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FORMAT OF A PROJECT REPORT Acknowledgement Abstract Contents List of tables List of figures Abbreviations Chapter-1(INTRODUCTION) 1.

1 Introduction to the project 1.2 Company 1.3 Product 1.4 Need for the study 1.5 Objectives 1.6 Scope of the Study 1.7 Significance of the Study 1.8 Limitation Chapter-2 (REVIEW OF LITERATURE) 2.1 Introduction-operational definition 2.2 Review relating concepts 2.3 Review relating to variables Chapter-3 (RESEARCH METHODOLOGY) 3.1 Research Design 3.2 Nature and sources of data 3.3 Questionnaire design and development 3.4 Pilot study 3.5 Reliability and validity of the questionnaire 3.6 Sample design Sample unit Sample frame Sample size Sampling technique 3.7 Period of the study 3.8 Tools, techniques and formula used 3.9 Software packages used

Chapter-4(DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION) 4.1 Profile of the respondents 4.2 Concept or variable wise analysis Chapter-5 (SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, RECOMMENDATIONS, SCOPE FURTHER STUDIES, IMPLICATION OF THE STUDY AND CONCLUSION) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. General findings and Specific findings Recommendations Educational and societal implications Directions for future research Conclusion FOR

Bibliography (Follow either APA or Harvard Style) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Books Published articles Secondary sources Working papers Reports

Appendix Questionnaire Sample frame Big Table

ABSTRACT An abstract is a brief summary of a project, it should have need for the study, objectives, research methodology and tools used for the study and finding..One sentence may be devoted for each of the above stated things

SCOPE OF THE STUDY It is like boundary of the research, it refers to the parameters in with the study will be operating in. Here you have to state the aspects you have covered in the research including variables, area and model.

REVIEW OF LITERATURE Punithavati Pandian (1997) consolidating the views of economists, says that Investment is the employment of funds on assets with the aim of earning income or capital appreciation. The investment has two attributes namely time and risk. Present consumption is sacrificed to get return in the future. The sacrifice that has to be borne is certain but the return in the future may be uncertain. This attribute of investment indicates the risk factor. The risk is undertaken with a view to reap some return from the investment. For a layman, investment means some monetary commitment.

QUESTIONNAIRE Profile of the respondents Try to collect data in metric form Try to use statement wherever possible Convert yes or no question into statement form of question Different scale Break variables into construct and every construct use some statement otherwise called items HYPOTHESIS Chi-square- H0: There is no significant association between income and saving of the respondents ANOVA- Ho: There is no significant difference among different income categories with respect to their saving

Correlation - Ho: There is no significant relationship between income and saving of the respondents If significant value is less than 0.05 then For Chi-Square analysis there is significant association between income and saving of the respondents For ANOVA analysis there is significant difference among different income categories with respect to their saving For Correlation analysis there is significant relationship between income and saving of the respondents

Sampling Technique Convenience , Random, Multi stage

ANALYSIS INTERPRETATION 4.1 Profile of the Respondents Profile means the demographic characteristics of the sample respondents. The demographic characteristics include, age, sex, educational qualification and marital status of the respondents. The study is conducted among teachers of Government Colleges, Aided Colleges and Universities in Tamil Nadu. The following table shows break up of respondents from each segment of the population. TABLE 4.1.1:TYPE OF INSTITUTION
Institution Government Aided University Total Frequency 114 295 143 552 Percentage 20.7 53.4 25.9 100.0

From the above table 4.1.1 it is clear that around 20 percent of the sample respondents are working in Government Colleges and 53 percent of them are working in Government Aided Colleges and 26 percent of the sample respondents are working in universities. As the number of teachers working in Government Aided Colleges are more than that of Government Colleges, more number of Aided College teachers are included in the sample size. Table 4.1.2: Age of respondents
Age Frequency Percent

18-28 29-38 39-48 Total

31 66 3 100

31.0 66.0 3.0 100.0

The above table indicates that 31% of the respondents fall under the age group category 18-28 years, 3% under the category of 39-48 and 66% under the category 29-38.Thus a majority of the ex-employee respondents fall in the age group 29-38, and are in the transition of the Early earning stage and Established earning stage of the Financial planning cycle. Points: Every table should have number and name Unnecessary rows and columns should not be there in the table First interpretation for the table and then inference should be written. Inference means what you infer from the table or what is the conclusion derive from the table The analysis should be in present tense Dont give unnecessary space before and after the table

Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 39.588a 16.978 .039 100 df 10 10 1 Asymp. Sig. (2sided) .000 .075 .843

a. 14 cells (77.8%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .03.

For example in the above table, We will not using Likelihood Ratio, Linear by linear association and N of valid cases values for analysis purpose so above thing should be avoided in the table. Then under the table there is a statement a. 14 cells (77.8%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .03. which is warring so that should be removed

Normally if you copy the SPSS table it will be in Arial so convert into Times new roman or whatever ever form your body is in Whenever you copy a table there will not be any rows for the table but it always better to put lines for rows then table should be in centre and values inside the cell should be in centre After making above correction the table is displayed below Table: 4.3.30: Association between Age and the reason for taking up a job at Hurix
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) 0.000

Pearson Chi-Square 39.588a 10

Dont not give chapter name with tools name For example if you use correlation to find out relationship of age and satisfaction the chapter should be relationship between age and satisfaction and not correlation between age and satisfaction or simply correlation Avoid we and I in the project report Analysis should have different sub chapters for example 1.1 Profile of the Respondents 1.2 Respondents outlook about Hurix System: 4.3 Brand Perception of the Respondents If you paste figure from SPSS it will be like this

We will not be using row and column points, symmetrical normalization and dimension. so those things should be removed. To remove this select the picture you will you get crop function in the menu bar. By using crop function remove unnecessary space and unnecessary words

Figure 4.3.4 Correspondence analysis of the Employer branding variables

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