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Submitted to KURUKSHETRA UNIVERSITY In partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of

B.Com -III (C.A.)

(SESSION 2011-2012)

Under Supervision to: Mrs. Neha Jain Lecturer of Computer Application

Submitted By: Seema Sharma B.Com. (III) Comp. App Roll No-1775 University Roll. No





This project is used for maintaining the records of the Candidates so as to fast retrieval of the date according to out requirements. Due to this project out time is saved. It gives me great pleasure to express my gratitude to Dr. Mrs. Ujjwal Sharma, Principal, Hindu Girls College Jagadhri, for supervision & guidance, valuable suggestions and constant encouragement throughout the preparation of this project. I am deeply indebted to Mrs. Sonia Sharma, Head of Deptt. Computer Sci. & Application , Mrs Neha Jain, Lect. of Comp. Sci & App. HINDU GIRLS COLLEGE, for providing me all the available for the complete course.

I am particularly thankful to my parents for their moral support and constant encouragement during my whole study.



In the year of computer technology, it was realized that machine recognition of pattern was a possibility, and together with this arouse the need for reducing the amount of information to be processed to the minimum necessary for the recognition of such patterns. The earliest experiment in data compression were conduct on character patterns and it was found that an averaging operations over a square window with a high threshold resulted in thinning of input image, and 'cluster operation was an early attempt to obtain a thin-line representation of certain character patterns. The thinned characters were then used for recognition. This practice was used since then and integrated circuits were designed for this purpose. During these years, many thinning algorithms for data compression by thinning have been devised and applied to a great variety of patterns for different purpose. For example, in the biomedical field, this technique was found to be useful in the early 1960's, when a "shrink" algorithm was applied to count and size the constituent parts of white blood cells in order to identify abnormal cells. Since that time, applications in this area have included analysis of white blood cells and chromosomes, automatic X- ray image analysis, and analysis of coronary arteries, pattern recognition.

In other sectors, thinned image has found application in processing bubble chamber negatives, the visual system of automation, figure print classification, quantitative metallographic, measurement of soil cracking patterns, automatic visual analysis of industrial parts and printed circuit bards.
This wide range of application shows the usefulness of reducing the patterns to thin line representations, which can be attributed to the need to process a reduced amount of data as well as to the fact that shape analysis can be more easily made on line like patterns.

The thin line representation of certain elongated patterns, for example, characters, would be closer to human conception of these patterns; therefore, they permit a simpler structural


Introduction to Problem Area Existing system Proposed System Hardware & Software Requirement System Design Input design Output design File design Data flow Diagram Source Code Outputs Advantages Limitations Further Scope Conclusion Reference


Problem Area




In existing POST OFFICE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM , work is done manually. This system involves a lot of hard work. This system is useful for small Post Offices system. works but A a In like in lot Post large of Post Offices very it is in etc very this of are difficult. manpower sale, involved large parcel




available, so if the system is done manually it will be very complicated. With ticket has to existing details, be a lot system, parcel of entries details, in is for ticket to different sold etc registers. perform


different consumed

Therefore this work.


The entries of parcel acknowledgement and parcel dispatched maintained or in Parcels different not dispatched and will this be work registers

should be done very carefully.

Data stored in registers cannot be maintained for long period of time and a lot of time is to be consumed parcel. in In searching existing a particular , the ticket chances or of system

inaccuracy and duplicacy will be more. So I have computerized this project.


With the expression of knowledge and competition, not only within a country but throughout the World, Post Office is a medium who reflects the past civilization and Scientific mind of our forefathers. Post Office Management system comes to rescue of researchers and inventors. In this proposed the system, it becomes to a easier to





domain. In the twinkling of Eyes, Post Officer in this system can find out the required tickets and parcel where details. about the In this Post Office parcel can find ticket details, details,

reports in the system. In the Post office management project we can add the parcel of 50 detail and tickets 2 also like Rupee, check 10 5 paisa, Rupee, the 20 10 acknowledgment of the parcel. We can also add the details paisa, different paisa, 1 Rupee,

Rupee etc. we can also maintain the of the tickets.

daily sale

In but


Post &

office culture.

depicts Bomb


country man kind and

civilization proposed

destroys peace,




scientific approach toward life.



Parcel Detail This Module is used to View the Information of The Parcel details in Tabular Form. Acknowledgement This Module is used to View the Information of The acknowledgment in Tabular Form. Ticket Detail This Module is used to View the Information of The Tickets in Tabular Form. Queries This Module is used to View the Information of The tickets, parcel, acknowledgement in Tabular Form.


Information about Parcels This Module is used to Store the Information of Parcels like sender name, receiver name,

address, qty, fare, date etc.

Information about acknowledgment This Module is used to Store the Information of acknowledgement like sender details etc.

Information about tickets detail This Module is used to Store the Information of Tickets like 10 paisa, 20 paisa, 50 paisa, one rupee, two rupee, five rupee, ten rupees etc.

Post Field name Sname Sadd Rname Radd Pw Pf Prd date type char char char char double double char width 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

ACKNOWLEDGMENT Field name DD PNAME date type CHAR CHAR width 20 20

Ticket detail Field name Tp Twp Fp Or Twr Fr Tr Tq Dt date type double double double double double double double double char width 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20



/* Post Office Management System */ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<dos.h> #include<math.h> #include<string.h> /* This Project is used for Maintaining the Records of the Post Office*/ void front(); void blink(); void back(); FILE *fp,*fp1; int c,r,i,ch,ch1; char conf,save,name[20]; struct post { char sname[20]; char sadd[20]; char rname[20]; char radd[20]; double pw; double pf; char prd[15]; }; struct post po;; struct ack {

char dd[12]; char pname[20]; }; struct ack ak;; struct tdetail { double tp; double twp; double fp; double or; double twr; double fr; double tr; double tq; char dt[14]; }; struct tdetail td; struct dsale { double tp; double twp; double fp; double or; double twr; double fr; double tr; double tq; char dt[14]; }; struct dsale ds;

void blink() { int polyarray[]={100,100,550,100,550,400,100,400}; int gd=DETECT,gm; initgraph(&gd,&gm," "); setcolor(BROWN); setlinestyle(0,0,3); fillpoly(4,polyarray); setcolor(RED); settextstyle(10,0,3); outtextxy(165,200,"POST OFFICE MGT."); while(!kbhit()) { static int x; setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,x); floodfill(320,240,BROWN); setcolor(BLACK); outtextxy(165,200,"POST OFFICE MGT."); delay(900); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,x); floodfill(320,240,BROWN); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(165,200,"POST OFFICE MGT."); delay(900); } getch(); closegraph(); }

void dsale() {

c=20; r=6; gotoxy(c,r); printf("10 Paisa\t "); scanf("%lf",&; gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("20 Paisa\t "); scanf("%lf",&ds.twp); gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("50 Paisa\t "); scanf("%lf",&ds.fp); gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("1.00 Rs.\t "); scanf("%lf",&ds.or); gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("2.00 Rs.\t "); scanf("%lf",&ds.twr); gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("5.00 Rs. "); scanf("%lf",&; gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("10.00 Rs.\t "); scanf("%lf",&; gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("Date\t "); scanf("%s",&ds.dt); }

void addition() { c=20; r=6; gotoxy(c,r); printf("Sender Name\t "); scanf("%s",&po.sname); gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("Sender Address\t "); scanf("%s",&po.sadd); gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("Receiver Name\t "); scanf("%s",&po.rname); gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("Receiver Address\t "); scanf("%s",&po.radd); gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("Parcel Weight\t "); scanf("%lf",&; gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("Fare\t "); scanf("%lf",&; fflush(stdin); gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("Receiving Date\t scanf("%s",&po.prd); }


void ack() { gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("Delivery Date\t "); scanf("%s",&ak.dd); gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("Person Name\t "); scanf("%s",&ak.pname); } /* Ticket Detail */ void tdetail() { c=20; r=6; gotoxy(c,r); printf("10 Paisa\t "); scanf("%lf",&; gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("20 Paisa\t "); scanf("%lf",&td.twp); gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("50 Paisa\t "); scanf("%lf",&td.fp); gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("1.00 Rs.\t "); scanf("%lf",&td.or); gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("2.00 Rs.\t ");

scanf("%lf",&td.twr); gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("5.00 Rs. "); scanf("%lf",&; gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("10.00 Rs.\t "); scanf("%lf",&; gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("Date\t "); scanf("%s",&td.dt); }

/* Front Screen */ void front() { int c,r,i; int j=1; int x1=10; int y=10; int x2=10; int y1=20; int gd=DETECT,gm; initgraph(&gd,&gm," "); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,LIGHTGRAY); bar(0,0,640,480); setlinestyle(0,0,3); setcolor(4); line(30,120,620,120); line(30,120,30,270);

line(30,270,620,270); line(620,270,620,120); line(40,130,610,130); line(40,130,40,260); line(40,260,610,260); line(610,260,610,130); settextstyle(TRIPLEX_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,6); outtextxy(90,165,"POST OFFICE MGT."); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,BLUE); bar(100,420,500,440); settextstyle(SMALL_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,5); outtextxy(140,423,"Welcome to Post Office Project"); while(!kbhit()) { setcolor(i); circle(x1,y,5); circle(x2,y1,5); delay(10); i++; x1=x1+50; y1=y1+50; if(j>15) { j=1; } if(x1>640) { x1=10; } if(y1>480) { y1=20; } } getch();

closegraph(); } /* Screen Designing */ void screen(const char *ch){ c=28;r=1; gotoxy(c,r); for(i=1;i<=25;i++){ printf("*");} r++; for(i=1;i<=2;i++){ gotoxy(c,r); printf("*"); r++;} r--; c++; gotoxy(c,r); for(i=1;i<=24;i++){ printf("*");} c=52; r--; for(i=1;i<=1;i++){ gotoxy(c,r); printf("*"); r--;} c=31; r=2; gotoxy(c,r); printf("%s",ch); c=16; r=4; gotoxy(c,r); for(i=1;i<=44;i++){ printf("*");}

r=r+1; for(i=1;i<=19;i++){ gotoxy(c,r); printf("*"); r=r+1;} c=c+1; gotoxy(c,--r); for(i=1;i<=43;i++){ printf("*");} r=r-1; c=59; for(i=1;i<=18;i++){ gotoxy(c,r); printf("*"); r=r-1;}} void screen1(const char *ch) { c=28; r=1; gotoxy(c,r); for(i=1;i<=25;i++) { printf("*"); } r++; for(i=1;i<=2;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); printf("*"); r++; } r--; c++; gotoxy(c,r); for(i=1;i<=24;i++)

{ printf("*"); } c=52; r--; for(i=1;i<=1;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); printf("*"); r--; } c=32; r=2; gotoxy(c,r); printf("%s",ch); c=5; r=6; gotoxy(c,r); for(i=1;i<=70;i++) { printf("*"); } r=r+1; for(i=1;i<=16;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); printf("*"); r=r+1; } c=c+1; gotoxy(c,r); for(i=1;i<=69;i++) { printf("*"); }

r=r-1; c=74; for(i=1;i<=16;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); printf("*"); r=r-1; } } void box() { c=30; r=10; gotoxy(c,r); for(i=1;i<=20;i++) { printf("*"); } r++; for(i=1;i<=7;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); printf("*"); r++; } gotoxy(++c,--r); for(i=1;i<=19;i++) { printf("*"); } c=49; r--; for(i=1;i<=7;i++) { gotoxy(c,r);

printf("*"); r--; } } /* Main Menu */ void menu(){ c=22; r=6; gotoxy(c,r); printf("1. PARCEL DETAIL"); gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("2. TICKET DETAIL"); gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("3. QUERIES"); gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("4. ABOUT ME"); gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("5. EXIT"); } /* About Me */ void aboutme(){ int gd=DETECT,gm; initgraph(&gd,&gm," "); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,12); bar(0,0,640,480); setcolor(1); setlinestyle(0,0,3); line(30,120,620,120); line(30,120,30,270); line(30,270,620,270); line(620,270,620,120);

line(40,130,610,130); line(40,130,40,260); line(40,260,610,260); line(610,260,610,130); setcolor(14); settextstyle(TRIPLEX_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,7); outtextxy(50,150,"POST OFFICE MGT."); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,3); bar(100,420,500,440); settextstyle(SMALL_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,5); setcolor(1); outtextxy(150,423,"Your Comments are always Welcomed..."); settextstyle(TRIPLEX_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,3); outtextxy(455,290,"DEVELOPED BY:"); settextstyle(TRIPLEX_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,2); outtextxy(70,320,"PLATFORM:"); outtextxy(110,355,"C LANGUAGE:"); outtextxy(455,320,"NAME: Gagan"); outtextxy(455,355,"CLASS:"); outtextxy(455,385,"ROLL NO:"); getch(); closegraph();} void back() { int gd=DETECT,gm; initgraph(&gd,&gm," "); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,LIGHTGRAY); bar(0,0,640,480); setcolor(RED); setlinestyle(0,0,3); line(0,120,640,120); settextstyle(TRIPLEX_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,6); outtextxy(135,130,"Thanks@@@");

outtextxy(10,190,"For Using This Project!!!"); line(0,270,640,270); settextstyle(TRIPLEX_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,3); outtextxy(455,290,"DEVELOPED BY:-"); settextstyle(TRIPLEX_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,2); outtextxy(455,320,"NAME:-"); outtextxy(455,355,"CLASS:-"); outtextxy(455,385,"ROLL NO:-"); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,BLUE); bar(100,420,500,440); settextstyle(SMALL_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,5); outtextxy(150,423,"YOURS COMMENTS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME"); getch(); closegraph(); } /* Main Program Begins */ main() { blink(); front(); abc: clrscr(); screen("Post Office Mgt."); menu(); gotoxy(24,20); printf("Enter Your choice\t"); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: fp=fopen("post","ab");

fp1=fopen("ack","ab"); clrscr(); box(); c=32; r=12; gotoxy(c,r); printf("1.Addition"); gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("2.Acknowledgement"); gotoxy(54,13); scanf("%d",&ch1); if(ch1==1) { clrscr(); screen("Parcel Addition"); addition(); gotoxy(20,22); fflush(stdin); printf("Save Or Not\t"); scanf("%c",&save); if((save=='y')||(save=='Y')) { fwrite(&po,sizeof(po),1,fp); gotoxy(25,24); printf("Record Saved Successfully"); } else { gotoxy(25,24); printf("Record Not Saved"); } } else if(ch1==2) { clrscr();

screen("Acknowledgement"); c=20; r=6; gotoxy(c,r); printf("Sender Name\t "); scanf("%s",&name); fp=fopen("post","rb"); rewind(fp); while(fread(&po,sizeof(po),1,fp)!=NULL) { if(strcmp(po.sname,name)==0) { gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("Sender Address\t"); printf("%s",po.sadd); gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("Receiver Name\t"); printf("%s",po.rname); gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("Receiver Address\t"); printf("%s",po.radd); gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("Parcel weight\t"); printf("%lf",; gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("Fare\t"); printf("%lf",; break; } } ack(); gotoxy(20,22); fflush(stdin);

printf("Save Or Not\t"); scanf("%c",&save); if((save=='y')||(save=='Y')) { fwrite(&po,sizeof(po),1,fp1); fwrite(&ak,sizeof(ak),1,fp1); gotoxy(25,24); printf("Record Saved Successfully"); } else { gotoxy(25,24); printf("Record Not Saved"); } } fclose(fp); fclose(fp1); getch(); goto abc; break; case 2: clrscr(); fp=fopen("dsale","wb"); clrscr(); box(); c=32; r=12; gotoxy(c,r); printf("1.Ticket Detail"); gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("2.Daily Sale"); gotoxy(54,13);

scanf("%d",&ch1); if(ch1==1) { clrscr(); screen("Ticket Detail"); tdetail();; gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("Ticket in Hand\t"); printf("%lf",td.tq); gotoxy(c,r=r+2); fflush(stdin); printf("Save Or Not\t"); scanf("%c",&save); if((save=='y')||(save=='Y')) { fwrite(&td,sizeof(td),1,fp); gotoxy(40,24); printf("Record Saved Successfully"); } else { gotoxy(40,24); printf("Record Not Saved"); } } else if(ch1==2) { clrscr(); screen("Daily Sale"); dsale();; gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("Ticket Sold\t"); printf("%lf",ds.tq);

gotoxy(c,r=r+2); fflush(stdin); printf("Save Or Not\t"); scanf("%c",&save); if((save=='y')||(save=='Y')) { fwrite(&ds,sizeof(ds),1,fp); gotoxy(40,24); printf("Record Saved Successfully"); } else { gotoxy(40,24); printf("Record Not Saved"); } } fclose(fp); getch(); goto abc; break; case 3: clrscr(); box(); c=32; r=12; gotoxy(c,r); printf("1.Addition"); gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("2.Ack"); gotoxy(c,r=r+2); printf("3.Daily Sale"); gotoxy(54,13);

scanf("%d",&ch1); if(ch1==1) { clrscr(); fp=fopen("post","rb"); rewind(fp); gotoxy(30,1); printf("TOTAL PARCEL ADDITION DETAIL "); printf("\n\n"); printf("SName\t"); printf("SAdd\t"); printf("RName\t "); printf("RAdd "); printf("Par Weight "); printf("Fare "); printf("\n"); printf("**************************************************** ********"); printf("\n\n"); while(fread(&po,sizeof(po),1,fp)!=NULL) { printf("%s\t",po.sname); printf("%s\t",po.sadd); printf("%s\t",po.rname); printf("%s\t",po.radd); printf("%lf\t",; printf("%lf\t",; printf("\n"); } fclose(fp); } else if(ch1==2) { clrscr(); fp1=fopen("ack","rb");

rewind(fp1); gotoxy(30,1); printf("TOTAL ACKNOLEDGEMENT DETAIL "); printf("\n\n"); printf("Del Date\t "); printf("PName\t"); printf("\n"); printf("***************************************"); printf("\n\n"); while(fread(&ak,sizeof(ak),1,fp1)!=NULL) { printf("%s\t ",ak.dd); printf("%s\t ",ak.pname); printf("\n"); } fclose(fp); } else if(ch1==3) { clrscr(); fp1=fopen("dsale","rb"); rewind(fp1); gotoxy(30,1); printf("DAILY SALE DETAIL "); printf("\n\n"); printf("10 Paisa\t "); printf("20 Paisa\t "); printf("50 Paisa\t "); printf("1.00 Rs.\t "); printf("2.00 Rs.\t "); printf("5.00 Rs.\t "); printf("10.00 Rs.\t "); printf("\n"); printf("**************************************************** ************");

printf("\n\n"); while(fread(&ds,sizeof(ds),1,fp1)!=NULL) { printf("%lf\t",; printf("%lf\t",ds.twp); printf("%lf\t",ds.fp); printf("%lf\t",ds.or); printf("%lf\t",ds.twr); printf("%lf\t",; printf("%lf\t",; printf("\n"); } fclose(fp); } getch(); goto abc; break; case 4: clrscr(); aboutme(); goto abc; break; case 5: clrscr(); gotoxy(10,5); fflush(stdin); printf("Really do you want to Exit(y/n)\t"); scanf("%c",&conf); if(conf=='y' || conf=='Y') { /*textcolor(GREEN+128); gotoxy(10,8);

cprintf("Thanks for using this Project!!!!");*/ back(); exit(); } else { printf("\n\n\tPress any key to return to main menu"); getch(); goto abc; } break; default: printf("\n\n\n\n\n\t\tPlease Enter between 1 to 5 only"); getch(); goto abc; break; } getch(); }
















results in the event of wrong input data. 2.This system is prepared with limited

resources and information at our disposal. It may not last long beyond a certain period. 3.In this system there is no Option to take Printout of the Records of the costs. 4. There is no other provision for further

activities. 5. This project cannot be implemented with the real world.


This system can be used by any developing

person of the different organization with small alteration of the system. This system provides correct track of the Post office. All the This system can Persons satisfied also as provide well as the Key post correct information regarding the post office. Managerial will feel managers regarding

office Information. This system altogether rules out cheating,

falsification of accounts of the post office information and their Details.


While making this project I have referred the following books for getting an idea to make this project and also for understanding the complete C Language with graphics. The names of the authors of the books referred by me are as follows:

[1]. [2]. [3]. [4]. [5].

C Balagurusamy Thinking In C C in 21 Days Let us C My College Teachers

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