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Chapter 6 Quick Quiz

1. The first stage of Piagets theory of cognitive development begins with reflex action and ends with mental representations. This first stage is known as the a. sensorimotor stage. c. concrete operational stage. b. preoperational stage. d. formal operations stage. According to Piagets theory, childrens understanding grows through two main processes: ___________, in which the child places a new stimulus or experience within the context of the way he or she currently thinks; and __________, in which the child changes his or her way of thinking to include the new stimulus or experience. a. accommodation; assimilation c. assimilation; accommodation b. adaptation; organization d. organization; adaptation The information-processing approach to cognitive development examines three processes in terms of childrens ability to process information. Those processes are ___________, ___________, and ___________. a. decay; interference; amnesia c. sensory; short-term memory; long-term memory b. semantic; episodic; procedural memory d. encoding; storage; retrieval For Ashleys second birthday, her family went on a trip to Disney World, but now, just four years later, Ashley has little or no memory of this family trip. Ashleys inability to remember this major family excursion is due to a. memory interference. c. infantile amnesia. b. retrograde amnesia. d. proactive amnesia. All of the following are traditional measures of infant intelligence EXCEPT the a. visual-recognition memory measurement. b. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. c. developmental quotient. d. Bayley Scales of Infant Development. Claude gets his mothers attention by making a kind of grunting noise and then looks at the ball just out of his reach. Claudes attempt to communicate his desire for the ball is an example of a. semantics. c. language. b. babbling d. prelinguistic communication. Alfie calls for the book when he wants the menu in the neighborhood diner. Alfies use of the word book to include the menu best illustrates which characterization of early speech? a. holophrases c. overextension b. telegraphic d. underextension In the nativist approach to language development, theorist Noam Chomsky suggests that an innate mechanism directs language development. He refers to the neural system of the brain hypothesized to permit understanding of language as a(n) ___________. a. language acquisition device c. grammar checker b. universal grammar d. communication device Martha went from person to person asking if they wanted some birthday cake, but when she asked the youngest children at the party her voice pitch rose and she spoke with a type of singing quality. Martha was utilizing __________ with the children present. a. attention-getting speech c. holographic speech b. infant-directed speech d. telegraphic speech










Research on deaf infants reveal the following similarities in language development when compared with nondeaf infants, EXCEPT a. deaf infants appear to babble, as do non-deaf infants. b. mothers of deaf and non-deaf children both employ infant-directed speech. c. deaf infants do not seem to overextend when acquiring language. d. infant-directed speech with deaf infants includes slower tempo in signing and repeated signs.

Chapter 6 Quick Quiz Answers

1. Chapter Section: Piagets Approach to Cognitive Development Answer: a Page(s): 149 Type: Factual Rationale: Piagets first stage is the sensorimotor stage, which consists of six substages. This stage begins at birth with reflexive actions and continues through the achievement of mental representations. 2. Chapter Section: Piagets Approach to Cognitive Development Answer: b Page(s): 149 Type: Factual Rationale: In the Piagetian view, childrens understanding grows through assimilation of their experiences into their current way of thinking, or through accommodation of their current way of thinking to their experiences. Chapter Section: Information-Processing Approaches to Cognitive Development Answer: d Page(s): 157 Type: Factual Rationale: Information-processing approaches to the study of cognitive development seek to learn how individual receive, organize, store, and retrieve information. These are accomplished through encoding, storage, and retrieval processes. Chapter Section: Information-Processing Approaches to Cognitive Development Answer: c Page(s): 159 Type: Conceptual Rationale: Infantile amnesia refers to the lack of memory for experiences occurring prior to 3 years of age. Chapter Section: Information-Processing Approaches to Cognitive Development Answer: b Page(s): 161 Type: Factual Rationale: The developmental quotient, Bayley Scales of Infant Development, and the visual-recognition memory measurement are all traditional measures used for infant intelligence. The MMPI is not used with infants. Chapter Section: The Roots of Language Answer: d Page(s): 165, 166 Type: Applied Rationale: This is an example of prelinguistic communication, communication through sounds, facial expressions, gestures, imitation, and other nonlinguistic means. Chapter Section: The Roots of Language Answer: c Page(s): 167169 Type: Conceptual Rationale: All of these answers represent characterizations of early speech; however, the example best illustrates the use of overextension, or the broad application or overgeneralization of a word. Alfie applies the word book too broadly to include the diners menu. Chapter Section: The Roots of Language Answer: a Page(s): 170 Type: Factual Rationale: The nativist approach to language development is a theory that a genetically determined, innate mechanism directs language development. Linguist Noam Chomsky hypothesized that a language acquisition device or a neural system that permits the understanding of language provides a child with the strategies and techniques for learning the language to which the child is exposed. Chapter Section: The Roots of Language Answer: a Page(s): 170, 171 Type: Applied Rationale: Martha was using infant-directed speech. Infant-directed speech is a shift in your language to a style of speech that characterizes much of the verbal communication directed toward infants. The term infantdirected speech is a gender-free term used in place of the former motherese.









Chapter Section: The Roots of Language Answer: c Page(s): 166, 173 Type: Conceptual Rationale: The process of language acquisition for deaf children through signing has some striking similarities with the process of language acquisition for non-deaf children. Consider the fact that deaf children babble, using signs much as non-deaf children babble. In addition, mothers of deaf children also employ the use of infant-directed speech, in this case using a slower tempo for signing and often repeating signs.

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