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The History of Whole Body Vibration

Vibration therapy began in 1857 by a Swedish doctor, Gustav Zander. He built 70 different exercise machines some of which were a type of vibration exercise. After exhibiting at two Worlds fairs, he started the Zander Institutes, which were an early form of todays health clubs and proved to be very popular through out the world. The Netherlands had 9 centers at one point.

A little later in 1895 in Battle Creek, Michigan, the developer of corn flakes, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, invented a whole-body vibration machine. This was a unique chair design that shook violently and claimed to cure constipation, headaches and back pain. To stimulate the inner organs, he also developed a standing platform.

In 1960 the beginning of todays vibration exercise techniques was begun in East Germany with a technique called rhythmic neuromuscular stimulation.

Russian scientists began the real studies of Whole Body Vibration and finetuned this technology for years. They used this technology to help rehabilitate their cosmonauts after returning from space to help repair muscles from atrophy and bone density due to the weightlessness of space. Many were so weak that they needed assistance in walking after emerging from the aircraft. 1

The scientists reasoned that providing a form of therapy that focused on hyper gravitational force it could yield an effective treatment.

These Russian researchers lead by Vladimir Nazarov found that not only did that stop the loss of bone density, but amazingly it also increased it and strengthened muscle tissue. They also used this technology to prevent injury to their Olympic athletes. In the event one of their athletes did injure themselves, they were put on a WBV plate to rehabilitate the injury. In that same era Nazarov translated these findings into practical uses for athletes. He observed a substantial increase in flexibility and strength after the application of vibrations in the athletes he studied. Wi

th his successful results in hand, Nazarov shared his accomplishment with the 1960 Russian Olympic Team, who used WBV to train for the games; they took home a whopping 43 Gold medals that year.After the fall of Communism in Russia, Whole Body Vibration technology made its way east and west. This technology continued to be studied and enhanced. It has taken both the Orient and Europe by storm. Even though there were meager beginnings in the United States, vibration exercise really has not been in the United States for very long. In the past only wealthy, sports teams, or doctors offices could afford a WBV unit. These units usually cost $10,000 or more. After decades of research, NASA, many professional athletes, sports teams, medical centers, spas and health clubs have embraced this technology.The Whole Body Vibration technology centers on a recurrent change of position on a vibrating platform with the specific physical factors of amplitude, frequency and time. The muscles are stimulated to work by the stretch reflex. You are probably familiar this type reflex when the doctor taps the patella tendon below the kneecap and the lower leg moves upwards without the brain being able to prevent the movement. When the muscles are activated with the stretch reflex we get a number of benefits not seen during regular exercise. Normally, we do not use all our muscles for standing or moving. With the Whole Body Vibration, the stretch reflex ensures that all muscle fibers are being stimulated at one time. The muscle responds to vibration by contracting to offset the stress it imposes and is ensured to produce effective results for your physical therapy needs.

How Whole Body Vibration Works

If you read the history page, you know that the technology was originally designed to increase bone density and muscle mass. When you start to use your VibraTrim, you will notice how your body automatically adapts to the vibrations. One of the first results you will have is increased flexibility and range of motion. By standing on the plate, the vibration generates systematic involuntary muscle contraction through out the body not only increases your flexibility but also burns fat by increasing your metabolism while it improves your circulation and provides your cells with ideal oxygen and nutrient delivery to slow the degenerative process. The VibraTrim unit is designed to create adjustable vibrations from 10-50 Hz by a oscillating vibration. This pivotal system vibrates at the correct speed from a medical and body-toning standpoint. The VibraTrim generates systematic involuntary muscle contraction with less G force than the piston type systems, the other style of Whole Body Vibration that is on the market. The piston style offers a straight up and down motion like a jackhammer. This type of up and down piston movement and vibration is known to cause problems that can result in bad backs (truck drivers and others) and other various physical areas (carpal tunnel). Science has learned that the human body adapts to various stressors and stimuli. The Whole Body Vibration produces amazing results as a result of that adaptation process. When you stand on your VibraTrim, the vibration energy is transferred to your entire body. This first stimulates receptors in the Achilles tendon that stimulate nerve receptors, which track up to the cerebellum (the part of the brain that is responsible for balance). This pleasant vibrating action causes the brain to tell the muscles of your body to actively contract to maintain its equilibrium, thus creating a therapeutic and muscle-toning workout. Automatically Exercising and Toning Your Muscles You are familiar with the patellar or knee-jerk reflex (when a Doctor hits the tendon below the kneecap). This stretch reflex (myotatic) is an automatic muscle contraction in response to stretching within the muscle. When you are

using your VibraTrim, the vibrating plate provides the stimulus for a similar type of reaction for your entire body. The various exercise positions will require those particular muscles to respond affecting all of its muscle fibers, ligaments and tendons. Using a variety of exercise positions the entire body can exercised and toned. The plate by moving very fast creates an unbelievable stimulus causing your muscles to tone and strengthen faster than any other form of exercise. Increases Bone Density The muscles are attached to the bones. When they contract, they pull on your bones. The harder the muscles work, the more stress they place on the skeleton. When this happens, there is an increase in the density of the bones. They actually get stronger on the insides because more bone has formed there. More massive bones are sturdier bones. This bone formation benefit accumulates over time. The longer a person uses their VibraTrim the stronger their bones will get. Broken bones are the leading reason elderly people end up in nursing homes. Strong bones enable you to have an active and healthy lifestyle that leads to a longer life. Weak bones will shorten your life expectancy. Increases Your Lymphatic Drainage Our body vibrates every single moment it pumps blood. Hence, vibration is essential for our blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. But what is lymphatic drainage? The lymphatic system is a network of ducts and nodes that drains toxins out of the muscles in the body. These nodes help in conveying antibodies into the muscles, making our bodies stronger and resistant to fatigue. Lymph nodes play a significant role in our immune system, which most people forget to pay attention to. Unfortunately, the lymphatic system is not capable of pumping toxins out of these nodes by itself and heavily relies on muscle activity. When you stand up straight on your VibraTrim, you can feel the aches and pains of standing all day, exercising or just plain working going away as stiffness and tightness of your muscles seems to drain away. This is the lymphatic drainage at work while it also fights infection and bacteria. Spending a few minutes a day on your VibraTrim will make you feel lighter, looser and more relaxed. Try it after a tough day. You will be amazed at your revitalization. Increases Your Circulation Muscles contraction requires oxygen and glucose. By increasing the number of muscle contractions, so does your need for oxygen and glucose. Your body responds naturally by increasing the heart rate to provide those vital elements to your muscles. As a result, your VibraTrim is automatically increasing your blood flow. 4

Lowers Your Stress Stress can cause the release of Cortisol. Cortisol is terrible for the body it causes your bodys inflammation levels to go up, it robs you of sleep, wipes out your adrenal glands and after a while leaves you constantly exhausted. Exercising on your VibraTrim helps your body to reduce the levels of Cortisol and replace it with the release of endorphins, the Feel Good hormones. Improves Your Balance The human brain is built to keep our bodies in a state of equilibrium, balance, and stability. If someone pushes your shoulder, your brain responds by telling you to lean back against the push so you dont fall over. If youre standin g on a platform that is moving 20 50 times per second, your brain must respond quickly by triggering certain muscles to contract and others to relax so that you maintain your balance. The brain is forced to respond to the rapidly moving surface under you or you would fall over! The VibraTrim make muscles stronger and improves balance. That makes it less likely that you will break a bone if you happen to fall down. Strong muscles protect the bones from damage in an impact. Improved balance also makes it less likely that you will fall down in the first place. The benefits of WBV training are considerable, as evidenced by its acceptance in major medical, rehabilitation and therapeutic centers across the country. The health benefits are multifold and results can be achieved easily. It can enhance your general well being and quality of life regardless of age, medical, neurological or physical condition. WBV training is not difficult, but it can be challenging the degree of difficulty is entirely up to you. Whole Body Vibration increases the production of the regenerative and repair hormones. It also improves the blood circulation, increases the basal metabolic rate, strengthens bone tissue and improves lymph drainage. The net result is more strength, stamina, speed, increased flexibility, mobility and coordination, rapid recovery of muscles and tissue, improved collagen production and fat reduction. This is achieved with minimal stress on the joints and ligaments. You can perform static or dynamic movements including standing, sitting, kneeling, lying, and placing your hands on it. Almost any exercise from a typical gym workout to passively sitting on a chair and resting your feet can be done on a VibraTrim. Talk about the ideal program. This is it.

There are two basic types of (WBV) movements:

Oscillating: Oscillating (pivotal) movement generally supported by the medical community as a healthier type of vibration as it can handle more weight, have much less vertical impact on the body, reduce stress on the organs, and help keep the spine more flexible and loose. When using oscillating whole body vibration equipment, the engaged muscles contract alternately as in normal walking motion, so the same muscle groups on both sides of the body are not contracted at the same time. This is the style that is used by VibraTrim. Linear: Linear (vertical/tri-planar) movement primarily duplicates the jump reflex in the body. The muscles on both sides of the body contract simultaneously resulting in very high impact. Repetition of this sort of impact makes certain positions on this type of WBV exerciser unsuitable. User with joint or spine problems may find this muscle contraction uncomfortable and may benefit from an oscillating machine. Many users tell of increased headaches after using this style. Linear WBV exercisers are effective for improving jump height, which is why they are popular with football and basketball players. The VibraTrim Models Even machines costing thousands more are not of the same Quality, Construction or Performance! The VibraTrim is solid quality construction and a quiet operation, unlike others that feel like they are going to break, are unstable and are very loud. ! Reasons to buy VibraTrim: Our Solid Steel construction (not plastic like the others) assures a solid and quiet operation! Heavy Duty - powerful motors sized to fit the model Quality components Easy operation - simple manual controls and three preset programs. (plus user definable programs on the VT400 model) Easy monitoring of your body fat on the VT100 or Heart Rate on the VT400 Proper vibration motion with proper oscillating (pivotal up/down movement) not vertical! Affordable - comparable vibration machines sell for between $3000 and $14,000! Unbeatable Two year Warranty! Why is the VibraTrim so affordable We sell direct to you we are the manufacturer Not through a retail store or distribution system. We sell only on the Internet & authorized dealers. No expensive advertising No expensive stores to maintain No middleman fees

No commissions to pay

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I buy VibraTrim? Is VibraTrim easy to use? Are the VibraTrim models easy to assemble? Is the VibraTrim workout fast and effective? What if something goes wrong with the unit? How does the VibraTrim cause my muscles to contract automatically? Is there a training schedule to follow? How often and how long should I use the machine? Is it safe? Is it low impact? Who cannot use the VibraTrim? My doctor/specialist doesn't know about whole body vibration, what should I do? Will the VibraTrim improve my flexibility? Will the VibraTrim improve my flexibility? I want to train my entire body on the VibraTrim can I do all of the exercises at once? What will it do for me if Im already in shape? Are there advantages to dynamic training? My mother is 80 years old can she use the VibraTrim? Are there any long-term negative effects of vibration training? What is the cost of VibraTrim and what about shipping? How long will it take to arrive at my house? Question Question Question Why should I buy VibraTrim? VibraTrim is designed for private home use. This machine delivers oscillating vibrations to the body through a flat platform. It is safe, requires no supervision or prescription to use. It is simple and straightforward to operate. The public, high-use medical and athletic models cost thousands of dollars. For example, Power Plate - $4000 to $8500, Proellixe Vibration - $12,000, TurboSonic - $7,500 and up, VibroGym - $8500 and up, Pila-Vibe - $12,000 and up, M-Power - $9,000 and up, Galileo - $8000 and up. ,Vibraflex - $6500 and up, K2 Vibration Plate - $3500 and up, Fit-n-flex $3,850 - $8,250. Their weight, 7

user protocols and moving platforms distinguish them from the ease and simplicity of the VibraTrim. Recently, less expensive home models have appeared for sale. They are not made with the quality of a VibraTrim unit. The easiest way to tell is to look at the warranty. Many dont list a warranty at all; some offer 60 days, some 90 days and some 6 months. Even the expensive commercial models listed above come with just a 1-year warranty. The VibraTrim comes with a 2-year limited warranty. As a smart shopper, youll want to know that the manufacturer is standing behind their products and what choices you have if something goes wrong with the machine. The VibraTrim is an excellent choice for benefits, reliable customer service and price. Back to Top Is VibraTrim easy to use? Yes, the VibraTrim is easy to use. On the VT100 the handles on the sides are very beneficial for many exercises and great for those who are trying to improve their health but have limited mobility. The console LED pad directs the on/off power and lets you select a preset program or the ability to set your own speed and time of your workout. If you have experience with other workout equipment, the VibraTrim directions are clear. The console pad is easy to read. It is easy to move from one position to another so you are exercising all of your body. The way you place your feet on the vibration pad will also determine the amplitude of the vibration. When your feet are together in the center of the pad there is little vibration. If they are spread out to the edge of the pad, the pad is moving 10mm to give you greater vibration impact.] On the VT202 it is operated by a remote control. When you first use this model we suggest that you put it in a doorway or in the corner of a room so thee is something to hold onto. After the first couple of times that you use it, you will find it is "no big deal"! It is much like riding a bicycle, you gain your balance very quickly. In fact, since there is nothing to hold onto you will find that your balance automatically improves. The VT400 provides you with the ultimate in control. To vary the speeds you have controls on the display panel and on the handles for both types of vibration. You decide if you want only one type of vibration to be active or both at the same time. There is a manual setting, 3 built-in programs and 6 programs that you can define on your own. Back to Top Are the VibraTrim models easy to assemble? All of the VibraTrim models are easy to assemble. The VT100 has 17 screws to assemble it. All of the screws are put in place so

there is no searching or trying to figure out which screws go where. There are 4 at the base of the support column, 2 at the base of each arm, 2 in the middle of each arm (the arms come in 2 pieces) 1 where the arms connect to the support column and 3 to attach the control panel. The VT202 is fully assembled. The only assembly is to put batteries in the remote. The VT400 has 14 screws to assemble it. There are 6 screws where the support column is connected to the base and 2 screws where the handles meet the support column. All of the screws are put in place so there is no searching or trying to figure out which screws go where. Back to Top Is the VibraTrim workout fast and effective? Yes. VibraTrim provides a resistance exercise workout that is proven to be effective in 10-minute sessions. The programs are designed to run a total of three minutes. The self-directed program will also last 10 minutes. We recommend not to exceed 20 minutes in any one continuous workout. The reason is you will stimulate too much lymphatic drinage. Research has shown that whole body vibration builds muscle mass 1 to 2 times faster than conventional weight workouts. Performing some of the exercises with movement will greatly increase the effect. Back to Top What if something goes wrong with the unit? Every unit manufactured by VibraTrim comes with a full 2 year warranty. If something goes wrong, we want to be notified right away by email or phone call. If we cannot fix it on the phone or with a simple replacement part, we are going to ship you a new unit at no cost to you. You would then put the original unit in the box that the new one comes in and notify us that it is ready to be picked up. We would then notify FedEx to pickup the unit and return it to us the next business day. The longest you would be with out your unit is the transit time from Tacoma, WA to your address. You don't have to pay to ship it back or wait weeks while it is being repaired. Back to Top How does the VibraTrim cause my muscles to contract automatically? When you are standing on the VibraTrim the natural balance in the human body is disturbed. Many muscles will be activated in order to recover the balance lost. By changing the angles of the joints and the muscles around the joint involved will naturally stretch. This stretching is registered by the muscle 9

spindles, which will send a signal through the afferent nerves to the cortex, which in turn will react with signals through the spinal cord and cause a reflex contraction of the muscles involved. Back to Top Is there a training schedule to follow? It's a good idea to begin gradually using the VibraTrim in 5 to 10 minute sessions, one to two times a day. Because the initial training phase occurs on a neurological level (as it also does with conventional training), it is necessary to become accustom to this new form of training to receive the full effects. Your initial condition will determine when you begin to see the results normally between 2 to 6 weeks. Recommended progression of time and exercise: 1. Extend the time of each exercise or pose. Move from 30 seconds to 45 seconds to 60 seconds 2. Increase number of sets per exercise 3. Perform exercise dynamically 4. Add additional exercises 5. Increase the speed 6. Incorporate unilateral movement (i.e., perform exercises on one leg, etc.) 7. Increase Amplitude - Low to High Back to Top How often & how long should I use the machine? The most important of these questions is "How long can i use it?" It is important that you not use it longer than 20 minutes in any one session. The reason is that you will stimulate a lot of lymphatic drainage. All the toxins that are being released in you body will make you feel a little goofy. You also need to drink a lot of water to help eliminate these toxins. Most people can use it several times a day without any problems. Back to Top Is it safe? Yes. The VibraTrim is safe for every body that wants to improve his or her fitness and health. From the physically fit to the sedentary, almost everyone can enjoy the benefits of this home-use machine. You can be overweight, have chronic pain, stiffness, or even be recovering from an injury, and still get benefits from the VibraTrim. Back to Top


Is it low impact? Yes. With resistance training there are basically two ways to increase your results. One way is to lift increasingly heavier weights. This approach can be too demanding for some people. The other form of resistance training is repetitions. VibraTrim uses the second approach. VibraTrim s vertical vibrations cause your muscles to involuntarily contract and release. This is a reflexive, "knee-jerk" response. This rapid repetition builds muscle tone in a safe, low-impact manner. Back to Top Who cannot use the VibraTrim? Most adults from the physically fit to the sedentary can use the VibraTrim. While the following list of medical conditions is not complete, we strongly advise that you consult with your physician before using the VibraTrim if any of the following conditions applies to you. This does not mean that if you are suffering from any of the conditions on the list, you could never use the VibraTrim. In a number of cases, it is highly recommended to integrate vibration training in a treatment plan under medical advice of a doctor, specialist or physiotherapist. Pregnancy Pulmonary embolism Acute hernia, discopathy, spondylolysis Acute Thrombosis Severe diabetes Known neurological conditions Migraines Epilepsy Pre-existing deep vein thrombosis Cardiovascular Disease Recent infections Pacemaker & Implantable Cardioverter Defribrillators Cancer or Tumors Known retinal conditions Poor somatosensory receptor sensitivity on the plantar surfaces of the feet Recently placed IUD's, metal pins, or plates. Recently recovering from an operation or surgery, such as a hip or knee replacement. If you are experiencing other symptoms, brief or long-term conditions, or are on medication, consult your physician before beginning a vibration therapy regimen. Back to Top


My doctor/specialist doesn't know about whole body vibration, what should I do? Both nationally and internationally, vibration training is becoming more widely known. The knowledge and know-how on the many applications of vibration training is growing rapidly, not only in the world of health and fitness clubs, but also in the area of medical and rehabilitative care. If your doctor, specialist or physiotherapist would like to know more about whole body vibration and its possible applications, have them visit our web site for more information. They will be fascinated by all of the studies that are referenced on the Studies webpage. Back to Top Will the VibraTrim improve my flexibility? Yes, one of the first things you will notice is that your body is becoming more flexible and your range of motion is increasing. Research has shown that stretch exercises with vibration gives a greater increase in flexibility than stretch exercises alone. An extra bonus is that your muscles are stretched in a functional and active position. Back to Top I want to train my entire body on the VibraTrim. Can I do all of the exercises at once? Yes, training on the VibraTrim has an enormous advantage over traditional training as it causes considerably less damage to the muscles. However, the speed of recuperation depends on ones level of physical fitness and the specific exercises that are done. Training your entire body in one session is absolutely no problem. Back to Top What will it do for me if Im already in shape? VibraTrim offers resistance training. This occurs because the combination of speed and rapid muscle movement increases the force of gravity on your body. The VibraTrim provides resistance training and simultaneously increases your flexibility. The VibraTrim will change your mind about exercise. This is why so many professional sports teams use whole body vibration training. Back to Top What if Im a couch potato? Do you just hate exercise? The gym is not convenient to you? Just to busy or too


tired to exercise? The VibraTrim can help you change. Imagine, in your own home, at any time, wearing whatever you want, standing up for just 5 minutes. Now imagine the VibraTrim under your feet. Your first experience is a gentle vibration that travels up through your legs to the deep center of your torso. You will experience the health and fitness benefits immediately because the sensation you are feeling is every muscle in your body contracting and releasing, getting stronger. This is exactly how everyone gets stronger. Soon you will begin to notice an improvement in your posture, and the ability to stand taller and longer. Then youll find that you have increased stamina and energy. Activities like stair climbing, bending over, lifting and even jumping are easier. This is exercising, and you are doing it! Keep exercising and enjoying the changes in your body. Back to Top Are there advantages to dynamic training? You can perform the exercises without movement (statically) or with movement (dynamically) on your VibraTrim. Dynamic exercises tend to be more effective because they will exercise all of the muscles, ligaments and tendons in the range of motion rather than just the muscles, ligaments and tendons that are active in the static position . If the VibraTrim is used for therapeutic treatment, the therapist may instruct you perform the exercises statically. When you begin to use your VibraTrim, you will naturally start in a static position to learn the proper technique, so that you will be able to perform the exercises in the best way possible for yourself. Back to Top My mother is 80 years old, can she use the VibraTrim? One of the first applications of whole body vibration was for combating osteoporosis. It has proven to be a very effective weapon against this problem. The scientific research has shown a connection between muscle strength and bone density. The vibrations during a session enormously stimulate the bone tissue. In a recently published study, post-menopausal women trained 3 times a week for 6 months, after which a tremendous increase in bone density was measured. When using your VibraTrim, you will activate your muscles in an easy, safe and simple manner, without having to use external objects such as weights, or dyna-bands. There is also a lot less strain put on the joints, ligatures and tendons during vibration training than with conventional weight training. All of the results that can be achieved by young people are attainable for the elderly as well. Back to Top Are there any long-term negative effects of vibration training?


The effects of vibration training have been researched for many years. If the VibraTrim is used according to our instructions and under proper supervision, no negative effects have been found. The responsible and safe use of the machine, and consulting a doctor prior to using the VibraTrim or any exercise program will ensure your positive results. Back to Top What is the cost of VibraTrim and what about shipping? The current sale price for the VibraTrim is $1299 for the VT100, $1099 for the VT202 and $1999 for the VT400. The shipping charges are currently free inside the continental U.S. via FedEx Ground. For shipping costs to Alaska or Hawaii, please send an e-mail inquiry to . Your machine leaves the warehouse the same day if ordered by noon Pacific time or the next business day if ordered after noon Pacific time, when ordered Monday through Friday. It is shipped via FedEx Ground. The package is insured and may require an adults signature. You can waive the signature requirement when you order. This means you release FedEx from any responsibility for your package. Back to Top

Arthritis Studies
Natural Treatment for Arthritis with Whole Body Vibration Effect of whole body vibration exercise on muscle strength and proprioception in females with knee osteoarthritis Influence of Whole Body Vibration Platform Frequency on Neuromuscular Performance of Community-Dwelling Older Adults Whole body vibration compared to conventional physiotherapy in patients with gonarthrosis: a protocol for a randomized, controlled study Does Acute Whole Body Vibration Training Improve Physical Performance for People with Knee Osteoarthritis? Whole-Body Vibration Compared To Traditional Physical Therapy In Individuals With Total Knee Arthroplasty


Blood Circulation Studies

Metabolic And Cardiovascular Whole-body vibration exercise leads to alterations in muscle blood volume The effect of whole body vibration on lower extremity skin blood flow in normal subjects Whole-body vibration dosage alters leg blood flow Bone Density Studies Anabolism - Low mechanical signals strengthen long bones Adaptive responses of human skeletal muscle to vibration exposure Effect of 4-month vertical whole body vibration on performance and balance Effect of 6 Month Whole Body Vibration on Hip Density Muscle Strength and Postural Control in Postmenopausal Women Estrogen and Bone-Muscle Strength and Mass Relationships Prevention of Postmenopausal Bone Loss by a Low-Magnitude, HighFrequency Mechanical Stimuli A Clinical Trial Assessing Compliance Efficacy and Safety The anabolic activity of bone tissue, suppressed by disuse, is normalized by brief exposure to extremely low-magnitude mechanical stimuli The effect of weight bearing exercise with low frequency whole body vibration on lumbosacral proprioception Transmissibility of 15-Hertz to 35-Hertz Vibrations to the Human Hip and Lumbar Spine Whole Body Vibration effect on spinal cord injury Low-frequency vibratory exercise reduces the risk of bone fracture more than walking Whole-body vibration can reduce calciuria induced by high protein intakes and may counteract bone resorption: A preliminary study Low-level mechanical vibrations can influence bone resorption and bone formation in the growing skeleton Cerebral Palsy Studies Vibration Intervention to Improve Bone and Muscle in Children with Cerebral Palsy Whole-body vibration training compared with resistance training: effect on spasticity, muscle strength and motor performance in adults with cerebral palsy. Preliminary results on the mobility after whole bodyvibration in immobilized children and adolescents


Whole-body vibration training for people with cerebral palsy Effects of whole-body vibration on spasticity, balance, & hamstring flexibility in a child with cerebral palsy: a case report Vibration treatment in cerebral palsy: A randomized controlled pilot study Vibration Intervention to Improve Bone and Muscle in Children With Cerebral Palsy

Diabetes Studies Efficiency of vibration exercise for glycemic control in type 2 diabetes patients The Magic of the Vibration Exercise Machine The effect of whole body vibration on lower extremity skin blood flow in normal subjects. Take Advantage of the Health Benefits from Whole Body Vibration Machines Fall Prevention Studies Controlled Whole Body Vibrations to decrease fall risk and improve related quality of life in elderly Controlled Whole Body Vibrations Improve Health Related Quality Of Life In Elderly Patients Vibration therapy improves walk, balance in elderly Controlled whole body vibration to decrease fall risk and improve healthrelated quality of life of nursing home residents Controlled Whole Body Vibrations to decrease fall risk and improve related quality of life in elderly Controlled Whole Body Vibrations Improve Health Related Quality Of Life In Elderly Patients Fibromyalgia Studies Use of Vibration Assisted Exercise in Fibromyalgia Patients Whole Body Vibration as Fibromyalgia Treatment Six weeks of whole-body vibration exercise improves pain and fatigue in women with fibromyalgia. Improving balance in fibromyalgia using whole-body vibration Effective fibromyalgia treatment with whole body vibration Fibromyalgia and Whole Body Vibrations Fitness Studies


Acute changes in neuromuscular excitability after exhaustive whole body vibration exercise as compared to exhaustion by squatting exercise Acute Effects Of Whole-Body Vibration On Muscle Activity Strength & Power Acute physiological effects of exhaustive WBV exercise in man The effects of Whole Body Vibration Human Responses to Vibration Therapy Whole body vibration exercise are vibrations good for you Whole body Vibration vs. Walking Vibrating Machines Make a Comeback Vibration Platforms May 'Shake Up' Warm Ups for Softball Players Flexibility/Mobility/Balance Studies Balance Training and Exercise in Geriatric Patients Effect of 4-month vertical whole body vibration on performance and balance Effect of vibration exposure on muscular performance and body balance Effect of whole-body vibration exercise and muscle strengthening, balance, and walking exercises on walking ability in the elderly Effect On Muscles Of Mechanical Vibrations Produced By The Galileo 2000 In Combination With Physical Therapy In Treating Female Stress Urinary Incontinence Effects of whole body vibration training on postural control in older individuals: A 1 year randomized controlled trial Suppressive mechanism of gastric motility by whole-body vibration The Feasibility Of Whole Body Vibration In Institutionalized Elderly Persons And Its Influence On Muscle Performance, Balance And Mobility Whole-Body Vibration Exercise In The Elderly People Whole-body-vibration training increases knee-extension strength and speed of movement in older women Hormonal Response Studies Effect of 6 Month Whole Body Vibration on Hip Density Muscle Strength and Postural Control in Postmenopausal Women Effects of vibration and resistance training on neuromuscular and hormonal measures Hormonal responses to whole-body vibration in men Suppressive mechanism of gastric motility by whole-body vibration Metabolism Studies Metabolic And Cardiovascular Responses During WBV Metabolic Study Shows Promise


Multiple Sclerosis Studies Effects of whole-body vibration in patients with multiple sclerosis How can Whole Body Vibration Exercise Help with Taming MS Symptoms? MS and WBV: A Promising Combination. Effects of whole-body vibration in patients with multiple sclerosis: a pilot study Whole Body Vibration Therapy in Participants With MS Related Balance Deficits Neurological Conditions Studies Effect of whole body vibration stimulus and voluntary contraction on motoneuron pool Motor rehabilitation of spinal cord dysfunction by means of whole body vibration Neuromuscular Responses To Two Whole-Body Vibration Short-term Effects on WBV on Postural Control in Unilateral Chronic Stroke Patients The effects of whole body vibration on reflex-induced standing in persons with chronic and acute spinal cord injury Osteoporosis Studies Effect of 6-month whole body vibration training on hip density, muscle strength, and postural control in postmenopausal women: a randomized controlled pilot study Effect of whole-body vibration exercise on lumbar bone mineral density, bone turnover, and chronic back pain in post-menopausal osteoporotic women treated with alendronate Low-Level, High-Frequency Mechanical Signals Enhance Musculoskeletal Development of Young Women With Low BMD Whole body vibration exercise: are vibrations good for you? Effect of 6-month whole body vibration training on hip density, muscle strength, and postural control in postmenopausal women Whole-Body Vibration for Osteoporosis Reversing Osteoporosis Naturally With Whole Body Vibration Low-frequency vibratory exercise reduces the risk of bone fracture more than walking: Whole Body Vibration for Osteoporosis and Fall Prevention Whole-body vibration as potential intervention for people with low bone mineral density and osteoporosis Is High-Vibration Exercise Safe for Patients With Osteoporosis? High-Frequency Vibration Training Increases Muscle Power in Postmenopausal Women 18

Vibration exercise makes your muscles and bones stronger: fact or fiction? Pain Management Studies The effects of whole body vibration on reflex-induced standing in persons with chronic and acute spinal cord injury The role of paraspinal muscle spindles in lumbosacral position sense in individuals with and without low back pain Parkinsons Disease Studies Effects of random whole-body vibration on postural control in Parkinson's disease Whole Body Vibration for Parkinsons Disease Parkinson's Patients Rehab with Whole Body Vibration Performance Studies Acute & Residual Effects of Vibratory Stimulation on Explosive Strength in Elite and Amateur Athletes Acute effects of whole-body vibration on muscle activity, strength, and power Comparing the Effects of Different Whole Body Vibration Intensities on Vertical Jump Performance Effect of 4-month vertical whole body vibration on performance and balance Effect Of Knee Flexion Angle On Neuromuscular Effect of vibration exposure on muscular performance and body balance Effect of Whole-Body-Vibration on Muscular Performance, Balance & Bone Effects on leg muscular performance from whole-body vibration exercise Electromyographic response during whole-body vibrations of different frequencies with progressive external loads Electromyography Activity of Vastus Lateralis Muscle During Whole-Body Vibrations of Different Frequencies Improving strength and postural control in young skiers: whole-body vibration versus equivalent resistance training Influence of vibration frequency amplitude and external load Influence of vibration on mechanical power and electromyogram activity in human arm flexor muscles Oxygen uptake during whole-body vibration exercise comparison with squatting as a slow voluntary movement. Oxygen uptake in whole-body vibration exercise Strength increase after whole-body vibration compared with resistance training 19

The assessment of vibromyographical signals in the time and frequency domains during a fatigue protocol The effects of a whole-body vibration program on muscle performance and flexibility in female athletes Vibration Training Versus Equivalent Power Training For Young Skiers Effects On Strength Vibrations and their applications in sport Whole-body-vibration-induced increase in leg muscle activity during different squat exercises. Will Whole-Body Vibration Training Help Increase The Range Of Motion Of The Hamstrings? Rehabilitation Studies Medicinal EMFs: Harnessing Electric and Magnetic Fields for Healing and Healt Molecular pathways mediating mechanical signaling in bone New Trend in Fitness, Wellness and Healing OSU Researchers to Shake-Up Hip Replacement Therapy Power Plate Stimulates Recovery After ACL Rupture Preliminary results on the mobility after whole body vibration in immobilized children and adolescents Short-Term Effects of Whole-Body Vibration on Postural Control in Unilateral Chronic Stroke Patients: Preliminary Evidence The effect of weight bearing exercise with low frequency whole body vibration on lumbosacral proprioception


Warning: If buying a vibration machine with a 2 HP motor, this is what can happen if you don't have a yoga mat under it unless the machine is 300 lbs or very heavy people are on it. The machine can move and dig holes in the wall or the machine can spin and rip the plug out of the wall within a 10 minute session.



This is the most expensive of the spiral machines on the market. This is the first one and is in most chiropractors offices around the states. i have a list of chirorpactors in almost every state, especially Texas, Florida, California, Arizona, and New York that have all agreed to let you come in and try the machine so you can see what it is like before you buy it. The components they use in their machine are the highest grade of all the spiral models. Some have 300 watt motors and others have 500 watt motors and other different grade internal components. This is one of the few companies that will let you return it and

not pay a restocking fee and will pay to ship it back if you don't like it. There are many brands that make similar looking ones that can have different motors and components that you wouldn't know unless you tried them side by side like we did.

The Trio and Vibra-trim VT400 are the only two solid steel ones I like. If you find a different machine that looks the same, please let me know and I will check it out for you.

2013 Model VT400, Ultra Wide Base Plate. DELIVERS 2.8 G FORCES AT 5 HZ, ON TIPPY EDGE. 27 inch long plates Higher Amperage Control Panel Two Independent Motors - Works Stabilizer Muscles 2 HORSEPOWER, 500 WATTS 1 HORSEPOWER, 300 WATT SPIRAL MOTOR (now attached, unlike 2010 model) BOTH MOTORS ARE DC, NOT AC Lowest noise of all models I have tested


Based on interviewing a 35 year in to the business nutritionist and someone I trust that knows more about how to flush toxins out of the body than anyone I have ever interviewed. Notes from my interview: To fully pump the lympahtic system and give the body and entire flush each day, you need about 10,000 steps weather that be on uneven ground, jumping up and down or any type of vibration that give us enough time for the valves in the lymph vessels to open and shut and create a negative pressure to flush.

(Note that linear will also do this but if using it every day, getting 10,000 vibrations a day on a linear might make those with knee, hip, or ankle problems sore. This is only talking about the low vibraitons (5 hertz or lower). Most linear models vibrate at high speeds and have very little amplitude and this has less effect than at lower hertz. If you are walking 10 minutes a day, and taking 3,000 steps, then you can eliminate one of your 3 sessions. One lymphatic session of 10 minutes (5 vibrations a second times 1 minute is 300. Then if a session is 10 minutes, then 10 times 300 (3000 vibrations). Most people do some type of walking during the day and if the person is taking 3000 steps then that leaves 7000 steps for the machine to do, or a little over 20 minutes. Many people cannot do a 30 minute session on these as their body's are not capable of digesting all of that lymph at once. Realize that moving 4 teaspoons of lymph a minute, or 40 teaspoons in 10 minutes is only good if you can process it all that quick. It's like doing a third of the day's walking in 10 minutes. A good probiotic hsould help. Their are some good probiotics that take the blood poisons and trapped blood proteins by the hand and only walk them through the gut from the liver if they are

ready to go. The probiotic is kinda like the door man at a fancy night club telling people who can go in and who has to wait in line until they pay or whatever. There are many things that can tell you if your lymph system is stagnant. Most people have a white haze on the back of their tounge and not matter if they use a tounge scrapper or brush their teeth, they still get that haze. It is the poisoned blood and yeast build up from a poor body ecology. No animal in nature has this haze. It smells and is nasty. But, what is funny is that no one seems to care. Usually couples both have the haze and the other person doesn't smell (or taste) it when they kiss because both of the people have it. It's just nasty. The first thing I do on a date before I kiss someone is check out their tounge. I had to go to my car last time and go in my glove compartment and grab a tounge scraper. It was after the movies and she thought I was reaching for "something else". The date ended there. I refuse to kiss a girl who has a white haze on her tounge that won't even talk about it. If you call me and tell me up front that you won't get offended I can start the conversation without worrying you are gonna hang up one me if I offend you. So, just tell me when you call me and I will keep it real. If not, I will try to keep it less graphic, PG 13.


Vibra-Trim VT400, my second favorite oscillating model on the market. Although my site is mostly linear as my first approach was just to only talk about how the linear was the best. I tried almost all of the pivotal models, nearly all of them at the home shows, which seems there is a new brand every time I go to one of these shows all selling the same model under a different private label. The only one that I liked was the Proellixe pivotal brand but that one was 11 thousand dollars. So many people were complaining that their machines were breaking down after 6 months and calling me a snake. I told them I didn't sell the pivotal models, only the linear ones. I ended up testing 4 of the pivotal type models that were between 2,000 and 5,000 dollars which were the ones I never hear about since I didn't sell them. I learned later that all these had one thing in common. They all had DC motors. Brushless motors make very little noise and take way less electricity. The Vibratrim VT400 is the one that I really liked the most besided the Proellixe, which was my favorite. I am not saying the Vibratrim is my 2nd favorite but for residential use or for use not for ultra heavy

commerial use, the VT400 was the smoothest and the quietest one that I would recommend for the residential market. It has two motors which gives it a different feel than most pivotal models even though it is a pivotal model. I didn't feel jarred and my knees didn't hurt after l used it. I can see how this is different than most of the models out there. This one did not bottom out and rattle when standing on the edges, even with my friend that is 210 pounds. At the 350 pound weight limit, a 210 pound person can do dynamic exercise without worrying about stressing the motor. The reason I also chose this one as my favorite is because I had the most positive feedback from chiropractors and patients who have used the VT400 in their offices who called me up to tell me how it helped them. Standing on the edge of this for the first time has more than enough G force to move lymph. Moving around four teaspoons of lymph per minute on this will make some sick to their stomach if they start out at 10 minutes. I would not go more than 2 minutes at a time if I was very toxic and had inflammation all over my body. But, everyone tells me that it has helped them lose weight and detox so i will go with that. There are situations where I won't recommend a linear type vibration and other times I won't

recommend a pivotal type. This can depend if someone has a bad back or weak knees or they simply just want to work out and lose weight. Other people want to build bone mass and a one type of vibration is better for this depending on how degenerated the bones are. I like how I can watch TV while using this. I had a different pivotal model and either I had to turn the TV up louder or the people below me complained. This doesn't shake the roof either. AC motors are different than DC motors. Most of the chiropractors have told me they won't use a linear model for those with bad backs or those who have low bone density. They did tell me that if someone's back is very healthy and they can handle the linear movement, then they don't have a problem with it. Basically, most people that have bad backs like the pivotal models and the body builders like the linear. I like how on the teeter totters you can find the exact point where you can stand so you get the right amplitude that feels good to you. Standing to the edge can feel too jarring while too close not enough. People usually work their way to the edge. All the pivotal machines do not feel the same just because they are going up and down. At the trade shows, they will usually have 3 models and they use

the cheapest model just to show the difference between the best and second best feel. I like a thicker plate gives less friction that has a more solid feel and I do not like EMF exposure. Many people aren't sensitive to EMF as they are so low energy to begin with but I am very sensitive to it. I will go to Radio Shack and test my voltage before with a 15 dollar amp meter and after being exposed to EMF and the meters don't lie. Also at the home shows, I always ask what is the weight limit. They will say 300 pounds, almost every time. What about when I stand near the edges. How come that is rattling if it was really rated for 300 pounds. Maybe tell the next customer that. Sometimes I will ask if that 300 pound rating is for static usage or heavy dynamic usage where I am doing different exercises on it. Rarely do they know what that means until I explain it. The Vibratrim VT400 seemed to have everything I would look for in a pivotal model. It does have the 2 DC motors and has a thicker plate than most of the cheaper models. It just felt good to me. The oscillating motor is 2 HP (most of the cheap models on the market are nowhere near 2 hp) and the spiral motor is 1HP. Many of the machines on the market just have a single motor and they charge the same price. Having the 2nd motor that vibrates in the other direction 2mm at the same time the main motor

oscillates the plate gives the plate a very unique feel. If I want to vibrate at 25 hz, I don't have to set it to 35 hz to give it extra power to modify for someone that is heavier. If I set it at 25 hz, I want it to vibrate at 25 hz no matter if i get on it or someone else that is lighter or heavier than me. I would recommend this machine to anyone that needs a quiet machine that goes down to the lower hertz (6 hz) that leaves enough time for the one way valves in the lymphatic system to open and shut, instead of the cheap machine on the market that are simply massagers. On the VT400, when standing near the edges at the higher amplitudes, it doesn't strain, even with 250 pound people. I am glad they put a 2HP direct current motor for their main motor. The manufacturer gives a money back guarantee unlike companies that charge a huge restocking fee. Their VT400 is the one I love from this company. I would only consider this one from their product line. It is nothing like their older generation models. To read more about pivotal models go to our main pivotal page here.

2013 Model VT400, Ultra Wide Base Plate. DELIVERS 2.8 G FORCES AT 5 HZ, ON TIPPY

EDGE. 27 inch long plates Higher Amperage Control Panel Two Independent Motors - Works Stabilizer Muscles 2 HORSEPOWER, 500 WATTS 1 HORSEPOWER, 300 WATT SPIRAL MOTOR (now attached, unlike 2010 model) BOTH MOTORS ARE DC, NOT AC Lowest noise of all models I have tested
I have tried nearly all the major brands of spiral models. If you need help choosing a spiral model take the whole body vibration quiz here. If you need prices on the new VT400 call me at 1-800975-6981.

Congratulations Vibra-Trim

We rated this model the best months before they rated it number one. Kinda funny that we picked the same one out of all the machines they reviewed.

See their review here Call us for our low prices. 1-800-975-6981

The VT400 won their 2011 "Editor's Choice Award" for Whole Body Vibration machines and giving it their "Best Buy Award" This is the only review that has actually been done by and independent third party. CALL ME AT 1-800-975-6981 FOR THE LOWEST PRICE ON THE NEW VIBRA-TRIM VT400 Spiral movement: Putting a right spin on the blood. I have said to many people to go to Radio shack and buy a 15 dollar amp meter


so they can see how healthy or unhealthy they are. The range is from - 400 millivolts (mv) all the way to 400 millivolts. If people are in the negative range, the further to -400 the healthier they are. Most people calling my site are in the positive range and the more postive the more health issues people complain about and the more serious the conditions the closer to +400 (positive numbers). Here is where and which type of problems are at: -30 mv energy level : this is when a person feels like a million dollars, usually kids and athletes -20 mv energy level : this is when a person feels good, usually adults -15 mv energy level : this is when a person feel tired but not sick -10 mv energy level : this is when a person is sick but not necessarily health concerns -5 mv energy level : this is when a person starts to get major health concerns and the voltage level slowly goes into the positive range from here. This is where most people start to call me and those that don't do anything to bring up the voltage who call me in the positive range are

the ones that almost 99.9999% of the time have sluggish lymphatic systems, low bone density, and pain all over their body. Moving all the waste out of the body with lymphatic flushing and a good probiotic can quickly bring the voltage back into the negative range as the trapped blood proteins and stagnant waste in the lymph gets removed from the blockages. The higher the positive range, or the more the voltage of the body disappears, the more problems people usually have. The people that call me who are at positive 30 millivolts, these are the people that have serious conditions. Their cells and whole body cannot function and they are always getting sick. In a very acidic body with low voltage, almost anyone would be in pain. When the body is moving lymph and the toxins are coming out of the body, the cells normally pick up voltage. If the body cannot produce enough energy, at least -50 mv, it will be hard for the body to heal. A good probiotic can help with that to restore the body back to -20 millivolts, that should be everyone's goal. I would test my voltage every day and do whatever it took to get my body voltage back to -20 if mine

was in the positive range or I was in the range making me tired all the time. Most of the major health concerns fit in a certain voltage range. The body must go to -50 mv BEFORE going back to -20 mv, which is the healthy state. It is very hard to reach -50 for most people that are in the "tired" range unless they know what what to do to get out of that range. You cannot do it by just eating well nor doing things to increase your voltage without minerals, etc. The spiral movement gives the body a right spin when standing on the plate. I would recommend anyone use the spiral (circular vibration) along with whole body vibration to help put the body in a higher voltage range. Test your voltage before and after using the spiral to see first hand how it can help.


Spiral models are the latest add on to pivotal vibration and giving an extra boost to standard pivotal vibration. Adding the 2nd motor creates an entire new experience to your workout when using the spiral motor with the pivotal motor. These are the most popular among chiropractors since they have came out. Almost all the dual motor models can go down to 5 hertz and still give high G forces which allows enough time to move lymph which many machines lack. Make sure your spiral model has at least a 27 inch plate if you want one that goes down to the low hertz, (5 hertz, optimal). If not, and you move up and down at 5 hertz per second and the plate is shorter, you will have less G force and low lymphatic movement can be the result. Please be careful

Many people are confused on what spiral vibration frequencies are. It is not linear. It is not pivotal either. It is spiral, circular. If you Google what happens when you put a right spin on the body (the directional spin of the cells as opposed to a left spin), the new spiral machines work with 2 motors giving a right spin to the body at the same time the plate teeter totters. These spiral machines put a serious right spin on the cell. Almost 99% of the sick people that call into my site have a left spin to their body which I can take a tool and the people that have left spins feel a huge tingling sensation when I put back the right spin on the blood. The right spinning vibration is the most soothing feeling to my back. I feel much better when using the spiral motor at the same time as the pivotal motor runs.


Spiral (dip & tip movement) First their was only pivotal, now their is spiral motion, which has two motors that moves the tips the plate right and left while also dipping it front to back. This dipping motion from the 2nd motor simulates walking more than just pivotal as it dips the pelvis as you would when you normally walk. Having a spiral motion feels can feel more soothing to those with hip and lower back problems, The body responds differently as it is more unbalanced this way, which can also be turned off. This dipping also helps the back become more flexible as the back moves back and forth. The 2nd motor helps work more stabilizer muscles also. SPIRAL TECHNOLOGY EXAMPLE FREQUENCY Oscillating: 5 - 30Hz / Orbital: 15 - 40Hz / DualVib: 25 - 50Hz What this means: The pivotal motion never goes over 30 hertz but how can they say that it goes to 50 hertz when it doesn't? Answer: when the second motor kicks in, the plate is actually getting 50 vibrations a second. Also, when the setting is at 25 hertz a second, the left and right motion is not going at 25 hertz, but much less. By having a 2nd motor, the body is getting 25 vibrations a second but not all in the same direction and is much smoother in the way it feels. It can make it much easier to stand on a spiral motion at 30 hertz than a single motor motel going at 30 hertz in one direction.

When to choose spiral over pivotal When you add a 2nd motor that tilts just 2mm back and front it creates a circular motion when moved in conjunction with the side to side motion. The spiral is good to use AFTER vibrating at the lower 5 hertz as all the toxic lymphatic fluids go back into the blood to be processed in the liver. Many people are just jacking the pivotal motion to 20 hertz because it feels good but that is just recycling the poisoned blood. If you google the lymphatic system or passed Anatomy 101, you should have remembered that the lymphatic system removes waste by a negative pressure system. Vibrating at high speeds can help circulate the blood (vasodilation) but CANNOT create the negative pressure to move lymph efficiently. DON'T GET SCAMMED AND BUY THE WRONG ONE! The best way to use the spiral system is to vibrate at 5 hertz and after the toxins are pulled into the lymph and then to the blood, then and only then, I go to the higher hertz. I never start any session without warming up at the 5 hertz first. Unfortunately most machines don't start at such low frequencies and are mostly focused on exercise. The spiral motion exercises the muscle and ligaments more thoroughly. It makes no sense to want to improve circulation without cleaning the blood first. It only feels good for a little bit when circulation is increased without cleaning the blood first. No one I have talked to has improved their lymphatic system at the higher hertz machines like they do on machines that go under 6 hertz.

When you are on a spiral, you don't notice the 2mm dipping but you do notice a more smoother, circular motion, especially at the higher levels that most people use for building bone density. Almost everyone who I have interviewed has preferred the motion of the plate when both motors are moving the plate than just one motor. Most of the heavier people notice more of the smoothness than someone who is very light and will appreciate the second motor that much more. Spiral Oscillating Machines: TWO MOTORS With recent addition of spiral type vibration, the 2nd motor creates a circular motion. With the circular motion at the bottom of the vibration, it has a more of a rolling feel, a smoother feel similar to an elliptical machine many people use in the gym. Having a right spinning circular movement puts a helps put a right spin on the blood. Most people who have low energy have a left spin on their blood. When the charge of the body goes up, the spin is stronger to the right. You can take a cheap tester at Radio Shack and it will give you a readout of your voltage of your body (just like a 500 watt motor has more energy potential than a 200 watt motor). As you pinch the red wire and the black one with your other hand, it will tell you how many millivolts your body is at. This is very helpful. I only workout when my voltage is at a certain level, otherwise, I know I am going to have a bad

workout. The circular spin of the plate can help bring back the positive charge. If you take some water and spin it to the left and muscle test someone holding it and also have water that you spun to the right, most people notice a difference. Just like the stickers you put on the vibration machines that have AC motors, these stickers can help block the effects of the left spin. If you get an EMF meter, you can see how strong the EMF is from each motor. A good way to tell if you are sensitive is to blowdry your hair for a few minutes and see if you are more tired afterwards. You can also take one of the testers and use the wires to tell you if your voltage of your body went down. Most of the dual motors on spiral type vibration machines have DC motors and there isn't a concern. Knee problems: You need better blood circulation to the knee if you want what what these machines offer. Many people have inflammation in the knee. Tri-motion is one of the most soothing for the knees. Linear is great as long as it goes to the low hertz, such as the sonic models. The oscillating-only models are more limiting as they can't provide circular movement at the higher speeds. At the lower speeds, both the spiral and pivotal are ok, it is the higher speeds which is when people feel the difference. At the tri motions, you can lower the hertz and get the same results as pure left and right motion without as much impact on the body. Itchyness from spiral machines

More people complain about itchiness from spiral settings than any other type of vibration. Why do I itch when on spiral machines and others I don't? A. With higher g forces at the lower speeds while getting the same vibrations you would at higher speeds, more people often feel and itch in their calves and legs. Blood vessels are dialating and this increased circulation can cause itching, similar to sitting in a hot tub and going to a warm shower. The itching usually goes away once the circulation as back to normal.
Putting a right, clockwise spin on the bottle. Study the affects of a right spin on the body. When the body is at a low voltage, it has a left spin, usually with very tired people.


Note to people buying for Lymphatic Reasons: At 5hz per second most people can keep their legs locked with the jarring that higher speeds make it hard to lock your knees. When the knees are locked, the G forces travel to the spine and don't absorb in the upper legs. Many people who struggle with lymphatic issues, especially those that have swelling in arms and neck and chin, will not want the G force to stop before it travels up the spine. Rarely do you see a boxer that is swollen because their everyday training includes jumping rope. Rarely do you see those that hike on trails have inflammation as they get the G force by running on uneven ground. Machines that go down to 5 or 6 hertz can do for many people what would normally take hours to do. If you are using the machine for lymphatic purposes, you might want to focus on the low hertz and the plate size to make sure you are getting enough G forces. A 5 hertz machine with a shorter plate will have lower "work ratios" and give less G force. It can get really confusing and you can buy the wrong machine if you don't know what you are doing. Can you touch your toes? TIGHT MUSCLES? THE PROPER WAY TO USE A LOW HERTZ MACHINE High speed vibration (25 hz and up) at high amplitudes (25 to 27 inch plates) is good BUT can be a gimmick if you just use it for increased blood circulation only. Many people buy these cheap ones and it starts at such a high vibration that they feel the need to use it everyday and tell all their friends on how they feel better after using it. Only the next day they feel the need to do it again because their legs are so stiff. If you don't diffuse the poisons that are in the blood by slow vibration first, all you are doing is recycling trapped blood proteins. In order to get the long lasting results that many people get with the low vibration before they do the high speed vibration, you can't just go on the machine every time

your muscles feel tight and think just because it makes you feel good that your are helping yourself. Many of the people that say these cheap ones helped them have told me that when they don't use it they get their tightness back. It is hard for a body to be hydrophillic and have positional tolerance if the body is water mal-absorbent. I suggest not using these machines as a crutch and not wasting your time on one that doesn't have sufficient G forces at the lower speeds. Many people settle on their low grade vibration machine just because it gives them temporarily relief. It is very sad. Most of the people that are buying the ones that give nowhere near the G force of a sufficient one, they are happy with it. Why? Because their model is the only one they have used. It's kinda like having the Iphone 4s and going back to the original Iphone. Even though you loved the original one, you can't go back once you have a better one. I will say that those that have used vibration machines in their chiropractor's office, when they buy a cheap machine they almost always return it. They get used to a commercial model. Those that first see them at the country state fair who buy those models, always love the machine and tell almost every friend of theirs. Not to sound rude but there are two types of people that buy these machines. When people call me, there is nothing I can usually do to convince the people that try the cheap machine first that another one will be better. They just think that their cheap one is fairly priced. The other people, who have been using them at their chiropractor's office, will return a low powered, low G force machine in a heartbeat, so that is why I don't even bother selling them even if they are looking for something cheap. I do not like getting returns although I always have a wait list of people that are eager to get discounts on my returns. I rarely get a return on a model that I recommend and if

someone wants a model that I don't recommend, this is pretty much the only time I get returns. I will not charge a restocking fee on any item that I recommend to someone. What you miss out on with oscillating models that start over 10 hertz. At 5 hertz or less: There is a natural rhythm movement that has to be met to flush the lymphatic fluid to the thoracic duct in the abdomen. At 5 hertz a second, or 300 times a minute, this creates a natural cycle to create the negative pressure. At over 5hz, their is just vibration and the flaps don't open long enough to flush lymph fluid before they close again. Faster vibration is too great to create a hydraulic pump in the lymphatic system. By locking the legs which is easier at the lower hertz, the G force can travel up the spine. The cervical lymph nodes, in the neck, can only get activated if the G force if the G force can travel that far. The lymph nodes in the arms and chest can get flushed in the same manner. Most machines that vibrate at high speeds where you have to bend your knees to avoid knee pain and jarring, often stop the lymphatic flow at the popliteal nodes, which are behind the knee. Question: Why do people who use the cheap ones with low G force or those that vibrate at high speeds able to move lymph? Answer: Without using G from gravity, the milking motion of contracting the muscles squeezes the lymph vessels which pushes lymph as well as breathing heavier when exercising, which changes the pressure in the thorax which squeezes the lymph vessels in the chest. If you combine the muscle contractions with slow rhythmic G forces from the plate, lymph flow can be at its greatest.


Question: Why do I have more energy after vibrating at higher hertz but not so much at lower hertz? At higher hertz, vasodilation occurs, improved blood flow, which contributes to improved energy (more oxygen and nutrition) reaches the cells. I strongly believe that people who are toxic will not get as much energy as active, healthy people as they first need to clean their body first with proper lymph drainage. By proper, I mean detoxing enough and not too much as to bring the body in a healing crisis. Taking a good probiotic and proper mineralization will make it so the improved circulation is not just recycling trapped blood proteins and wastes back to the cells. Most people just don't get it until they understand this. Most people have no idea and just hop on the plate thinking its gonna give them energy. The people that do it right get results, the others, who don't know what the heck they are doing because they don't know who to ask, usually go about the whole process the wrong way. Why 5 hz a second? There is a natural rhythm of the lymphatic system when negative pressure causes the one way valves to flap open and flap close. At 5 to 6 hertz, the rhythm of the valves can open and close freely AS LONG AS THEIR IS AMPLE G FORCE to actually create the negative pressure pump (hydraulic pump) open the valves. The reason why anything over 6 hertz makes it harder for the valves to flush lymph is because there has to be enough elapsed time to allow the fluid being pumped to move, otherwise if a machine is vibrating too fast, it just shakes them too fast without creating the hydraulic pump. If the plate goes to slow and does not have enough G force then the valves won't open or close. 2.8 G forces, which is similar to the force we would get if we were walking on uneven ground, is the G force that

is needed to move the lymph. Anything over that can serve other purposes, but for lymphatic flushing, the lower hertz in the range of 2.8 G forces is sufficient. At 5 hertz per second, many people lock their legs so more F forces can travel up the spine. When the legs are stiff, the vibration doesn't dissipate in the leg muscles and can travel up the whole body. If you using a vibration plate for lymphatic purposes you don't have to have a spiral type. I will say that it does give a boost to circulation but is not mandatory. The more important thing is to get a machine that has the lower hertz. Almost all the machines on the market can go up to high speeds and help improve circulation. If lymphatic movement is not the primary reason you want to use a vibration machine, there is a wider range of machines to choose from. Frequency: Expressed in units of Hertz (Hz), this is the speed at which the plate vibrates. 1Hz = 1 vibration per second. Most vibration platforms fall in the range of 20Hz - 60Hz. Sonic machines are the exception, with frequency ranges as low as 2Hz with some going up to more than 100Hz. Frequency range is important because different types of tissues resonate at different frequencies. Typically, the greater the range, the more versatile the device. Special priority should be given to the lower frequency that is most useful for stimulating lymph flow and hence supporting many vital processes in the body. Frequency above 100Hz has little effect because most of the vibration is absorbed by the soft tissue of the feet and the cartridge of the ankle and knee.


Bottom line: Larger frequency range is better, especially in the range of 3Hz to 10hz. This will usually mean a big jump in price to get to these lower levels as momentum doesn't take over power.

My research is as follows: The Tri-planar models have been around longer than any other type in this market. If you are looking to get the best workout of your life and have about 3 to 10 grand to blow, this is the best type to get. If you are more focused on moving lymph, then you might not want this one. The professional athletes and bodybuilders usually prefer this type although I don't see this helping to get rid of that puffiness under the chin, which is calcification, fibrin, globulin, and other mucus agents. The focus is not on lymphatic movement which gets rid of the toxins and moves lymph. This type of vibration plate motor does not move the plate ONLY up and down, which is the best for lymph movement and healing. This works on a 3 plane oscillation, which is up and down, left to right, and front to back. This will give you a beating if its run at over 50 HZ which is not recommended on the non Z-axis only models. The more expensive models in this class have more of the up and down and the cheaper ones have very little z-axis motion. Since these vibrate in 3 dimentions, the plate only rises 2 to 4 mm unlike the other types that go 10 mm or more for lymph movement. You do get some z axis but its not the type you can get from the slower vibration that gives the one way valves in the lymphatic system enough time to open and close for faster detox and lymph drainage. These models usually start vibrating at 30 vibrations per second and go up to about 45 per second. Hardly any of these types of machines will give good results if vibrating at under 25


vibrations per second or higher than 45 vibrations per second. If you know the laws of diminishing returns for this type of movement you will understand. The tri-planer movement involves all the stabilizing interior spindle muscles when you are working out unlike the up and down vibration model. Although the up and down models are easier on the joints and lower back over time, these will give a better workout. 95% of the muscle fibers are being worked on these. After working out on one of these I feel like I just took a 2 hour Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class and got my ass whooped. When I turn it up on high it reminds me of going to a Country dance club and riding one of those mechanical rodeo horses. In this price range, you will have to decide if you want the tri-planer model or a z-axis model (lineal). The lineal workout feels like I just rollerbladed around Central Park for 3 hours doing 400 pushups along the way and when I get off I feel very light and like every muscle in my body got a massage. If someone is really out of shape, they might like the more gentle approach of a lineal model. If someone has a lot of inflammation and calcification they might not like the tri-planer movement. It just depends on your current state of health and the type of results you want. I do not recomend this type for those that are not in the best shape or who are very old with low bone density. If you are looking for ultra high level fitness then I can't say not to get this type. The best way to describe this motion is like taking a low impact aerobic class at a gym and a low impact class where you see a lot of elderly people in there. This type is as close as you can get to the highest impact aerobic class you can get but gives the best results as far as fitness is concerned but not necessarily lymph movement for weight loss. Do you want a runners body, a swimmers body, or a weightlifters body? Do you want your muscles to be more lean and loose or more bulky? The less z-axis vibration the more lactic acid that will be stored in the muscles. It's easy to gain muscle size but if you are toxic and your muscles aren't youthful you might want to at least get more than 50% z -axis vibration. If you are just interested in getting fit and losing calories and getting bigger, this type will do it the quickest but you lose the lymphatic benefits. The main question to ask yourself before buying this one is, lymphatic vs maximum strength training. Moving lymph is the least jarring on the body to lose weight but burning calories and more muscle activation is also a

good way. Many people prefer losing weight with less effort For those mainly interested in gaining body mass and bodybuilding, this is the brand you will probably want. If you are more concerned with lymphatic workouts, then you will want one with more of the z-axis vibration. My quiz will help you if you really don't have a preference on what you are looking for yet. I rate the tri-planer machines and put them into 3 different categories: Tri-Planer, Mostly Verticle Tri-Planer, Some Vertical Tri-Planer, Little Vertical Tri-Planar Logic: You can adjust the the vibration frequency and amplitude on these just by chaning your feet arrangements. If you stand wide, you get more g force and amplitude. If you put your feet together then the amplitude is almost non existent. It takes getting use to when you have to constantly shuffle your feet to find a good stance with the vibration you want and this is a slight concern for those that just have no coordination and skill. I urge people to get a trainer until they get used to this type. These are harder to learn how to use compared to the z and pivotal types by they give the best fitness results if you have the body type that can handle triplaner force. Its like a up and down and side party to your body. This is the most popular model in gyms across the entire country and around the world. They really are the pioneers in the WBV market. If you ever had a trainer... they will always change up your workout routine to keep your muscles guessing and that is exactly what your muscles do with tri-planer force... they GUESS and are challenged the same way and not just up and down or teeter totting side to side. The promotors of this type do have a good story equally as good as the other 2 types and its up to you which is the style for you. If I were you, I would call one of the dealers who represents this class and get their side of the story on why they choose a tri-planer axis and call a zaxis model distributor and find out why they choose only the Z axis for vibrational training and therapy.


Picking out a size plate: When to get a 21 inch plate versus a 27 inch plate. When do you need to get a larger one? (If you are trying to drain your lymphatic system and want to get enough G force to create a negative

pressure in the lymphatic system against gravity, a larger plate is needed to get higher amplitude at the lower speeds. The shorter the plate, the faster the vibration has to go to give the same F force as a slower moving plate when standing further away. If you shorten the width of your stance, this gives a lower amplitude than on the tippy edge, so the plate has to tap you harder as you are not moving at the same amplitude, or distance as on a larger plate. As you stand closer to 27 inches (10 mm amplitude), you can turn the speed down to 5 hertz and get the same G force as you would if you turned up a machine to 10 vibrations a second and standing on the plate where it gives only 5 mm amplitude. (There are plates shorter than 27 inches that give more than 10 mm amplitudes but in order to give over 10 milimeters of amplitude, with a shorter plate you have to jack up the speed to give you the same G force as you would have if you had a longer plate). When measuring G force, you can double the amplitude and slow it down or double the speed and cut the amplitude in half by standing on a smaller plate. BOTH WILL GIVE YOU THE SAME G FORCE. But, the timing between the G forces the plate gives you makes the difference between one that will help you move lymph and one that simply just vibrates. Imagine a plate 5 feet long. If it was going at that same 5 hertz, but instead of standing at the 27 inch length, standing at 5 feet away would probably give you so much G force it would pop you to the 3rd

story of a building. Just think about it and don't get mislead by G force, especially when trying to use it for lymphatic purposes. Plate size matters page: What to expect on different plate sizes 22 inch plates at 5 hz - Expect .08 G forces on the tippy edge: Not enough for lymphatic flushing 24 inch plates at 5 hz - Expect between 1.5 to 2.5 G if on the tippy edge. Not always enough to create a negative pressure in the lymphatic vessels. It does work but 2.8 G forces is what most people get the best flush at. 27 inch plate at 5hz - Expect 2.8 G forces on the tippy edge if it has enough power to hold your weight. Watch our videos of us comparing plate sizes standing at 27 inches and 25 inches See how just standing at 2 inches more gives significant extra G force. Sacrifices of getting a vibration plate that is too short for your stance: Taller people tend to want to spread their feet apart. If you are 6 foot or over, you can appreciate a longer plate, especially if doing squats. With a larger plate, it is much easier to do push-ups. A shorter plate limits also limits the amplitude needed to create more G force on the tippy edges. There are many other exercises you have to sacrifice by getting a shorter

plate. It is wise to buy a bigger plate as long as the motor has enough wattage to power it and your weight, especially when standing on the edges. With cheap, low gauge plates you may want to wear shoes. Two reasons. You have to jack up the speed so high to get enough G force that you will want to wear shoes to absorb some of the friction, which defeats the whole point as you lower the G force absorbed by the shoes. You don't want to jack up the speed more than you have to with a short plate. On longer plates you can keep the frequency lower, but that requires more amps and wattage which uses power instead of momentum to keep up a fast speed plate. With the right size plate and motor, you shouldn't feel the need to have to wear shoes. For people with bad knees and back, they will appreciate the low speeds that can give the same results as the faster speed ones. If you you can get just as much G force going at half speed but with double the amplitude, it is much easier on the joints, especially when first getting used to the machine, especially if you have knee concerns. Plate Size: (after talking to a physical therapist. from my notes. A larger plate is more generally versatile. If you only plan on standing on the platform then plate size will not matter to you, but if you intend to do exercise and floor-work, then a larger plate is better. You might even want to sit on the plate or even put a chair on

the plate. Plate size is a factor of the intended use and should be evaluated on that basis. Keep in mind that a lower plate will probably cost more. When evaluating plate size, be sure that you are comparing the "useful area". Most vibration machines have a 'sweet spot" at the center of the plate. Standing outside of this sweet spot will result in degraded performance. It is easy to make a big plate, but it is much more difficult to ensure that the movement is authentic at any place on a large plate. Bottom line: A larger plate is more versatile, but be sure that you are comparing the useful area. The larger the plate, the more exercises you can do, such as wider squats. But, a larger plate requires more power to run it with enough G force. With pivotal or spiral plates, if the motor is 1.5 hp, 500 watts, and one model has a 22 inch plate and the other has a 26 inch plate, it will be harder for the motor to push the larger plate. Make sure the motor power is stronger as you increase the plate size. For example, all the 27 inch plates I have seen all have 2 HP motors. Also the longer the plate, the more G force at the lower speeds. For intense workouts the faster frequencies are used. For rehab, the lower frequencies are most often used. Make sure the

plate is long enough so that you get enough G forces when you are at these lower speeds. 10,000 STEPS: DO NOT GET IT IN NO LESS THAN 33.33 MINUTES Marketeers say you can use it for 10 min a day but this is for WORKING OUT/TONING, not lymphatic drainage. 5 vibrations per second x 60 seconds = 300 10,000 steps dived by 300 steps in each minutes equals 33 minutes, 33 seconds. This can be done at one time or throughout the day ONLY if at level ONE speed. Even if at level 2, at a faster vibration, you allow slightly less time for the negative pressure to create the hydraulic pump that flushes the lymph and clears it out. This is based on a 27 inch plate. With smaller shorter 21 inch plates, you have to jack the speed up to 9.5 hertz, nearly twice as high as 5 hertz to get 2.8 G force. Refer to the chart below to see that if someone says their machine cna give 2.8 G forces at the low speeds at under a 27 inch plate, just do the math. (There is an online formula to calculate G force on plates by the way).
This is based on a 22 inch plate model that was tested by Global Calibration. Anyone can send their machine in to them and pay them to find if their machine is really giving the G force that they say when they are selling them.


When putting all the machines side by side, plates smaller than 22 inches has less g force and those longer than 22 inches had significant more G force just by stepping closer to the edge. We felt the highest G force in the 27 inch plates. If you hear a G force rating that seems too high, especially if it has a plastic frame than can handle it, be cautious.

If you need help choosing a model based that has the right plate size along with the motor size, take my vibration quiz. Plate Edge to G force: Two machines can have 2 hp but different G forces With a longer plate, the further away you stand, the more G force the edges give. The edge of a 27 inch plate has way more G force than standing on the tip of a 21 inch plate.

How to pick by price

$999 and under These simply feel like foot massagers that you can buy at Brook Stone but the difference is you can stand on them and they are a little more powerful than the ones you set your feet while relaxing on the sofa.

Although, more websites selling cheap ones like this have more testimonials that I would ever have time to read, in the years of talking to people that have had these, not one of them has ever told me a successful story. These cheaply made, low powered machines are what give the industry a bad rap. These are the ones that most people buy and after they don't get results after it is too long to return it, this is when I usually get called. If you just want a foot massage, then you might like one of these cheapies. I know people that sell them and they would be happy to get your business, but not me! 999 to 1299 range Models in this range should have at least a 3/4 HP ac motor or a 1 hp dc motor, and some a 1.5 HP motor but usually around 200 watts. The motors in this range usually produce very little 8 G forces which still depends on the weight. If the peak G force is 2 G's and someone is 250 pounds, you can assume they will never get the full 2 Gs as someone would if they were lighter. Remember, there has to be a peak of 2 G force (peak) in order to give a heavy person 2 G forces. I do not like how the companies measure G force with motor speed with no plate on it. Because they don't have a chart showing how many G forces to expect giving different weights, I had to do it myself. I can't believe the people who are actually selling these machines don't know this stuff. I had to tell them. Although most of the models in this range can hold up

to 250 to 300 pounds, these still aren't powerful enough to produce the results that the higher wattage/amp models can do. The models in this range are good for light to medium users. Although they can work, they still don't have the solidness of feel that the heavier machines offer and smoothness. If you are over 180 pounds and you can tolerate a slightly louder noise as these mid range motors have to work harder to support heavier weights, this might be a good buy. The heavier you are with a lower powered motor the more the machine starts to vibrate itself. Expect a plate size no more than 21 inches in this range. If you see one larger in this price range, especially with a motor less than 1.5 horses, just question it. Most of the models I found in this range start out at 10 hz. This is not slow enough to allow the one way valves a chance to fully open and close to create the hydraulic pump to stimulate lymph flow. I have seen a few sold in this range that go down lower than 10 but they lack so much of the necessary G force to stimulate lymphatic flow that they are pretty much a waste of time if using them for that reason. 1299 to 1699 This seems to be the price point that most people pay for residential vibration machines. The choices get tricky in this range as there are more models in this range than any other. After comparing horsepower and input wattage and seeing how the plate reacts with different weight classes, you can easily see how some brands are cheap knockoffs that are inflated to

make you think its a 1600 dollar machine and others really have the components that make it really worth that much. Of course they all can deliver about high G forces but the question is, when does it stop delivering the G forces at which weights and how far do you have to keep your feet apart to get it. Taller people have no problem standing near the edges naturally. Taller people instantly can pick out a machine that is not powerful enough for them just by standing near the edge and letting it strain. For people under 200 pounds this range is suitable. The models in this range usually have one motor. You should be able to find at least a 1.5 HP direct current motor in this price range that has at least 500 watts. You might have to sacrifice some of the bells and whistles though. The plates might only go up to 21 inches which allows people to stand near the edges of a 1.5 HP powered plate. I would be cautious if I saw a plate size bigger than this supported by 1.5 HP. If it is 500 watts, it will probably have no problems supporting 300 pounds as the machines claim. It is funny how many people look for the biggest plate and look to see which one has the most G forces and have no idea what 300 watts versus 500 watts means. Most of the models in this range still start out at 10 hz with a few starting at 6 hz but at 6 hz they usually have no more than 2 G forces at that low vibration. These models can hold heavy weights but do not have enough G force after hip cancellation to build bone density like models do that give in the 3 G force range. Remember, it is not "how high" the machine can

produce G forces. The question to ask yourself is how "high" are the G forces on the lowest setting. Almost any machine can produce 8 G forces or even 25 G forces on the highest level. The cost of producing a machine that delivers the most g force on the lowest level is what makes them expensive to make. Once the plate starts moving quickly, you really don't need a powerful motor as its running on momentum with very little energy. Usually, you won't find a 2HP machine in this range that can get you near 3 G forces at the lowest setting. In this range you will also start seeing some of the spiral type oscillating platform that have an extra motor that moves the plate usually about 1 to 3 inches in a front to back vibration. This is popular among those with lymphatic issues as it gives an extra boost to loosen the one way vessels in the lymphatic system as they open and close. It also helps develop stabilizer muscles. The new spiral type vibration systems definitely are preferred over only oscillating movement. I have seen the additional spiral motors start out at 200 watts AC and all the way up to 300 watts DC. 1699 to 1999 The models in this range tops the upper end of the residential range. The models that cost over 1699 should be at over 70% steel. These models should be able to hold its maximum weight limit, usually over 300 pounds, without straining even with users on the edge of the plate. Most machines in this range are 1.5 horsepower and usually direct current motors. After

Googling direct current motors versus AC motors, it shows that DC motors cost about 2 to 3 times more than AC motors. There is definitely a difference in feel between standing on 2HP DC motor versus a 2 HP AC motor of the same watts and amps. For one thing, DC motors by design are smoother and much quieter. Although DC motors use slightly more electricity, you don't sacrifice the EMF that the AC motors make. If you don't care, then an AC motor is fine, as long as you put EMF blocking stickers around the plate, but can get costly as you might want to replace them every 6 months. The models in this range can handle plate sizes 25 inches or more. The best models in this range can go 5 or less vibrations per second while still giving close to 3 G forces near the edges. Standing near the middle of a 2 HP, 500 watt DC powered plate, for example, should give at least 2 g forces standing shoulder with apart. When the motor has to power the plate at 5 hertz or less, it is working mostly on power and not momentum. At 5 hertz or less at high amplitude near the edge vibrations, very little ballistic impact is created due to the slowed down plate and can give enough time for the body to flush out the wastes. This is the opposite of what a body massager does, which just vibrates without enough G force and amplitude for deceleration in each vibration. With at least 2HP and 500 watts, you can expect to stand at least on an edge of a plate over 25 inches long. Every inch over 25 inches takes extra power exponentially.

How to spot an inflated priced in the 1699 to 1999 range. It really disgusts me that companies are charging people 1999 that really should charge 1200 or even lower. Just to make it clear, I am going to lay down the specs of what an inflated price looks like: 1) 1.5 HP AC (not even a direct current motor 2) 25 inch or larger plates (not cool to have a large plate when they know the motor can't power heavy people standing at the 25 inches length and they show videos of lightweight people on it. 3. Claiming solid steel when they know it is a very low gauge (thickness) which weighs almost the same as plastic needed to secure the frame. 4. Low Hertz - Claiming it can go under 10 Hz per second when they refuse to tell you there is hardly any G force. 5) Claiming it is quiet when they know that as it ages it gets louder (The higher the amperage the less the machine has to work to move the plate, especially with heavier weights. Note that a company can say they have a 2 Hp motor but fails to publish how many amps it has but only stating the watts. Most people that call me don't know the difference between 1 amp or 2 amps, input versus output horsepower, peak HP (bare motor speed) versus constant HP (when different weights are on it). 6) Having less than 500 watts. (1.5 HP machines usually have either 200W, 300W, or 500W).

7) Claiming it is made of all steel but really made of cheap tin (just having a heavy gauge tin frame is not the same as the same gauge of stainless steel. The prices of vibration machines have come down over the last few years but with the higher cost of steel and components that make up the machine, especially the heavy gauge steel and high wattage DC motors, the price seems to average out the same. I am not talking about inflated price by the companies that are MLM or cheap imports that sell for 1200 dollars that you can see the same clone on Ebay for 300 dollars. The good thing is that as certain models get phased out the newer types are priced near the price of the previous technology. Now you can get a spiral model at the same price the single motor pivotal models use to cost. Although the prices might always seem the same over the years, the technology keeps increasing and older models get phased out.

My Two Prerequisites for selling this style of machine: #1: If you are going to get a teeter totter (pivotal, oscillating, elliptical) wbv machine, make sure you get one that has a

Fuzzy Logic Processor. If you stand near the edges it changes the your amplitude and frequency. The new processors control the amperage for this usage. (unless you have a motor that can handle heavy weights) #2: Make sure the model has a DC motor or a low EMF AC motor. If it doesn't say, it probably has an AC motor. Read my article on EMF WARNING. (there are a few exceptions that have very low EMF. I only sell models I approve of!


Vibration Types Motors Amplitudes Frames EMF Warning Plate Types How to use this si te Q. and A. Linear Vibration Sonic Vibration TriPlanar Vibration Pivotal Vibration




My Two Prerequisites for selling this style of machine: #1: If you are going to get a teeter totter (pivotal, oscillating, elliptical) wbv machine, make sure you get one that has a Fuzzy Logic Processor. If you stand near the edges it changes the your amplitude and frequency. The new processors control the amperage for this usage. (unless you have a motor that can handle heavy weights) #2: Make sure the model has a DC motor or a low EMF AC motor. If it doesn't say, it probably has an AC motor. Read my article on EMF WARNING. (there are a few exceptions that have very low EMF. I only sell models I approve of!
Consumer Notice: If you want a certain amplitude make sure you find out if its the maximum amplitude at the edges and what weight and frequency is needed for that amplitude. This can be very misleading if you don't know what to look for. WARNING ON PIVOTAL (TEETER TOTTER) WBV MACHINES: BEWARE OF FAKE MACHINES: Don't fall for the cheap pivotal WBV machines that cost about 70 to 80 dollars to buy from China at import prices. I can only imagine what it cost them to actually produce it. Most people think that just because it says it pivots side to side and moves you that its good. Well, you don't fool me. I am not just going to stand on it and do static exercises. What new consumers don't know is that try to stand off center or do exercises on it and see what happens then. Sure, if you just want to stand on it, yea, get one of these cheap ones. To the eye it is vibrating but on a physics level, see what it is really dong. NOTHING. That is why these get a bad rap because of these cheap ass machines. People read the sites that say how good they are. But, one product might not have anything to do with research that you have read about. Even more funny, they try to say, "Save 70% off retail" or get a $3,000 machine for only $899 and people fall for it. My recommendation is to try a 10


minute workout on the cheap $899 machine and then try a 10 minute workout on machine that is really worth $3,000. See how you feel after each workout.

my belief about whole body vibration. I won't say that I agree or disagree with them but this type definitely has its own niche and clientele that are happy with this type. This type is usually the least expensive of all the models out there. The PIvotal Pitch: This pleasant rocking and rolling action causes the brain to tell the muscles of your body to actively contract to maintain its equilibrium, thus creating a therapeutic and muscle toning workout. For those that are interested in working out and not necessarily lymphatic movement usually like this type. Vibration and G force may have an undesirable a long term impact. Anyone who has used a jack hammer, driven a truck or other heavy operating machinery with the "up and down" piston movement and vibration knows the back problems that can develop and various physical stresses to other areas precipitating repetetive stress injury syndromes (carpal tunnel).


This one's a willing and capable partner for a complete vibration experience, but stepping up to a lineal model is worth it to all but the tightest budget. The models in this category can reach amplitudes up to 10 mm high for and about 25 vibrations per second at its max. But, these can start at 1 frequency per second unlike some of the other. This is why for those that want to open up the one way valves in the lymphatic system who want to lose weight prefer this type. I have seen these in some of the small personal training gyms but not in the big name gyms. These are good for up to 4 hours of continuous use so small private gyms are usually the market for this brand. These usually have motors that peak at 2 HP. I personally don't like any of the machines for weights under 180 pounds especially if you are looking for amplitude. The models that have to work too hard don't last as long as they pull more amperage and electricity to do the same job and wear out too fast from the excess friction. The top of the line models in this class WILL produce 4 G's on the highest setting which is about double the ones that are in the lower price

range or MLM models in the same price range. If you are going to buy a model in this class make sure they will give you a money back trial and they pay the shipping back. Most of the Chinese import brands do not offer this. Your reason for buying a WBV: Buying a WBV machine for bone density and developing core muscles are 2 different things. You will usually see the tri-planers in gyms as they are more for working out. In private personal training gyms, and yes, I mean almost all of them, they use the z axis or the teeter totters. Not everyone wants to build bone density and move lymph. Athletes who are in top shape aren't really concerned about their bone density and moving lymph. All they want is big muscles and to look good. When I was young, the words bone density and lymph weren't even in my vocabulary. Jackhammer Theory. Some of the Anti-Z Axis people say: Z-Axis machines are like putting your body on a jack hammer that will damage all your internal organs. What we say.... Yes, this has happened on the models that have the "pop" that give the sudden non-gradual G-force at the

bottom. See our article on being moved like a tennis ball racquet hits a ball or a ball being thrown by a pitchure. Both can send a ball at 90 mph but which does it with the least jarring force is the question if applying the theory whole body vibration. anti Z axis... I am not giving this as my opinion... its just an argument. 50% of the people buy the teeter tooters and have no complaint sand 40% buy the more expensive z axis models and the other 10% buy the tri-planers. Those that oppose z axis (up and down only) say that the body is not made to go against gravity that fast that many times per second but should be moved in a more ambulatory way, or a more cross-over manner or natural locomotive resembling walking or running on uneven ground. Those that don't agree have their argument too. I will say that most of the bone clinics promote the z axis more than the teeter tooters. More chiropractors order the z axis models for their clinic. More gyms order the tri-planers and still, the best sellers, for many reasons, are the teeter tooters. They are also the more affordable models. Choosing: Teeter Totter or Linear (up and down only) 4 Reasons to buy a Teeter Totter: 1. resembles more of a natural ambulatory exercise 2. less vibration to the head for the headache prone

(those with no inner ear problems.. no bother) 3. helps build posture better (uses postural muscles) 4. hits higher amplitudes for harder workouts (they can reach as high as 12.8mm on the top models (for insane workouts only) will be lucky if you can last 5 minutes on one and if you step on the edge of a plate at 12.8 mm amplitude at 30 vibrations per second, you are getting hit with about 22 G forces... this can knock someone out on the floor.... but don't worry... if you can't afford 15 grand you don't have anything to worry about. Most pivotal models go from 5 to 30 Hz, anything over that is basically overkill and then its just incoherent vibration and jarring. On higher quality pivotal models, they can maintain an accurate hz that you set it at with varying weights. The model that sets the standard is the Galileo model. If you set that one to 30 hz, it actually vibrates at 30 hz. On models that say they go to 30 hz they can claim that but if the motors max out at 250 pounds, I strongly doubt that machine will be vibrating at 30 hz if you set it at that level. I have asked companies if their machine will vibrate at the 5 to 30hz range, for example, or whatever their range is, with the highest weight allowed. I won't mention names but the most common answer is, "the technical department is not in and I will ask them, "or "I will have to ask the engineers but they speak Chinese so it might take a while". ARE YOU KIDDING ME? HOW CAN A MANUFACTURE NOT

KNOW THE ANSWER. YEA RIGHT. YOU CAN'T BS ME. When buying a teeter totter, ask about how the spec sheet applies to your weight, not just go by the spec sheet. I know which ones have better motors and others that have a hard time working at the max weight. Contact me if you are considering a pivotal and I will help you pick the right one for your weight because this seems to be the problem 99% of the time when people complain. Not powerful enough. People go by the specs on the cheapest machines and see that they have the same max weight as the more expensive ones and are the ones that get mislead. Also, some of the platforms you stand on can be heavy or light gauge. A heavy gauge platform is more expensive to make and always feels better to most people. Steel plates are always the best. Get the highest gauge you can afford. Some pivotal models have one motor and others have two motors. One motor can be preferred by some people and two motors by other people. Not everyone likes the same thing. If you need extra intensity, then you might want two motors. If not, a single motor is fine. Most people buy the pivotal machines if they have a bad back or bad knees. If you are already an athlete

and no health problems, and your bones are very strong, the linear is usually preferred. Most of the lymphatic vessels in the body are in the lower limbs and pivotal cancels each hip out after each legs gets the lymphatic draining G forces. Running gives the body more G forces but gives more ballistic impact on the knee and hip joints. Walking gives about one and a half to 2 and a half g forces. Unless the person is walking on uneven ground getting higher g forces, it is hard to move lymph like you would in nature without even ground and pavements. Law of Gravity When oil is poured into water it will float but if you pour it into alcohol it will sink. If 50% alcohol and 50% water is mixed together, and you put oil into it, the oil will stay in the middle in a perfect ball. After studying the effect of exercise and buoyancy of a stagnant lymphatic system, it has helped me pick out the right machines that help to pump the lymph along. A teeter totter or a linear or a high amplitude linear will each produce a different hydraulic pump in the lymphatic vessels. Some keep the vessels open longer and others not so long. Some can vibrate too fast that the one way valves in the lymphatic vessels don't have time enough to flush as they open and close too fast and can just vibrate instead of having the milking motion. Some models have more G force but lower amplitude

and others higher G force but not as much amplitude. On some, they can be too harsh and the body can go into detox if too much lymph fluid is being flushed faster than the liver can process. If the organs cannot process the waste faster than you are dumping then that can lead to a healing crisis. Some models move more lymph and others can move up to four teaspoons of lymphatic fluid into the liver each minute. This can be way too much for certain people. When the blood is poisoned it is easy to get sick. If the blood is poisoned and the lymph is stagnant and for the first time in ages you are moving it, the liver might not be ready. This is why I used the machines for 2 minutes at a time for about 6 times a day instead of doing it for 10 minute at once when first starting out. The goal is to flush the toxins but only if your body is capable of processing the toxins. I find it really hard for myself to get sick if my blood is flushed and not poisoned. Most people that call me already have their blood poisoned and don't even know it. The right machine has helped me rid the toxins through my lymph so I don't always have to worry about breathing in pollution or or food that might not be 100% organic. Most people breath in pollution and eat bad food and the wastes get held in the body. Inflammation of the skin is usually the first sign of stored toxins from a sluggish lymphatic system. Once the wastes are flushed the body can work like it should from blood that is not poisoned.

In a nut shell, The pivotal models seem to cancel each hip out and relieving the ballistic impact out for those with low bone density and those with bad knees and backs. By removing most of the ballistic impact by canceling each hip out, the spine gets less impact than vertical movement. Many chiropractors now have both models. For the personal training studies and chiropractic clinics they will put them on linear if they have a strong back and fewer health concerns and pivotal if they have back and other bone issues. The pivotal models still give vertical vibration but only after removing most of the impact by the hip cancellation. Both types are good but the most important question is which is the best for you. If you are comparing pivotal models the first thing I would look for is a motor that doesn't create a lot of EMF. Many people aren't sensitive to it or have such low energy to start with that they don't notice it but I personally can feel the difference. A 15 dollar amp meter at Radio Shack can tell you also. The next thing is longer plates. On some, to get 5mm you have to stand near the edge and on some you can stand naturally with legs shoulder width apart and get 5mm near the center of the plate. Beware, it takes higher quality bearings to move a longer plate. The further apart the edge tips, the sturdier the gauge of the

entire frame needs to be and its bearings. One machine can have the same specs as a different machine that gives the same amplitude and frequency but one can feel like a high friction foot massager and the other just delivering the up and down amplitude to the body. Cheaper bearings and thinner plates have the most to do with this. If I see a model that has a limit of 300 pounds with a really long plate and is really cheap, I always question the bearings and motor quality.

Another reason to choose the pivotal model is to improve balance and work on the stabilizer muscles. Pivotal models work the stabilizer muscles much more than linear models. The involuntary muscles are engaged much more on this type. When I do squats on a pivotal model I feel that my legs are much more worked out "all over" the leg rather than just the main

muscle. There is definitely a difference in feel after the workout between a linear and pivotal model. If my back was hurting for any reason, I will always choose the pivotal model. But, the linear models are liked the best by people that don't have any back problems. If you are looking to get a model in the pivotal class and know which model you want, please fill out our instant price quote form. If you are not sure if this type is right for you please take our quiz. I can also be reached at 1-877-398-7048.
Pivotal vibration plates cause one leg to go up while the other goes down as each hip cancels out the other. By trying to stand erect, you fight this force that moves your hips to get the best leg workout or arm workout, such as when doing pushups. For those with bone problems, less vibration passes to the upper half of the body past the hip. This can be good for those with back problems. This is not similar to the vertical movement that puts a gravitational force on the body to open up the lymph channels like the other. This type has its pros and cons which you can read below.

When choosing a plate size, consider how many inches apart is your natural "shoulder with apart stance". If you want a 5 mm amplitude on some you can have it with a natural stance and on others you have to spread your feet apart more. They did not tell me this stuff when I got my first machine and my second one. Getting 5 millimeter amplitude with the feet all the way at the edge versus near the middle gives a totally different feel. DO NOT GET SCAMMED THINKING JUST BECAUSE IT HAS HIGH AMPLITUDE IT IS POWERFUL AND RIGHT FOR YOU. I MADE THE MISTAKES AND WILL SEE TO IT THAT NO ONE MAKES THEM AGAIN. If you pick out a plate that is long enough for you, you shouldn't have the

complaints that people have that pick out the wrong one. A shorter person can get away with a shorter plate but a 6 foot person might not. I have the least amounts of complaints from people that buy plates at least 25 inches long or more. To read more on plates click here.

G force is what most people sacrifice when buying low amperage, low hp powered shorter plates. Some people may wish to wear knee 'stabilizers' initially, unless using only at lowest settings. older people with knee problems should look for models with the lowest frequency settings with the largest plate lengths to avoid problems. IF YOU ARE OVER 6 FOOT TALL IT IS ALMOST MANDATORY TO GET A PLATE SIZE OF 25 INCHES. 27 INCHES IS OPTIMAL BUT 25 INCHES IS OK. When the feet are too close together, the feet are not grounded as they would be if spaced apart and there is more of a natural reaction to hold onto the arm rails for support when it normally shouldn't be necessary to do so. Also, at slower speeds, the further you stand with your feet apart, the more amplitude and the higher the G forces which create a stronger negative pressure (hydraulic pump) so the one way valves have more time to open and close, instead of just vibrating without creating a pumping flush. Low frequencies (for lymph drainage) 3 Hz - 6 Hz (6 to 10 works some but minimal compared to 3hz to 6hz) It is difficult for lymph to drain at the higher frequencies on oscillating machines.

Many of them start out at 10 Hz which is great for other reasons but I would not say so for lymphatic reasons. Some people are trying to build bone density while people that want to cleanse their body should look for frequencies under 6 hertz, otherwise, it doesn't give the valves in the lymphatic system enough time to open and close. There are some brands that go around 6 Hz but are not consistent. They can slow down and lose the beneficial G force which just vibrating at 6 or less hertz without at least 2 G forces is basically just wasting time. A 2HP motor should be sufficient for people up to 300 pounds to give at least 2 G forces at these ultra low frequencies. Just make sure its DC, otherwise a 2 HP AC motor, well, just get an EMF meter and see for yourself. 200 pound people should never get a motor under 1.5 hp and 500 watts. Anything over 2HP is just over kill. You only need so much power to lift a person. There are some 1700 watt models that can lift up to 550 pounds but there is no benefit of having over 2HP. Spiral VS Pivotal (left and right) Recently, or in 2010, spiral was introduced and was paired up with pivotal machines. With a 2nd motor dipping the plate forward and backward while the main vibration moves the plate left and right, it

basically started a whole new category in vibration, instead of just linear and pivotal. It is a more circular motion that is very unique to having the two motors working together. For extra circulation, having the 2nd motor means you can turn down the main motor. The tippy edge is giving you the higher G forces while the spiral motion gives you extra vibration front and back. It's like vasodilation on steroids. Bad Backs: I would avoid shorter plates with only right and left oscillation for bad backs. The recent addition of the spiral motor giving the bottom of the vibration a more circular pattern of lifting you. Less ballistic impact when both motors are running simultaneously. It give an intense exercise without the output... If i could tell you your body could run 20 miles in 10 minutes and get the benefits of running 20 miles that would normally take you hours, the back probably will get sore and much harder on the knees. Many people go in full force and don't work their way up to getting higher G forces. The muscles are not ready for this type of exercise. You can easily abuse it. However, using a tri-motion machine (oscillating with sideways movement), makes it easier. Vasodilation Capacity With each session that I do, vasodilation gets quicker and quicker. As many people's legs turn pink in the beginning , after the body gets back into homeostasis, when blood circulation is back and the muscles aren't as tight when the blood is able to carry oxygen and

nutrients instead of just recycling trapped blood proteins, this is when the machine has done its job Each session should be a little better than the previous, but, only if the wastes are removed and not just starting it at 25 hertz just to make your body feel good. I would never go up a higher hertz without first warming up at 5 to 6 hertz. Consequences of not warming up at a low hertz: If the body is just circulating poisoned blood without cleaning it first and there is no further sessions, the body will regress each day to the same toxic level as the previous session. The goal is to be more healthier this session than you were the last session. Without detoxing the body first I would feel the need to gain extra blood circulation to make me feel better and this is not helping me at all, just to feel like I did before a few hours later. The slow vibration lets the purified fluids in and the toxins in. If done correctly the body should be in a higher level of health after each session, not just feel better and then feel the same and have to keep repeating the cycle. With the extra vibration of a 2nd motor, the plate doesn't have to move at 40 to 50 hertz, but instead it can go at 25 hertz and with the vibration of the 2nd motor, their is actually 50 vibrations per second but not all in the same direction. (tri-motion). The body can get the benefit of high frequency vibration but without the jarring and more smoothness. It's like

turning the machine up to full speed but the body only experiences it at half speed. NOTE: Pivotal machines are not being phased out. Spiral (two motors) are not replacing them. Pivotal models are not any worse than spiral models. It is just that it is a recent addition to the technology. It only serves a purpose and is beneficial if having two motors is beneficial to you. The spiral motors don't kick in until near 25 hertz. We still promote the pivotal models as well as the spiral types.

Pivotal Buying Advice: 1. Machines under 100 pounds (unless you are very light weight) I have noticed that those that are under 100 pounds are can still hold heavier weight people but most start out at a higher hertz range (rarely 5hz or under). It will be hard for a machine under 100 pounds to have a larger,heavier plate as they require more weight to stabilize themselves from the G force created. Usually machines under 100 pounds are usually less than 2 HP.

2. Make sure you the machine stays cool. Most machines last for only 10 minutes until they start reaching the red zone (usually with heavier weight people). Machines that stay cooler can work up to 20

minutes for high end residential unless you want to go commercial like a $10,000+ vibration machine that has more amperage than you will ever use. I would always go with 2 hp if you want to use it for two people that are using it back to back. (Beware: some machine are 2 hp and have less amperage and some have 2 hp with higher amperage). Always verify that if you are looking for a 2 hp machine which as much as is needed for a workout with someone that is very heavy (anything more just makes the machine about to have more consecutive workouts with more people). Please get it in WRITING that if a company says 2HP it really is 2HP and not a 1.5 HP. 3. Shorter plates with higher amplitude: having higher amplitude creates G force????? Having more amplitude doesn't necessarily mean higher G force. A 27 inche plate with a 10mm amplitude can have the same G force as a 22 inch plate with a 15 inch plate. The main difference is that the (what they don't tell you) shorter plate model will have to have to vibrate at a higher frequency to get those same G forces. Getting 2 G forces over 5 vibrations per second is not the same as getting the G forces at lower hertz. Reason is that at the lower hertz the lymphatic system has time to flush out (valves close) and on the decent the (valves open). If it goes to fast fluid cannot enter and let the wastes remove and circulate. The one way valves need enough time to create a negative pressure (hydraulic pump) and just super

fast vibration is not what does it. This is the main reason people return machines. All the promises that swelling will go down does not happen with all machines. 4. Big problem here: foot size complaints: If you are a size 13 foot and you buy a machine that has a 13 to 16 inch deep plate, you might find you need a deeper plate. Many people just go by the length of the plate. If you have big feet or just want more room, most people find a plate that is 18 to 20 inches deep acceptable. 5 Assembly types. Some come almost all done and others you have to assemble. Based on my research, the more you have to assemble it and the more pieces you have to bolt together, the more stable the machines are. Usually the heavier machines and more sturdy machines require more assembly. But, you only have to assemble them one time usually. The more pieces you have to assemble the more breaks the machine has in its welding making the machine have more give and flex. It is similar to having breaks in a bridge. A machine that has 10 or more pieces to put together is probably not a uni-body piece that they ahve to seperate just so it saves on shipping.


Picking out Amperage

A quick explanation on pop vs. push as everyone keeps asking what I mean by this: Pop VS Push G forces Push: This usually happens at the higher frequencies. When the plate pushes you up, you don't really feel a g force but a slower take off lift. The best analogy would be as if you threw a baseball at 50 miles and hour rather than hit it with a bat. Popping G force: A stronger acceleration, more sudden than just a pushing motion. It you were a baseball, it would feel like being hit instead of thrown by the picture. Both types require the same G force but one is more constant and one is more of a peak G force after you are airborne and then the plate taps your feet again. Clarification of terms: Power: Expressed as Watts, Horsepower or amps, this the maximum electrical power consumed at the wall outlet.

Note that this is the "input power', not the power delivered to the plate. The power to the plate is determined by the input power and the efficiency of the electronics and motor. Motor efficiency varies widely even if they are all the same wattage or horsepower. For example, a sonic machine that's consuming 1kW might only produce around 200W (20%) of motive force (actual energy output) at the plate. The most common rotary motor is way more efficient at transferring electrical energy into motive force, although it produces a completely different kind of vibration. This is why if you are comparing power you should only be comparing with machines of the same type. Someone comparing a 500 watt sonic model to a 300 watt pivotal model should really understand what they are talking about before making statements. Very few people compare average power witch is the power the machine can sustain for long periods. Many of the specs on the websites only refer to peak power. Peak power is only available for short times, and if runs at peak power too long, the motor or its electronics can be permanently damaged from overheating. Know your Motor Amps!!!! You can have a 2 hp model that has 3/4 amps, 1 amp and a more expensive model can have even 2 amps. If you see a motor that is cheaper than all the others

that have the same wattage and horsepower, just make sure that it has enough amperage or you might be starving your motor of amperage. A good sign a motor that allows you to use it for 20 minutes or more. Most you can only use for 10 minutes and you should let it warm down. Just make sure it has enough amperage, not just high wattage and hp. If the amperage on the low powered models are too low, there can be a jolt of amperage and that can get the motor spinning too fast than a smooth start up with momentum can give. A low amperage model (ok if you are light weight but for heavier people???... you don't want to damage the frame and put the motor out of alignment. This is probably why so many of the ones people return make noises that the machine didn't make when it was new. With a high enough amperage, a motor should run years and years after the warranty period expires. As these motors are cheap to make, you might find one with a 5 year warranty as they are cheap motors to replace. A good warranty of 5 years should mean it should last 5 years, not return it several times during that period. Try to get as close to 2 amps as you can is my best advice. Just make sure your weight does not require more amperage than motor can give. Bottom line: A more power motor is better, especially with heavy loads on it. More powerful motors are more expensive and I would always


and buying a machine rated at 50 pounds over your weight is usually the best rule.


The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has now established RF exposure safety guidelines for devices emitting EMF. Before any of these can be sold on the market, each manufacturer must test their electronics and have them certified to the FCC so that it doesn't exceed the FCC established limits. Look for SAR (specific absorption rate). This is the measure of how much of this gets absorbed in the body. On some machines, I wouldn't get closer than 3 feet next to. Others, are fine. Make sure you ask what their SAR level is on the machines HIGHEST setting. If over 1.6 watts per kg averaged over one gram of tissue, not good. If you are not turning up a machine on high it might be ok. Please check before you buy if you are concerned or simply choose a DC motor which have negligable SAR rates. SAR ratings can vary from machine to machine. You may wish to get a


EMF meter and test it before you use it so you can return it if it exceeds 1.6 watts.


DO NOT BUY WITHOUT READING THIS PAGE FIRST LINEAR VS OSCILLATING The most important choice on this site!!!! All electrically-powered whole body vibration machines emit a small to moderate quantity of electromagnetic radiation due to Electrical Currents. If one is very ill, this could be a factor in one's healing so you need to make this a factor. Since most companies will not share the actual number of EMF %, you should know these things: Some companies claim to shield their machines, but they cannot get rid of this radiation, as it is a feature of the motor itself that cannot be avoided. It doesn't matter if the machine is 100 volt or 220 volt, it all depends on what the motors are producing when they are turned on. A few companies now are adding shields to protect people from high EMFs, but shields are over the wires, not the motor, so they still have high EMFs even if they talk about shields. The best motors are built better and don't have the EMF problem and don't need "shields" like newer models to cover up the EMF. If it is under 1% EMF, then it is considered to be close to none and .4% is the lowest made so far. Some people are very sensitive to EMF. There are only a few companies that have very little EMF in their machines. If EMF is a concern, let me know on my quiz.

I urge everyone to get an EMF blocker and also an EMF meter. I bring my EMF meter everywhere. I can't even go to a cafe unless I check all the EMF around me from all the computers, cell phones, or whatever else is around me. I used to sit near this wall and I don't know what is behind it but the EMF was off the charts. Make sure you know about RF before buying a machine. We have been told that RF could be very dangerous to people


with Pace Makers. Some models have AC motors that are from vibrating packaging machines and they turn only to one direction and that's why they cannot have the high amplitude. Also, AC motors are moistly for industrial and create strong magnetic field around them. We have also been told that this could affect the health of the bones. Is this true or not, it is for you to decide. Research EMF and make your own decision.

All machines make EMF. Even DC motors that use an AC outlet have EMF. Some might have more than others but EMF is not an issue with some of the AC models. One gets more EMF per day from telephone wires and being in a city than several of the AC wbv machines. Do not let anyone scare you away saying it will cause health problems if you step on an AC machine. It all depends on if it exceeds 1.6 watts as discussed above.
Vibration Types Motors Amplitudes Frames EMF Warning Plate Types

How to use this si te Q. and A.


Linear Vibration Sonic Vibration TriPlanar Vibration Pivotal Vibration


DO NOT BUY WITHOUT READING THIS PAGE FIRST LINEAR VS OSCILLATING The most important choice on this site!!!! Vibration Types Motors Amplitudes Frames EMF Warning Plate Types

How to use this si te Q. and A. Linear Vibration Sonic Vibration TriPlanar Vibration


Pivotal Vibration


DO NOT BUY WITHOUT READING THIS PAGE FIRST LINEAR VS OSCILLATING The most important choice on this site!!!! All electrically-powered whole body vibration machines emit a small to moderate quantity of electromagnetic radiation due to Electrical Currents. If one is very ill, this could be a factor in one's healing so you need to make this a factor. Since most companies will not share the actual number of EMF %, you should know these things: Some companies claim to shield their machines, but they cannot get rid of this radiation, as it is a feature of the motor itself that cannot be avoided. It doesn't matter if the machine is 100 volt or 220 volt, it all depends on what the motors are producing when they are turned on. A few companies now are adding shields to protect people from high EMFs, but shields are over the wires, not the motor, so they still have high EMFs even if they talk about shields. The best motors are built better and don't have the EMF problem and don't need "shields" like newer models to cover up the EMF. If it is under 1% EMF, then it is considered to be close to none and .4% is the lowest made so far. Some people are very sensitive to EMF. There are only a few companies that have very little EMF in their machines. If EMF is a concern, let me know on my quiz.

I urge everyone to get an EMF blocker and also an EMF meter. I bring my EMF meter everywhere. I can't even go to a cafe unless I check all the EMF around me from all the computers, cell phones, or whatever else is around me. I used to sit near this wall and I don't know what is behind it but the EMF was off the charts. Make sure you know about RF before buying a machine. We have been told that RF could be very dangerous to people with Pace Makers. Some models have AC motors that are from vibrating packaging machines and they turn only to one direction and that's why they cannot have the high amplitude. Also, AC motors are moistly for industrial and create strong magnetic field around them. We have also been told that this could affect the health of the bones. Is this true or not, it is for you to decide. Research EMF and make your own decision.

All machines make EMF. Even DC motors that use an AC


outlet have EMF. Some might have more than others but EMF is not an issue with some of the AC models. One gets more EMF per day from telephone wires and being in a city than several of the AC wbv machines. Do not let anyone scare you away saying it will cause health problems if you step on an AC machine. It all depends on if it exceeds 1.6 watts as discussed above.

If you are going to buy a machine with an AC motor, make sure you buy one that reads no higher than a cell phone or computer. Non motor devices can make more EMF than motorized equipment. A higher dryer probably has more EMF than almost any wbv machine. If you happen to see an AC model you like, I can tell you if we tested the EMF on it or if I have heard it is very low or not an issue with buying it. Take my quiz and I will help you choose a machine with DC or AC into consideration. I do promote certain AC models that have little EMF and I have no problem with. Again, please do not discredit AC models unless you know the facts. I was told that AC motors made EMF and that DC motors had actually ZERO EMF. This was not true until I tested the machines. This is another example of how even someone who researches these machines can get caught up into hype and lies. What I do know is how these are helping so many people, even the AC models, and I get calls and emails to my site thanking me for promoting these.


Please take my quiz here. I will give you my honest opinion on which machine I recommend after reading over your answers. If you have questions about EMF that has to do with WBV please contact me here.




First, as of now, this is my third website on vibration exercise. On my first site, I sold plenty of AC models when I didn't know about EMF, especially since none of the companies had any reference to it. How was I supposed to ask if I didn't know what it EMF was??? I am not going to say EMF is good or bad but I will let you decide based on my tetss I did which you can also do at home. I wanted to see if the EMF exposure from the AC motors really was as harmful as I imagined. I already knew how EMF from cell phones was bad and it occurred to me that if hair dryers are known for high EMF, I wanted to see if these were even worse. What I did was I had people stand near the vibration machines (not even stand on it but on the floor next to it while it was vibrating). Before I ever took my EMF meter out, I wanted to see what it was doing to the body. There was an Aura Photography booth at one of the expos. They take a picture of someone that shows before and after someone standing near or on the plate. The color of people standing near the high EMF models went from red to green. When they got back on it a second time and actually stood on it for 10 minutes, they went to yellow. VS DC - YOU DECIDE

What this means is that the EMF which puts a left spin on the molecules of the cells in the body, it lowers the voltage of the cells. When the photographer told me how it was lowering the vitality of the cells which was shown in the color changes, I knew the EMF was doing something bad.


I also went to Radio Shack and bought a cheap, 15 dollar battery tester. I went up to people at the health expo and had people pinch one of the red wires with one hand and the black wire with the other and see what their starting voltage was. I had them get on the machine for a few minutes and others just stand next to it. Sure enough, the voltage readings went down. As a rule, healthy children usually have a readout of 70 to 90 millivolts. Those with low energy usually have way less.
I did this with just bare motor speed with no one standing on it and also people standing on it. More EMF was produced when people stood on them. When I took my EMF meter when no one was on it much less EMF was read on the meter. I think it is a scam for companies to say that their machine has a low EMF readout when they compare it with no one on the freaking plate. With no workload, any high EMF motor will be less. The smaller, cheaper motors usually gave more EMF as they had to work harder and pull in more energy to do the same job as the larger horsepower motors. I have studied that EMF may deteriorate the cartilages of our feet when we stand on the vibrating platform, our hands and palms if we do push ups, our hips if we sit on it. Also, another current big warning is that uncontrolled EMF and rich RF (Radio Frequencies) may cause bone cancer. I am sure that you heard the warning about the magnetic fields in the cellular phones that might cause brain cancer? Well, the magnetic fields on some of the AC motor platforms can be much stronger than those of the cellular phones. Most machines are loaded with those powerful EMF and RF and are exposing their customers and their trainers to a high risk!


If you want ZERO EMF AND RF EXPOSURE, YOU MUST GET DC MOTORS, or at least a Low EMF AC motor.

Video 1 (now gone) We had to take down our video of the person we had stand next to a AC motor machine and then get a picture (see above) to see if their aura changed. We did this twice when a very heavy person was on it, which made the motor work harder. Unfortunately, the manufacture has asked us to take down the video and we did. We are not hear to pick any fights with anyone. Video 2 (again, we had to take it down) This was a video of us interviewing senior engineering students at from a college. We asked them to explain the differences between AC and DC motors with power consumption, motor longevity, and EMF. This is where we learned more things about motors than the manufactures would tell us. AC and DC motors both offer unique benefits and features that can make one or the other better suited for you.

Picture of an AC Motor
AC MOTORS MAY BE BETTER BECAUSE. . . * The are conventional and less expensive than DC motors. * AC motors require hardly any maintenance and is preferred for models where the motor is mounted where it is hard to take out or replace. * AC motors are much smaller, lighter, but can make more noise * AC motors may be better for high speed vibration machines since there are no brushes where

contact communication is not a problem * Not good in humid places unless it has a corrosive proof enclosure. Many motors do not have enclosures * AC can push heavier weights at lower amperages and wattages

Picture of a DC Motor
DC MOTORS MAY BE BETTER BECAUSE. . . * DC motors are not as complex and have a single power converter to DC * DC motors are usually less expensive for higher horsepower ratings. * DC motors can adjust speeds without as much wear and tear * DC motors don't often get as warm at the same loads * DC motors can adjust speeds without as much wear and tear * DC motors are better designed for continuous operation * DC motors can give starting torques and accelerate speed at higher efficiencies * DC motors are less audible at the higher speeds

DC MOTOR WARNING: Many companies still use the brush type motors as they are the cheapest DC motors to build. The disadvantage over time is that these carbon brushes that transfer electricity to the rotating part of the motor, the brushes eventually wear out over time and the result is a motor that stops. Newer machines have DC brushless motors which having eliminated the brushes, it is more expensive to make and requires more expensive electronics to operate it. This results in a motor that will last a long time and has a dramatically reduced noise without these brushings. Compare DC motor to AC motor The one thing in common between AC and DC

motors is that they both have a stationary part and a rotor. The speed of a DC motor can be adjusted by increasing the voltage and is better for low power operations. DC motors don't heat up as much as they have added heat dissipation features which also allow lower operating speeds. The size of an AC motor is much bigger compared to DC motor of the same torque power. AC motors have a simpler design, but they work best at fixed speeds and cannot operate at low speeds, this is why most of the cheap vibration machines you see start at a high frequency, unlike ones that start under 10 hertz. The models that have digital speed controls that are AC powered are usually more expensive as it requires lots of control features and also the higher the speed of an AC motor, the more Radio frequencies (RF) it produces. From the engineer: From my notes. AC or DC motor: This the type of current used to power the motor that produces the vibration. AC means "Alternating Current" and DC means "Direct current" (not alternating). There is no hard and fast rule that one is better than the other. There are good and poor versions of each of these motor types, so it is unreasonable to make a

comparison on this basis. The type of motor is dictated by what the designer wants to achieve in terms of control of the vibration and the type of vibration. AC motors are generally less expensive and more durable but are more difficult to control. This used to be an obstacle, but recent innovations in electronics have made it very easy to control the speed of an AC motor. Bottom line: There is no implicit advantage or disadvantage of AC vs DC. However, cheap, "brushed" DC motors should be avoided.

Horse Power types: Not all motors are the same even if both motors claim 1.5 HP. They are all built differently. Even the copper windings can be made of high or low grade copper. The enclosures of the motor can be made of low or high carbon steel. Some AC motors create high EMF and some much lower, even if they are the same horsepower. As a rule, the smaller the motor, usually in the cheap machines, which have a higher HP rating, usually have a higher EMF rating to go with it. A bigger motor, if it is AC, creates less EMF because it is not being worked as hard. Horsepower Misinformation: Horsepower related to vibration machines in my opinion is intentionally misrepresented by many of the

brands out there. According to the dictionary, one (1) horsepower is 746 watts of power. So, if you have a 2 HP motor from two different companies, one model can be more or less powerful than the other, that is why I wouldn't buy based on horsepower alone. (PHP, peak horsepower vs CHP, continuous horsepower). Just for simplicity's sake, peak horsepower is what the power the motor can do without anyone on it, meaning it is not a measurement for the heaviest person. When you are looking at HP ratings, you want to get the continuous duty ratings, not just the peak. Even More Confusing HP issues: To make picking out a motor or a vibration machine more confusing, some of the companies are gearing up their "smaller" motors, often the size of a coke can, to have it produce extra wattage. Well, in the short run, a smaller motor that is running at higher RPMs can produce the same amount of power that a larger motor running at low RPMs, but in the long run the smaller motor will run hotter, have more problems and break down quite a bit faster. It's all a little more complicated than that (to determine HP you need to know the voltage, amps and efficiency of the motor), but the bottom line is to make sure the HP rating you see on a blender is a continuous duty rating. A peak rating (PHP or THP) doesn't do you any good at all -- how powerful a blender is when you're not on it is meaningless.


So say it with me "I want a big motor, running at low RPMs and I want to know its continuous duty rating." It may all sound confusing but it is the difference between a blender with a motor that will burn out in 6 months and one that will last 5-10 years or longer. Horsepower Scams When looking at horsepower, make sure you know if it is bare motor speed HP or constant speed with an actual person's weight on it. If you need an amplitude of 5 mm and the plate only goes up to 3 mm if your weight is over 250, then you know you need more wattage. Horsepower is Meaningless if you don't know the wattage and amperage. Horsepower can mean peak hp, average hp, running hp, output hp, input hp, or even startup hp with bare motor speed. Wattage is what tells you how powerful the motor is. Is a higher wattage, higher horsepower machine better? First, most people don't know if a 1.5 horsepower, 500 watt motor is better than a 2 horsepower, 300 watt machine. Before knowing which is better, you need to know the amperage (amps) of the machine. Most companies FAIL to tell you the amperage on their website. You can have a 1.5 horsepower, 300 watt machine and 2 amps or you can have 1 amps and

this can make the difference between a machine that has the same specs and one is 1999 and the other 800 dollars. A huge difference. A stronger motor must have a strong frame. If the frame is plastic, having a very strong motor can damage the housing that holds the motor so you won't usually get a high amperage motor in a machine less than a 1000 dollars. I did tests where I took an amp meter to see if the motor was pulling more amps than the motor rating allowed. If the mahcine was rated at 300 pounds, I held weights to see if the motor pulled more amps than the 15 amp outlet is rated for. If you have a 15 amp outlet and the surge when you turn it on goes over 15 amps, not good. Many vibration machines, especially when heavier people are on them, draw more amperage from the outlet. Poorly designed machines create more friction and much of the current is converted into heat. The better motors companies give sensitivity to creating less heat and motor efficiency. The better motors deliver more power using less wattage. They are bigger motors, usually 2 horsepower, that doesn't have to strain so hard and pull more amperage than needed. A motor can also have the same specs but use aluminum wires while some brands use copper wires. Read my Motor Page


Amplitude: This is the excursion by the plate on one fully cycle. If two plates are vibrating at the same frequency, a larger amplitude will produce more force on the body. For muscle building, this can be advantageous, but for general well being, too much amplitude can overload the body and push it into a state many users know it as "sympathetic stress". This is the fight-orflight response that shifts the body to survival, away from maintenance and healing. Amplitude cannot be considered separate from frequencies. The actual power from movement to lift someone is actually force given off by the plate, not amplitude or frequency. The following equation describes force vs frequency: F=mRf2. (I had to get an engineer to help me understand all of this. I am very surprised the people who are actually importing these machines didn't do all these things I am doing). This equation says that force (at a given amplitude) depends on the square of the frequency. In other words, for the same amplitude, the force at 20Hz is four times as much as at 10Hz. (not double as people might think). Viewed differently, it means that to produce 1 G force at 3Hz it requires 100 times that amplitude required to

produce 1 G force at 30Hz. Practically speaking, this means that many models have a useful range of frequency that is much narrower than the absolute specification because at the low end the force is too weak to have meaningful effect, and at the high end it is too powerful and jarring to endure. Bottom line: Greater amplitude is better, but only with the ability to control it, and only if you need it (it comes at a cost). In contrast to the peak velocity amplitude, the rootmean-square velocity amplitude of a vibrating machine tells us the vibration energy in the machine. The higher the vibration energy, the higher the rootmean-square velocity amplitude. The term root-mean-square' is often shortened to rms'. It is useful to remember that the rms amplitude is always lower than the peak amplitude. Remember, when choosing a machine with higher amplitude the more the up and down displacement the more stress that is applied on the machine. To make the machine less prone, solid steel can help lower the stress to the machine. The heavier gauge the frame, the less stress fractures. If using a plastic frame, make sure it is hard, ABS plastic or strong

plastic that doesn't leach smells when it gets warm. Amplitude on longer plates VS AMPLITUDE on shorter plates: You can get an amplitude of 10 mm on a 20 inch pivotal plate a well as 10 mm of amplitude on a 27 inch plate. A shorter plate will definitely have a different feel to the ankles than a longer plate. With a longer plate, standing at the tippy edge will get you 10 mm without pivoting as much. If a plate was 60 inches, for example, the plate wouldn't have to pivot hardly at all to give 10 mm. A longer plate will always feel smoother if you are trying to get to the low hertz at high amplitudes. In order to get 10 mm of amplitude on a 20 inch plate at 6 hertz, the plate has to pivot at a larger angle than a longer plate has to. This is particularly important to those that want to vibrate at the lower speeds. At high speeds, for those wanting high G forces, it is not a much of a concern and this is why shorter plates rarely get returned. If buying for purposes that the plates that give low hertz (6 and under) and you want high amplitudes to flush, then this is when it is important to most people.



PIcking out the right wattage

AC motor with fan (longer session times, more expensive motors AC motor without fan (get hotter and shorter session times DC motor (high start torque, good for low hertz vibration)

Before buying a vibration machine be aware of how an AC motor can give less torque as the weight of the person increases. A DC motor can operate much more efficient with full load torques. Wattage Scams: 500 watts (the most common wattage for vibration machines) A 500 Watt DC motor is not the same thing as a 500 Watt AC motor Cheap AC motors usually get hot after 10 minutes of usage with a heavier person even if it is 500 watts. A 500 watt DC motor, usually in clinics, can operate continuously as long as there is a little time for it to cool down between usages. Some are 500 watts with brush less motors and others have brushes which make them noisier. On Ac motors you usually don't have a high starting torque and this is why most AC motors, even 500 watt models, rarely go down to 5 hertz or below. Hitting the low hertz requires start-up higher torque and

continuous duty horsepower without using momentum at higher speeds. Each extra frequency per second that the machine goes at usually means it has that much less start up torque. If a machine starts at 6 hertz it usually has more torque than a machine that starts at 7 hertz. A 5 hertz machine usually will have a very high torque. This is assuming it has an equivilant G force as the higher hertz. A higher wattage DC motor usually will have a longer motor life if it is brush-less and has ball bearings that are perminently lubricated. Having a heavier gauge steel enclosure also helps reduce friction which increases motor life too. Many people just look for 2 HP and can get mislead with quality of the motor. They just think because its 2 HP its good. There are many variables that go into a 2 HP motor that determines its power, starting torque, and motor life. A 2 HP ac motor is usually smaller, more noisy and do not run as smooth. The torque produced by a 500 watt ac motor is not the same as a dc motor. You can google motors and you will see that a 500 watt 2hp DC motor from just about all the motor manufacturers are much more expensive than 500 watt 2hp AC motors. DC motors require less electricity and much less coper windings to produce the same amount of power as an AC motor of equivilant power. A DC motor of

the same wattage and hp and amperage will have much higher performance and durability than an AC motor. Although the same wattage AC motors are cheaper, many people think they are getting a better deal. Do your research and you will not get mislead. Unless you have done the research, it is hard to really understand motors. I had to hire many engineers from the phone book to really get a back ground so I know what I am talking about when comparing the different motors in these vibration machines.

Just so you know, one horse power is equal to 746 watts... So how can they call a 2HP machine 2 horsepower if it only has 500 watts? Wouldnt that be about 3/4 HP, not even a single horsepower? A 1 horsepower motor, weather it has 746 watts or not, has to be able to able to produce 36 lbs-in at 1750 rpms. (Note that power is equal to torque multiplied by the speed). Horsepower is a measure of a motor's torque and speed capability. Because of gear reduction or engineering, the motor doesn't have to have the amount of wattage of true input 2 horse power to deliver 2 horse power. Watch our videos of different models with different wattages but HAVING THE SAME HORSE POWER. Wattage Comparisons

Same horsepower but different wattages Watch what happens when a 250 pound person steps on the edge of a 500 watt, 1.5hp model, a 300 watt 1.5 hp model, and a 1.5hp model 250 watt model. Question: 1.5 hp 300 watt vs 500 watt Why buy a 2 hp when a 1.5 hp can do the same thing? Depending on the weight on the plate, a 1.5 hp model takes more energy to do the same job and has to work a little harder. The more powerful the motor, the more weight you can put on the tippy edge without lowering the G force you need.


Also New The New Sonic Vibration Machine One model - One price - Dealer prices
I have been researching the sonic machines for some time now and have a few suspicions. I am starting to wonder if the models are all coming from the came company because several times I have found that the people selling these machines have used the same jargon and in the same order as if they were educated by the same company/distributor/importer/manufacturer/ or whoever they are getting the machines from. It has taken me over a year to come up with several conclusions. Also, on the new sonic model, the warranty form was and still is nearly identical for both competing companies. Curiously, the sales people at one of the companies deny knowing anything about the new model that just came out so I guess they don't want people to know that both companies are related, if that is the case, but I cannot say at this time

if they are, or perhaps the sales people just have never used the newer model before. I've spoken to several people about the newer model, including anaturopathic physician at the manufacturer of the new sonic model. Nobody has been able to offer me a solid comparison between the new sonic model and the Ovation which I am familiar with so I am having to have several people in different weight classes and humidity zones buy the new sonic model to see if the claims are accurate and how it holds up. I will not sell a single model until my results are back. I will get the feedback and post. I do not base my feedback just on my own results because everyone is at a different weight and have different opinions. For now, based on a few customer comments comments, the newer model seems like a stripped down version of the Ovation. It appears to have a smaller voice coil, does not have levelers, and comes with a lesser warranty. There are several other details that makes both units different, but ultimately, they seem to be of roughly the same value. One dealer tried to convince me that the newer model was a "better" version of the Ovation but I think he is dead wrong, and I'm not sure why he was trying so hard to get me to buy the newer instead of the Ovation. Supposedly the newer model does have a slightly better power supply, and some people will appreciate the lighter weight, but that's it. But then again, the Ovation has some features that the newer model

doesn't have. The newer model seems ideal for somebody who wants to spend a little less and does not mind giving up some extra features. I can help people decide if those extra features are really worth the extra 1,500 dollars or not. I think some people, for example, are really going to need the levelers that the Ovation has. In addition, I was surprised by the limited knowledge that most of the sales people have about the power requirements of these units. One dealer told me that a dedicated 20 amp circuit is recommended. Yet, both manufacturers recommend a line conditioner that is only capable of delivering 10 amps. With a background in amateur sound engineering tells me that this is strange, and I will probably be doing my own tests on these WBV machines to find out their surge and nominal power draw characteristics. One dealer never mentioned anything about this, and I think it is very important that anyone who is purchasing these units understand that, at a MINIMUM, a dedicated 15 amp circuit is recommended. I know a person who can explain what this is and why it is recommended and it all made sense the way it was explained. The person was also familiar with most residential grade and many commercial grade line conditioners, so he can help people get the right equipment to make sure these WBV machines do not burn out or blow fuses constantly.

That's one of the cool things about the Theravibe -- I understand that it has a strong power transformer built in, so people do not need to worry about power requirements as much. Look forward to an in-depth comparison between the two units. I will be taking pictures and making a report that can be easily read on this website. Again, it will be about a week or two and about mid April before I have the comparison done. The sound engineer that I am working with has a lot of integrity and is helping me with this review so I can connect people with the machines that are right for them. This is the new sonic model that just came out. Many new features that the older models didn't have, including playing music through the speakers and frequency generators. Much more than vibration now. I am even shocked how advanced they have became and surprisingly coming down in price instead of up like all the others like the Theravibe from (which are coming out with two newer models also this year). (I do have several demos of the original model in NY if anyone needs one at a reduced price. I will sell at my cost of what I paid for it. It is ULTRA ULTRA ULTRA LIGHT. The whole machine weighs 33 pounds without the plate,

which is 99 pounds. Since its not a motorized machine, the weight of it really doesn't mater so the weight is actually a plus, not a negative. About the new sonic model, it will give powerful flushes at an ultra low 3 vibrations per second and up to 50 vibrations per second. This is just second to the ones that cost 18,000 that go to 2 vibrations per second but no where near that cost. The one thing I will say that made me question this is that it only has a rating of 260 pounds, which if someone is 200 pounds and they want to hold 30 pound dumbells, it might bottom out. Another good thing is that if you are using this outside where its humid, such as Florida, or by your pool or at a spa where there is a hot tub or steam room nearby, this can work even at humidity ranges up to 80% humidity. Many of them will rust and can short circuit when the older versions get water int them. Call any high end home theater store and they can tell you you don't want to have a high end stereo where its humid unless you get a dehumidifier. Damp speakers = not good!
Sonic ones are unlike others in that they don't take much energy at the low speed settings to balance yourself to get a full lymphatic flush. Unlike others that raise your heart beat, a sonic model that works at low frequencies won't increase your heart rate or cause you to start breathing heavily to get the results most people are looking for. It takes very little energy to stand on a sonic plate as no stabilizers muscles have to work to keep your balance. On a sonic, you just stand on it and it does it all for you.

Defining SonicThis is so retarded. OK, so a speaker consists of three parts - the chassis, a diaphragm or cone and a voice-coil actuator. If you take away the cone and the chassis then you are only left with a voice-coil actuator. The voice coil actuator is really just a special type of linear motor. It's called a linear motor because it moves linearly. (in-out versus round and round like a rotational motor. The motors in these types of vibration machines also use voice coil actuators. It's a voice coil actuator that is connected to the plate, instead of a cone if it was part of a loudspeaker.

(NOTE: THERE IS NOT A SUBWOOFER IN THESE SONIC MACHINES. I AM NOT SURE WHY PEOPLE THINK THERE IS A SPEAKER IN THESE. One of the sonic companies uses a moving magnet actuator instead of a moving coil actuator like the models that have them under the plates. It's the same type of motor - it's just a different part that moves while both have a coil and a magnet and are both liner motors. The models that ahve a moving magnet actuator are much more expensive than the ones with the moving coil actuators, which are under the plate types. Without taking these apart I couldn't get the real answer on how these work. Everyone says they make the best sonic model. I don't like asking sales people as none of them I asked have taken them apart. How can you sell someething to me if you are only reiterating what someone told you or what you read. It's not like I can't ask the engineers who made them because they all speak Korean.


How can someone say there is a loudspeaker in these if they haven't even seen the loudspeaker, or subwoofer. It is so funny that people don't understand this. Here is what I know about sonic machines that I had to learn on my own This might help clarify things for you: There are only two types of technologies on the market at the time of writing this. The first type uses a LINEAR MOTOR that is DIRECTLY COUPLED to the plate by a SHORT STEEL ROD. The plate moves in EXACT RESPONSE TO THE MOTOR. For example, if the motor armature moves 1/1000 of an inch, then the plate moves 1/1000 of an inch. The other type uses a LINEAR MOTOR that is DIRECTLY COUPLED to the plate by a PAIR OF "ROCKER ARMS" UNDER THE PLATE. The plate moves in EXACT RESPONSE TO THE MOTOR. If the motor armature moves 1/1000 of an inch, then the plate moves 1/1000 of an inch. Based on my reserch, I will have to say that I disagree on a few things that have been told to me. Neither of the two types are "sonic'. They don't work with sound waves. You stand on the plate and it vibrates. It's movement of a plate, that's not sonic. They don't even make that much noise. They are actually the quietest of all machines out there. How in the world is that sonic? I believe it is a translation error or a lack of better words to describe the technology to customers. It might be cuz the manufacturers don't speak English and when they were trying to explain how their machines work, subwoofers and loundspeakers were the terms they used to describe the motor in their machines. So, the sonic idea came about. This is only my opinion which I

believe is accurate. I am not exactly stating this as a fact but based on everything I researched when dissecting these, it seems the most accurate. The word sonic seems like a good name to call them and differentiates these types of machines from the rest but I don't think it is a good description on how the technology really works. These types of vibration machines are the best for what the linear types can offer and are well worth it if you can use one everyday.




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