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Simplified Installation Document for "Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System, Fusion Edition Release 11.1.

One might have already downloaded the required files from the oracle e delivery web site Along with it, one can find the complete documentation of Fusion edition in OBJECTIVE: To provide a simplified installation document with screen shots to aid a beginner to install with ease. This document is a simplified version of installation document. Unlike the installation document, has complete explanation of the installation. This document simplifies by adding screen shots. I recommend to refer the following documents before the start of installation. Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Installation Start Here Release 11.1.1 Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide Release 11.1.1. Refer this document for re assurance of your installation process. LETS DO IT IN STEPS 1. After you have downloaded you required files from the oracle e delivery website. Create a folder named as "download_location". Of all the compressed files, select "V13452-01" and 'extract all' to the folder "download_location",which you had created before. 2. If you spend some time analysing the downloaded compressed files, apart from "V13452-01",other files have a folder within as "assemblies".Now continue your 'extract all' process of other downloaded compressed files. Whenever wherever you get a pop up window to overwrite, select "Yes " to it and carry forward your extracting activity. 3. At the end of your 'extract all' process, download_location should resemble the below mentioned figure.

4. Double click the "InstallTool.cmd" file and start the installation. The below figure is self explanatory, you have multiple steps .They are from 'Welcome' page to 'Summary. The above figure also confirms the installers prerequisites in the second half of the figure. After looking at the hostname, OS and memory. Click "Next"

5. If you want to change the location of Hyperion Home, you can change the location as shown below.

6. Select "New Installation" and "Choose components by tier" as shown and click Next

7. It lists all the components which one is interested to install as shown. Now click on next

8. The installation starts, showing the status of how much it has completed as shown

9. In the process of installation, we get a window as shown below

10. Finally, after all the individual product and their components installation in over and the installation is on the verge of completion, we see it as shown below

11. One can see the progress of the same, as shown in the below sequence of pics

12. Finally, we get thesuccessful installation message. From this window, click on configure as seen in the below fig to start configuration. Hence, we have completed installation so far and now we are starting configuration task.

13. Once the configuration starts, one would see the below fig .Click next

14. As seen in the fig, it has selected the required by default. This happens when you are doing for the first time. Click on next

15. Shared services and Registry database configuration. In the database connection information, select the relational database which you have installed and the server/machines name of the same. No need to change port number, as it would take the required port number with your selection of oracle or SQL server. Service Name or SID, here mention the name of the relational database which you had already created in oracle or SQL server.Etc. User name and password of the database or the SID .

16. Do select Perform 1st time configuration of shared services database and click on next as shown.

17. As this is the clean installation, and default settings are what the preferred ones, follow the sequence of figures.

18. After the above steps one can look the products and their respective database configuration. Here, I have used only one database which I had used before .Hence, one can see the selection of connect to previously configured database as shown below. Click on next

19. follow the sequence and click on next.

20. Provide the user name and password in the below shown fig

21. Configuring financial management DCOM. Be careful, as the user name and password, which you are going to provide here, are going to be your systems operating systems user, not only with the application. So, the below mentioned will be your OS user too.

22. Upon clicking next, one would get the below screen

23. By default, your machines or server name is the available server. One can add by clicking on add as shown in the figure. After that, click on add and ensure that the required server moves from the available list to servers in the clusters as shown in the below figures

24. Followed by configuration, registration starts as shown below. Click on add and see the server/cluster moving from available to Registered server/cluster

25. Follow the below mentioned sequence and click on next where necessary and stick to the default settings.

26. In the below mentioned figure, one can see all the products which has been collected by the configuration manager. Click on next

27. One can see the status of configuration, as shown in the below figure.

28. The following screens follow.


29. After you get the successful green ticks and completed status against the products .Below, one can see the status Done. Technically, you have completed configuration by now. Click on validate which would take some time and open an html web page describing the test status as passed or failed .As a sample , one can look in the below figure.

. Ideally, every test status should be passed. GOOD LUCK. ENTI SANDEEP REDDY

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