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Question ID 2 4 5 7 8 9 11 13 17 19 20 22 25 27 28 38 40 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 51 53 55 57 58 60 63 64 67 68 71 74 77 78 83 86 88 91 95 96

Question starts with ABC Specify Actuarial Mr. Z Rating the policy Specify Specify Claim management Contribution Specify Specify Coverage Verification Mr Annuities Guarantee Farm insurance Explosion An example Insurance cover In Worker Business General liability A policy that In Buildings Buildings and If a guest drowns In a personal A homeowner In a homeowner Auto Medical Calculate the amount A Primary Insurer A insurance Following is an in non proportional Facultative insurance A company that Amount of money Coverage in An insured is Proximate An insurable interest Following is not an An insurer

Answer Broker Sales monitoring New Business Immediate annuity Calculation of premium for a policy Loss Assessment Risk Analysis Fraud management Indemnity National Flood insurance policy Professional Liability Claims process Speculative risks are not insured

Claims process All of the above Surety Bonds All of the above Boiler and machinery coverage Customer's clothes with a drycleaner Inland marine All of the above Operations in Progress coverage All of the above Reporting policy All of the above All of the above Personal Liability coverage Comprehensive coverage All of the above Coverage on personal property People inside Insured's vehicle $500,000 Variable quota share $180,000 All of the above Primary insurer retains risk up to the e Specific peal risk Retrocessionaire Retrocession recoverable Declaration Indemnity Dominant Event given rise to claim All of the above Betting in horse race 500000000

97 98 99 101 102 103 105 108 109 110 111 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143

A combined Calculate loss ratio Carriers are FNOL An agency A claim can be Indemnity business A Company Cedants Following All of the Cedants are Following is NOT a type of Reinsurance A claim can be rejected if Carriers are First Notification of Loss is An insurer writes policies with Following is not an example of a Pure Risk Specify who is not eligible for Which of the following is not a characteristic of an insurable risk An Insurable interest arises in the following situation Proximate cause can be best described as An insured is restored to the same position as before the loss. This is the Principle of Which of the following is not an approach for Risk Management Rating laws are The Insurance Policy provision that personalizes the policy is Specify the risk management option which can be scientifically implemented in property insurance but difficult in life scenarios Not swimming is an example of Amount of money that a reinsurer has to receive from another reinsurer for their share of claim is called Which of the following statement about Treaty Insurance is True Facultative insurance is most suitable for Typically Facultative Reinsurance involves A insurer retains 40% of the risk under surplus share treaty... Which of the following is not covered by Personal auto policy Which of the following about Auto Physical Damage is correct in Personal auto insurance Auto Medical payment in Personal auto insurance covers medical costs for injury to A homeowner's policy includes the following coverage Purpose of an Umbrella policy in Personal lines is to Business liability for the damage caused due to ongoing activities on the business premises is covered by General Liability coverage includes

The company has made underwriting l 0.7 $250,000 Insurance companies Claims Independent agency All of the above Actuarial Mutual company Reinsurance companies Universal Life insurance Insurance for natural death Specific peal risk Primary Insurance Companies Universal Life insurance All of the above Insurance companies Claims 350000000 Betting in horse race A 15 year old boy Speculative All of the above Dominant event given rise to a claim Indemnity Increasing the Risk All of the above Declarations Risk Retention Avoiding the Risk

Retrocession Recoverable Reinsurer is compelled to accept all ris Specific peak risks Negotiations of premiums $180,000 Personal Liability coverage

Collision can not be taken without com

People inside the insured's vehicle All of the above Provide higher limit than those covered Operations in Progress coverage All of the above

144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170

Which of the following is not covered by a Business Auto Policy In Workers Compensation, the employer is liable to pay An example of "Bailees customer Insurance" is Which of the following statements is true about Term Insurance Which of the following statements is true about Permanent Insurance Which of the following statements is true about Endowment Policies Which of the following statements about Variable Universal life policies is true Which of the following is false about Group Life policy Which of the following is false about a credit policy Which of the following is/are features of Annuities Which of the following about Equity Indexed Annuity is false The term surrendering a policy implies Gross withdrawal amount is equal to Mr. A is running an export business Mr.Well insured his house for $200,000. He constructed. X is an Agent for ABC insurance company. One Ms.Y like to insure for his Home and Jewellery. She found Specify the policy where the Federal Government subsidize the excess loss in US Contribution and Subrogation are part of Sales &; Marketing includes X insured his house for fire with ABC insurance company for a year. He sold Mr. Z wanted to retire after a month from his employer X has insured a car with an insurance company What are the major segments in US insurance SCHIP is MICRO INSURANCE is defined as Targeted sectors for micro insurance are

Personal property All of the above Customers' clothes with a drycleaner Term insurance is in force for a specifi

All of the above The premiums for endowment policies policies

All of the above It remains in force even when an empl The amount of coverage remains cons All of the above It s a variation of variable annuity terminating a policy before maturity requested amount minus charges Speculative risks are not insured Endorsement Covernote Personal article Floater National Flood Insurance Policy Indemnity Lead management

Insurable interest Immediate annuity Indemnity Property, Casualty, Health and Life State Childrens Health Insurance Prog Insurance provided for low-income peo Both a and b

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