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C07A10/ Sky Way Client User Manual 1.4.0/20091013 Software Windows C07A10 INDIAN AIRPORTS A.A.I. F:\EnCe Documents\SYSTEMS\AIRPORTS\C07A10 India\SOLARI Manuals\C07A10_SKYWAY_CLIENT_USER_MANUAL.doc

Indian Airports

SKYWAY Client User Manual




Revision: 1.4.0 October 2009 Rif.: C07A10

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1 2 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 1 SKYWAY CLIENT USER MANUAL ............................................................................................. 2 2.1 SKYWAY SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE....................................................................................................... 2

2.2 SKY CLIENT FILE STRUCTURE ............................................................................................................. 3 2.3 STARTING THE SKY CLIENT ............................................................................................................... 4 2.4 BASIC SYSTEM INTERACTION .............................................................................................................. 6

2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4

Data Base server (L.B. Server) ............................................................................................. 2 Workstations....................................................................................................................... 2 WEB server ......................................................................................................................... 2 ASA server .......................................................................................................................... 2

2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3

The Client CUA (Common User Access) ................................................................................ 7 Master/detail relationships: the need for the zoom function ................................................... 8 Operating in a multi-user environment ................................................................................. 8

OPERATIONAL FILE ................................................................................................................ 9 3.1 OPERATIONAL FILE MANAGEMENT ....................................................................................................... 9 3.2 MOVING INTO THE OPERATIONAL BROWSER ......................................................................................... 11

3.3 OPERATIONAL FILE DATA ENTRY........................................................................................................ 20

3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4

The Menu and the toolbar. ................................................................................................ 11 Data visualization area ...................................................................................................... 11 Operational flight selection ................................................................................................ 18 Updating a flight ............................................................................................................... 20 Adding a flight .................................................................................................................. 21 Joint flights ....................................................................................................................... 24 Deleting a flight ................................................................................................................ 26

PERMANENT .......................................................................................................................... 28 4.1 PERMANENT FILE MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................ 28

4.2 PERMANENT UTILITIES ................................................................................................................ 37 5 VOCABULARY MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................ 39 5.1 SELECTING THE VOCABULARY ........................................................................................................... 39

4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5

Permanent file data entry .................................................................................................. 30 Adding a flight .................................................................................................................. 31 Joint flights ....................................................................................................................... 32 Deleting a flight ................................................................................................................ 33 How to activate updates of the permanent file .................................................................... 33

5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3

Vocabulary - Destinations .................................................................................................. 40 Vocabulary - Airlines .......................................................................................................... 42 Vocabulary - Remarks ....................................................................................................... 43

6 7

TIMEOUT PARAMETERS ........................................................................................................ 45 6.1 TIMEOUT PARAMETERS ................................................................................................................... 46 USER ADMINISTRATION ...................................................................................................... 49 7.1 CREATE USERS PROCEDURE (SUPERVISOR) ......................................................................................... 49 7.2 ADDING A NEW GROUP / USER (SUPERVISOR)....................................................................................... 51 7.3 UPDATING A GROUP / USER (SUPERVISOR) .......................................................................................... 53

7.1.1 7.1.2

GROUPS ........................................................................................................................... 50 USERS .............................................................................................................................. 50

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7.4 DELETING A GROUP / USER (SUPERVISOR)........................................................................................... 53 8 INDICATORS CHECK-IN DESK TOOL.................................................................................. 54 8.1 CHECK-IN HANDLING ..................................................................................................................... 56 APPENDIX A PASSWORDS ...................................................................................................... 60

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This document describe the SKYWAY Client that is the GUI interface for the Solari Flight Information Display System (Solari FIDS). The SKYWAY Client (or Sky Client, for short) is a computer program developed under the Windows system, which provides the operator/system interface and embeds all needed functionality to effectively manage the FIDS: a user-friendly WIMP (window, icons, and mouse pointer) interface lets the operator have visual feedback of the current system status and offers maximum flexibility for his needs. Support for special characters sets, such as Arabic, Turkish, Cyrillic, Hindi or Chinese, may be optionally provided. The main functions of the Sky Client are: Operational file management; Permanent file management; Vocabulary management; System monitor/configuration,

and will be described in the subsequent chapters of this document. A comprehensive list of the system (client) hardware and software requirements is also included, as well as the description of the files the Sky Client is accessing.

All the pictures of this manual have a demo purpose only, and are related to JAIPUR Airport.

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SKYWAY Client User Manual

2.1 SKYWAY System architecture

The architecture of the SKYWAY System provides for the following elements/functions:

2.1.1 Data Base server (L.B. Server)


CLUSTER: it constitutes the reference DATA BASE of the entire SYSTEM; the mass storage

management of the System (RAID disks) is located at this level.

2.1.2 Workstations
It is a client of the application server, an interactive video terminal unit for the operators use.

2.1.3 WEB server

Handles the WEB pages created according with the FIDS data.

2.1.4 ASA server

Operates the AUDIO database and stores the information related to the Public Addressing system configuration and the digitised sentences. Furthermore, it makes the translation from digital to analog audible information and interfaces the PA system for the announcements; the latter ones are activated automatically by the FIDS on a per-event basis.

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2.2 Sky Client file structure

In this chapter we will give information about the database tables. The term files covers all those data structures resident on hard disk which are used to describe the movements handled by the Sub-system. There are four different types of file: OFFLINE FILES: PERMANENT FLIGHTS





The OFFLINE files are generated by the operator adding the data in the workstation and are used to define the permanent data tables of the System. The OFFLINE files are used to generate the ONLINE Files when requested in the initialisation command or in the COPY OFF TO ON command. The ONLINE Vocabularies are used to check the appropriate fields in the definition of the Operational Flight records. The reason for this distinction (OFFLINE, ONLINE) lies in the need to operate in an environment with stabilised permanent data, in other words a modification of the OFFLINE files requires the System to be reinitialised or the COPY OFF TO ON command to be executed to maintain the coherence between the flight file and the vocabularies files.

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2.3 Starting the Sky Client

After a reboot of the workstation the operator must, first of all, log in into the Windows operating system typing the configured User name and Password (refer to the System Administrator). Then, to start the Sky Client Application is necessary to make a double mouse click on the Sky Client icon.

Fig. 1: Sky Client icon on the Windows desktop.

Prior to the clients usage, it is mandatory for the operator to log in into the FIDS system; this is accomplished by starting the program from the operators desktop and entering the suitable identification/authorisation codes. As shown in the following figure, the user is prompted for a username and a password and then asked to confirm Login or to discard Cancel the information typed.

Fig. 2: Sky Client login form.

If the Sky Way System is not running on the database server or in case of bad username/password the following error will be displayed.

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Fig. 3: Sky Client login error.

Fig. 4: Sky Client Debug information.

Press OK and try again; if the same error occurs again the System Supervisor must be informed, because the problem can be on the database server (the SKYWAY system is not running properly).

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Upon successful authentication by the FIDS system, the Sky Client main form will appear on the screen, as shown in the following figure. In the centre of the screen information about groups and users are displayed.

Fig. 5: Sky Client main form.

A full set of menus located on the top of the form provides access to the key functions of the FIDS system (Operational file management, Permanent file management, Vocabulary management, System

monitor/configuration, Audio messages). Each chapter following is devoted to the description of the main functions and operational practice to effectively manage the FIDS system through its user interface. An additional introductory chapter is also herein provided to explain the basic concepts behind the Sky Client client and its integration with the Windows system.

2.4 Basic system interaction

This chapter will provide the user a brief introduction to the features behind the operators interface and its behaviour, in order for the user to fully grasp the functionality of the Sky Client.

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The simple concepts explained herein provide the user the key to effectively access all the features provided by the FIDS client and understand some of the system output (warning, error messages) that could make the user perplexed or puzzled about what to do.

2.4.1 The Client CUA (Common User Access)

The Sky Client is a Windows-based application, and therefore can be effectively used with the help of the mouse pointer. Most of the features embedded in the client are reached by the use of such a device, which provides fast and pinpointing access to the key spots of the operator interface. However, keyboard use is sometimes preferable over the mouse pointers one, especially when performing data entry on a fixed grid (e.g.: on the operational file); thus, particular behaviour for function keys, as well as for cursor movement and enter key has been provided with the Sky Client. The Enter key acts as a confirmation key for the data input in some field while maintaining the cursor on the same field of the same record. The Tab key acts as a confirmation key for the data input but moves the cursor on the next field of the same record. The cursor movement keys (arrow keys) move by one field left and right on the same record, as well as one record up and down. The Home and End key position the cursor on the first and last field of the current record, respectively.
Page Up

and Page Down keys scroll through the grid, several rows at a time, while the same keys composed

with the Control key position the cursor on the first and the last record on the grid, respectively. The other expected Windows CUA key bindings work just as in any other application, reducing the users need to learn other key combination. In addition to the standard CUA keys, the Sky Client adds a so-called taskbar on every form, which comprises a set of button for the database navigation functions (first record, next, previous, last record; add record, delete record, edit record, post the changes, undo the changes, and refresh data) and a variable set of buttons (e.g.: colour editor, font editor, column editor, print data, a.s.o.).

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2.4.2 Master/detail relationships: the need for the zoom function

Most of the data contained into and managed by the FIDS system hold strict relationship with each other; even if this is not an operators concern, the user should be warned that the displayed data is only a little fraction of the system-managed data, and must be carefully entered to prevent system malfunctioning. The FIDS system keeps track of data in a relational way, that is in a master/detail way: data is not stored not accessed sequentially, but with a common key indicating all the pertinent and relevant data (e.g.: the association between a flight (master, which provides the key to data access) and its associated checkins (detail, accessed through the masters key)). This data architecture, reducing the need of data duplication and providing a clear relationship tree, allows faster and flexible FIDS system management. To reflect the internal data structure and to prevent that too much data is displayed on the operator board at the same time, a (series of) zoom function(s) have been implemented throughout the systems main forms; these can be viewed as a drill down information system which provide the user an in-depth browsing/editing of the data.

2.4.3 Operating in a multi-user environment

The Sky Client has been engineered with network operation in mind and by leveraging the client-server paradigm, so it is able to effectively operate in a multi-user environment without degrading the FIDS system performance. Concurrency of operation guarantees higher system throughput, and the FIDS system provides automatic and seamless transaction consistency, but a few words of advice must be spent on this matter. The operator always works on a local copy of the data which has been provided by the system at the time of last refresh: this can be live data if the refresh is continuous (or quite so), or data can be old (and thus not reflecting the actual system status) if there hasnt been a data refresh lately; please note that the freshness of the data cannot be computed in advance and is therefore sometimes and under certain circumstances left to the users responsibility the duty to bring the data on his display up-to-date. The refresh is automatically performed when data is entered on the main form of the operational file; should any inconsistency with the entered data be detected, the system would inform the user and suggest the necessary actions to take (usually to enter the correct data based on the flight record context). Sometimes data present on the operators screen simply doesnt exist any longer on the system, due to e.g. automatic cancellation; in such cases the user is warned when attempting to modify a so-called deleted record and prompted to refresh his local copy of the data.

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Operational File

3.1 Operational File Management

The core of the FIDS operators interface is the operational file management menu, which provides the user the feedback of the system activity; this procedure is accessed through the Operational menu` on the Main form.

Fig. 8: How to select OPERATIONAL FILE from the main form.

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After a short period of time, during which the Sky Client queries the central system about the flights stored in the operational file, the form showed in the following figure will appear (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6: The operational file browser.

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3.2 Moving into the operational browser

3.2.1 The Menu and the toolbar.
The Menu and the Toolbar are located on the top of the operational window. The Toolbar contains buttons tha can be subdivided in the following subsets:

navigation buttons (Fig. 7); layout buttons (Fig. 8); options buttons (Fig. 9).

Fig. 7: Navigation bar.

Fig. 8: Layout bar.

Fig. 9: Options bar.

The navigation bar allows the operator to move, add or delete the records of the operational browser using. The layout bar allows the user to modify the layout of the operational archive. For example is possible to modify the Fonts and the colours. The options bar to activate the Zoom and the filter window.

3.2.2 Data visualization area

All the flights are automatically ordered by scheduled date and time as well as by joint flight number (if it is a joined flight, a.k.a. code shared flight). The system will automatically update a 24 hours time window of flights Lines/records drawn in light green colour represent departures, while the light blue ones are arrivals (colours can be modified by the System Supervisor, see chapter Configuring the operational browser). The bold printed fields are READ ONLY.

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The order of the columns display (can be modified by the System Supervisor, see chapter Configuring the operational browser) is the following: FL IGHT CLASS

Airline Flight Number Flight Status / Departure Flights

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Flight Status / Arrival Flights

Flight Type P O T : Public : Operative : Transit

Routing (Origin/Destination) Via Scheduled Date / Time Extimated Date / Time Check-In Status

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First Check-In Last Check-In Gate Status

First Gate

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Baggage Status

First Baggage Public Remark Joint Flag P C : Primary : Marketing

Joint Airline (Primary Airline) Joint Flight Number (Primary Fl.Number) Announcement Status

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Languages Announcement Class

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Announcement Error Code

Delay Cause

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3.2.3 Operational flight selection

The operator can select the flights to display on the operational browser through the Filter icon (Fig. 9).

Fig. 10: Operational flight selection.

Flight can be selected by the following fields: Flight Status Terminal Flight Class Airline Flight Number Origin / Destination Scheduled Time Registration

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Pressing OK all the selected flights will be displayed. To reselect all the flights order by scheduled date/time the operator must only click again the Filter icon. Pressing Clear the all fields will be blanked. The meaning of NOT flag is described with the following example: AIRLINE IT


Display all flights except IT (Kingfisher).

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3.3 Operational file data entry

3.3.1 Updating a flight
The operational file data entry is the most common way for the operator to input data into the FIDS system. In its normal usage, the system awaits data from the operator regarding the flight fields to be updated. Usually, the data that has to be input is displayed (and therefore generally modifiable, see above) on the main operational file form; the operator needs to locate the cursor on the right flight and on the right field only (using the mouse or the keyboard). Features have been added to provide even more flexible and easier data input, such as context-sensible code lookup.

Fig. 11: Lookup for the flight status field.

Typing the F1 key a lookup window will be open related to the selected field; using the mouse or the arrow keys it is possible to select the new value for the data entry. If OK button is pressed the selected value will automatically updated the selected field; if Cancel button is pressed the update procedure will be aborted and the selected field will have the original value.

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Any basic FIDS system input, such as providing a flights estimated time or information about baggage and remarks, as well as landing/takeoff time is attainable through the operational browser. Additional data entry functions, such as the ones regarding multiple routing, checkins management have to be accessed through the operational file ZOOM function, which can be activated by the F5 key or by selecting the ZOOM button on the taskbar (Fig. 9).; a window like the one depicted in Fig. 12 will appear, showing the details of the currently selected flight on the operational file.

Fig. 12: Operational file zoom form.

More deeply, data about the check-in associated with the flight, any joint flights, and baggage and gate information is provided by the zoom form, as well as some data already accessible from the operational file main form. Data present on the operational file is generally made available seamlessly by the FIDS server, and require therefore no manual user intervention; should any additional flight must be added or some cancelled flight be removed from the system, this can be accomplished by means of the main operational form. The description of all the fields displayed in the zoom form is available in the next chapter.

3.3.2 Adding a flight

The addition of a flight is accomplished through the use of the main operational form, simply depressing the

button on the navigator component (Fig. 7).

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Fig. 13: Operational add form.

The fields displayed in the add (and zoom) form are the following: Flight status Terminal Flight Class Airline Flight Number Scheduled Date / Time Estimated Date / Time Public Remark Operational Remark ASA Status ASA Class ASA Languages ORIGIN -> VIA -> Destination [MANDATORY] [MANDATORY] [MANDATORY] [MANDATORY] [MANDATORY]

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SKYWAY Client User Manual

Only the white labelled fields are mandatory. At the and of the data entry the OK button must be pressed (or Cancel to abort the addition). In case of error a message will be displayed, in case of correct addition the new record will be displayed, on the operational browser, according to its scheduled date / time.

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The >>> button on the addition form recall all the fields of the selected flight; this feature is very important when the operator must insert a new flight using the same data of an existing one. If the operator try to insert a value not admitted for a particular field an error message will be displayed.

Fig. 14: Error message during the file addition.

The text of the error message is referred to the field that the operator is updating. Press OK to close the error message window and re-type the new value (or use F1 to open the lookup window).

3.3.3 Joint flights

The Sky Way System is designed to handle the relationship between master (Primary) and code shared (Marketing) flights. The right description of the master and code shared flights is necessary to have the correct display order of the flights on the peripheral devices.

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In the following example we want to insert a master flight LH 00001 and a code shared flight AZ 00002. MASTER FLIGHT (Fig. 15) Joint flag: Joint airline: Joint fl_number: must be P must be the same value of the airline must be the same value of the flight number

CODE SHARED FLIGHT (Fig. 16) Joint flag: Joint airline: Joint fl_number: must be M. must be the same value of the master airline must be the same value of the master flight number

Fig. 15: Addition of a master flight.

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Fig. 16: Addition of a code shared flight.

3.3.4 Deleting a flight

The deletion of a flight is accomplished through the use of the main operational form,

simply depressing the MINUS button on the navigator component (Fig. 7). Before to delete the selected flight the system will ask a confirmation (Fig. 17). Pressing the OK button the record will be immediately deleted from the system (and from the peripheral devices). Pressing the Cancel button the deletion operation will be aborted.
The right arrow displayed on the first browser column shows which record is selected for the deletion.

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Fig. 17: Deletion of an operational record.

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4.1 Permanent file management

The permanent file management is perhaps the most important issue for the correct behaviour of the system. Scheduled data are stored into the permanent file and periodically automatically input into the operational file by the FIDS server, according to the flight season, frequency, schedule time, a.s.o. The more accurate the data is input, the less adjustments are needed (and therefore less manual intervention) by the user on the operational file. The permanent file form is accessed from the main menu under the Permanent menu item, as shown in Fig. 18.

Fig. 18: How to select PERMANENT FILE from the main form.

The user can select if he wants to modify the online or the offline version of the permanent file; this feature permits the modification (e.g. for seasonal flights plan change) of the permanent file without affecting the usual system behaviour. By selecting the corresponding menu sub-item, a form like the one depicted in will appear, and permit the modification, addition and deletion (except from the online version) of any flight. Data

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is input just like in the operational file main form; all the zoom functions and lookup functions work exactly as on the operational file, whose chapter can be consulted for details.

Fig. 28: Permanent file (OFFLINE) browser.

After a short period of time, during which the Sky Client queries the central system about the flights stored in the selected permanent file, the form showed in the previous figure will appear. All the flights are automatically ordered by scheduled date and time as well as by joint flight number (if it is a joined flight, a.k.a. code shared flight). Lines/records drawn in light green colour represent departures, while the light blue ones are arrivals (colours can be modified by the System Supervisor). The order of the columns display (van be modified by the System Supervisor) is the following: Flight class Airline Flight number Scheduled time Origin / Destination IATA code Routing code First Check-in Last Check-in Gate Baggage Variant Weekly frequency Start validity date End validity date Start exception date End exception date

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4.1.1 Permanent file data entry

The permanent file data entry follows the same rules already explained in the chapter Operational file data entry. Features have been added to provide even more flexible and easier data input, such as contextsensible code lookup.

Fig. 31: Lookup window for the origin/destination field.

Clicking the F1 key a lookup window will be open related to the selected field; using the mouse or the arrow keys it is possible to select the new value for the data entry. If OK button is pressed the selected value will automatically updated the selected field; if Cancel button is pressed the update procedure will be aborted and the selected field will have the original value. Any basic FIDS system input is attainable through the permanent browser. Additional data entry functions have to be accessed through the permanent file ZOOM function, which can be activated by the F5 key or by selecting the ZOOM button on the taskbar; a window like the one depicted in Fig. 19 will appear, showing the details of the currently selected flight on the permanent file.

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Fig. 19: Permanent file zoom form.

More deeply, data about the baggage indicators associated with the flight, any joint flights, and gate information is provided by the zoom form, as well as some data already accessible from the permanent file main form. Moreover, the operator is able to see what is the data currently displayed (in its mnemonic form) on the check ins that are associated with the current flight; a graphical lookup code form provides the necessary visual feedback. The description of all the fields displayed in the zoom form is available in the next chapter.

4.1.2 Adding a flight

Pressing the PLUS button on the navigator component the operator can select the add form necessary to insert a new flight into the selected (off/on line) permanent file.

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Fig. 20: Permanent file addition form.

To move on the next field the mouse or the SHIFT key can be used; to move on the previous field the mouse or the ALT SHIFT keys can be used. At the and of the data entry the OK button must be pressed (or Cancel to abort the addition). In case of error a message will be displayed; in case of correct addition the new record will be displayed, on the permanent browser, according to its scheduled time. The >>> button on the addition form recall all the fields of the selected flight; this feature is very important when the operator must insert a new flight using the same data of an existing one.

4.1.3 Joint flights

Refer to chapter Operational file management Joint flights.

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4.1.4 Deleting a flight

The deletion of a flight is accomplished through the use of the permanent form, simply depressing the MINUS button on the navigator component (Fig. 7). Before to delete the selected flight the system will ask a confirmation:

Fig. 21: Deletion of a permanent record.

Pressing the OK button the record will be immediately deleted from the permanent (OFFLINE) file. Pressing the Cancel button the deletion operation will be aborted. The right arrow displayed on the first browser column shows which record is selected for the deletion (in Fig. 21 the flight KL 00002 11:00).

4.1.5 How to activate updates of the permanent file

All the updates into the permanent file OFFLINE does not have an immediate effect on the SkyWay System because the operational file loads data from the permanent file ONLINE. The mechanism used to load data from the permanent file ONLINE into the operational file guarantees a 24 hours operational flights time window. If the operator updates a flight, into the permanent file OFFLINE, not present in the next 24 hours into the operational file, the update procedure must be: STEP [ 1 ] Select the OFFline to ONline form through the System menu` on the Main form (Fig. 22).

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STEP [ 2 ] Select Permanent Copy option and press OK . When the message Copy correctly completed is displayed press OK . See Appendix A for the password details. At the end of this procedure the permanent file ONLINE is updated. When will be loaded into the operational file the updated flight will contain all the modifications.

Fig. 22: How to select OFFLINE TO ONLINE COPY PROCEDURE from the main form.

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Fig. 36: How to copy the permanent OFFLINE into the permanent ONLINE.

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If the operator updates a flight, into the permanent file OFFLINE, already present in the next 24 hours into the operational file, the update procedure must be: STEP [ 1 ] Select the System Initialization procedure form through the System menu` on the Main form (Fig. 23).

Fig. 23: How to select the System Initialisation procedure from the main form.

STEP [ 1 ] Insert the password and press OK . At the end of this procedure the permanent file ONLINE is updated and the operational file will be recreated (from now to the next programmed hours). All the operator modifications already done on the operational flights will be lost. See Appendix A for the password details.

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Fig. 24: Initialization password window

At the end of this procedure the permanent file ONLINE is updated and the operational file will be recreated (from now to the next programmed hours). All the operator modifications already done on the operational flights will be lost.

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4.2 Permanent Utilities

The permanent utilities form is accessed from the main menu under the Permanent menu item, as shown in the next picture.

Fig. A: How to select Permanent - Utilities menu from the main form.

This procedure can be used in case of general updates to be performed for all the flights of the Permanent File. Selecting ADD ONE YEAR (Fig. B) is possible to ADD or SUBTRACT 1 year to/from the validity period of all the records saved into the permanent file. Selecting SPECIFIC DATE (Fig. C) is possible to SET the validity period of all the records saved into the permanent file with the selected values. In both cases the password is required (see Appendix A).

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Fig. B: Permanent Utilities : ADD ONE YEAR procedure

Fig. C: Permanent Utilities : SPECIFIC DATE procedure

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Vocabulary management

5.1 Selecting the Vocabulary

The vocabulary management menu provides the user the complete configuration of the SkyWay System with respect to data regarding Airlines, Destinations, Remarks, Bays, Aircraft Types. These features are accessible from the main form, selecting the Vocabularies menu item of the main menu, as shown in Fig. 25.

Fig. 25: How to select Vocabularies menu from the main form.

The vocabulary management function enables the user to modify the system data. Please note that changing vocabularies data is not always a trivial operation (e.g.: for flap board remarks) and must therefore be conducted with care: even if the system checks for any possible code overlapping or

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incoherence, the user must be warned not to proceed unheartedly while using such system-altering functions.

5.1.1 Vocabulary - Destinations

The destinations vocabulary handles the relationship between the IATA/ICAO destination code (used from the operator into the permanent / operational files) and the destination extended name displayed on the peripheral devices.

Fig. 26: Destinations browser.

The fields displayed into the destinations browser are the following: Field CODE ICAO EXPANDED1 EXPANDED2 EXTENDED3 Meaning IATA code of the origin/destination ICAO code of the origin/destination (mandatory in case of link with AFTN) Extended text (English language) Extended text (Hindi language) Extended text (Local language, if configured)

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As shown in the next image select Krishna using the FONT SELECTOR button.

Then, using the Character Map Windows XP utility (Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Character Map), select Krishna font and write the Hindi word selecting character by character.

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Then select the written text and: CTRL+C (copy) and CTRL+V (paste) into the expanded3 vocabulary field.

5.1.2 Vocabulary - Airlines

The airlines vocabulary handles the relationship between the airline code (used from the operator into the permanent / operational files) and the airline extended name displayed on the permanent / operational lookup windows.

Fig. 27: Airlines browser.

The fields displayed into the airlines browser are the following:


Meaning ICAO Airline Code ICAO Airline Code Extended airline name

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Useful for help

5.1.3 Vocabulary - Remarks

The remarks vocabulary handles the relationship between the remark code (used from the operator into the permanent / operational files) and the remark extended name displayed on the peripheral devices .

Fig. 28: Remarks browser.

The fields displayed into the remarks browser are the following:

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Meaning 3 characters code of the remark Short description for help Extended text (English language) Extended text (Hindi language) Extended text (National language, if configured)

For the HINDI translation refer to section

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Timeout Parameters

Under the Parameters menu are available the following procedures (selectable through the combo box at the top of the Parameters form):

Timeout Parameters;

Fig. 29: Parameters menu.

After the parameters modification the OK button must be pressed to activate the modifications. Press Cancel to abort the operation.

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6.1 Timeout Parameters

Fig. 30: Timeout parameters form.

The operator, if has the appropriate privileges, depending on the configuration of the users, can set the following timeout parameters:

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INDICATORS HANDLING CHECK-IN SCH. OPEN TIME: a given time before STD the flight is automatically transferred on the associated check-in indicators (if any). CHECK-IN SCH. CLOSE TIME: a given time before STD the flight is automatically removed from the associated check-in / check-in belt indicators (if any). GATE SCH. CLOSE TIME: a given time before STD (or ETD if present) the flight is automatically removed from the associated gate indicator (if any). DEP. BAG. SCH. CLOSE TIME: a given time before STD the flight is automatically removed from the associated departure belt indicators (if any).

FLIGHT STATUS HANDLING BOARDING TIME: a given time before STD (or ETD if present) the flight is automatically set in the status boarding. LAST CALL TIME: a given time before STD (or ETD if present) the flight is automatically set in the status last call. WAITING LOUNGE 1st CALL: a given time before STD (or ETD if present) the 1st announcement WAIT IN LOUNGE is automatically performed. WAITING LOUNGE 2nd CALL: a given time before STD (or ETD if present) the 2nd announcement WAIT IN LOUNGE is automatically performed.

NETWORKS DELETION PUBLIC / STAFF NETWORK ARRIVALS DELETION: a given time after ATA (Block-on time) an arrival flight is automatically deleted from the public/staff display network (boards and monitors). STAFF NETWORK DEPARTURE DELETION: a given time after the Take-off time assignment, the flight is automatically deleted from staff network. DELETION OF PROCESSED FLIGHTS: a given time after PROCESSED status a flight is automatically deleted from operational file.

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If the value of a timeout is 1 it means that the associated timeout is disabled; the value is represented in minutes.

After the timeout modification the OK button must be pressed to activate the modifications. Press Cancel to abort the operation.

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User Administration

7.1 Create Users Procedure (Supervisor)

A very important feature for the System Supervisor is the Create Users procedure, accessible only through the supervisor user.

Fig. 31: Create users procedure

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Through this procedure the Supervisor can add, modify or remove groups and users and can specify the password for each user.

7.1.1 GROUPS
Must be defined with a description (that will be displayed in the centre of the main system form) and all the privileges that will be associated to all the users of that group.

7.1.2 USERS
Must be defined with a name (that will be used as username during the system login), a description (that will be displayed in the centre of the main system form) and a password (that will be used as password during the system login).

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7.2 Adding a new group / user (Supervisor)

Select the Create Users form through the System menu` on the Main form. Write the new group description set all the privileges for this group and press OK button. The meaning of the privileges is:

can write OFFLINE files can write ONLINE files can write OPERATIONAL file Add/delete OPERATIONAL file Can edit FREE

Modify records on the permanent OFFLINE file Modify records on the permanent ONLINE file and VOCABULARIES Modify records on the OPERATIONAL file Add / Delete records into/from the OPERATIONAL file

FORMAT Can use FREE FORMAT application

messages Can schedule FREE FORMAT Can use FREE FORMAT application messages Can insert check-in (INNER) Can insert check-in (OUTER) Can insert check-in (FREE Saves all the grid modifications on disk

FORMAT) Can issue sound Can perform automatic announcements

announcements Can import/export files Can modify Can use import/export utilities


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parameters Can modify INIT parameters Can modify LOG parameters ASA Parameters Can handle devices Can handle GATES Can handle CHECK-INS Can handle ARR. BAGGAGES Can handle CHUTES Can configure visible fields Can change fonts and colors Can modify users Can ADD users Can perform a SYSTEM INITIALIZATION NO MORE USED NO MORE USED NO MORE USED Can update GATES information Can update CHECK-INS information Can update ARRIVAL BAGGAGES information Can update DEPARTURE BAGGAGES information Can access the GRID MODIFICATION procedure Can access the COLOUR MODIFICATION procedure Can access USER ADMIN procedure to modify data Can access USER ADMIN procedure to add data

Click Add button on the user section of the form. Write the new user description and press OK button.
The meaning of the user fields is:

UserName The username that will be used in the login procedure. GroupName The name of the group related to the new user.

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UserDescr The extended name of the new user (displayed on the main form). Language Password ). The default language of the new user (ENG). The password that will be used in the login procedure (must be re-confirmed

7.3 Updating a group / user (Supervisor)

Select the Create Users form through the System menu` on the Main form.

Select the group and press Modify button on the group section of the form to modify the privileges. Press OK to confirm or Cancel to abort the operation.
Select the user and press Modify button on the user section of the form to modify the user description or the password. Press OK to confirm or Cancel to abort the operation.

7.4 Deleting a group / user (Supervisor)

Select the Create Users form through the System menu` on the Main form. Select the user and press Remove button on the user section of the form. Press OK to confirm or Cancel to abort the operation. Select the group and press Remove button (Fig. 73) on the group section of the form. Press OK to confirm or Cancel to abort the operation.

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Indicators Check-in desk tool

Select the Indicators form through the System menu` on the Main form (or use F12 for smart selection).

Fig. 32: Indicators procedure from the Main Menu

This procedure handles: allocation/de-allocation opening /close

for the FIDS check-in indicators.

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Fig. 33: Indicators procedure main form

The Indicators form (Fig. 33) is composed by the following parts: network devices selection (top of the screen) view of the allocation status (left part) data input form (central part) list of all available flights + list of all configured indicators (right part)

The following section will describe how to handle the check-in indicators.

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8.1 Check-in handling

Select CHECK-IN NETWORK from the NETWORK DEVICES selection.


Select the FLIGHT (IT 107) and the CHECK-IN (05) you want to allocate. Then drag the selected flight on the selected check-in. In the allocation status view (left part of Fig. 34) the check-in 05 will result allocated for the flight IT 107.

Fig. 34: Check-in allocation

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Click on the row related to check-in 05 on the status view: the flight and check-in data will be displayed into the input form in the center of the screen (Fig. 35).

Fig. 35: Check-in opening

Set the STATUS to E (ENABLED) and click the green confirmation button. The STATUS will become T (TRANSFERRED): the flight info is now displayed on the check-in 05.

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Open the FREE FORMAT MESSAGES list box and select the check-in free format message (Fig. 36).

Fig. 36: Check-in free format assignment

Click OK button and click the green confirmation button. The selected FREE FORMAT remark is now displayed on the check-in 05.

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Set the STATUS to C (CLOSED) and click the green confirmation button (Fig. 37).

Fig. 37: Check-in closing

The flight info will be removed from the check-in 05.

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Appendix A Passwords
OFF Line to ON Line Copy System Initialization Permanent Utility

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