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Introduction to freedom. Freedom gives us the power/right to act think or to speak without hindrance or prevention. Personal freedom makes people stronger and want to shape their own lives. It can not mean the power to do what one likes, as it may cause harm or violence to others. True freedom is essential for people to develop fully. God gave people freedom, intended to create special relationships with people and shape our own lives and make decisions. The freedom to communicate goodness, emotions, discover truth and God, conscience, intelligence and recognise and accept others and their emotions. Religions Influence on people
Religion influences people to do good, live a certain way and learn and live by its teachings of God and Jesus. Spiritually, people need a sense of where they came from, how they got here, and where they are going. Though teenagers, are most influenced by their friends, religion can keep you in a good direction in life. Religion has a big influence on who I am, how I act, and how I write. You can take passages in the bible, and connect them to everyday life, and understand them better for it. We are taught that the most important things for people is freedom, and show respect for one another, do acts of kindness and to make peace.

Internets influence on people We have many forms of communication, but one of the quickest and easiest is the internet. E-mail is the fastest growing form of one to one communication, a wide variety of exchanges on the Internet are now usual for 50 million people every day. More people are doing more things online than ever before. Shopping, writing e-mails, chatting to people and other things, are just a few of the things society is using doing more of today. Even though many of us might not think of it, the Internet is forming much of our society today. Many tasks and hobbies that we now perform use the Internet in a direct or indirect way. One of the ways is through shopping on the Internet. The percentage of Internet shopping has increased every year since it began. People even have online relationships that are, maintained, and managed outside of the Internet. And people get jobs using the internet. Even if many don't search for jobs online, many do use the Internet while at work. Over half of those with Internet access get online at their workplace. Many of them do work-related research online while they are at work. This as a result helps people to do their work much better than if they didn't have Internet at all. With the introduction to the Net at the work, many bring it home to do. Much more than before, many actually work more at home than before, because of the Internet.

Church Teachings on Conscience By faith in Him. "whatsoever (is) not of faith is sin." (Romans 14.23) Also -"And whatsoever ye do, do [it] heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;" (Colossians 3.23) The followers of Jesus have true freedom indeed in Jesus and do reflect it in our hearty and holy lifestyle. Conscience is described, as a persons most secret core and sanctuary. It is the experience

of us as moral agents passing judgements. It flows from our self- knowledge as rational and free human beings. Every person develops a conscience. For the Christian, conscience is our experience of ourselves enlivened by the Holy Spirit and judging according to Gods revelation. Conscience can be viewed as the act of a person judging the moral goodness of a proposed course of action. Conscience requires constant formation. Ones moral judgement is based on ones faith, personal experience, knowledge and moral code. These are subject to constant growth and review. One also experiences negative forces at work such as sin and self-interest. Their influence has to be continually recognised and countered. Man has the right to act in conscience and in freedom so as personally to make moral decisions. He must not be forced to act contrary to his conscience. Nor must he be prevented from acting according to his conscience, especially in religious matters. "Conscience is man's most secret core, and his sanctuary. There he is alone with God whose voice echoes in his depths" (Gaudium et Spes 16, Vat II document).' Another description of conscience reads that conscience is the proximate norm of morality; of the goodness or evil of actions and omissions. There are few occasions really when we have to rely on a conscience decision. After all, we have the Ten Commandments of God, as well as the rules of the Church, the beatitudes, the general exhortation to live by faith, by hope and by love. Daily life does not require repeated appeal to conscience. Over time we come to know which actions are morally good, or not. Catholics are familiar with the practice of examining one's conscience, especially when preparing to receive the Sacrament of Penance (Confession). It is here that we are 'alone with God'; so there is no chance of deceiving oneself. Here also we become conscious of imputability, that is, am I guilty before God of sinfulness. Furthermore it becomes clear that some consequences of a conscience decision need to be attended to; either by restitution or repairing damage done, as far as is humanly possible. In prayer one can at least beg God to restore justice. A well-formed conscience is upright and truthful. It formulates its judgments according to reason, in conformity with the true good willed by the wisdom of the Creator. Everyone must avail himself of the means to form his conscience.

Bibliography Viewed on the 25th of june, Influence of internet on people, 2011 All Rights Reserved Worldwide < >

Viewed on the 26th of June, conscience 1996-2011 OPF. Design by <>

Viewed on the 26th of June, Church teachings <>

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