Values Final

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Organizational behavior is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organization , for the purpose of applying such knowledge towards improving an organizations effectiveness. Organizational Behaviour is a field of study, meaning that it is a distinct area of expertise with a common body of knowledge.

Values represents basic convictions that a specific mode of conduct or end state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end state of existence. Values deal with beliefs rather than behaviors.Values require judgment. A. Attributes of Values- There are two attributes of values that can be used to rank order an individuals values into a hierarchical value system. 1. Content. This is how important the mode of conduct or end-state of existence is to the individual. 2. Intensity. This is how important this value is in relation to other values. B. Types of Values. There are two typologies for values, the Rokeach Value Survey and work cohorts. 1. Rokeach Value Survey (RVS). This instrument consists of two sets of values each with 18 value items. The sets are terminal and instrumental values. a. Terminal Values. Focuses on desirable end-states; goals a person would like to achieve. b. Instrumental Values.Lists preferable modes of behavior or means of achieving terminal values.

2. Contemporary Work Cohorts. The nature of the society in which the employee grew up also affects values. The following are descriptions of the major cohorts of employees in the U.S. workforce. These cohorts, and the descriptions of them, are intuitive and should not be taken as universal traits. Still, the observations may be useful in describing general trends in the U.S. population. Understanding that an individuals values differ from, but tend to reflect, the societal values of the period in which they grew up can be a valuable aid in predicting behavior.

Implications For Managers

While values dont have a direct effect on behavior, they do strongly influence attitudes, behaviors and perceptions, so knowing a persons values may help improve prediction of behavior. Additionally, matching an individuals values to organizational culture can result in positive organizational outcomes.

Work values can be defined as those qualities that people desire from their work which reflect a correspondence between a need and satisfaction.Work values are goals that one seeks to attain to satisfy a need.Work values are evaluative standards relating to work or the work environment by which individuals discuss what is right or assess the importance of preferences.Work Values are further divided between two dimensions:

(1) Those that have a moral element. (2) The degree of consensus regarding the importance and desirability of particular values.

The study of work values was first undertaken in order to explain differences in employee performance and motivation. Much early research into work values was incorporated into early needs theories of motivation such as Maslows Hierarchy of Needs and Herzbergs distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic needs. These theories hold as their basic premise the idea that individuals are motivated to resolve unmet needs.

Implications of work values for the organization

Moving beyond the idea of work values as the foundation for important and much-used theories of motivation, work values in and of themselves have important implications for the organization. Cultural differences in work values can be used to explain differences in individual performance and to predict job satisfaction. In addition,understanding employee work values has been found to aid negotiation to assist in developing effective reward systems to affect leadership and management style and to facilitate communication and organizational performance.If an employee is unable to meet his or her work values through his or her job, that employee may experience dissatisfaction and ultimately withdraw from his or her job or become envious of colleagues.

Cultural values are shared, abstract ideas about what a social collectivity views as good, right and desirable. Cultural values are the broad goals that members of the collectivity are encouraged to pursue; they serve to justify actions taken in pursuit of these goals. Widely shared norms, practices, symbols and rituals express underlying cultural values. Consequently, cultural values play a crucial role in the way social institutions function. The broad goals that business organisation members are expected and encouraged to pursue constitute the cultural values of that organisation. The norms and practices developed in an organisation reflect its cultural values.

How do cultural values develop and evolve?

Scholars largely agree that cultural values at the societal level develop in response to basic challenges that are faced by all societies. Societies differ in their responses to these challenges. Their responses constitute the preferred ways to interpret and resolve challenges.Organisations, like all open systems, must cope with two paramount universal challenges: adapting to the external environment and integrating their internal system. Organisations have to adapt to the conditions in their environment.(e.g., obtaining the human and material resources needed for their activities, deciding what to produce and how to do so, finding markets for their products). They must also concern themselves with internal integration (e.g., socialising organisation members,managing relations among them and developing optimal decision-making processes). In response to these challenges, organisations develop, often unintentionally, the set of preferences that form their value culture. The dimensions of cultural values that distinguish among societies as relevant for comparing organisations. Just as interacting individuals who must cope with the external environment constitute societies, so they constitute organisations. In addition to the challenges that are faced by societies, organisations must cope with their specific tasks, structure and environment. This may produce other cultural value dimensions. To identify and validate

such additional dimensions it will necessitate research across many organisations from various sectors,industries and occupations, and across numerous countries. Here, we focus on the cultural dimensions that organisations share with societies.

Studying Values of Employees

We spoke to three employees of different organizations regarding their values at their workplace. 1) Mr. Jay Parmar who is a Store Manager at Dominos Bhatar Road Surat. 2) Mr. Hemang Latte who is a Senior Business Development Manager at Kotak Mahindra Bank,Ghod Dod Road Surat. 3) Mr. Rajesh Kamat who is a Head in Learning & Systems Development in Ford India.(Mumbai) In gathering information about the values of employees some parameters were developed which included 8 aspects having to do with work values.Those work values that were most significant for determining individuals behavior in the organization were included. The 8 work values were: 1: Having interesting work to do, from which one can get a personal sense of accomplishment. 2: Knowing that one's job is secure. 3: Having an opportunity to earn a lot of money
4: Having little stress on the job.

5: Working with people that cooperate well with each other. 6: Being included in the companys decision-making.

7: Having an opportunity for advancement to higher level jobs.

8: Working for a company which cares about its employees.

Values at Dominos
We spoke to Mr.Jay Parmar regarding his values at his workplace.This includes both his work values and cultural values. Mr. Jay Parmar is currently working as a store manager at Dominos,Bhatar branch.While speaking to him we came to know that he joined as delivery boy in the year 2008 during the initial phase of Dominos in Surat straight out of class 12.According to the norms of Dominos every employee has to undergo 4 training modules so did Mr. Jay.After completing all his training modules he became a store manager in the year 2011.Due to his high performance and good working in the store he got financial aids from the company.He was the only bread earner in his family,considering all these factors the company gave him financial assistance to complete his graduation.With such a help and motivation he continued his graduation studies in SPB Udhna College. After he completed his graduation and continued his work in the store as the Store Manager he performed outstandingly.The top managers of the store believed that he was solely responsible for the increased turnover of around 10-15 lakhs per annum.He says he is the store manager of the branch but the kind of responsibilities he carry on are of the CEO of the company.He carries on all the entrepreneurial activities.He is solely responsible for all the managerial decisions of the store.

Values of Mr.Jay Parmar

1: Having interesting work to do, from which one can get a personal sense of accomplishment. Mr.Jay said he has a huge sense of accomplishment as he plays the role of CEO of the store.He takes the major decisions regarding the functioning of the store.

2. Knowing that one's job is secure. Here he said that he is been working in the store since 4 years so and in addition to it the company has trust on him so he attains high level of job security.

3. Having an opportunity to earn a lot money. As he is the store manager of the store he earns good money.He also got financial aids from the store hence he has high level of satisfaction in terms of money earning.

4. Having little stress on the job. He said the stress on the job is more due to more responsibilities on his shoulder and more working hours.

5. Working with people that cooperate well with each other. As he is the store manager he need to have good leadership traits in him.He said he have very good relations with his subordinates.They obey his orders and work accordingly. 6. Being included in the companys decision-making. Mr.Jay said he takes all the major decisions of the store.

7. Having an opportunity for advancement to higher level jobs. Here he says he is already on a very high position in his store and there is nothing more he expects in the same organisation.

8. Working for a company which cares about its employees. When he initially joined the company he got financial assistance from the company for completing his graduation.hence he says he is totally satisfied on this parameter and believes that the company cares about all employees.

Values at Ford,Mumbai
We had a telephone conversation with Mr.Rajesh Kamat as he resides in Mumbai.We spoke to him regarding his organizational values.This includes both his work values and cultural values. Mr.Rajesh Kamat is the head of Learning and Training development.As being stated by Mr Rajesh Kamat the company conducts a pulse survey every year.This pulse survey is conducted in order to know the employees work experiences in the company through out the year.The company mainly focus on the career development of the employees.He also stated that effective participation of the employees takes place.the working of the company is such that there is no barriers of communication.Restrictions of hierarchy level does not exist for this company.

Values of Mr.Rajesh Kamat

1: Having interesting work to do, from which one can get a personal sense of accomplishment. Mr.Rajesh said he has a huge sense of accomplishment as he plays the role of head of the organisation.He takes the major decisions regarding the organisational activities.

2. Knowing that one's job is secure. Here he said that he is been working in the organisation since 12 years and that too at a high position so he attain high level of job security.

3. Having an opportunity to earn a lot money. As he is on the position of one of the heads of the company he earns high amount of money.

4. Having little stress on the job. He dont need to carry on any operational activities but he has to take decisions involving huge risks so he mainly deals with mental stress.

5. Working with people that cooperate well with each other. Mr.Rajesh stated here that he works in a big organisation so conflicts are natural to take place.So sometimes arguments arises while taking decisions. 6. Being included in the companys decision-making. Mr.Rajesh takes all the decisions of his department.

7. Having an opportunity for advancement to higher level jobs. He seeks for more opportunities in the future.

8. Working for a company which cares about its employees.

In this company there exists no communication barriers so even the foremen of the

company can communicate their grievances to the top level so there is a lot of caring for the employees.

Values at Kotak
Here in Kotak we spoke to Mr.Hemang Latte who is Senior Business Development manager position and we came across the work and culture values of Kotak which acts a source of major attraction to employees to work in. Mr. Latte said that in kotak culture and values are given utmost importance which starts from the level the person is under consideration for a Kotak job. We try to match a candidates aspirations and goals with our values, he says. The organizational major activities is to indulge in learning and career development of the employees. Also the employees get boosted because the company has several options for career development in terms of executive education both for senior managers and junior employees in terms of its tie-ups with business schools providing short term courses on general management and banking to upgrade their knowledge levels and position in the company. The company pays for senior managers and gives hefty discounts to the juniors. The hiring policy is mainly to focus on promoting the existing employees and avoiding the outsiders. Even the laggards are taken care off. The major reasons for non-performance are known and the senior panels also indulge themselves and meets the employees who are stuck in one position for more than two years, and suggests ways to improve their performance. Beyond HR, even the business heads call for random meetings with employees two levels below for a brief question-and-answer session, and discuss ways to grow the businessand people. At Kotak, a work culture is created that gives ample scope to display the talent and grow as professional and individual. The organization rewards all it's employees for all their hard work, fosters and encourages teamwork and collaboration and also encourages them to maintain a healthy worklife balance. There is a a flat hierarchy and offer an open door policy encouraging easy accessibility to Senior Management. Our young and energetic work force provides positive and dynamic environment for goal attainment. They believe in including the Fun element in every employees work and providing opportunities for learning and growth. Their enthusiastic and dedicated HR team organizes fun activities throughout the year, celebrating festivals with inter divisional creativity contests, fashion shows, talent shows and much more. Employees are encouraged to take part in Inter Group

tournaments of indoor and outdoor sports and are given opportunities to participate in all external & internal Corporate Sports Activities.

Employee Development Program (EDP)They believe that constant learning is what contributes better growth in your career. The organisation constantly looks to provide learning opportunities to its employees which will equip them to meet business challenges.

They are committed to the continuous Learning and Development of the employees in the areas of functional, skill based and behavioral training. All training programs are planned and implemented to support both the individual and organisation's objectives. Our Learning & Development strategy focuses on creating an enriched and empowered workforce which is capable of meeting new business challenges.

Values of Mr.Hemang Latte

1. Having interesting work to do, from which one can get a personal sense of accomplishment.
Mr. Latte said he has a huge sense of accomplishment as at Kotak the employees are indulged in giving their views and suggestions and also the senior panel helps them to improve their performances by talking on one-on-one basis and providing them with ways to get promoted.

2. Knowing that one's job is secure.

He is very much secured about his job as the company focuses mainly on employee development rather than recruiting new employees and providing them facilities of executive education.

3. Having an opportunity to earn a lot money.

He has been continuously promoted since last 5 years with increased responsibility and higher pay packages.

4. Having little stress on the job

Higher responsibility goes hand in hand with more stress but the rewards received at the end of it are worth the stress taken during the work. So he is not really very critical about the stress aspects and have accepted it a normal routine of life as far his and his familys needs are taken care of.

5. Working with people that cooperate well with each other.

The various fun activities conducted at the company let the employees get together with each other and share their culture. Also there are various groups competition that help them showcase their talents collectively.

6. Being included in the companys decision-making.

There is a very high level of participative management as the an open-door policy is followed which involes direct interaction with senior management.

7. Having an opportunity for advancement to higher level jobs.

There is a lot of focus on executive education and once the employee go through such trainings at the renowned institutes they are automatically upgraded to a higher level of jobs in terms of promotion.

8. Working for a company which cares about its employees

This parameter is a most important one as the company indulges in learning and career development of the employees and provide them regular training so as to help them upgrading their knowledge levels so that they tend to stay in the same organisation for years to come.

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