Caller: in This Issue

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March 31, 2013

Issue 13

In This Issue
Pastors Corner 2 Statistics 2 Remember in Prayer 3 Spiritual Disciplines Wk 3 Prayer Requests, March 24 3 Serving in the Military 3 Easter Egg Hunt 3 Congratulations 3 CoE/Trustees Meeting 4 Summer Camp 4 Childrens Library 4 Flamingos /Possessions 4 Easter Offering 5 Crop Walk 5 All Church Study 5 DMF Breakfast 6 Birthdays/HMM 6 Paper drive/Mary Circle 6 Pathways 6 Outreach & Worship 7 Easter Lilies 8 Service Change/Kids 8 Calendar 9 Serving Sunday 10

Events March 31, 2013 April 7, 2013

is published weekly (Deadline Wednesday at Noon) by First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 109 E. Wilshire Ave. Fullerton, CA 92832 714.525.5525

The Caller

Senior Pastor: Rev. Darrell McGowan Associate Pastor: Rev. Debra Todd Editor: Donna Woodbridge

March 31: Easter Sunday Christ is Risen! 8:00 A.M. - NO REAWAKEN, Early Worship Service 9:00 A.M. - NO REFRESH, Contemporary Service 9:00 A.M. - Classes for all ages 10:15 A.M. - REMEMBER, Traditional Service 11:30 A.M. - Easter Egg Hunt, Patio April 1: 7:00 P.M. - Alzheimers Support Group, Chapman Lounge April 2: 10:30 A.M. - Mary Circle, Chapman Lounge 6:30 P.M. - Mens Bible Study at Barry Woodbridges 7:00 P.M. - NO Contemplative Service April 3: 7:30 P.M. - Hot Meal Ministry, Team B April 4: 7:30 P.M. - Choir Practice (NO Bell choir this week) April 5: 5:00 P.M. - Casa de Oracion use Sanctuary 6:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. Fullerton Art Walk April 6: 8:00 A.M. - DMF breakfast, Chapman Lounge 8:30 A.M. - Greek Class at Woodbridges 9:00 A.M. - Noon Chapel on Wheels Paper Drive April 7: 8:00 A.M. - REAWAKEN, Early Worship Service 9:00 A.M. - Classes for all ages 10:15 A.M. - REMEMBER, Traditional Service 5:00 P.M. - Casa de Oracion Service, Sanctuary 7:30 P.M. - REFRESH, Contemporary Service April 8: 10:00 A.M. - PSWR Older Adult Ministry Committee, CL 6:30 P.M. - All-Church Study at Woodbridges, Dinner, 6:30; class at 7 April 9: 9:00 A.M.- Pathways meeting, Chapman Lounge 6:30 P.M. - Mens Bible Study at Barry Woodbridges 7:00 P.M. - Contemplative Service AA Groups - Sun. 8:00 P.M., Friday, 7:30 P.M., Sat. 8:30 P.M., NA Group, Tues., 7:30 P.M. 1

I have yet to hear from God anything close to an audible voice. Whenever I make reference to hearing the voice of God, I am referring to an intuition that comes from deep within or a meaningful encounter with another person or maybe even a conclusion drawn after a long walk in the woods. I have never encountered Gods presence in an apparition or supernatural event. I do not take my own lack of such experiences as evidence that those encounters never happen. I have just become better prepared to recognize Gods presence in my life when it is transmitted through rather ordinary events. The weeks after Easter seem rather ordinary in comparison to the week leading up to Easter or the events of Easter Sunday itself. I am usually a bit tired from all the preparations surrounding Easter, and I have often seen the weeks that follow Easter as an opportunity to slow down and relax a bit. We all tend to gear up for big events and relax a bit during the more ordinary periods that fill the space between those more significant times. What are we to make of the many references Jesus made to the Kingdom of God coming upon us suddenly and unexpectedly? It might seem that Jesus was not nearly as concerned with our ability to put on a big celebration or prepare for a major holiday as he was with our willingness to follow him faithfully one day at a time. Following Jesus means awaking each day ready to hear God speaking to us in the voices of family and friends, in the beauty that surrounds us, and in the suffering that is a part of our world. Following Jesus means living in the moment. It means honoring Gods desire to use us as instruments of peace and justice in the routine encounters of the day as well as the unexpected events that come upon us with little or no warning. God is always speaking to us, encouraging us, nudging us forward in our faith. We may need to pay close attention to recognize Gods presence. We may even have to set aside some of the louder voices in our lives to hear the still, soft voice of the Spirit. Whatever it takes to hear that voiceits worth it! If you havent already signed up for the All-Church Study, sign up today! In gathering with others in a small group and learning new ways of onsciously connecting to God, you will enrich your life and improve your discipleship. Learning to pray can be fun too! Many of the prayer exercises you will experience in the All-Church Study are engaging and enjoyable. All of them are meaningful. When you join a small group, you also give God a chance to speak through you to those in your group. Take time this week to listen for the voice of God. It will come to you in a phone call, an email, a chance encounter in the grocery store. It will call you to love someone who needs your love. It will pull you out of yourself and raise your awareness of how much you have to offer others. It will empower you to love those around you and allow them to love you. You probably wont encounter the empty tomb or meet Jesus in the upper room. This is the week after Easter, another week like so many weeksordinary in every way. It is in its ordinariness, though, that you will find opportunities to live out your faith and share that faith with others. God is still speaking, and you can be a conduit of that speech

Sunday Statistics
March 24 13 128 (Remember Service) 9 (Reawaken Service) No Refresh Service Weekly Giving: $2,377.23 Mission: $264.14 Budget Goal: $3,381 Easter Offering: $314 YEAR-TO-DATE: Budget: $31,048 Received: 26,901.88 ($4,146.12) 2

Remember in Prayer
Continue to pray for: the family of Donna Bagley, Helen Bailey, Margie Barlow, Dottie Bense, Harold Brickens, Mary Brill, Jerry Brown, Betty Ruth Buchanan, Linda Christman, Chris Collett, Dean Echols, Lorna & Skip Farnum, Anna Lou Horspool, Kevin & Linda Johnen, Carolyn Kenrick, Nancy Knott, Lowenn Land, Flora Miller, Denise Olson and family, Betty Rollo, John & Marj Schwenker, Claudia Tammen, Dorothy Tanner, Jack Townsend, Gil Tucker and family, and Bob Vannoy. Please pray for the following church in the Pacific Southwest Region: McCarty Memorial Christian Church Good Shepherd Christian Church (Korean-speaking fellowship) 4101 W Adams Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90064

Prayer Requests: March 24, 2013


Annie Frater

Bill Martin

Edee Stahnke Laura Schaffell

Pope Francis that he may bring together all people of faith. Diane Steimann who had surgery to remove one of the lobes in her lung that was cancerous. Strength for my children and former wife, Sheila who has lung cancer and has lost the will to live. Randy Elliott, brother who has cancer. Lowenn Land who is battling pneumonia.

Serving in the Military:

Adam Hawley, Deb Taylors nephew in Afghanistan. He will be gone nine months from his wife and new baby. Lt. Patrick OConner, Betty Rollos grandson-in-law will leave on April 1 for approximately 6 months deployment. Lt. Patrick Rollo, Betty Rollos grandson. He is also back at his home base. Joshua Reynolds, Jane Reynolds son. He is at Ft. Riley, KS dealing with PTSD and will be returning to Afghanistan soon.

Readings and Prayer Concerns for Week of April 1 April 7, 2013

Monday, April 1: Reading: Acts 5: 27-32; pray for the Alzheimers Support Group meeting tonight in Chapman Lounge. Tuesday, April 2: Reading: Psalm 150: 1-3; pray for Pathways of Hope and the work they do in our community. Congregational Prayer Day, Wednesday, April 3: Reading: Psalm 150: 4-6; pray for Tom Beck, Dirk McCuen and Hot Meal Team B who are serving the hungry tonight. Thursday, April 4: Reading: Revelation 1: 4-7; pray for Global Ministries Missionary in Hong Kong, Bruce Van Voorhis. Friday, April 5: Reading: Revelation 1:8; pray for Casa de Oracion as they set up to begin worshiping in our sanctuary on Sunday. Saturday, April 6: Reading: John 20: 19-23; pray for the Disciples Mens Fellowship meeting for breakfast today. Sunday, April 7: Reading: John 20: 24-31; pray for the Refresh Worship Team as they embark on the new service at 7:30 p.m.

Easter Egg Hunt

All children are invited to meet outside for our Annual Easter Egg Hunt after 10:15 A.M. service

Congratulations to Cambria FindleyGrubb who will be spending this summer as a Disciples Home Missions Intern! She will be working at UrbanSpirit in Louisville, Kentucky helping with experiential learning poverty simulations for middle schoolers through adults in order to change the way people view poverty in the United States.

Attn: Council of Elders & Trustees

There will be a combined meeting of the Council of Elders and the Trustes on Monday, April 15th at 6:30 in Chapman Lounge. The Elders and Trustees will be meeting with Dan Oliver and Don Dewey from the Region.

Transfer of Possessions
Check this column each week to see what is new. Available: 3-drawer Work Bench with Vise $100 Creative Memories albums and supplies NEW! 2 DVDs (brand new still in wrappers) Youve Got Mail & The Notebook $5 each White, glass-top, wrought iron patio table with four matching chairs. excellent condition, $200.00. In Need of: Good reliable used car Glider Rockers for the back of Sanctuary & the Childrens Cry Room Donna Woodbridge

Summer Camp is Coming!

Summer Camp for our children and youth is coming. Regional scholarship applications are due on or before April 30. For forms and more information, see Debra Todd or check with Donna in the office. Mini Camp - 7/7 7/10 $260 before June 7 nd rd (2 & 3 grade in fall 2013) Junior Camp 6/23 6/29 $355 before May 23 (4th 6th grade in fall 2013) Chi Rho Camp 6/30 - 7/6 $355 before May 30 (7th - 8th grade in fall 2013) CYF I Camp 7/21 -7/27 $355 before June 21 (9th 10th grade in fall 2013) CYF!! Camp 7/28 8/3 $355 before June 28 (11th 12th in fall 2013 and 2013 graduates) Costs after Early Bird deadline are: $285 for Mini Camp, and $380 for all the other camps.

The Flamingos are coming!!!

Starting Next Sunday the insurance forms for the FCCF Youth Mission Flamingo Fundraiser go on sale! As a reminder there are a few insurance options: $20.00 - this buys you our basic antiflamingo insurance $25.00 - this will insure that a flamingo lands on the yard of a fellow church member!! We will even take pictures at your request. $30.00 -This is our Pink Standard flamingo insurance!! This is the best of the best, you can be assured that you will not have a Flamingo in your will also be assured that if a stray flamingo tries to relocate to your abode, one of our Flamingo Relocation Team will arrive within the day to remove it! Of course, if you decide against insurance and are graced with the lovely Pink birds, our flamingo relocation team will be happy to remove them from your yard at a nominal price! Insurance sales will be 2 weeks only. See the Bright Pink table outside the church on April 7 and April 14 to purchase insurance and gather more information regarding where the money is going! FCCF CYF/Chi-Rho 4

Children's Library
We have begun collecting books for the children's library. A number of people asked if we could put the book list online. In response, an Amazon Wish List has been set up. You can access it at: If you go to that link, you can order books and they will be mailed directly to the church! If you are worried that you will purchase a book that we have already received, I invite you to purchase one anyway. We can use them in the Worship and Wonder room. Thank you so much for your support of our children!

"I Came That They May Have Life And Have It Abundantly!" (John 10:10b)
As we come to Easter Sunday, the 2013 Special Easter Offering stands at $ 314 received toward our goal of $1,000. If you'd like to be part of this year's Easter Offering, which supports the General Units of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in ministries in the United States and around the world, please place your gift in the special envelope that was distributed last Sunday. If you did not get this envelope last Sunday, you may pick one up this Sunday on the counter in the office. Even without an envelope you can participate in this special offering by writing "Easter Offering" on the memo line of your check. Our General Minister and President reminds us of the significance of the Easter Offering with these words. "Your financial gifts directly sustain the missional outreach of ministries that faithfully serve individuals, local congregations, communities across the country and our global neighbors. Truly, your prayerful support and benevolent gifts embody the abundance of God's love for all creation. The scripture passage in the Gospel of John (10:10b) guides the message of this year's special Easter Offering. In our shared lives of faith, we know that Christ accompanies us in all things and that in this covenant there is abundance and new life. Thank you for your prayerful discernment. Thank you for your generous participation. Thank you for your continued faithful witness. With gratitude and on behalf of your general ministry partners," Dr. Sharon E. Watkins General Minister and President Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

CROP Walk is Coming!

April 28 is the date! 12:15 is the time! Fullerton Plaza is the place! Randy Langston will be in the Narthex with registration forms for the next few Sundays. Pick up yours today. Then contact your friends and family to collect your pledges or go online to, click find a CROP Walk, click on California, scroll down to First Christian Church, Fullerton and follow the prompts to join the team. Send the link to your address book.

All-Church Study
As our church prepares for this years All-Church Study on prayer, I wanted to share a passage from Max Lucados He Still Moves Stones on prayer: Most of our prayer lives could use a tuneup. Some prayer lives could use a tune-up. Some prayer lives lack consistency. Theyre either a desert or an oasis. Long, arid, dry spells interrupted by brief plunges into the waters of communion Others of us need sincerity. Our prayers are a bit hollow, memorized, and rigid. More liturgy than life. And though they are daily, they are dull. Still others lack, well, honesty. We honestly wonder if prayer makes a difference. Why on earth would God in heaven want to talk to me? If God knows all, who am I to tell him anything? If God controls all, who am I to do anything? Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the one who hears it and not the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference. We hope you are still thinking about joining this years study, and please remember the power of God and the power of prayer. Registration forms are on the bulletin board. Pam

Disciples Men's Breakfast Sat. April 6 8:00 A.M.

This Saturday, April 6, is our monthly men's home-made breakfast and fellowship in Chapman Lounge from 8:00 to about 9:30 A.M. If you are one who decides "This time I'll be there," what awaits you is : -- a menu you'd expect at your favorite weekend breakfast cafe -- others who will listen to what your week and life REALLY felt like, good or bad -- other men creativity interacting with a brief scripture and devotional of the day -- men willing to pray for each other and our church, and then follow up with actions

Chapel on Wheels Paper Drive

The Chapel on Wheels Paper Drive will be held Saturday, April 6, from 9:00 A.M. until noon at the following locations: Behind liquor store, corner of Chapman and Euclid. Parking lot east Raymond on Chapman Avenue next to Walgreens. Behind the Bank of America, on Laguna Road, between Bastanchury and Valencia Mesa. If you can help man one of the collection points each month, quarterly, or just once, talk to Jack Doughty.

April Birthdays
Judy Seda-Ruiz (1); Masumi Hogan (2); Megan Ressler (3); Nancy Knott, Patrick Vannoy, Jr. (4); Kaitlyn Bailey-Findley, Nancy Geiger (5); Sue Silgailis (6); Don Blakeley (10); Chris Johnen (12); Gary Elliott, Harold Horn (13); Terry Knott (15); Carlie Doublin, Becky Graves, Anne Wolkenhauer (16); Scott Brill, Matthew Silgailis (17); Kevin Wilbur (20); Yajaira Martinez, Julio Martinez, (21); Christina Martinez, Dirk McCuen (22); Betty Baker (23); Connie Townsend (25); Sibyl Dittberner, Nancy Malotte (26)

Mary Circle
Mary Circle meets on Tuesday, April 2 at 10:30 a.m. in Chapman Lounge. They will be putting together the baskets for the women of WTLC. Ada Rodman has devotions. Beverly Reinke is hostess. Bring money for laundry soap for Pathways of Hope.

Pathways Honors FCCF

At Pathways Food-Loving Guys (and Gals!) Fundraiser last Saturday night, March 23 in the new Community Center, we were honored as the first Recipient of Pathways annual recognition of their supporters. They presented to Pastor Darrell a beautiful trophy that sits on the corner of the counter in the office. You will want to stop by and look at it. We were thanked for our support since the beginning in 1974 when the name was Fullerton Interfaith Emergency Services. Thank you all for your faithfulness to this organization.

Hot Meal Ministry

Team B is on tap to help out with our Hot Meals Ministry, Wednesday, April 3. Team Members should be there at 5:30 P.M. (*set up at 4:30.) Please find a substitute if you are unable to make it. Team B is comprised of: Luanne Bailey, Diane Daughterty, Duane & Phyllis Elliott (set-up), Phil Forbes, Mitch Hanlon, Sue Harless, Carol Henke, Paul Robidoux and Ben Stuart Alternates include Rod Farley, Annie Frater, Judi Smedley, Craig Wallace

We Have Joined The Missionary Relationship Program

In a letter dated March 5, Ted Adams, who with his wife, Sammie, coordinates our Senior Adult Ministry, was informed that our congregation has been accepted into a missionary relationship with Jeffrey Mensendiek, who serves in Japan. This was addressed to Ted in response to the form Ted filled out after Jeffrey spoke to our seniors at the meeting on February 19. He turned it over to the Outreach Ministry. On March 20, the Outreach Ministry approved our entering into the Missionary Relationship Program with Jeffrey. An announcement of this relationship is posted on the bulletin board as well as Jeffrey's picture and his current address in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. He will go back to Japan with his family in September to begin a three-year term of service that will run through August 31, 2016. The Missionary Relationship Program is primarily seen as a correspondence relationship. We need to answer these questions in the coming months in order for us to be in a relationship with Jeffrey. 1. Who is the person in our congregation who will be the main contact person for this relationship? Is this something you'd like to do? 2. How many of us would like to be on the e-mail list for Jeffrey to use in contacting our congregation? Do you want to receive e-mails from Jeffrey? 3. How often would we like Jeffrey to communicate with us--monthly or quarterly? 4. What type of information do we want to receive from Jeffrey? 5. How will we keep this relationship before our congregation so that we get to know Jeffrey better and also understand his work? 6. What do you think Jeffrey needs to know about our congregation? If you have a response to any of these questions, please let Ed Linberg and the Outreach Ministry know your interest. Write a note outlining your responses to any, or all, of these six questions, put it in the Outreach Ministry box in the Church Office or, speak to Ed Linberg, Outreach Ministry Chair. The Outreach Ministry will discuss this matter when it meets on Wednesday, May 15. They are not meeting in April so that their members will have the opportunity to be part of the All Church Study without having too many things to do in any given week. The Outreach Ministry

Remembering Our Choir's 2013 Easter Cantata

"The Passion and Glory of the Risen Christ"
When Johann Sebastian Bach composed 199 of his vocal and instrumental compositions named "cantata" (literally "sung") for his choir just for special Sundays in the Lutheran church year, all the choir members, instrumentalists and supportive members of St. Thomas Church (Thomaskirke) in Leipzig Germany worked hard for weeks as volunteers and were grateful for the beauty of a musical legacy they did not know they would be sharing with the ages. Today this art form, usually but not exclusively associated with the Church, often exceeds the available time and human resources of ever declining churches and choirs, or else has been updated by other musical productions in larger emergent and contemporary services. We at First Christian Church Fullerton can be grateful, like Bach's congregation, that we have a musical director with the creative insight and professional musical sensitivity of our music director, Mitch Hanlon. We can be grateful we still have a choir as dedicated in rehearsal and practice as ours. We can be grateful for college students (whom Bach occasionally called upon also) such as our accompanist Rod Bagheri, our cantata narrator with the rich voice, Tim Alexander, and soloist Ruben Carbjal. We are grateful for other soloists such as Emily Steward-Styffe, and for Anna Hanlon's video choreography of Mitch's selection of beautiful stained-glass slides which accompanied and enhanced the choir's music. Each Sunday our congregation leaves little notes "What I Liked About this Service" in the offering plates. Last Sunday there were an exceptional number of notes from our congregation to Mitch and the choir thanking them for their many hours of preparation to present to us Jack Schrader's arrangement of "The Passion and Glory of the Risen Christ." As we grow in emerging worship that speaks to a new generation and invites newer disciples into worshipful presence with God, we who remember what a man like Bach gave to the Church, can appreciate a time and place when, thanks to our choir, we were there ( as in the old hymn "Were you there?") on a Palm Sunday when we were led from the triumphal entry down the Via Dolorosa, to the cross, and given hope for living through the worst day to arise on Easter ! Worship Ministry Team

Easter Lilies Provided By:

Ted & Sammie Adams in memory of our sisters Ruth, Barbara and Alice and Teds brothers, Charles & Jim Luanne Bailey in memory of son, Matt Tom & Leslie Beck in memory of Bob & Karlene Moller, Joe & Anna Beck Sharlane & Don Blakeley in memory of Dons parents and Sharlanes grandparents Scott & Mary Brill in memory of Ella & Jim Brickens, La Veta and Ashley Brill, Helen and Ernie Morris Jack & Jerry Brown in memory of Anne Elizabeth Brown Jack Doughty in memory of Jackie, wife, mother and grandmother Duane & Phyllis Elliott in memory of our parents and sisters Joyce Finch in memory of mom, sister and husband Mitch Hanlon in memory of Wallace Hanlon, Samuel Stiles Nancy Knott in memory of mother, Gerry Lee Ellis, sister, Dianne Londean Ed Linberg in honor of Mariette with gratitude for her love and the love she shares with our family Robidoux Family in memory of Roland Robidoux and Mary Ann Hill Betty Rollo in loving memory of the Stones and Rollos special Easter celebration. Laura Schaffell Anna & Dwain Van Diest in memory of Mom and Dad Van Diest, Dad Grammes, Leroy Grammes, Donna and Wally Bagley, Paul Bagley Alice & Craig Wallace in memory of our parents, Liz & John Randall, Delphy & Bill Wallace

Change in Service Times for Refresh Service

Refresh Service moves to 7:30 p.m in the Sanctuary, April 7. Come see our new format and worship experience.

KIDS Activity

First Christian Church 109 E Wilshire Avenue Fullerton, CA 92832

Reawaken (Early Worship Service) Sunday, 8:00 A.M. Refresh (Contemporary Worship Service) Watch for reopening at 7:30 P.M. April 7, 2013 Church School for all ages: Sunday, 9:00 A.M. Remember (Traditional Worship Service) Sunday, 10:15 A.M. Youth Groups: Sunday, 1:00 P.M. & Wednesday, 3:30 5:15 P.M. Contemplative Service: Tuesdays, 7:00 P.M.

Serving March 31, 2013

Greeter: Rod & Jan Farley Guest Book: Donna Vannoy Coffee Host: Hospitality Ministry Acolyte Parent: Henke Sound: Alyssa Robidoux Video: Clare Keech Lay Leader: Ed Linberg Childrens Moment: Luanne Bailey Elders: Kathy Robidoux, Janelle Vannoy, Norma Rill Diaconate: Pauls Team Prepare: Beverly Reinke, Janelle Vannoy Ushers: Alyssa & Paul Robidoux Serve: Luanne Bailey, Rod Farley, Linda Johnen, Cam & Nancy Malotte, Alyssa & Paul Robidoux, Janelle Vannoy Clean Up: Luanne Bailey, Jan Farley, Paul Robidoux Alternates:

Serving April 7, 2013

Greeter: Ada Rodman Guest Book: Beverly Reinke Coffee Host: Hospitality Ministry Acolyte Parent: Acquistapace Sound: Video: Lay Leader: Lin Garcia Childrens Moment: Yajaria Martinez Elders: Joshua Dorrough, Tim Acquistapace, Penny Fonches Diaconate: Leslies Team Prepare: Nancy Geiger, Sherry Herrera Ushers: Phil Forbes, Dena Heathman Serve: Diane Daugherty, Sue Harless, Dena Heathman, Sherry Herrera, Randy Langston, Amy Styffe Clean Up: Phil Forbes, Diane Daugherty, Sue Harless Alternates: Leslie Beck, David Styffe 9

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