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Governor Blunt kept his commitment to make government more efficient, more transparent, improve

customer service and be faithful stewards of taxpayers dollars.

Achieving More For
People’s Hard-Earned Dollars
Government Efficiency

M att Blunt was taught to respect work. This means respecting the value of a dollar earned by creating
something of value. By its very nature, government spends “someone else’s money,” which it collects
through taxes and fees, not from voluntary decisions to buy or sell, as in the private economy. Government
always has a tendency toward waste, inefficiency and thoughtless use of money. A primary job of public servants
is to lead and direct government toward higher efficiency, delivering more value for the taxpayer’s hard-earned

The Missouri State Government Review Commission

One of Governor Blunt’s first acts was to establish the Missouri State Government Review Commission. Thirty
years had passed without a comprehensive review of the operations and effectiveness of state government
and agencies.
Countless Missourians knew from
their observations, common sense and
experience with agencies that taxpayer
resources often were not put to their best
use, and that the state had missed many
opportunities to modernize, embrace
new technology and raise the efficiency
of services provided to the people. As
Governor Blunt put it in his first State of
the State address “we are operating a
typewriter government in an Internet age.”
It was time to change.
The State Government Review
Commission included Lt. Governor Peter
Kinder, business and community leaders
and good-government advocates.
This reform-minded group thoroughly
reviewed state government with the goals
of streamlining and modernizing agencies
and departments. After 10 months of
hearings, research and interviews, the
panel made numerous recommendations
to Governor Blunt. He implemented a

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 56

number of them immediately, and
also took steps to enact those
requiring legislation.
One of the most notable
changes was the Governor’s
executive order that redesigned
the Department of Insurance
into a regulatory department
focused fully on effective financial
oversight and regulation. The
order also removed divisions
such as professional registration,
banking and credit unions from the
Missouri Department of Economic Development, creating the second benefit of entirely focusing the Department
of Economic Development on its main job, which is encouraging job creation and economic growth.

Accomplishing More With Less

In the 12 years prior to Governor Blunt’s service, the number of state employees increased by more than
14,000, to more than 60,000. Matt Blunt was the first governor in years to reduce the number of state
employees to fewer than 60,000. He kept his commitment to not exceed this level of state employment, creating
a meaningful limit on government growth.

Number of State Employees

57 Leadership, Vision, Change

Rewarding Excellence in the State Work Force
It was a management challenge to insist that state government live within the people’s means. Many state
workers and managers more than met the challenge, operating with higher efficiency, fewer employees and
lower funding than they requested.
In the Blunt administration, efficient and businesslike operations made it possible to balance the budget, draw
the line against any job-killing new taxes, build real surpluses, and fund pay increases for state workers.

Eliminating Wasted Office Space

At Governor Blunt’s direction, the state significantly reduced unnecessary office space, creating significant
savings for taxpayers. Lease data for 2005-2008 showed that Governor Blunt’s administration eliminated
586,249 square feet of entirely unnecessary office space, saving taxpayers $7,611,879 in reduced rent

Finding Savings in the Executive Branch

Missouri government has sixteen departments. Formerly, each provided its own administrative support – an
open door to wasteful duplication. Governor Blunt identified several areas where it was more efficient to operate
centrally, and eliminate redundant activities in multiple agencies.
Governor Blunt consolidated Information Technology (IT) services, fleet management, utility payments,
facilities maintenance and printing operations. In 2007, he announced plans for a phased-in consolidation
of mail services. An example of the dividend for taxpayers from good management is mail service, where
reorganization reduced staffing and other budget costs by more than one-third. Tens of millions of dollars have
been saved through IT consolidation.

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 58

State Government Energy Savings
Imagine a household, business or farm with no idea of how much electricity or other energy it used. Such
things are difficult to find in daily life; the real world will not let this go on. Yet, when he took office, Governor
Blunt discovered that the state did not know how much electricity and natural gas it consumed. Agencies simply
paid the monthly bills and moved on.
The Blunt administration acted quickly and forcefully to impose management controls that measure energy
consumption, making it possible to easily find solutions to make better use of energy and save taxpayer
Governor Blunt’s administration implemented several in-house programs and use of performance contracts
producing energy savings of over $15.5 million annually. These performance contracts guarantee energy
savings and energy conservation measures, implemented in 14 million square feet of state-owned buildings.

Savings through Management

Governor Blunt’s initiative to better manage business-related vehicle travel for state employees produced huge
savings for taxpayers.
Missouri workers historically travel about 190 million miles each year on official business. The more miles
traveled in state owned and rental vehicles, the lower the overall cost. In the last fiscal year of Governor Blunt’s
administration, it cost $.475 for each mile reimbursed to state employees driving their own vehicle, $.35 for each
mile traveled in a rental vehicle and $.28 per each mile traveled in a state-owned sedan.
Following a directive by Governor Blunt state employees were required to choose the most efficient, least
expensive travel option first when traveling for official state business. An online tool allowed employees to
State of Missouri State Employee Mileage Reimbursement Data FY02 - FY08

59 Leadership, Vision, Change

calculate potential travel costs and identify the most cost effective travel option for in-state single trips. In
addition, employees who chose to use their personal vehicle, even when a lower cost state vehicle was available,
were only reimbursed at the reduced fleet rate of 28 cents per mile.
Expenditures for personally owned vehicle reimbursement in Missouri dropped for three straight years under
Governor Blunt’s leadership despite the fact that rising fuel prices increased the rate at which state employees
could be reimbursed. Governor Blunt’s directive saved Missouri taxpayers about $15 million in mileage
reimbursement costs.

Ethics Reform
Governor Blunt believed that Missourians deserved a state government they could trust. In 2006, he enacted
ethics reforms and code of conduct policies that were the strictest of any Missouri governor.
Governor Blunt banned gifts from lobbyists to the governor’s office. Under the ban enacted by Governor Blunt,
he and his employees were required to reimburse lobbyists for meals, tickets, trips or any other item of value.
No previous Missouri governor had
implemented a lobbyist gift ban and
Governor Blunt urged the General
Assembly to apply his ban on lobbyists’
gifts to the entire executive branch as
part of an ethics reform package.
Governor Blunt’s strict code of conduct
policy also set out clear guidelines
prohibiting his employees from engaging
in business with state government or in
outside employment if that employment
conflicted with the performance of the
employee’s duties in the office.
The Blunt conduct code also addressed
that state equipment could only be used
for state business, the observance of
conflict of interest provisions in state law,
prohibiting employees from using their
public positions in a manner designed
to create personal gain and prohibiting
employees from directly or indirectly
attempting to influence agency decisions
in matters relating to prospective
employers with whom employment has
been accepted or is being negotiated.

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 60

Governor Blunt also signed significant campaign finance reform legislation that provided greater transparency
in the campaign fundraising process. This reform dramatically enhanced the disclosure requirements for political
candidates providing greater transparency for Missourians. Now candidates must report political contributions
of $5,000 or more to the Missouri Ethics Commission within 48 hours after receiving the donation.
The reform also helped limit the amount of money funneled to politicians through political committees. Under
the old system, some politicians were using political committees to funnel large, inappropriate donations to their
campaigns from contributors with whom they had a conflict of interest. The reform Governor Blunt signed makes
it easier for the public and the media to uncover the potential abuse of a public office and identify conflicts of
These actions and many others significantly improved openness and transparency for Missourians and
were consistent with Governor Blunt’s campaign promise to provide more trust and accountability in state

“I also want to ensure that

Missourians have a government
they can trust. In 2006, I
banned gifts from lobbyists to
any employee of the governor’s
office. I urge you to apply this ban
on lobbyists’ gifts to the entire
executive branch.”
-Governor Matt Blunt,
2008 State of the State Address

Greater Efficiency for E-Mail Retention and Retrieval

Before Governor Blunt, state government only had a disaster recovery system that captured a once-a-day
snapshot of e-mails on backup tapes. To improve efficiency, and create a more open and transparent state
government, Governor Blunt ordered the creation of a permanent e-mail retention and retrieval system to make
it easier and more affordable to respond to open records requests for state government e-mails, especially
requests for massive amounts of information.
At Governor Blunt’s direction, the state’s information technology officials created a first-of-its-kind system for
Missouri state government which retains e-mails instantly as they are sent and received. The new system allows
users to retrieve information by searching for the sender and receiver of e-mails as well as information in the
subject line and body of an e-mail making it more efficient to respond to requests for information.
With this new system, together with the Missouri Accountability Portal and other transparency initiatives,

61 Leadership, Vision, Change

Governor Blunt made state government more open and transparent than any other official in state government
and his administration provided more information to Missouri taxpayers than ever before in our state’s history.

Governor Blunt’s administration modernized state government and embraced new technology to save money for taxpayers and improve efficiency and services

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 62

In July 2007, Governor Blunt launched the Missouri Accountability Portal (MAP) to provide
Missourians with free, on-line information about how the state spends money.
Creating a More Open and Transparent
State Government
Missouri Accountability Portal

G overnor Blunt believes that state government must be open and accountable to the people who pay the bills,
the taxpayers of Missouri. With his transparency initiatives, the people had the greatest access to information
in Missouri’s history. Under
his leadership Missouri
government was more open
to citizens to review than
ever before in state history.
In July 2007, Governor
Blunt signed an executive
order launching the
Missouri Accountability
Portal (MAP). This historic
act provides Missourians
with free, immediate, online
information about how the
state spends their money.

Interested in State Spending?

The Missouri Accountability Portal takes advantage of emerging technologies to make it easier than ever to
gather information about state spending. With MAP, the public can log on to and
find state government spending by typing in simple search commands.
MAP was one of the nation’s first comprehensive and searchable databases of financial records that is based
on real-time data. It was built with existing state resources. It updates information at the close of each business
day. In its first year the site received nine million hits.

Putting the State Checkbook Online

Missourians should know where and how their officials spend money. Public agencies now keep up-to-date
checkbooks and bank account balances online – all in real time. Before the Blunt reforms, taxpayers could not
access the state’s checkbook online to see how state government was spending their tax money.
Now Missourians can search the MAP Internet site to access spending by budget category, vendor, or contract
as well as tax credits. They also can search all Missouri state employee salaries online.
MAP makes it easy for Missourians to look first hand at where their money goes on a day to day basis. Just
as a well-organized checkbook would do, the site includes both monthly and year-to-date expenditures. This
innovative Internet portal quite literally maps Missourians’ tax dollars.

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 64

Empowering Missourians as Watchdogs
One of Governor Blunt’s goals in creating the site was to ensure that state government is accountable to
Missourians for each dollar it spends. He hoped Missourians would use the site to help him in his mission to root
out wasteful spending.

The governor’s office heard from MAP visitors who became fiscal watchdogs questioning some state government
expenses. In his administration, this triggered a review and response to the person seeking the information.
These inquiries were exactly the response to the MAP site that Governor Blunt had desired. Even though
some in state government expressed concern about the level of detailed information available on the MAP site,
Governor Blunt said that is exactly the point: openness, transparency, information and facts. Governor Blunt
believes transparency and openness prevent wasteful spending. He welcomed scrutiny that helped him better
safeguard the taxpayer’s money.

65 Leadership, Vision, Change

National Recognition for Missouri Accountability Portal
Americans for Tax Reform (ATR), a leading taxpayer watchdog group, lauded Governor Blunt for creating the
Missouri Accountability Portal. The watchdog group said Governor Blunt is one of the first governors to make
such comprehensive spending information available on a single, user-friendly Internet site.
The technical team that developed Governor Blunt’s initiative and enacted his vision for the MAP portal earned
national recognition with an American Business Award. The Information Technology Services Division Team
won the Best MIS and IT Team Category for the development of at the 2008 American
Business Awards. The American Business Awards are the only national, all–encompassing awards program
honoring great performances in business.

“Governor Blunt is one of the first governors to enable taxpayers to become fiscal watchdogs, and I
commend him for taking this step towards greater fiscal transparency. Governor Blunt understands
that since taxpayers are picking up the tab for government expenditures, they deserve to be able to
scrutinize these expenditures.”
-Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform.

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 66

“We are all fortunate to live in modern America. We must live in the present, and we must always be
looking forward, learning forward, and working for an America that is more diverse, striving for an
America that is more equal, fighting for an America that lives up to the ideals of our Declaration.”
-Governor Matt Blunt
Opportunities for Everyone
Empowering Missourians

R ecognizing that Missouri is a diverse state with a diverse people, Governor Matt Blunt worked to provide all
Missourians the tools they need to reach their full potential.
He realigned state programs to ensure Missouri promoted business opportunities where it had previously
fallen behind. Governor Blunt stepped across perceived boundaries, accomplishing important ‘firsts’ for the
state that had been too long in coming.

Office of Supplier and Workforce Diversity

According to the U.S. Department of Commerce Minority Business Development Agency there are 29,696
minority firms in Missouri, which generate $4.2 billion in economic activity and employ more than 39,000
In January 2007, Governor Blunt
created the Office of Supplier
and Workforce Diversity and
implemented programs to increase
Minority Business Enterprise and
Women’s Business Enterprise
participation in state contracts. The
governor’s action corrected a flawed
initiative, created under previous
administrations, that was suspended
as a result of a legal challenge and
subsequent injunction.
The governor established
participation programs that not only Governor Blunt appoints Katie Smith as the first woman to serve as Director of the
Missouri Department of Agriculture.
withstood constitutional scrutiny
but that also more adequately addressed the compelling needs and obstacles of minority and women-owned
businesses to address and eliminate disparity.
Following Governor Blunt’s creation of this office, new certifications increased by 67 percent, certification
time was cut roughly in half, duplicate processes for applicants were eliminated, and the recertification process
time was dramatically reduced from 23.2 days to 3.8 days. Additionally, a new Internet site featuring online
applications and online reports made it easier than ever before for Missourians to learn about the office and
apply for certification.
The Office of Supplier and Workforce Diversity cultivated new relationships and partnerships among statewide
leaders including the Insight Center, Asian American Justice Center, and the Missouri Procurement Technical
Center as well as with local, state and federal civic leaders and organizations.

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 68

Appointing Missourians Who Reflect State’s Unique Makeup
Governor Blunt’s appointments reflected Missouri’s unique and diverse population and mark significant firsts
for our state.
Governor Blunt appointed many women and minorities to serve in state government including positions at the
highest level. Many women served in Governor Blunt’s cabinet including Trish Vincent who served in a cabinet-
level position before she was appointed as the chief of staff, the highest position in the governor’s office.
Governor Blunt’s diverse cabinet also included two African American appointees to lead two critical departments:
the Missouri Department of Labor and the Missouri Department of Revenue.
Governor Blunt appointed Katie Smith as the first woman to ever serve as director of the Missouri Department
of Agriculture since its inception in 1933. Another first was Governor Blunt’s appointment of Don R. Johnson, a
Democrat, as the first African American to serve on the Missouri Conservation Commission.
This group of leaders represents just a small sample of the many women and minorities the governor appointed
or hired to serve in state government. Governor Blunt named Republicans, Democrats and Independents alike to
serve on state boards, councils, commissions, task forces and as members of the judiciary, including hundreds
of women and minorities. As governor, Matt Blunt appointed to important positions more than 250 minorities,
a number which only includes Missourians who specifically identified themselves as minorities.

Hispanic Business, Trade and Culture Commission

Governor Blunt created the Hispanic Business, Trade and Culture Commission, to better address the needs of
the growing Hispanic business community in Missouri. The governor’s vision for the commission was to ensure
Missouri is best positioned to respond to issues impacting Hispanic businesses.
The commission serves as an advisory board to the Department of Economic Development’s Office of
International Trade and Investment regarding trade and investment issues important to the Hispanic business
community in Missouri. The new group also serves as a clearing house on matters concerning the economic
needs of Hispanic businesses, monitors legislative issues relevant to the Hispanic business community and
recommends proposed legislation to the Department of Economic Development.

George Washington Carver State Office Building

In 2006, Governor Blunt signed an executive order renaming the Missouri Boulevard State Office Building
the George Washington Carver State Office Building to honor the father of modern plant science and one of our
state’s great achievers. The building houses the state’s Department of Agriculture offices.
Dr. George Washington Carver overcame tremendous adversity early in his life to become one of America’s
truly great pioneering scientists. Dr. Carver was born a slave near Diamond Grove, Missouri in the early 1860s.
At a young age he understood the value of an education and developed a keen interest in agriculture. Dr.
Carver stressed soil conservation through diversification of crops and crop rotation as a key to reviving soil
that had become unproductive due to constant planting of cotton. He advocated the use of planting legumes to
replace minerals depleted in the soil by cotton-growing. Dr. Carver went on to develop paint, dyes and medicinal
treatments from peanuts, sweet potatoes and soybeans.

69 Leadership, Vision, Change

The building was officially dedicated in September 2006. At the ceremony, Governor Blunt was joined by Dr.
Benjamin L. Hooks, a civil rights pioneer who served as executive director of the NAACP from 1977 to 1992. In
2007, Governor Blunt signed legislation formally entering the executive order and new name into state statute.
The governor’s action recognized Dr. Carver as a Missouri native and as a great scientist, humanitarian and

Governor Blunt: Educator of the Year

For his unwavering support of all Missourians and commitment to providing everyone the tools they need
to succeed, in 2007 Governor Blunt became the first non-minority to receive the Educator of the Year Award
at the “Yes I Can” Awards Banquet. He was recognized with the coveted award for his commitment to public
The “Yes, I Can” Awards Banquet was founded by the late Howard B. Woods, publisher of then, The St. Louis
Metro Sentinel Newspapers. Mr. Woods was the first African American director of the United States Information
Services during the Lyndon B. Johnson administration.

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 70

“While some elitists mock the traditions and values of Missouri agriculture as out of fashion and
outmoded, those of us who have spent time visiting our state’s farms and talking one-on-one with
our farmers understand that agriculture has been and remains the bedrock of both our economy and
our cultural heritage.”
-Governor Matt Blunt
Supporting the Bedrock of
Missouri’s Economy

A griculture is the bedrock of Missouri’s

economy. Governor Blunt made it a bedrock
of his service to advance the interests of the men
and women who produce, process and distribute
the food and fiber from Missouri farms.

Protecting Property Owners

from Eminent Domain
In 2005, Governor Blunt opposed the terrible
decision by the U. S. Supreme Court to sacrifice
the property rights of landowners to eminent
domain possession taken in the interest of
private economic interests. Governor Blunt
signed legislation he proposed to protect
property owners from the Court’s decision in
Kelo v. New London. The Missouri law prohibits
the use of eminent domain solely to increase tax
revenue for government.
First, under this tough eminent domain law,
farmland can no longer be classified as blighted
for eminent domain purposes. Second, private
property can only be claimed using eminent
domain after determining blight or true public
use. Third, it requires “just compensation”
for condemned property to be determined by
factors beyond just fair market value. Fourth, it recognizes additional payment may be due depending on
the “heritage value” of a property, length of ownership or an owner’s primary residence. Fifth, it requires
condemning authorities to pay relocation costs to anyone who is displaced.
The new law enacted by Governor Blunt also created a new “Property Rights Czar” to stand up for Missouri
property owners who are bullied or threatened. Now farmers, homeowners, small business people and all
Missourians have a property rights advocate they can call upon to help them acquire the information they need
to protect their private property.

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 72

Fuel from the Fields
In 2005 when Governor Blunt took office, Missouri was only beginning to emerge in the national market for
renewable fuels. He acted to ensure that promises made were kept on greater production of ethanol and
biodiesel from Missouri crops. Prior to Governor Blunt taking office, incentive payments had been deferred, and
state pledges made to ethanol producers had been broken.
In his first year, Governor Blunt recommended and secured full funding for both the Missouri Qualified Biodiesel
Producer Incentive Fund and Missouri Qualified Fuel Ethanol Producer Incentive Fund, including $2.8 million for
back payments due to farmers for production in prior years. Governor Blunt also signed legislation to allow the
Missouri Qualified Biodiesel Producer Incentive Fund to receive state general revenue.

Biodiesel Produced

Missouri’s New Renewable Fuel Standard

In 2006, Governor Blunt signed Missouri’s Renewable Fuel Standard Act. This law required that most gasoline
sold in Missouri contain at least ten percent ethanol, beginning January 1, 2008. This idea was first announced
in 2004 when Matt Blunt was a candidate for governor. All vehicles can run on E-10 without modification, and
the market in Missouri and elsewhere continues to expand for vehicles able to run on an E-85 blend. This
standard will provide a boost for Missouri’s farmers, rural communities and the environment, all at lower cost to
consumers and with the national benefit of less dependence on foreign energy supplies.
The new law contains a provision to ensure that consumers benefit by automatically waiving the ethanol-
blended fuel requirement if it is more expensive than petroleum-based gasoline at retail. Aviation fuel and
premium grade fuels are also exempted. With the governor’s signature, Missouri became only the fourth state
to adopt an E-10 standard.

73 Leadership, Vision, Change

Ethanol Produced

A February 2007 University of Missouri study estimated recurring annual economic benefits from the four
ethanol plants then in operation, which produced an estimated 160 million gallons of ethanol. The benefits from
this nascent level of production were substantial and they included 161 full time equivalent jobs, a $20 million
increase in employment income, increasing the value added to the economy by $36 million, and creating a net
increase in total output of $285 million for the state economy.
When operating expenditures are coupled with the multiplier effect that creates indirect and induced economic
effects, the total annual gain of these four plants is estimated to be 3,022 jobs with $121 million in new annual
income; a $215 million increase in value-added income; and a net increase in total state economic output
of $522 million. In addition to the value added by processing the corn, the need for 56 million bushels of
corn raises the at-the-farm value of the state corn crop by $45 million. Tax revenues also are increased at
the federal, state and local levels of government, by a total of $43 million each year. By 2008, Missouri was
producing 275 million gallons of ethanol every year.

Promoting Our Beef: the Missouri Branded Beef Initiative

Promoting the success of Missouri agriculture must mean expanding the market for Missouri food and fiber.
Continuing efforts to brand Missouri products and associate that brand with quality made tremendous strides
during the Blunt administration.
In 2006, Governor Blunt created the Missouri Branded Beef Initiative to pursue the marketing goal of causing
consumers around the world to associate high quality with Missouri beef. The governor kicked off the initiative
at the 2006 State Fair, as a special opportunity to promote the exceptional quality of Missouri beef.

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 74

As an integral part of this work, Missouri established the nation’s first statewide voluntary Quality Systems
Assessment program. Cattle ranchers were able to voluntarily enter the program and meet standards that
attest to the high quality of their operations and products.
Since the beginning of the Branded Beef Initiative, the Missouri Department of Agriculture has met with
packers who are interested in processing the Missouri brand, and has hired a brand manager to assist in

Cutting Red Tape for Farmers

In 2007, Governor Blunt announced the establishment in the Missouri Department of Agriculture of an
Agriculture Resources Coordinator, to help farmers navigate the regulatory framework associated with livestock
That position has served as a liaison between the Departments of Agriculture and Natural Resources to
assist farms who want to be in full compliance
with various state laws and rules. It also serves
as a key contact between agriculture and the
Department of Natural Resources to ensure
that livestock producers have the tools they
require for success, including proper location
of facilities and access to new technology.
The position was created from existing budget
resources, under the governor’s directive
that agencies accomplish more without added

75 Leadership, Vision, Change

Large Animal Veterinary Student Loans
In 2007, Governor Blunt signed legislation creating the Large Animal Veterinary Student Loan Program, and
provided $120,000 in initial funding to ensure that family farmers in underserved areas have access to large
animal veterinary care.
The student loan program provides incentives for students pursuing a degree in veterinary medicine, so the
students will locate their practices in locations where the new generation of family farmers needs greater access
to veterinary services.

“Agriculture is the bedrock of Missouri’s economy.”

-Governor Matt Blunt

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 76

“Whether it’s fuel from our corn and soybean fields or alternative power sources, with more diversity
and choices in our energy supply we can become more energy independent, create jobs and improve
our environment.”
-Governor Matt Blunt
Doing More with Less – Energy Efficiency,

R ising energy costs were a pressing issue during Governor Blunt’s administration. He acted to reduce or
contain prices for citizens and lower the energy costs of state government. Governor Blunt was committed
to developing alternative energy and
helping build American independence
of foreign energy supplies.
The Blunt administration pioneered
energy efficiency as a model for
the state, while pursuing legislative
changes for vital steps forward for
Missouri’s energy future.

Renewable Energy, Made in the U.S.A.

During Governor Blunt’s administration, gasoline prices were soaring across the nation, but Missouri families
enjoyed some of the lowest gas prices in the United States. Missouri’s emphasis on renewable fuels, including
the ten percent ethanol standard that Governor Blunt signed in 2006, helped fuel retailers keep down prices
at the pump.

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 78

To move more rapidly toward greater use of renewable fuels, particularly crop-based energy supplies,
Governor Blunt signed into law tax credits for fueling stations to install pumps that can dispense E85 fuel. E85
is a fuel blended with 85 percent ethanol, and as little as 15 percent traditional gasoline. E85 burns cleaner
than gasoline and is a renewable, domestic, environmentally friendly fuel that builds Missouri’s economy and
America’s energy independence.
The tax credits established by Governor Blunt will make E85 fuel more readily available across Missouri, so
more drivers can consider flex-fuel vehicles without sacrificing convenience.

Renewable Fuel Producer Incentive Funding

Renewable Energy Consumed in Missouri

79 Leadership, Vision, Change

Lower Heating Bills for the Vulnerable
The Missouri Utilicare program was established in
1980 to help Missourians with winter utility costs.
These important funds were cut during the state’s
inability to manage its budget after 2001. Governor
Blunt believed that no Missourian should have to
make the difficult decision between home heating
and other necessities of life. Governor Blunt ended
the cuts by successfully seeking full funding for the
program three years in a row.
He provided nearly $19 million over three years to
help thousands of vulnerable Missourians pay their
home heating bills. Governor Blunt’s action made
a real difference in the lives and quality of life for
many Missourians and their families.


The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 80

Trash? No, It’s Energy!
In 2007, Governor Blunt announced an innovative partnership to use byproducts from the Jefferson City
Landfill to help heat a state prison. Under the governor’s plan, methane gas from the landfill is converted to
electricity; the heat created by this conversion then
heats water for the state prison. The project uses
resources that would otherwise have been wasted,
while at the same time producing benefits for the
environment, taxpayers and local communities.

State Government Efficiency

So that government will practice what it preaches, and seeks to require of citizens and businesses, Governor
Blunt’s administration led state government to pioneering energy-saving policies which saved taxpayers $16
million annually:
Performance contracts – The Blunt administration initiated a proactive effort to identify opportunities to
reduce energy use and improve energy performance in state buildings. The result is improved energy efficiency
and more than $10 million in savings that will continue to grow.
Transported natural gas – By purchasing natural gas in bulk through a third party supplier rather than
multiple local utilities, the Blunt administration recognized $2 million in savings including the cost of gas, charges
for local utilities infrastructure and transportation on the major pipelines.

81 Leadership, Vision, Change

Steam trap maintenance – Governor Blunt called for improved maintenance and repairs on heating
equipment, such as steam traps which reduced waste, saved energy and cut costs for taxpayers by $2 million.
Laundry/lighting system changes – A new laundry system in the Department of Corrections established
during the Blunt administration uses a highly reactive form of oxygen, many times more efficient than a disinfectant
in water and faster in destroying viruses and bacteria. The new system has shorter wash cycles, shorter drying
time and uses cold water. The Blunt administration also began using lower wattage bulbs and ballasts that have
longer life but still retain proper lighting levels, saves energy and maintenance costs. The savings for taxpayers:
$2 million.
Governor Blunt also enacted
long-missing management steps to
measure state government’s energy
consumption, which improves the
accuracy of the agency budget and
spotlights possible solutions for
better use of energy and savings to

“Every effort to conserve energy and make environmentally-friendly

choices has a positive impact on our future.”
-Governor Matt Blunt

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 82

“I believe we have an obligation to protect our environment. The natural resources and healthy
environment that we enjoy today are not ours alone. We hold them in trust for future generations.”
-Governor Matt Blunt
Creating a Greener Missouri

G od has blessed Missouri with abundant natural resources and great scenic beauty. Governor Blunt believes
we have a moral duty to protect our environment, and to act as stewards for future generations.
As governor, Matt Blunt believed that a
high level of environmental quality and
economic growth go hand in hand. He did
not accept the claim that environmental
improvement is in conflict with a vibrant
economy. He believed both could be
achieved. He also rejected the notion
environmental preservation means that
natural resources cannot be used or
enjoyed. Governor Blunt believed that
responsible use is the key to good policy.
The Blunt administration made state
government cleaner and greener, and
helped protect and enhance Missouri’s
air, land and water. Governor Blunt Governor Blunt and his son William Branch
encouraged Missourians to make choices
that make our state a cleaner place to live and work, through new environmentally friendly incentives.

Clean Water Initiative

Governor Blunt created the Clean Water Initiative to help Missouri communities with funding for a safer, cleaner
and healthier water supply and to protect rivers and lakes. The governor’s initiative provided $50 million in
bonds to aid Missouri communities with their water improvement needs, through the Department of Natural
Resources’ Water Protection Program.

Historic Bistate Water Agreement

Governor Blunt knew that water quality is critical for jobs, economic growth, environmental quality, and a good
and healthy life for our citizens. A threat to Missouri’s water quality is a threat to both the environment and
economy, especially in regions such as the Ozarks.
In November 2008, Governor Blunt and Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe signed an historic bistate water
agreement to charter a more proactive approach to protecting and preserving the waters that flow between the
two states. The landmark agreement creates a framework for the states to identify priority projects, cooperate
in monitoring and modeling efforts, and develop common goals.

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 84

In signing the agreement, Governor Blunt pointed out that states without cooperative agreements often
resort to the federal government or the courts to resolve disputes. He said the environment and the taxpayers
suffer when states spend time and money fighting, instead of dealing with issues directly and finding common
ground. The Blunt-Beebe agreement was designed to help Missouri and Arkansas achieve higher water quality
while avoiding unnecessary conflicts.

“Show-Me Green” Sales Tax Holiday

Governor Blunt proposed and signed legislation to encourage Missourians to consider environmentally
responsible products and reward their choice by making them sales tax-free for one week every year.
The Blunt plan created the “Show-Me Green Sales Tax Holiday” beginning April 19 and ending April 25. All
sales of Energy Star Certified new appliances will be exempt from state sales tax. The exemption applies to the
first $1,500 of an appliance’s purchase price.
There are numerous benefits to Energy Star certified appliances. They use less energy than other appliances
are more efficient, and are better for the environment. Energy Star certified appliances also reduce the daily
costs of using household appliances.
With Governor Blunt’s signature, Missouri became only the fourth state to enact an environmentally-friendly
sales tax holiday, joining Connecticut, Florida and Virginia.

85 Leadership, Vision, Change

Greener State Government
As the price of energy rose, Governor Blunt demanded greater energy efficiency to protect our environment,
as well as the financial bottom line for the taxpayers and state government.
The Blunt administration’s energy efficiency initiative in state government reduced energy use and saved
money for taxpayers. Governor Blunt’s proactive solutions and initiatives included a range of projects from
centralizing and monitoring statewide energy consumption to using trash from a landfill to heat a state prison.
These innovative programs are expected to save taxpayers nearly $16 million in energy costs every year.

Renewable Fuels
Governor Blunt saw the benefit in renewable fuels for farmers and American energy independence, but also
believed that one of the greatest benefits of renewable fuels is what they mean for our environment.
Governor Blunt fulfilled a
promise he made to Missourians
when he signed legislation in
2006 requiring all gasoline
offered for sale in Missouri to
contain 10 percent ethanol (E-
Ethanol is a cleaner burning
alternative to petroleum-based
gasoline and more efficient
to produce. It contains more
oxygen, providing better
combustion and fewer emissions
of carbon dioxide, carbon
monoxide and carcinogens.

Greener Power
In 2007, the Governor signed into law a new state policy for energy efficiency. Governor Blunt’s Green Power
Initiative decreases pollution from energy production by encouraging greater use of renewable energy such as
wind, hydroelectricity, solar power, hydrogen and biomass.
The legislation set baseline targets for utilities to meet: a four percent renewable energy target by 2012, eight
percent by 2015 and 11 percent by 2020. This legislation also allowed the use of Department of Natural
Resources-approved bio-reactors to produce and capture methane as a renewable energy resource.
For consumers to be more active in energy efficiency, the bill required utility companies to make net metering
available to consumers who have their own alternative energy generation units. Net metering allows customers

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 86

with their own power generation to offset their electricity bills with what they generate on their own. This will give
Missouri consumers a financial incentive to invest in independent alternative energy sources such as solar and
wind, by crediting them for electricity they generate.
The legislation also requires the Office of Administration to ensure that at least 70 percent of new vehicles
purchased by the state fleet are flex-fuel. It allows municipal landfills to accept yard waste for bio-reactors, which
produce methane gas for use in energy production.
The State of Missouri’s fleet now has over 2,425 flex fuel E85 passenger vehicles and 92 percent of new
vehicle purchases not exempt from the rule can run on alternative fuels.

87 Leadership, Vision, Change

Greener Schools

G overnor Blunt signed legislation directing the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to
establish annual guidelines for green cleaning programs and environmentally sensitive cleaning product
specifications for Missouri schools. Missouri is the third state after New York and Illinois to require schools to
use “green” cleaning products.

Missouri schools received more funding and became greener under Governor Blunt’s leadership

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 88

“From Bunker Hill to Baghdad, Missouri veterans have served for freedom and country rather than
personal glory, and for that, they deserve our esteem, respect, and gratitude.”
-Governor Matt Blunt, 2008 State of the State Address
Recognizing a Debt that Cannot Be Paid
Missouri’s Veterans

N o group of Missourians is more deserving of our gratitude, respect and praise than those who have worn
the nation’s service uniform. Many of Missouri’s 540,000 veterans have devoted their most productive
years in service to our nation to preserve our freedom and democracy. As governor, Matt Blunt recognized the
extraordinary sacrifices made by these exceptional men and women. He was a champion for Missouri’s active
duty military personnel, veterans and military retirees.

Honoring Vietnam Veterans

Governor Blunt believes it a responsibility of a free people to demonstrate our appreciation for the service and
sacrifice of brave men and women who stand guard over America’s freedom.
Missouri offered recognition
and state service medallions to
veterans of World War II and Korea,
but had no state honors for those
who served in the Vietnam War. To
honor the sacrifices of Missouri’s
Vietnam veterans, Governor Blunt
created the Vietnam War Medallion
Program in 2006. 

Helping Military Families

The Missouri Military Family Relief Fund was established by legislation Governor Blunt signed into law in 2005.
This new law creates state tax deduction for gifts to the state fund that provides help to families of service
members in need of special assistance with hardship expenses. Governor Blunt allocated $200,000 to this fund
to supplement private gifts and donations for Missouri’s military families.

The Edward Lee Myers Act

Army Specialist Edward Lee Myers of St. Joseph gave his life in service to the United States. His funeral service
was marred by shameful and offensive political protests. The governor and legislature joined to enact a ban on
protests that seek to exploit the grief of families, by attracting attention to opportunistic disruptions of the most
solemn rites. Governor Blunt believes that Missouri supports, honors and respects not only those who serve,

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 90

but their family and friends, too. He rejected
the use of anyone’s memorial service as a
political platform, least of all those who have
made the ultimate sacrifice for all of us.

Veterans’ Service Officers

The Veterans’ Service Officer Program
provides assistance to help veterans access
benefits they have earned. Governor Blunt
secured funding for seven new officers to
assist veterans. 

Veterans’ Homes 
The Missouri Veterans Commission operates
seven homes that provide long-term care to
approximately 1,350 veterans.  In Governor
Blunt’s administration, funding for Missouri
veterans homes was increased by more than
$14.7 million. Occupancy rose to exceed 97
percent of capacity, ensuring the highest quality
of care for more of Missouri’s veterans.

Missouri Veterans’ Home Funding

91 Leadership, Vision, Change

Stolen Valor Act
In 2007, Governor Blunt signed the Stolen Valor Act, to punish those who impersonate our military heroes for
personal gain. The Stolen Valor Act makes it illegal for a person to deliberately misrepresent themselves as a
veteran or medal recipient.

Commanding, Leading
and Supporting the
Missouri National Guard
Governor Blunt visited Guardsmen
and women with official visits to Iraq,
Afghanistan, Kosovo and the Mexican
border. These visits enabled him to thank
our citizen soldiers, receive updates on
their missions, and witness firsthand their
protection of our freedom, safety and
Governor Blunt said: “It is inspiring to witness the roles these fine young men and women are filling, the
selflessness of their sacrifices and their dedication to service.”
Missouri’s National Guard was called to action many times under Governor Blunt, at home and abroad. As the
Commander-in-Chief of the Missouri National Guard, Governor Blunt was committed to ensuring the Guard has
the support, honor and resources needed to do its work, and to serve all Missourians with proper recognition.

Improved National Guard Readiness

Improving the readiness of the Missouri Army National Guard and Air National Guard was a priority for Governor
Blunt. During his administration the Air Guard and Army Guard have increased their end strength by more than
1,100 Soldiers and Airmen. For the first
time in more than 14 years, the Missouri
National Guard’s end-strength is poised to
rise above 12,200 Soldiers and Airmen.
This readiness is more than just numbers
on the books, under Governor Blunt’s
leadership, the Missouri National Guard
ranks among the top five states in drill
weekend and annual training attendance,
ensuring that when called upon they will
have the skills to effectively and efficiently
accomplish their mission.

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 92

New Veterans Cemetery
Care for Missouri’s Veterans extends throughout their lives, and culminates with a final resting place that
honors their sacrifices on behalf of our freedom. Governor Blunt secured appropriations for a 5th Missouri
Veterans Cemetery at Fort Leonard Wood scheduled to open in December 2009.

Veterans Advisory Council

Fulfilling a campaign promise to increase the involvement of veterans in state government, Governor Blunt
in 2005 established by executive order the first Veterans’ Advisory Council. The council is comprised of 12
members who serve three-year terms by gubernatorial appointment.
Governor Blunt appointed a great champion of veterans, by calling upon Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder to
serve as chairman.

“It was the hands of our Veterans and Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and
Marines that have built America into what it is today, the greatest nation in
the world, a nation that rests on a foundation of hard work, decency, and
love of country and liberty.”
-Governor Matt Blunt

93 Leadership, Vision, Change

Matt Blunt’s Military Service

M att Blunt graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1993 with a Bachelor of Science
in History. He went on to serve as an Engineering Officer aboard the USS JACK WILLIAMS (FFG-
24) and as the Navigator and
Administrative Officer on the USS
Lieutenant Commander Blunt
was mobilized to Commander
Naval Activities in the United
Kingdom in October of 2001 in
response to the September 11,
2001 attacks on the United States.
Governor Blunt served six months
in Operation Enduring Freedom
and is the only statewide official
in Missouri history called to active
military duty in wartime. While in
the Navy, he received four Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medals as well as numerous other

Matt and Melanie

Governor Blunt met his future wife, Melanie Rose Anderson, when he was a Lieutenant (junior
grade) in the Navy. They were married on March 15, 1997, while he was serving as the Navigator and
Administrative Officer aboard the USS Peterson (DD 969).

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 94

“Sons and daughters want to know that their parents and loved ones will be taken care of, that
their health care will be of the highest quality, and that their leaders will honor the promises and
commitments made to a great generation of Americans.”
-Governor Matt Blunt, 2007 State of the State Address
Honoring Our Mothers and Fathers
Governor Blunt: Siding With Our Seniors

W hen state government stands with Missouri seniors, it upholds one of our most basic shared values, to
honor our fathers and mothers. Seniors have worked throughout their lives to care for their families,
meet their obligations
to others, and pass on
values that make America
the greatest country in
history. Many have served
in the military, offering all
they have in defense of
American freedom. They
have paid their taxes, and
given to churches, charities
and good causes in their
Governor Blunt believes
we owe them the honor of
actions to help provide a
high quality of life in their
retirement. With tax relief, more funding for key programs, and policy changes, Governor Blunt has made a
positive difference for seniors across Missouri.

Ending the State Tax on Social Security

When Governor Blunt took office, Missouri was one of only 15 states that taxed the Social Security benefits
earned over a working lifetime which had exactly the same effect as a cut in Social Security benefits. Governor
Blunt ended this terribly unfair double taxation. In
2007, with an inherited state budget crisis resolved,
he called on the Missouri General Assembly to end
the state’s unfair taxation of Social Security. The
legislature complied, and Governor Blunt signed
this tax cut into law for seniors.

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 96

Property Tax Relief for Seniors
In 2008, Governor Blunt pushed for significant reforms in local property taxes. Often local property taxes
imposed special burdens on seniors. For Missourians on fixed incomes, rising local property taxes were pushing
many out of their homes, by automatic tax hikes from automatically higher property assessments.
Property tax rates
are set by local elected
boards, not the state. To
fix the problem, Governor
Blunt acted to halt
excessive tax-raising by
signing into law mandatory
rollbacks in levy rates
when reassessments
occur, and expanding the
income guidelines and
benefits for property tax
assistance under the
“circuit breaker” law.

Helping Seniors Stay at Home

Governor Blunt has emphasized the benefits of in-home care for Missouri seniors and others. High-quality
in-home care allows seniors to remain in their homes and neighborhoods, retaining their independence and
self-sufficiency, in a safe and supportive
environment. To ensure that in-home care
is accessible, Governor Blunt secured an
increase in pay of $3 per hour total, for
home health care providers.
Governor Blunt also increased funding
by $2.9 million for home-delivered meals
for Missouri seniors, and those with

97 Leadership, Vision, Change

Funding Increases for In-Home Care Services

$77.4 Million in In-Home Care Services Rate Increases

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 98

“Helping my husband serve the wonderful people of Missouri is rewarding and enriching beyond
words. The opportunities for service that are offered to the First Lady are so numerous because of
Missouri’s devotion to good causes is present every day, in every part of our state.”
-First Lady Melanie Blunt
First Lady Melanie Blunt
Caring for Missouri, Serving with Distinction

F irst Lady Melanie Blunt’s commitment to Missouri was prominently visible by her travels across the state,
talking with Missourians, sharing their hopes, concerns, and aspirations, and seeking to advance many good
Over four years, Mrs. Blunt was
deeply involved in Breast Cancer
Awareness as well as in other
causes, and was a strong voice for
the arts, and made it a priority to
increase the people’s access to
the Governor’s Mansion. She was
dedicated to making sure that she
left the Governor’s Mansion – what
she calls the “People’s Mansion” –
in better condition than she found
Melanie has shared personal
milestones and blessings with the
people of Missouri during her four
years as First Lady. Just three
months after the Governor took the oath of office, the Blunts welcomed their son and first child, William Branch
Blunt. Born March 9, 2005, Branch remains his parents’ first love, greatest challenge and greatest blessing.
In addition to her priority of nurturing and raising her son at the Mansion, Melanie was honored to serve the
people of Missouri at her husband’s side as the youngest First Lady in the nation.

Women and Children’s

Recognizing the First Lady is in a unique position
to focus on the needs of the state, Melanie Blunt
adopted the cause of women and children’s health
to help make a difference by raising awareness and
relating the concerns of others.
As First Lady, she centered much of her effort
through personal action and compassionate
advocacy, on investing in Missouri families and
supporting organizations and causes that have a
positive impact on Missouri women and children.

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 100

Breast Cancer Awareness
Nearly 4,000 Missouri women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year. Having lost her mother to this
disease as a teenager, Mrs. Blunt is a strong champion of breast cancer awareness and prevention. She
participated in and led teams in the Susan G. Komen
Race for the Cure® in both St. Louis and Kansas City.
She served as spokesperson and honorary chair for the
Susan G. Komen Mid-Missouri Affiliate and worked as an
active advocate in the fight to overcome breast cancer.
Mrs. Blunt hosted receptions in honor and appreciation
of all the men and women who volunteer for this
important cause. Hundreds of Missourians gathered
at the Governor’s Mansion each year as Governor Blunt
officially designated October as Breast Cancer Awareness
Mrs. Blunt also brought attention to the cause with an annual event that set the Gateway Arch and The Missouri
Children’s Fountain at the Governor’s Mansion aglow in pink lights. In addition, her work with the Missouri
Women’s Council helped generate tens of thousands of dollars for breast cancer research, awareness, and

“Go Red for Women”

Recognizing that heart disease is the number one killer of Missouri women and men, Mrs. Blunt worked to
promote the individual responsibility and power that all Missourians have to reduce our risk of heart disease by
simply making healthy choices a way of life.
As part of her role as Missouri’s Honorary Chair for the American Heart Association’s “Go Red for Women”
campaign, Mrs. Blunt worked to empower Missouri women to be active participants in the health of their hearts.
The First Lady spoke with Missouri men and women about the importance of heart health at the American Heart
Association’s “Go Red for Women” Luncheon and hosted events at the Governor’s Mansion to highlight and
recognize this important cause.

Keeping Missouri’s Children Safe and Families Strong

Mrs. Blunt is committed to protecting the welfare of Missouri’s children. She is a strong proponent of the
important goals to protect our children from child abuse and to keep families together. She served as honorary
chair of the Junior League of Springfield’s Crisis Nursery and was involved with the project since its inception.
The crisis nursery offers residential care for children from birth to age 12, and provides families in crisis with
support, education and training. Crisis nurseries across Missouri provide a safe environment that protects
children from abuse and neglect when their families face a crisis.
Additionally, Mrs. Blunt’s tireless commitment to women and children’s wellness was evident through her
involvement and support of many statewide projects. To ensure the safety of Missouri children from Internet

101 Leadership, Vision, Change

predators, she was a member of the Internet
Keep Safe Coalition. Mrs. Blunt was also a
member of the Regional Board of Directors
for Boys and Girls Town of Missouri. She was
the State Ambassador for Scholastic Read for
2006 and 2007, and participated in Habitat
for Humanity’s Women’s Build. The First Lady
joined the Governor to ensure immunization
cards were issued to every Missouri newborn.
She supported Missouri’s new AMBER Alert
Portal System, Child Passenger Safety Week, and the Missouri Child Resource and Referral Network. She also
served as a member of the Jefferson City Parents As Teachers Advisory Council.

The First Lady Awards

In her encounters and conversations with Missouri women from all walks of life and in all corners of the state,
Mrs. Blunt recognized that many of the state’s greatest heroes often go unrecognized. As First Lady, Mrs. Blunt
took the opportunity to fill this gap and to honor the women whose contributions made a significant and lasting
impact on the people of Missouri. She launched The First Lady Awards, the first statewide awards that honored
Missouri women who were, indeed, making history.
A committee appointed by the Missouri Women’s Council evaluated more than 300 nominations from across
the state. From those nominees, five women were selected for special recognition in the areas of Business and
Innovation, Culture and Humanities, Education, Health and Wellness, and Volunteerism. The Missouri Chamber of
Commerce and Industry supported the inaugural First Lady Awards, providing the foundation to begin a tradition
of recognition and appreciation.
The First Lady recognized all nominees in a March 2008 ceremony at the Missouri Governor’s Mansion to
celebrate Women’s History Month. The event showcased unique stories of the women selected to represent
each of the five categories with highlights about how each of them made a significant and lasting contribution
to impact our state and enhance the lives of all Missourians.

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 102

Mrs. Blunt recognized the important and immeasurable impact arts have on our culture and families. Her
passion for the arts in all forms led her across the state to champion arts, arts funding and arts education.
Mrs. Blunt served as the honorary chair of the Missouri Citizen’s of the Arts and acted as ambassador for the
non-profit arts advocacy organization.  She and Governor Blunt traveled across the state visiting a variety of
arts venues, presentations, receptions, exhibits and performances.

Restoration of the Governor’s Mansion

The Missouri Governor’s Mansion is an historic treasure that hosts more than 60,000 visitors – many of them
school children – each year. The home, which was built in 1871, was in dire need of repair when Governor and
Mrs. Blunt took residence. Cherishing the Mansion as one of the oldest homes in the country that was built for
and continuously occupied by a governor, Governor and Mrs. Blunt were committed to leaving the Governor’s
Mansion in better shape than it was when they arrived. Mrs. Blunt took on the special cause of supporting
much-needed repairs and improvements to the “People’s Mansion,” which was placed on the National Register
of Historic Places in 1969.
Mrs. Blunt sought statewide support for critically needed repairs and restoration. To fund the structural
repairs, which included restoring the slate mansard roof, she successfully convinced the General Assembly to
provide $3 million for this work. She personally oversaw project details to ensure that the restoration work
remained true to the home’s historic design.
Recapturing the original geometric pattern in the slate mansard roof was a priority, and an example of
Mrs. Blunt’s effort to preserve the historic integrity of the house while completing long-overdue repairs and
restoration. In the mid-1970s, an 1871 photograph of the Missouri Governor’s Mansion resurfaced. It was a
photograph of the house in December of 1871 and showed the original roof details. The photograph was used
as a guide for recreating the original geometric design in the new slate roof, which was completed in a soft subtle
palette of colors that was typically used in the 1870s.

103 Leadership, Vision, Change

In addition to the slate mansard roof, the Blunt’s restoration initiative covered key areas that included:
F Restoring and repainting all windows, repairing trim, cornices, and columns, and repairing exterior
F Partial replacement of the malfunctioning 23-year-old heating and cooling system that was well-beyond
its life capacity.
F Replacing the first floor kitchen, which was needed for health, safety and efficiency.
F Repairing flooring, plaster, and other interior areas and repainting.
F Replacing frayed carpets and window treatments.
In addition to her tremendous support for completing the Mansion’s structural needs, Mrs. Blunt worked with
Missouri Mansion Preservation Inc. (MMPI), the not-for-profit organization that helps support the Governor’s
Mansion restoration and educational programs, to fund interior restoration needs. As part of her efforts, Mrs.
Blunt hosted A Luncheon with the First Ladies, the first-ever event to bring Missouri’s First Ladies together for
a common cause, which was the centerpiece of MMPI’s efforts to restore and preserve the historic Missouri
Governor’s Mansion. The luncheon raised more than half a million dollars in private funds for MMPI’s capital
campaign for the Mansion’s interior restoration.
Mrs. Blunt also reached out to Missourians for help in gathering additional research on the original interior
finishes of the Mansion. Her goal was to uncover every available detail about the “People’s Mansion” that could
be used in its preservation for future generations.
Among those who worked with Mrs. Blunt to ensure historical accuracy were the State Historic Preservation
Office and David Arbogast, an Architectural Conservator. Mr. Arbogast’s expertise and his microscopic analysis
of the Mansion paint samples uncovered many of the home’s original paint colors, which will be incorporated in
future restoration work on the interior.
Mrs. Blunt also took advantage of eBay to help raise funds to preserve and restore the Mansion by placing
several pieces of slate from the Mansion’s old roof on the Internet auction. The sale generated national attention
and helped move MMPI closer to its fundraising goal.
In addition, Mrs. Blunt added pieces of slate to the Friends of the Mansion collection and offered them to
several major historical institutions throughout the state as a way to preserve and archive the Mansion’s rich
In keeping with the longstanding tradition of Missouri governors, Governor Matt Blunt, First Lady Melanie
Blunt and their son, William Branch, had special Gracie hand-painted wallpaper installed in the second-floor
dining room as their official gift to the Missouri Governor’s Mansion. Each panel of the wallpaper was tailored
in subject, color scheme, and scale for the dining room, and Missouri symbols, such as the dogwood blossom
and the blue bird, were incorporated in the scenes. The panels are reminiscent of the work of artisans from
the 19th Century. The Blunt Family raised the funds to purchase the Gracie panels through MMPI at no expense
to taxpayers.
The Missouri Governor’s Mansion has been home to 33 Missouri First Families. With Mrs. Blunt’s strong
support and advocacy for the restoration of this important Missouri landmark, it will be a warm and welcoming
home to many more First Families, as well as to the tens of thousands of visitors who tour the Mansion each

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 104

Growing Up in the Governor’s Mansion
William Branch Blunt

M issouri’s First Family expanded early in the Blunt administration with the arrival of William Branch Blunt. 
Just eight weeks after the Inauguration, Governor Matt Blunt and First Lady Melanie Blunt announced the
birth of William Branch on March 9, 2005.  He was born at 7:08 p.m. at St. John’s Hospital in Springfield and
delivered by Dr. Christina Litherland, Mrs. Blunt’s physician throughout her pregnancy.  William Branch weighed
5 pounds and 13 ounces and was 19 ½-inches long.
Governor Blunt’s Great-Grandfather, Reverend Paul Ray, was an avid genealogist who traced one part of his
family to 16th Century England.  One of the Governor’s earliest English ancestors was William Branch.   Governor
Blunt, a student of Thomas Jefferson, had often seen the name, William Branch Giles, a Virginia statesman and
staunch ally of President Thomas Jefferson.  He too was a descendant of William Branch.   The Blunt’s liked the
name and quickly settled upon it for their son.
William Branch celebrated his first
three birthdays at the Governor’s
Mansion, where he enjoyed many
adventures as its youngest resident
and participated in celebrations at
Easter, Halloween and Christmas
with his parents.  Whether it was
the soft cry of a baby or the pitter-
patter of small feet running across
the floor, there is nothing that brings
the Mansion to life more than a child
living there.  It captures moments that
cannot be described.  The Blunt’s
have many wonderful memories of
watching Branch grow up in this
historic home and introducing him
to Missourians at the Governor’s
Mansion, as well as in their travels
across the state.  They are pleased
to share some of these memories
with you.

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 106

107 Leadership, Vision, Change
The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 108
109 Leadership, Vision, Change
The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 110
“A strong transportation infrastructure is critical to Missouri jobs and economic growth. It is vital for
us to make key investments in our roads and bridges to stay competitive in our global economy.”
-Governor Matt Blunt
Achieving Safer, Sounder Roads and Bridges
Transportation Infrastructure
Delivering the Goods: Safe and Modern Transportation

G overnor Blunt provided strong

and determined leadership to
provide Missourians with safe and
modern transportation. Modern
highways, bridges, airports, and
ports save lives and open the
door even wider for new Missouri
jobs and economic growth. He
set our course on making vital
new investments in transportation
infrastructure, so that Missourians
“arrive alive,” and Missouri will be
better positioned to compete and
win in the global economy.

Strong and Competent Leadership

Dramatic improvements to Missouri’s transportation infrastructure began with Governor Blunt’s appointments
to the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission. He selected highly qualified commissioners who
shared his vision. The Commission’s strong working relationship with a first-rate director created the progress
that is visible across Missouri.

Saving Lives
Missouri led the nation in reducing highway
fatalities in 2006. This excellent achievement
was followed in 2007 by a second year of life-
saving gains in transportation safety.
Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause
of death in the nation for people between the
ages of 4 and 34. In 2005, 1,200 Missourians
were killed in traffic crashes, and more than
66,000 were injured, often with lasting and disabling results. The economic cost of highway accidents is terrible
– more than $3 billion every year in lost earnings, property damage, public safety costs and other areas, but
the intangible loss of beloved family and to communities is even greater. Governor Blunt committed himself to
preventing crashes, saving precious lives and reducing injuries.

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 112

Under the Governor’s leadership, the Highway Patrol and Department of Transportation made safety an even
higher priority. The result was the dramatic reductions in death and injury while traveling.
The Blunt era increase in construction on
Missouri Traffic Fatalities Missouri’s highways meant that more highway
workers were doing their jobs near traffic,
increasing the risk of accidents involving
workers. In 2006, Governor Blunt signed into
law a safety bill with strict new penalties for
work-zone negligence and failure to observe
work-zone speed limits and traffic control.

Better Roads, Smoother, Safer and Sooner

In his 2006 State of the State address, Governor Blunt challenged the Missouri Department of Transportation
(MoDOT) to finish its Smooth Roads Initiative at least one year ahead of schedule. MoDOT met Governor
Blunt’s challenge, by completing the
long-needed repair and resurfacing of Percent of Major Highways in Good Condition
more than 2,200 miles of roadway.

Rebuilding Highway
64/40 in St. Louis
One of the largest highway repair
projects in Missouri history began
during the Blunt administration. The
reconstruction of Interstate 64 in St.
Louis City and County as a truly modern
key artery for the metro region included
temporary closure of five miles of
interstate road, in order to get the job
done far more quickly, and at lower
cost. This closure displaced 150,000 vehicles per day, requiring MoDOT to take all possible actions to minimize
inconvenience to commuters and other drivers.
Governor Blunt worked with MoDOT to ensure full state cooperation with local governments, businesses and
others affected by the 64/40 work. Through maximum shared effort, the driving public is able to see the reward
for its patience much more quickly.

113 Leadership, Vision, Change

Safe and Sound Bridges
Governor Blunt and MoDOT’s leadership identified an innovative process in 2006 for quickly replacing or
rehabilitating 802 of Missouri’s lowest-rated bridges. Every county has at least one such priority bridge project.
The Safe and Sound Bridge Improvement Program was born. Under this plan, MoDOT will pay for the program
using a portion of its federal bridge replacement funds over 25 years.
The decision by the Governor and his MoDOT leadership proved very timely. On August 2, 2007, America
was horrified when Minnesota’s fifth-busiest bridge collapsed, killing 13 people and injuring 145. Following
the bridge collapse, Governor Blunt directed MoDOT to inspect all bridges on an urgent basis. He also held a
special legislative session and signed into law actions to help expedite the Safe and Sound Bridge Improvement

Stopping Diversion of Our Highway Money

When a candidate, Governor Blunt found agreement across Missouri that highways,
roads and bridges were being short-changed. After the state’s commitments were
broken on a major funding initiative in the 1990s, Missourians ran out of patience
in paying higher gasoline taxes for road improvements that never happened.
With the Governor’s support and advocacy, voters in 2004 resoundingly enacted
Constitutional Amendment 3, with a vote of 79 percent in favor of halting the
diversion of revenue from highway and transportation improvements. This action
by initiative petition demanded that gasoline taxes and vehicle sales tax and fees
be used for transportation, as intended by the voters, and the state government
essentially end the long habit of using part of these funds for other purposes.
Governor Blunt saw to the quick implementation of Amendment 3, which enabled
MoDOT to speed up existing projects and take on more work, including the Safe
and Sound Bridges, and Smoother, Safer, Sooner.

Dramatic Turnaround
In 2008, the Reason Foundation issued their 17th Annual Report on the Performance of State Highway
Systems. In a dramatic turnaround, Missouri’s national rank moved up 15 spots to 13th in 2006 after ranking
28th in 2004.

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 114

“Keeping Missourians safe and ensuring that law enforcement officials have the support they need
are two of the most important responsibilities of state government.”
-Governor Matt Blunt
Keeping Missourians Safe
Crime and Safety

G overnor Blunt believes that every Missourian deserves to feel safe in their home, school, community
and workplace. As governor, Matt Blunt was committed to reducing crime by providing more for our
law enforcement to keep our communities safe and by
enacting tough new laws to take criminals off the streets,
especially those who prey upon our children.

Protecting Our Children:

Jessica’s Law
Governor Blunt believes that protecting children is
amongst the most important responsibilities of any
government. Laws he passed against sex offenders are
some of the strongest in the nation.
In 2005, America and Missouri reflected with deep
sadness on the tragic death of Jessica Lunsford, a nine-
year-old girl who was raped and brutally murdered by a
convicted sex offender in Florida. In Missouri, a federal
court threw out a conviction because a police officer
working undercover had apprehended a man who
thought he had arranged illegal activities with a young
girl. Governor Blunt acted immediately to strengthen the laws that protect Missouri’s children.
In 2006, Governor Blunt signed comprehensive legislation to strengthen state sex offender laws. Missouri’s
version of “Jessica’s Law” is among the toughest in the nation.
At the heart of the legislation
enacted by Governor Blunt is a
mandatory minimum sentence
for those who commit the most
egregious of felonies – forcible
rape or forcible sodomy – of a
child younger than 12. Those
convicted of these terrible
crimes will serve a term of life
in prison, with a minimum of
30 years without eligibility for
probation or parole.
In addition to the mandatory

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 116

minimum of life for the most barbaric offenses, persistent sexual offenders will be supervised for life by the
Department of Corrections. Under this new law, suspended imposition or enforcement of sentence is not an
option for the crimes of forcible rape and forcible sodomy. This provision is particularly important. The State
Highway Patrol knew of more than 200 criminals who received a suspended imposition of sentence for forcible
rape or forcible sodomy. Some of these crimes were committed against children; some were committed with
weapons. Many of those culprits served little or no time in prison.
Missouri’s Jessica’s Law also strengthened and improved the sex offender registry. The new law made the
registry a better tool for parents and other caretakers to protect their children. The legislation also required
offenders to report every six months and provide an updated photo each year.
To mitigate court decisions that impeded convictions, the new law also specified that the crime of sexual
misconduct with a child can be committed over the Internet and created the crime of attempting to entice a
child. It does not allow offenders to use a defense that the victim was an undercover police officer acting as a
child. These changes, signed into law by Governor Blunt, provided comprehensive changes in Missouri law to
keep children and communities safe.
In addition, Governor Blunt signed legislation in 2005 establishing a global position tracking program for sex
offenders. With this initiative, the Department of Corrections began piloting global position tracking technology
to track and monitor sex offenders and other high risk offenders in eight cities and 12 corrections districts
across Missouri. 

117 Leadership, Vision, Change

Preventing Drunk Driving
Drunk driving in Missouri claimed 243 lives in 2007 alone.
Governor Blunt believes that part of stopping drunk driving is teaching responsible behavior to the young,
and curbing underage drinking. Legislation he signed in 2005 addressed possession and consumption of
alcohol by minors by increasing penalties for adults who sponsor underage drinking partners, and requires
schools to develop punishments
for students.
Governor Blunt also signed
legislation enacting increased
sentences for multiple offenders,
both to deter drunk driving
and protect Missourians from
those who continually defy the
law, endangering others and
themselves. Governor Blunt
signed legislation that increased
the penalties for involuntary
manslaughter for those convicted
of a driving while intoxicated (DWI)
offense three or more times. This
also eliminated a 10-year statute
of limitations that prohibited use of a past alcohol-related offense to enhance a current DWI to a felony. These
efforts have increased the time that convicted DWI offenders serve behind bars.
In 2008, Governor Blunt joined with Mother’s Against Drunk Driving to strengthen Missouri’s law requiring
ignition interlocks for drunk drivers who commit two or more drunk driving offenses. Ignition interlocks are
devices that disable a vehicle’s ignition if the driver is drunk or drinking. The legislation shifts responsibility
for ignition interlock devices to the Department of Revenue, and away from courts that were not enforcing
compliance. These devices save lives and keep repeat drunk drivers off Missouri roads and highways.

Protecting Missourians on the Water

Governor Blunt also signed legislation to lower the legal intoxication limit for boaters from 0.10 to 0.08 percent
ensuring consistency with the legal limits for operating a vehicle. Irresponsible boaters put everyone else on
the water at great risk, just as drunk drivers threaten lives on Missouri’s roads and highways. Governor Blunt
believed there was no reason for a legal limit that is higher on the water.

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 118

Mobilizing Missourians to Bring Children Home
with AMBER Alert
In the abduction of a child, the first 24 hours are critical. The AMBER alert system has proven to be a vital and
important tool in the recovery of missing and abducted children by using the media, e-mail and other electronic
devices to mobilize ordinary citizens to be on the lookout.
In May of 2006, Governor Blunt linked Missouri to the AMBER Alert Web Portal. The AMBER Alert Web Portal
employs next-generation technology to engage and empower every organization, broadcaster and citizen with
the real-time information needed to save an abducted child.
The AMBER Alert Web Portal enables law enforcement to sign-in and enter all of the necessary data regarding
a missing child. For the first time, law enforcement officials can communicate live, directly with citizens, through
a simple opt-in, sign-up process allowing the public to receive the real-time, locally-relevant AMBER Alerts via
different communication devices such as pagers, cell phones, and e-mails.

Fighting Meth in Missouri

When Governor Blunt came into office, Missouri had led the nation in methamphetamine incidents for several
years in a row. In 2004, for example, Missouri was first in the nation with 2,788 incidents, with Iowa second,
at fewer than half that number, 1,300. To put this in even wider perspective, Missouri accounted for 17.4
percent of the nation’s meth incidents in 2003 and 2004. Meth incidents are essentially busts of meth making

119 Leadership, Vision, Change

operations. Because of Missouri’s central location, drug trafficking and the production of meth in Missouri’s
rural area are a constant battle for Missouri law enforcement.
The first step was to pass legislation to block meth-makers from the ingredients they need to make meth.
In 2005, Governor Blunt spearheaded new legislation to limit the quantity of pseudoephedrine and ephedrine
products, the key ingredients needed to make meth; raised products with pseudoephedrine, and combined
products with ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, to the level of Schedule V controlled substances; and required
pseudoephedrine and ephedrine products to be kept behind a pharmacy counter and sold only by a pharmacist
or a pharmaceutical technician.
With restrictions on purchasing meth pre-cursor ingredients, the legislation also created a tracking system
for the purchase of ephedrine and pseudophedrine. The new law requires photo identification to purchase
restricted products and requires pharmacies to maintain purchase logs that are available for inspection by law
To build on that work and use technology to help law enforcement track and stop meth production, in 2008
Governor Blunt signed legislation to implement electronic tracking that alerts a pharmacist immediately when an
over-limit purchase is being made and alerts law enforcement in real time of the purchases.

Preventing Violence
Too many women and children have endured shocking and heartbreaking violence in the home. Changes that
Governor Blunt signed into law in 2007 increased penalties and offered additional protection for women who are
victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.
The first change related to what law enforcement officials commonly call a “rape kit.” Under previous law,
victims of sexual assault or rape were often forced to pay for their own forensic examinations. This added
significant insult to brutal injury. Governor Blunt said
no victim of sexual assault should be forced to pay for
a medical exam to prove their injuries. Governor Blunt
changed this requirement, recommending and securing
$2.8 million in the state budget to pay for the rape kits.
Before the Blunt administration, prosecutors or police
investigators could require a polygraph from a victim
before proceeding with a prosecution or investigation.
This practice was demeaning. Governor Blunt believed
crime victims should not feel like they are on trial for the
crimes that others committed against them. He signed
legislation forbidding a government official from placing
this condition on a victim.
Domestic assault in the first degree is among the most
serious crimes. It is the attempted murder or serious
injury of the victim. As violence persists, it becomes
increasingly likely that the abuser will cause permanent

The Blunt Years, 2005-2009 120

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