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MiCOM P342, P343, P344

Generator Protection Relays

Software Version 0320 Hardware Suffix J

Update Documentation
P34x/EN AD/G54


The technical manual for this device gives instructions for its installation, commissioning, and operation. However, the manual cannot cover all conceivable circumstances or include detailed information on all topics. In the event of questions or specific problems, do not take any action without proper authorization. Contact the appropriate AREVA technical sales office and request the necessary information. Any agreements, commitments, and legal relationships and any obligations on the part of AREVA including settlements of warranties, result solely from the applicable purchase contract, which is not affected by the contents of the technical manual. This device MUST NOT be modified. If any modification is made without the express permission of AREVA, it will invalidate the warranty, and may render the product unsafe.

The AREVA logo and any alternative version thereof are trademarks and service marks of AREVA. MiCOM is a registered trademark of AREVA. All trade names or trademarks mentioned herein whether registered or not, are the property of their owners. This manual is provided for informational use only and is subject to change without notice. 2006, AREVA. All rights reserved.

Update Documentation MiCOM P342, P343, P344

P34x/EN AD/G54


Date: Hardware Suffix: Software Version: Connection Diagrams:

16th May 2006 J 0320 10P342xx (xx = 01 to 14) 10P343xx (xx = 01 to 15) 10P344xx (xx = 01 to 10)

P34x/EN AD/G54

Update Documentation MiCOM P342, P343, P344

Update Documentation MiCOM P342, P343, P344

P34x/EN AD/G54 Page 1 of 42


In the firmware version 0320J of P34x, several changes on existing features have been added. These are described with reference to the documentation listed below: Release 03.10.2005 Document Ref. P34x/EN AP/G44 Throughout 1 - 176 Section Version P34x/EN M/G44 Page No. DDB numbers DDB numbers have changed : refer to P34x/EN GC/H54 Configuration column Data in table amended: Setting Group : Select via Optos changed to Select via PSL Gen Differential : cell moved below Thermal Overload 2.1 15 - 16 System Config : cell added Phase rotation 2.3 18 New section added : phase rotation functionality Description 2.3.1 18 New section added Case 1 - phase reversal switches affecting all CTs and VTs 18 - 19 New section added Case 2 - phase reversal switches affecting CT1 only 19 New section added System config settings 2.3.2 19 - 21 New section added Disturbance recorder Paragraph 1 : 3rd sentence amended Paragraph 3 : amended Analog channel data in table : amended and added 3.8 165 - 166 Note after table amended Changing setting groups 3.10 169 Amended to reflect new functionality provided with PSL Any trip 3.17 173 - 174 New section added : any trip functionality Biased differential function 4.1.1 175 CT requirements amended Documentation Technical Manual Description

P34x/EN AD/G54 Page 2 of 42 Document Ref. P34x/EN VC/F44 Section Page No.

Update Documentation MiCOM P342, P343, P344 Description Hardware/Software Version History and Compatibility Updated to reflect latest relay software

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2.1 Configuration column The P34x relays include a column in the menu called the CONFIGURATION column. This affects the operation of each of the individual protection functions. The aim of this column is to allow general configuration of the relay from a single point in the menu. Any of the functions that are disabled or made invisible from this column do not then appear within the main relay menu. The following table shows the relay menu for the configuration column, with default settings. The brief description of the function of each setting is also provided. Menu Text CONFIGURATION No Operation All Settings Setting Group 1 Setting Group 2 Setting Group 3 Setting Group 4 Select via Menu Select via PSL Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 No Operation Save Abort Restore default settings to any or all group of settings Change setting groups by? Select active setting group used for protection settings Saves all setting changes from buffer memory into stored settings Selects a group of settings to copy to the group designated in Copy to cell Copies the group of settings selected in the Copy from cell to the selected setting group Selects if Group 1 settings are available on the relay Selects if Group 2 settings are available on the relay Selects if Group 3 settings are available on the relay Selects if Group 4 settings are available on the relay Default Setting Available Setting Function

Restore Defaults

No Operation

Setting Group

Select via Menu

Active Settings

Group 1

Save Changes

No Operation

Copy From

Group 1

Group1, 2, 3 or 4

Copy To

No Operation

Group1, 2, 3 or 4

Setting Group 1


Enabled or Disabled

Setting Group 2


Enabled or Disabled

Setting Group 3


Enabled or Disabled

Setting Group 4


Enabled or Disabled

P34x/EN AD/G54 Page 4 of 42 Menu Text CONFIGURATION System Config Power Field Failure NPS Thermal System Backup Overcurrent Thermal Overload Gen Differential Standard E/F SEF/REF SPower Residual O/V NVD 100% Stator E/F V/Hz Dead Machine Volt Protection Freq. Protection RTD Inputs CB Fail Pole Slipping Supervision Input Labels Output Labels RTD Labels CT & VT Ratios Event Recorder Disturb Recorder Measuret. Setup Comms. Settings Commission Tests Visible Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled SEF/REF Enabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Disabled Enabled Disabled Visible Visible Visible Visible Invisible Invisible Invisible Visible Visible Invisible or Visible Enabled or Disabled Enabled or Disabled Enabled or Disabled Enabled or Disabled Enabled or Disabled Enabled or Disabled Enabled or Disabled Enabled or Disabled Disabled or SEF/REF or Sensitive Power Enabled or Disabled Enabled or Disabled Enabled or Disabled Enabled or Disabled Enabled or Disabled Enabled or Disabled Enabled or Disabled Enabled or Disabled Enabled or Disabled Enabled or Disabled Invisible or Visible Invisible or Visible Invisible or Visible Invisible or Visible Invisible or Visible Invisible or Visible Invisible or Visible Invisible or Visible Invisible or Visible Default Setting Available Setting

Update Documentation MiCOM P342, P343, P344 Function

Makes settings visible in the relay Enables protection element in the relay Makes settings visible in the relay menu Selects if relay protection settings are displayed in primary or secondary current/voltage values Makes settings visible in the relay menu

Setting Values


Primary or Secondary

Control Inputs


Invisible or Visible

Update Documentation MiCOM P342, P343, P344 Menu Text CONFIGURATION CLIO Inputs CLIO Outputs Ctrl I/P Config. Enabled Enabled Visible Enabled or Disabled Enabled or Disabled Invisible or Visible Default Setting Available Setting

P34x/EN AD/G54 Page 5 of 42 Function

Enables protection element in the relay Makes settings visible in the relay menu Makes settings visible in the relay menu Enables direct access keys in the relay LCD contrast setting

Ctrl I/P Labels


Invisible or Visible

Direct Access LCD Contrast

Enabled 11

Enabled or Disabled 0 - 31

2.3 2.3.1

Phase rotation Description A facility is provided in the P340 to maintain correct operation of all the protection functions even when the generator is running in a reverse phase sequence. This is achieved through user configurable settings available for the four setting groups. The default phase sequence for P340 is the clockwise rotation ABC. Some power systems may have a permanent anti-clockwise phase rotation of ACB. In pump storage applications there is also a common practice to reverse two phases to facilitate the pumping operation, using phase reversal switches. However, depending on the position of the switches with respect to the VTs and CTs, the phase rotation may not affect all the voltage and current inputs to the relay. The following sections describe some common scenarios and their effects. In the description, CT1 provides current measurements for all the current based protection (IA-1/IB-1/IC-1), CT2 (IA-2/IB-2/IC-2) is used for the generator differential protection only. For pump storage applications the correct phase rotation settings can be applied for a specific operating mode and phase configuration in different setting groups. The phase configuration can then be set by selecting the appropriate setting group, see section 3.10 for more information of changing setting groups. This method of selecting the phase configuration removes the need for external switching of CT circuits or the duplication of relays with connections to different CT phases. The phase rotation settings should only be changed when the machine is off-line so that transient differences in the phase rotation between the relay and power system due to the switching of phases dont cause operation of any of the protection functions. To ensure that setting groups are only changed when the machine is off-line the changing of the setting groups could be interlocked with the IA/IB/IC undercurrent start signals and an undervoltage start signal in the PSL.

Case 1 - phase reversal switches affecting all CTs and VTs The phase reversal affects all the voltage and current measurements in the same way, irrespective of which two phases are being swapped. This is also equivalent to a power system that is permanently reverse phase reversed.

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Update Documentation MiCOM P342, P343, P344

All the protection functions that use the positive and negative sequence component of voltage and current will be affected (NPS overcurrent and NPS overvoltage, thermal overload, voltage transformer supervision). Directional overcurrent is also affected as the polarizing signal (Vbc, Vca, Vab) is reversed by the change in phase rotation. The generator differential protection is not affected, since the phase reversal applies to CT1 and CT2 in the same way. The relationship between voltages and currents from CT1 for the standard phase rotation and reverse phase rotation are as shown below.

Va b

Ia Ic Ib

Ia Ib Ic








Standard ABC rotation

Case reverse ACB rotation


Figure 1:

Standard and reverse phase rotation

Case 2 - phase reversal switches affecting CT1 only The phase reversal affects CT1 only. All the protection functions that use CT1 currents and the 3 phase voltages (power, pole slipping, field failure, underimpedance, voltage controlled overcurrent, directional overcurrent) will be affected, since the reversal changes the phase relationship between the voltages and currents. The generator differential protection and protection that use positive and negative sequence current and voltage will also be affected.

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Phase Reversal Switches


Case 2 : Phase reversal switches affecting CT1 only



System config settings The following settings are available in the SYSTEM CONFIG menu as follows. These new settings are available for each of the four protection setting groups. Menu Text System Config Phase Sequence VT Reversal CT1 Reversal CT2 Reversal (P343/4/5 only) Standard ABC No Swap No Swap No Swap Standard ABC, Reverse ACB No Swap, A-B Swapped, B-C Swapped, C-A Swapped No Swap, A-B Swapped, B-C Swapped, C-A Swapped No Swap, A-B Swapped, B-C Swapped, C-A Swapped N/A N/A N/A N/A Default Setting Setting Range Min. Max. Step Size

The Phase Sequence setting applies to a power system that has a permanent phase sequence of either ABC or ACB. It is also applicable for temporary phase reversal which affects all the VTs and CTs. As distinct from the other phase reversal settings, this setting does not perform any internal phase swapping of the analogue channels. The Phase Sequence setting affects the sequence component calculations as follows: Standard ABC The calculations of positive (I1, V1) and negative (I2, V2) phase sequence voltage and current remain unchanged as follows:

X1 =
X2 =
Reverse ACB

1 Xa + Xb + 2 Xc 3
1 Xa + 2 Xb + Xc 3

The calculations of positive (I1, V1) and negative (I2, V2) phase sequence voltage and current are given by the equations:

X1 = X2 =

1 X a + 2 Xb + Xc 3 1 Xa + Xb + 2 Xc 3

P34x/EN AD/G54 Page 8 of 42 Where: = 1120


Update Documentation MiCOM P342, P343, P344

The Phase Sequence setting also affects the directional overcurrent protection as follows: Phase Rotation Standard ABC 67 (Directional Overcurrent) Phase A Phase B Phase C Reverse ACB Phase A Phase B Phase C use Ia, Vbc use Ib, Vca use Ic, Vab use Ia, -Vbc use Ib, -Vca use Ic, -Vab

The VT Reversal, CT1 Reversal and CT2 Reversal settings apply to applications where some or all of the voltage or current inputs are temporarily reversed, as in pump storage applications. The settings affect the order of the analogue channels in the relay and are set to emulate the order of the channels on the power system. So, assuming the settings emulate the change in phase configuration on the power system all the protection functions will naturally operate as per a standard phase rotation system. The phase sequence calculations and the protection functions all remain unchanged. Note, there are 2 approaches to using the System Config settings where 2 phases are swapped. The settings can be used to maintain a generator view of the phase sequence or a system (or busbar) view of the phase sequence for a generator fault. For example, in Case 2, for a generator A-phase winding fault, the relay will report a B phase fault if the CT1 Reversal setting is set to A-B Swapped (system or busbar view of faulted phase). For a busbar fault the correct faulted phase will be given in the fault record. In the above example, instead of swapping A-B phase of CT1, the user can alternatively set A-B Swapped for CT2 Reversal and the VT Reversal and apply the Phase Sequence setting to Reverse ACB. With this approach, internal faults (e.g., A-phase winding fault) will give the correct phase information in the fault records (generator view of faulted phase), whereas an external A-phase fault will be presented as a B-phase fault. So, to obtain a phase sequence maintaining a generator viewpoint for a generator fault the CTs/VTs not affected by the change must have the phase swapping setting to match the external switching. Also, since the machines sequence rotation has been affected, the Sequence Reversal setting will also need to be applied accordingly. To obtain a phase sequence maintaining a system viewpoint for a generator fault the CTs/VTs affected by the change must have the phase swapping setting to match the external switching. The Sensitive Power is a single phase power element using A phase current and voltage. If Sensitive Power is applied and the A phase current only has been swapped, the power calculation will be wrong since the voltage and current inputs are not from the same phase. If for example in Case 2 the A-B phases are swapped and the sensitive CT is on the generator side of the switch. It is possible to use the alternative approach where the CT2 and VT phases are swapped so that the A-phase voltage (from generators view point) is restored for the correct calculation of the A-phase power. This problem cannot be resolved with the other approach where only CT1 phases are swapped, therefore the protection will need to be disabled or the phase reversal switches arranged such that the A phase is not swapped or the sensitive power CT placed on the same side of the switch as the VT.


Disturbance recorder The integral disturbance recorder has an area of memory specifically set aside for record storage. The number of records that may be stored by the relay is dependent upon the selected recording duration. The relay can typically store a minimum of 50 records, each of 1.5 seconds duration (8 analog channels and 32 digital channels). VDEW relays, however, have the same total record length but the VDEW protocol dictates that only 8 records (of 3 seconds duration) can be extracted via the rear port. Disturbance records continue to be

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recorded until the available memory is exhausted, at which time the oldest record(s) are overwritten to make space for the newest one. The recorder stores actual samples which are taken at a rate of 24 samples per cycle. Each disturbance record consists of a maximum of 9/12/13 analog data channels for P342/3/4 and thirty-two digital data channels. Note: The relevant CT and VT ratios for the analog channels are also extracted to enable scaling to primary quantities. If a CT ratio is set less than unity, the relay will choose a scaling factor of zero for the appropriate channel. The DISTURBANCE RECORDER menu column is shown below: Menu Text Default Setting Setting Range Min. Max. Step Size

DISTURBANCE RECORDER Duration Trigger Position Trigger Mode 1.5s 33.3% Single 0.1s 0 10.5s 100% 0.01s 0.1%

Single or Extended Unused, VAN, VBN, VCN, VN1, A-1, B-1, C-1, N, Sensitive, A-2 (P343/4), B-1 (P343/4), C-2 (P343/4), VN2 (P344), Frequency As above As above As above As above As above As above As above As above As above (P343/4 only) As above (P343/4 only) As above (P343/4 only) As above (P344 only) Any output contact or optical input or internal digital signal

Analog Channel 1


Analog Channel 2 Analog Channel 3 Analog Channel 4 Analog Channel 5 Analog Channel 6 Analog Channel 7 Analog Channel 8 Analog Channel 9 Analog Channel 10 Analog Channel 11 Analog Channel 12 Analog Channel 13 Digital Inputs 1 to 32 Inputs 1 to 32 Trigger Note:

VBN VCN VN1 A-1 B-1 C-1 Sensitive N A-2 B-2 C-2 VN2

No Trigger

No Trigger, Trigger L/H except Dedicated Trigger H/L Trip Relay O/Ps which are set to Trigger L/H

The available analog and digital signals will differ between relay types and models and so the individual courier database in the Relay Menu Database (P34x/EN GC) should be referred to when determining default settings etc.

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The pre and post fault recording times are set by a combination of the Duration and Trigger Position cells. Duration sets the overall recording time and the Trigger Position sets the trigger point as a percentage of the duration. For example, the default settings show that the overall recording time is set to 1.5s with the trigger point being at 33.3% of this, giving 0.5s pre-fault and 1s post fault recording times. If a further trigger occurs whilst a recording is taking place, the recorder will ignore the trigger if the Trigger Mode has been set to Single. However, if this has been set to Extended, the post trigger timer will be reset to zero, thereby extending the recording time. As can be seen from the menu, each of the analog channels is selectable from the available analog inputs to the relay. The digital channels may be mapped to any of the opto isolated inputs or output contacts, in addition to a number of internal relay digital signals, such as protection starts, LEDs etc. The complete list of these signals may be found by viewing the available settings in the relay menu or via a setting file in MiCOM S1. Any of the digital channels may be selected to trigger the disturbance recorder on either a low to high or a high to low transition, via the Input Trigger cell. The default trigger settings are that any dedicated trip output contacts (e.g. relay 3) will trigger the recorder. It is not possible to view the disturbance records locally via the LCD; they must be extracted using suitable software such as MiCOM S1. This process is fully explained in SCADA Communications (P34x/EN CT).


Changing setting groups The setting groups can be changed either via 2 DDB signals or via a menu selection selection or via the hotkey menu. In the Configuration column if Setting Group - select via PSL is selected then DDBs 629 (SG Select 1x) and 628 (SG Select x1), which are dedicated for setting group selection, can be used to select the setting group as shown in the table below. These DDB signals can be connected to opto inputs for local selection or control inputs for remote selection of the setting groups. If Setting Group - select via menu is selected then in the Configuration column the Active Settings - Group1/2/3/4 can be used to select the setting group. The setting group can be changed via the hotkey menu providing Setting Group select via menu is chosen. SG Select 1x 0 1 0 1 Note: SG Select x1 0 0 1 1 Selected Setting Group 1 2 3 4

Setting groups comprise both Settings and Programmable Scheme Logic. Each is independent per group - not shared as common. The settings are generated in the Settings and Records application within MiCOM S1, or can be applied directly from the relay front panel menu. The programmable scheme logic can only be set using the PSL Editor application within MiCOM S1, generating files with extension .psl. It is essential that where the installation needs application-specific PSL that the appropriate .psl file is downloaded (sent) to the relay, for each and every setting group that will be used. If the user fails to download the required .psl file to any setting group that may be brought into service, then factory default PSL will still be resident. This may have severe operational and safety consequences.

Update Documentation MiCOM P342, P343, P344 3.17 Any trip

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The Any Trip DDB (DDB 626) has been made independent from Relay 3 in the version 32 software. In Previous versions of software the Any Trip signal was the operation of Relay 3. In the version 32 software DDB 626 is the Any Trip signal and any output contact used for tripping can be connected to the Any Trip DDB leaving Relay 3 to be freely assigned for any function. The Any Trip signal affects the following functions: Operates the Trip LED Triggers CB condition maintenance counters Used to measure the CB operating time Triggers the circuit breaker failure logic Used in the Fault recorder logic

In the default PSL, Relay 3 is still mapped to the Any Trip DDB and the Fault REC TRIG DDB signals. If the user wants to make use of the CB maintenance features, CB failure function etc. they should map the output contact(s) assigned for tripping the monitored circuit breaker to the Any Trip DDB. The output contact(s) assigned for tripping the monitored circuit breaker should also be connected to the fault record trigger Fault REC TRIG DDB 623 for fault record triggering. Note, where relay 3 or any other contact is used to initiate the Any Trip signal the contact should not be set to latched as the Any Trip is used to trigger (on pick-up) and reset (on drop-off) the fault recorder window. So if the Any Trip is latched the fault recording window never resets and so you wont see a fault record on the relay front display as the relay thinks the fault is still present. The default setting for relay 3 is a dwell time of 100ms, a dwell is the minimum time the contact will be ON and is used for trip functions to ensure a good quality trip signal is obtained. As an example of a dwell timer, a dwell of 100ms means that if the initiating signal is ON for 10ms then the output contact is ON for 100ms and if the initiating signal is ON for 200ms then the output contact is ON for 200ms.

4.1 4.1.1

Generator differential function Biased differential protection The kneepoint voltage requirements for the current transformers used for the current inputs of the generator differential function, with settings of s1 = 0.05n, k1 = 0%, s2 = 1.2n, k2 = 150%, and with a boundary condition of through fault current 10n, is: Vk 50n (Rct + 2RL + Rr) with a minimum of 60 n 60 n for X/R < 40 If <10In for X/R <120 If <10In

Vk 30n (Rct + 2RL + Rr) with a minimum of

Where the generator is impedance earthed and the maximum secondary earth fault current is less than n then the CT knee point voltage requirements are: Vk 25n (Rct + RL + Rr) with a minimum of 60 n 60 n for X/R <100 If <10In, X/R <120 If <5In for X/R <60 If <10In

Vk 30n (Rct + RL + Rr) with a minimum of

P34x/EN AD/G54 Page 12 of 42 60 n

Update Documentation MiCOM P342, P343, P344

Vk 40n (Rct + RL + Rr) with a minimum of Where: Vk n Rct RL Rr If

for X/R <120 If <10In

= Minimum current transformer kneepoint voltage for through fault stability = Relay rated current = Resistance of current transformer secondary winding () = Resistance of a single lead from relay to current transformer () = Resistance of any other protective relays sharing the current transformer () = Maximum through fault current

For Class-X current transformers, the excitation current at the calculated kneepoint voltage requirement should be less than 2.5n (<5% of the maximum perspective fault current 50 n, on which these CT requirements are based). For IEC standard protection class current transformers, it should be ensured that class 5P are used.

Relay type: P342/3/4 Description of Changes S1 Compatibility V1.09 or Later Technical Documentation TG8614A

Software Version

Hardware Suffix Original Issue Corrected 90 degree phase angle displacement in measurement of Ia, Ib, Ic Corrected RTD temperature and invalid system frequency measurements in MODBUS fault records Corrected VT scaling factors for Va, Vb, Vc in fault records Minor bug fixes Trip LED status saved during power cycling Corrections to omission of fault duration and CB operating time in fault record Corrected -90 degree phase angle displacement in measurement of VN and VN derived Reset of alarms and indications event added to event record Minor bug fixes DNP 3.0 protocol added Courier and MODBUS enhancements to improve compatibility with other protection (mainly PX20 products) Modifications to IEC60870-5-103 Test Mode Poledead logic DDB signals made visible in PSL Foreign Language text updated Active and reactive power added to MODBUS fault record Minor bug fixes V1.10 or Later V1.09 or Later V1.09 or Later

Original Date of Issue



Update Documentation

MiCOM P342, P343, P344

Oct 1999

Dec 1999



Mar 2000



Oct 2000

TG8614B P34x/EN AD/G54 Page 13 of 42

Relay type: P342/3/4 Description of Changes S1 Compatibility Technical Documentation

Page 14 of 42

Software Version

Hardware Suffix Event filtering added Correction to energy measurement inaccuracy Minor bug fixes Correction to NPS Alarm operation Minor bug fixes Resolved possible reboot caused by Disturbance Recorder Minor bug fixes Resolved possible reboot caused by invalid MODBUS requests Minor bug fixes DNP 3.0 Object 12 CROB implementation is now compliant for simple function points DNP 3.0 Object 10 included in Class 0 poll DNP 3.0 support for season in time information Correction to MODBUS CB Trip and Close via "0" command Change to neutral voltage displacement protection and directional SEF protection so that they are not blocked by the VT supervision logic when the VN Input and ISEF>VNPol are selected as Measured Correction to undervoltage stage 2 (V<2) setting range. The setting range has been increased from 10-70V to 10-120V (Vn=110/120V) so that it is the same as V<1 Correction to VT ratio scaling problem in the disturbance recorder V2.00 or Later V2.00 or Later V2.00 or Later

Original Date of Issue

P34x/EN AD/G54



Jan 2001


May 2001


Jan 2002

V2.00 or Later


Feb 2002

V2.00 or Later



Dec 2002


Update Documentation

MiCOM P342, P343, P344

Relay type: P342/3/4 Description of Changes S1 Compatibility Technical Documentation

Software Version

Hardware Suffix Improvement to the RTD start-up calibration routine Minor bug fixes Improvement to the differential protection performance at low frequencies Correction to the fault recorder window for current based trips so that it can terminate properly once the FAULT_REC_TRIG signal (DDB 288) is reset. Previously it needed to wait for Relay 3 to reset also before termination Power measurement limits added to prevent non zero values with no current and voltage. Also power factor measurements limited to +/-1 V2.00 or Later

Original Date of Issue


Minor TG8614B

Update Documentation

MiCOM P342, P343, P344

Dec 2002

03 Cont.

Mar 2004

Resolved possible reboot caused by failure to time sync. from DNP 3.0 when IRIG-B is active which is also providing the time sync. Now, any failure of the DNP 3.0 to time sync. will only produce a maintenance record Correction to French, German and Spanish language menu text for generator differential IS2 setting [3004] which incorrectly refers to the setting as IS1. Resolved possible problem with disturbance recorder triggering which could cause loss of disturbance record data, temporary freezing of the user interface or loss of rear port communications Resolved unreliable MODBUS framing Resolved creation of spurious password expired event when menu cell or MODBUS register is accessed Resolved error code 0x 8D840000

V2.00 or Later


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Relay type: P342/3/4 Description of Changes S1 Compatibility V2.00 or Later Technical Documentation TG8614B

Page 16 of 42

Software Version

Hardware Suffix Minor bug fixes For Courier/DNP 3.0/IEC60870-5-103 builds only Correction to parity setting for MODBUS and DNP 3.0 when the relay is powered up Improvement to the self checking of the analog channels and SRAM Minor bug fixes For MODBUS builds only Changes as for G Improvement to the MODBUS driver to cope better with spurious data transmissions and failures of the relay to respond to commands where the server response time is fast Minor bug fixes Correction to the alarm and trip indication of the faulted phase(s) for the second stage of the undervoltage and overvoltage protection in the fault record information on the relay LCD Correction to false frequency protection start at power-up MODBUS driver modified to prevent relay reboot with error code 0x8C810000 in hardware A/B/C relays for 60Hz applications where fast polling and high baud rates are used Modification to prevent reboot when large number of control and settings are sent to relay in quick succession over DNP 3.0 Minor bug fixes V2.00 or later V2.00 or later

Original Date of Issue

P34x/EN AD/G54



Mar 2004

Jun 2004


Jul 2004


03 Cont.

Update Documentation

MiCOM P342, P343, P344

Jun 2005

V2.00 or later


Relay type: P342/3/4 Description of Changes S1 Compatibility Technical Documentation

Software Version

Hardware Suffix Not released to production Pole slipping and sensitive reverse power added 100% stator earth fault protection enhancements. W/VAr/VA inhibit elements added to 3rd harmonic undervoltage protection and 3rd harmonic overvoltage protection added Neutral voltage displacement threshold, VN>1/2, increased from 50 to 80V (Vn=100/120V), 200 to 320 V (Vn=380/480V) Earth fault polarizing voltage threshold, Vnpol, increased from 22 to 88V (Vn=100/120V) and 88 to 352V (Vn=380/480V) Cos phi and sin phi features added to SEF protection Minor bug fixes Not released to production Minor bug fix to background self-check diagnostics introduced in 04A Correction to Courier NPS thermal reset command Minor bug fixes Resolved possible reboot caused by Disturbance Recorder Minor bug fixes Resolved possible reboot caused by invalid MODBUS requests Minor bug fixes Enhanced DNP 3.0 Object 10 support for Pulse On/Close control points V2.01 or later V2.01 or later V2.01 or later

Original Date of Issue

Update Documentation

MiCOM P342, P343, P344



Jun 2001



Jul 2001


Dec 2001

V2.01 or later


Jan 2002

V2.01 or later


Feb 2002

V2.01 or later


P34x/EN AD/G54

Page 17 of 42

Dec 2002


Relay type: P342/3/4 Description of Changes S1 Compatibility Technical Documentation

Page 18 of 42

Software Version

Hardware Suffix DNP 3.0 Object 10 included in Class 0 poll DNP 3.0 support for season in time information Correction to MODBUS CB Trip and Close via "0" command Change to neutral voltage displacement protection and directional SEF protection so that they are not blocked by the VT supervision logic when the VN Input and ISEF>VNPol are selected as Measured Correction to undervoltage stage 2 (V<2) setting range. The setting range has been increased from 10-70V to 10-120V (Vn=110/120V) so that it is the same as V<1 Correction to VT ratio scaling problem in the disturbance recorder Improvement to the RTD start-up calibration routine Minor bug fixes Improvement to the differential protection performance at low frequencies

Original Date of Issue

P34x/EN AD/G54



Dec 2002

V2.01 or later


04 Cont.

Mar 2004

Correction to the fault recorder window for current based trips so that it can terminate properly once the FAULT_REC_TRIG signal (DDB 288) is reset. Previously it needed to wait for Relay 3 to reset also before termination Power measurement limits added to prevent non zero values with no current and voltage. Also power factor measurements limited to +/-1

V2.01 or later


Update Documentation

MiCOM P342, P343, P344

Relay type: P342/3/4 Description of Changes S1 Compatibility Technical Documentation

Software Version

Hardware Suffix Resolved possible reboot caused by failure to time sync. from DNP 3.0 when IRIG-B is active which is also providing the time sync. Now, any failure of the DNP 3.0 to time sync. will only produce a maintenance record Correction to French, German and Spanish language menu text for generator differential IS2 setting [3004] which incorrectly refers to the setting as IS1 Resolved possible problem with disturbance recorder triggering which could cause loss of disturbance record data, temporary freezing of the user interface or loss of rear port communications Resolved unreliable MODBUS framing Resolved creation of spurious password expired event when menu cell or MODBUS register is accessed Resolved error code 0x 8D840000 Minor bug fixes Changes are the same as 04G Special for Powerformer stuck pole breaker fail application where the neutral voltage displacement setting range has been increased from 80 to 200V (Vn-100/120V) MODBUS build only For Courier/DNP 3.0/IEC60870-5-103 builds only Correction to parity setting for MODBUS and DNP 3.0 when the relay is powered up Improvement to the self checking of the analog channels and SRAM V2.01 or later V2.01 or later

Original Date of Issue

Update Documentation

MiCOM P342, P343, P344



Mar 2004


04 Cont.


Mar 2004


P34x/EN AD/G54

Page 19 of 42

Jun 2004

V2.01 or later


Relay type: P342/3/4 Description of Changes S1 Compatibility V2.01 or later Technical Documentation TG8614B

Page 20 of 42

Software Version

Hardware Suffix Minor bug fixes For MODBUS builds only Changes as for H Improvement to the MODBUS driver to cope better with spurious data transmissions and failures of the relay to respond to commands where the server response time is fast Minor bug fixes Changes are the same as 03J Not released to production Thermal overload protection added Additional stage of under-impedance protection Control inputs added PSL DDB list of signals increased from 512 to 1023 signals PSL Data menu added with PSL Reference information for version history Optional additional opto inputs and output contacts with a larger case size option available New Universal wide ranging opto inputs (Model number hardware suffix changed to B) New output contacts with better break and continuous carry ratings (Model number hardware suffix changed to B) Minor bug fixes Courier and MODBUS builds only V2.05 or Later V2.01 or later V2.01 or later

Original Date of Issue

P34x/EN AD/G54



Jun 2004

04 Cont.

Jul 2004


Jun 2005




Sep 2001

P34x/EN T/C11

Update Documentation

MiCOM P342, P343, P344

Relay type: P342/3/4 Description of Changes S1 Compatibility Technical Documentation

Software Version

Hardware Suffix Not released to production Correction to VT ratio scaling problem in the disturbance recorder V2.05 or Later Minor bug fixes Courier and MODBUS builds only IEC60870-5-103 build with special private code mapping for ALSTOM Power project in Iceland. Includes private codes and uncompressed disturbance recorder Resolved possible reboot caused by Disturbance Recorder Minor bug fixes IEC60870-5-103 build only Resolved possible reboot caused by Disturbance Recorder Resolved possible reboot caused by invalid MODBUS requests V2.05 or Later

Original Date of Issue

Update Documentation

MiCOM P342, P343, P344




Oct 2001

P34x/EN T/C11



Jan 2002

P34x/EN T/C11

05 Cont.


Feb 2002

Enhancements to IEC60870-5-103 build to include private codes, monitor blocking and disturbance record extraction. New uncompressed disturbance recorder for IEC60870-5-103 build only Correction to Courier NPS thermal reset command Correction to IEC60870-5-103 voltage measurements for Vn=380/480V relays

V2.05 or Later

P34x/EN T/C11

P34x/EN AD/G54

Page 21 of 42

Minor bug fixes

Relay type: P342/3/4 Description of Changes S1 Compatibility Technical Documentation

Page 22 of 42

Software Version

Hardware Suffix Correction to foreign language text for System Backup protection not included in previous 05 software builds V2.05 or Later Minor bug fixes DNP 3.0 Object 12 CROB implementation is now compliant for simple function points Correction to MODBUS CB Trip and Close via "0" command

Original Date of Issue

P34x/EN AD/G54


Minor P34x/EN T/C11


Mar 2002

F Correction to undervoltage stage 2 (V<2) setting range. The setting range has been increased from 10-70V to 10-120V (Vn=110/120V) so that it is the same as V<1 Improvement to the RTD start-up calibration routine Minor bug fixes


Oct 2002

Change to neutral voltage displacement protection and directional SEF protection so that they are not blocked by the VT supervision logic when the VN Input and ISEF>VNPol are selected as Measured

V2.05 or later

P34x/EN T/C11

05 Cont.

IEC60870-5-103 build with special private code mapping for ALSTOM Power project in Iceland. Includes private codes and uncompressed disturbance recorder Correction to IEC60870-5-103 voltage measurements for Vn=380/480V relays Correction to foreign language text for System Backup protection not included in previous 05 software builds Change to neutral voltage displacement protection and directional SEF protection so that they are not blocked by the VT supervision logic when the VN Input and ISEF>VNPol are selected as Measured V2.05 or later P34x/EN T/C11

Update Documentation

MiCOM P342, P343, P344



Oct 2002

Relay type: P342/3/4 Description of Changes S1 Compatibility Technical Documentation

Software Version

Hardware Suffix Improvement to the RTD start-up calibration routine Minor bug fixes IEC60870-5-103 build only Control input states added to non-volatile memory German language text updated Power measurement limits added to prevent non zero values with no current and voltage. Also power factor measurements limited to +/-1 In the Commissioning Test menu the DDB status has been made visible on the front panel display Support for Trip LED Status and Alarm Status added to G26 data type for MODBUS register 30001 Correction to the CB trip/Close functionality via MODBUS so that local/remote setting in the CB Control menu is not ignored Correction to MODBUS auto event extraction which does not work correctly DNP 3.0 Object 12 CROB implementation is now compliant for simple function points DNP 3.0 object 10 added to class 0 poll Correction to DNP 3.0 time sync. operation so that it does not modify the season bit in the time stamp Improvement to the differential protection performance at low frequencies V2.05 or Later V2.05 or later

Original Date of Issue

Update Documentation



MiCOM P342, P343, P344



Oct 2002

P34x/EN T/C11

05 Cont.


Mar 2004

P34x/EN T/C11

P34x/EN AD/G54 Page 23 of 42

Relay type: P342/3/4 Description of Changes S1 Compatibility Technical Documentation

Page 24 of 42

Software Version

Hardware Suffix Correction to the manual reset user alarms so that the event record shows the alarm turning off only when a reset command has been issued. Previously the "alarm off" event is produced once the initiating signal is removed Correction to the fault recorder window for current based trips so that it can terminate properly once the FAULT_REC_TRIG signal (DDB 288) is reset. Previously it needed to wait for Relay 3 to reset also before termination DDB 649 for pole slip reactance line start removed from the event list Resolved possible reboot caused by failure to time sync. from DNP 3.0 when IRIG-B is active which is also providing the time sync. Now, any failure of the DNP 3.0 to time sync. will only produce a maintenance record Correction to French, German and Spanish language menu text for generator differential IS2 setting [3004] which incorrectly refers to the setting as IS1 Correction to the alarm and trip indication of the faulted phase(s) for the second stage of the undervoltage and overvoltage protection in the fault record information on the relay LCD V2.05 or Later

Original Date of Issue

P34x/EN AD/G54



05 Cont.


Mar 2004

P34x/EN T/C11

MiCOM P342, P343, P344

Correction to the C32CS error when extracting and saving an uncompressed disturbance record from the P34x through the front port using MiCOM S1. This only applies to P34x IEC60870-5-103 protocol builds since this is the only communication option that supports uncompressed disturbance records. The error is caused by unavailable opto inputs or relay contacts being assigned to digital inputs in the Disturbance Recorder menu

Update Documentation

Relay type: P342/3/4 Description of Changes S1 Compatibility Technical Documentation

Software Version

Hardware Suffix Resolved possible problem with disturbance recorder triggering which could cause loss of disturbance record data, temporary freezing of the user interface or loss of rear port communications Resolved unreliable MODBUS framing Resolved creation of spurious password expired event when menu cell or MODBUS register is accessed Resolved error code 0x 8D840000 Minor bug fixes For Courier/DNP 3.0/IEC60870-5-103 builds only Correction to parity setting for MODBUS and DNP 3.0 when the relay is powered up Improvement to the self checking of the analog channels and SRAM Minor bug fixes For MODBUS builds only Changes as for H Improvement to the MODBUS driver to cope better with spurious data transmissions and failures of the relay to respond to commands where the server response time is fast Minor bug fixes V2.05 or later V2.05 or Later

Original Date of Issue

Update Documentation

MiCOM P342, P343, P344




Mar 2004

P34x/EN T/C11

05 Cont.


Jun 2004

V2.05 or later

P34x/EN T/C11


Jun 2004

P34x/EN T/C11

P34x/EN AD/G54

Page 25 of 42


Jun 2005

MODBUS Time Transmission Format selectable via MODBUS only setting as Standard or Reverse for transmission of byte order

V2.05 or later

P34x/EN T/C11

Relay type: P342/3/4 Description of Changes S1 Compatibility Technical Documentation

Page 26 of 42

Software Version

Hardware Suffix V/Hz Protection drop-off/pick-up (DO/PU) ratio changed from 95% to 98% DO/PU ratio changed from 95% to 98% for Over/Under Voltage protection. Trip threshold changed from 1.05, 0.95 Vs to 1 Vs for Over and Under Voltage and NVD protection. TMS setting of Under/Over Voltage protection reduced from 0.5 to 0.05. Correction to false frequency protection start at power-up

Original Date of Issue

P34x/EN AD/G54



05 Cont.
Modification to prevent reboot when large number of control and settings are sent to relay in quick succession over DNP 3.0


Jun 2005

MODBUS driver modified to prevent relay reboot with error code 0x8C810000 in hardware A/B/C relays for 60Hz applications where fast polling and high baud rates are used

V2.05 or later

P34x/EN T/C11

IEC60870-5-103. Status of summer bit now works correctly in time sync. command Correction to DNP 3.0 software where settings download from MiCOM S1 can fail for relays that have model dependent I/O configurations Minor bug fixes Not released to production Additional IDMT characteristics for overcurrent and voltage dependent overcurrent protection (rectifier and RI curve), earth fault protection (RI and IDG curve) and sensitive earth fault protection (IDG curve) V2.06 or Later P34x/EN T/D22

Update Documentation

MiCOM P342, P343, P344



Aug 2000

Relay type: P342/3/4 Description of Changes S1 Compatibility Technical Documentation

Software Version

Hardware Suffix Change to time dial setting range of IEEE and US curves. Previously curves were based on TD/7 where TD = 0.5-15. Now, curves are based on TD where TD = 0.01-100. Also, includes change to US ST Inverse (C02) curve. K constant and L constant multiplied x 7 because of change to TD, now K=0.16758 and L=0.11858 Angle measurements for sequence quantities in Measurements 1 menu added Interturn protection added Optional 2nd rear communication port added New power supply with increased output rating and reduced dc inrush current (typically < 10A). (Model number hardware changed to suffix C) Wider setting range for Power and Sensitive Power protection. P>1/2 (reverse power) and P<1/2 (low forward power) maximum setting changed from 40In to 300In W (Vn=100/120V) and from 160In W to 1200In W (Vn=380/480V). Sen. P>1/2 and Sen. P<1/2 maximum setting changed from 15In to 100In W (Vn=100/120V) and from 60In to 400In W (Vn=380/480V). There is also an additional setting for the Power and Sensitive Power protection to select the Operating mode as Generating or Motoring Wider setting range for the voltage dependent overcurrent protection. Volt Dep. OC V<1 and V<2 minimum setting changed from 20 to 5 V (Vn=100/120V) and from 80 to 20V (Vn=380/480V). V Dep. OC k Set minimum setting changed from 0.25 to 0.1 Maximum overfrequency protection setting increased from 65 to 68 Hz V2.06 or Later

Original Date of Issue

Update Documentation

MiCOM P342, P343, P344



06 Cont.


Aug 2000

P34x/EN T/D22

P34x/EN AD/G54 Page 27 of 42

Relay type: P342/3/4 Description of Changes S1 Compatibility Technical Documentation

Page 28 of 42

Software Version

Hardware Suffix Change to undervoltage stage 2 (V<2) setting range to correct an error. The setting range has been increased from 10-70 V to 10-120V (Vn=100/120V) so that it is the same as V<1

Original Date of Issue

P34x/EN AD/G54



A Includes all the improvements and corrections in 05F software except for 2 enhancements shown for 06B Minor bug fixes Correction to undervoltage stage 2 (V<2) setting range. The setting range has been increased from 10-70V to 10-120V (Vn=110/120V) so that it is the same as V<1 Enhancements to IEC60870-5-103 build to include private codes, monitor blocking and disturbance record extraction. New uncompressed disturbance recorder for IEC60870-5-103 build only Improvement to the RTD start-up calibration routine Minor bug fixes Changes are the same as 05G For Courier/DNP 3.0/IEC60870-5-103 builds only Correction to parity setting for MODBUS and DNP 3.0 when the relay is powered up Improvement to the self checking of the analogue channels and SRAM


Aug 2000

Change to neutral voltage displacement protection and directional SEF protection so that they are now not blocked by the voltage transformer supervision logic when the VN Input and ISEF> VN Pol are selected as Measured

V2.06 or Later

P34x/EN T/D22

06 Cont.


Oct 2002

V2.06 or Later

P34x/EN T/D22


Mar 2004

V2.06 or Later

P34x/EN T/D22

Update Documentation

MiCOM P342, P343, P344


Jun 2004

V2.06 or later

P34x/EN T/D22

Relay type: P342/3/4 Description of Changes S1 Compatibility V2.06 or later Technical Documentation P34x/EN T/D22

Software Version

Hardware Suffix Minor bug fixes For MODBUS builds only Changes as for D Improvement to the MODBUS driver to cope better with spurious data transmissions and failures of the relay to respond to commands where the server response time is fast Minor bug fixes Changes are the same as 05K Not released to production Optional additional 4 analog inputs and 4 outputs (current loop inputs and outputs - CLIO) Additional setting to select the current inputs (IA-1, IB-1, IC-1 or IA-2, IB-2, IC-2) used for the breaker fail undercurrent Two new hardware configurations - (1) 32 Inputs, 16 Outputs, RTD, CLIO (2) 16 Inputs, 32 Outputs, RTD, CLIO Number of alarms increased from 64 to 96 (New Alarm Status 3 word - 32 bit) Additional user alarms. Previously 1 manual reset and 2 self reset user alarms, now 12 manual reset and 4 self reset user alarms Control Input states added to non volatile memory German language text updated Courier and MODBUS builds only V2.09 or Later V2.06 or later

Original Date of Issue



Update Documentation

MiCOM P342, P343, P344


Jun 2004

06 Cont.


Jul 2004

P34x/EN T/D22


Jun 2005

P34x/EN T/E33 (ALSTOM) or P34x/EN T/F33 (AREVA)



Apr 2003

P34x/EN AD/G54 Page 29 of 42

Relay type: P342/3/4 Description of Changes S1 Compatibility Technical Documentation P34x/EN T/E33 (ALSTOM) Minor bug fixes V2.09 or Later or P34x/EN T/F33 (AREVA) Power measurement limits added to prevent non zero values with no current and voltage. Also power factor measurements limited to +/-1 In the Commissioning Test menu the DDB status has been made visible on the front panel display Support for Trip LED Status and Alarm Status added to G26 data type for MODBUS register 30001 Correction to the CB trip/Close functionality via MODBUS so that local/remote setting in the CB Control menu is not ignored Correction to MODBUS auto event extraction which does not work correctly in versions 05 and 06 software Extension of the control input functionality to support pulse and latch operations in DNP3.0 DNP 3.0 object 10 added to class 0 poll Correction to DNP 3.0 time sync. operation so that it does not modify the season bit in the time stamp Improvement to the differential protection performance at low frequencies V2.09 or Later P34x/EN T/E33 (ALSTOM) or P34x/EN T/F33 (AREVA)

Page 30 of 42

Software Version

Hardware Suffix

Original Date of Issue

P34x/EN AD/G54




Apr 2003

07 Cont.


Oct 2003

Update Documentation

MiCOM P342, P343, P344

Relay type: P342/3/4 Description of Changes S1 Compatibility Technical Documentation

Software Version

Hardware Suffix Correction to the manual reset user alarms so that the event record shows the alarm turning off only when a reset command has been issued. Previously the "alarm off" event is produced once the initiating signal is removed Correction to the fault recorder window for current based trips so that it can terminate properly once the FAULT_REC_TRIG signal (DDB 288) is reset. Previously it needed to wait for Relay 3 to reset also before termination DDB 649 for pole slip reactance line start removed from the event list Minor bug fixes Resolved possible reboot caused by failure to time sync. from DNP 3.0 when IRIG-B is active which is also providing the time sync. Now, any failure of the DNP 3.0 to time sync. will only produce a maintenance record Correction to French, German and Spanish language menu text for generator differential IS2 setting [3004] which incorrectly refers to the setting as IS1 Correction to the alarm and trip indication of the faulted phase(s) for the second stage of the undervoltage and overvoltage protection in the fault record information on the relay LCD V2.09 or Later V2.09 or Later

Original Date of Issue

Update Documentation

MiCOM P342, P343, P344



P34x/EN T/E33 (ALSTOM) or P34x/EN T/F33 (AREVA)


Oct 2003

07 Cont.

P34x/EN T/E33 (ALSTOM) or P34x/EN T/F33 (AREVA)


Mar 2004

P34x/EN AD/G54 Page 31 of 42

Relay type: P342/3/4 Description of Changes S1 Compatibility Technical Documentation

Page 32 of 42

Software Version

Hardware Suffix

Original Date of Issue

P34x/EN AD/G54



Correction to the C32CS error when extracting and saving an uncompressed disturbance record from the P34x through the front port using MiCOM S1. This only applies to P34x IEC60870-5-103 protocol builds since this is the only communication option that supports uncompressed disturbance records. The error is caused by unavailable opto inputs or relay contacts being assigned to digital inputs in the Disturbance Recorder menu V2.09 or Later Resolved possible problem with disturbance recorder triggering which could cause loss of disturbance record data, temporary freezing of the user interface or loss of rear port communications Resolved unreliable MODBUS framing Resolved error code 0x 8D840000 Minor bug fixes For Courier/DNP 3.0/IEC60870-5-103 builds only Correction to parity setting for MODBUS and DNP 3.0 when the relay is powered up Improvement to the self checking of the analog channels and SRAM Minor bug fixes For MODBUS builds only Changes as for D Improvement to the MODBUS driver to cope better with spurious data transmissions and failures of the relay to respond to commands where the server response time is fast V2.09 or later

P34x/EN T/E33 (ALSTOM) or P34x/EN T/F33 (AREVA)


Mar 2004

07 Cont.

P34x/EN T/E33 (ALSTOM) V2.09 or later or P34x/EN T/F33 (AREVA) P34x/EN T/E33 (ALSTOM) or P34x/EN T/F33 (AREVA)


Jun 2004

Update Documentation

MiCOM P342, P343, P344


Jul 2004

Relay type: P342/3/4 Description of Changes S1 Compatibility Technical Documentation P34x/EN T/E33 (ALSTOM) Minor bug fixes V2.09 or later or P34x/EN T/F33 (AREVA) P34x/EN T/E33 (ALSTOM) Changes are the same as 05K V2.09 or later or P34x/EN T/F33 (AREVA) Not released to production Enhanced main processor board Company name change. 'ALSTOM' changed to 'MiCOM' in default Plant Reference cell and 'ALSTOM P' changed to 'MiCOM P' for ASDU5 message type, IEC protocol User interface enhancements - larger 100x33 pixel graphical display of 3 lines x 16 characters + 2 new buttons, direct access keys Control input enhancements. Selection of latched or pulsed mode, control input labels added, disturbance recorder trigger from control inputs 16 PSL Timers (previously 8) Platform alarms mapped to the DDB (Alarm Status 3) Time synchronization using an opto input Opto input power frequency filter control, enabled/disabled

Software Version

Hardware Suffix

Original Date of Issue

Update Documentation

MiCOM P342, P343, P344




Jul 2004

07 Cont.


Jun 2005


Nov 2004

V2.11 or later

P34x/EN M/G44

P34x/EN AD/G54 Page 33 of 42

Relay type: P342/3/4 Description of Changes S1 Compatibility Technical Documentation

Page 34 of 42

Software Version

Hardware Suffix Courier over EIA(RS)485 can be selected for the 1st rear port in addition to existing K-Bus configuration Transmission of the first rear port protocols (MODBUS/Courier/DNP3.0) using the fiber-optic port (IEC60870-5-103 previously available) Uncompressed disturbance recording added for Courier/MODBUS/DNP 3.0 (added to IEC60870-5-103 protocol in 05D, 06B software) Dual Characteristic DO/PU ratio Opto Inputs (DO/PU = 60/80% or 50/70%) 512 Event records (previously 250) DNP3 evolution. Scan interval for binary inputs (object 01) reduced from 5s to 0.5s. Scan interval for analog inputs (object 30) reduced from 2s to 1s. Improved minimum step size of analog input dead bands MODBUS Time Transmission Format selectable as Standard or Reverse for transmission of byte order V/Hz Protection drop-off/pick-up (DO/PU) ratio changed from 95% to 98% DO/PU ratio changed from 95% to 98% for Over/Under Voltage protection. Trip threshold changed from 1.05, 0.95 Vs to 1 Vs for Over and Under Voltage and NVD protection. TMS setting of Under/Over Voltage protection reduced from 0.5 to 0.05 CT Supervision for 2nd set of 3 phase CTs. Previously only IA/IB/IC inputs supervised V2.11 or later

Original Date of Issue

P34x/EN AD/G54



30 Cont.

Nov 2004

P34x/EN M/G44

Update Documentation

MiCOM P342, P343, P344

Relay type: P342/3/4 Description of Changes S1 Compatibility Technical Documentation

Software Version

Hardware Suffix Default labels changed for the digital inputs and outputs in Input Labels and Output Labels menu. Changed to be more generic - Input Lx, Output Rx Correction to false frequency protection start at power-up IEC60870-5-103. Status of summer bit now works correctly in time sync command Minor bug fixes Modification to prevent reboot when large number of control and settings are sent to relay in quick succession over DNP 3.0 Correction to 2nd rear comms. port channel failure for P34xxxxxxxxxxxJ relays only Minor bug fixes New relay model available, the P344 (80TE case only). The P344 is based on the P343 but has an additional neutral voltage input, VN2, to provide 2 measured neutral voltage protection functions (59N) for earth fault and interturn protection V2.11 or later V2.11 or later

Original Date of Issue

Update Documentation

MiCOM P342, P343, P344



Nov 2004

P34x/EN M/G44

30 Cont.

Dec 2004

P34x/EN M/G44


Apr 2005

4 stages of directional overcurrent protection (67). Previous P342/3/4 software versions included 2 stages of non directional overcurrent protection 1 stage of definite time negative phase sequence overpower protection (S2=I2xV2)(32NPS). This is used in China as an interlocking signal for the neutral voltage interturn protection Independent derived/measured neutral voltage protection (59N). P341/2/3 has 2 stages of measured and 2 stages of derived neutral voltage protection

V2.11 or later

P34x/EN M/G44 P34x/EN AD/G54 Page 35 of 42

Relay type: P342/3/4 Description of Changes S1 Compatibility Technical Documentation

Page 36 of 42

Software Version

Hardware Suffix P344 has 2 measured neutral voltage inputs and so has 2x2 stages of measured and 2 stages of derived neutral voltage protection. Previous software versions included 2 stages of measured or derived neutral voltage protection 6 bands of generator abnormal frequency protection (81AB). Similar to P94x 81AB function 1 definite time stage of negative phase sequence overvoltage protection (47). Same as P14x (47) function 4 definite time stages of negative phase sequence overcurrent protection (46OC). Same as P14x (46OC) function P342/3 minimum three phase power settings reduced to 0.5%Pn, previously 2%Pn. P344 3 phase power setting range is as new P343 setting range 3 additional definite time delayed overfluxing protection stages. The inverse time overfluxing characteristic has been modified to make it more consistent with competitors and to aid future enhancements. The overfluxing protection now comprises of 1 definite time alarm + 1 inverse/DT trip stage + 3 definite time trip stages Correction to DNP 3.0 software where settings download from MiCOM S1 can fail for relays that have model dependent I/O configurations Minor bug fixes V2.11 or later

Original Date of Issue

P34x/EN AD/G54



31 Cont.

Apr 2005

P34x/EN M/G44

Update Documentation

MiCOM P342, P343, P344

Relay type: P342/3/4 Description of Changes S1 Compatibility Technical Documentation

Software Version

Hardware Suffix Not released to production Phase rotation function added. Can select phase rotation as ABC or ACB for all 3 phase current and voltage inputs. Can also individually select which 2 phases are swapped for any of the 3 phase current and voltage inputs. New menu column 'System Config' with phase rotation settings. 'Gen Diff' menu column moved to make way for 'System Config' menu In the disturbance recorder the maximum number of analogue channels that can be recorded is increased so that all analogue inputs can be recorded. Number of analogue channels is increased from 8 to 9/12/13 for P342/3/4

Original Date of Issue

Update Documentation

MiCOM P342, P343, P344




Mar 2006

Number of PSL DDB signals increased from 1023 to 1408 and DDBs re-organised. This means that the PSL created in version 32 software is not compatible to PSL created in previous software versions and vice versa Setting Group selection via 2 new DDB signals makes it possible to select a setting group via any opto input or remotely via a Control Input. Previously, the 4 setting groups could be selected using fixed opto inputs, 1 and 2 An 'Any Trip' DDB has been created to allow any contact(s) to be used as the trip indication. Previously, the Any Trip signal was defined as operation of Relay contact 3. The Any Trip signal operates the Trip LED, initiates the breaker fail logic and maintenance counters and is used in the fault recorder logic Minor changes to description of CT and VT Ratio settings Number of maintenance records increased from 5 to 10

V2.13 or later

P34x/EN M/G44 P34x/EN AD/G54

P34x/EN AD/G54 Page 37 of 42

Relay type: P342/3/4 Description of Changes S1 Compatibility Technical Documentation

Page 38 of 42

Software Version

Hardware Suffix Inter frame gap added between frames in multi-frame transmission of DNP 3.0 messages to be compatible with C264 Correction to error in NPS directional overcurrent operating time delay. The excess in the operating time (always less than 1s) only occurs when set to directional Correction to intermittent incorrect IRIG-B status indication of 'Card Failed' with healthy IRIG-B source Minor bug fixes Minor bug fixes V2.13 or later V2.13 or later

Original Date of Issue

P34x/EN AD/G54



32 Cont.

Mar 2006

P34x/EN M/G44 P34x/EN AD/G54

May 2006

P34x/EN M/G44 P34x/EN AD/G54

Update Documentation

MiCOM P342, P343, P344

Update Documentation MiCOM P342, P343, P344

P34x/EN AD/G54 Page 39 of 42

Relay Software Version

01 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 30 31 32









Setting File Software Version


Relay Software Version

07 30 31 32







Page 40 of 42

P34x/EN AD/G54










Update Documentation

MiCOM P342, P343, P344

PSL File Software Version


Note: 05, 06 PSL compatible with 07 PSL except for user alarm DDBs.

Relay Software Version

05A-E 05F-J 05K 06A-E 06F 07A-E 07F 30 31 32







Update Documentation


MiCOM P342, P343, P344











P34x/EN AD/G54

Page 41 of 42

Menu text remains compatible within each software version (except 05/06/07) but is NOT compatible across different versions.

Menu Text File Software Version


P34x/EN AD/G54 Page 42 of 42

Update Documentation MiCOM P342, P343, P344

Publication: P34x/EN M/G54

AREVA T&D's Automation & Information Systems Business T&D Worldwide Contact Centre online 24 hours a day: +44 (0) 1785 25 00 70

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