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Calling from swit


init switch1:2050
icall %[port] %13[rule] 1[?] 6503850696 - D1,2,3,4,5
icall %[port] %13[rule] 1[?] 16503850696 - D6


Path to Find out outbound ports



Path to Find out voice msg code on dialer



To view the account log while start up....


tail -f acc*08

FTP to voice dir on dialer admin

cd /opt/avaya/pds/switch/voice


Procedure for exporting Account file from the dialer.

1.Log in to the dialer through FTP as admin.
2.go the account directory
cmd: cd /opt/avaya/pds/account
3.get account file from the dialer to local folder.


NOTE: All numeric arguments are hexadecimal.

Decimal values must be prefixed by %.

R-L-S{-I} specifies card rack, level, slot, and (optional) interface.

Execution Control Commands


# {comments} Comment line

VER Display utility version information

INIT {host{:port}} Initialize switch connection

CLOCK Set switch clock to system clock
CLOSE Close switch connection
EVENT {pattern...} Wait for report starting with pattern
EXIT Quit program
LOGON file Log display to file
LOGOFF Close log file
NC {control} Display/set network control
QUIT Quit program
SEQ {seq #} Set current sequence #
SEQ {seq #} Set current sequence #
SET {var} {value} Display/set environment variable
ADDENV {var} {value} Add value to environment variable
SUBENV {var} {value} Subtract value from environment variable
SH shell_command Execute shell command line
Display/set message show mode
SHOW {all | none | tx | rx | ok | err | rep | select type | port port}
SLEEP n Sleep for n seconds
SYNC {on | off} Display/set command sync mode

Switch Control Commands


NFS Update NFS mount device

REBOOT Reboot switch
SWITCH {cntrl} Switch SBY to ACT
DBSTORE path Store database files to directory
DBRETRIEVE path Retrieve database files from directory

Voice Prompt Commands


ABORT port Stop play

ABORT port Stop play
DOWN id file {r-l-s} Download prompt to LPVC
DVC port id ... Play prompts (0-FF) to port
ERASE id {r-l-s} Erase prompt (0=all)
IPLAY port id ... Play prompts (0-FFFF) to (idle) port
PLAY port id ... Play prompts (0-FFFF) to port
REC port id {cntrl} {r-l-s} Start recording
STOP port Stop recording
UP id file {r-l-s} Upload prompt from LPVC

Port Control Commands


ADDCONF confno port {port...} Add ports to conference

ANSWER port {rule} Answer incoming port
Call on outport using virtual inport
CALL inport outport {orule} {field} {dial-string}...
CONF port {port...} Conference ports
CONN port1 port2 {cntrl} Connect ports
DELCONF confno {port...} Delete ports from conference
DISC port Disconnect port
HANG port {cntrl} Hang-up port
Make ISDN call on outport
ICALL port {orule} {field} {dial-string}...
IDIAL port dial-string {rule} Dial on incoming port
MONITOR port1 port2 Monitor port2 on port1
Dial on outgoing port
ODIAL port dial-string {inport} {rule}
OFF port {inport} {rule} Take port off-hook
ON port {cntrl} Put port on-hook (same as HANG)
RESET {cntrl} Reset ports
Port Diagnostic Commands (Use With Caution)

DIGITS port dial-string Force dial on port

LISTEN port1 port2 Force port1 to listen to port2
SEIZE port Force seize on port
TALK port1 port2 Force 2-way path from port1 to port2
UNSEIZE port Force unseize port
WINK port Wink/hookflash on port

OLIC Control Commands


EAR port gain Set OLIC port ear gain

MOUTH port gain Set OLIC port mouth gain
SIDE port on|off Set OLIC sidetone on or off

Database Control and Status Commands


ADD r-l-s type {base} {# ports} Add card to database

Add ports to group
ADDGRP group r-l-s{-i} {line} {pos} {interleave}
ALARMS {alarm code} Display alarm(s) status
Display/set BRC connection(s)
BRC {none | r-l-s {none | r-l-s}}
CARD {r-l-s{-i}} Display card type configuration
CARDS Display all card type configuration
ECARDS Enhanced display of card type config.
CSTATUS r-l-s{-i} {r-l-s{-i}} Display card status
DEL r-l-s Delete card from database
DELGRP group {r-l-s{-i}} {line} Delete ports from group
Display group ports in r-l-s format
GRP group {first} {last} {r-l-s-{i}} {line}
INPULSE rule {token value ...} Display/set inpulse rule
INPULSE rule {token value ...} Display/set inpulse rule
ISUP template {action ...} Display/set ISDN supervision template
ITMP template Display ISDN message template
Set T1 timing link
MASTER internal | external | primary r-l-s{-i} | secondary r-l-s{-i}
Display/set OLIC configuration
MOVE r-l-s r-l-s Move card to new slot
OLIC r-l-s {line headset encoding ear mouth}
OUTPULSE rule {token value ...} Display/set outpulse rule
PORT r-l-s{-i} {line name cos rule {hw}} Display/set port configuration
PORTMAP Display port address map
EPORTMAP Display enhanced port address map
PRI r-l-s Display PRI configuration
PCHECK status {callstate} Search for port status
(allocated, busy, offhook, exception,
psc, disabled or state)
Display/set port state
PSTATE port {loop | disable | enable | camp}
PSTATUS port1 {port2} Display port status
Display/set group configuration
RES group {hunt} {rehunt} {busy} {name}
STATE {r-l-s{-i} {A|O|D|M|R|U}} Display/set card state
SUP template {action ...} Display/set supervision template
SUP template {action ...} Display/set supervision template
UNSTICK port1 {port2} Find stuck ports and unstick

HW Request hardware allocation

RA {group} Request resource allocation (default=1)

Diagnostic Control Commands (Internal DSI Use Only)


CONFIG {play#} {rec#} {r-l-s} {cntl} Configure LPVC play/record

DUMP address {length} Display memory
FLOOD bytes Send packet of specified length
INFO type {data...} Display debug information
NBC r-l-s{-i} fid {data...} Send message directly to NBC
READ opcode {args...} Send NMA read command
SEND opcode {args...} Send command to switch
URGENT opcode {args...} Send (urgent) command to switch
WRITE opcode {args...} Send NMA write command

CSTART line template Start CPA recognition

CSTOP line Stop CPA recognition
ESTART line timeslot template Start ECPA recognition
ESTOP line Stop ECPA recognition
ESTOP line Stop ECPA recognition

QT1 r-l-s{-i} NFS-directory {monport lpvc-port} Perform QT1 test

Start EDRC test on trunks first..last
EDRC {TX | RX | BOTH} digit-string {first last rule field}
DTG r-l-s dial-string Perform DTG load test

INQ {TRACED|ALL|LIST {id-list} Queue size inquiry

ITTV host Start ITTV session
NOITTV Stop ITTV session
NOTRACE {qid} Stop queue trace (0 = all queues)
POST qid ssid tid type data... Post message to queue
TRACE qid Start queue trace (0 = all queues)

Switch Card Types


BRC Bus Repeater Card

DCC or ECC Conference Card
ECC2 Conference Card (DSP2)
DDC Digital Dialer Card
DDC2 Digital Dialer Card (DSP2)
DSP2 Generic DSP2 Card
DTG Digital Tone Generator
E1 E1 Trunk
ECPA Enhanced Call Progress Analyzer
ECPA2 Enhanced Call Progress Analyzer (DSP2)
ECT Earth Connect Trunk
EDRC Enhanced DTMF Receiver Card
EDRC2 Enhanced DTMF Receiver Card (DSP2)
EDTG Enhanced Digital Tone Generator
EDTG2 Enhanced Digital Tone Generator (DSP2)
EM E+M Trunk
EMFCR2 Enhanced MFC-R2 Card
EMFCR22 Enhanced MFC-R2 Card (DSP2)
EPOC 8-Port Operator Card
EUTC 16-Port Enhanced Universal Trunk Card
LCT Loop Connect Trunk
LPVC Large Port Voice Card
LPVC2 Large Port Voice Card Version 2
MFCR2 MFC-R2 Receiver Card
NBC Network Bus Card
NET5 Euro-ISDN (NET5) Card
NTT Primary Rate/NTT (Japanese)
OLIC Operator Line Interface Card
PRIN or PRI/N Primary Rate/NFAS Card
QT1 or QT1x96 96-Port Quad-T1 Card
QT1x24 24-Port Quad-T1 Card
QT1x48 48-Port Quad-T1 Card
QT1x72 72-Port Quad-T1 Card
QE1 or QE1x4 4-Span Quad-E1 Card
QE1x3 3-Span Quad-E1 Card
QE1x2 2-Span Quad-E1 Card
QE1x1 1-Span Quad-E1 Card
QE1DSS or QE1DSSx4 4-Span Quad-E1 DASS2/DPNSS Card
QE1DSSx3 3-Span Quad-E1 DASS2/DPNSS Card
QE1DSSx2 2-Span Quad-E1 DASS2/DPNSS Card
QE1DSSx1 1-Span Quad-E1 DASS2/DPNSS Card
QE1PRI or QE1PRIx4 4-Span Quad-E1 PRI Card
QE1PRIx3 3-Span Quad-E1 PRI Card
QE1PRIx2 2-Span Quad-E1 PRI Card
QE1PRIx1 1-Span Quad-E1 PRI Card
QT1PRI or QT1PRIx4 4-Span Quad-T1 PRI Card
QT1PRIx3 3-Span Quad-T1 PRI Card
QT1PRIx2 2-Span Quad-T1 PRI Card
QE1PRI or QE1PRIx4 4-Span Quad-E1 PRI Card
QE1PRIx3 3-Span Quad-E1 PRI Card
QE1PRIx2 2-Span Quad-E1 PRI Card
QE1PRIx1 1-Span Quad-E1 PRI Card
QT1PRI or QT1PRIx4 4-Span Quad-T1 PRI Card
QT1PRIx3 3-Span Quad-T1 PRI Card
QT1PRIx2 2-Span Quad-T1 PRI Card
QT1PRIx1 1-Span Quad-T1 PRI Card
SLIC Subscriber Line Interface Card
T1 T1 Trunk
UTC Universal Trunk Card

These Summa Four, Inc. cards are accepted, but are obsolete or rarely used:

CPA Call Progress Analyzer

DID Direct Inward Dial Card
DRC 8-Port DTMF Receiver Card
DVC Digital Voice Card
MRC MF Receiver Card
PRI Primary Rate Interface
SRC Speech Recognizer Card
4xT1 4-Span T1 Card
4xE1 4-Span E1 Card

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