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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Alchemy in Consciousness
What I am calling for now is some new additions to my class of alchemychanging nonaligned consciousness into caring, compassionate actions. What is being demonstrated in your media carries no caring, and those who do care are not making news. News can add more caring, so lets alter this situation. News can draw more interest in the noncaring, calling on them to act. Can we do something about this together? Consider caring in action to be the next wave of dream aliveness. Self-care, as in diet and maintenance of health for all, can be the drama we use to increase the level of caring, rather than acting against existing collective attitudes. Care with action. Give the leadership that is needed for many to begin doing caring acts of kindness. Create groups who care, Stamp yourself as one who does not hesitate to give. Straight talk and actions get attention. It pushes the dreamers of answers to take their light to the leaders of their own countries. In all countries, act as though all life matters. Have "caring campaigns" instead of "against campaigns." How can this be done? Collect goods and money for those in need. Attend all group activities with an open heart. Make yourself heard. Stamp yourself a carer, and act as one. The message of caring can be given to the world with networking methods. Clever memes about dancing in the light can become a means of saying things that need to be acted upon. Instead of encouraging lack thoughts, challenge those who are complaining with your happiness and personal contact. Instead of wondering how to act with those who are unhappy, act with aliveness. Give your attention to activities that make a difference. Work with groups that care. Self-awareness about anger and greed in your own make-up must be drawn to the mind and openly diminished. Attacks on anyone must cease. Cancel all the dross that remains in you. Continue to let go of negative attitudes about others. Settle the war in your mind vs. heart drama that controls inertia. Straighten up your own way of being and make a more direct commitment to love than only contacting those you are comfortable with. Go out of your comfort zone to those needing more caring. Open hearts don't choose with their mind about who needs assistance, they don't need to ask. Self-awareness about giving and caring, and dramas that lead to not doing anything that is caring can be altered in an instant. Giving money does not demonstrate an open heart, it does assist, but humans need contact and conversation more than money. Learn to

listen. Center your own life around giving attention and not only choosing monetary ways to care. Spend time with those needing a caring attitude while they are in misery. Open up to your own caring ways and participate in group activities to act them out. Selfless service is one of the qualifications for chelas to ascend. Caring is one area that is still needing attention. Ask how you can serve and act on the answers that come to you. Change the world with caring. Call on those who need caring and make them your colleagues in doing great things. Their acts of giving to themselves and others can turn their lives around. Caring, rather than grieving for what does not exist, is how they can alter the condition of their lives. Sacrifice is not the answer. Give because the love of Oneness is the motivator. Masks are being worn by those needing caring. Care for them as much as those who are shackled and unable to make a good living. Self love is nurturance in a different context. Ponder this: Choice of circumstance came with the soul contract. No one has to do only what their contract includes, it is only a code that moves you in one direction or another. Freedom is making a difference way beyond what a contract includes. This is not necessary, but is what walks you into divine awareness. Completing your soul contract is only the minimal bottom line. Choose to do more if you want to ascend. I Am That I Am needs all of you in the role of a caring colleague. The "one heart condition" dissolves dross and accelerates your ability to make caring decisions. Welcome to our new way to Oneness in the collective consciousness. Now is the time to act! I AM THAT I AM Ascended Master Saint Germain Channeled by Aruna Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon Djwhal Khul Spirituality Article Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon (Complimentary every week)

March 28, 2013 (Channeling begins) Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. Tashi delek is a very warm Tibetan greeting. Its greeting your Highest Self from my Highest Self and todays topic is Ascension. This is a time when the Christed Light, which has nothing to do with Christianity by the way, it is a vibratory light that comes to this planet as a white energy and the Cosmic Christed is a gold color. Now that gold cosmic light is being anchored here, so its a frequency or vibration, nothing to do with religion, and is available to everyone for healing or whatever you want to do with it. So you can simply call it gold light or white light or whatever you are comfortable with. We are in the Christian time period of Good Friday, Easter Sunday as well as the Jewish time of Passover. So I want to talk about Ascension: what it is and what it is not. The vibration of Ascension, speaking of everything as frequencies now, is a certain tone or sound or frequency that can be attained by one, either while incarnate or in the spirit realm after one drops the physical body. It is really a sort of attunement or a graduation into a different frequency or different operating system if I were to relate it to something more common on the physical plane. So its an upgrade so to speak, frequency-wise, that allows you to operate from a higher plane of consciousness. It can happen while incarnate and be maintained or it can as I mentioned happen while disincarnate. It does not mean instant walking on water and performing miracles and instant sainthood or any of those things. It is more of a gradual achievement of basically living from a higher vibration or becoming a better person. So you can invoke it. I encourage you to do so and also to be a conduit if you will for healing energies of all sorts, particularly the gold Cosmic Christed light as we have just passed the Full Moon of Christ. The next Full Moon will be Wesak or Buddhas birthday in April and the Full Moon in May this year will be the Full Moon of Humanity and those will be the three sacred esoteric moons. As always, thank you and my love to you. Djwhal Khul Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon Hilarion

"Humanity has Yet to Learn that Each One is Responsible for Their Very thought...."
March 24-31, 2013

Beloved Ones, There has been a great influx of higher Cosmic energies that have been inundating the atmosphere of Earth and this energy is working through all of Humanity in a way of cleansing which is not a pleasant process for those who have not been awakened to the knowledge of the evolutionary process that is now occurring. Knowledge or not, each person on the planet must go through the process, for it is planet wide. As the mental and emotional upheavals take place within each Soul, a greater awareness of their own power is taking place and much adaptation and acceptance must take and for the most part, IS, taking place. This is the reason why so many of our Lightworkers who have done this work for so long and have cleared their energy fields have been experiencing a resurgence of these energies within them. It is the collective field of energetic thought forms from every person around the entire planet that is the cause. Humanity has yet to learn that each one is responsible for their very thoughts and that it is important to become responsible for them. Our beloved Lightworkers have voluntarily agreed to take on some degree of these energies again in order to facilitate the transmutation process in an accelerated manner for all and this IS being accomplished. Due to the loving service that the Lightworkers have been voluntarily performing, the world is in a much better and more stable situation than was possible a few months ago. Although most of you do not consciously remember this agreement that was made on the higher dimensions, know that it was done with the intent of alleviating the potential of greater suffering within the lives of each person upon the planet and so we ask that you not think of yourselves as regressing in your development, for that is not so. You are each making great strides in your personal spiritual evolution and development. All is on track and the field of unlimited potential is wide open for each human on your planet. Such is the way of each one of you who have chosen to incarnate upon this beautiful planet. Your individual hearts and energetic fields emanate a great Light that has been holding a greater field collectively which helps in many ways. In the days ahead, many of you will begin to know this in your waking consciousness and this will facilitate an even greater evolutionary leap forward for all upon the Earth and indeed, the Earth itself. Many beneficial changes are and will continue to take place as you hold this energetic space for the highest good for all. We ask that you continue to hold this collective field of Light, as these many changes occur, for it is crucially needed in order to bring in and anchor more Light upon the planet. We are working together for the common good and each day we are making progress. We ask you to accept the possibility that YOU are co-creating these changes, for as you do this, your own power grows and expands and this will create a greater expansion of consciousness within all. Your power is an enabling one that assists others to have the space to awaken and begin to take the reins of their own human operating systems and consciousness and as they do this, the field of greater possibilities expands even more

as their Light is added to it. We are filled with joy as we watch this unfold and add our own Light to your efforts. Until next week I AM Hilarion

YOU Can be a Self-Perpetuating Succession of Pure Trust, Inner Power, Achievement and Wonderment
Ascended Master, El Moryas Weekly Message ~ March 26 April 02, 2013 Received by Julie Miller March 26, 2013 When you entrust the spiritual forces that are working with you when you are encountering a difficult situation you are really applying more Faith into what you are trying to accomplish which you become inspires you to exercise the energy of the spiritual forces next time a problem crosses your path, regardless of the level of difficulty that may arrive with the situation. You become the creator of a self-perpetuating succession of pure trust, inner power, achievement and wonderment. It is well understood through our observation that those dear souls that orient themselves through commitment and discipline while on their spiritual quest will increase their progression from pure faith of themselves, into including faith in all life and faith with the Divine Spirit. When pure faith of your heart is applied between two people, a powerful relationship will be created. This occurs when one of two persons involved is completely dedicated and has full faith in the other person, which encourages this person to provide fundamental freedom that will provide growth and development that will not only nourish just one of the two people, but both. And this kind of relationship is one that evolves through trust and faith in each other a continuous flow of infinite love based on Trust and Faith. Your daily life dear ones is always busy. During the busyness of life it is important to try and find time to think about what it is that you truly believe in with your heart and soul, where do you place your faith with the most that will detour your journey towards finding personal happiness and pure fulfillment? There are endless possibilities and answers, but only one that will take you to where your heart will lead you. Any dear soul that lives their life without acknowledging their consciousness is merely ruled by their life, there is little consideration to the forces that are working around them. There are many dear souls that live among you living this way. Their days are typical and usually barren of emotional thoughts as they are purely living through a physical consciousness one that is governed by habit and reiteration. And then we observe many dear souls that do have a certain amount of Faith and work with

Hope in order to bring more good into their lives. You dont get to know the actual outcome until it occurs, yet your faith is still there through the workings of your pure heart. We often see many of you increasing your thought perception on life that is filled with positive thought-forms and action. Having a positive outlook dear ones does have a positive effect on your life and increases your Faith that you will continue to receive valuable outcomes of your positive thinking and actions. Even for the many dear souls that apply positive thought-forms and action each and every day, they do not know the full extent of any outcome, but they are at a state of mind that any outcome is helpful and instructive. People that are thought as spiritual do not only place their faith in just life, but their faith is also with God, and within the Realm of His domain. These devoted souls give themselves freely to God in pure faith and trust with an Inner Knowing that is aligned with Hope and Faith that any outcome that is produced will be what is best for that person at that very moment. There are some dear souls that often experience and see the Spiritual Force of Gods energy and power on a regular basis. These souls are not only positive in their Faith with God and His Divine Realm, but these dear souls are mastering the principles of life which do include the surrounding environment and any action that is encouraged by God. These beloved individuals will accept all outcomes as being positive. Anything that results as a negative becomes a positive learning that is in disguise. One of the biggest achievements of your spiritual journey is to attain a greater perception of life and actually see clarification through the opening of the Divine Will; Divine Will is a phenomenon that is filled with positive and negative mingling inside of you in order to apply an increased development of your progress and transformation. Visualize your life as a live flourishing active field of the Divine that brings you to unfolding more of your infinite consciousness that was once considered to be limited. The broadening of your awareness and understanding is a clear indication of your continuous flow of Faith in yourself and with God and through this comprehension you begin to participate in achieving the highest possibility of all achievement and revelation to be experienced. There does come a point in your life and spiritual journey when you wish to understand where you fit while working closely with faith. The power of your life has always been in your hands. We of the Divine come to guide, support and love you, yet it is you that must make each and every decision. Depending on how much effort you apply at each circumstance will also reveal how much trust and faith you have included and any outcome will be a result of your concentrated efforts. Understand dear ones pure faith is not just about giving all your trust to God, it also includes total acceptance with the results that comes forth from your decisions. We encourage you dear ones to consider when your busy mind finally becomes quiet, you give up the Egos urges and surrender to the Silence where Faith will be honed and further developed. When you make that initial step to reach your soul, remind yourself your mind needs to be quiet. When you have successfully quieted your mind and settled

your dynamic energy then your body surrenders faithfully to our Divine Father in Trust. When you consciously move into deeper depths of consciousness and awareness you are stimulating Faith into action that will illustrate the pure love you have for yourself and for God and all the many dear souls that share your global home. You see dear ones Faith will always work when you believe. Think back to all the tasks and projects you set out to do and remember the outcome of each one. When you applied pure faith along with the love filled effort and focus what you created was a masterpiece. Trust and Faith work closely together in many facets of your life that will always include Hope and Love and these aspects will become part of your thoughts that will fill you with gentle anticipation that assist in producing new dynamic levels of understanding that will increase all on its own because of the devotion you have always applied to becoming all that you are now and all that you will be. You have already all that is needed to bring forth what it is you want to achieve at each step of your journey. Trust with the pure love that is alive within your heart through the Faith that will rise if you simply allow it. We of the Divine have absolute faith in all of you. And so it is, Ascended Master, El Morya through Julie Miller

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