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Semester II

MCA-201: Data Structure Using C Periods/week: 3L, 1T Max. Marks: 100 Course Objective This course gives the in-depth knowledge to the use, design, and analysis of data structures in computer programs. The very commonly used data structures like arrays, stacks, queues, lists, trees, hashing and graphs will be discussed in detail. Sorting and hashing are important topics in the study of data structures. Course Contents Unit - I Introduction: Basic terminology, data structure operations, algorithm writing and convention, analysis of algorithm, time and space complexity. Arrays: Array definition, representation and analysis, single and multidimensional arrays, address calculation, application of arrays, character string in C, character string operation, array as parameters, ordered list, sparse matrices, and vectors. Linked list: Representation and implementation of singly linked lists, traversing and searching of linked list, overflow and underflow, insertion and deletion to/from linked lists, doubly linked list, linked list in array, linked representation of sparse matrices, polynomial representation and addition, garbage collection and compaction. Unit - II Stacks: Array and linked representation, implementation of stack, operations on stacks: push & pop, operations associated with stacks. Application of stack: Conversion of infix to prefix and postfix expressions, evaluation of postfix expression using stack. Recursion: Recursive definition and processes, recursion in C, example of recursion, Tower of Hanoi Problem, simulating recursion, recursive algorithms, principles of recursion, tail recursion, removal of recursion. Queues: Array and linked representation and implementation of queues, operations on Queue: Create, add, delete, full and empty. Circular queue, deque and priority queue.

Unit - III Trees: Basic terminology, binary trees, binary tree representation, algebraic expressions, complete binary tree. Extended binary trees, array and linked representation of binary trees, traversing binary trees, threaded binary trees. Traversing threaded binary trees, Binary Search Trees: Binary search tree (BST), insertion and deletion in BST, complexity of search algorithm, path length, AVL trees, B-trees. Unit - IV Graphs: Terminology & representations, graphs, directed graphs, sequential representations of graphs, adjacency matrices, traversal, connected component and spanning trees, minimum cost spanning trees. Unit - V Sequential files, indexing and hashing, primary indices, secondary indices, B+ tree index files, B tree index files, indexing and hashing comparisons sorting and searching: insertion sort, selection, bubble sort, quick sort, merge sort, heap sort. Searching: sequential search, binary search, comparison and analysis Books Recommended: 1. S. Lipschutz, Data Structures, Schaums outline series, Tata McGraw Hill Edition, 2002 2. A M Tenenbaum etal, Data Structures using C & C++, PHI 3. Horowitz and Sahani, Fundamentals of data Structures, Galgotia 4. R. Kruse etal, Data Structures and Program Design in C Pearson Education 5. Lipschutz, Data Structure, TMH. 6. K Loudon, Mastering Algorithms With C, Shroff Publisher & Distributors 7. Bruno R Preiss, Data Structures and Algorithms with Object Oriented Design Pattern in C++, Jhon Wiley & Sons, Inc.

8. Adam Drozdek, Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, Thomson Asia

MCA-202: Computer Oriented Numerical and Statistical Techniques Periods/week: 3L, 1T Max. Marks: 100 Course Objective The course consists of theory and application of numerical approximation techniques. Topics included are numerical error, root-finding, interpolation polynomial approximation, numerical differentiation and integration, differential equations, frequency charting and timeseries forecasting. Course Contents Unit - I Floating point Arithmetic: Representation of floating point numbers, Operations, Normalization, Pitfalls of floating point representation, Errors in numerical computation Iterative Methods: Zeros of a single transcendental equation and zeros of polynomial using Bisection Method, Regula-Falsi method, Newton Raphson method, Secant method, Rate of convergence of iterative methods. Unit - II Simultaneous Linear Equations: Solutions of system of Linear equations, Gauss elimination direct method and pivoting, Ill conditioned system of equations, refinement of solution. Gauss Seidal iterative method, Gauss-Jordan method. Interpolation and approximation: Finite differences, difference tables polynomial interpolation: Newtons forward and backward formula. Central difference formulae: Gauss forward and backward formula, Stirlings , Bessels,

Everetts formula. Interpolation with unequal intervals: Langranges interpolation, Newton divided difference formula. Unit - III Numerical Differentiation and Integration: Introduction, numerical differentiation, numerical integration, trapezoidal rule, Simpsons rules, Booles rule, Weddles rule, Euler- Maclaurins formula. Solution of differential equations: Picards method, Eulers

method, Taylors method, Runge-Kutta methods, Predictor-corrector method, automatic error monitoring, stability of solution. Unit - IV Frequency Chart: Different frequency chart like histogram, frequency curve, Pi-chart. Curve fitting, Cubic Spline and Approximation : Method of least squares, fitting of straight lines, polynomials, exponential curves etc. Unit -V Time series and forecasting: Moving averages, smoothening of curves, forecasting models and methods. Statistical quality controls methods Testing of Hypothesis: Test of significance, chisquare test, t-test, F-Test, ANOVA (one- way classified data), application to computer science, medicine, agriculture etc. Books Recommended: 1. Rajaraman V., Computer Oriented Numerical Methods, PHI 2. Sastry S.S., Numerical Analysis 3. Balaguruswamy E. Numerical Methods. 4. Gerald & Wheatley, Applied Numerical Analyses, AW

5. Jain, Iyengar and Jain, Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering Computations, New Age Int. 6. Grewal B. S., Numerical methods in Engineering and Science, Khanna Publishers, Delhi 7. T. Veerarajan, T Ramachandran, Theory and Problems in Numerical Methods, TMH 8. Pradip Niyogi, Numerical Analysis and Algorithms, TMH 9. Francis Scheld, Numerical Analysis, TMH 10. Gupta S. P., Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand and Sons

MCA-203: Operating System Periods/week: 3L,1T Max. Marks: 100

Course Objective:

This course is aimed at providing the basic knowledge of the concepts involved in designing and working of an operating system, how it acts as a resource manager of the system as a whole, how various issues such as memory conflicts, resource conflicts are resolved by an operating system and a study of various types of operating systems. Course Contents Unit - I Introduction: Definition and types of operating systems, batch system, multi programming, timesharing, parallel, distributed and real-time systems, operating system structure, operating system components and services, system calls, system programs, virtual machines.

Unit - II Process Management: Process concept, process scheduling, cooperating processes, threads, interprocess communication, CPU scheduling criteria, Scheduling algorithms, multipleprocessor scheduling, real-time scheduling and algorithm evaluation. Unit - III Process Synchronization and Deadlocks: The critical-section problem, synchronization hardware, semaphores, classical problems of synchronization, critical regions, monitors, deadlocks-system model, characterization, deadlock prevention, avoidance and detection, recovery from deadlock, combined approach to deadlock handling. Unit - IV Storage management: Memory management-logical and physical address space, swapping, contiguous allocation, paging, segmentation with paging in MULTICS and

Intel 386, virtual memory, demand paging and its performance, page replacement algorithms, allocation of frames, thrashing, page size and other considerations, demand segmentation, file systems, secondary storage structure, file concept, access methods, directory implementation, efficiency and performance, recovery. Disk structure, disk scheduling methods, disk management, recovery, Disk structure, disk scheduling methods, disk management, swapspace management, disk reliability. Unit - V Security & Case Study: Protection and security-goals of protection, domain of protection, access matrix, implementation of access matrix, revocation of access rights, language based protection, The security problem, authentication, one time passwords, program threats, system threats, threat monitoring, encryption. Windows NT-design principles, system components, environmental subsystems, file system, networking and program interface. Unix/Linux system-

design principles, kernel modules, process management, scheduling, memory management, file systems, input and output, interprocess communication, network structure, security. Books Recommended: 1. Abraham Siberschatz and Peter Baer Galvin, Operating System Concepts, Fifth Edition, Addision-Wesley 2. Milan Milankovic, Operating Systems, Concepts and Design, McGraw-Hill. 3. Harvey M Deital, "Operating Systems", Addison Wesley 4. Richard Peterson, Linux: The Complete Reference, Osborne McGraw-Hill. 5. Sumitabh Das, Unix Concepts and applications, TMH 6. Mike Joy, Stephen Jarvis, Michael Luck, Introducing Unix and Linux, Palgrave Macmillan. 7. Rachel Morgan, Henry McGilton, Introducing Unix System V, TMH

MCA-204: Data Communication & Computer Networks Periods/week: 3L, 1T Max. Marks: 100
Course Objective:

The basic aim of this course is to provide knowledge of basic data communication and networking concepts. Topics include LANs/WANs,TCP/IP,UDP internetworking technologies, the OSI reference model for networking protocols, CSMA/CD, TCP/IP implementation, frame relay, FDDI, X-25, ISDN services.

Course Contents Unit - I Introductory Concepts: Overview, evolution of computer networks, goals and applications of networks, computer telephony. Data communications advantages of digital communication, transmission media, and fundamentals of digital communications, transmission media, modulation techniques and modems. Unit II The OSI seven layer network model, LAN technologies protocols and standards, LAN hardware, TCP/IP and the internet, internet architecture, internet protocol and datagrams., routing protocols, UDP, internet standard services, DNS. Unit - III Networking technologies, ISDN, cable modem System, DSL, SMDS, frame relay, fast ethernet, 100VG-anyLAN and gigabit ethernet, FDDI and CDDI, asynchronous transfer, SONET, DWDM. Unit IV Switching and virtual LAN, non-ATM virtual LANs, IEEE 802.1Q VLAN standard, network performance, analytical approaches, simulation, traffic monitoring.

Unit V Network Management SNMP, RMON and RMNv2, TMN, directory services and network management. Issues related to network reliability and security, SSL and VPN. Introduction to firewalls and Kerberos and cyber laws. Books Recommended:

A. S Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, 3rd Edition, PHI

2. 3. 4. 5.

W. Stallings, Data and Computer Communication, Macmillan Press Comer, Computer Networks & Internet, PHI. Comer, Internetworking with TCP/IP, PHI Forouzan, Data Communication and Networking, TMH

MCA -205: Environmental Science Periods/week: 3L,1T Max. Marks: 100

Course Objective:

The basic aim of this course is to provide knowledge and understanding of the multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies which includes various types of resources and their benefits. Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources, ecosystem concepts, pollution hazards, social issues and environment ethics. Course Contents Unit 1 Definition, scope and importance, need for public awareness. Natural Resources: renewable and non-renewable resources, natural resources and associated problems. Forest resources: Use and over-exploitation, deforestation. Timber extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forests and tribal people. Water resources: Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts and water, dams-benefits and problems. Unit-II Mineral resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources. Food resources: World food problems, changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing, effects of modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water logging, salinity, Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and non renewable energy sources, use of alternate energy sources. Land resources: Land as a resource, land degradation, man induced landslides, soil erosion and desertification. Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources.

Unit III Ecosystems: Concept of an ecosystem, structure and function of an ecosystem. Producers, consumers and decomposers and energy flow in the ecosystem. Ecological succession, food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids. Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of the following ecosystem:-Forest ecosystem, grassland ecosystem, desert ecosystem, aquatic ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries). Biodiversity and its conservation: Introduction Definition: genetic, species and ecosystem diversity. Biogeographically classification of India, value of biodiversity: consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and option values. Threats to biodiversity: habitat loess, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts. Endangered and endemic species of India. Conservation of biodiversity: In-situ conservation of biodiversity. Unit IV Environmental Pollution: Definition, causes, effects and control measures of: Air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, marine pollution, noise pollution and thermal Pollution. Solid waste management: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes. Role of an individual in prevention of pollution. Disaster management: floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides. Unit V Social Issues and the Environment: From unsustainable to sustainable development, urban problems related to energy, water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed management, resettlement and rehabilitation of people; its problems and concerns. Environmental ethics: Issues and possible solutions. Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents, consumerism and waste products, environment protection Act.

Books Recommended 1. Environmental Studies-Benny Joseph-Tata Mcgraw Hill-2005 2. Environmental Studies -Dr. D.L. Manjunath, Pearson Education-2006. 3. Environmental Studies-R. Rajagopalan-Oxford publication-2005. 4. Text book of Environmental Science & Technology -M. Anji Reddy-BS Publication. 5. Principles of Environmental Science and Engineering -P Venugopal Rao, Prentice Hall of India. 6. Environmental Science & Engineering -Meenakshi, Prentice Hall India.

MCA 251: Data Structures Using C Language Lab Max. Marks: 100 1. Write a program to search an element in a given array using linear search. 2. Write a program to search an element in a given array using binary search. 3 Write a program to sort the elements of an array using the following techniques: Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, and Insertion Sort. Compare the time taken by each sorting technique. 4 Write a program using the concept of iteration and recursion to sort the elements of an array using Quick Sort. 5. Write a C program to implement Heap sort. 6. Write a program to delete an element from the kith element of an array. 7. Write a program to insert an element at the kth element in an array. 8. Write a program to remove duplicates in an array. 9. Write a program to merge two sorted arrays. 10. Write a program to perform the following operations on two given matrices: Addition and Multiplication. 11. Write a program to implement a Stack, show overflow and underflow while performing push and pop operations respectively. 12. Write a program to evaluate a postfix expression. 13. Write a program to implement a queue and show the following: insertion and deletion.

14. Write a program to implement a circular queue and show the following: insertion and deletion. 15. Write a program to implement Linear Linked List and show the following operations: creation, display, insertion, deletion and searching. 16. Write a program to increment the data part of every node in a linked list by 10. 17. Write a program to implement a stack using linked list and show the following operations: Push, Pop, and Display. 18. Write a program to implement a stack using linked list and show the following operations: Insertion, Deletion, and Display. 19. Write a program to count the number of repetitions of a number in a linked list.

20. Write a program to implement Doubly Linked List and show the following operations: creation, display, insertion, deletion and searching. 21. Write a program to implement Binary tree and display the contents using preorder, postorder and inorder traversal techniques. 22. Write a program to convert a Binary Tree to a Threaded Binary Tree. 23. Write a program to construct a Binary Search tree and perform the following operations: Insertion and Deletion of a node. 24. Write a program to construct an AVL tree and perform the following operations: insertion, deletion and searching. 25. Write a program to insert and delete nodes in a graph using adjacency matrix. 26. Write a program that demonstrates Warshalls algorithm. 27. Write a program to implement Depth First Search using linked representation of graph. 28. Write a program to implement Breadth First Search using linked representation of graph. 29. Write a program to create a minimum spanning tree using Kruskals algorithm 30. Write a program to create a minimum spanning tree using Prims algorithm.

MCA-252: Numerical Techniques Lab Max. Marks: 100 1. Write programs in C/C++ to implement Floating Point Representation of the following: a) Addition b) Subtraction c) Multiplication d) Division 2. Write programs in C/C++ to implement to implement a) Bisection Method b) Newton Raphson Method c) Regula Falsi Method


Compute the two regression coefficients using the values of actual means of X and Y from the data given below and then work out the values of 'r': X Y 7 6 4 5 8 9 6 8 5 2


Implement the following : a) Newtons Forward Difference Table b) Newtons Backward Difference Table c) Newtons Central Difference Table d) Newtons Forward Interpolation Formula e) Newtons Backward Interpolation Formula f) Newtons Central Difference Interpolation Formula

5. 6.

Write a program to implement Jacobis Method. 200 digits were chosen at random from a set of tables. The frequencies of the digits were: Digits Frequencies 0 18 1 9 2 23 3 21 4 16 5 25 6 22 7 20 8 21 9 15

Use x2 test to assess the correctness of hypothesis that the digits were distributed in equal numbers in the table.


Write programs in C/C++ to implement the following: a) Gauss Seidel Method b) Lagranges Interpolation c) Trapezoidal Rule d) Simpsons 1/3 Rule e) Simpsons 3/8 Rule f) Eulers Method g) Eulers Modified Method h) Runge Kutta II Order Method i) Runge Kutta IV Order Method j) Fitting a Straight Line

8. 9.

Tests: F Test, T Test, Chi Square Test Write a program to set up a two-way ANOVA table for the following table : Pieces of lang Treatment P X Y Z 18 16 20 Q 19 17 19 R 21 20 18 S 20 19 17

MCA-253: Unix & Shell Programming Lab Max. Marks: 100 1. Write a shell script which ask your name, age, department, and course and lastly give the syntax to display all your information.

2. Write a shell script which asks your Enrolment no., name, name of 3 subjects and marks obtained. 3. Display these fields by using echo and equal operator. 4. Write a shell script, declare 5 variables and assign values to them. Display the values in the given order: - 1, 5,2,3,4. 5. Write a shell script that creates a file containing the message that this file is created today i.e. on the current date followed are the users of UNIX at this moment and show the list of users. 6. Write a shell script that accepts two file names from the command line, copies the first to second file and display the second file. 7. Write a shell script that accepts two parameters i.e. two files, append file1 to file2 and display file2. 8. Write a shell script that assigns execute permission to a file. 9. Write a shell script that accepts one file and directory name and move that file to the directory and show recursive listing and long listing. 10.Write a shell script where we create a directory, move to the directory, create a file. Show the present path and display the file. 11.Write a shell script that asks your name and invite you on current date for a party and append this message to a file name party. 12. Write a shell script that reads a file name from command line and changes name to filename.logname. 13.Display the number of links and size of the file given as the command line argument. 14. Write a shell script which displays the date in desired format i.e. Monday 25 September 2006. Write a shell script by which you create a branch \usr directory till depth of d5 and using concept of assigning the path to the variables do the

movements within this directory path and create two files in each directory from d1

15. Write a shell script and declare two variables A and B. Take static value of A=5 and B=3. Perform all operations on it. 16. Write a shell script which accepts a number and checks whether the number is an odd or even number. 17. Write a shell script to give the result of student. Take marks of the five subjects, student name, roll no and percentage and show a message whether a student gets division as per the following rules: 70% <-> distinction 60 %-> 1st divisions 50 %-> 2nd divisions <40 %-> Fail 18. Write a shell script which checks the age of the student for swimming. The condition are as follows: <10- not allowed 10-18- junior pool only >18- swimming is allowed in depth also. 19. Write a shell script to find out the gross salary of an employee when the given information is as under:a) If basic salary is less than Rs.1500/HRA = 10% of basic DA = 90% of basic b) If basic is greater than or equal to Rs.1500/HRA = 500/DA = 98% of basic 20. Write a shell script to enter a year and show a message whether the year is a leap year or not. 21. Write a shell script using concept of position parameters which copies one file and display destination file and it should also contain an error message if the source file

22. Write a shell script to calculate the gross salary of an employee whose basic salary is entered through keyboard. His DA=40% of basic and HRA=20% of basic. 23.Write a shell script where distance between two cities is input through the keyboard in km. 24. Convert and print this distance in meters, feet, inches and cm. 25. Write a shell script to find area and perimeter of rectangle. 26. Write shell scrip to find area and circumference of the circle. 27. Write a shell script to find sum of digits of a number and check whether the number is palindrome or not. 28. Pass a filename as command line argument to script which finds (i) Whether file exists or not. (ii) Display the message what type of file it is. (iii) (a) If the file is ordinary files check its read permission. If available display the file else display message read permission denied. (b) Check its write permission and if available append that file by your name and course, else display error message. (c) Check executes permission & if available shows the output of that file. (iv) (a) if its a directory checks its read permission, if available list the directory. (b) Check its write permission; if available make a sub-directory in that directory. Create two file in that sub-directory that you created just now. 29. Write a menu driven program:a) Place the pwd of user. b) List the directory of user. c) Long listing the directory of the user and at the same time this long listing is to be stored in a file. d) Create a file in your directory and copy this file in your directory. e) Move the specified file to your parent directory. f) Rename the specified file in the current directory. g) Make a sub directory in the current directory and change its permission by taking away all the permission of group and others.

30. Write a Menu driven program a) Check the contents of /etc/passwd file. b) List of users who have currently logged in. c) Pwd 31. Write a shell script where you accept a character and you have to echo message whether the entered character is a small case, capital case or a digit or a special symbol. 32. Display error message if more than one character is entered. 33. Write a shell script where you accept a word and echo the message a) Whether the word begins with vowel, consonant or a digit. b) Check whether the word begins with small case vowel or capital case vowel. c) Checks whether the word ends with a digit. 34. Write a shell script where you check whether a) The word begins with a and ends with t b) The word begins with s and ends with p c) Any word with fixed length of 4 characters. d) Display the word starting with z and ending with l 35. Write a shell script to print if its: a) Morning time, print Good Morning b) Afternoon time, print Good Afternoon c) Evening time print Good Evening 36. Write a shell script for printing calendar. Accepts month, year and name as command line argument. 37.Write a shell script to find a total of a) First 9 integers b) Any five numbers c) Do option (b) from command line 38. Write a shell script that takes a search string and filename from the terminal and display the result d) Exit

39. Write a shell script that takes pattern and filename as command line arguments and displays the results appropriately i.e. pattern found/pattern not found.

40.Write a shell script that accepts only three arguments from command line. The first is the pattern string, the second is the filename in which the pattern is to be searched and the third is the filename in which result is to be stored. 41. Write a shell script that accepts a filename as a command line and finds out if its a regular file or a directory. If its regular file, then perform various tests. 42. Write a shell script that changes the extension of group files from text to doc 43. Write a shell script which will redirect the output of the date command without the time into a file. 44. Write a shell script to execute endlessly a loop which displays contents of the current directory, disk space status, and sleep for 30seconds and display the users currently logged in on the screen. 45. Write a shell script that receives two filenames as arguments. It should check whether content of the two file is same or not. If they are same, second file should be deleted. 46.If a number is input through keyboard, write shell script to calculate sum of digits. 47. Write a shell script that performs a count down either from 10 or from the value that is entered by the user. 48. Write a shell script that examines each file in the current directory. Files whose names end in old are moved to a directory named old files and files whose name ends with .c are moved to directory named cprograms 49. Write a shell script which takes a command line argument of kms and by default converts that number into meters. Also provide options to convert km to dm and km to cm. 50. Write a shell script for renaming each file in the directory such that it will have the current shell PID as an extension. The shell script should ensure that the directories do not get renamed.

51.Write a shell script that will receive any number of filenames as arguments. The shell script should check whether such file already exists. If they do, then it should be reported. The files that do not exist should be created in a sub directory called mydir. The shell script should first check whether the subdirectory mydir exists in the current directory. If it doesnt then it should be created. If it does then it should be reported along with the number of files that are currently present in mydir.

MCA-254: Communication & Soft Skills -II Max. Marks: 50 1. Fundamentals of Communication: a. b. c. 2. Role and purpose of communication 7 Cs of Communication, Barriers to effective communication.

Interpersonal and Inter-Cultural Communication Skills a. Crosscultural communication: Crosscultural issues which affect Communication across different Cultures, Culture and nonverbal communication, Effective intercultural communication. b. Persuasive communication: the process of persuasion, formal and informal persuasion. c. Negotiation Skills d. Presentation skills: Planning, Structure and Delivery.


Business Writing a. Developing coherent paragraphs b. Prcis writing c. Business letters: writing routine and persuasive letters positive and negative messages. d. Writing memos, circulars, notices and emails, e. Business reports: what is a report, kinds and objectives of reports, Process, Structure and Layout. f. Writing business proposals g. Meetings: Agenda and Minutes.


Soft skills

a. How communication skills and soft skills are interrelated. b. Leadership skills c. Group Dynamics d. Group Discussions e. Telephone etiquettes. f. Business etiquettes.

5. 6.

Guidelines to give an effective presentation Activities to include: Presentations by students Communication Climate a. Foundation of Interpersonal Relationships: Elements of Satisfying b. Relationships Conforming and Disconfirming Communication c. Relevant Communication d. Guideline for Creating and Sustaining Healthy Climate


Interpersonal Communication a. Imperatives for Interpersonal Communication b. Models Linear c. Interaction and Transaction d. Patterns Complementary Symmetrical and Parallel Types Self and other Oriented. e. Steps to improve Interpersonal Communication.


Interpersonal Relationship Development a. Relationship circle Peer/ Colleague b. Superior and subordinate c. Initiating and establishing IPR d. Escalating, maintaining and terminating IPR e. Direct and indirect strategies of terminating relationship


Managing Emotions and Building Interpersonal Competence a. Need and importance of Emotions b. Healthy and Unhealthy expression of Emotions

c. Anger: Conceptualization and Cycle Developing Emotional and Interpersonal Competence 9.4Self assessment, Analysis and Action Plan. Books Recommended: 1. Adair, John. Effective Communication. New Delhi: Macmillan, 1997. 2. Kumar, Sanjay & Pushpalata. Communication Skills. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2012. 3. Mitra, Barun Kumar. Personality Development and Soft Skills. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2011.

4. Mohan, Krishna & Meera Banerji. Developing Communication Skills. New Delhi: Macmillan, 2009. 5. Raman, Meenakshi & Prakash Singh. Business Communications. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2006. 6. Weisinger, Hendrie. Emotional Intelligence at Work. Delhi: Jossey-bass, 1997. Wood, Julia. Interpersonal Communication: Everyday Encounters. California: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 2011.

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