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Ad dvanced Course of Etern nal Light t: The C Course of f Ability y

Dear Master M of Cr reating, Welcom me to the Advanced A Course C of Eternal E Lig ght: The C Course of A Ability! T These course materials will w provid de you wi ith informa ation on h how to par rticipate in n the , as well as s the inform mation you u will need as you par rticipate in n the Cours se. Course, Please review r Section 1 of f the cours se material ls, as it co ontains inf formation with which you y should d familiariz ze yourself f prior to t the Course e date. Ho owever, pl lease do not concern yourself y wi ith review wing or und derstandin ng the rest of the co ourse y will bec come relev vant (and understan ndable) on nly during g the materials, as they so, please continue to o do your normal da aily practic ce in the A Art of Course itself. Als g as you were taug ght in the Course of Eternal Light; do not alter this Creating practice e until you have been n taught oth herwise in the Course e of Ability y. This is going to be an exciti ing Course e, and wer re looking forward to o taking it with you! Sincerely,

Linda Demaray D & David De emaray


Ad dvanced Course of Etern nal Light t: The C Course of f Ability y

Se ection 1
Whats in the Cou urse Materi ials The cou urse materi ials provide informat tion pertine ent to parti icipating in n the Cours se of Ability, , such as: instructio ons for par rticipating in the we ebinar and d/or confer rence call; Co ourse sche edule; reco ommended d preparati ions; as w well as the instructi ional materials for the Course C Les ssons. Plea ase review w this Sectio on 1 prior to the Cou urse.

Instruct tions for Pa articipating g in the Co ourse of Ab bility There will w be two o methods for f particip pating in th he Course of Ability y: webinar r and conferen nce call. You Y may participate p e in either m r both. Yo ou may de ecide method, or you wa ant to watc ch the web binar, but you y like th he audio q quality of t the confer rence call bett ter, so you u could use e both met thods. Or, , you may at first decide to use e the conferen nce call method, m but b then later decid de to part ticipate in n the webinar. Whatev ver method d you choo ose, you ar re welcome e to participate in ei ither or both at any time. Confere ence Call Instruction ns: To pa articipate in the conf ference ca all, you sh hould have a telephone t with w a spea akerphone on it, so th hat you are e able to li isten to the e call without t having to o hold the phone or receiver in n your han nd. You m may use a cell phone or o a land-li ine phone. At least a few min nutes prior to the Cou urse start-t time, call the Dial-In Nu umber (see e below). You will b be asked to o enter you ur Access C Code low), follow wed by the e # key. (see bel Dial-In Number: 1-712-432 2-0900 Access Code: 282 2166 (follo owed by #) ) Once yo ou are on the t confere ence call, th here will b be Question n & Answ wer periods. To ask a qu uestion dur ring these times, t pres ss *6 on yo our phone.

Webina webinar, a ar Instructi ions: If yo ou have re egistered to o participa ate in the w an email wi ill be sent to t you con ntaining a link l for the e webinar. . Follow t that link, an nd it will pro ovide instru uctions on how to par rticipate in n the webin nar.

Ad dvanced Course of Etern nal Light t: The C Course of f Ability y

Schedul le Saturda ay, Decemb ber 3: Pacific Time: Mounta ain Time: Central Time: Eastern Time: 5:0 00 p.m. 7:00 7 p.m. 6:0 00 p.m. 8:00 8 p.m. 7:0 00 p.m. 9:00 9 p.m. 8:0 00 p.m. 10:00 1 p.m.

Sunday, Decembe er 4: Pacific Time: Mounta ain Time: Central Time: Eastern Time: 11:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. No oon 6:00 p.m. 1:0 00 p.m. 7:00 7 p.m. 2:0 00 p.m. 8:00 8 p.m.

We will l take brea aks every hour, h for ab bout 10 m minutes. On n Sunday, we will ta ake a one-hou ur break af fter the fir rst two les ssons (abo out two ho ours into th he Course that day) for r lunch.

What To Have Wi ith You for r the Course x Creating C Kit: you will w need ac ccess to th he BioGen nesis Tools s & Wheels of Genesis G fou und in the Creating Kit. K You s should eith her have your own set of Tools, T or you y may sh hare with one o other person. If you are going to s share with w one ot ther person n, you will l need to a alternate w with that pe erson when n we do d the pract tice session ns during the t Course e, since two o people c cannot be u using th he same se et of Tools at the sam me time. Th he Tools you will nee ed are:

Ad dvanced Course of Etern nal Light t: The C Course of f Ability y

o Whee els of Gene esis Set (al ll 27 Whee els) o 8-Sid ded Pyrami id or Multi i-Colored P Pyramid o Whee el of Hope e o Pend dant of Eter rnal Light o Medi ium or Small BioAm mplifier o BioT Translator o Wand d of Genes sis o BioT Trinities (al ll 5) x Course C Mat terials: yo ou should have h these e course m materials with you for r the Course. C x Food F / drink k: it is a good g idea to t have a l lunch or sn nack prepa ared in adv vance of o the Cour rse. Since you will be b participa ating at ho ome, or wi ith friends, , you will w likely not n need to o go out to o a restaur rant to eat. Therefor re, we are only going g to be taking a one-hour o br reak for lun nch on Sun nday. x Clean C area in which to t take the e Course: Especially y on Sunda ay afternoo on, it will w be nece essary to make m sure that the ar rea around you is cle ean. You d dont have h to clea an your wh hole house, or even th he entire ro the area aro ound oom, but t you y should be tidy.

What Sh hould You u Know Be efore the Course Aside from fr how to t participate in the Course, th he main thing you ne eed to kno ow is the Whe eels of Gen nesisyou u must be able to tell which W Wheel is wh hich. Here e is a brief rev view: x There T are 27 2 Wheels of Genesis s, divided i into 9 diffe erent color r groups w with 3 sp pin directio ons in each h color gro oup x The T 9 Colo ors are: First F Rays; Clear; D Dark Viole et; Light V Violet; Sun nrise Energy; E Gre een; Full Rays; R Dark k Blue; and d Aqua Blu ue o First Rays = pa ale yellow ise Energy y = light pin nk o Sunri o Full Rays R = gol ld / amber x The T 3 Spin Directions s are: Prog gress; Tran nsformation n and Rege eneration


Ad dvanced Course of Etern nal Light t: The C Course of f Ability y

o Progr ress Whee els have a smooth backside, with four r raised spiral ridge es on the fr ront o Trans sformation n Wheels have h a sm mooth back kside, with h four inde ented spiral crevices on o the fron nt eneration Wheels W hav ve spirals o on both sides of the Wheel, ra aised o Rege spiral ridges on n the front and a indent ted spiral c crevices on n the back



Ad dvanced Course of Etern nal Light t: The C Course of f Ability y

Se ection 2
Lessons 1 & 2

TheFourValues V /Mod desofC Creatio on

Love Happiness Peacefulness Contentme ent Calmness

Dim mension
All lvaluesofs spaceandtime t All laspectsof ftiming All ltravelofm movement All lexperienceoffaraway ob bjects

Car House Boat Lake Ocean

A Ability
T Theability ytoexper rience T Theability ytoperce eive T Theability ytoknow w


Ad dvanced Course of Etern nal Light t: The C Course of f Ability y

The Ar rt of Crea ating

Qualit ty:BioA Amplifier r Dimensi ion:Bio oTranslat tor Object:Wandof o Genes sis Abilit ty:BioT Trinities

Purif fythe Des sire

Waitforthe e Warmt W thinthe He eart

Visualize theT Three FoldA Aspect t

Bring gYour r Attent A ionBa ack ontothe Warmth


Re oduce Intro theD Desire


Ad dvanced Course of Etern nal Light t: The C Course of f Ability y

Le esson3: :Enlive enDNA

 GreenBio oTrinity ThisWheelopens o andawakenstheen ergyfield.At ttractstheBe eingsofLight. . Balancesemo otions.Actsas a akey,ope ningthedoor rsforgrowthand transformatio on.  ClearProg gress Promotesthe eblossomingoflatentfacu ulties.Aidsin ndiscoveringandfulfilling gthe personaldest tinyoftheind dividual.Brin ngspeace,tra anquilityandfaithinoneself. Balancesaho otbrain;theexcessive e me entalenergym maybecooled dslowed downwiththisCosmicCycle. C  Theindividua albeginstofu unctionasan instrumentt throughwhichtheLightof fthe HigherOctav vesmaybeof fferedtoCrea ation,unceasinglyandwithoutdistortio on. Theindividua alradiatesthe eKnowledge andPowerfr romtheHigherOctaves.T The individualexperiencesthe eCosmicEner rgycirculatingeverywhere e.Thisprepa ares theindividua altorealizeth hehighestach hievementsin nhumanform m.Theindividual gainsenormo ousvitalityto onourishthe worldaround d.Providesc courage,stren ngth anddevotion n.Offersprot tection.Bala ncesphysical lenergy.  ThisWheelis sagreatCosm micAttractor offinancialp prosperity.Underthedire ection andguidance eofthisClear rWheelofGe enesis,theind dividualisgiv venDivine instructionsfrom f theOcta avesofLight.ThisCosmic cCycleprovidesapathforthe expressionof fdynamicene ergy.Itenab blestheindividualtocarryforwardinto othe externalrealmtheactivitiesoftheHig herOctaves.Greatresponsibilityis entrustedtoanindividual lthroughthis sCosmicCycle e.Enthusiasm m,innerstren ngth andvitalityarequalitiesassociatedwit ththisClearW WheelofGen nesis.ThisWh heel opensthegatetoaheight tenedlevelo fexistence.B Balancesselfishnessandthe desireforpersonalrecogn nition.  Uncoversinthe t morningwhat w isconce ealedduringt thenight.ThisWheellifts sthe veilofignora ancetoreveal lthemagnific centnaturew within.Witht thisawarenes ss growsunders standingandfriendliness. Courageisp promoted,asisdevotiontothe pathoflove.Whenonefe eelsburdene dbytheresp ponsibilitieso ofdaytoday D BlueWh heelsofGene esiswilllightentheexperie ence. existence,theuseoftheDark

 DarkBlue eProgress

 SunriseEn nergy Regeneration

 Clear Transform mation

 DarkBlue e Transform mation 


Ad dvanced Course of Etern nal Light t: The C Course of f Ability y

Lesson4:Tra ansform mation/Oppos siteValues

 AquaBlue eBioTrinity Brings senergyfrom mtheHigherO Octavesintot theworld.Pu urifiesthe tende enciestobeim mmersedinp personalgratification.

 LightViole etProgress Draws ssupportfrom mthesurroun ndingssurro oundingsoft thebodyand within ntheenvironment.Streng gthensthemind,orthinkingcapacity the powertocomprehend.Offersa anunderstan ndingofthere elationshipsin which honeexists.Absorbs A and radiatesthei influencefrom mtheGreat Centra alSun.Resto oresafreshne esstothebod dy. stheenergyfrom f HigherO Octaves.Prom motesillumin nation.Open nsthe Brings conne ectionbetwee entheindivid dualandtheH HigherOctave esofLight,En nergy andMotion. M Balan ncescravings, ,passionsand dviolence.W Whenthereis sa lackofreceptivity,beginwithth hisWheel.Opensandestablishesacolumn ghwhichflow wstheenergy yandassistan ncefromtheHigherOctav ves. throug  Produ ucesagreatse enseofselfr eliancethecapacitytos standonones ty.Encourag ownfeet.Promote esindividualit gestheindivid dualtobefoc cused uponanideal.One espersonalm missionisem mbracedwithgreatzeal, courageanddedica ation.Immen nseactivityis sdirectedtow wardspiritual growt th.Promotes stheLightofG GodsRays.B Balancesrebe ellioustenden ncies andunfocusedbeh havior.  ThisWheel W ofGene esishasimme enseregener rativeabilities s.Thisenergy y enable eslifetogrow wandassume einnumerabl leshapes.Br ringsharmony yto theleveloftheem motions.Balan ncesexcessiv vephysicalen nergies,aswe ellas imbala ancesarisingfromconfron ntations,diffi icultiesorobs structions.W When manydifficultiesar reexperience edbyanindiv vidual,allowf fortenminut tes withthis t CosmicCy ycletocleans seandpurifythepathofa action. Balanc cingalllevels soflife;when nlifeisinthethroesoftur rmoil,spendt time withthis t WheelofGenesis.ThiisWheelallow wsfortheem mergenceofthe innerradianceofthehumansp irit.Suddenf flashesofins spirationoccu ur ghtheinfluen nceofthisW heel,andthe esemomentaryflashesbecome throug thegu uidingstarsfo orthelivesof ftheseekersofLight.Bala ancesselfish tende enciesandme entalconfusio on,aswellaslackofclarity yandlackof confid dence.

 GreenPro ogress


 FullRaysRegeneration n

 LightViole et Transform mation

SunriseEn nergy Transform mation Page|9 

Ad dvanced Course of Etern nal Light t: The C Course of f Ability y

Lesson5:Intu uition

 SunriseEn nergy/ PinkBioTr rinity Promotescre eativityandin nspiration.G enerateshap ppiness.Thisistheknife:any impedimenttotheprogre essoftheindiividualisrem moved.TheDarkVioletWh heel ghthethickne esstobringa aboutchange e.ThisCycleo oftheGreat knivesthroug CosmicWhee elrestoresba alancethroug ghsurgery,re emovingtheo objectorimpu urity.

DarkViole et Progress

Awakenstheperceptionof o theHigher Octaves.Imp partsintellectualandmen ntal development t.Removescongestion. c P Purifiesandcl leansesthely ymphsystem. Buildsselfre eliance.  AquaBlue eProgress Bestowswisd dom.Activatestheforces ofLightwith hinthehuman nbody.This enablesthesoul s toexpres ssitselfeffect tivelythrough hform.Laten ntabilitiesare realized.ThisCycleactsataverydeep plevel.Innerspiritualityb blossomsand dramaticallytransformsth helifeofthe humanbeing g.Thisproces ssincludesth he growthofloy yalty,truthful lness,consist tencyandvita ality.Mentallethargyis overcome,as ssublimeinsp pirationisrec ceived.Balan ncesoverlyac ctiveemotion ns.  Promotesthe einnerdesire efortransform mation.Imm menseopportunityforgrow wth andexpansio on.Removesconsciousim mpressionsoftraumas(em motional,mentalor physical).Ba alanceslonelin ness,andoffe erssecurity. 

Green Regeneration

 DarkViole et Transform mation Functionslike eaguardianangel, a protec ctingandguid dingthedevelopmentofit ts earthlychildr ren.Angelsand a Beingsof Lightofferas ssistancetoo onewiththis Wheel,andmiraculous m ca apabilitiesare eunlocked.P Promotesbala anceofthe spiritualener rgieswithinthephysicalfo orm.Remove escongestion n.  AquaBlue e Transform mation 


Ad dvanced Course of Etern nal Light t: The C Course of f Ability y

Le esson6: :RadiantBeings(FirstRays)

 FirstRaysBioTrinity Promotesgre eathealingan ndrejuvenati ngpowers,capableofres storingyouthand vitality.Store ehouseofall forms,allcre eativepossibi ilities.Physic calpowerand d stamina.Tre emendousdyn namismande energy.Enliv vensbothmaterialandspi iritual realms.Capa ableofrejuve enatinginert matterintoIl lluminedEnergy.Balances s: slightfevers;aggression;impulsiveness s;dissatisfact tion;andavoidanceof responsibilities.  Givesperseveranceanddetermination n.Strengthen nsthewill.Pr reparesthe individualfor rgreataction.Restoresst tabilityandlig ghttotheene ergyfield.Ba athes theenergyin nacleansing,goldenlight.Strengthens sdigestion.O Offersprotect tion.


 FullRaysProgress Promotesgre eatsilencean ndmeditation n.Restoresth hebalanceof fselfworthand servicetooth hers.Promot tesharmony.Freedomfro omthepast.Encourages completeattentiontotha atwhichexist tsintheprese entmoment.Heightensth he p andalertness. Theindividua alreceivesun niversal abilitiesforperception impressions.Onelistensto t thevoiceo oftheDivinewithin.Offer rstremendou us courageandendurance.Balancesatta achmentstou unfruitfulgoa als.Theprima ary functionofth hisCosmicCy ycleistoharm monizeander radicateallim mpedimentst tothe growthofthe esoul.Itbrin ngsbalanceto oallthediver rgentforceso ofhuman existence.  Functionslike eaGuardianAngel,giving gprotectionin ntheevento ofdanger.This FirstRaysWh heelofGenes sisintervenes swhendivers sionfromtherightcourseof actionoccurs s.Aslongasprogressisac chieved,itme erelywatches sandnourish hes thepersonby yitsinfluence e.ThisWhee eleasesrestle essness. 

LightViole et Regeneration

 FirstRays Transform mation

Cleansespastimpressions sagreatwe eightislifted.Preparestheindividualf for greatchange bodyormind es.Balancesimpressionss storedintheb doftheindividual. Balancesrest tlessnessinth hepersonalliife,mentaltu urmoilanddis ssatisfactionw with theexistingconditions c oflife.  FullRays mation Transform 


Ad dvanced Course of Etern nal Light t: The C Course of f Ability y

Les sson7:Radian ntBeing gs(Light tViolet)

 LightViole etBioTrinity Promo otestheflowofenergy,an ndbalanceso obstructionst totheflowof f energy.  SunriseEn nergyProgres ss ThisWheel W opensachannelthr roughwhichp passesthehe ealingqualitie es fromthe t HigherOc ctaves.Vitali zingimpulses sarereceived dwhichsusta ain andnourishtheind dividual.Gre eatersensitivi ityisdeveloped,whileatt the sametimetheeffe mmotionand ectsofthesur rroundingcom dactivityareless prono ounced.Prom motesgreater rharmony.ThisisthetooloftheGreat t CosmicWaters:itcleansesand dpurifiestheeffectsofpas stactions. Creati ivityisdevelo oped.Theind dividualexper riencesadesireforgreate er dedica ationtohuma anity.Helpfr romtheHigherOctaves,s sometimes appea aringlikemira aculousassist tance,comestotheindivid dual.Sustain nslife aswellascleansesimpuritiesan ndpoisons,je ealousyandd diseases.  otesDivinein nspiration.O nebeginstoperceivelifeinadifferent tlight. Promo Onegains g anunderstandingof universallaw ws.Promotesrestandpeace. Promo otesharmoni iousrelations ships,affluenceandleader rship.Brings balanc cetospiritualandphysica alenergies.B Balancesthef fatigueborno of consta antactivity.Eliminates E de eceit. onisclarified. .Wisdomisg gainedandth heindividuali is Onespathofactio freedfromthebind dinginfluenc eofhumana attachment.   DarkBlue eRegeneration Promo otesangelicassistance, a pr reservationan ndprotection n.Offersrest tuntil thene extcycleofac ctivityemerg es.ThisGrea atCosmicCyc cleprovides assista ancetothose eforcesofcre eationwhichoperatetohe eraldanew beginning.Strengt thensandpro omotesrelationships.Providesasourc ceof energyforthesust e.Promotesgrowthandf tenanceoflife fertility.Bala ances overly ysensitiveem motionsorfee elingsofinsec curityorinfer riority. Promo otesfluidity,easeandfulf fillment.Usewhenanindi ividualisoverly suscep ptibletooute erinfluences. Also,balanc cesselfcente eredness,inte ensity andac ctivitymotiva atedbythego oalofpersonalgain.Removesphysical conge estion.


 DarkViole etRegenerati ion

 AquaBlue eRegeneratio on

 GreenTra ansformation Page|12 

Ad dvanced Course of Etern nal Light t: The C Course of f Ability y

Ab bility y
EnlivenDNA:Green G
Clear rProgress DarkBlueProgress SunriseEnergyRe egneration Clear rTransformation DarkBlueTransfo ormation

OppositeValues:Aqu ua
Lig ghtVioletPro ogress GreenProgress FirstRaysRege eneration Fu ullRaysRegen neration Lig ghtVioletTra ansformation n Su unriseEnergy yTransformat tion

Int tuition:Sunrise e/Pink

DarkVioletProgr ress AquaBlueProgre ess Green nRegeneration DarkVioletTransformation AquaBlueTransfo ormation

Radiant tBeings:FirstRay ys
F FirstRaysPro ogress F FullRaysProgress L LightVioletR Regeneration n F FirstRaysTra ansformation n F FullRaysTran nsformation

Rad diantBe eings:Li ightViol let

Sun nriseEnergyProgress Cle earRegenera ation Dar rkVioletReg generation Dar rkBlueRege eneration Aqu uaBlueRege eneration Gre eenTransfor rmation


Adva anced Cour rse of Etern nal Light: The Cours se of Abili ity

  G GreenBioTrinity ClearProgress

DarkBlue Progress

 SunriseEn nergy Regenerat tion

 Clear Transformation

DarkBlue Transformation n

A AquaBlue B BioTrinity

LightViolet Progress

  GreenProgr ress FirstRays tion Regenerat

 FullRays Regen neration

LightViolet n Transformation

 Energy SunriseE Transform mation 

 S SunriseEnergy/ P PinkBioTrinity

DarkViolet Progress

AquaBlue Progress

Green Regenerat tion

 DarkViolet V  Transformation

AquaBlue Transformation n 

F FirstRays B BioTrinity

 FirstRays Progress

 FullRays Progress

 LightViole et Regenerat tion

 R  FirstRays Transformation

FullRays Transformation n

L LightViolet B BioTrinity

 SunriseEnergy y Progress

 Clear Regeneratio on

 DarkViole et Regenerat tion

 DarkBlue B  Regen neration

 AquaBlue Regeneration

 Green Transform mation

P Page|14 

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