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ELECTRONIC COMPENSATION : In case of Vertical Balancing Machines, the component to be balanced is mounted on the balancing machine spindle with the help of a suitable adaptor. The adaptors used for this purpose can have their own mass unbalance. In addition to this mass unbalance, one more balancing error is generally introduced by these adaptors. This is due to misalignment of the spindle axis and the adaptor axis. (Ref.Fig.2). Because of this shift in two axises, the component to be balanced is always mounted excentric through a distance e. This will create an equivalent unbalance of e.w where w is the weight of the component to be balanced. This is not a true unbalance but the equivalent effect due to the mounting error.

Fig. 2 When even a balanced component is mounted on the machine and checked for the unbalance it will indicate (in worst case) the unbalance equivalent to e.w as mentioned above. Now, when one makes the correction accordingly the original balanced component is unbalanced as a fact.

Now how to avoid this problem ?

This typical type of error can be overcome by introducing an equivalent error of e.w on the opposite side. This error is known as Compensating unbalance and the method of balancing by using this compensating error is known as COMPENSATION METHOD OF BALANCING. Compensation can be provided by : 1. Mechanical Method. 2. Electronic Method. 1. Mechanical Compensation : 1.1 Mount the component properly and balance the same by usual method. 1.2 Rotate the component through 1800 with respect to the adaptor. Run the machine Whatever error is indicted, half of that should be corrected on the component and remaining half on the graduated disc. 1.3 Shift the job to its original position by rotating it through further 1800. Now theoretically, it should not indicate any error. If there is any minute error, repeat steps 1.1 to 1.2 above. 1.4 When component is removed and the machine is run, it will indicate error of (1/2 e.w.). This will remain there as Compensating error.

DRAW BACKS OF MECHANICAL COMPENSATION : 1. Compensating mass varies if component to be balanced is changed from one type to some other type. 2. As adaptors for different jobs vary in shape, size and mass, compensating mass and its angle also varies. It is practically impossible to maintain records of all compensating weights and its position. 3. Wear and tear of compensating masses over a period will change compensation. 4. In case of two plane correction, practically it is very difficult to get two
correction planes on adaptor where compensating mass can be added.

2. ELECTRONIC COMPENSATION : To overcome several drawback of the mechanical compensation, Modern

machines use electronic compensation. Electronic compensation is nothing, but introducing an equivalent error signal into unbalance signal which is equivalent to the unbalance effect of the compensating mass. M/s. Krystal has incorporated a special and very effective electronic

compensating circuit. This comprise of the following. : 1. Compensating Potentiometers. 2. C - N - 1/2 C Switch. 3. X - Y Switch. Compensating Potentiometers. X -- To compensate X component. Y -- To compensate Y component. These are precesion 10 Turn wire wound helical potentiometers. Very presise adjustment is possible because of the 10 Turn resolution.

When not used i.e. machine is used in NORMAL mode, these should be kept at 500 reading. C - N - 1/2 C SWITCH : This switch is used to facilitated the COMPENSATION PROCESS. X - Y SWITCH : With this switch X or Y component which is to be compensated is selected. PROCEDURE FOR ADJUSTING ELECTRONIC COMPENSATION CONTROLS.

Following steps should be carefully followed to adjust compensating controls. 1. Run the graduated disc and see that it is balanced to maximum accuracy i.e. 0.1 to 0.2 gm or better. 2. Mount the adaptor on the main spindle check the runout. It should be within 0.01 mm. or better. 3. Mount the job to be balanced. See that all clampings etc.are proper and well secured. 4. Do all the settings as per the standard procedure. Start the machine. Balance the job as per routine procedure; by keeping C - N - 1/2 C Switch on N position. 5. Note down the readings. Stop the machine. Rotate the job through 1800. Put C - N - 1/2 C Switch on C. Put X - Y Switch on X. Start the machine. Adjust X potentiometer till the amount meter reading is reduced to 00. Shift X - Y switch to Y position. Adjust Y potentiometer till the amount meter reading is again reduced to 00. 6. Shift C - N - 1/2 C switch to N. Check the readings. Now shift the switch to 1/2 C position. The AMOUNT INDICATED ON THIS POSITION SHOULD BE 1/2 OF THAT OBSERVED ON N POSITION. ANGLE SHOULD BE SAME. 7. Continue balancing with C - N - 1/2 C switch on 1/2 C.

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