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Getting started Construction engineering Version 5.1

Status: Dezember 2003

This manual is protected by copyright law. 2003 DICAD Systeme GmbH. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be duplicated, translated or amended without the express written consent of DICAD Systeme GmbH. DICAD Systeme GmbH reserves the right to alter or revise this publication or its contents without prior notice. DICAD Systeme GmbH assumes no liability except as set forth in our General Terms and Conditions. Instructions contained in this manual shall not be construed as warranty or particular product capabilities.

Remarks to the documentation
Documentation 4


Starting STRAKON
CAD Modules


CAD-user interface

Create a new drawing

Switching drawings 7 Creating segments 7 Drawing layers 8 Specific element assignment 8 Coordinate system and entry 8 Units of input (>m, >cm, >mm, >in, >ft, >yd) 9 Relative, Polar and Absolute coordinates (>R, >P, >A) Angle definition 9 Zoom views 9 Pointer commands 9 Click 11 Error messages 11 Displaying Drawing Elements 11 Pen and Color Assignment 11 Continuous functionality 12 Key commands 12 Picking 13 Help 13 Abort 14 Paste texts and plan sections 14

Creating plan example 01


Input of the formwork 15 View 15 Section 18 Dimensioning 19 View 19 Section 20 Datum input 20 Section 20 Hatch input 21 View 21 Text input 21 Adding section symbols 22 View 22

Creating plan example 02


2D- ground plan input with the right tool bar Input of a wall opening 25 Adding hatching to the plan 25

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1

Plan input using the menu 3D > STRAKON 3D New 26 Input of wall openings 27 Output from a 3D-View to a STRAKON 2D-Segment 27 Add the reinforcement to the plan examples 01 and 02 29 Types of reinforcement representations in the drawing 29 Main view (MV) 30 Count view (CV) 30 Bar/Mesh representation (BR/MR) 31 Concrete cover (Cov) 31 Input of the bar steel reinforcement into plan example 01 31 Main View Rectangular or Range stirrup (MV-stir) in Section A-A (Item 1) 32 Count view-laying (CV-lay) of the stirrups (Item 1) 33 Main View (MV) of the longitudinal bars in view (Pos. 2, top) 34 Main View (MV) of the longitudinal bars (Item 3, bottom) 35 Count view-laying (CV-lay) of the longitudinal bars in section A-A (Item 2 and 3) Bar representation (BR) 37 More examples for the input of MV, MV-stir and CV 38 Shape definition: MV 39 Shape definition: MV-stir 43 Laying examples: CV 44 Using existing reinforcement (Derivations) 45 Entering the mesh reinforcement in example plan 02 48 Count view-laying (CV-lay) 49 Entering auxillary views in a laying field 50 General main view (MV) 52 Main view of stirrup or U-shaped mesh cages (MV-stir) 52 Mesh representation (MR) 52 Chair mesh 53 Reinforcement schedules 53 Reinforcement scheduling in the drawing 53 External reinforcement schedules 54 Select list 55 Additional options 55 Automatic export of STRAKON-schedules into Microsoft Excel 56


Saving a plan


Save 60 Save as 60 Close 60 Generalities about Saving a plan


Output of a plan to printer / plotter


Print 61 Plot 62 Plot direct 62 Plotting drawing extracts 62 Cut out range: A3, A4h, A4q 62 Cut out range: present screen 63 Cut out range: select cut out range 63 Output devices 63 Selecting the driver for Plotter/Printer 64

Converting, Importing / Exporting


Convert 65 Convert GEO file in DXF/DWG file 65 Convert DXF/DWG File in GEO File 65

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1

Import / Export 66 Import DXF/DWG or AOB > D>G and GEO Export DXF/DWG or AOB > GEO and G>D 66 67

Data output via special interfaces




Menu Bar


File 69 Edit 71 View 71 Accessories Break Down Other 72 Extras 72 3D 73 ? 73

71 72

Right Toolbar


Switching between Text- and Icon bar

Upper toolbars


Lines 80 Rectangles 81 Circle and Arcs 81 Ellipses 81 Walls 82 Wall openings 82 Dimensions 83 Datum levels 83 Text 84 Hatch 84 APr Additional Programs 84 MAC / SYM / DET / BiP / LLM 84

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1

Remarks to the documentation

Remarks to the documentation

This addendum contains all enhancements of our entire CAD product line. STRAKIT / NP STRAKON / NP STRAKON / S All program enhancements are documented building up from the base program STRAKIT/NP, for our advanced STRAKON/NP all the way up to our professional solution STRAKON/S. In contrast to STRAKIT/NP, the CAD packages STRAKON/N P and STRAKON/ S are additionally provided with: Associative reinforcement Pointer commands 3D-reinforcement the possibility for variant construction 3D-Bearbeitung mit dem Modul STRAKON 3D The highlighted documentation in this addendum refers to functionality provided in the professional STRAKON/S solution.

Detailed program documentation is located on the program CD in pdf format and can also be installed. Additionally, the on-line assistance over the menu ? > Help can be called in the module CAD.

Starting STRAKON
The STRAKON- program can be started after installation in Windows 95/NT from the related program group.

Icons for the STRAKON applications are included in this program group depending upon the components ordered. A double click with the left mouse button on the desired icon starts the selected application. An additional possibility is selection directly from the Start menu.

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1

CAD Modules

After calling the module CAD the plan worked on last is shown in its last state of editing. In this module the actual edeting of plans takes place.

CAD-user interface
The graphic screen in the CAD module is divided into four areas. Next to the actual drawing surface these are the upper and lower tool (and input) bar as well as the right toolbar. title bar menu bar main window symbols

upper toolbar tooltip right toolbar drawing area

lower toolbar (input and display) The input of the design and drawing elements takes place via the cross-hair pointer which is controlled by the pen or mouse. In addition there are many keys with additional functions that can be used alternatively to the cross-hairs. This makes it possible to use both the keyboard and the pen or mouse simultaneously!

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1

Create a new drawing

Create a new drawing

To create a new drawing select in the menu File the function New or Drawing data.

! !

A new drawing is defined by activating the icon Create new or to be entered a new File name. The most important entry in the drawing data is the File name. This is used in the drawing administration for all purposes of recognition and must be unmistakable. Also important are the sheet size and the main drawing scale. The Sheet size can be freely defined or selected from a list of standard European sheets. The Main scale should be the scale most often used in the drawing. Sheet size and scale can also be taken over from the previous drawing. All other texts are optional and serve as information which can also be displayed in the drawing using special references. By confirming the entries with OK, the new drawing is displayed in the CAD module for further use.

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1

Switching drawings

An existing drawing that has already been saved can be loaded from any working directory using the drawing administration in the CAD module using any of the following possibilities: Activate the drawing administration using the menu File > Open and the icon Load Activate the drawing administration with the menu File > Drawing data > and the the file name > activate the icon Load. Activate the drawing administration using Drawing: ... and the icon Load. button for

After selecting a drawing in the drawing administration and confirming with OK, it is loaded to the CAD module. For information, a window listing all segment data is displayed. This can be closed with OK.

Creating segments
A segment is a self-contained part of the drawing such as a section, view, plan or a detail with all of the related drawing elements. It constitutes a unit in itself that can be moved about the drawing, deleted or manipulated in other ways. One of the most important characteristics of a segment is the freely definable segment scale. A maximum of 250 segments may be included in one drawing. All drawing elements must be assigned to a specific segment. The title block and sheet border are always assigned to segment 1. Since no additional segment exists in a new drawing, a new segment must first be defined before any drawing elements can be made outside the title block. Multiple segments in one drawing

There is a difference between the active (or current) and inactive segments. Entries can only be made in the current segment marked by a solid border line. If entries are made in an inactive segment, marked by a dotted border, that segment is automatically made to the current segment.

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1

Create a new drawing

Drawing layers
Layers, also called overlays or levels, can be used to organize information in your drawing into smaller, more specific packages. This can then be used in specific data transfer with other planning associates or to plot general layout and reinforcement drawings from the same drawing. STRAKON allows you to use up to 300 layers in one drawing. Similar to overlays on the drawing board, layers can be displayed or turned off in any combination to enable a better overview of the drawing information you are currently working with. Layer contents are defined by the user and are not limited by segment borders! Drawing elements are placed in the current layer. Elements in displayed layers can also be picked (active) or displayed for reference only. Layers are defined and elements assigned to them in the Layer-administration. A major simplification of layer assignment is the possibility to automatically assign drawing elements according to user specific definition directly into various layers. The element assignment can be as general as all dimensions > layer 4 or as specific as lines, line style 7, pen weight 0.5 > layer 12. The elements are then sorted into the assigned layers automatically when drawn. The selective criteria are set in graphically interactive dialog boxes. Layers can also be quickly and easily grouped together. This way you could make a layer group for the general layout and another for reinforcement. Layers and layer groups are saved and administrated specific to each drawing. When an existing drawing is loaded, all of the previously defined layers for that drawing are loaded along with it.

Specific element assignment

Occasionally, the general layer - element assignment is too general. It is also possible to define specific selection criteria for the layer - element assignment. For example, lines: pen 0.5 mm, line style 9 > layer 17. The elements are automatically sorted into the respective layers according to selection criteria. Highest priority is given to the most specific criteria. As previously described for "general element assignment" >Automatic is also activated and the - elements assigned layers with the icon "Edit element - layer assignment".

Coordinate system and entry

Coordinate entry with the keyboard is made with X and Y coordinates separated by a (,) comma. The X coordinate must be entered first. The comma serves as a divider between the coordinates. A period represents the decimal point. Formulas can also be entered for each coordinate. The following coordinate system is used:

If only an X value is to be entered, the comma and zero for the Y value can be disregarded (e.g. 1.5). If only a Y value is to be entered, only a comma followed by the Y value is necessary (e.g. ,.5). If the entry is to be in both the X and Y directions these values must be entered at the same time.

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1

input, e.g. in m = 2,.5

Units of input (>m, >cm, >mm, >in, >ft, >yd)

In the right toolbar, the current units of input are displayed, e.g. >cm. By selecting that tool the units may be changed.

Relative, Polar and Absolute coordinates (>R, >P, >A)

The selected type of coordinate entry is displayed in the right toolbar, e.g. >R. By activating this function, the coordinate entry mode can be changed.

Angle definition
When working with oblique objects the definition of an element angle ( A = ... in upper toolbar) e.g. for text, or rotation of the coordinate system, i.e. the pointer (A in right toolbar) eases entry. The angle can be selected from the lower toolbar,

keyed in, or calculated using Pick angle in the upper toolbar.

Zoom views
Because it is difficult to read a full size A0 drawing on a monitor that is usually smaller than 300x400 mm, it is common to use zoom views. These views are defined with a pointer command or the menu View in the upper toolbar using a fence block.

Pointer commands
The pointer controlled by the mouse or graphics tablet is in many ways the main entry device in the graphic mode. Not only can the pointer be used to activate tools, select and draw elements, it can also be used to directly activate certain tools by simply writing their symbol. With a little practice, these pointer commands can be used to increase the ease and speed of working. To make a pointer command press and hold down the pen button or left mouse button and draw the related symbol on the contact surface. There are three kinds of pointer commands: Defining views in the CAD Module Activate fence block definition (DFB) Zoom view to size of the diagonal drawn Total view in window activate TVW in the right toolbar Refresh display Display last view (zoom) Zoom to right/left

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1


Create a new drawing

Zoom up/down Activate a Tool in the CAD Module Activate delete (DEL) tool Activate direct delete The starting point of the pointer command determines the element to be deleted. In the case of overlapping text, lower case is selected before upper case. Activate move (MOV) tool Activate modify (MOD) tool Activate direct global modification The starting point of the pointer command determines the element to be modified. In the case of overlapping text, lower case is selected before upper case. Activate copy (COP) tool Activate mirror (MIR) tool

Activate pick point (PP) tool Activate new origin

Activate delete backwards tool

Display all texts

End current function

Direct text modification

Activate/deactivate right angle for the pointer

Change to other screen Define zoom on other screen

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Version 5.1

Commands in the User Interface Activate OK-button Abort dialog box without saving


Zoom view to size of the diagonal drawn Activate delete tool Activate copy tool Page to the right/left in the list Page up/down in the list

A direct function change can be made by selecting an existing drawing element by holding down the pen tip and pressing its button or by pressing the center mouse button on a three button mouse (= click).

Error messages
As soon as STRAKON recognizes an error, for example caused by improper input, an error message is displayed in the lower toolbar. Depending on the type of error, which must always be recognized (by hitting the ENTER key or the pen/left mouse button), further inquiries are displayed to aid in removing this error or the program continues with its normal routine.

Displaying Drawing Elements

To enable a relatively quick display when the view is updated the hatch and text display is suppressed. The texts are replaced and marked by a place holder.

To display the texts, hatches and lines as they will be plotted, use the tool ON = "display drawing elements" in the right toolbar. The following drawing elements can be selected to be displayed in the current screen view.

Pen and Color Assignment

The definition of the pens and colors has been extensively enhanced, with special regard to windows compliance and can now be set using the menu point Extras > Pens or Colors respectively. The number of pens and their related colors has been greatly enlarged (max. 999 pens).

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1


Create a new drawing

Continuous functionality
End End a function or conclude a step within a function In the currently selected main function (line, dimension, reinforcement, etc.): (del) (deB) Delete a selected element. Directly delete the last defined element without selection. By reactivating this function, additional elements are deleted in reverse order of input. Modify the parameters of a selected element. Directly copy the last defined element.

(cor) (cop)

Key commands
There are many key commands available for calling up various help (graphic selection) windows, infos, etc. other key commands are used to pick a specific point. This makes it possible to work with both hands, one on the keyboard and one on the pen or mouse.

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1

Spacekey, p/P a/A b i/I j/J l/L m/M o/O q/Q s/S t/T u/U w/W z/Z Pick point Automatic point identification Change position of wall input line Take over element parameters Pick re-bar point Select middle of line Pick begin or end of dimension Select reinforcement ref. text position Pick auxiliary point Select intersection of two lines Pick point of text Pick point mesh Select wall input line Pick virtual D-mesh outline


All of the key commands are made by first placing the pointer near the point to be picked and then hitting the related key. To pick the midpoint between two points, pick the first point using P or the Spacekey and, instead of confirming this point, move the pointer to the second point and press the B key. The pointer is now located exactly between these two points and can be confirmed or modified as desired.

Any movement of the pointer is automatically interpreted as a modification of the coordinates. This means that the point is no longer "picked" and has to be picked again.

F1 F2 F3 Ctrl+Alt+a Ctrl+Alt+f Ctrl+Alt+i Ctrl+Alt+k Ctrl+Alt+l Help window overview Help window for type selection Show toolbar information Call special sign help window Call pointer command help window Help window to copy drawing texts Call key command help window Call reinforcement help texts

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1

Shift+F1 Shift+Tab

Create a new drawing

Click info Drawing info

Ctrl+A/Esc Abort function in CAD module

Paste texts and plan sections

The complex editing and planning requires the possibility to paste texts form other systems into STRAKON / STRAKIT and further use plan sections from the CAD in other programs. Therefore the Windows clipboard can be used with the shortcuts Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V for the following possibilities. Text assumption from text processing systems (e.g. Microsoft Word, Outlook, etc.) into STRAKON / STRAKIT, e.g. into the plan data, text input, etc. (only single lined and < 80 chars)

Copy the current screen section out of STRAKON / STRAKIT into the Windows clipboard, for e.g. integrating detail drawings into stats or other documentations.

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1

Creating plan example 01




Input of the formwork

1 4 2 3

Input dimension >m Activating the function (Lines) at the right tool bar.

Adjusting Lsty= = "linestyle" and P= "penweight"at the upper tool bar.


The individual pen numbers are marked on the screen with different colors. The pen number 9 = Nplo is the non plotting pen, which is represented only on the screen, e.g. as auxiliary line and is not printed out later.

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1


Creating plan example 01

> starting point of line (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...)
Selected starting point (point 1)

Cross hair

The desired starting point (point 1) will be selected with the cross hair and confirmed with RETURN. > Endpoint of line (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...) Entering the points 2 to 4 (each entry must be confirmed with RETURN): Point No.: 2 3 4

Input: 9.1 ,-0.5 -9.1

Entering a value <1 the leading 0 may be left out. Example.: ,.8 instead of ,0.80

Entering the line between points 4 and 1: This line could be created either by entering the coordinates (,0.5) or over identification of point 1. The identification of an existing starting- or end point of a line has to be made as follows: - Moving the cross hair near to the point (Ex.: Point 1) - Keeping the mouse still - Confirming with key P or the space bar - In the bottom tool bar this point is now shown for confirmation or correction. The identified point could now be corrected by coordinate input or by moving the mouse. Pressing RETURN confirms the point finally.

Moving the mouse before the final confirmation is recognized as correction of the identified point immediately. The point is no longer identified, and has to be caught again as explained before.

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1

Entering the lines from point 5 to 9:


5 6 7 9 8 cross-hair

Activating the function orig at the upper tool bar to define the new starting point of this line (point 5). > starting point of line (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...) Identify point 5 by pressing the key P or the space bar. Confirming this point. > Endpoint of line (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...) Move the coordinate giver down. Pressing the key R once activates the function rectangular, i.e. the cross hair can be moved only right-angled to the last identified point 5. Entering point 6 by freely moving downwards with the mouse pointer and confirming this point. > Endpoint of line (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...) Create a parallel line by activating the function (cop) in the first block of the right tool bar.

> determine new reference-point (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...) From point 6 (old point of reference), last entered, enter the coordinate 0.365 to point 7 (new point of reference). > Accept or correct point (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...) Confirming the new reference point. > determine new reference-point (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...) For further parallel lines first the right outside edge of the view has to be selected with the cross hair (s. picture). By pressing the key H the reference point of the last copy (point 7) will be projected horizontal to this outside edge (point 8). > Accept or correct point (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...) Confirming the new reference point. > determine new reference-point (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...) The last line (point 9) will be defined by entering -0.365. > Accept or correct point (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...) Confirming the new reference point. The function Continue / END terminates copying of the lines. DICAD Systeme GmbH Version 5.1

1 10

Creating plan example 01

Entering the line between the points 10 and 11:


Activating the function orig to define an new starting point of a line (point 10) and adjust Lsty= "linestyle" and P= "penweight" at the upper tool bar. > starting point of line (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...) "Catching" point 1 by pressing the key P or the space bar (without confirmation with the keyboard or the left mouse button). Editing the caught point 0.16m in negative Y direction (Input: ,-0.16). > Endpoint of line (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...) Enter point 11: 9.1


1 3 4

2 8 7

Input dimension >m Activating the function orig to define an new starting point of a line and adjust Lsty= "linestyle" and P= "penweight" at the upper tool bar.

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1

> starting point of line (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...)


The desired starting point (point 1) will be selected with the cross hair and confirmed with RETURN. > Endpoint of line (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...) Enter point 2: 2.0 Activating the function orig at the upper tool bar, to define a new starting point of the line (point 3). "Catching" point 1 by pressing the key P or the space bar (without confirmation with the keyboard or the left mouse button). ). Editing the caught point 0.16m in negative Y direction (Input: ,-0.16). Enter the points 4 to 8 (every entry has to be finished with RETURN): Point No.: 4 5 6 7 8 Input: 0.8 ,-0.34 0.4 ,0.34 0.8

The function Continue / END terminates the input of the lines.


Activating the function > Select starting point

(Dimensions) in the right tool bar.

Selecting the measurement type Multiple dimension in the upper tool bar. Select the desired starting point (point 1) with the cross-hair and confirm it with RETURN. > Select last point Select the desired end point (point 2) with the cross-hair and confirm it with RETURN. > Place dimension line (S=2 , M=1: 25) (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...) Define the length of the measurement chain with the cross-hair and confirm in with RETURN. > Select last point Select the desired end points (point 3 and 4) with the cross-hair and confirm them with RETURN. Close the entered dimension chain by activating the function Continue / END in the right tool bar. There is now the possibility, to create the next dimension lines in the same way.

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1


Creating plan example 01

Toggle from hor. to vert. in the upper tool bar (the Y-axis of the cross-hair will be shown as dashed line).

The input of the dimension takes place like before in dimensioning the view.

The function Continue / END terminates the dimension input.

Datum input
Position of tip of triangle

Activating the function > select reference-point

(Datums ) in the right tool bar.

Select the desired first reference point (point 1) with the cross-hair and confirm it with RETURN.

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1

> Position of tip of triangle (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...) Select the desired position over the grid of the hair cross and confirm it with RETURN. > 1st Reference height (ENTER=0.00 ):


The heigth of the first reference number is entered with the keyboard (Ex.: 2.78) > 2nd Reference height (ENTER=End ):

Confirm with RETURN only. > Select point for datum level Select all points, which should dimensioned with datums (points 1 and 2) in succession and confirm them. The datums will be shown directly in the selected position. Activating the function Continue / END twice terminates the datum input.

Hatch input
Activating the function (Hatches) in the right tool bar. Set or check the hatch type with the functions Standard hatch, Pattern hatch resp. Color hatch and Style=... in the upper tool bar (Ex.: brickwork). > Automatic | Indiv. points | Fence block | indiv. walls Selection of the function indiv. points

2 1

3 4

> area 1 | Select point 1 Select and confirm the points 1 to 4. To close the area, activate the function Continue / END during the inquiry for point 5. The input of a second hatch has to be done similarly. The function Continue / END terminates the input of the hatch.

Text input
Activating the function Define the pen thickness: Define the text height: DICAD Systeme GmbH (Texts) in the right tool bar. Upper tool bar P=... > Selection (Ex.: 0.7) Upper tool bar H=... > Input with keyboard (Ex.: 8 mm) Version 5.1


Creating plan example 01

Define the reference point of the text: Upper tool bar LB, ... > Selection (Ex.: middle-middle) Define the font: Upper tool bar Sws, ... > Selection (Ex.: Helvette black) > Text reference-point middle-middle Select the desired text position with the cross-hair and confirm it with RETURN.


Cross-hair for reference point of text middle-middle.


Enter the individual texts with the keyboard. Every text-input has to end with RETURN. The function Continue / END terminates the text input.

Adding section symbols

Select the function Symbols from the menu Accessories. > SYM: ... | place | generate | ... Select the function place Enter symbol name: (ENTER= ....) Select the desired symbol with the SYM-Admin in the upper tool bar. Mark (click) the symbol SECT2 in the shortlist.

Confirm the selection with OK.

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1

Selection of the chart dn-le (down - Line of sight left) from the sD-Selection.


> Determine position of sD dn-le: (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...) Place the section arrow at the desired position.

> Modify location: Select No

Yes | >No<

Selection of the chart up-le (top - Line of sight left) from the sD-Selection with the left mouse button. > Determine position of sD up-le: (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...) If the key r is pressed before the chart is placed, the section arrow could be placed right-angled to the first one. > Modify location: Select No Terminate this function by exiting the sD-Selection with Esc or with the symbol The function Continue / END terminates the symbol input. . Yes | >No<

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1


Creating plan example 02

Creating plan example 02

This example plan could be read in both, in the 2D-input of STRAKON/STRAKIT with the function Walls in the right tool bar, or created over the menu 3D > STRAKON 3D New (exception: STRAKIT) directly in the object oriented 3D-input and read in subsequently, into the 2D-input.

2D- ground plan input with the right tool bar

Activating the function (Walls) in the right tool bar. Define Lsty = "linestyle", P= = "penweight" and th= = "wall thickness" (Ex.: D = 0.24 m) in the upper tool bar. > (base level= 0.00, top level= 2.750) select begin of wall (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...) Select the desired wall starting point (point 1) with the cross-hair and confirm with RETURN. > (base level = 0.00, top level = 2.750) select end of wall (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...) Enter the desired value for the first wall end (EX.: point 2, entry: 6.24). > (base level = 0.00, top level = 2.750) select end of wall (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...) The input of the following walls takes place similary to the function Lines. After entering the last wall (closing the wall polygon) the first and last wall are displayed in marking color for finishing wall connection. > Merge | JoW | W-W | Butt | abort Activating the function JoW = "Connect walls". The walls, which should be connected would be displayed with marking arrows. > OK | abort After activating the function OK connecting the wall ends. > (base level = 0.00, top level = 2.750) select end of wall (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...) The function Continue / END terminates the wall input.

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1

Input of a wall opening
Activating the function > Select wall (DOOR) in the right toolbar. Setting the width of the opening in the upper toolbar (Ex.: B = 2.51 m).


Select and confirm the wall at its inner side and check or correct the setted measures of the opening with the function Menu in the upper toolbar. > distance to ref.point: | ..... | ..... | ..... | ..... | >...< | input: Enter the desired value (Ex.: 0.25 m). > Placement points OK Confirming with Yes End the function with Continue / END. Similar to this other wall openings could be placed with the functions (ope) (win = "window", rec = "recess", ope = "openings"). (win), (rec) and >Yes< | No

Adding hatching to the plan

Activating the function (Hatches) in the upper toolbar. Check or set the hatch type with the functions Standard hatch, Pattern hatch resp. Color hatch and Style=... in the upper toolbar (Ex.: Wall). > Automatic | Indiv. points | Fence block | Indiv. walls Activate the function Fence block > select corner of fence block (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...) Draw a section around the area which should be hatched.

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Version 5.1


Creating plan example 02

corner of section

reference point of the section > All | Elem | SYM,.. | Wll | Grp | cont. Therefore only walls and wall parts should be hatched in this section, only they should be selected by using Wll = "walls". > Select wall All walls in the selected section are shown in marking color. To add or remove individual walls afterwards, select them and confirm the selection. The function Continue / END terminates the selection. > All | Elem | SYM,.. | Wll | Grp | >cont.< Additionally there is the possibility to search for further elements. Activating cont. terminates the selection. > Take texts into account : >Yes< | No

If there are texts or measurements in the section, they will be left out by activating Yes. The function Continue / END terminates the hatch input.

Plan input using the menu 3D > STRAKON 3D New

Activating the module STRAKON 3D New in the menu 3D. Creating a new model or opening an existing model and define a Layer (Ex.: Ground floor), a View (Ex.: plan view) and a Working level (-0.100 m). WHAT-bar:

Select Components I and the type Wall. HOW-TO-bar: Wall

Select a wall type, a wall thickness (Ex.: single sheeted wall, thickness = 24,0 cm), further wall settings and construction inputs.

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1

> Enter starting point


The desired starting point (Point 1) will be defined with the cursor and the site of the wall will be defined in the HOW-TO-bar > Enter endpoint With the bottom toolbar all further wall ending points (Ex.: Points 2-6) will be entered similar to the 2D plan input (see Dimensioning in the example) Simply type in the desired values, the tabkey switches input from x to y (it is not necessary to click on the fields for input).

The wall polygon will be closed after entering point 6 by using the context menu (right mouse button) Polygon input > Close or by pressing key C.

Input of wall openings

Selection of the building part opening from the WHAT-bar. HOW-TO-bar: Door

Selection for the kind of openings, the width and height of the opening (Ex.: Door, B= 2.51 m) and further settings and construction inputs. > Opening: Enter position Define the desired reference point with the key B, selecting the wall at its inner side, setting the construction point with the key P and enter the spacing with the key A (Ex.: 0.25 m).

Output from a 3D-View to a STRAKON 2D-Segment

Complete 2D-Views (presently only lines, circles and texts) from the current model, e.g. sketches, sections and so on, would be taken over into the segments of the STRAKON-plans. The layer selection and the set visibilities are regarded for this transfer. The currently active view (Ex.: plan view) is taken over into a new segment. The segment is assigned the scale of the view.

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Version 5.1


Creating plan example 02

In the STRAKON 3D module GEO files are generated and can later be imported into STRAKON. This is done using the icon bar Views Output to STRAKON-Segment the menu item Views > Output to STRAKON-Segment.

Using the various tabs in the dialog the selection of the desired layers and elements as well as the assignment of the existing line types and text fonts to the available line and text types of the STRAKON 2D module. After transferring the GEO files to STRAKON it is currently necessary to close the 3D module. It is therefore necessary to set the option close STRAKON 3D in the STRAKON tab. The imported plan view will be placed into the plan in the STRAKON 2D-Module. > Drop segment in new location Define the position of the segment. The imported elements now could be edited, e.g. modified or elements could be added (Ex.: hatch, measurement, reinforcement, etc.)

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Version 5.1

Add the reinforcement to the plan examples 01 and 02


A new input technique has been developed for defining re-bar with a self-adaptive formwork contour recognition As always, this is based upon the associative link between formwork and reinforcement. Definition of the bar shape or the laying range is easier than before because input is made by simply sketching along the surrounding formwork. The program recognizes and highlights the correct, parallel formwork edges necessary for association and converts your freehand sketch into properly fitting reinforcement. Instant visualization of your entries and motions enables a direct control of the procedure. The same functionality is available for both round and straight reinforcement. A minimal set of rules and additional new logical associations ease your work additionally.

By properly referencing the reinforcement to the formwork edges, the reinforcement is always modified to fit its new formwork surroundings. For example, when the size of a footing is altered the reinforcement is automatically made to fit, bars are automatically lengthened or shortened, added or removed as necessary. To avoid errors, reference reinforcement only to the origin and endpoints of lines and arcs.

Both reinforcement bars and mesh can be generated. Prerequisite to reinforcement representation are existing formwork elements. The formwork edges serve as reference points for the reinforcement. By using the formwork elements as references for the reinforcement, the shape and quantity of each reinforcement item can quickly be deduced.

Types of reinforcement representations in the drawing

Reinforcement is displayed in the drawing using one of three display styles: the main view which defines the shape, the count view which defines the quantity and shows where the reinforcement is placed, and the bar/mesh representation which shows the exact shape with all related measurements and quantities. The sketches below clarify these definitions. Re-bar: count view top or bottom (CV)

bar representation

count view side (CV) main view

item no.

quantity/diameter/spacing/total bar length

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Creating plan example 02


It is general practice to draw bars cut in a section as small circles (points). These points are an additional type of the count view.

count view points

Mesh: count view mesh representation ( ) main view

item no.

quantity/mesh type/mesh width/mesh length

Main view (MV)

The main view of a reinforcement item is generally the view of its shape with all legs. An exception of this are threedimensional bars such as corbel reinforcement that have legs in X-, Y- and Z-directions. Another is bent mesh. In this case there are two main views which define the bearing and spacer wires. It is also possible to define a bar quantity in the main view which is used for the bar representation.

Count view (CV)

The count view (bars shown as they are to be laid) of an item is used to define the quantity of, and the spacing between bars. Additionally, the count view can be used to define the length of a single bar leg, especially for variable length legs of a reinforcement item.

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Version 5.1

Bar/Mesh representation (BR/MR)

The bar representation is the projection of the bar shape without surrounding formwork and is used to display the exact information regarding each leg length directly in its geometry. Information already defined in the main and count view are used, any missing information is automatically inquired. The label text lists the amount, diameter, spacing and total length of the item. It is also possible to distort the bar representation offering a more comprehensive projection.

Concrete cover (Cov)

Main view: c c c Count view, re-bar: c c c Count view, mesh: c c c c c c The cover is the edge distance between the concrete surface and the outside of the bar/mesh (possible exception: count view-side = axis).

Automatic cover definition

The position of a bar leg can be defined in reference to reinforcement already drawn in the member. Sketch the leg optically remembering how it will lay. The resulting cover is automatically calculated.

Input of the bar steel reinforcement into plan example 01

Adding bar steel requires concrete settings of the re-bar administration. The re-bar administration is the "control center" where the available bar diameters, weights, max. delivery length, values for the calculation of mandrel diameters and minimum hook lengths are all sorted according to the steel grades. Next to the steel grades are listed the formulas for the calculation of the mandrel diameters, and minimum hook lengths. These formulas are all calculated according to diameter. This is especially important when working on a project with other national norms. The desired formula for the hook lengths can be graphically selected. Additionally, the angle that defines the border between hooks and angle hooks can be set.

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Creating plan example 02

The re-bar administration will be activated by the function ( Re-bar) > Re-bar Admin in the upper toolbar. The values would be entered into the dialog box which has opened.

All of the following default values, with exception of the hook length formulas and the border angle, can be defined according to each steel grade. The defaults are saved along with each drawing. As both norms are currently valid but may not be mixed, both the DIN 1045 and the DIN 1045-1 are available to the user. This is determined using the default set selection

Administration > di1045-1.

Main View Rectangular or Range stirrup (MV-stir) in Section A-A (Item 1)

The polygon input of a rectangular stirrup is made by drawing on a rectangular inside the existing formwork. The first point of this rectangle has to be placed diagonally to the lock of the stirrup at its direction line, which is laying parallel to the opened stirrup leg. Select the function ( Re-Bars) in the right toolbar.

Select the function MV-stir in the bottom toolbar. Select the desired diameter (Ex.: 10). Check or edit the preset edge distance in the upper toolbar with the function Cov=... (Ex.: 3 cm). > Select stirrup corner on direction line (Click = Rangedef.) Select P1 and confirm. Select corner point 2 (and enter leg length) While drawing on the rectangle the appropriately associated lines would be marked. If the desired formwork edges are marked, confirm P2 and the stirrup will fit automatically with the entered edge distance into the formwork.

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Version 5.1

highlighted associated lines

P2 (location of stirrup hooks)


highlighted direction line

rectangular fence

> Hook length 1 (cm): (l=...) -... = column hooks | ... | >...< | input: It is possible to confirm the length of the hooks 1 and 2 or choose it from the bottom toolbar or enter it with the keyboard. With the following editing bar several settings could be changed or be confirmed with Continue / END. > Shape does not exist ! (max. = ...) Display | pick | >mark ...< | input: The program constantly checks the item numbers on the basis of the bending form entered and the selected diameter. If there is no similar item existing in the plan, the below shown bar appears. The biggest existing item number will be shown in brackets. The RETURN-key is preset with the first unused item number ( >mark ...< ) and could be confirmed or changed by input or identified. If the item already exist on plan, it is shown as message and the item number will be proposed by the program. > spac. for item ... (cm) -qty. | >no sp.< | .... | .... | .... | .... | 0.00 | input: This query is optional for reinforcement > Input mode selectable. The spacing for irons of this item could be defined for further layings in the main view. If an iron spacing should not been added in main view the option without has to be selected. > old add.txt | Itemtext (...): T The item text for the entered main view will be proposed by the program. It could be confirmed, modified or supplemented by adding additional texts. > Position of label (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...) The site of the item number can be determined freely. Using the following bottom correction toolbar several text corrections could be made or terminated by Continue / END.

Count view-laying (CV-lay) of the stirrups (Item 1)

Entering a laying field is made by opening a free rectangular. If there is defined a main view for this laying-able reinforcement item, the height of this laying field is known, the height can be shown while opening the laying rectangular. Select the function CV-lay in the bottom toolbar. Enter or select the laying item (= Pos.-No. of the existing stirrup). Select the desired possibility of laying (A = Area, L = Line) and iron view (plan, side, leg) Ex.: L-side). > Select corner point 1 on laying line (Click = Rangedef.) P1 will be selected and confirmed if the laying line is marked.

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Creating plan example 02

side associated lines P2


laying line

mark showing range height

> Enter corner 2 (L=offset -=centered) (outclick=angle) (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...) Opening the rectangular for the laying all lateral binding lines, the laying direction and the height of the laying field would be shown. After confirming P2 the laying field will be shown in marked colors. > spacing (cm) =qty. | pick | subranges | indiv | .... | .... | .... | >0.00< | input: Using the keyboard a constant spacing (Ex.: 20) for irons could be entered here. The number of necessary irons would be calculated by the program. Entering a number with prefixed "-"symbol, e.g. -5, enters the number of irons. The spacing of the irons would be calculated by the program then. Using the following bottom correction toolbar the inputs could be corrected or the function is terminated by Continue / END. > Count (MV+CV= ... Laying = ...): | 0.5 | 0 | 1 | ... | ... | >1 < | input: The irons of the current laying would be counted with the selected factor (Ex.: 1). So it is possible to count the laid irons of this item several times, without laying this item once again. Therefore the desired laying factor has to be selected in the toolbar or entered with the keyboard. In the following auxiliary window the desired iron marking could be selected from multiple Labeling styles. Some labeling styles ask for the drawing bars. > select bar to be drawn Selecting Continue / END the selected iron marking will be shown. The input and placement of item texts takes place alike the item texts of the main view.

Main View (MV) of the longitudinal bars in view (Pos. 2, top)

The shape of an open or closed (stirrup) re-bar item is defined using a "freehand" sketch in or around the member to be reinforced. The cover is always on the same side of the element as the pointer. Activating the function MV in the bottom toolbar. Selecting the desired diameter (Ex.: 14). Select starting point of bar shape (and enter leg length) The starting point of the bar shape should be selected at about the location where it will start in the member. The formwork edge (= element), nearest this point is highlighted. Is there a little distance between cursor and element point there will be marked a x. The leg starts at this point. If the nearest element point is not marked, the leg is recognized as a "modified leg" whose length is inquired after completing shape definition.

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Version 5.1

marked point (P1) marked formwork edge



Select P1 and confirm it if the point is marked. > Determine endpoint of leg (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...) P2 will be selected the same way P1 has been selected. Thereby it is necessary that during entry the upper formwork edge is marked and the drafted iron is crossing the existing stirrup laying, so that the automatically edge distance determination could be used. If P2 is additionally marked, it could be confirmed. > Define leg endpoint (and enter length) (l=.....) The beding form is finished by double clicking P2 or with Continue / END. Other inputs like possible corrections, item texts etc. have to be made similarly to the inputs of MV-stir.

Main View (MV) of the longitudinal bars (Item 3, bottom)

Activating the function MV in the bottom toolbar. Select the desired diameters (Ex.: 20). > Select starting point of bar shape (and enter leg length) marked point (P4) marked point (P1)


leg input


Select P1 with point marking. > Determine endpoint of leg (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...) Select P2. The vertical formwork edge has to be marked, a point marking is not necessary. > Define leg endpoint (and enter length) (l=.....) Select P3. The bottom formwork edge has to be marked, a point marking is not necessary. The existing stirrup laying will be intersected. > Define leg endpoint (and enter length) (l=.....) Select P4. The vertical formwork edge and P4 have to be marked. The bending form will be finished by double clicking P4 or Continue / END. Further inputs, like corrections, item texts, etc. have to be done similar to the previous main views.

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Version 5.1


Creating plan example 02

Count view-laying (CV-lay) of the longitudinal bars in section A-A (Item 2 and 3)
The definition of a point laying is made by sketching along the laying line. If the sketched line is over/under an existing bar leg (Ex.: Pos 1) the cover is automatically calculated. Generally, the starting and endpoints of a point laying are the nearest points, i.e. the corner (end) points of a bar leg or the nearest formwork points on the associated line. Activating the function CV-lay in the bottom toolbar. Enter or select the item for the laying (= Item 3, lower longitudinal bars). Selection of the laying possibility point in the bottom toolbar. > Select starting point of laying line


P2 laying line

Select P1 within the stirrup. > Select end of laying line (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...) Select P2 within the stirrup. > spacing (cm) =qty. | pick | subranges | indiv | .... | .... | .... | > ... < | input: The input of the number of irons (Ex.: -5) with the keyboard has to be done with front-standing --Char. The spacing between the irons is calculated by the program. More inputs, like corrections, counting factors etc. would be made similar to the input of CV-lay of the stirrup. Selecting the marking type with arrow, comb, or measurement representation, the marking line could be lengthened orthogonal after confirming the item text by the function arrow at orig.+end in the upper toolbar. Entering item 2, with the number of irons 2, has to be made similar to the item 3. laying line P1 P2

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Version 5.1

Bar representation (BR)


The bar representation is displayed as a dimensioned main view without the formwork. It combines the information from the main and count views. The item label text displays the total quantity, diameter, spacing and the total length(s). Activating the function BR in the bottom toolbar. Enter or select the desired item number (in Ex.: 1). If there are two legs lying above each other, e.g. at a stirrup, different views of the iron excerpt could be selected (in Ex.: Opened). > Place reference point The existing bending forms would be shown with their reference points in the bottom toolbar. This reference point has to be selected in the plan. initial reference point

> Position of bar After confirming the reference point the iron excerpt could be placed freehanded on the sketch. The bending form will be displayed thereby with thin white lines. The site of the excerpt is presetted right-angled to the main view. This setting can be switched on or off by using the key r. > Text positions | Del indiv. | del all | Additional text | >Continue< With this editing toolbar it is possible to delete, edit, or confirm with Continue / END the leg texts. The input and positioning of the item texts have to be done similar toe the item texts of the main view. The iron excerpts of the items 2 and 3 would be defined the same way.

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Creating plan example 02

More examples for the input of MV, MV-stir and CV

For simplification, the sequence of inputs of all reinforcement-examples is explained with the help of the following drawing symbols: Association point marked Points of association already used Association line Formwork Display of current cover 1:1- Representation ARU- Representation Normal- Representation Diameter of bending pins Hook input Displaying the site of the stirrup lock Stirrup lock recognition

Circular stirrup recognition

Connecting to formwork edge S

If necessary, additional explanations would be given directly at the respective example.

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Version 5.1

Shape definition: MV
Desired result: Desired result:


Input routine:

Input routine:

Automatical leg query

Desired result:

Desired result:

Input routine:

Input routine:

Leg 2 first will not be confirmed. With the keyboard *L0 = "Overlapping length" or. *... = "static value " will be entered.

Point 2 of the leg has to overlay the opposing formwork edge a bit.

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Creating plan example 02

Desired result: Desired result:

Input routine:

Input routine:

RaL predefined with 10 cm. Set raster at coordinate giver.

Add leg 3 with the same length (Eye measured) like leg. No correction of the leg is necessary.

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Version 5.1

Desired result: Desired result:


Input routine:

Input routine:

Conventional proceeding up to the connection point top left

All freehanded drawn anchorages into the wall would be interpreted as 180-Hook. The hook lengths would be asked for each case.

If leg 1 is overlaid, the stirrup will be closed automatically.

Automatically hook query.

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Creating plan example 02

Desired result: Desired result:

Input routine:

Input routine:

Identify point 2 with the space bar and edit it about its crank height in negative Y-direction. Identify this point and enter leg measurement and edge distance.

Leg 2 will only be entered eye measured. Leg 3 first is not defined in its length.

Crank width will be confirmed, crank hight will be entered. The end of the shank 3 will be confirmed. The length of shank 3 would be asked for subsequently.

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Version 5.1

Shape definition: MV-stir
Desired result: closed stirrup Desired result:


Input routine:

Input routine:

x = stirrup closure

Do not confirm the second corner of the fence. Enter the desired leg length of the connector with the keyboard.

automatically hook query.

Desired result:

Input routine:


Do not confirm the second corner of the fence. Enter *L0 = "lap length" or * = "fixed value" with the keyboard.

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Creating plan example 02

Laying examples: CV
Desired result: Desired result:

Do not confirm the second corner of the fence. Enter 40 cm as leg length with the keyboard.

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Version 5.1

Using existing reinforcement (Derivations)


The tool DfS = "Derivation from Sample", makes it possible to use existing reinforcement from one object for another, similar object, that is, to make a derivation. This reduces the time and work necessary for generating reinforcement, especially when an object has many various reinforcement items, since each formwork edge only need be assigned once for all of the items in that object. sample derivation

A derivation should always be made from a complicated object to a simpler object. No additional reinforcement must be generated, instead, the existing reinforcement is made to fit the shape of the object to be reinforced. The derivation is made by assigning new coordinates. The necessary coordinates (here: 1-6) are shown by STRAKON and defined in the object to be reinforced (here: 1A-6A). sample derivation

In the derivation, the shape or leg lengths of the main view, the quantity in the count view or even the diameter of the entire reinforcement item often are different than those in the sample. When making a derivation, STRAKON offers all of the modification possibilities that were available when generating the sample. The basics such as spacing or labeling remain unchanged. After activating RFO = Reinforcement, and then DfS = "Derivation from Sample", both in the right tool bar, a sample can be generated or reinforcement from a sample can be derived to fit an existing formwork object. Some of the most common reinforcement derivation samples are included with the standard STRAKON software package. Just a few of the reinforcement derivation samples available are: continuous footing sections, wall corner reinforcement in the plan view, ring beam reinforcement, corbels, dropped beam supports, or even a completely reinforced pump sump. These can be found in the derivation administration and may be selected from the list or using the graphic selection. The derivation administration is opened with DfS-Admin. in the upper toolbar.

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Creating plan example 02

graphic selection

selection list By selecting place derivation, the reinforcement from an existing sample can be derived into a similar object. The only requirement is that the formwork of the new object has already been drawn. The following inquiries are displayed: > Enter DfS name: (ENTER = ...) Default (ENTER = ....) is the last used derivation name. After entering the derivation name, a window with all the available subdetails of the sample is displayed in the upper left corner of the monitor as well as the subdetail selection dialog box (if there are more than one).

After selecting the desired subdetail from the selection list, the subdetail is displayed in the window and the first coordinate to be assigned is marked with a highlighted x. The reinforcement items from the sample are assigned their new reference points by assigning the marked point (coordinate) in the sample to a correlating point in the new object. > select new coordinate Once all coordinates have been assigned, it is possible to select which parts of the reinforcement are to be modified in respect to the sample. > Assemble reinforcement with inquiries? Yes | No In the upper tool bar the following inquiries can be toggled (>). These are inquired in any case, one after the other, for each reinforcement item.

Inquiries can be made for the mark line placement, the text position, the leg, hook and overlap lengths, the bar representation text, additive value for the item number, the diameter, the spacing between the bars and the position of the bar representation. Additionally, cranks and joggles can be modified (toggle >leg,hook).

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Version 5.1

> Additive value for bar mark: (ENTER = 0)


A value can be added to the item numbers in the drawing. By selecting from free no. in the upper tool bar the items are numbered from the next free number. To be inquired about each item number, select Inquire at each item in the upper tool bar. After confirming or modifying the concrete covers each reinforcement item is displayed highlighted. All of the previously selected modifications (upper tool bar: Assemble reinforcement with inquiries) are displayed for each item and are to be answered. It is possible to pass over an entry by selecting cancel input in the upper tool bar or to leave out an entire item with cancel item. The reinforcement items are then generated accordingly. Additional sub-details may be placed or the function concluded. Reinforcement samples can be created from various objects. These reinforcement samples can then be called up and placed (in derived form) into similar objects at any time. The derivative samples are saved and can be found in the derivative administration DfS-Admin. > Enter DfS name: (ENTER = ...) The sample is saved and can later be found in the derivative administration under this name (max. 8 characters). > Enter description text (max. 40 char.) This is for a better description of the derivative sample. This text is also displayed in the derivative administration.

A maximum of 10 subdetails can be made for one sample, here: 2


top view

The subdetails are defined using fence blocks or from complete segments. Once a subdetail has been defined, it must be named. > Enter name for subdetail (max. 10 char.) To make it easier to recognize the individual subdetails it is recommended to name each of these with a short text. These texts are namely listed for selection when later deriving the reinforcement. If the name or derivation subdetail are to be redefined, select the respective subdetail text in the dialog box displayed directly after defining all subdetails.

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Creating plan example 02

An automatic search for all elements can be activated using the checkbox. After confirming the selection list with OK, all elements and then the reinforcement are displayed highlighted. Any elements that are not to be included can be toggled off, or any that are supposed to be included but are not displayed highlighted can be toggled on. Automatic search immediately takes all formwork and reinforcement without further inquiry. Once the respective elements have been assigned to each subdetail, the concrete covers can be assigned descriptions in the following dialog box. By assigning descriptions to the various covers it is possible to recognize and alter the covers appropriately when deriving a reinforcement sample.

Note that only the absolute values of the existing concrete covers is listed. To get the most out of a derivation, it is recommended to use various values for the concrete covers in the sample. Once all subdetails have been defined, the sample derivation is saved and the process is automatically concluded.

Entering the mesh reinforcement in example plan 02

Please check the settings in the Mesh-Administration before entering welded wire fabric - mesh reinforcement. All the various types of mesh and chair mesh, their measurements and parameters are found in the mesh administration. The entries define the settings for straight and bent mesh of the mesh types Standard, Special and Design mesh as well as the chair mesh groups APSTA, SBA and DISTA. The steel grade for calculation is internally defined to BSt 500M. If another steel grade is to be used, a new link and, if necessary, a new set should be created. The calculations, such as mesh weight, etc. must be manually entered in the mesh administration. The related mesh parameters are then loaded along with the mesh when laying. As default, the STRAKON mesh administration is supplied with the new standard mesh catalog from BAUSTAHLGEWEBE GmbH (update 01/01/97) and the chair mesh groups APSTA, SBA and DISTA. In addition, your national supplier may have included a standard mesh catalog for your country. Its contents can be expanded and modified at any time. The mesh administration can be modified and expanded at any time, this makes it possible to define and administrate special and design mesh here as well.

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Version 5.1



The mesh administration can be directly opened when working with mesh ( ) or chair mesh ( ) in the initial upper toolbar or when selecting the mesh type to be used (MV, CV, MR) with MAT-Admin wherever displayed.

The mesh administration dialog box is divided into many areas. The left area contains the mesh selection and definition list with the mesh/user specific entries. The mesh highlighted (cursor location) in the selection list is shown in the graphic display. Note that the graphic display is only symbolic, the true parameters are displayed in the related text boxes. The right area displays the mesh type selection, additional weight information, cross sections, lap lengths and additional definitions when using short wires in a mesh. The upper dialog box area contains the icons and administration definition such as the set for design mesh, the catalog display and the selected link. The functions of the mesh input are similar to the functions of re-bar in general.

Using bended meshes it is expedient, to create the necessary auxillary views and after that the according main views, while using this program.

Count view-laying (CV-lay)

The polygon definition rules described for re-bar also apply to mesh. Mesh reinforcement is laid using a laying range or a laying line. In a range, the measurements of the outside (first and last) mesh in each row can be defined. The bearing and cross directions are defined after the polygon, the first polygon point merely defines where STRAKON is to start laying the mesh.

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Creating plan example 02

Entering auxillary views in a laying field

Activating the function (Mesh) in the right toolbar. Activating the function CV-lay in the bottom toolbar. > Select corner point 1 on laying line (click = Rangedef.) The different laying possibilities and the edge distance fort he laying could be defined or controlled in the upper toolbar. In Ex.: Activate function Range = "Room definition". Cov= -8: A negative edge distance defines the bearing of the meshes on the wall. The desired corner-point will be selected and confirmed with double clicking. After confirmation the coordinate giver (mouse or pen) should not be moved, because else the room definition, which is identified by the program will be switched off.

cross hair range definition highlighted laying line However if the coordinate giver is moved, the room definition could be redone again with the function Range in the upper toolbar. > input of opening(s) Yes | >No< Laying is done without recesses.

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Version 5.1

> Meshname: | New des. mesh | >Q131< | input:


The desired mesh type could be selected using the upper toolbar via the mesh administration (MAT-Admin) or selecting the bottom toolbar or using the keyboard to enter capital letters (Ex.: Q257 A). > Cross: Bearing joint= ... | Spacer joint= ... | No joint | >...< | input (cm): This pre-set values could be applied directly or new values could be entered manually (Ex.: 50 cm). > Width of mesh in first row (ENTER= 215.00 cm) The mesh width of the first row will be confirmed with ENTER (= Selection 215.00 cm). > Cross: ... | spread | Without | >R/L .../... cm< | input For the input of the last mesh, i.e. the odd mesh measurement are several possibilities available: For the odd mesh measurement the maximum mesh width could be quartered or the laying field could be recalculated by activating spread. The recalculated complete meshes would be uniformly distributed (dispersed) on the whole laying field width, so that a new superposition length is resulting from it. > Modify lap length: to last overlap | distributed in all laps Yes after confirming the subsequent defined value is > New overlap (47.25 cm) OK ? > Yes < | No the new superposition length. If the superposition length is not defined correctly, the program returns automatically to the last query and the odd mesh can be redefined. If the superposition length is okay similar querys for distributing in bearing direction (longitudinal) will follow. If the laying field should be laid crossways without odd mesh, i.e. laid with gap, Without has to be confirmed. No other query follows for the laying crossways. This you should do primarily, if the odd mesh width is very small and adding some re-steel seems to be better. Activating the function R/L the calculated odd mesh width (R) could be used. The overlap (L = odd mesh width overlap length) would be shown at the same time. If none of the aforesaid values should be used, the odd mesh width could be defined manually (in Ex.: Entry: 107.5 cm). > New overlap ( 53.50 cm ) OK ? Select Yes > Length of first mesh | Remnants | > 500.00 cm < | Input.: _ Similar to the width the length of the starting mesh and the possible odd mesh would be defined. The primary mesh row would be marked. In the bottom toolbar the following possibilities for the subsequent row arrangement could be defined. > Row OK: Yes | No | Group | >Automatic< | abort Yes | No

Clicking Yes the laying takes place in series with the querys for distributing every following row in longitudinal direction. Clicking No the layed mesh row will be deleted. The query about th elongitudinal distribution occures again for the same row. This Automatic affects, that the laying field ist laid directly complete.

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Version 5.1


Creating plan example 02

With abort the whole laying will be terminated and the mesh laying could be repeated. Activate Automatic > Modify Laying | Remnants | Position | del.M | Llb | ... | >cont.< Selecting Continue / END finishes the laying.

General main view (MV)

The main view is generally the view that displays the mesh from the side (bearing or cross wires) showing all bends. The view of a bent mesh is defined by activating MV = Main view in the initial lower toolbar of mesh.

The selection for the main view is divided into general shapes and stirrups for stirrup and round cages. The main view defines the bent shape of either the bearing (longitudinal) or spacer (transverse) wires of a mesh. The reinforcement polygon is defined in the same way as for re-bar. The mesh type can be selected from the lower toolbar. It is also possible to call the mesh administration using MAT-Admin in the upper toolbar. The last used mesh type is offered by default. If no mesh have been used, the first mesh in the administration list is offered. The mesh name (type) is case sensitive, upper and lower case must be regarded. The width/length of the mesh that has not been defined by the main view must be manually selected. For an item with no count view, the standard length (e.g. 500.0 cm) or the standard width (e.g. 215.0 cm) is offered as default. For an item with a count view, the width defined there is offered as the default.

Main view of stirrup or U-shaped mesh cages (MV-stir)

The function MV-stir can be used to define standard or torsion stirrup cages using a rectangular (oblique) fence, hairpin style cages with fixed leg lengths, or flat mesh with a hook at both ends. Polygon definition of main views of stirrup and U-shaped cages is made similarly to re-bar.

Mesh representation (MR)

The mesh representation is displayed as a dimensioned main view. The bent shape as well as the second main view may be displayed. As a rule, the mesh representation displays the combined information from the main and count views. The item text shows the total amount, mesh type and mesh size. The mesh representation is placed by first activating MR or MR-Pol = Mesh representation in the lower toolbar.

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1

Chair mesh


Chair mesh (APSTA, DISTA, SBA and SCHLANGE) can be shown in cross section, with the desired quantity, placed in the drawing, and listed in reinforcement schedules. Activate the ) in the right toolbar. function RFO > ( APSTA SBA DISTA SCHLANGE

40 U20, S = 60 cm, wgt. = ... kg

SBA..., S = ... cm, wgt. = ... kg

DISTA..., wgt. = ... kg

SCHLANGE..., wgt. = ... kg

Reinforcement schedules
Reinforcement schedules can be printed externally or they can be plotted to the drawing.

Reinforcement scheduling in the drawing

After toggling to the reinforcement module and activating Reinforcement schedules in the right tool bar. If there already is a reinforcement in the drawing, the following types of schedules can be displayed: reinforcement, external style or bar shape schedule. According to the reinforcement types and steel grades in the drawing the respective reinforcement schedules can be selected from the lower tool bar, for example:

BSt ... Mesh Chair mesh

Re-bar steel schedules for each steel grade used in the drawing Mesh schedules Chair mesh schedules

> BSt 500 S | Mesh | End The desired bar steel type would be selected in the bottom toolbar (Ex.: BSt 500 S). > Pos. of reinf. schedule BSt 500 S (S...: A: ..., X=..., Y=...) The position of the bar steel schedule could be defined freely. > Position OK: Yes | No Selecting No enables the schedule to be repositioned. Once confirmed with Yes the schedule frame is displayed in its normal colors.

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Version 5.1


Creating plan example 02

External reinforcement schedules

External re-bar and mesh Reinforcement Schedules are defined and generated in their own module Rfo.Sched opened in the menu File > Print > Reinforcement lists In addition to the bar list of all bar items, a bar schedule with dimensioned bar shapes and mesh schedules where a quantity optimization is also included as a standard STRAKON feature can be printed or plotted.

Text definition for the schedule head is partially arbitrary. The first and second lines are reserved for the header, for example company name and address, which is usually static after initial definition. Line three is for any arbitrary text applicable to that drawing schedule. Company info Page 1/1 Date your text here Project : Drw. No ReinDrw Section Order Steel : : : : : Line 3 Line 1 Line 2

BuiPart Client

: :

Various caption headers for lines 1 and 2 can be selected using the header manager and defined using the header editor. Caption The header manager is opened with the button. The actual text contents of a header file are defined using the header editor, opened with the icon = Editor. Parameters, such as #B = "page number" may be used in addition to arbitrary text. The parameters are replaced by the current applicable data in both the preview and in the final printout. The permanent text manager can be used for line 3 of the schedule head. YOUR TEXT The text manager is opened with the button.

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1

Select list


All additional texts for the schedule header, such as the drawing number are automatically taken from the drawing data. These texts cannot be modified in the module Rfo.Sched.

By activating the related check box, multiple reinforcement schedules for one drawing can be printed/plotted, one after the other, without having to restart the procedure each time. A cover sheet can be printed, regardless of the schedule selected. The desired cover sheet is button, which opens a further dialog box. selected using the The schedule for chair mesh output can also be selected in a dialog box.

Additional options

The desired settings for the external reinforcement schedules can be made in an additional dialog box. In addition to the various pen weights, the schedule header precursory texts, the diameter groups and various list options can be defined using the standard functionality as described below. Reinforcement list: Bar shape schedule:

Mesh cutting schedule:

Mesh totals list:

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Version 5.1


Creating plan example 02

Special purpose mesh schedule: Design mesh schedule:

Automatic export of STRAKON-schedules into Microsoft Excel

Every text schedule as well as the bar schedule, bending schedule and mesh schedule, special mesh list (without design mesh) and the (net) mesh list can be exported for printing into Microsoft Excel. It is possible to create an individual template for each schedule.

Required for the data export is a connected standard Windows system printer, Microsoft Excel 97 or newer, and in STRAKON the output device, listed below, and the port (file): EXCELDRV Reinforcement schedule (steel schedule, bending schedule, mesh schedule) Text schedule, particularly the drawing managements schedules and the BiP- and element schedules of the module SHEDULE


Reinforcement schedules without batch mode regarding the re-bar and mesh management will be exported. The schedules are exported and sorted by steel grade in the selected templates.

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1



It is possible to change the layout of the schedules using the standard functions in Excel and add additional information by using the sum or formula functions. Among other things, this enables the input to a new reinforcing item by inserting a new line, the manual summation of the steel from several drawings (selection in the drawing administration) and the output of several STRAKON lists into one Excel file or the creation of a delta list with a new drawing index. Also the manipulation of the number of bars in the bar lists is possible at any time with the Excel functions. The reinforcement lists contain furthermore the information from the drawing data (project, component, building owner, drawing no. etc). In addition, list entries, like page name, volume weight, total amount, etc. can be modified and individual formats can be created. For this purpose the file DICADEXCEL.FORM in the STRAKON directory has to be edited, e.g. the page name: SL&s. &n SL = Steel-List; s = page number (must be defined!); n = file name

Steel schedule in standard format

The format template for each individual list can also be individually created similar to the standard list formats with the help of the Excel functions. The definition of the list settings with the menu Extras > Options > EXCEL-Templates is required to create an individual template. In the Windows program started with that command

settings may be defined by choosing the tab-register listing the kind of schedule (steel schedule, mesh schedule, etc). It is possible to select a standard template from STRAKON Version 4.40 or an existing Excel-Template ( *.XLT) for the list output.

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Version 5.1


Creating plan example 02

Standard template Output as in STRAKON Version 4.40 Existing template file (*.XLT) Select the templte to be used Steel schedule

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Bending schedule

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DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1

Drawing schedule/list


Build in part schedule

Saving a plan
It is always wise to save a drawing before switching to another drawing, quitting or turning off the computer. A plan has to be saved once, to be available as loadable plan in the plan administration. This could be made via menu File with the following possibilities:

! ! !

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Version 5.1


Saving a plan

The current drawing is saved, but not closed. Further detailing can be done directly.

Save as
The current drawing can be saved with a new name, but is not closed immediately. Optionally, you can continue or quit working, change drawings or start a new drawing.

Save and close the current drawing. A new drawing can then be opened, for example.

Generalities about Saving a plan

If the drawing is being saved for the first time, it is automatically stored in the current working directory. When saving a drawing that already has been saved, the following dialog box is displayed:

Note that Overwrite is directly activated, whereas New name and Overwrite + new name must first be confirmed with OK.

The previous drawing is simply written over by the current drawing when saving. The file name and contents are displayed for information only and cannot be changed here.

The previous drawing is written over and renamed by the current drawing.

The current drawing is saved under a completely new name. The previous drawing remains unchanged. After activating Overwrite + new name or New name the text boxes are cleared for entry. The drawing name, its contents and other information can be redefined. If the name of an existing drawing is entered, it will be written over.

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1



Quitting the plan without saving it before, e.g. by activating the data record designation in the primary upper toolbar, the following message appears.

Clicking Save you will be branched to the dialog box of the function Save explained before. Clicking Do not save the plan administration will be opened without saving the plan, the plan still kept locked for all other users. Do not save + unlock is only valid using networking systems. Herewith the current standing of the plan would not be saved, but the access for other users would be unlocked.

Output of a plan to printer / plotter

The results of the CAD work can be placed on paper, vellum, etc. This can be made in the sizes A4 to A0 with extra length on plotters or a printout can be made with a printer. Nearly every plotter is supported by STRAKON since most of the plotters on the market support the graphic command language defined by Hewlett-Packard (HPGL). Additionally, STRAKON directly supports Calcomp-, Oc- and Houston-Instruments graphic commands. After calling one of the plot or print commands, the output device must be selected. This and the definition of all the necessary device parameters (driver, output channel, etc.) are made in the respective administration. The output device administration can either be activated in one of the plot or print functions or in the menu Extras > Options > Output devices. The listing for one output device contains all the information necessary to run the plotter or printer such as the output style, the plotter or printer driver, etc. The following options can be used to plot or print an entire drawing, a part of a drawing or one of the many lists and administrations in STRAKON:


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Version 5.1


Output of a plan to printer / plotter

The functions Plot and Plot Direct enable you to: scale down the drawing to any size selectively plot one or more of the segments selectively plot one or more of the layers in any combination The function Plot Referenced details enables an individual composition of various drawing parts (extracts) into a plot drawing. This is useful, for example, when designing a large building in an oversized drawing where the drawing plots are to be on standard size sheets. The functions Print enable a direct plot of drawing extracts without changing modules.


Plot direct
The current drawing can be plotted directly to the selected output device without calling up the Plotter module.

Generally the immediate plot of a drawing is made with the last options defined in the Plotter module. These should therefore be checked and modified, if necessary.

Plotting drawing extracts

Direct output of part of the screen (drawing) to a plotter or printer capable of vector graphics. After activating the tool and selecting the desired output device the following sizes for the cut out range can be selected in the lower tool bar:

Cut out range: A3, A4h, A4q

After selecting the size and defining the desired scale for the plot a fence the size of an A3 or A4 page is displayed on the screen and can be freely moved about with the pointer. > Reduction factor: ENTER = ... > Plot multiplier for layings: Yes | No

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1

The drawing cutout can also be plotted with a 90 rotation onto the selected sheet format.


Cut out range: present screen

The cut out range present screen is the part of the current drawing that can be seen on the graphic monitor. The drawing section to be plotted must therefore be determined before selecting the function. Otherwise the routine is similar to the previously described routine for the output of screen cut outs in A3 or A4 format..

Cut out range: select cut out range

By selecting this function, any part of the drawing can be defined to be cut out and plotted. Otherwise the routine is similar to that described previously for the output of screen cut outs in A3 or A4 format.


The mb-Viewer integrated into the plan administration made a 1:1- preview possible, from the plan which should be plotted or the plot file, which should be sent by mail, without opening the plan before. It is a precondition, that the option Create plot file while saving in the menu Extras > Options > Other is activated and the output device is defined with a HPGL- driver and the output type file.

Output devices
To use an output device (printer or plotter) the necessary information such as the driver, connection or output channel and if necessary the spool and plotfiles must first be defined. This information is saved under an arbitrary device name in the output device administration which can be opened in each plot or print function as well as in the menu Extras > Options > Output devices.

The list contains all of the output devices defined by the user. ber die Icons in der Dialogbox kann ein neues Ausgabegert angelegt oder ein Gert fr die Ausgabe gewhlt werden. Create new Insert a new output device into the list of devices. The line cursor then automatically jumps to the next free line in the list. The desired entries can be made by activating the respective column in the line. The newly defined output device must be saved with OK, otherwise the line is deleted when another icon is selected. Choice Select the desired output device to print/plot with.

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1


Output of a plan to printer / plotter

The following output device data have to be defined: Device name Name of output device (arbitrary name, max. 12 characters) Depending on the option "plot" or "print" the style Plot or Print is automatically defined. It is possible to use one driver for multiple output devices in the list. Each of these devices can even have varying initialization data. Select the output channel button is displayed on By activating the column Channel (Device), a the right of that line. By activating this button the channel selection dialog box is displayed for MS-DOS systems and the list of output devices for Windows 95/NT systems. Name of the plotfile for the output channel File. The name of the plotfile is arbitrary, it must however meet the MS-DOS and network conventions for filenames. The plotfile can then be used and manipulated with normal operating system commands.



Plot file

Selecting the driver for Plotter/Printer

Every defined output device has to be installed with the proper drivers.

Additionally, all the drivers that are supported by STRAKON can be. This way the list of output devices can be defined user specific. The icons can be used as follows: Create new Add new driver Activating this icon displays the complete list of all plotter drivers for selection. Select the new driver and confirm with OK. After confirming OK you will be brought back to the user list. Here it is necessary to confirm the driver again by clicking OK and select it for the current output device with the icon Choice Therefore OK has to be confirmed again. Note that each new driver added to the user list must have its own individual name. If an existing driver name is entered by mistake, the dialog box will not close. A new name must be given. This protects you from writing over one of the current drivers in the user list.

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1



Similar to the plotter drivers the list of the printer drivers contains the common printer driver data. The selection list of printer drivers contains the defined printer driver types.


The output of plans, schedules, etc. to a HPGL- able color plotter/-printer could be done autonomously from the color selection for screen, with separate color settings. I.e. the user is allowed to use his own colors for the construction on the screen and a different, driver dependent color output for the plotter / printer. To use this output option, it is necessary to use the enhanced plotter- resp. printer drivers. These new drivers are delivered within the installation of STRAKON / STRAKIT Version 5.0 and placed into the entire list of all drivers (*.drv).

Converting, Importing / Exporting

The data exchange functionality between the GEO and DXF/DWG file formats can now be found in the menu File > Import / Export and Convert. These menu points offer the functionality of the known functions XYZ > D>G, G>D, GEO.

The direct call of the convert module is now made using the menu item File > Convert.

The conversion possibility GEO > DXF/DWG offers the known functionality of G>D and DXF/DWG > GEO the function D>G.

Convert GEO file in DXF/DWG file

When converting GEO files in DXF/DWG files it is now possible to write in various AutoCAD target versions (R9-2002), assign text styles using a dialog (when assigning TrueType use the extension "ttf"). Additionally, the second dimension text is written as a TEXT entity.

Convert DXF/DWG File in GEO File

When converting to the GEO format or directly importing a DXF/DWG file the program recognizes the AutoCAD release version of the file.

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1


Converting, Importing / Exporting

Import / Export
In addition to file conversion between the formats GEO and DXF/DWG, STRAKON / STRAKIT now also offers the possibility to directly import DXF/DWG files into a drawing or export directly out of a drawing.

Import DXF/DWG or AOB > D>G and GEO

The existing DXF/DWG file is converted into a GEO file and can then be directly imported into the STRAKON drawing.

In this dialog is the possibility to view the DXF/DWG file before conversion using the button

The Preview is made using the program that is registered as the standard viewer for DXF/DWG files on your system, e.g. Volo View Express.

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Version 5.1

Export DXF/DWG or AOB > GEO and G>D


Create a STRAKON GEO file and convert it to a DXF/DWG file to be used by another program system.

The option Convert to target format is set by default. When not set, only a GEO file will be created and no conversion will be made. It is now possible to determine the DXF/DWG target version for the file export Target release In the drop down list all available releases can be selected for the conversion.

Data output via special interfaces

The STRAKON / STRAKIT program system offers the possibility to export drawing data (geometry, reinforcement, etc.) for further use in the cost estimation and production planning program BETSY. The STRAKON / STRAKIT-plan data output contains add-ons with costs, which could be received from DICAD Systeme GmbH.

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Version 5.1



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Version 5.1

Menu Bar


New Make a new drawing

Open Load an existing drawing using the drawing administration

Open By Name Load an existing drawing by typing in its drawing name.

Open KON-File

Close Save and close the current drawing. A new drawing can then be opened, for example.

Save The current drawing is saved, but not closed. Further detailing can be done directly.

Save as The current drawing can be saved with a new name, but is not closed immediately. Optionally, you can continue or quit working, change drawings or start a new drawing.

Send The current drawing is saved and can be sent to other parties using the DICAD E-Mail-Wizard.

Work directory Change or make a new working directory.

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Version 5.1


Menu Bar
Drawing data Open the drawing data of the current drawing or begin a new drawing.


Import and Export GEO, DXF and DWG files, import drawing segments, and export point coordinates in REB format.


Convert GEO files to DXF or DWG and vice versa.


The description for each function is included in separate documentation.


Output of drawings, drawing details, lists and macro plots on a printer or plotter.

Printersetup Definition and selection of the output devices, driver and output types.

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1

Plot Referenced Details Individual composition of various drawing extracts into a separate plot drawing.


Exit Quit working in the STRAKON / STRAKIT CAD module.


The functionality found in the menu Edit correspond mainly with the known functions found in the right toolbar such as function specific element modifications, the special functions Move, Copy, etc., element functionalities as well as identification functionality (i.e. pick point, line, wall construction line, reinforcement points, and so on).


The functionality in the menu View correspond to the known panning and zoom functions found in AOB > DFB, display refresh and the definition of multi-windows.


The menu Accessories contains the various construction aids and the archived and reusable drawing symbols, details and other files, e.g. symbols and details.

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1


Menu Bar

Break Down

The menu contains the various element Break Down Possibilities. A description of these functionalities can be found in separate documentation.


Additional basic functions such as the grid raster settings, coordinate display, the calculator or running another program can be found in the menu Other. The Windows calculator is called with Calculator.


The functionality in the menu Extras corresponds with the functionality found in the Setup module, color and default settings, the Toolbar Editor and the command functions.

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1



Integration of the new STRAKON 3D module. Now, with STRAKON 3D every user (STRAKON/S and NP) can plan his structures in the cumulative model. Using the building model, views and sections can easily be defined. These are then integrated into the drawings and can be detailed using the entire functionality provided by STRAKON enabling you to make a high quality drawings in record time.

The user finds here comprehensive information to all program functionalities, the hotline and the products STRAKON / STRAKIT.

Help STRAKON / STRAKIT has the known comprehensive online help. New is the context sensitive online help, that can be called in every STRAKON / STRAKIT function. Using the menu ? > Help or by pressing the F1 key causes a jump to the description (chapter) for the currently running function, for example if the function Rectangles is active and the F1 key is pressed, the online help is opened to the chapter "rectangles".

Help windows Opens the known help windows for key definition, pointer commands, drawing texts and click functions

as well as a display of the information for the current drawing: link name, work directory, drawing name and the path.

Modules Shows the current STRAKON / STRAKIT modules with release number and date.

Hotline and Information about STRAKON / STRAKIT If you have questions to STRAKON / STRAKIT and its functionality, feel free to contact our Hotline or inform yourself online.

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1


Right Toolbar

Right Toolbar
Switching between Text- and Icon bar
With the first installation of STRAKON/S the new icon bar and using the update version the last used bar is preset by default. Alternatively it is possible to switch between text and icon bar in the module CAD. The functions of the individual buttons are not affected by that. STRAKON/S Icon toolbar
Delete Correct Lines Rectangles Circles Dimensions Datums Texts Hatch Walls Windows Recess Pick segment Distance etc. between two points Angle for input coordinate system Total view of drawing in Window Switch display of drawing elements ON Activate layer no. Delete elements backwards Copy Reinforcement bars Mesh reinforcement Derivation from sample Section through reinforcement Reinforcement schedule Chair mesh Formwork detailing switch Columns Doors Opening Segment: create, data, swap ... Plot Angle for rotating displayed drawing Refresh display Select input via relative, polar or absolute coordinates Select input unit: cm, m, mm, in, ft, yd

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1

Text toolbar


Icon toolbar


End a tool function, conclude a step del Delete an element of the current main tool (line, dimension, reinforcement, etc.) deB

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1


Right Toolbar
Immediately delete the last entered element without selection Activating this tool anew causes the elements to be deleted in the reverse order of entry. cor Correct the parameters of an element from the current main tool cop Copy the most recently entered element BT Data of the current drawing Save drawing Save to local drive on networked systems Open the drawing administration Read in a drawing directly using its filename Swap working directory Call up the module PLOTTER Plot the current drawing immediately Plot referenced details Activate the reinforcement schedule module Activate the FEM-reinforcement module Plot macros with variables Hard and software configuration Quit the module CAD and jump back to the main menu Lines Rectangles Circles and arcs Walls > toggle to > Dimensions Datums Texts Hatches col Draw a column using the wall function win Windows doo Doors Wall openings rec Recesses ope Openings


Special functions > Flap function STRAKON/S: Text toolbar Icon toolbar

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1

SPF PP PCC PiI P-E PpM TOP PiT Special pick functions Pick point (P, Spacebar*) (/ **) Pick circle/arc center point Pick intersections (S*) PmL PpD PpW Pick midpoint of line (L*)

Pick point of dimension (M*) Pick point of wall input line Define new point - element to point Pick point of re-bar Pick end of text (T*) Pick auxiliary point Pick point of slab

Define new point - point to element (H,V,C*) E-P Pick point of mesh Pick origin of text (T*) Pick text (I*) PRB TEP PAP PSl


Special element modifications Join elements with one another Trim an element to meet a point Element between two elements Tangent from a point to a circle Draw circle using two points Cut elements at intersection CTE PAR C3P E-E CUT Extend element 1 to element 2 Cut an element between two points Circle tangential to an element Make a parallel to an existing elem. Draw circle using three points


Special editing functions Move segment, fence or points (> **) Copy segment or fence ( **) **) DEL MIR DAP ImS Delete segment or fence ( Mirror (S **) Define auxiliary points Import segment from another draw. Define the multi-window display Additional programs **)

Modify parameters of lines, text, ... (


Plot screen (hard copy) Read write data to/from file WIN APr * = key command ** = pointer command

MIR Mirror (S **) ImS Import segment from another drawing DAF Read/write data to/from file AOB Any other business functions

+-* Calculator function # Define pitch for raster in x and z direction CO LIP CO Coordinate display during input on/off LIP

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1


Right Toolbar
Listing of point coordinates with REB-format in file TED Toolbar editor ICN Call INFO, file manager etc. SET SET Set administration D>G DXF to GEO G>D GEO to DXF GEO Import geometry via GEO file DIG FEM DPC DFB DIG Digitize FEM FEM-preprocessor DPC Direct program call DFB Determine fence block with pointer ( FEN Definition of multi windows display COM COM Command input ( *) **)

PSe Pick segment DIS Distance etc. between two points SEG Segment: create, data, swap ... TVW Total view of drawing in window A Angle for input coordinate system 0 RFO 0 Activate layer no. Reinforcement > Detailing switch formwork (FOW)

Reinforcement bars Mesh reinforcement Derivation from sample Section through reinforcement Reinforcement schedule Chair mesh RBF Remaining basic functions

Additional programs Macros Symbols Details Built in parts Location layout with macros

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1



ICAD Import from ICAD.OS FACAD Facade break down ING+ Static import ARC+ Interface to ARC+ ELI Ellipse function IEZ Interface to IEZ POL Polygons TDV Bridge module interface CLO Clothoid SLAB General slab function BRICK Masonry wall element break down S-Sbd Solid slab element break down R3D 3-D reinforcement Wbd Wall break down W3D 3D-walls Sbd Slab break down 3-D General 3-D modul SPF SPF Angle for input coordinate system EJo Joining of elements E-E Element 1 to element 2 IEE Intersection between elements

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1


Upper toolbars
PAR Create parallel to existing element SEM Special element modifications > Flap function (SPF) PpD Pick point of dimension line PpM Pick point of mesh PRB Pick reinforcement bar Pil Pick intersections PLO Plot screen or part of screen (Hard-copy) ARo Angle for rotating displayed drawing Rsh Refresh display ON Switch display of drawing elements ON >R >m N >R Select input via relative, polar or absolute coordinates >m Select input unit: cm, m, mm, in, ft, yd New segment origin This function is not part of the standard toolbars. It can be inserted, however, with the toolbar editor.

Upper toolbars
orig Pol Lsty= P=... EJo E-E TRM CUT IEE Set new line origin Toggle: Individual or poly-lines Line style Pen weight Join elements Extend or shorten element to another Trim element to a point Cut element Cut or connect element at intersection

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1

PAR rubbB old El. Draw parallel to existing element Display line being drawn as a rubber band Get back "old" elements directly after an element manipulation


Lsty=... P=... C=0,00 % cr.hP=... A=... LB fence Line style Pen weight Length of cross hair in relation to shorter rectangle side Cross hair pen Input angle Rectangle reference point Silhouette style input with grid

Circle and Arcs

Lsty= P=... C=0,00 % cr.hP=... d-mod drop circle C2P C3P PAR old El. Line style Pen weight Size of cross hair in relation to circle size Cross hair pen Modify diameter of existing circle Visual aid for placing circle Toggle for complete circle or inquiry Define circle with two points Define circle with three points Draw parallel to an existing element Get back "old" elements directly after an element manipulation

Lsty=... P=... C=0,00 % Line style Pen weight Size of cross hair in % of radius

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1

crP=... A=... drop Full rectangle PAR

Upper toolbars
Cross hair pen Angle Visual aid for placing ellipse center point Complete ellipse Define ellipse using surrounding rectangle Make parallel to existing element

orig Pol Lsty ... P=... Middle th=... ci rd New wall origin Toggle: draw walls individually or as a poly-line Line style Pen weight Wall reference line Wall thickness Draw round wall in relation to its center point Draw round wall in relation to ist starting point, radius, arc angle or length, bend angle Join walls Draw wall parallel to existing wall or element Wall design type: Solid wall, Double wall Define elevation changes (Z coordinates) for bends or jumps in wall height Display wall being drawn as a rubber band 3D display Follow wall design progress in 3D wire model Settings for wall height, wall connections, reinforcement settings, panel thickness for double walls, material selection

jo PAR d=1 EC

rubbB 3D f >>

Wall openings
The wall openings provided are 3D capable and can be placed in walls using the functions in the right toolbar

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1

win doo rec ope = = = = Windows Doors Recesses Openings


hor. / vert. A=... h=... d=... D=... Multi Toggle for horizontal or vertical dimensioning Angle for dimensioning Text height of dimension numbers Pen weight of dimension numbers Pen weight of dimension line Current dimension style (Indiv, Multi, Auto, Arc, M-ArcD, Angle, Radius, diam., ref. point, curve) Dimension terminator style Distance from object to extension line Decimal places for dimension Unit of measurement Text font Text 2, supplementary to dimension Default settings for dimensions

std d=** DP=... cm+m Sws T2 >>

Datum levels
H=... Text height

d=... D=... A=... Position Style=... text DP=... cm+m Sws

Pen weight of dimension text Pen weight of datum line Input angle for datum string Position (location) of triangle tip Select datum style Redefine leading, middle and trailing text Decimal places Units of measurement Text fonts

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1


Upper toolbars
Default settings for datum levels

H=... P=... A=... LB Sws underline nL=...*H tDi Block Text height Pen weight Text input angle Text reference point Text fonts Toggle: underline text Space to new line Display text at input Place (text file), edit text block

Pattern / Hatch Style=... P=... A=... s=... lSt=... lG=... Toggle between standard hatches and hatch patterns Hatch style Pen weight Hatch angle Space between hatch lines Stroke length

Gap length Important for dashed or dotted hatch

These values are not shown for pattern hatch.

APr Additional Programs

zus-1 Link name

APr-Admin ...

Additional program administration direct input of program name (lower toolbar)


The above mentioned functions have nearly identical upper and lower toolbars and are therefore grouped together. Any variations are noted.

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1


Individual macro program It is possible to print out various results that provides data for estimation, concrete forms, etc. Scale independent drawing elements (symbols) such as section or North arrows, etc. Scale dependent drawing elements (details) such as plants, furniture, automobiles, etc. Scale dependent built in parts Make workshop drawings Print out list of built in parts for both drawing and project Location layout macros Especially for making overview drawings using macros (building block principle)





Upper toolbar

* only for BiP, LLM The tools listed here can be used similarly for all macro functions. ItemSch. Proj-Li. The item schedule lists all the macros placed in the current drawing Displays schedule of all macros placed in the entire project without quantity information Individual macros can be deleted from the project list Activate the related administration Delete the last macro placed Delete a macro from the drawing The macros placed in the drawing can be modified The following modifications can be made with built in part and location layout macros:

Del-Proj Admin deB del cor

The following modifications can be activated for the item text:

Only the item number can be modified with the macros (MAC).

Lower toolbar

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1


Upper toolbars

The tools my be used as follows: drw.mod. exchange Modify the macro in the drawing One or more sub-details can be exchanged with other sub-details of the same or another macro Place an existing macro in the drawing Make a new macro Modify the macro in its original drawing Print the item schedule from the current drawing or place it in the drawing e.g. calculate center of gravity of macro with option for printout Work preparation, Estimation, Billing Section definition and display of built in parts or location layouts in the drawing (currently available only with built in parts in the catalog STEEL PROFILES).

place generate mod. list Evaluation exCost Sections

DICAD Systeme GmbH

Version 5.1

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