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Sonya: Hi

Patti S: Hey Sonya - Hey Michelle!

Sonya: I'm so excited for this chat!
LoverMichelle: Hello ladies, a little eager! :)
Sonya: LOL Yes :)
Patti S: hahahaha -- I knew I would forget! So when I saw the link I thought might as well just
sign in lol
LoverMichelle: Yes, better to be safe than sorry. I've had people show up late for chats but hours
and days, even though we have a handy, dandy world clock at the top to make sure you don't
miss it! :)
Sonya: I've gone to a couple of chats on chatzy and was kicked out or couldn't log in so I wanted
to make sure I got in for this one. #:-S
Sonya: Hi SC :)
Patti S: :-X
LoverMichelle: Sonya, we've implemented a new platform where we haven't had the problems
that we incurred before. We had a huge chat with CJ Roberts last week and no problems! :)
Patti S: Hello SC!!!! So excited for the chat tonight!!
Sonya: oh good.
SC Stephens: Howdy!!! I'm waiting for the timer to buzz on the stove, so if I'm gone for a
minute or two, I'm taking the corndogs out of the oven. :)
SC Stephens: Yes, corndogs...that's how I roll. ;)
LoverMichelle: Take your time, it's 9 PM here and those kiddos need fed. :)
Angelina joined the chat 70 minutes ago
LoverKaren: Hi
joannawlkr: Hi SC!!!!
Sonya: my kids live off of corndogs! They microwave the suckas and leave me alone. LOL
joannawlkr: Love corndogs!!
Patti S: lol
Angelina: Hello SC!!
Laura: Hi everyone!
joannawlkr: Hi ladies!
Sonya: Hey y'all
KKobsessed: Hey y'all
LoverMichelle: Hello ladies ~ welcome to our humble abode! Make yourself comfortable and
put your feet up! SC is finishing up corndogs. It's an open forum with no agenda.
LoverKaren: We've got coffee, tea, snacks and the bar is stocked, come on in grab a seat.
joannawlkr: *pulls up a chair*
MissRhi: Hello SC and ladies!! Corncobs sound good. :)
joannawlkr: *and waits patiently*
MissRhi: Cornndogs*
LoverKaren: oh we have corndogs too. Cotton Candy anyone. State fair food time
Patti S: corncobs are good too ;-)
SC Stephens: All right, dinner is set for the kiddos, so I'm good for a while. Mmmm, I'll take
some coffee, thanks!
SC Stephens: Oooooh, elephant ears!!
Sonya: I've got my water, so I'm good.
MissRhi: Haha Patti
joannawlkr: I got my water too so I am ready to roll.
LoverKaren: Oh Love Elephant ears and here in Indiana pork burgers
LoverMichelle: Well, it's 9 PM EST so the floor is open. Just be sure and give our guest of
honor time to type her answers!
joannawlkr: I should bee writing but this is funner at the moment. :)
joannawlkr: *be
LoverMichelle: SC have you come down from the "high" of release day?
Sonya: I am dying to read from Kellan's POV, will you write any of the series from his POV?
SC Stephens: Ahhhhhh.....sort of. I feel caught up anyway. That was crazy for a while!
SC Stephens: I'm toying with the idea of a Kellan POV story.
joannawlkr: That was exciting and congrats again!
joannawlkr: Ooooo, now THAT would be awesome.
KKobsessed: Please do!!
Sonya: I got Reckless On Thursday before the Release day, poor guy at BAM thought I was cray
LoverMichelle: Wow, I think that's all we needed to hear! ***Jumping up and down****
Angelina: Yes, please do!
SC Stephens: It all depends on whether or not I can do him justice. And make it so people don't
hate Kiera again, lol
joannawlkr: How about Anna and Griffin? I know people are dying to hear about their story.
Sonya: PLEASE! I know you can do him Justice!
Sonya: I'm obsessed with Kellan Kyle.
KKobsessed: and a movie
Sonya: For reals
Laura: Yes, I agree!
joannawlkr: I loved Kiera once I finished Reckless. I was so proud of her in the end.
SC Stephens: Haha, an A&G story would be a lot of fun. And almost pure porn! Lol
MissRhi: I think even if people hate Keira again, we'd fall for the two of the eventually.
joannawlkr: Oh that sounds good to me!
Dawn: Hey SC
MissRhi: Them*
LoverKaren: I don't think people hate Kiera, she just needed a girl friend like me to smack her
side the head. Don't hate me.
Angelina: I would also love to read something from Griffin's POV.. the story of him and Anna
from his POV
Amy Toney: Absolutely OBSESSED with this Series!!! Many thing else new in the furture??
Sonya: I flippin loved Griff from the very beginning!
Patti S: Even thought we "hated" Kiera I think it was necessary for the story. Made kellan even
KKobsessed: It would be a big seller
joannawlkr: If you do a book from Kellan's POV, would it be an add on to the series or would
you go back and write from his POV during one of the difficult times like in Thoughtless or
Dawn: I love the whole series...all three books were great...awesome...loved them. They at emu
favorite books!!!
Amy Toney: Any
MissRhi: She definitely grew throughout the series
SC Stephens: Lol! No, I think a Kellan POV could work, I would just need to see how it all
came out before I was positive about releasing it. :)
Sonya: The rain scene from his POV was like reading it for the first time!
Dawn: Love the idea of a Kellan POV!!!
KKobsessed: I agree Sonya
joannawlkr: Oh I don't think I've read the rain scene from his POV.
joannawlkr: That scene was intense!
Angelina: very intense!!
Meghan: I never hated Kiera. Loved her from the beginning! Just sayin' ;-)
Sonya: oh god you need to find it and read it joannawlkr
SC Stephens: @joanna - If I did a POV, it would be Thoughtless
Laura: Yes, the rain scene from Kellan POV was such a great peak into his thoughts
SC Stephens: Ah, thanks, Meghan!
Patti S: oh the rain scene. both POVs were amazing
joannawlkr: Oh dear. That would be rough but wonderful. It was hard reading it from Kiera's
POV. I can't imagine reading it from his.
Sonya: I also loved Kiera.
joannawlkr: But I know you would do it justice!
Dawn: Keira and Kellan had to find their way to each other. I need hated her either.
Laura: Same here.
LoverKaren: SC~ I know you're the creator of Kellan, but are you at all surprised by the fierce
loyalty of fan of all ages. *Cough* Old Enough To Be His Mom*Cough* :-X
SC Stephens: @Amy I'll be releasing my Conversion series next. The first one will be out in the
fall. :)
Sarah-Ryrie: OMFG I MADE IT!!! I just wanna say I LOVE YOU SC STEPHENS!!!!
Patti S: SC what made you change the end of that Thoughtless? I loved the original ending
despite how sad it was.
LoverMichelle: Haha! Sarah-Ryrie, you made my night with that welcome.
KKobsessed: I think the only one we didn't like was Ms. Sexton ;)
LoverMichelle: Welcome everyone else. It's an open forum here. Make yourself comfortable. Be
sure and give SC some time to type her response! :)
Angelina: Am I the only one that writes to Kellen on FB and gets all girly when I get a
SC Stephens: Lol, Karen! Yes, it did surprise me at first. I love how much people love him. :)
Patti S: lol
Sarah-Ryrie: I'm sorry I JUST got off work lol. I always miss these
joannawlkr: No, you're definitely not the only one Angelina. Lol!
Sonya: SC can I get a the text Kellan sent Kiera from Reckless. LOL :">
SC Stephens: Thank you, Sarah! :)
Amy Toney: SC Stephens I can't wait! These books have changed my life!
EM: aaaaahh love you S.C STEPHENS!!!
Judy: Do you find it odd that people talk to Kellan on his Facebook page like he's real? (ok I've
had to stop myself by saying "he's not real!" lol)
Meghan: I'm fangirling out here! Love you!
SC Stephens: Lol, Sonya! I'll, uh, work on that one for you. ;)
EM: I am ALMOST done with Reckless. I am savoring it because I don't want it to end
Laura: Reading Collision Course and loving it!
EM: i am so sad
joannawlkr: Hahahaha, Sonya.
Sonya: LOL I also need a pic of him in his Cowboy costume. :)
KKobsessed: ditto
joannawlkr: LOL!
Amber: I love you SC Stephens! Thank you for this series! Soooooo in love with Kellan and
Griffin has officially got a piece of my heart too
joannawlkr: Me too!!
Patti S: SC as you know "casting" books is like a cool thing to do now. Who has been your
favorite "Kellan"?
LoverKaren: *looks around point at self* *blushing*, I pretend I'm younger when I lust after
Kellan, a whole lot younger! :">
Angelina: @Meghan, you are not the only one fangirling!
SC Stephens: @Judy - I think it's fun that people play along and talk with Kellan on FB. It's
SC Stephens: @Laura - I hope you enjoy Collision Course! That one is very special to me.
joannawlkr: I totally squeal when characters add me on FB or twitter..
joannawlkr: Always makes my day. Lol!
Sonya: Collision Course is AMAZING!
Sonya: I cried for days.
SC Stephens: Aw, don't be sad can always reread. :)
joannawlkr: Has anyone approached you with a movie thing for your books, SC?
Laura: Did it come from an experience near to you?
EM: i plan to :)
Delilah Anne: SC Stephens I love you!!!!!!
SC Stephens: I'm with you on that cowboy costume, Sonya. Grrrrrrr
SC Stephens: Thank you, Amber!
Amy Toney: I find myself SAD wishing Kellan Kyle was not just a fictional boyfriend. Love
him he stole my :-X heart!
LoverKaren: Hey, Jump in open forum, ask your questions.
Sarah-Ryrie: Can I just say that I LOVED Griffin in this book. I loved him to begin with but
Reckless showed how much he grew up and I loved that. I love when he said he loved Anna. My
question has to do with Sienna and Joey. What made you decide to bring Joey back and bring
Sienna into the picture?
EM: this is my Kellan
EM: I don't knwo the model's name so i had to link LOL
SC Stephens: @Patti - Kellan is too hard to cast for me. He's very specific in my head. I am
enjoying the Devin Paisley pics though. :)
LoverKaren: Amy ~ I think he stole all our hearts.
Patti S: Devin is 100% my Kellan! lol
joannawlkr: Niiiiice EM!
Amy Toney: Yes I agree the cowboy scene was one of my favs! :D I agree LoveKaren
EM: AWESOME! thats his name!! same guy i had in mind :)
MissRhi: I liked Griffin from the get go
MissRhi: I liked Griffin from the get go
SC Stephens: @joanna - No movie talk yet. Honestly, that's a long shot. I'd love it if it happened
joannawlkr: I LOVE Griffin!!
Patti S: Does anyone watch the voice?? they had a model guy on and my first thought "is this
what it would be like to see kellan sing?" lo
joannawlkr: So would we!!!
LoverMichelle: SC how did you come up with the notes that Kellan left Kiera in Effortless and
the rose pedals in Reckless?
Judy: These books are the ONLY books I've ever read twice...whenever I'm bored I just
randomly flip to a page & start getaway ever :)
joannawlkr: Can I be there during the casting? LOL!
Meghan: @pattiS mine too!
Sonya: Loved Griffin and Ana
Amy Toney: I do Patti S
KKobsessed: what can we do to help you make the movie happen?
EM: LOL! taht would be awesoem to pick Kellan <3
SC Stephens: @Laura - Yes and no. I lost my mom a few years ago and had crazy dreams
afterwards. That part was inspired by her. :)
EM: I'm so sorry to hear that :( ((hugs))
MissRhi: yes!! I'd love a griffin book
Laura: Where did draw the inspiration for the conversion series from?
joannawlkr: A movie could happen. You never know. ;)
KristaLee: Hi SC thank you for these awesome books.
Denise: I'm so sorry for your loss, S.C.
LoverKaren: SC ~Speaking of books, what is your next project SC. Hints *moves closer sitting
on edge of seat*
EM: agreed
EM: yes we must know!!!!!
SC Stephens: @Sarah - I brought Joey back because I thought it was only natural that she
returned one day. Sienna was a problem I could give K&K without either one of them doing
anything wrong. If that makes sense, lol
Delilah Anne: Anymore books of rockstars?
EM: awaiting with popcorn I would love a Griffin and Ana book. from G's POV. But just wanted
to say Thank You for Kellan. Another example of why I will be single forever :)
SC Stephens: Griffin grew on me too, and dang it, now I kind of love him. :)
Sonya: Muff Master!
Sarah-Ryrie: OMG IT SO DOES!! I hated her from the beginning and I didn't trust her right
away an I could really pick up that Kiera didn't either
Sonya: LOL Love Griffin :))
LoverMichelle: Sign the petition ~ can't hurt to try:
joannawlkr: I loved Griffin from the beginning! He's so funny. :D
KKobsessed: He was hilarious
EM: The new song Next to me by Emili Sande ALWAYS makes me think of K & K during the
Sienna events :P
Patti S: I have to go early ( :(( ) but SC I have to thank you for bringing me Kellan <3 him!
KKobsessed: I would literally lol at him
Patti S: bye all have fun!!
Laura: Another about Collision Course. You do an amazing job of getting into his head and
translating those emotions into words!
LoverKaren: Yesi :)
Denise: Will you be self-publishing your next books or go through a traditional publisher?
Sonya: by Patti
Amy Toney: I LOVE how RAW Griff is!!! ;)
joannawlkr: Bye Patti!
Meghan: SC where did Kellan go in Thoughtless after their talk @ the Space Needle? Never
found out and it's driving me crazy!
SC Stephens: @Michelle - The notes and petals came about purely because of Kellan's
characters. He panicked in EL, and needed to do something to show her he was still around.
Then RL was just an I-love-you moment. It's just who he is.
christine: Hi girls!!!
LoverMichelle: He's so perfect, perfectly created by a woman! :)
Yesi: Hi!!! :)
Sonya: Hi Christine
LoverKaren: Hi Christine jump on in.
LoverMichelle: Hi Christine!
EM: agreed!
Amy Toney: Hi Christine
christine: Loved the notes and rose petals.. so sweet ;)
LoverKaren: Totally Open Forum, jump in ask questions, if your questions get over looked
jump up and down and ask again. We will need video to confirm you jumped.
SC Stephens: I'll most likely be self-pubbing the Conversion series (which is my next project).
Paula: You should write a how to book for men...from Kellan :)
Judy: S.C., is your husband as romantic as Kellan or has he stepped up his game lately;)
SC Stephens: @Meghan - Kellan went to Evan's to write the goodbye song. :)
Sonya: yes Paula! LOL She does.
Amy Toney: SC Stephens Thank you for taking the time to spend a little time with your fans!
Paula: Will there be another book in the series?
LoverKaren: Do you like the freedom of self pub bing ??
Maria: Hi girls
EM: Hi
SC Stephens: Lol, Karen. Yes, I know I'm missing some, so please ask again. :)
Amy Toney: Hi Maria
diannebyheart joined the chat 47 minutes ago
Meghan: Thank you for answering, SC! I can rest peacefully once again! Lol
SC Stephens: Thank you, Amy! But no, you guys rock!!
Kia: You are the best SC for bringing Kellan to us he's the best wish the series was longer
Sarah-Ryrie: Okay so if you could go back and change anything in ANY of the books what it be
and why? Also if are going to write more from the Dbags who would it be and why?
SC Stephens: @Paula - There won't be anymore books through Kiera's eyes. If I do another it
will be a spin off, or a Kellan POV. :)
Amy Toney: Your Welcome! And Thank You!
EM: i have to say i love Evan too! he seems like such a sweetie
christine: Was Kiera written after anyone you know??
diannebyheart: Hello KellanKyle Lovers!(:
LoverMichelle: welcome Dianne! :)
diannebyheart: Hello KellanKyle Lovers!(:
Sonya: Jenny and Evan would be awesome too.
christine: Would love Kellans POV
Delilah Anne: What is it like for you seeing your books on the shelves in bookstores?
Sonya: hey y'all :)
Amy Toney: Hello diannebyheart
SC Stephens: @Karen - Yes, the freedom of self-pub is nice. I can pick the price, the streetdate,
and I'm not put on a publishing freeze. :) Of course, then I'm not in bookstores either. There are
pros and cons to both sides. :)
Paula: Would love to read Kellan's POV and I'm looking forward to your next book. Thanks so
misty t: MORE KELLAN. That would be awesome in his POV
Yesi: Kellan's POV would be awesome!!!
diannebyheart: Hey y'all. I bet we're all in Kellan's trance. haha
Maria: would love Kellan's POV
misty t: How about a Griffin/Anna story?????????????????
Yesi: I would love to know what' he was thinking in the hospital meeting a special someone for
thr first time.
joannawlkr: But your books are so good that a traditional publisher wanted them and now
they're in book stores. Squeal !
christine: I think I need a reread of Kellan <3
Kia: Maybe it would be nice for a book on Griffin and Anna
SC Stephens: @Sarah - I wouldn't change any scenes, but I would clean up my excessive use of
adverbs :D And I suppose the blushing and chuckling, lol
Amy Toney: I have to say that Denny stole my heart too! He was so sweet even after everything.
EM: What about denny:)
Delilah Anne: I actually want a Denny book.
LoverMichelle: haha!
Sonya: I've read the series 5 times, it never gets old. :)
misty t: Those two horndogs (Griffin & Anna) That would be definite erotica, blushing, and
things I can't imagine
Meghan: I agree Yesi!! I would LOVE to read that!!
Mlpz421: Having a Jenny Evan or Anna and Griffin spinoff would be amazing! They honestly
were great side characters.
SC Stephens: @Christine - Kiera has a lot of my quirks and I suppose she's
loosely based on me. :)
Sarah-Ryrie: No I wouldn't change that about Kiera my friend agrees
Angelina: Denny offering to manage the DBags was a shock to me.. but was perfect!
Paula: Absolutely. Loved Denny. Maybe an outtake or two??
diannebyheart: SC! I love how sexy Kellan's scenes can get! Hahaha
misty t: And, throw some Kellan in there every now and then. Yum, can never have too much
Kellan, lol
christine: Thanks!!
Sonya: I didn't love Denny until Reckless. I fell in love with him in Reckless.
diannebyheart: How about writing the 4th book? lol
SC Stephens: @Delilah - It stills blows my mind to see my books in stores. My heart skips a
Sarah-Ryrie: If you write any more about the boys from the bad who would be first and why?
Kia: Kellan in another book would be sexy as hell I can't get enough of him either
Amy Toney: Love the Coffee Stand! One of my favs! And of course the bathroom scene! So
diannebyheart: You deserve it SC! (:
Delilah Anne: I flip out every time I see your book, Ms. Stephens. One of the best series every!!!
Delilah Anne: books*
Denise: Any chance you will release your next book this summer since you are self publishing?
Maria: I have to agree. Love this series!!!
LoverMichelle: I think I love this group ~ my people!!!!
joannawlkr: Well ladies, it's been fun chatting. Thank you again SC for sharing your fantastic
books with us!!
SC Stephens: I love Denny! I would have a hard time choosing
christine: We love you too Michelle <3
EM: oh ya!!!!
EM: laters Joanna
christine: What are you working on now?? Sorry if someone asked already.
Yesi: Love you too Michelle!!!
misty t: SC you are awesome <3 Working on anything now?
Mlpz421: Would you consider trying another sub genre such as paranormal or historical?
misty t: Would love to read more from you!!! and that little brain of yours! lol
SC Stephens: @Sarah - Griffin would be the first one I'd write about, just because I love writing
for him. And I think his relationship with Anna is interesting
misty t: Anna, Griffin....just sayin! lol
misty t: Yes! It is!!
EM: :) agreed
christine: They would have great sex scenes!!!
MissRhi: Denny is such a good guy. It would be hard to choose.
Sarah-Ryrie: I lived Denny!! My heart broker for him but I was so glad everything worked out.
SC Stephens: @Denise - I'm on a publishing hold until this fall, so probably not. :)
diannebyheart: I'll ship Griffin and Anna together. the "FUBU" relationship is indeed
EM: Him and "the hulk"lol
Paula: Do it! Griffin would be amazing to read. Nothing wrong with a little porn.
SC Stephens: Bye, Joanna! Lol, I'm a little behind. :)
Sarah-Ryrie: Did it bother you reading any of the slack that kiera got? It posses me off because
I've totally been in her shoes an its not as easy as so many think
diannebyheart: SC, would you write about Griffin soon?? sooner? Haha
diannebyheart: SC, would you write about Griffin soon?? sooner? Haha
Sonya: The HULK needs to breathe. :-X
SC Stephens: @Christine - I'm writing another book in the Conversion series, and getting ready
to publish the first one in the fall. :)
christine: haha Sonya!!!
MissRhi: haha :D
KKobsessed: LOL!!
christine: :)
misty t: SC, who did you picture when writing about Kellan and Denny? And Kiera? Any
famous people?
Sonya: ;)
MicheleC: So the book that Kiera wrote is Thoughtless but named differently in Reckless? if it
is, that was really cool
SC Stephens: @Mlpz - All of my books will be romantic in nature, but the Conversion series is
more on the paranormal side. They're vampires. Kind of. :)
Angelina: @Sonya - HA HA HA!! I just spit mountain dew everywhere reading that!
LoverKaren: BTW. LOVE Paranormal. I'm on board
MicheleC: We would love that Kellan POV book. yes please!! :)
EM: what is the name of Kieras book
Sonya: Hahah sorry.
EM: i'm all over the romantic in nature books LOL
LoverMichelle: Misty T ~ here's a visual for you! :) Trying to help out a little here.
Mlpz421: Fun! Love the mix of romance with supernatural twists. Can't wait to read the
Conversion series :)
SC Stephens: @Sarah - The Kiera-bashing does bother me some, but I understand it. She does
some hurtful things, and people love the boys so much. It's only natural to lash out at her. :)
diannebyheart: SC, what would we look forward in the Conversion series? (:
SC Stephens: Lol, Sonya. The Hulk breathes quite a bit. ;)
Sonya: :D
misty t: Oh wow! thanks LoverMichelle! So, Kellan and Denny's names were reversed initially.
Good job. I think you inverted those names proper Ms. Stephens!!
misty t: lol
SC Stephens: @Misty - Denny is the only one based on a person. Craig Horner. Cutie!!
diannebyheart: SC, would you write about Griffin soon?? sooner? Haha
misty t: Hulk breathes a little too much! Except in Reckless....loved that!
Brandi: SC are we getting an Anna and Griffin book?
LoverKaren: Craig Horner Legend of the Seeker. ;) Wizard First Rule Fan
SC Stephens: @Michele - Yes, Kiera wrote Thoughtless but called it something else. My
publisher thought it might freak readers out if I exactly mirrored real life. :)
misty t: Yes he is, Craig Horner. Kind of looks like Daryl from the walking dead!
christine: Craig Horner is a HOTTIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EM: I didn't picture him as denny
Sarah-Ryrie: I loved Denny so much.
diannebyheart: Misty I love Daryl in the walking dead! :p
MicheleC: I thought that was so cool and forgot to ask you when i met you in Boston!! It was
awesome meeting you but all i could say was i loved your books and can't wait to read your other
works. lol Good to know
misty t: love Daryl!!!!!!! Merle, not so much!
diannebyheart: Ohhh, he's a bastard! Haha
SC Stephens: @Dianne - The Conversion series is about a girl dating a man who is a 'little bit'
vampire. There struggles are because of that fact, but the book is more about their relationship
than his vampirism. :)
misty t: Yes, come to Texas SC. We will give you a big yes-haw welcome!
Brandi: @SC I loved how much Kellan grew emotionally throughout Reckless!
Meghan: How long did it take you to write the epilogue? Which in my humble opinion is the
best Epilogue EVER!!
SC Stephens: @Misty - Lol, yeah, I can't even see Kellan as a Denny anymore. It sounds so
MicheleC: I can't wait to read It's All Relative!! can it come out sooner!!
diannebyheart: Ohhhhhh. So do you also consider the "sexy" scenes? Haha
MicheleC: ?
Sarah-Ryrie: SC was there any parts specifically in the books that you had stop because it was
hard to write?
Sonya: The South needs some big time LOVE. Come to Alabama :) LOL
EM: i cant see myself getting into vampire books but i was a twilight nerd so i think i would
probably enjoy them
Amy Toney: Yes come to Bama
MicheleC: I loved Kellan as a cowboy stripper!! that scene made me LMAO. is he available for
booking? l)
misty t: OMG Cowboy! That was priceless
christine: Loved that he won a Grammy
misty t: TEXAS TEXAS TEXAS! hahaha
Sonya: Cowboy Kellan!!!!
christine: No come to PHILLY!!!
Denise: I'm not normally a paranormal romance reader but I will make an exception for you. You
are an amazing writer!!!
MicheleC: Yes it was!!
MicheleC: That was one of my fav scenes
Amy Toney: Ok Ladies I have really enjoyed talking with you all,have a fantasic night
Maria: Loved the Epilogue. Fantastic! Kellan with Ryder....<3
Angelina: or Atlanta!
SC Stephens: @Meghan - The epilogue was one of the easiest things I've ever written. I wrote it,
then expanded on it, so I'm not sure how long it took. It was a lot of fun wrapping everything up
Brandi: I say Texas too!
diannebyheart: SC, is there a chance coming here in the Philippines? (:
misty t: Best epilogue ever!
MicheleC: uh. i loved Kellan with Ryder made me cry when he said that he was so glad he was
here. (tear) i love this series
Yesi: I LOVED the epilogue!
misty t: Yes Brandi, Texas, Texas! lol
SC Stephens: @Michele - I really like It's All Relative, and people really like Kai! I won't be
able to get it out any sooner than 2014 though. Sorry about that!
Amy Toney: night all
Brandi: Where u from Misty T?
misty t: San Antonio
MicheleC: uh. i loved Kellan with Ryder made me cry when he said that he was so glad he was
here. (tear) i love this series
Sonya: bye Amy.
EM: I must go finish the end of Reckless!! you all have a fabulous night!! thank you SC
STEPHENS!!! Please give our love to Kellan ;)
LoverKaren: Night Amy :)
SC Stephens: @Sarah - No, the "hard" scenes are the easiest to write. I LOVE them!
misty t: Griffin???????
misty t: lol
MicheleC: That's fine. i'll wait for it to come out.
SC Stephens: @Dianne - Hmmm, probably won't be coming to the Philippines anytime soon.
Sorry. :(
misty t: Kai. I think I met him. Was It's all relative out before SC? I think I read it????
christine: Wait come to Philly and I can take you to St Joseph's Cemetery. Ever time I pass it
now I think of Kellan :)
Amy Toney: Thank you Again SC Stephens for your incredible mind and allowing us to see into
it! You Rock once again!
StacyHgg: Yes Christine Philly ❤
Meghan: Do you have an absolute favorite scene or moment? Or is that like asking to pick a
favorite child, lol!
KristaLee: Please come to Canada
SC Stephens: I would love that, Christine! I actually do want to see that cemetery. :)
LoverMichelle: Great question Meghan!
KristaLee: LOL
diannebyheart: Aweeee. :"( It's okeey SC! But i hope you could so i can get my books signed. (:
christine: Come visit PLEASE??????????????????????
SC Stephens: Thank you, Amy! Bye!
Sonya: LMAO
StacyHgg: Yay!
KKobsessed: How soon would you be able to write Kellans POV and published??
SC Stephens: @Misty - Yes, Kai's story was a free ebook once upon a time. :)
Judy: So for giggles, if you DO write a story in Kellans POV, would it be this year or 2014? Not
that I'm eager or anything ;)
Amy Toney: Ur Welcome,byee
Meghan: I'll come too! I live in Philly too!!
christine: I'll take some pictures and send them to you on Facebook!!!
Paula: Gotta go, but Thanks again SC. and I agree, best epi ever! That chapter alone would make
anyone fall in love with your characters.
Brandi: Okay I came in late. Are we getting a Kellan's POV and an Anna and Griffin book?
misty t: Ok, thanks SC. I thought I had read it! Yummy Kai.
SC Stephens: @Meghan - That is sort of like picking a child! I'm partial to the emotional scenes
- the rain, the back room, the end
EM: ko really going now LOL Kellan awaits me :) night girls!! thank you again SC Stephens!!!!
EM: ok*
Sonya: I signed a petition for a movie to be made. Is that something in the works?
Sarah-Ryrie: SPOILER Oh I loved the way she told Kellan she was pregnant. I cried so hard
MicheleC: I would love a movie!!! :)
christine: Me too Sarah!!
diannebyheart: OMGGGGGGG! Hahahahaha
MicheleC: oh the emotion in that was overwhelming. it was the best @sarah-ryrie
Yesi: Did you feel any sort of pressure to make Kiera more like
SC Stephens: @KK - I'm not sure. Writing can take anywhere from a few months to a year, and
I think that one would take a while since I'd have to keep looking back at TL. No idea, lol
diannebyheart: @Sonya, i already appealed to that petition! I am too is excited for a movie.
Yesi: sorry like able in Reckless?
diannebyheart: @SC Any chances it would be on big screens
Brandi: Are we getting a Kellan's POV and an Anna and Griffin book?
KKobsessed: I have " faith" in you S.C
SC Stephens: @Judy - If I do write a KK POV, it would not be this year. Possibly next, but I
can't say that for sure. Since I'm not even writing it yet, lol
EricaRC: I read the first ending for Thoughtless and I am SOOOO glad you decided to change
it. I cried so hard... Denny just broke my heart in it!
SC Stephens: Bye, Paula!
Sonya: I think we would wait as long as it takes to read Kellan's POV. It would be well worth the
KristaLee: I read somewhere that you were upset with the way the readers felt about
Kiera,because she was bits and parts of you. Is this true? If this has been asked Im sorry as i
could follow with my phone
SC Stephens: Night, EM!
Sarah-Ryrie: What made you decide Kiera should tell Kellan she's pregnant right before he
won't his Grammy?
misty t: Well, SC. You are, by far, my favorite author. I love that you respond to your fans and
that you helped me to make two other book lovers Christmases awesome (as well as mine). And I
would like to say thank you, as a fan and supporter of your work! It has been great chatting with
ya'll. Night from Texas :) Feel free to stop on by!
diannebyheart: I also want a Griffin series. Hahahahaha
SC Stephens: @Sonya - I haven't heard anything about a movie deal. I have an agent who is
looking into it, but nothing yet. :)
Sarah-Ryrie: Krista she did answer she said it does bother her but she understood
Brandi: Me too diannebyheart! Love that crazy man!
SC Stephens: @Sarah - I wasn't going to give them a baby until that scene came to me. It made
me cry too, lol.
Sarah-Ryrie: Why didn't you spill on everything that Sienna did to try and break them up?
KristaLee: thanks Sarah-Ryrie.
diannebyheart: I really hope there's a movie. Everyone would love that practical love triangle
story in true to life scenes. (:
SC Stephens: @Yesi - I didn't feel pressure, but I definitely wanted to show her growth. She
made a mistake and learned from it, and her relationship with Kellan was so much stronger, that I
saw her becoming a stronger person too.
Judy: I LOVED the Grammy scene- it was so heartfelt and KK's speech was so reall!!!
diannebyheart: @Brandi He too is helluva sexy! Haha. But im more on a Kellan lover. But
couldn't deny that i also love Griffin! haha
christine: best quote I love you too Kiera, just you, you are my ALWAYS...Kellan makes me all
warm and fuzzy..and wet..haha
Sonya: LOL Christine.
Maria: love that quote Christine!!
Sonya: Mine is "You wreck me".
SC Stephens: @Krista - I'm not upset by the Kiera-bashing. I get it. But yeah, we are a lot alike,
so when readers start picking on qualities I have, well...I try not to take it personally. Lol :)
Laura: Thanks for taking the time to be with your fans! Can't wait for the next releases. You're
diannebyheart: @Christine! Mee tooo!
Sonya: Or you know if you keep doing this I'll never be able to have children. LOL
christine: good one Sonya!!!
Yesi: Thanks for answering my question and I am glad that you gave us that in her character. I
am one of those that really struggled with her in Thoughtless. I finally felt that I could really
forgive her and come to like her in Reckless. Thank you! :)
KKobsessed: the vows were awesome too :((
Brandi: @dianne I didn't like Griff for the longest time. Reckless really sold me on him. @SC
Stephens we have to hear more about Griffin too. Kellan has and will always hold my heart but
DAMN if I didn't fall in love with all the other characters!
Paula: OK, so I couldn't leave. Can't pick a favorite line, but Kellan's wedding vows are way up
there. Loved!!
SC Stephens: @Sarah - That was just the way I saw the scene playing out in my head.
**spoiler** I wasn't going to do a baby at all until that scene came to me.
LoverMichelle: The interview you did with us back in October you stated that if you could meet
any of your characters in person, you would want to meet Teren Adams from Conversion. Do
you think he is going to be the next "book boyfriend?"
KristaLee: I loved the way you wrapped up all the characters, made them stronger and more
lovable aka Kiera and Griffin. I want to thank you for wrapping up the series the way you did
because I was able to finish these books and not feel like I was missing pieces. I. am. complete.
now lol
Sarah-Ryrie: Why didn't you spill on everything that Sienna did to try and break them up?
KristaLee: Nicely said Yesi
diannebyheart: @Brandi You really couldn't get enough with the characters. One time you'll
hate them, but you'll never notice you'd love them the next! SC is so brilliant on mix matching
the characters!
Yesi: Thanks KristaLee :)
Brandi: Did she already answer this? Are we getting a Kellan's POV and an Anna and Griffin
SC Stephens: @Michelle - He's a favorite of mine, and he's got a bit of a fan base already, but
we'll see.
Judy: Are there any books you recommend to help us with our Kellan hangovers????
SC Stephens: Thank you, Krista!
KristaLee: <3
SC Stephens: Thank you, Dianne!
Leia: Did you ever think you'd have such a huge Filipino following??! So awesome!
LoverMichelle: Y'all, we have about 5 minutes left for your final questions.
Mlpz421: That's a great question @Judy, lol.
SC Stephens: @Judy - Has everyone read the Avoiding series by KA Linde?
LoverMichelle: We will post the transcript tomorrow so you can see the answers to the questions
that have been asked tonight (in the event you came in late).
christine: thanks Michelle
SC Stephens: @Leia - No, the international love completely took me by surprise! <3 you guys!
Maria: Love that series
KristaLee: Just a quick question.. one I struggled with- Why was Denny so forgiving? I know he
was a great guy, but they were awful to him.
Brandi: @SC are there any scenes you wish you could have changed after the book was
Sonya: yes, I was Team Jack forever then I hated him in the end.
Sonya: LOL
Maria: love that scene
Nms: Thank you for the great stories. Cannot wait to read more of your work
Sarah-Ryrie: Why didn't you spill on everything sienna did and did she tell the paps they were
at the cemetery?
Maria: Series
SC Stephens: @Krista - It was just his nature. I couldn't get him to NOT be forgiving. And he
felt so bad about what he did to Kiera, that he was more open to it.
diannebyheart: SC, what is the best book you've ever written yet?
SC Stephens: @Brandi - No, I like all of the scenes. They're each important to the story in their
own way. :)
LoverKaren: Please remember it's an open forum ask your question. Yes, :D you in the back put
your hand down, type SC can't see you.
Leia: How do you decide which cities you will visit for book signings?
KristaLee: @ SC , thank you! I'd love to hear his story.
Meghan: Thank you SC for taking the time to talk to us and answer our questions! You're
awesome! I hope I can make it to Book Bash in Orlando for an autograph! xoxo
SC Stephens: @Sarah - It didn't feel necessary to go into detail about everything she did. I liked
leaving it up to the reader's imagination. Yes, in my head, she did alert the paps :)
EricaRC: I knew it!!
Sonya: SC THANK YOU for chatting with us. I LOVE the Thoughtless series, I looking forward
to reading Kellan's POV. He is too awesome not to have his thoughtless be heard/read by all of
us who wishes he was real and mine. :) LOL
Mlpz421: @SC why did Kiera still struggle with the way Denny looked at Abby at the end of
Reckless? It was extremely brief, but still left me wondering.
misty t: @SC What did Kellan smell like (in your head)???
SC Stephens: @Dianne - I think Collision Course is my best work. It's a little darker and more
substantial than the rest.
EricaRC: All that kissing on Kellan! But shampooing his mouth? I laughed so hard... And the
cowboy scene... my mind cant thank you enough for that one!
Judy: How can we all "Kellan-ize" the male species?!?!?!? ;)
christine: Thank you for bringing us such a wonderful story. Can't wait to read more <3
SC Stephens: @Leia - The organizers pick the cities. I just wait for an invite and see if it fits in
my schedule. I have young kids, so I'm not able to do very many :)
diannebyheart: SC i would really love to know how Kellan Kyle smells like. What perfume in
your head rings a bell? (:
Leia: Thank you for chatting with us S.C. We love you!!
LoverMichelle: Yes, last question! What does KK smell like?
misty t: Yes, I beg of you!
misty t: lol
SC Stephens: @Erica - Lol, I loved the fact that he needed to wash his mouth out. So Kellan.
diannebyheart: YSL? Lol.
Brandi: @SC thanks so much for giving us hope in love! So that we can give over to
Thoughtless abandon with our hearts, love Effortlessly, and be a little Reckless in love too! Your
stories have set the bar extremely high., Thanks again SC!
LoverKaren: SC, we know you have kiddos who have be very patient while Mom chatted with
her fans. Thank You for joining us and you are welcome back anytime.
LoverMichelle: Definitely "So Kellan."
Lizzie: Yes, does he wear calon?
SC Stephens: @Dianne - Kellan's smells like my ex-boyfriend back in high school. I'd say you
can smell him if you want...but that may be awkward. For me. Lol
diannebyheart: SC i would really love to know how Kellan Kyle smells like. What perfume in
your head rings a bell? (:
Yesi: Thank you for bringing Kellan into our book world!!! One of the best book boyfriends
ever!!! :-X
LoverMichelle: Yesi!!!!
diannebyheart: HAHAHAHAHA! OMG!
SC Stephens: **Kellan smells. Lol
Maria: Totally agree Yesi <3
diannebyheart: :-X
Yesi: :D
LoverKaren: LoverMichelle, we share remember! ;;)
LoverMichelle: Okay, thank you SC for chatting with us! I am sure I speak for everyone that
you have our continued support. We know that anything you write will be "top notch!"
Yesi: Yes, Michelle, share... :)
LoverMichelle: No sharing. I have Kellan, Yesi has The Professor. It's an agreemetn!
EricaRC: =D>
LoverMichelle: agreement between us. :)
diannebyheart: INDEED!
Yesi: Touché
Mlpz421: Thanks very much!
Lizzie: Thank you for taking the time to chat!! I love your books and appreciate all you do for
your fans!
christine: love you two!!!
LoverMichelle: Watch out site for the transcript tomorrow.
SC Stephens: Thank you for having me! These are always very fun! Sorry if I missed any
questions. :)
LoverKaren: Thank You for writing the best book boyfriend. =D>
Nms: Thank you.
Sonya: =D> THANKS! Time to go reread the series now :)
LoverMichelle: Love you Christine! Thank you guys.
LoverMichelle: Night night y'all.
KristaLee: thank you...
Maria: Thank you and good night :)
Yesi: Good night y'all :)
diannebyheart: Until next time SC! We're so glad that you have a chance to have a fun-fan chat
with us! xx
christine: good night!!! and sweet dreams of Kellan <3
Judy: thanks for giving us Kellan!
diannebyheart: Good night Kellan Kyle buddies! xx
SC Stephens: Not a problem! Good night! Or good morning, depending on where you are. :D

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