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Faculty of Higher Education Lilydale

Unit of Study Outline CIS200 Electronic Communications and Applications

Study Period 1, 2013
Version date (25 February, 2013)

Swinburne University of Technology, 2013 Except as provided in the Copyright Act 1968, this document may not be

reproduced in any form without the written permission of the University.

Unit of Study Outline

Unit of study code Unit of study name Teaching Term/Semester & Year Prerequisites Corequisites Credit Points CIS200 Electronic Communications and Applications Study Period 1, 2013 None None 12.5

Teaching Staff
Name Luisa Signor Rob Baxendale Email Role Unit Convener Tutor Phone No. 9215 7025 0425 792 922 Email Address Consultation Time By Email TBA

All emails sent to either your tutor or the unit convener of this unit need to be sent from your student email account. This will ensure your email is received in a timely manner and not automatically sent to the SPAM filter used by Swinburne. Swinburne email accounts can be forwarded to personal accounts. The Swinburne student email system, Outlook Live, is located at See for more information on how to use it. NOTE: If you access your email through a provider other than Swinburne, it is your responsibility to ensure that your Swinburne email is forwarded to your private email address. To redirect your Swinburne email, go to for information on how to do this. As part of the email criteria please clearly place in the subject heading the Unit Code (CIS200) and a brief topic description, also inside your email state your name (first name and last name) so that your email can be attended to as soon as possible. Aims The purpose of this unit is to provide participating students with an understanding of how data and information is communicated between computer-based entities, and an understanding of the issues involved in using and developing computerised-network applications. The participants will have an opportunity to develop some beginning-level skills in the analysis and design of simple data communications networks. Please note that it is not the aim of this unit to provide detailed knowledge or skills relating to any specific network products such as those marketed by particular companies.

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Learning Objectives

After successfully completing this unit, you should be able to:

1. Use an understanding of the fundamental concepts of electronic data communications when you are discussing existing and proposed business applications of electronic data communications 2. Demonstrate a sound understanding of the typical equipment and the technical standards relevant to data communications and computer networks 3. Describe the techniques used for inter-process communication in networked environments 4. Discuss a number of applications of data communications technologies such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT), Multimedia content streaming, Client/Server applications, and Internet applications such as the World Wide Web and electronic mail. You should be able to focus your discussion of these applications on issues such as the advantages and disadvantages to users, and the technical challenges presented by such applications 5. Critically analyse a proposed Local Area Network (LAN) implementation based upon a set of user requirements 6. Identify and choose the basic hardware and software elements required to convert an office of stand-alone desktop computers into a (LAN) Resources and Reference Material Learning material will be made available through the unit website available through Swinburnes Blackboard system. The required textbook for the unit is: Fitzgerald, J & Dennis, A 2012, Business data communications & networking, 11th edn, John Wiley & Sons, USA. Content The syllabus of this unit is based upon a number of Lessons and Learning Objects. You will progress through the unit by doing a sequence of Lessons. Each Lesson will explore and integrate a number of more detailed and more fundamental Learning Objects. By studying the Learning Objects associated with a Lesson you will learn the facts, concepts and techniques you will need. When you study a Lesson you will be learning how to combine the facts, concepts and techniques you have learnt in the Learning Objects in order to perform at a higher and more contextual level. Lesson 1: Data Communication Fundamentals LO 1.1: Introduction to Data Communications LO 1.2: Networking Models and Standards Lesson 2: The Network Layer Groups LO 2.1: The Application Layer Group LO 2.2: The Internetwork Layer Group LO 2.3: The Hardware Layer Group Lesson 3: Network Technologies - I LO 3.1: LANs LO 3.2: Wireless LANs LO 3.3: Backbone Networks Lesson 4: Network Technologies - II LO 4.1: MANs and WANs LO 4.2: The Internet LO 4.3: VoIP and Internet Telephony Lesson 5: Network Management and Security LO 5.1: Network Security LO 5.2: Network Design LO 5.3: Network Management
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Key Generic Skills for this Unit of Study You will be provided with feedback on your progress in attaining the following generic skills: Analysis skills will be assessed through the assignment reports requiring a critique of case studies and justification for recommendations. Problem solving skills will be assessed through the design recommendations which address existing problems in each assignment case study scenario. Also assessed through the test and exam requiring solutions to given problems. Communications skills will be assessed formally through the written assignment reports with feedback on report clarity, structure and demonstration of understanding for the task requirements. Ability to tackle unfamiliar problems will be assessed through the assignment reports requiring a critique of case studies and justification for recommendations. The ability to work independently will be developed in the writing and reading requirements of the unit and assessed through the test and exam which demonstrates individual knowledge and ability to find solutions. Learning and Teaching Structure In a Study Period, you should normally expect to spend, on average, twelve and a half hours of total time (formal contact time plus independent study time) a week on a 12.5 credit point unit of study. Flexible learning at Swinburne is designed to assist students to study in their own time, and from their own homes. Online communication will be available through Online Chat sessions and the Discussion Board. By reading the material and adding your own thoughts, you will be able to contribute to the on line discussions and everyone will benefit. As an Off-Campus unit you will need to take control of your learning processes. While teaching staff will be available to assist when required, it will be up to you to take the initiative and contact your convener or appointed online tutor by email or via the online discussions. It is expected that you will explore all the resources which are available online and undertake the preparatory reading and exercises outlined in the unit learning materials. You should follow the dates provided in your Weekly Schedule (as contained in this document) for all assessment items and suggested course content sequencing. Lessons Lessons provide a general overview and contextualise the major areas of learning in this unit. Lessons direct you to relevant Learning Objects required to gain an understanding of the concepts and skills involved for each lesson. The Lesson will provide study guidelines, but will not attempt to deal with every relevant aspect pertaining to that lesson. Learning Objects A Learning Object is not the same as a Learning Objective. A Learning Object is an organised collection of learning resources and activities that focuses on a particular body of knowledge and the accompanying set of skills at the conceptual and content level. A Lesson may have one or more Learning Objects which you need to complete in order to successfully study the relevant lesson. NB: Individual Learning Objects may be skipped if you already have the necessary knowledge/skills. Peer Support As you study this unit, you will not be alone. You will be participating in a community of students studying the same unit. Your fellow students will have slightly different skills and levels of knowledge, but they will experience similar problems to those that you will face. Other students can be valuable resources, and you can be a valuable aid for your companions, so help other students and seek the help of others. But, please remember that all the work you submit for assessment must be your own work do not submit the work of others as if it is your own as heavy penalties will be applied.
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CIS200 Weekly Schedule Study Period 1 2013

Week Starting
25 February

Introduction to CIS200



Lesson 1: Data Communication Fundamentals Lesson 1: Data Communication Fundamentals

LO 1.1: Introduction to Data Communications LO 1.2: Networking Models and Standards LO 2.1: The Application Layer Group

4 March

11 March

Lesson 2: The Network Layer Groups

LO 2.2: The Internetwork Layer Group

18 March Census Date

18 March

Lesson 2: The Network Layer Groups

LO 2.3: The Hardware Layer Group LO 3.1: LANs LO 3.2: Wireless LANs

Online Quiz: To be completed during this week

5 6

25 March

Lesson 3: Network Technologies I Lesson 3: Network Technologies I

1 April

7 April - Last Day to withdraw without academic penalty (WD)

Assignment 1 due: 7 8 April Lesson 3: Network Technologies I LO 3.3: Backbone Networks Tues. 9 April 2013

OUA Examination Services Venue Selection Open 8 28 April

8 15 April Lesson 4: Network Technologies II LO 4.1: MANs and WANs

19 April Last day to withdraw to receive (WDFP) Students withdrawing after this date will receive (NLWD)
9 22 April Lesson 4: Network Technologies II LO 4.2: The Internet LO 4.3: VoIP and Internet Telephony LO 5.1: Network Security LO 5.2: Network Design 12 13 May Lesson 5: Network Management and Security LO 5.3: Network Management


29 April

Lesson 4: Network Technologies II Lesson 5: Network Management and Security


6 May

Assignment 2 due: Tues. 14 May 2013



20 May


Exam Date and Time - To be advised by OUA Examination Services

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Blackboard Site for this Unit of Study Important information concerning this unit of study is placed on the Swinburne Learning Management System (Blackboard), accessible via It is your responsibility to access on a regular basis the Blackboard site for your unit of study. Type in your ID number and your password. Note your ID number is your student ID and your password is initially set to your date of birth in the format DDMMYY the Announcements section on Blackboard, the Discussion Board Forums on Blackboard, and any emails sent by the teaching staff to your student email address via Blackboard. If you access your email through a provider other than Swinburne, it is your responsibility to ensure that your Swinburne email is forwarded to your private email address. To redirect your Swinburne email, go to for information on how to do this. NOTE: Not all internet browsers support Blackboard. The compatible browsers are as follows: PC users: Firefox version 3.6 and above, Internet Explorer version 8 and above, Chrome. Mac users: Firefox version 3.6 and above, Safari version 5, Chrome. See for more information. Student Feedback: Swinburne seeks student feedback in a number of ways, including through Student Feedback surveys, as part of the universitys approach to quality assurance and improvement. Possible improvement based on both student and staff feedback is considered by Unit Convenors, Unit Panels made up of relevant teaching staff, Program Panels, Faculty Academic Committees, and the Academic Programs Quality Committee, as appropriate. Recent updates and improvements made to this unit of study include: Assessments have been updated for clarification on requirements. Learning material have been refined and improved to include wider reading options. Assessment
a. Assessment Task Details:

Assessment Task Online Test Assignment 1

Individual/ Group Task Individual Individual

Related Learning Objective(s) 1,2 1,2,3,4

Weighting 10% 20%

Due Date See weekly schedule See weekly schedule See weekly schedule TBA through OUA Examination Services

Assignment 2




Final Examination




b. Participation Requirements Students are encouraged to make use of all the electronic facilities and resources available on the unit website, which are online chats, discussion boards and emails. These methods of engaging in the unit are advised but not mandated.
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c. Minimum Requirements to pass this Unit of Study: To Pass the Unit and Final Grade Allocation A Pass or higher grade in the unit will consist of a minimum aggregate of 50% of all possible marks after moderation (i.e. online test + exam + assign 1 + assign 2 50). A final grade is assigned in accordance with the faculty guidelines. d. Assessment Criteria: Assignment One 20% Refer to Assignment One specifications for a detailed statement of requirements and dissection of marks (found in the Assessment section of the Blackboard website for this unit). Assignment Two 20%

Refer to Assignment Two specifications for a detailed statement of requirements and dissection of marks (found in the Assessment section of the Blackboard website for this unit). Online Test 10% You will be required to complete an open book online test. Ensure you refer to the weekly schedule to determine the week in which this assessment will take place. Refer to the Online Test specifications for a detailed statement of requirements and dissection of marks (found in the Assessment section of the Blackboard website for this unit). Exam 50%

The final examination will be of two hours (120 minutes) duration, with ten (10) minutes preliminary reading time. The only materials permitted in the exam are: English dictionary (printed only i.e. not electronic) Other language - English dictionary (printed only i.e. not electronic) Standard writing material (pens, pencils, rubber and rulers) NB. The exam marks may be unit to moderation by the teaching panel, based on faculty guidelines, statistical distribution and comparative assessment tasks for previous semesters. e. Submission of Assignments: All work you submit for assessments must be submitted in the form prescribed by the unit convenor. The assessments MUST be submitted online via the Assessments navigation on the Blackboard site for this unit. Preferred submission formats for reports are Microsoft .doc or .docx Do not send any final assessments by email to the convenor or tutor unless otherwise instructed by them. Note that when you submit any work for review or assessment, you thereby declare that the work submitted is your own, that no part of the work submitted has been copied except where due and explicit acknowledgment has been made within the content of the work, and that no part whatsoever of the work submitted has been produced by any other person. Draft of Assignments A draft of each assignment is encouraged and can be emailed to the online tutor. When doing so it is important to adhere to the following: The draft will represent an initial outline of what you propose to do in your assignment
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(if the draft resembles a final submission it will not be viewed). The tutor will provide general feedback indicating if you are on the right track. More explicit feedback may be sought by asking specific and detailed questions but the tutor's role is not to correct the draft submission. Only one draft per assignment may be emailed to the online tutor for feedback (using your Outlook student Email account). f. Extensions and Late Submissions: Assessment due dates are published in Unit Outlines at the start of the teaching period and will not normally be extended except where students had their studies adversely affected by acute illness, misadventure or other extraordinary cause or circumstance reasonably beyond their control. Students who need to request an extension of time to the due date for a piece of assessment (excluding end of teaching period final examinations) should contact their Unit Convenor directly to discuss their circumstances and submit the extension form located at: If approved, the convenor will notify the student of the extended date. For more information refer to: g. Assessment Results: Assessment results for the online test and the assignments will be made available through Blackboard. Students must retain all assessed material that contributes to the final result up until such time as the final results are published. The Faculty Academic Committee may approve moderation of results prior to final release. h. Groupwork Guidelines: This unit does not include assessed group work. However, you are encouraged to participate in online discussion with your fellow students. i. Plagiarism: Swinburne University of Technology defines Plagiarism as the action or practice of taking and submitting or presenting the thoughts, writings or other work of someone else as though it is your own work. Plagiarism includes any of the following, without full and appropriate acknowledgment to the original source(s): (i) The use of the whole or part of a computer program written by another person; (ii) the use, in essays or other assessable work, of the whole or part of a written work from any source including but not limited to a book, journal, newspaper article, set of lecture notes, current or past students work, any other persons work, a website or database; (iii) the paraphrasing of anothers work; (iv) the use of musical composition, audio, visual, graphic and photographic models, (v) The use of regalia that is objects, artefacts, costumes, models and the like. Plagiarism also includes the preparation or production and submission or presentation of assignments or other work in conjunction with another person or other people when that work should be your own independent work. This remains plagiarism whether or not it is with the knowledge or consent of the other person or people. It should be noted that Swinburne encourages its students to talk to staff, fellow students and other people who may be able to contribute to a students academic work but that where independent assignment is required, submitted or presented work must be the students own.

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Enabling plagiarism contributes to plagiarism and therefore will be treated as a form of plagiarism by the University. Enabling plagiarism means allowing or otherwise assisting another student to copy or otherwise plagiarise work by, for example, allowing access to a draft or completed assignment or other work. j. Assessment and Appeals Policy and Procedure The information outlined in the Assessment sections above is covered in more detail in Swinburnes Assessment and Appeals Policy and Procedure. Students must be familiar with the Policy and Procedure, found at:

The Policy and Procedure provides details about: Assessment issues such as the conduct of examinations, plagiarism policies and details explaining how to apply for a review of results and other appeals, and Student progress issues such as unsatisfactory academic progress and early intervention procedures, and Information for students with disabilities and special needs and procedures for applying for special consideration. Students should make themselves familiar with all aspects of the Policy and Procedure, as failure to do so is not grounds for appeal. Students are advised to seek advice from the staff at the Swinburne Student Amenities Association SSAA ( if they require assistance with advocacy for Sections 12 (At-Risk and Progress Review) and 13 (Appeals) of the Policy and Procedure. Safety Standards and Conduct Requirements: Student misconduct is an action by a student which is in breach of the policies specified by Swinburne in the student General Misconduct policy. This extends to publishing on websites even where those sites are not set up or managed by Swinburne. Swinburne accepts no responsibility for unauthorised material posted in social networking sites (such as Facebook). If you have any issues resulting from the behaviour of other students, you should immediately contact the Swinburne Student Amenities Association (SSAA) Relevant links: Student General Misconduct policy Information Technology (IT) Systems Acceptable Use Policy All students are expected to respect the rights and sensibilities of their fellow students and teaching staff. This also applies in respect of the content of video and audio work submitted for assessment. The University has rigorous anti-discrimination and harassment policies and procedures. Special Needs If you have special needs you should advise your Faculty and the Unit of Study Convenor by the end of the second week of the teaching period. In addition, you are recommended to notify the Equity Office if you have not already done so. See also the Students with Disabilities and Special Needs Section of the Assessment and Appeals Policy & Procedure, at:
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Open Universities Australia

Withdraw from a unit If you need to withdraw from a unit the date of the notification is very important. See below for further information. From week 1 - 6 Please advise Open Universities Australia, of your intention to withdraw up until the end of week 6, the unit(s) will be removed from your record. From weeks 1 3 you will, however, incur an administration fee. Please refer to the OUA website for these details. You will not incur a FEE HELP debt for the unit(s). Financial penalties are based on the date that Open Universities Australia receives your withdrawal request. From weeks 4-6 you will incur your fee help debt. Weeks 7-13 Please submit a withdrawal form , to advise Swinburne University of Technology, Higher Education Lilydale, of your intention to withdraw from week 7 and no later than eight weeks after the start of the Study Period, the unit(s) will receive a WDFP Withdrawn, Fee Payable grade on your academic record. You will retain the FEE HELP debt for the unit(s). If the notification of withdrawal is received after Week 8 of the Study Period, the unit(s) will receive a NLWD Not Pass, Late Withdrawal grade on your academic record. You will retain the FEE HELP debt for the unit(s). If you do not formally withdraw and you have submitted work, it will be assessed and a grade awarded accordingly. If no work for assessment has been submitted, a Not Assessed grade will be awarded. Refunds for withdrawal after the Census Date are available under Special Circumstances for students who have paid their registration fees upfront. Please refer to the Special Circumstances section of the Refund Guidelines in the Open Universities Australia handbook or the website for further information. Further Information For further information on OUA through Swinburne University of Technology a website has been provided. The address for this site is: Contacts Swinburne University of Technology, Lilydale Locked Bag 218 Lilydale VIC 3140

Student Advisers - Open Universities Australia GPO Box 5387 Level 1, 131 Queen St., Melbourne VIC., Australia 3001

Phone: (+613) 9215 7206 Fax: (+613) 9215 7254

Phone (+61) 1300 36 36 52 Fax (+613) 8628 2955

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