
Cryptococcosis Cryptococcus neoformans Aerosol Pigeons, other birds No Yes Yes
Cryptosporidiosis Cryptosporidium parvum Contact Cattle (typically calves) H Yes Yes
Dermatophilosis Dermatophilus congolensis Contact, vector Goats, sheep, cattle, horses No No No
Dermatophytosis Microsporum spp, Contact Cats, dogs, cattle, goats, No Yes No
(ringworm) Trichophyton spp, sheep, horses, lagomorphs,
Epidermophyton spp rodents
Dipylidium infection Dipylidium caninum Vector Dogs, cats No No No
Escherichia coli Escherichia coli Contact Cattle, goats, sheep, deer No No Yes
O157:H7 infection O157:H7

Echinococcosis Echinococcus granulosus, Contact Dogs, cats, wild canids A No Yes

Echinococcus multilocularis
Ehrlichiosis or Ehrlichia and Anaplasma spp Vector Deer, rodents, horses, dogs H Yes Yes
Equine Togaviridae (eastern, Vector Birds, horses H, A No Yes
encephalomyelitis western, and Venezuelan
equine encephalomyelitis
Erysipeloid Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae Contact Swine, poultry, fish, crustaceans, No No Yes
Giardiasis Giardia intestinalis Contact Thought to be highly H Yes No
(Giardia lamblia) species-specific and rarely
transmitted from animals
to humans
Hantaviral diseases Hantaviruses Aerosol Rodents H No Yes
Herpes B virus Cercopithecine Contact Macaque monkeys No No Yes
infection herpesvirus 1
Influenza A Influenza A virus Contact, aerosol Poultry, swine H, A No Yes
Larval migrans: Ancylostoma spp Contact Dogs, cats No No Rare
cutaneous (hookworm)

428 NASPHV Compendium of Veterinary Standard Precautions JAVMA, Vol 233, No. 3, August 1, 2008
Appendix 1
Zoonotic diseases of importance in the United States, 2008 (continued).
Most common species notifiable Severe or prolonged
Means of associated with for human (H) infection usually Deaths
transmission transmission or animal associated with in humans
Disease Agent to humans to humans111–113 (A) cases immunosuppression reported
Larval migrans: Toxocara canis, Contact Dogs, cats No No Rare
visceral, ocular, Toxocara cati

Leishmaniasis Leishmania spp Vector Dogs, wild canids A No Yes

Leptospirosis Leptospira spp Contact, aerosol Rodents, swine, cattle, A No Yes
sheep, goats, horses, dogs

Listeriosis Listeria monocytogenes Contact Cattle, sheep, goats, swine, H Yes Yes
birds, dogs, cats

Lyme disease Borrelia burgdorferi Vector Small rodents, wild mammals H No No

Lymphocytic Arenavirus (lymphocytic Contact, aerosol Mice, hamsters, guinea pigs No Yes Yes
choriomeningitis choriomeningitis virus)

Monkeypox Orthopoxvirus Contact, aerosol Nonhuman primates, rodents A No Yes

Mycobacterial Mycobacterium Aerosol, Poultry, birds, No Yes Yes
infection avium complex, contact aquarium fish,
(nontuberculous) Mycobacterium reptiles

Pasteurellosis Pasteurella multocida and Contact Dogs, cats, rabbits, rodents No Yes No
other species

Plague Yersinia pestis Vector, contact, Rodents, cats, lagomorphs H, A No Yes

Psittacosis or Chlamydophila psittaci Aerosol, contact Pet birds, poultry H Yes Yes

Q fever Coxiella burnetii Contact, aerosol, Goats, sheep, cattle, H, A No Yes

vector rodents, lagomorphs,
dogs, cats

Rabies Lyssavirus Contact Cats, dogs, cattle and other H, A No Yes
domestic animals, wild
carnivores, raccoons,
bats, skunks, foxes

Rat bite fever Streptobacillus moniliformis, Contact Rodents No Yes Yes

Spirillum minus

Rhodococcus equi Rhodococcus equi Aerosol, contact Horses No Yes Yes


Rocky Mountain Rickettsia rickettsii Vector Dogs, rabbits, rodents H No Yes

spotted fever

Salmonellosis Salmonella spp Contact Reptiles, amphibians, poultry, H Yes Yes
horses, swine, cattle, pocket
pets, many species of mammals
and birds

Sporotrichosis Sporothirix schenckii Contact Cats, dogs, horses No Yes Rare

Staphylococcosis Staphylococcus species Contact Dogs, cats, horses H (VRSA, VISA) Yes Yes (some

Streptococcosis Streptococcus species Contact, aerosol Swine, fish, other mammals H (some forms) No Yes (some

Toxoplasmosis Toxoplasma gondii Contact Cats No Yes Yes

Trichuriasis Trichuris suis, Trichuris Contact Dogs, swine No No Rare
(whipworm infection) trichiura, Trichuris vulpis

Tuberculosis, bovine Mycobacterium bovis Aerosol, contact Cattle, swine, sheep, goats H, A No Yes

Tularemia Francisella tularensis Vector, contact, Lagomorphs, pocket pets, H, A No Yes
aerosol wild aquatic rodents, sheep,
cats, horses, dogs

Vesicular stomatitis Vesicular stomatitis Vector, contact, Horses, cattle, swine, sheep, A No No
virus aerosol goats

West Nile fever West Nile virus Vector Wild birds H, A No Yes

Yersiniosis Yersinia enterocolitica Contact Swine, many species of No No No

mammals and birds

Data regarding nationally reportable diseases were obtained from the CDC’s nationally notifiable infectious diseases list, the World Organization for Animal
Health (OIE) notifiable animal diseases list, and the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service reportable diseases list.114–116 Cases may also be notifiable at
the state level; state veterinarians or state public health veterinarians should be consulted for current listings of reportable diseases in specific areas.

Continued on next page.

JAVMA, Vol 233, No. 3, August 1, 2008 NASPHV Compendium of Veterinary Standard Precautions 429
Appendix 2
Selected disinfectants used in veterinary practice.

430 NASPHV Compendium of Veterinary Standard Precautions JAVMA, Vol 233, No. 3, August 1, 2008
Appendix 3

Model Infection Control Plan for Veterinary Practices, 2008

National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians (NASPHV)

Veterinary Infection Control Committee (VICC)

This plan should be adapted to your practice in keeping with local, state and federal regulations. A modifiable electronic version is available on the
NASPHV Web site ( Please refer to the full Compendium of Veterinary Standard Precautions for complete information and guidance
(also available at

Date of Plan Adoption:
Date of Next Review:
Infection Control Officer:

This plan will be followed as part of our practice’s routine procedures. The plan will be reviewed at least annually and as part of new employee training.


Hand hygiene: Wash hands before and after each patient encounter and after contact with feces, blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions, exudates,
or articles contaminated by these substances. Wash hands before eating, drinking, or smoking; after using the toilet; after cleaning animal cages or
animal-care areas; and whenever hands are visibly soiled. Alcohol-based rubs may be used if hands are not visibly soiled, but hand washing with soap
and running water is preferred. Keep fingernails short. Do not wear artificial nails or hand jewelry when handling animals. Keep hand-washing supplies
stocked at all times.
Staff responsible:

Correct hand-washing procedure:

- Wet hands with running water
- Place soap in palms
- Rub hands together to make a lather
- Scrub hands vigorously for 20 seconds
- Rinse soap off hands
- Dry hands with disposable towel
- Turn off faucet using the disposable towel as a barrier

Use of gloves and sleeves: Gloves are not necessary when examining or handling normal, healthy animals.
Wear gloves or sleeves when touching feces, blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions, exudates, and non-intact skin. Wear gloves for dentistry,
resuscitations, necropsies, and obstetrical procedures; when cleaning cages, litter boxes, and contaminated environmental surfaces and equipment;
when handling dirty laundry; when handling diagnostic specimens (eg, urine, feces, aspirates, or swabs); and when handling an animal with a suspected
infectious disease. Change gloves between examination of individual animals or animal groups (eg, a litter of puppies) and between dirty and clean
procedures performed on the same patient. Gloves should be removed promptly and disposed of after use. Disposable gloves should not be washed and
reused. Hands should be washed immediately after glove removal.
Facial protection: Wear facial protection whenever exposure to splashes or sprays is likely to occur. Facial protection includes a surgical mask worn with
goggles or a face shield. Wear facial protection for the following procedures: lancing abscesses, flushing wounds, dentistry, nebulization, suctioning,
lavage, obstetrical procedures, and necropsies.
Protective outerwear: Wear a protective outer garment such as a lab coat, smock, non-sterile gown, or coveralls when attending animals and when
conducting cleaning chores. These should be changed whenever soiled, after handling an animal with a known or suspected infectious disease, after
working in an isolation room, and after performing a necropsy or other high-risk procedure. Shoes or boots should have thick soles and closed toes
and be impermeable to water and easily cleaned. Disposable shoe covers should be worn when heavy quantities of infectious materials are present or
expected. Impermeable outwear should be worn during obstetric procedures and necropsies and whenever substantial splashes or large quantities of
body fluids may be encountered. Keep clean outer garments available at all times.
Staff responsible:
Bite and other animal-related injury prevention: Take precautions to prevent bites and other injuries. Identify aggressive animals and alert clinic staff. Use
physical restraints, muzzles, bite-resistant gloves, and sedation or anesthesia in accordance with practice policies. Plan an escape route when handling
large animals. Do not rely on owners or untrained staff for animal restraint.
• If there is concern for personal safety, notify:
• When injuries occur, wash wounds with soap and water, then immediately report incident to: (Infection Control Officer)
• If medical attention is needed contact: (health-care provider)
• Bite incidents will be reported to: (public health agency) as required by law. Telephone number:


Intake: Avoid bringing aggressive or potentially infectious animals in through the reception area. If they must come through the main entrance, if possible,
carry the animal or place it on a gurney so that it can be taken directly into a designated examination room.

Examination of animals: Wear appropriate protective outerwear, and wash hands before and after examination of individual animals or animal groups (eg,
a litter of puppies). Potentially infectious animals will be examined in a designated examination room and remain there until diagnostic procedures and
treatments have been performed.
Injections, venipuncture, and aspiration procedures: Wear gloves while performing venipuncture on animals suspected of having an infectious disease
and when performing soft tissue aspirations.
Needlestick injury prevention: Do not recap needles except in rare instances when required as part of a medical procedure or protocol. Do not remove
an uncapped needle from the syringe by hand or place a needle cap in the mouth. Dispose of all sharps in designated containers. After injection of live-
organism vaccines or aspiration of body fluids, dispose of used syringes with attached needles in a sharps container. Otherwise, remove the needle by
use of forceps or the needle removal device on the sharps container, and throw the syringe away in the trash. Do not transfer sharps from one container
to another. Replace sharps containers before they are completely full.
Staff responsible:
Dental procedures: Wear protective outerwear, gloves, and facial protection when performing dental procedures or when in range of splashes or sprays
(such as when monitoring anesthesia).
Resuscitation: Wear gloves and facial protection.
Obstetrics: Wear gloves or shoulder-length sleeves, facial protection, and impermeable outerwear.

Continued on next page.

JAVMA, Vol 233, No. 3, August 1, 2008 NASPHV Compendium of Veterinary Standard Precautions 431
Appendix 3 (continued)

Necropsy: Wear cut-resistant gloves, facial protection, and impermeable outerwear. Only necessary personnel are allowed in the vicinity of the
procedure. Wear a respirator when using a band saw or other power equipment. If an animal is suspected of having a notifiable infectious or a foreign
animal disease, consult with the State Veterinarian before proceeding with a necropsy. Contact information for State Veterinarian’s office:
Diagnostic-specimen handling: Wear protective outerwear and gloves. Discard gloves and wash hands before touching clean items (eg, medical records,
telephone). Eating and drinking are not allowed in the laboratory.


Isolation of infectious animals: Animals with a contagious or zoonotic disease will be housed in isolation as soon as possible. Clearly mark the room or
cage to indicate the patient’s status, and describe additional precautions. Keep only the equipment needed for the care and treatment of the patient in the
isolation room, including dedicated cleaning supplies. Disassemble and thoroughly clean and disinfect any equipment that must be taken out of the room.
Discard gloves after use. Leave other personal protective equipment (eg, gown, mask) in the isolation room for reuse. Clean and disinfect or discard
protective equipment between patients and whenever contaminated by body fluids. Place potentially contaminated materials in a bag before removal
from the isolation room. Use a disinfectant footbath before entering and leaving the room. Limit access to the isolation room. Keep a sign-in log of all
people (including owners or other non-employees) having contact with an animal in isolation. Monitor air pressure daily while the room is in use.
Staff responsible:

Cleaning and disinfection of equipment and environmental surfaces: First, clean surfaces and equipment to remove organic matter, and then use a
disinfectant according to manufacturer’s instructions. Minimize dust and aerosols when cleaning by first misting the area with water or disinfectant.
Clean and disinfect animal cages, toys, and food and water bowls between uses and whenever visibly soiled. Clean litter boxes once a day. Wear gloves
when cleaning, and wash hands afterwards. There is a written checklist for each area of the facility (eg, waiting room, examination rooms, treatment
area, and kennels) that specifies the frequency of cleaning, disinfection procedures, products to be used, and staff responsible.

Handling laundry: Wear gloves when handling soiled laundry. Wash animal bedding and other laundry with standard laundry detergent and machine dry.
Use separate storage and transport bins for clean and dirty laundry.

Decontamination and spill response: Immediately spray a spill or splash of blood, feces, or other potentially infectious substance with disinfectant and
contain it with absorbent material (eg, paper towels, sawdust, cat litter). Put on gloves, mask, and protective clothing (including shoe covers if the spill is
large and may be stepped in) before beginning the cleanup. Pick up the material, seal it in a leak-proof plastic bag, and clean and disinfect the area. Keep
clients, patients, and employees away from the spill area until disinfection is completed.

Veterinary medical waste: Insert here your local and state ordinances regulating disposal of animal waste, pathology waste, animal carcasses, bedding,
sharps, and biologics. Refer to the US Environmental Protection Agency Web site for guidance:

Rodent and vector control: Seal entry portals, eliminate clutter and sources of standing water, keep animal food in closed metal or thick plastic covered
containers, and dispose of food waste properly to keep the facility free of wild rodents, mosquitoes, and other arthropods.

Other environmental controls: There are designated areas for eating, drinking, smoking, application of make-up, and similar activities. These activities
should never occur in animal-care areas or in the laboratory area. Do not keep food or drink for human consumption in the same refrigerator as food for
animals, biologics, or laboratory specimens. Dishes for human use should be cleaned and stored away from animal-care and animal food–preparation

Infection control and employee health management: The following personnel are responsible for development and maintenance of the practice’s infection
control policies, record keeping, and management of workplace exposure and injury incidents.
Staff responsible:

Record keeping: Current emergency contact information will be maintained for each employee. Records will be maintained on vaccinations, rabies virus
antibody titers, and exposure and injury incidents. Report and record changes in health status (eg, pregnancy) that may affect work duties.

Preexposure rabies vaccination: All staff with animal contact must be vaccinated against rabies, followed by periodic titer checks and rabies vaccine
boosters, in accordance with the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (CDC, 2008).

Tetanus vaccination: Tetanus vaccination must be up to date. Report and record puncture wounds and other incidents. Consult a health-care provider
regarding the need for a tetanus booster.

Influenza vaccination: Unless contraindicated, veterinary personnel are encouraged to receive the current influenza virus vaccine. Refer to the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention Web site for guidance (

Staff training and education: Infection control training and education will be documented in the employee health record.

Documenting and reporting exposure incidents: Report incidents that result in injury or potential exposure to an infectious agent to:
The following information will be collected for each exposure incident: date, time, location, person(s) injured or exposed, other persons present,
description of the incident, whether a health-care provider was consulted, the status of any animals involved (eg, vaccination history, clinical condition,
and diagnostic information), and plans for follow-up.

Pregnant and immunocompromised personnel: Pregnant and immunocompromised employees are at increased risk from zoonotic diseases. Inform:
if you are concerned about your work responsibilities, so that accommodations may be made. Consultation between the supervising veterinarian and a
health-care provider may be needed.

The following information is attached to the Infection Control Plan:

• Emergency services telephone numbers—fire, police, sheriff, animal control, poison control, etc
• Reportable or notifiable veterinary diseases and where to report
• State Department of Agriculture or Board of Animal Health contact information and regulations
• State and local public health contacts for consultation on zoonotic diseases
• Public Health Laboratory services and contact information
• Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-registered disinfectants
• Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations
• Animal waste–disposal and biohazard regulations
• Rabies regulations
• Animal control and exotic animal regulations and contacts
• Other useful resources

432 NASPHV Compendium of Veterinary Standard Precautions JAVMA, Vol 233, No. 3, August 1, 2008

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