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This document contains the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) of a Hospital Management System for the xyz Hospital. The main aim of this project is to automate the major functionality performed manually by the staff of hospital. This software is useful in making the hospital management system computerized. The need for computerization of manual system has always thrives on change, not in past. In todays world everyone and everything should have the ability to shift gears. The software developed by us incorporates all the features that are required in maintaining and organizing the hospital. We hope this project turns out to be time saving, economical and easily accessible by the user. The project team will challenged to establish the requirements and consequently building the RS document for the Hospital Management System software i.e. the application of all hospitals. To date almost no literature pertaining to the requirements specification or expectations of the users is available, therefore the team will be initiating the requirement process from the start and culminate with the development of a valid RS document that ensures completeness, consistency and correctness of the requirements captured and eventually reflected in the RS document.

Health care hospital is an international level hospital because it provides all the international medicines, facilities, medical equipment and force of international doctors. The hospital reception records the patients data into the register. When a patient enters in a hospital. He has to interact with the receptionist. Receptionist takes his id if he is an old patient and check it from his register otherwise by taking all the new information a lot him a new id. It enters his entry date and time for the further requirement. The other duty of receptionist is to write the daily incoming and outgoing timing of the doctors by asking there allocated id and search it from the register. It notes the entry time of that doctor and when doctor is free, it also come to the receptionist to tell the time on which he is going back from the hospital. If new faculty of doctor comes, they have to provide his all information to make their profile in the existing system and after all the process, receptionist allot each of them an id.

When the patient discharge or leave hospital he has to come at reception and ask him to make his bill which consist of charges of medicine facilities provided by the hospital, charges

of the hospital, give to the patient. The patient pays the bill and came back to reception to submit his receipt for future record. If a patient came for some medical test he come to receptionist for the confirmation of his record in system then patient go for his test after that to collect his lab report he has to tell his id .a receptionist give him a receipt that patient pays and return back to receptionist . After that receptionist give him his required lab report.

Glossary: Term
User Database GUI HMS Satkeholder ID SRS

Person who access the system eg. Receptionist Collection of all the information stored by this system Graphical User interface Hospital Mangement System Any person with an interest in the project who is not a developer eg. Doctor,Patient,Nurse Patient idetification no A document that completely decribes all of the functions of a proposed system and the constraints under which it must operate eg. This document Adminstrative staff that works at reception desk

Front desk staff

The document only covers the requirement specification for the hospital management system. This document does not provide any references to the other component of the hospital management system. All the external interfaces and the dependencies are also identified in this document.

System Overview:
Hospital management system operates as the main focused software working Health care Hospital. It maintains all records just like any other hospital management system. But its not only a management system it also displays and keeps record of doctors timing, patient records and resources in a hospital. Whenever any patient admitted, its complete data is update in the system. There are basically three main views of the system. These include the clerical staff view, the operational staff view and the patient view. From the operational view the system includes the following features: The doctors & nurses timing. The doctors & nurses records.

From the recourses view the system has the following main features: Total numbers of rooms & beds. Available rooms & beds. Operation theaters timing. From patient view the main functions include: Check availability of beds in wards Check availability of private rooms Check fee of doctors Check fee of different tests

User Requiremet:
The user requires that system should store data of patients which can also store the doctors data. The user requires that system should be secure, ease of use, reliable that the data can not accessed by others except him. The system should provide and display the aviliabilty of beds in wards as well as availiabilty of private rooms. The system should display chart contains fee of doctors. The system should also display the charges of different tests that are availiable in the hospital. The user require billing and report generated service from the system.

System Requirement:
After the completion of treatment of each patient, the system shall automatically generate the report. The report shall be created for each clinic and shall list the individual medicines, the toal number of prescriptions, the number of doses prescribed, and the total cost of the prescribed drugs. If medicines are availiable in different dose units (e.g. 10mg ,20mg) seperate reports shall be created for each dose units. Access to all cost reports shall be restricted to authorized users listed on a management access control of list.

Functional Requirement:
1. Our hospital mangement system should allow users to atore patient data. 2. Allow them to modify patientss stored record. 3. Also provide them faclity to view patients reord.

4. The system will be used to store new data of new faculty of doctors for making their profile. 5. The system will record incoming and ountgoing from the hospital time and date of doctor. 6. User can also view the doctors stored profiles in the system when required. 7. The system shuld provide the facilty to generate the bills of patients when they are discharging or leaving he hospital.This reprt consist of charges of medicine facilities provided by the hospital, charges of the hospital, give to the patient. 8. This management system also allows the user to generate lab reports of patients. These reports given to patients when they clear their charges. 9. The database should be reliable and developed such that if at some time later stage the software has to be upgraded, the database is not affected.

Non-Functional Requirement:
o Product Requirement: The system should complete the prcoess in a very short time. The system should be secure and need authecation from its user. All the database which store doctors, patients data shouls be secure. The system sould be reliable.
Humans are error-prone, but the negative effects of common errors should be limited. E.g., users should realize that a given command will delete data, and be asked to. Confirm their intent or have the option to undo.

o Organizational Requirement:
Each member is required to enter an individual Username & password when accessing the software. The data in the database is secured through multiple layers of Protection. One of those security layers involves member passwords. For maximum Security of your software, each member must protect their password

The generated report must pass from doctors consideration and than reached to the patient.

o Domain Requirement:
The system safety shall be assured accordoing to standard CEI5090_1:Medical electrcal equipement part 1: general requiremqnt for safety and essential performance.

This requirements means that the developers must be familiar with that standards to ensyre that they do not violate it.

Design and Implementation Constraints:

GUI based Java. Microsoft access for Data base. Login and password is used for identification of user and there is no facility for guest.

Requirement Specification:
1. REGISTRATION: Register the patient. Provide the facility for adding new patient details and modify the record or print the record if necessary.

2. FACILITIES: Services provided by the hospital to the patient. Doctors Codification: The details of the doctor dealing with the patient. Beds Codification: Information about the room type, bed type and charges.


MEDICAL RECORDS: Diagnosis: The disease which the patient is suffering from is diagnosed. Treatment: It deals with the treatment done by the doctor for a particular patient.


RECORD: Admission Discharge record Charges / Bills : Visiting fees Diagnosis charges Treatment charges Miscellaneous charges

Feasibility Study:The overall scope of the feasibility study was to provide sufficient information to allow a decision to be made as to whether the hospital management system project should proceed and so, its relative priority in the context of the other existing hospital management system. The feasibility study of this project had undergone through various steps which as describe as under: a) Identify the origin of the information at different level. b) Identify the expectation of user from computerized system. c) Analyze the drawback of existing system.

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