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OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS 1. The two metal alloy elements in "K" type thermocouple is (a) Copper Constantan (b) Chromel Alumel (c) Platinum Rhodium (d) Chromel Constantan 2. The resistance of PT-100 RTD is (a) 100 ohms at ambient temp. (b) 0 ohms at 100 c (c) 100 ohms at 0 c (d) None of the above (C) (B)

3. The gain of a PID controller is "1", Then proportional band is (a) 0% (b) 100% (c) 50% (d) 1%


4. The square root output of a flow transmitter when the input is 25% of the calibrated range is (D) (a) 5% (b) 25% (c) 62.5% (d) 50% 5. In Honeywell TDC - 3000 DCS, the controller should be put in ----------mode while configuration a data point. (B) (a) Auto mode (b) Manual mode (c) Cascade mode (d) Auto -cascade mode 6. If Pressure Transmitter is calibrated in the range 0-60 kg/cm2, what is the output (in terms of 4-20 mA) when the input is 22.5 kg/cm2 (A) (a) 10 mA (b) 12 mA (c) 8 mA (d) 16 mA
0 - 60 kg 4 20mA 22.5 kg 0 >> 15 >> 22.5 >> 30 >> 45 >> 60 >> 20

4 8 10 12 16

7. The type of Thermocouple for "Iron-Constantan" element is (D) (a) T Type (b) K Type (c) R Type (d) J Type 8. What is the unit of CV in control valves (a) Liters / Minute (b) M3 / Hour (c) Gallons / Hour (d) None of the above (D)

9. What is Beta Ratio on orifice flow calculation (A) (a) Orifice dia / Pipe ID (b) Pipe ID / Pipe OD (c) Orifice dia / Pipe Od (d) Orifice dia / 2 10. The output of a Turbine flow meter is in (B) (a) Milliamperes (b) Pulses (c) Ohms (d) Millivolts 11. The drawback in Proportional only controller is (a) Dead band (b) Offset (c) Oscillatory response (d) All of the above (B)

12. The output of a two input AND gate when both of the inputs are 1 is (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 10 (d) None of the above 13. The flow and the Differential Pressure across an Orifice Plate are (B) (a) Inversely Proportional (b) Directly Proportional (c) Not related with each other (d) Insufficient data


14. In a Reverse Action Controller, the controller output increases when process value is ---------- set point (B) (a) More than (b) Less than (c) Equal to

(d) None of the above 15. Zener Barrier is used for (A) (a) To make the instruments intrinsically safe (b) To make the instruments explosion proof (c) To save energy (d) To make the instrument respond fast 1. What are the instruments connected to separators? 2. What are the continuos controls in CRU area? 3. Explain the plant shutdown logic with diagram. 4. Explain the controls in fuel gas system and HP system with controls. 5. Draw the logic and protection devices in CRU area. 6. When the pressurizing valve will open? Explain the logic. 7. What are the kind the control valves installed in GCs. 8. Name the parts of control valves? 9. What is the difference between seismic probe and proximity probe? 10. Explain the Foxboro DCS with drawing explaining the basic components. 11. Name the DCS components of Foxboro I/A. 12. Explain the process of Desalter unit? 13. Explain heater logic with protection devices. 14. Calibration procedure of flow transmitter, pressure transmitter and temperature transmitter. 15. Explain the Vocab system followed in the KOC system? How the instruments are classified? 16. What is a loop diagram? 17. What is meant by Cause and Effect Diagram? 18. Write the specification of DP Transmitter? 19. How the tapping point is taken for flow transmitter for Gases, Liquids? 20. Write the kinds of thermocouples and its range? Also what type of thermocouples are used in KOC areas? 21. What are the minimum tools required for instrument technician? 22. What is the type of instrument used to measure level in tank and separator? What is the difference? 23. Explain each working functions.

24. A pressure Transmitter is calibrated for 600-psig range. We want change its range to 150 psig how can this be done and what are instruments required for calibration? 25. What is orifice Plate? Make a drawing of orifice palate? Where are orifice plates installed in our plants? 26. What is the difference between reciprocating compressor and centrifugal compressor? 27. Explain the logic and protection devices used in Ruston Turbine? 28. Name the instruments installed in pump area and explain the logic? 29. What is UV / IR detector? What is Gas Detectors? Explain. 30. Explain the process of CRU by diagram. 31. When pump trips why CRU also trips after sometime? Explain the reason. 32. Explain the Rosemount DCS system with diagram? 33. What is barrier? Where is it installed in our plants? What are classification of Zones in our plants? 34. What is PLC Explain its working?

Lead Instrument Technician

1. What are the advantages of PLC over conventional relay logic? A) PLC is a) b) c) d) e) e) f) Compact Easy to change the logic Quick action (Fast scan rate) No moving parts Minimum failure Can be interfaced with DCS and other control devices Can perform complex functions

2. Draw the Architectural diagram of a DCS 3. Which thermocouple is best suited for a range of 0-1200-deg C. A) K-type (Chromel allumel) 4. Name some of the commonly used pressure measuring devices in process industry A) Bourdon tube, Diaphragm, capsule, bellows 5. Draw a simple automatic control loop. 6. If the flow transmitter o/p is 6 psi what is the actual flow in %. A) 50% 7. Describe briefly the calibration procedure of an inter-face Level Transmitter? A) On an interface level there are two liquids of different Densities. Adjust zero level with the chamber filled with lighter liquid PL note zero level = H*D H = ht of the displacer D = of the lighter liquid Adjust span with the chamber filled with heavier liquid 8. Draw a block diagram of a Gas Turbine?

9. What is the difference b/w centrifugal and reciprocating compressor? 9) A) In a reciprocating compressor, a quantity of gas is drawn into a cylinder and compressed by positive displacement where the mechanical energy is converted to pressure energy. In a centrifugal compressor compression is achieveded by applying inertial forces to the Gas velocity energy is then converted to pressure Energy by decelerating the gas through the diffuser 10. What is LEL with reference to Gas detection? A) LEL stands for lower explosive limit


1) The resistance of PT -100 RTD is (C) a) b) c) d) 2) A) 100 Ohms at ambient temp 0 Ohms at 100 deg c. 100 Ohms at 0 deg c. none of the above.

How do you zero check a flow transmitter? a) b) c) Open equalizing valve Close impulse line valves Open drain valves

3) A)

Name the essential parts of a typical DCS system? a) b) c) d) e) f) g) I/O Modules Signal Processor History Module Application Module Work station (Including, Pheri-Pherals) Removable media drives Power Supply


Give the most commonly used engineering units for the following? a) Very low Pressure (Inches of H2O) b) Flow of Oil (BPD or Barrels per day) and (GPM or Gallons per Minute) c) Temperature (Deg. C, Deg. F) e ) Density (kg/cu.m and gm/c.c)

5) 6) A)

Define proportional, integral, & derivative actions? What are the advantages of PLC over conventional relay logic? a) b) c) d) e) Compact reliable performs complex functions Logic can be changed easily Can force the out put

7) A)

Name two methods detecting ignition? U. V. Detector Flame Rod Thermocouple What is the procedure of installing Bentley Nevada vibration probes? a) b) c) d) e) f) Check linearity of probe using TK -3 Confirm length of the extension cable Clean probe mounting area Install vibration probe and adjust gap voltage accordingly Tighten all connections Check & note gap voltage

8) A)

9) A)

Why are bleed valves used in gas turbines? Bleed Valves are provided to avoid surge in the air compressor during start-up The O/P impedance of an ideal op-amp is (B) a) infinity d )1000Ohms b) zero c) unity


LEAD INSTRUMENT TECHNICIANS 1 When the operator puts a controller in automatic mode he has direct control over (A) a) Set point b) Process variable c) Output Describe briefly the calibration procedure of K type temperature indicator using a milli volt source? I) Note milli volts for ambient temp. from the table - X mV.

2 A)

ii) iii) iv) v) vi) 3 4 A) 5 A) 6 A) 7 A)

Note milli volts for Zero - A mV and span - B mV. Apply (A-X) mV from the source and adjust zero. Apply (B-X) mV from the source and adjust span. Repeat III & IV till no adjustment is required. Check meter for 25%, 50% and 75%.

Draw a simple block diagram of PLC? What is the difference between EPROM and EEPROM which is better suited for re-programming? EPROM -Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory EEPROM -Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory What are most commonly used tap locations in orifice plate and why and for what application bleed hole is provided?
Flange Taps, Pipe Taps

What is ratio control?

Ratio Control maintains the magnitude of a controlled variable at a fixed ratio another variable. to

What are the various protection systems in a Gas Turbine?

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Over Temperature Over Speed Under Speed Surge Vibration Diff EGT (Exhaust Gas Temperature) Lube Oil Temp. & Pr. Fire and Gas Low Fuel Gas

8 A) 9 A) 10 A)

What is the principle of proximity type vibration probes?

Proximity probe works on the principle of Eddy current losses in the proximity of conducting Material.

Name three types of pressure measuring elements?

Bourdon tube, Diaphragm & Bellows

What is surge in a compressor? Momentary reversal of flow is called surge in a compressor.

Objective Questions:Q.1 Zener Barrier is used for (A) a) b) c) d) Q. 2 To make the instrument intrinsically safe. To make the instrument explosion Prof. To save energy. To make the instrument respond fast.

The two metal alloy elements in "K" type thermocouple is (B) a) b) c) d) Copper Chromel Platinum Chromel Constantan Alumel Rohmium Constantan

Q. 3

The type of T/C for "Iron - Constantan" element is (D) a) b) c) d) "T" Type "K" Type "R" Type "J" Type

Q. 4

What are commonly used unit of pressure? (C) a) b) c) d) Meter Feet. PSI Pound

Q. 5

In Honeywell TDC - 3000 DCS, the controller should be put in ----------- Mode while configuration of data point. (B) a) Auto mode b) Manual mode c) Cascade mode d) Auto - Cascade mode What is the difference between "Absolute and Gauge pressure"? (A) a) b) Absolute pressure Gauge pressure > > Gauge pressure Absolute pressure + 14.667

Q. 6

c) d) Q.7

Absolute pressure Gauge pressure

= =

Gauge pressure + 14.667 Absolute pressure + 14.667

The output of a two input AND gate when both of the inputs are 1 is: (B) a) 0 b) 1 c) 10 d) None of the above. What are 5 commonly used units of flow rate measurement? 1) 2) 3) 4) M3 /Hrs. GPM BBL/DAY SCFD

Q.8 A)

5) Litters per minute Q. 9 A) How do you identify upstream side of an orifice plate from outside? Marking on orifice tab is always on the up stream side.


Q.10 A)

Give three most commonly used methods for level measurements? 1) Manometer 2) Level transmitter with a sealed diaphragm sensing the head. 3) Displace type transmitters. 4) Differential pressure transmitter 5) Capacitive probes.


Identify the symbols given below.

NPN Transistor A B Nand Gate Y

PNP Transistor A Y

Diode A B

Zenor Diode

Volt -V

Y Vin

Not Gate

Exclusive OR Gate

-V Op. Amp.

Q This question itself is wrong




S1 1 + + -

a) b)

With switch SI connected to battery No.1 what is the status of the lamp ON or OFF---------------why? If the switch is operated to connect the battery No.2 what will be the status of the lamp? ON or OFF ------------why?


What is the output logic? 1 1 0 0




Q.11 Q.12

What is "Off Delay" and "On Delay" timer? Draw them symbolically. Define following terms used in digital system? CPU:-------------ALU:-------------EPROM:-----------RAM:---------------FLOPPY DISK:---MODEM:-------------HiwaY:---------------DCS:-------------------SCADA:---------------PLC:--------------------HARD DISK:--------


Convert the following quantities: Quantity 1200 mm H2O 180 0 F 75 M Convert to ------------------- psig ------------------- 0C -------------------- Feet

Q.14 Q.15 Q,16

What safety devices used in instrument air compressor? Write the truth table of "AND" gate. What are standard signals used for electronic and pneumatic transmitters? a) b) Electronic Pneumatic ----------------------------------------------------------------------


Give most commonly used Engineering units for the following in imperial system Temperature ---------------- Density ------------------------

Gas Flow ------------------Oil Flow --------------------Tank Level -----------------Q.18 Q.19

Pressure ----------------------Vibration -----------------------

What is meant by "Fail Close" and "Fail Open" in control valves? What is importance? What is "Configuration" in a distributed control system?

Q. 20 Write 3 important sensors of temperature measurement? Q. What is voltage logic levels of TTL and Ohms Ics Draw a TTLAND gate. A. TTL operates normally at 12 V DC and 0V ohms ICS operate on 5v DC and 0V. Ye A


Draw half wave. Full wave and bridge rectifier. How a bridge rectifier is more efficient than full wave rectifier.

+ -

Full Wave Half Wave

+ A. Q. Bridge rectifier is more efficient than ordinary full wave rectifier because it requires small transformer due to full use of its secondary. Draw a failsafe relay diagram with resetBridge push button to give a contact for shutdown if either pressure rises above 100psi or temp. goes below 50c. Reset ps TS
150'c 100 Psi


R 1

Q. A. B.

What is Off delay and On delay timer. Draw them symbolically. OFF DELAY - The timer relay whose contact change after the set delay after it is de-energized. The contact however change immediately. It is energized again.. ON DELAY - The timer relay whose contact change after the set delay after it is energized. The contact however immediately it de-energizes. ON DELAY



briefly explain the relay logic given below A. At 50 psi (R) pressure timer operates if timer remain operated for set time and it Rx is closed, the relay "R" energized. Relay "R" contact 1 energizes SOV and relay "R" contact 2 gives lamp indication.

Rx T1

R1 R2 Q.

So v

Draw a typical motor start/stop push button with "AUTO" contract from inst. Interlocks. Lamp

M psi A R1


Draw a flow control loop showing flow of signals in DCS.












Q. What will be the reading on an uncompensated mV temp. indicator in two cases shown below.
BATH -100 0 C


- 10 0 C FREEZER


Bath Temp reading -(100-25 Freezer reading - (-10-25)

=75* C = 35*C

Ambient Temp. 25*C

Ans; A dP transmitter is to be calibrated for Crude (Density=0.85) tank level measurement as shown below;(Pneu-3 to 15 psi and electronics-4 to 20mA)

2.5 c



_ output


Describe briefly how a displacer type level transmitter works Filter Volts

Air Supply


Q. Ans.

Out pout Draw a simple sketch to show mounting of a dP cell for the following: Gas flow measurement

DP Cell


Gas GasFlow Flow

Crude Flow Measurement:

Crude Crude

DP Cell


Draw a simple dP cell installed for measurement. Name the parts and write steps to perform on line zero check. a) Open equalizer valve. b) Isolate downstream and upstream isolation valve. c) Opoen both drain valve. d) Check zero and adjust if necessary. e) Close drain valves. f) Open upstream valve and check if any shift on zero. g) Open downstream valve. h) Close equalizing valve.
Orifice Orifice Plate Plate

DP Cell

out -put

Q. Ans.

Three orifice are shown below. Write down the typical application for each of them . A) Liquid flow (eccentric) B) Gas flow (concentric) C) Slurry (segmental)

Q. Draw a simple sketch of a pneumatic relay and explain. Ans. When a back pressure from flapper nozzle changes pressure on the diaphragm, the control ball attached to it changes it's positions whether more or less air supply to pass through it thereby changing the output.

Filter Nozzle



Q. Ans.

Draw a 'AND' gate and a 'OR' gate for two inputs using pneumatic relays. A) AND gate B) OR gate






Note:A) B) C) No pressure on diaphragm A to C Pressure on diaphragm B to C Y=A*B

Q. Ans. 100%

Explain 3 most commonly used valve plugs with characteristic curves. 100% Flow 100% Flow

0% open A) Linear Q.

0% open

0% open C) Quick opening

B) Equal or Quadratic Or Parabolic

Draw a simple flow control loop with square root extractor and a recorder to control crude flow.


3-15 psi



A/S Dp cell xmitter FC I/P

4-20 mA A-20MA


What is a cascade control? Why is cascading of controllers required in a certain applications? Ans. A) A cascade control is a control involving two or more controllers connected in such a way that the output of one controller called the master of primary controller goes as a remote set point to the other controllers called the slave or secondary controller. B) A cascade control is used when the process control requirements for the master or primary controlled process variable dictates a high degree of accuracy for the slave or secondary controlled process variable.


4 -20 m

A/s P.T.

3 - 15 Psi


Draw a flow control loop showing flow of signals in DCS.


Fev 4-20mA


Other PIVS or Com.

P _ __

4-20 mA

Process Interface Unit

Data Hiway

O.P. Stations

Traffic Committee

Operator Station


ADP tranmitter is to be calibrated for Crude (Density 0.85 ) Tank level measurement as shown below-

2.5" wc
Vapour Pressure

DP Cell


3 Drain B) Describe briefly how a displacer type level transmitter works.




Draw simple sketch to show mounting of a DP cell for I) Gas measurement II) Crude Flow measurement.
DP Cell

GAS CRUDE Q) Draw a simple DP cell installed for flow measurement name the parts and write steps to perform on line zero check. Secondary isolation Equalizer
DP Cell

DP Cell

Drain Valve

Primary Isolation

Up strain

Process line



What is a CASCADE Control, why is casecading of controllers required in certain applications. M.V.1

Master Controller


O/P Set Point


Slave Controller R/2 selection

Lower set point


Draw a bridge circuit using resistance thermometer for measurement indication?



Draw simple sketch to show mounting of a DP Cell and Orifice for Gas measurement.
DP Cell



Draw a relay circuit with manual reset push button to give indication whenever either temperature goes high or pressure goes low? MASTER





To actuator O/P

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