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Tomorrow's Habitat for the Wild and Rare: an Action Plan for Minnesota Wildlife

Set of Species in Greatest Conservation Need

Scientific Name Common Name State Fed. Rationale Status Status

Canis lupus Cervus elaphus Cryptotis parva Felis concolor Lynx canadensis Microtus chrotorrhinus Microtus ochrogaster Microtus pinetorum Mustela nivalis Myotis septentrionalis Onychomys leucogaster Perognathus flavescens Phenacomys intermedius Pipistrellus subflavus Reithrodontomys megalotis Sorex fumeus Spermophilus franklinii Spermophilus richardsonii Spilogale putorius Synaptomys borealis Taxidea taxus Thomomys talpoides Gray Wolf Elk Least Shrew Mountain Lion Canada lynx Rock Vole Prairie Vole Woodland Vole Least Weasel Northern Myotis Northern Grasshopper Mouse Plains Pocket Mouse Heather Vole Eastern Pipistrelle Western Harvest Mouse Smoky Shrew Franklin's Ground Squirrel Richardson's Ground Squirrel Eastern Spotted Skunk Northern Bog Lemming American Badger Northern Pocket Gopher SPC SPC SPC SPC NL NL SPC SPC SPC SPC NL SPC SPC SPC NL SPC NL NL THR SPC NL SPC THR NL NL NL THR NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL Federally Threatened, MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. Federally Threatened. Tracked in MN heritage database. MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. Tracked in MN heritage database. MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. Tracked in MN heritage database. MN Special Concern. Stewardship species - stable pop in MN, declining in region. Tracked in MN heritage database. MN Threatened. MN Special Concern. Dependent on rare and declining grassland habitat, population numbers are not fully known, protected in WI, IL, MI. MN Special Concern.

Accipiter gentilis Aechmophorus occidentalis Aegolius funereus Ammodramus bairdii Ammodramus henslowii Ammodramus leconteii Ammodramus nelsoni Ammodramus savannarum Northern Goshawk Western Grebe Boreal Owl Baird's Sparrow Henslow's Sparrow Le Conte's Sparrow Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow Grasshopper Sparrow NL NL NL END END NL SPC NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL Suggested addition by several people on feedback teams. On USFS sensitive spp list - vulnerable habitat (large patches of mature forest), may be regionally declining, tracked by MN DNR Heritage. Suggested addition by several people on feedback teams. Declining MN population, with only 4 nesting colonies. Declining habitat. Been several nesting failures. Tracked in M DNR Heritage database. Suggested addition by several people on feedback teams. Meets several criteria - declining habitat, rare and declining in MN, not adequately surveyed by breeding bird survey, tracked by MN DNR heritage. MN Endangered. MN Endangered. Highest Partners in Flight Priority (PIF 1) in the Boreal Hardwood Transition plan (BCR12). MN Special Concern. High Partners in Flight Priority (PIF 2) in several Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs). Page 1 of 9

Appendix B. MN CWCS - Set of species in greatest conservation need Tomorrow's Habitat for the Wild and Rare: an Action Plan for Minnesota Wildlife


Scientific Name

Common Name

State Fed. Rationale Status Status

Anas acuta Anas rubripes Anthus spragueii Arenaria interpres Asio flammeus Aythya affinis Bartramia longicauda Botaurus lentiginosus Buteo lineatus Buteo swainsoni Calcarius ornatus Calidris alpina Calidris fuscicollis Calidris pusilla Caprimulgus vociferus Catharus fuscescens Charadrius melodus Chlidonias niger Chordeiles minor Circus cyaneus Cistothorus palustris Cistothorus platensis Coccyzus erythropthalmus Contopus cooperi Contopus virens Coturnicops noveboracensis Cygnus buccinator Dendroica caerulescens Dendroica castanea Dendroica cerulea Dendroica tigrina Dolichonyx oryzivorus Empidonax minimus Empidonax traillii Northern Pintail American Black Duck Sprague's Pipit Ruddy Turnstone Short-eared Owl Lesser Scaup Upland Sandpiper American Bittern Red-shouldered Hawk Swainson's Hawk Chestnut-collared Longspur Dunlin White-rumped Sandpiper Semipalmated Sandpiper Whip-poor-will Veery Piping Plover Black Tern Common Nighthawk Northern Harrier Marsh Wren Sedge Wren Black-billed Cuckoo Olive-sided Flycatcher Eastern Wood-pewee Yellow Rail Trumpeter Swan Black-throated Blue Warbler Bay-breasted Warbler Cerulean Warbler Cape May Warbler Bobolink Least Flycatcher Willow Flycatcher NL NL END NL SPC NL NL NL SPC NL END NL NL NL NL NL END NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL SPC THR NL NL SPC NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL END NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL According to DNR Waterfowl Committee chair: Continental population stable since 1985, but significant long-term decline dating to the 1950s; MN population low and declining since 1986. According to DNR Waterfowl Committee chair: Continental population declining, MN population low (<1,000) based on 1991-93 Black Duck Survey. MN Endangered. High Priority (4) in the Prairie Pothole (BCR11) Shorebird Plan. MN Special Concern. According to DNR Waterfowl Committee chair: Continental population declining since 1985 and long-term (Lesser and Greater combined), MN population stable but survey poorly timed for breeding scaup. High Priority (4) in all Bird Conservation Regions of Shorebird Plans. High priority in all Bird Conservation Regions of Waterbird plans. MN Special Concern. Partners in Flight Continental Watchlist. MN Endangered. High Priority (4) in the Prairie Pothole (BCR11) Shorebird Plan. High Priority (4) in the Prairie Pothole (BCR11) Shorebird Plan. High Priority (4) in the Prairie Pothole (BCR11) Shorebird Plan. Suggested addition by several people on feedback teams. Not well monitored by breeding bird surveys. Declining populations, insectivore and aerial feeder - special resource needs. Id'd on USFWS reg. 3 concern list. Highest Partners in Flight Priority (PIF 1) in the Boreal Hardwood Transition plan (BCR12). Federally Endangered in Great Lakes watershed, Federally Threatened elsewhere. MN Endangered. High priority in all Bird Conservation Regions Waterbird plans. Suggested addition by several people on feedback teams. Not well monitored by breeding bird surveys. Declining populations, insectivore and aerial feeder - special resource needs. High Partners in Flight Priority (PIF 2) in several Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs). High Partners in Flight Priority (PIF 2) in several Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs). Highest Partners in Flight Priority (PIF 1) in several Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs). Highest Partners in Flight Priority (PIF 1) in several Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs). Partners in Flight Continental Watchlist. High Partners in Flight Priority (PIF 2A ) in the Boreal Hardwood Transition plan (BCR12). Also shows one of the most significant declines in the NRRI forest bird monitoring. MN Special Concern, High priority in several BCRs of Waterbird Plans. MN Threatened. Highest Partners in Flight Priority (PIF 1) in the Boreal Hardwood Transition plan (BCR12). Partners in Flight Continental Watchlist. MN Special Concern. Highest Partners in Flight Priority (PIF 1) in the Boreal Hardwood Transition plan (BCR12). Highest Partners in Flight Priority (PIF 1) in several Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs). High Partners in Flight Priority (PIF 2A ) in the Boreal Hardwood Transition plan (BCR12). Partners in Flight Continental Watchlist. Page 2 of 9

Appendix B. MN CWCS - Set of species in greatest conservation need Tomorrow's Habitat for the Wild and Rare: an Action Plan for Minnesota Wildlife


Scientific Name

Common Name

State Fed. Rationale Status Status

Empidonax virescens Euphagus carolinus Falcipennis canadensis Falco peregrinus Gallinula chloropus Gavia immer Haliaeetus leucocephalus Hylocichla mustelina Ixobrychus exilis Lanius ludovicianus Larus pipixcan Limnodromus griseus Limosa fedoa Limosa haemastica Melanerpes erythrocephalus Melospiza georgiana Numenius phaeopus Nycticorax nycticorax Oporornis agilis Pelecanus erythrorhynchos Phalaropus tricolor Pheucticus ludovicianus Picoides arcticus Pluvialis dominica Podiceps auritus Podiceps grisegena Podiceps nigricollis Poecile hudsonica Protonotaria citrea Rallus elegans Rallus limicola Recurvirostra americana Scolopax minor Seiurus aurocapillus Acadian Flycatcher Rusty Blackbird Spruce Grouse Peregrine Falcon Common Moorhen Common Loon Bald Eagle Wood Thrush Least Bittern Loggerhead Shrike Franklin's Gull Short-billed Dowitcher Marbled Godwit Hudsonian Godwit Red-headed Woodpecker Swamp Sparrow Whimbrel Black-crowned Night-heron Connecticut Warbler American White Pelican Wilson's Phalarope Rose-breasted Grosbeak Black-backed Woodpecker American Golden-plover Horned Grebe Red-necked Grebe Eared Grebe Boreal Chickadee Prothonotary Warbler King Rail Virginia Rail American Avocet American Woodcock Ovenbird SPC NL NL THR SPC NL SPC NL NL THR SPC NL SPC NL NL NL NL NL NL SPC THR NL NL NL THR NL NL NL NL END NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL THR NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL MN Special Concern. Partners in Flight Continental Watchlist. Suggested addition by several people on feedback teams. Not well monitored by BBS, on USFS sensitive species list, vulnerable habitat, not much known about population trends, however. MN Threatened. MN Special Concern, Moderate concern in several BCRs of Waterbird Plans. High priority in several Bird Conservation Regions of Waterbird plans. Federally Threatened, MN Special Concern. Partners in Flight Continental Watchlist. Moderate priority in all Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs) of Waterbird plan. MN Threatened. MN Special Concern. High Priority (4) in several Bird Conservation Regions of Shorebird Plans. MN Special Concern, Priority 4 on all BCRs of Shorebird plans. High Priority (4) in the Prairie Pothole (BCR11) Shorebird Plan. Partners in Flight Continental Watchlist. High Partners in Flight Priority (PIF 2A ) in the Prairie Hardwood Transition plan (BCR 23). Partners in Flight shows rangewide declines and also a continental stewardship species. High Priority (4) in all Bird Conservation Regions of Shorebird Plans. Med to high priority in Waterbird plans. Highest Partners in Flight Priority (PIF 1) in the Boreal Hardwood Transition plan (BCR12). MN Special Concern. MN Threatened, High Priority (4) in all Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs) of Shorebird Plans. High Partners in Flight Priority (PIF 2A ) in the Boreal Hardwood Transition plan (BCR12) and also significant regional declines indicated in NRRI Forest Bird monitoring. High Partners in Flight Priority (PIF 2C ) in the Boreal Hardwood Transition plan (BCR12). Range more extensive in MN than N 3-toed woodpecker and also has high regional threats (habitat needs of large burned areas). High Priority (4) in the Prairie Pothole (BCR11) Shorebird Plan. MN Threatened. Moderate concern in several Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs) of Waterbird Plans. High and medium priority in Waterbird Plans, uncommon, wetland habitat declining. Threatened in WI. Moderate concern in the Prairie Pothole (BCR 11) Waterbird plan. Suggested addition by feedback team. Sharp continental population decline (PIF=5), threatened habitat. Partners in Flight Continental Watchlist. MN Endangered. Moderate concern in the Prairie Pothole (BCR 11) Waterbird plan. High Priority (4) in the Prairie Pothole (BCR11) Shorebird Plan. High Priority (4) in all Bird Conservation Regions of Shorebird Plans. Suggested addition by feedback team.While does not meet PIF priority (2B), the NRRI Forest Bird monitoring shows highly sig. regional declines. Also vulnerable habitat (forest interior). Page 3 of 9

Appendix B. MN CWCS - Set of species in greatest conservation need Tomorrow's Habitat for the Wild and Rare: an Action Plan for Minnesota Wildlife


Scientific Name

Common Name

State Fed. Rationale Status Status

Seiurus motacilla Speotyto cunicularia Sphyrapicus varius Spiza americana Spizella pusilla Stelgidopteryx serripennis Sterna forsteri Sterna hirundo Sturnella magna Toxostoma rufum Tringa melanoleuca Troglodytes troglodytes Tryngites subruficollis Tympanuchus cupido Tympanuchus phasianellus Vermivora chrysoptera Vermivora pinus Vireo bellii Wilsonia canadensis Wilsonia citrina Zonotrichia albicollis Louisiana Waterthrush Burrowing Owl Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Dickcissel Field Sparrow Northern Rough-winged Swallow Forster's Tern Common Tern Eastern Meadowlark Brown Thrasher Greater Yellowlegs Winter Wren Buff-breasted Sandpiper Greater Prairie-chicken Sharp-tailed Grouse Golden-winged Warbler Blue-winged Warbler Bell's Vireo Canada Warbler Hooded Warbler White-throated Sparrow SPC END NL NL NL NL SPC THR NL NL NL NL NL SPC NL NL NL NL NL SPC NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL MN Special Concern. MN Endangered. High Partners in Flight Priority (PIF 2A ) in the Boreal Hardwood Transition plan (BCR12). Also significant regional declines in NRRI Forest Brid Monitoring. Partners in Flight Continental Watchlist. Highest Partners in Flight Priority (PIF 1) in several Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs). Significant population declines. High Partners in Flight Priority (PIF 2) in several Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs). MN Special Concern. MN Threatened, High priority in all Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs) of Waterbird plans. Id'd on USFWS reg. 3 concern list. Suggested addition. Precipitous continental population decline, habitat inperiled. Highest Partners in Flight Priority (PIF 2A) in several Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs). High Priority (4) in several Bird Conservation Regions of Shorebird Plans. Suggested addition by feedback team. Highly significant population declines in NRRI Forest Bird Monitoring. High priority (4) in all Bird Conservation Regions of Shorebird Plans. MN Special Concern. Populations well below the range of natural variation in Minnesota. Historically was the dominant prairie Galliform. Partners in Flight Continental Watchlist. Partners in Flight Continental Watchlist. Partners in Flight Continental Watchlist, Tracked in MN heritage database. Partners in Flight Continental Watchlist. MN Special Concern. Suggested addition. Highly significant regional population declines in NRRI Forest Bird Monitoring.

Apalone mutica Chelydra serpentina Clemmys insculpta Cnemidophorus sexlineatus Coluber constrictor Crotalus horridus Elaphe obsoleta Elaphe vulpina Emydoidea blandingii Eumeces fasciatus Heterodon nasicus Heterodon platirhinos Lampropeltis triangulum Liochlorophis vernalis Pituophis catenifer Smooth Softshell Common Snapping Turtle Wood Turtle Six-lined Racerunner Eastern Racer Timber Rattlesnake Eastern Rat Snake Eastern Fox Snake Blanding's Turtle Five-lined Skink Western Hognose Snake Eastern Hognose Snake Milk Snake Smooth Green Snake Gopher Snake SPC SPC THR NL SPC THR SPC NL THR SPC SPC NL NL NL SPC NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. MN Threatened. Restricted to bluff prairie habitats and are uncommon even in appropriate habitats. MN Special Concern. MN Threatened. MN Special Concern. Tracked in MN heritage database. MN Threatened. MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. Tracked in MN heritage database. Tracked in MN heritage database - vulnerable habitat - rock outcrops and hibernacula. Suggested by herp subgroup, declines noted in adj. States, MN population and distribution info lacking. MN Special Concern. Page 4 of 9

Appendix B. MN CWCS - Set of species in greatest conservation need Tomorrow's Habitat for the Wild and Rare: an Action Plan for Minnesota Wildlife


Scientific Name

Common Name

State Fed. Rationale Status Status

Sistrurus catenatus Tropidoclonion lineatum Eastern Massasauga Lined Snake END SPC CAND Candidate Federal ESA, MN Endangered. NL MN Special Concern.

Acris crepitans Ambystoma maculatum Hemidactylium scutatum Necturus maculosus Plethodon cinereus Rana palustris Northern Cricket Frog Spotted Salamander Four-toed Salamander Common Mudpuppy Eastern Red-backed Salamander Pickerel Frog END NL SPC NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL MN Endangered. Tracked in MN heritage database. MN Special Concern. Suggested by aquatics group, host to threatened salamander mussel. Commercially exploited by biological supply companies that are hard to monitor; also vulnerable to the lampricide TFM. Suggested by herp subgroup, info and status needed given loss of habitat. Tracked in MN heritage database. Natural range is in MN, uses cold water streams, a vulnerable habitat.

Acipenser fulvescens Alosa chrysochloris Ammocrypta asprella Ammocrypta clara Anguilla Rostrata Aphredoderus sayanus Campostoma oligolepis Clinostomus elongatus Coregonus hoyi Coregonus kiyi Coregonus nipigon Coregonus zenithicus Cottus ricei Couesius plumbeus Cycleptus elongatus Cyprinella lutrensis Erimystax x-punctata Etheostoma asprigene Etheostoma chlorosoma Etheostoma microperca Fundulus sciadicus Hybognathus nuchalis Ichthyomyzon fossor Ichthyomyzon gagei Ictiobus niger Lake Sturgeon Skipjack Herring Crystal Darter Western Sand Darter American Eel Pirate Perch Largescale Stoneroller Redside Dace Bloater Kiyi Nipigon cisco Shortjaw Cisco Spoonhead sculpin Lake Chub Blue Sucker Red Shiner Gravel Chub Mud Darter Bluntnose Darter Least Darter Plains Topminnow Mississippi Silvery Minnow Northern Brook Lamprey Southern Brook Lamprey Black Buffalo SPC SPC SPC NL NL SPC NL NL NL SPC NL SPC NL NL SPC NL SPC NL NL SPC SPC NL SPC SPC SPC NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL MN Special Concern, generally recovering in historic drainages. MN Special Concern, absent for decades, but has been reported sporadically since 1986. MN Special Concern, difficult to sample and assess. Preferred habitats rarely sampled. catadromis, difficult to sample and assess, special concern in WI. MN Special Concern, preferred habitats rarely sampled. secure in St. Croix and lower Mississippi drainages, rare in Minnesota drainage. Reduced distribution, special concern in WI, extirpated in IA. Classified as Vulnerable in the IUCN Red List. Commercial species in Lake Superior, taxonomy of genus suspect. MN Special Concern, reported occasionally along North Shore of Lake Superior, taxonomy of genus suspect. Known distribution restricted to Saganaga Lake in far NE Minnesota/southern Ontario. MN Special Concern, reported rarely along North Shore of Lake Superior, and recently, in two inland lakes, taxonomy of genus suspect. Restricted to L. Superior and one inland lake. Secure in Lake Superior, reduced distribution in inland lakes and streams. MN Special Concern, recovering and expanding range into Minnesota River. Restricted to Missouri drainage, far less common than federally endangered Topeka shiner. MN Special Concern, restricted to Root and Upper and Iowa Rivers. Secure in lower Mississippi River, rare in St. Croix River, special concern in WI. Tracked in MN heritage database, two collections since 1997, previously assumed extirpated. MN Special Concern, recently found at several new localities, possibly due to more effective sampling methods. MN Special Concern, restricted to Missouri drainage, far less common than federally endangered Topeka shiner. Reduced distribution possibly due to reservoirs, similar decline reported in TVA reservoirs. MN Special Concern, secure in Lake of the Woods drainage, one population remains in Lake Superior drainage while others possibly extirpated by lampricide used to control sea lampreys, rare in Zumbro and Upper Iowa Rivers. MN Special Concern, restricted to, but secure, in the St. Croix drainage. MN Special Concern, rarely reported, but recently has expanded range into Minnesota River. Page 5 of 9

Appendix B. MN CWCS - Set of species in greatest conservation need Tomorrow's Habitat for the Wild and Rare: an Action Plan for Minnesota Wildlife


Scientific Name

Common Name

State Fed. Rationale Status Status

Lampetra appendix Lepomis gulosus Lepomis megalotis Lythrurus umbratilis Macrhybopsis aestivalis Morone mississippiensis Moxostoma carinatum Moxostoma duquesnei Moxostoma valenciennesi Myoxocephalus thompsoni Notropis amnis Notropis anogenus Notropis nubilus Notropis topeka Noturus exilis Opsopoeodus emiliae Percina evides Phenacobius mirabilis Platygobio gracilis Polyodon spathula Prosopium coulteri Scaphirhynchus platorynchus American Brook Lamprey Warmouth Longear Sunfish Redfin Shiner speckled chub Yellow Bass River Redhorse Black Redhorse Greater Redhorse Deepwater Sculpin Pallid Shiner Pugnose Shiner Ozark Minnow Topeka Shiner Slender Madtom Pugnose Minnow Gilt Darter Suckermouth Minnow flathead chub Paddlefish pygmy whitefish Shovelnose Sturgeon NL NL NL NL NL SPC NL NL NL NL SPC SPC SPC SPC SPC NL SPC NL NL THR NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL END NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL Tracked in MN heritage database, recently found at three localities in Minnesota River drainage where it had been absent for decades, secure in the lower Mississippi drainage. Restricted to Mississippi River in SE MN, one introduced population in Lake of the Woods drainage. Very spotty distribution, Threatened in WI. Reduced distribution, Threatened in WI. Secure in MN and lower Miss rivers, found in St.Croix in 2004, threatened in WI. MN Special Concern, restricted distribution. Secure in St. Croix and lower Mississippi Rivers, extirpated in Minnesota Rivers, threatened in WI. Tracked in MN heritage database, restricted to the Zumbro, Root, and Upper Iowa Rivers. Secure in upper Mississippi and St. Croix drainages, extirpated in Lake of the Woods drainage, threatened in WI. Restricted to Lake Superior and one inland lake. MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern, difficult to identify in field. MN Special Concern, restricted to the Zumbro, Root, and Cedar Rivers. Federally Endangered, historically occurred in the Mississippi River drainage in SE Minnesota south of St. Anthony falls. MN Special Concern, restricted to one stream. Exhibits wide fluctuation in abundance. MN Special Concern, restricted to, but secure, in the St. Croix drainage. Reduced distribution. One collection from Red River of the North, additional occurrences in southern Manitoba. MN Threatened, generally recovering in historic drainages. Disjunct population, difficult to sample and assess, Special Concern in WI. Tracked in MN heritage database, rapidly recovering.

Habronattus texanus Marpissa grata Metaphidippus arizonensis Paradamoetas fontana Phidippus apacheanus Phidippus pius Sassacus papenhoei Tutelina formicaria A Jumping Spider A Jumping Spider A Jumping Spider A Jumping Spider A Jumping Spider A Jumping Spider A Jumping Spider A Jumping Spider SPC SPC SPC SPC SPC SPC SPC SPC NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern.

Aflexia rubranura Agapetus tomus Allocapnia illinoensis Asynarchus rossi Atrytone arogos Red Tailed Prairie Leafhopper A Caddisfly A Stonefly A Caddisfly Arogos Skipper SPC SPC NL SPC SPC NL NL NL NL NL MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. Heritage global ranked (G3). MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. Page 6 of 9

Appendix B. MN CWCS - Set of species in greatest conservation need Tomorrow's Habitat for the Wild and Rare: an Action Plan for Minnesota Wildlife


Scientific Name

Common Name

State Fed. Rationale Status Status

Ceraclea brevis Ceraclea vertreesi Chilostigma itascae Cicindela denikei Cicindela fulgida fulgida Cicindela fulgida westbournei Cicindela hirticollis rhodensis Cicindela lepida Cicindela limbata nympha Cicindela macra macra Cicindela patruela patruela Cicindela splendida cyanocephalata Epidemia epixanthe michiganensis Erebia disa mancinus Erynnis persius Euphyes bimacula illinois Gomphus crassus Gomphus notatus Gomphus ventricosus Gomphus viridifrons Hesperia comma assiniboia Hesperia dacotae Hesperia leonardus leonardus Hesperia leonardus pawnee Hesperia ottoe Hesperia uncas Hydroptila metoeca Hydroptila novicola Hydroptila tortosa Hygrotus sylvanus Isogenoides olivaceus Isogenoides varians Lycaeides idas nabokovi Lycaeides melissa samuelis Oarisma garita Oarisma powesheik Oeneis macounii Oeneis uhleri varuna A Caddisfly Vertrees's Ceraclean Caddisfly Headwater Chilostigman Caddisfly A Tiger Beetle A Tiger Beetle A Tiger Beetle A Tiger Beetle Little White Tiger Beetle A Tiger Beetle A Tiger Beetle A Tiger Beetle A Tiger Beetle Bog Copper Disa Alpine Persius Duskywing Two-spotted Skipper Handsome Clubtail Elusive Clubtail Skillet Clubtail Green-faced Clubtail Assiniboia Skipper Dakota Skipper Leonard's Skipper Pawnee Skipper Ottoe Skipper Uncas Skipper A Caddisfly A Caddisfly A Caddisfly Sylvan Hygrotus Diving Beetle A Perlid Stonefly A Stonefly Nabokov's Blue Karner Blue Garita Skipper Powesheik Skipper Macoun's Arctic Uhler's Arctic SPC SPC END THR END THR SPC THR END SPC SPC SPC NL SPC END NL NL NL NL NL END THR SPC SPC THR END SPC SPC SPC NL NL NL SPC END THR SPC NL END NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL END NL NL NL NL MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. MN Endangered. MN Threatened. MN Endangered. MN Threatened. MN Special Concern. MN Threatened. MN Endangered. MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. Tracked in MN heritage database. MN Special Concern. MN Endangered. Tracked in MN heritage database. Heritage global ranked (G3). Possibly remove - not on MN dragonfly checklist. Heritage global ranked (G3). Heritage global ranked (G3). Heritage global ranked (G3). MN Endangered. MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. MN Threatened. MN Endangered. MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. Heritage global ranked (G1). Heritage global ranked (G3). Heritage global ranked (G3). MN Special Concern. Federally Endangered, MN Endangered. MN Threatened. MN Special Concern. Tracked in MN heritage database. MN Endangered. Page 7 of 9

CAND MN Threatened. Federal candidate for listing under the ESA.

Appendix B. MN CWCS - Set of species in greatest conservation need Tomorrow's Habitat for the Wild and Rare: an Action Plan for Minnesota Wildlife


Scientific Name

Common Name

State Fed. Rationale Status Status

Ophiogomphus anomalis Ophiogomphus howei Ophiogomphus susbehcha Oxyethira ecornuta Oxyethira itascae Papaipema beeriana Phyciodes batesii Polycentropus milaca Protoptila talola Pyrgus centaureae freija Schinia indiana Setodes guttatus Speyeria idalia Extra-striped Snaketail Pygmy Snaketail St. Croix Snaketail A Caddisfly A Caddisfly Blazing Star Stem Borer Tawny Crescent A Caddisfly A Caddisfly Grizzled Skipper Phlox Moth A Caddisfly Regal Fritillary SPC NL SPC SPC SPC NL NL SPC SPC SPC SPC SPC SPC NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL MN Special Concern. Heritage global ranked (G3). MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. Heritage global ranked (G3). Tracked in MN heritage database. MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern.

Acella haldemani Actinonaias ligamentina Alasmidonta marginata Arcidens confragosus Campeloma spp. Cumberlandia monodonta Cyclonaias tuberculata Ellipsaria lineolata Elliptio crassidens Elliptio dilatata Epioblasma triquetra Fusconaia ebena Lampsilis higginsii Lampsilis teres Lasmigona compressa Lasmigona costata Ligumia recta Megalonaias nervosa Novasuccinea n. sp. minnesota a Novasuccinea n. sp. minnesota b Obovaria olivaria Planorbella corpulenta Plethobasus cyphyus Pleurobema coccineum Spectaclecase Purple Wartyback Butterfly Elephant-ear Spike Snuffbox Ebonyshell Higgins Eye Yellow Sandshell Creek Heelsplitter Fluted-shell Black Sandshell Washboard Minnesota Pleistocene Ambersnail Iowa Pleistocene Ambersnail Hickorynut Corpulent Rams-horn Sheepnose Round Pigtoe THR THR THR END SPC THR END END END SPC SPC SPC THR THR END SPC NL END THR Spindle Lymnaea Mucket mussel Elktoe Rock Pocketbook NL THR THR END NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL END NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL Heritage global ranked (G3), state occurrence uncertain, landsnail. MN Threatened. MN Threatened. MN Endangered. Suggested by aquatics expert group. A genus of aquatic snails, little is known, indications of decline. MN Threatened. MN Threatened. MN Endangered. MN Special Concern. MN Threatened. MN Endangered. MN Endangered, Federally Endangered. MN Endangered. MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. MN Special Concern. MN Threatened. MN Threatened. MN Endangered. MN Special Concern. Heritage global ranked (G2). MN Threatened. Page 8 of 9

CAND MN Threatened, Federal candidate.

CAND MN Endangered, Federal Candidate.

Appendix B. MN CWCS - Set of species in greatest conservation need Tomorrow's Habitat for the Wild and Rare: an Action Plan for Minnesota Wildlife


Scientific Name

Common Name

State Fed. Rationale Status Status

Pleurocera acuta Quadrula fragosa Quadrula metanevra Quadrula nodulata Simpsonaias ambigua Tritogonia verrucosa Truncilla donaciformis Venustaconcha ellipsiformis Vertigo bollesiana Vertigo brierensis Vertigo hubrichti Vertigo hubrichti hubrichti Vertigo hubrichti variabilis n. subsp. Vertigo meramecensis Vertigo occulta Sharp hornsnail Winged Mapleleaf Monkeyface Wartyback Salamander Mussel Pistolgrip Fawnsfoot Ellipse Delicate Vertigo Briarton Pleistocene Snail Hubricht's Vertigo Midwest Pleistocene Vertigo Variable Pleistocene Vertigo Bluff Vertigo NL END THR END THR THR NL THR NL NL NL END THR THR NL NL END NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL Suggested by aquatics expert group. Population appears to have greatly declined from early 70's surveys. MN Endangered, Federally Endangered. MN Threatened. MN Endangered. MN Threatened. MN Threatened. Observed to be greatly diminished in numbers in the Mississippi and St Croix Rivers since the 1970s MN Threatened. Heritage global ranked (G3). Landsnail, found in southern Beltrami and Clearwater counties (Nekola 2002). Heritage global ranked (G1), Globally, 2 occurrences from Iowa, range possibly extends into MN. Heritage global ranked (G2). Taxonomy uncertain. MN Endangered. MN Threatened. MN Threatened. Heritage global ranked (G2). Taxonomy uncertain.

Status codes: Fed. Status = Federal status on Endangered Species List END = Endangered THR = Threatened SPC = Special Concern CAND = Candidate species for listing NL= Not listed

Appendix B. MN CWCS - Set of species in greatest conservation need Tomorrow's Habitat for the Wild and Rare: an Action Plan for Minnesota Wildlife

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