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Someday tere lived a poor woman and his son. They lived in cottage and was remote.

The husband of woman was pass away , because that the woman loved his son. The sons name was malin kundang. Malin kundang grew as strong and brave man. He always protected her mother because malin undang loved her mother too. Malin kundang usually search firewood and hunted animal for eat and sometimes malin kundang also fishing. When malin kundang was grew up. Malin undang saw a rich man. And then that malin kundang asked why do you can be a rich man? i oversea to jakarta, jakarta is a big city in there i get big revenue and good job. I live in hotel, eat delicious food the rich man answered is it right? Can you accompany me to go to jakarta? said malin kundang oke, if you want go to jakarta with me, i will wait you in here 3 days again we will go to jakarta said the rich man. After that malin kundang went to his village to gave a news of him. mother 3 dys again i will go to jakarta, i want to be a rich man said malin kundang iam afraid if you go to jakarta youll forget me malin said mothers malin kundang its impossible mom, i cant do that. I just want to make you be happy and rich. Iam bored if always live in poor. Please believe me said malin kundang oke you may go to jakarta. But you must promise to go back if you was succes said mothers malin kundang oke mom i promise after that malin kundang hugged his mother. 3 days again malin kundang went to jakarta acompany the rich man. after 1 month malin kundang didnt back, his mother always pray to God that malin kundang always healt and didnt forget his mother. Days to days throught but main undang didnt back. His mother was so sad, and always pray for malin undang back, she was very miss her son. After some years there is a big yacth step aside to the beach. All people was very surprised and also malin undangs mother. She hoped that in that yacth there is mali kundang. She aproached to the yatch and when the yacth open the door. In the door there was malin kundang with a woman was beautiful they walked go out the ship. Seeing that, malin kundangs mother said. hey malin, iam your mother. I miss you malin. Said malin kundangs mother after hugged malin. But malin kundang pushed his mother untill fell and then said who are you, im not malin kundang and you are not my mother. I dont have mother is poor like you said malin kundang malin, you are different, after some years i always wait you. But you make me hurt. Oke, if you are my son i will curse you to be a stone, but if you are not my son. I pray to God for you sfe in the trip. Its not long, suddenly malin kundang changed to was a stone because,, he was seditious ti his mother.

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