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What is honey? How do honey bees make honey?

Honey is a sweet, thick sugary solution made by bees. The composition of honey consists of varying proportions of fructose, glucose, water, oil and special enzymes produced by bees. (general statement) The first step in making honey begins when field bees fly from flower to flower collecting the sweet juices or nectar that a flower provides. With their tongues, the field bees suck out the nectar and store it in sacs within their bodies. After filling their sacs with these sweet juices, the field bees fly back to their bee hive and regurgitate the stored nectar into the mouths of house bees. These house bees are assigned the job of adding enzymes from their bodies to the nectar. The enzymes cause the water in the nectar to evaporate-thereby turning the nectar into honey. Lastly, the nectar is stored in a cell of a honeycomb. Overtime, the nectar ripens and becomes honey.

Translate Madu adalah sebuah larutan gula kental, manis yang dibuat oleh lebah. Komposisi madu terdiri dari perbandingan yang bervariasi dari fruktosa, glukosa, air, minyak dan terutama enzim yang dihasilkan oleh lebah. Langkah pertama dalam pembuatan madu dimulai ketika kawasan lebah terbang dari bunga ke bunga mengumpulkan sari buah manis atau sari bunga yang disediakan sebuah bunga. Dengan lidah mereka, sekawasan lebah menghisap keluar sari bunga dan menyimpan sari bunga di kantung dalam tubuh mereka. Stelah mengisi kantung mereka dengan sari buah manis ini, sekawasan lebah terbang kembali ke sarang lebah dan memuntahkan simpanan sari bunga ke dalam mulut rumah lebah. Rumah-rumah lebah ini ditugaskan bekerja menambahkan enzim dari tubuh-tubuh mereka ke sari bunga. Enzim itu menyebabkan air di sari bunga berputar yang dengan cara demikian menguapkan sari bunga ked dalam madu. Akhirnya, sari bunga disimpan di dalam sebuah sel sarang madu. dengan waktu yang lama, sari bunga matang dan menjadi madu.

Recycling Glass Bottles New glass bottles are made mainly of silica sand. The sand is melted in a furnace, at a very high temperature. Recycled glass bottles are made in a very similar way, but cost less and use up fewer natural resources BODY (sequence of explanation)

What happens to the old glass bottles? The process begins when people take their used bottles and jars to a bottle bank. Next, the bottles and jars are taken by lorry to the recycling plant. At the plant, bottle tops and lids are removed. After that, the glass is crushed into small pieces. Where does the crushed glass go? The crushed glass is then sent by lorry to a bottle factory. Here, it is mixed with a small amount of silica sand. It is then melted in a furnace, at a lower temperature than new glass. How are the new recycled bottles made? Finally, the hot liquid glass is drawn out of the furnace and fed into machinery that makes it into bottles. CONCLUSION Recycled glass is as pure and as strong as new glass. Glass can be recycled many times without losing its quality.

Recycling Glass Bottles

Hy friends, Do you know about glass bottles? No? Okey, I will tell you about it. Listen to me. New glass bottles are made mainly of silica sand. The sand is melted in a furnace, at a very high temperature. Recycled glass bottles are made in a very similar way, but cost less and use up fewer natural resources. The process begins when people take their used bottles and jars to a bottle bank. Next, the bottles and jars are taken by lorry to the recycling plant. At the plant, bottle tops and lids are removed. After that, the glass is crushed into small pieces. The crushed glass is then sent by lorry to a bottle factory. Here, it is mixed with a small amount of silica sand. It is then melted in a furnace, at a lower temperature than new glass. Finally, the hot liquid glass is drawn out of the furnace and fed into machinery that makes it into bottles. Recycled glass is as pure and as strong as new glass. Glass can be recycled many times without losing its quality.

A general statement

to position the reader

A sequence of explanation of why or how something occurs

Closing /Concluding Statement (Optional)

Translate botol-botol kaca baru sebagian besar terbuat dari pasir silika. pasir dilelehkan di dalam sebuah tungku perapian, pada suhu yang sangat tinggi. botol kaca daur ulang diolah dengan cara yang amat serupa. tetapi lebih kecil biaya dan lebih sedikit menghabiskan dari pada sumber daya alami. Proses dimulai ketika orang membawa botol-botol dan guci-guci mereka ke sebuah tanggul botol. Boto-botol dan guci dibawa oleh truk ke pabrik daur ulang. di pabrik daur ulang, tutup-tutup botol dan katup botol disingkirkan. setelah itu, kaca diremuk menjadi bagian-bagian kecil. Kaca remuk kemudian dikirim oleh truk ke sebuah pabrik botol. Di sini, kaca remuk dicampur dengan pasir silika dalam jumlah kecil. campuran ini kemudian dilelehkan di dalam sebuah tungku perapian, pada suhu lebih redah dihasilkan kaca baru. akhirnya, larutan kaca panas dilarutkan tungku perapian dan dimasukkan ke dalam mesin-mesin yang membuat larutan kaca menjadi botol. kaca daur ulang ialah semurni dan sekuat kaca baru. kaca dapat didaur ulang beberapa kali tanpa kehilangan kualitasnya.

Name: Mardhiatul Kharima Class : XII IPA 1

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