Will or Going To

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H. Campbell Group: Intermediate No.

of Students: 24 Recent topic work: Giving advice Recent language work: Types of modals and levels of politeness Aims: This lesson focuses upon the use of going to and will. The aim is to give Ss the opportunity to figure out the patterns of usage for themselves (problem solving) with formal explanation being used for clarification purposes. Skills include reading, writing (incl. composition), talking, listening, problem solving, teamwork, organising and the promotion of learner autonomy through the various exercises. In addition, Ss will be exposed to the rudiments of survey taking, something they are bound to encounter if living in Canada. Objectives: Ss will understand how and when to use the two forms of the future. Ss will function with and contribute to group work in order to accomplish their tasks. Ss will work on the skills of both giving and receiving correction from peers. Ss will work well without constant Teacher input. Assessment: Accuracy will be assessed through both written and oral responses to exercises (particularly the listening exercise in the Presentation and the written exercises in the Practice). Fluency will be assessed specifically during the role-play and to a lesser degree during the Survey exercise (although its focus is mainly accuracy). Materials: Picture for Warm-up, hand-outs, box for time capsule (shoe box perhaps) Timing Activity Aims & Assessment of the stage 5-10 Warm-up: Teacher shows a picture of the Introduce the lesson theme of the future and asks what the picture is about future and get the Ss warmed up (eliciting future). Puts future up on the and talking; give Ss a chance to use board. Teacher asks Ss to describe the the target language before any future according to the picture. Break Ss patterns or rules are introduced. into pairs and ask Ss to share their vision of the future. Date: 29Nov2012 Time: 8h


Presentation: Have Ss listen to two voice mail messages telling students that you will be asking questions afterwards. Ask questions to test comprehension... What are the messages about? When is the party? What else can your remember from the messages? [If comprehension a problem play it again, maybe pausing after each message, and ask the same questions.]

Give the Ss an opportunity to notice the target language in an authentic recording of native speakers; focus is on meaning and listening skills in general. Specifically, Ss need to understand both the content and time focus of the recording.

Assess listening skills by accuracy of responses; assess Ss ability to paraphrase/report on material

H. Campbell presented. Highlight target language of will and going to within context; focus on accuracy of written (form); work on Ss focused listening skills;

Hand out Gap-fill Exercise of the transcript and have the Ss listen to the recording a second time and fill in the blanks. Teacher pauses and/or repeats the recording as required.

Ss check answers with partner; teacher asks Assess accuracy of form in oral Ss to read text aloud. Correct as a class after format; opportunity for Ss to work each sentence. verbal skills (reading out loud); an opportunity to reinforce pronunciation and stress where warranted. Teacher notes that there are two ways of talking about the future in the text going to and will. Has anyone seen this before? Teacher puts two headings on the board and gets Ss to write the answers (with sentence) on the board under the correct heading; class provides corrections where needed. Teacher brings discussion back to meaning... Why two ways of saying the same thing? Are they used differently? Looking at the messages, what are they doing? Teacher prompts (if required) to elicit the first category of Predicting. Follow-up with some examples from the text; ask Ss to give their own examples in sentence form. Can we substitute one for the other all the time? Will it always mean the same thing? Teacher writes the same sentence from the text on the board, in the two forms... As far as Friday goes, are you going to Teacher illustrates that the target language has more than one meaning and tries to get the Ss to 2 Highlight the two forms of future simple; give Ss an opportunity to recognise that they are already familiar with the language. Assess accuracy of form in written format and set up contrast for next step. Provide a miniature corpus from which Ss can derive the rules.

Shift focus from form back to meaning so Ss have a chance to figure out the pattern for themselves; opportunity for problem solving. Teacher confirms that prediction is one of the roles of the target language. Ss support the assertion with examples of their own.

H. Campbell drive? As far as Friday goes, will you drive? Teacher asks Ss if the two questions mean the same thing. Teacher writes two questions on the board and asks if they have the same meaning... Are you going to drive me? Will you drive me? Teacher elicits the words planning and willing (or synonyms) and writes on the board... Are you planning to drive me? Are you willing to drive me? Teacher highlights the functions of the target language Both are used to predict the future Teacher asks Ss to give examples of sentences with predictions. Going to is used for something in the future that has been planned Teacher gives example... When we talked about this weekend, you may have said I am going to wash my car. Will is used when someone is willing to do something in the future. Teacher gives example... Ill help you wash the car Teacher draws attention to contractions: Ill, youll, hell, theyll, well Im, youre, hes, theyre, were Teacher asks if there are any questions, makes clarifications as needed and hands out Reference Sheet. Familiarise Ss with informal forms of the target language as this is more likely what they will hear in speech. come up with another pattern (more problem solving).

Again, Teacher confirms what the Ss have already surmised; ensure that all the class is clear about the distinctions in meaning/usage.

H. Campbell 45 PRACTICE The practice is divided into two parts Planned vs. Willing Predictions Teacher hands out Willing to Plan for the Future fill-in-the-blank exercise. Ss complete the first section and then compare answers in pairs. Teacher takes questions up orally to make sure there are no problems. Ss continue on with the remainder of the worksheet (can work in pairs or just check answers in pairs). The next section is traditional fill-in-the-blank and the third section gets Ss to first find the error and then correct it. Teacher has Ss write answers on the board and the class corrects them. Teacher hands out the Predicting a Survey worksheet and makes sure that vocabulary is understood: Take a Survey Results Survey says... Ss create two additional questions (as per instructions), interview 5 other Ss and record their responses/predictions. Each Student will, based upon survey results, write out their own predictions. In pairs Ss compare/correct their sentences. Put Ss in groups of 4; Ss read out their last two questions and accompanying predictions; group discusses and/or corrects predictions. Teacher monitors and is on hand for answering questions/clarifications. 45-60 PRODUCTION Referring back to the picture of the future, Teacher explains the concept of a time capsule (sending a message to the future).

Let Ss focus on one aspect at a time; practice Planned versus Willing since that was just presented to the Ss.

The first set of questions clarifies the contrasting meanings by having the Ss rephrase the questions using a parallel word pattern. Make sure all the Ss understand the meanings; make each part a little more challenging for the Ss. Check accuracy through board work.

Make sure Ss understand vocabulary and concepts that will allow them to participate fully in the exercise using the target language to Predict something in the future.

Increase the Ss investment in the exercise by having them come up with some of the questions take a more active role. Introduce Ss to the concept of surveys. Give Ss opportunities for analysis, writing, speaking, listening and self/studentcorrection. Ss work independently of the Teacher for the most part.

Ensure Ss understand the concept and the constraints/instructions. Get Ss excited about the task and to understand that the task isnt just an 4

H. Campbell Ss are going to create a time capsule for next years class. Teacher shows the box so Ss understand size constraints. Pass the box around the class so Ss can hold it. exercise but something real that others will use. Holding the box will make it more real for some and perhaps trigger a more active participation. Ss will have to use target language to accomplish the task. Make this project personal for the Ss and increase their investment in the exercise. Incorporate writing/composition, speaking, listening, organising and teamwork skills.

Everyone must write a short paragraph introducing him or herself, what they think they will be doing in a year from now and one piece of advice they would give to the student who will be reading it. In pairs, Ss review each others paragraph & make corrections; Teacher collects the reviewed paragraphs. Teacher will identify problems in the paragraphs and return them the next day for correction. The second draft will go into the time capsule. Teacher explains that items must be something that Ss can create or produce. In groups of 4, Ss plan what else should go into the time capsule. Teacher circulates to answer questions as required. As a class, with one Student acting as scribe, Ss make a combined list of items and then decide upon the final list of items for the capsule. Ss then have to decide who will do what in order to gather the things on the list. Ss will decide when the things will be ready to be put into the time capsule.

Ss should use target language naturally as they plan how to accomplish the task. Let the Ss run the show; the Teacher is only there to help and/or answer questions as required. Promote learner autonomy, work on organisational and team work skills.

Homework/Further work: Second draft of paragraph, prepare materials for capsule, fill and seal the time capsule (perhaps with a little celebration/ceremony).

H. Campbell References Azar, B.S. & Hagen, S.A. (2009). Understanding and Using English Grammar (4th ed). White Plains, NY; Pearson Education Limited, 63

H. Campbell


Hi Susan Its Heather. Just getting back to you about the party this Friday. Im going to say yes for now but Ill have to check my calendar when I get home. Ill let you know for sure tomorrow. By the way, are you going to need that book before the weekend? If not, Ill drop it off when I see you on Friday. Let me know if thats going to work with your schedule. Bye. Hi Heather Its Susan. Friday will be just fine for the book. Things are going to be way too busy this week for me to look at it before the weekend anyways! Ill have to organise my time better! As far as Friday goes, are you going to drive? My cars in the garage so Ill need a ride. Let me know talk to you later.

GAP-FILL EXERCISE: Hi Susan Its Heather. Just getting back to you about the party this Friday. Im (1) ____________________ yes for now but I (2) ________ ___________ check my calendar when I get home. I (3) __________ __________ you know for sure tomorrow. By the way, are you (4) ____________________ that book before the weekend? If not, (5) _________________ it off when I see you on Friday. Let me know if thats (6) ____________________ with your schedule. Bye. Hi Heather Its Susan. Friday (7) _______________________ just fine for the book. Things are (8) ____________________ way too busy this week for me to look at it before the weekend anyways! I (9)_________________ organise my time better! As far as Friday goes, are you (10) __________ _______? My car is in the garage so (11) _________________ a ride. Let me know talk to you later.

Future Simple Reference sheet for will + going to


H. Campbell

PREDICTION Will / Going to

I think Ill like this book! I think Im going to like this book! What will I do? What am I going to do?


Im going to finish my homework before I watch television. Are you going drive or take the bus? Are you going to eat that last piece of cake?

Dont worry... Ill get the phone! Will you give a hand? He wont tell me whats wrong.

H. Campbell

Willing to Plan for the Future

Directions: Rewrite the sentences using either planning to or willing to

1. Will you drive me on Thursday or should I make other arrangements?

2. How are you going to get this done in time?

3. I was just going to call you!

4. Ill cut the lawn if you like.

5. I am going to pick up some milk on the way home from work.

H. Campbell

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of either will or going to. 1. What do you plan to do this weekend? I ____________ put my feet up. 2. I have a terrible headache! I think I ________________ go to bed. 3. According to the paper, it ____________ snow again tomorrow. 4. I tried but he ____________ say a thing! 5. You _____________ believe me when I tell you this! 6. Do you want tea or coffee? I__________ have the tea, thanks. 7. ______ you drive me? Id really appreciate it! 8. I________________ paint my bedroom this weekend. 9. I cant hear the television! I___________ turn it up for you. 10. That man at the Customer Help Desk _______ help you. 11. I am so excited about our trip! We __________ visit London and Paris! 12. Mike ___________ come to the party. Mary _______ be there too. Directions: Do you see any problems? 1. You look really tired I am going to help you clean up the house. 2. He is sure that hes gonna need more time to finish his paper. 3. I wont probably be there on time. 4. Will you be going to finish the book before the weekend? 5. Im falling asleep! Ok, I am going to get you a cup of coffee.


H. Campbell

I am predicting... a survey!
Directions: Read the four questions and then come up with two of your own. You are going to take a survey by asking 5 other students to answer your questions. Record their answers in the table below 1. Will it be sunny this weekend? 2. Do you think we are going to get out of class early today? 3. Will you sleep in this weekend? 4. ___________________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________________ Student 1 1 2 3 4 5 Based on your survey results write down your own predictions. Example: Most students are going to... Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5


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