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Oil & Gas Summit Africa Agenda September, 2012

Agenda Key
Networking Opportunities & Session Breaks Keynote Presentation A visionary speaker addresses the entire summit audience on a topic determined by the CIO Content Committee. Executive Visions A panel of IT executives has an in-depth discussion on a critical IT business topic. Audience members have an opportunity to pose questions to the panelists and moderator. Thought Leadership Led by a member of the vendor community, these sessions will provide an overview of cutting edge technology topics and pressing business concerns. Think Tank Focusing on a specific topic or initiative, these interactive, open-forum style sessions allow the attending 15-20 executives to discuss best practices and have lively debates. Roundtable An interactive, focused session led by either an analyst, industry expert or member of the vendor community. Executive Exchange Focus Group Led by a vendor, these sessions allow executives to discuss business drivers within a particular area of technology. Presentations are 15-20 minutes followed by 10-15 minutes of Q&A. Analyst Q&A Session A high-impact, open-forum session covering the latest technology research and led by a member of our analyst partner community. Vendor Showcase Presented by a member of the vendor community, these sessions are divided into three 10-minute long elevator pitches on the newest technology solutions and services. Case Study Learn about recent technology implementations from the IT executives who drove the projects at their organizations. Presentations are followed by Q&A sessions. Open Forum Luncheon Led by a moderator, these sessions allow attendees to have informal discussions on pre-determined technology topics.

Day 1 - TBD - Oil & Gas Summit Africa

2:00pm 5:30pm 4:30pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 10.00pm

Registration & Greeting to the Oil & Gas Summit Africa

Executive Think Tank *An exclusive invitation only, pre-summit think-tank for CIOs

Welcome Reception

Welcome Address Presented by Master of Ceremonies Welcome Gala Dinner

Day 2 - TBD - Oil & Gas Summit Africa

7:00am 8:00am

Networking Breakfast

Making Innovation Real

Opening Keynote Presentation East Africa - The Next Frontier for Oil & Gas? Seismic tests over the past 50 years have shown that countries up the coast of East Africa have natural gas in abundance. Early data compiled by industry consultants also suggest the presence of massive offshore oil deposits. Those finds have spurred oil explorers to start dropping more wells in East Africa, a region they say is an oil and gas bonanza just waiting to be tapped, one of the last great frontiers in the hunt for hydrocarbons. This keynote session will discuss how better technology, lower risk, and higher oil prices in recent years have affected the region and changed the equation. We will discuss policies to encourage more investment in oil and gas, the current situation, and opportunities for the future Thought Leadership Information Management: Data Security & Integrity Data security is a fundamental issue for all successful businesses. What can organizations do to secure big data and applications? What strategies and methods can they use to maintain control over who has access to what? The concept of the next-generation network means designing and building network architecture and processes with consideration taken to security from stage one. Built properly, your company can be resilient to threats and adaptable to the changes that an agile business demands. This session will discuss a number of crucial enterprise-focused security solutions, including: Maintaining compliance and improving security through a scalable and centralized architecture Ensuring that investments in modern solutions don't compromise the integrity of customer data Cyber/Communications Security, including e-mail/e-retail Being able to achieve greater ROI on legacy systems through reducing patch urgency Think Tank Advances and Challenges of Reservoir Characterization Reservoir characterization is a combined technology associated with geostatistics, geophsics, petrophysics, geology and reservoir engineering, with the main goals to aid field development and reservoir management teams in describing the reservoir in sufficient detail. This information will consequently be used to developing 3D/4D data for reservoir development planning to obtain higher recoveries with fewer wells in better positions at minimum cost through optimization, increasing reserves, improving stimulation and completion practices and reducing to a minimum uncertainty in production forecasts. This session will discuss advances and challenges of reservoir characterization, and how characteristics such as natural heterogeneity, spatial variability of permeability and porosity, porous media properties and spatial distribution of oil & water predominantly control the flow field, reservoir performance, development strategies, and hence the economic returns of investments which are most concerned by oil companies. Think Tank The Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB) - The Need for Stronger Policies The delay in the passage of the PIB has given stakeholders in oil and gas sector serious concerns. Africa is receiving unparalleled attention with substantial opportunities in oil, gas, and mining. Although the perceptions of higher risks in Africa still linger, recent research and experience suggest that investment across the continent, while still relatively low in global terms, has been picking up, with particularly strong interest from emerging economies in Asia and Middle East. This session will discuss the need for stronger policies on oil and gas, health, safety and environmental risks; climate change concern; price volatility and competition from new technology.

8:10am 8:50am

9:00am 9:30am

Executive Exchange

9:35am 10:05am

Executive Exchange

10:10am 10:40am

Executive Exchange

Thought Leadership Tight Gas Assets: Challenges & Solutions Working with tight gas assets, it's crucial to first and foremost have a profound understanding of the reservoir, but it's equally important to have a skilled talent pool and operational excellence executors. The optimal solution: from formation evaluation challenges to those posed by assessment, horizontal drilling, stimulation and production - all the while driving efficiencies throughout and delivering operational excellence in relation to health, safety and environment issues. This session will discuss the many and complex challenges for energy companies working with tight gas assets, with solutions, strategies and best practices. Reservoir delivery - Early and rapid well/field development; Finding the "sweet spot" in the reservoir; Testing the tight gas reservoir Drilling - Reducing non-productive time & costs; Maximizing productivity Completion & production - Planning, optimization and placement Efficiency & expertise - Efficiency processing; Delivering the tight gas asset

10:40am 11:10am

Networking Break Thought Leadership Increasing Drilling Efficiency


11:15am 11:45am

Executive Exchange

Due to the increasing demand, the African Oil & gas industry has begun to explore their tight and unconventional gas reserves. Consequently, a significantly increased drilling efficiency could be a major factor, and contribute to making tight and unconventional gas development increasingly economical. This session will discuss technologies that can generate a significantly increased drilling efficiency through a variety of possible processes (for example, from drilling fluids, specialized drilling tools, downhole drive mechanism, next generation drill bits), which integrate downhole and surface data to reduce vibration and maximize the energy spent on on-bottom drilling or other alternative cutting methods. Thought Leadership Next-Generation Deepwater Reservoir Testing Technologies Deep water is the most challenging and expensive play in the world today. New reliable equipment, resourceful people and innovative technologies are helping energy companies to become more cost effective. This session will discuss next-generation deepwater reservoir testing technologies that can provide improved economies to operators by enabling more efficient and reliable reservoir testing. Think Tank Remaking the Enterprise with Innovative IT Solutions Technology is playing an increasingly important role in today's highly competitive global marketplace. More and more energy companies are seeking innovative IT solutions to provide higher levels of client and customer service, while dealing with the realities of limited IT budgets and in-house resources. This session will discuss the following IT challenges and topics: Differentiation in the global marketplace Reduced complexity and total cost of ownership Improved employee productivity Streamlined operations and real-time access to data A more profitable enterprise

11:50am 12:20pm

Executive Exchange

12:25pm 12:55pm

Executive Exchange

Think Tank Fully Managed Communications for Remote and Harsh Environments Communication between employees and facilities are a growing concerning for companies across the globe. This becomes even more crucial in remote and sometimes inhospitable geographies, such as the African region. Equipment at these sites needs to be remotely monitored, and the status communicated to control facilities that can be hundreds of kilometers away. Additionally, all communication systems must be protected by robust security and able to coordinating emergency responses, all the while being achieved within a cost efficient framework, as the relentless economics of competition drive the need for agility and business efficiencies. This session will discuss the need to analyze how new communications technologies provide a clear strategy for companies seeking to develop robust, flexible and highly efficient communications systems. We will discuss technologies that can enhance operational performance by strengthening the decision-making of employees in the office, on the road, or at your facilities.

1:00pm 2:00pm

Networking Luncheon

Raising the ROI of IT

Thought Leadership Security Challenges Facing Africa's Petroleum Producing Countries In a constantly evolving threatening landscape, the role of your security operations must continuously adapt to meet changing economic, geo-political, and criminal challenges. As technologies and strategies are renewed and developed, it's critical to stay one step ahead of our competitors. With security spending in the oil and gas industry expected to double by 2014, how can you ensure that your investment decisions are the ones best suited to your business's risk exposure? Topics to be discussed in this session include: Understand the business models and security trends that are driving the industry Get critical insights into the real changes in global security in the regions where you have an interest Reduce your loses and improve your safety record by creating the best possible offshore security program Get the competitive edge - learn to maximize ROI from your security investments Securing offshore rigs against attack and intrusion in order to reduce erosion of profits and improve safety Establishing key community relationships to improve security in global location

2:05pm 2:35pm

Executive Exchange

2:40pm 3:10pm

Executive Exchange



Thought Leadership Leveraging Clean Energy Initiatives for a More Profitable Business Clean energy can be defined as energy resources that meet the energy demand with less pollution than that created by conventional, fossil-based generation. This session will discuss how you can leverage clean energy initiatives for a more profitable business. Topics to be discussed include: Energy efficiency (EE) - Measuring a wide variety of technologies and processes Renewable energy (RE) - Generating energy from non-depleting energy sources for direct end use or electricity generation (including wind, solar, geothermal energy, small hydro, biomass, biogas, and wasteto-energy) Combined heat and power (CHP) - Improving the conversion efficiency of traditional energy systems by

3:15m 3:45pm

Executive Exchange

using waste heat from electricity generation to produce thermal energy for heating or cooling in commercial or industrial facilities Clean distributed generation (DG) - refers to small-scale renewable energy and CHP at the customer or end-use site Executive Visions Risk Management for the Oil & Gas Industry Disruptive technologies and climate change are two wildcards with the potential to quickly change the delicate balance of energy demand and supply in the future. Companies in Africa also face an array of political, legal, and regulatory risks. Those with international operations are particularly susceptible to commercial and security threats arising from currency inconvertibility or transfer restrictions, breach of sovereign contracts, nationalization, confiscation or expropriation of energy assets, and war and civil unrest. It is cruical for companies to instill practices that reinforce effective risk governance and oversight. Risk management must be supported by people and business units throughout the organization. Authority and accountability for risk decision making must be clearly communicated and enforced. This executive panel session will discuss risk management for the African Oil & Gas sector, with strategies and best strategies for risk management policies and other guiding documents. Reception

3:55pm 4:55pm

5:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 9:30pm 9:30pm 10:30pm

Gala Dinner

After Dinner Networking

Day 3 - TBD - Oil & Gas Summit Africa

7:30am 8:30am

Networking Breakfast

Expanding Business Impact

Keynote Presentation Waste Gas - A Crucial Component of the Energy Poverty Dilemma In light of the limited access to modern energy sources for a large proportion of the global population and the need to reduce CO2 emissions, a comprehensive approach to gas management and monetization of associated, or waste, gas may be a key solution for the future. In addition, the lack of affordable and reliable power supply creates significant knock-on effects such as the lack of industry and other income-generating activities, thereby impacting economic development and growth. In this session we will discuss some of the many technologies for associated gas projects that exist in mature markets, in particular to detect, measure, capture, and utilize vented or fugitive methane emissions. We will also discuss how their implementation in sub-Saharan Africa are challenged by high additional marginal costs (maintenance, training, and advisory), reluctance to chance, and high dispersions of fields as well as a lack of capabilities to easily absorb new technologies. Think Tank Understanding Safety and Risk Crucial for Sustainable Growth The oil & gas industry is beyond a shadow of a doubt a high-risk area that requires huge amounts of investments in time, personnel and technology, which makes it vulnerable to a large number of risks and uncertainties. For a sustainable and economical business model to be carried out, the risks have to be critically examined and evaluated with regard to both equipment and human resources. This session will discuss the potential risks and mitigating methods for better performance and growth. Think Tank Seismic Surveys: New Advances in Geophysics and Imaging Technology Seismic surveys plays a vital role in finding the hydrocarbon reserves in the earth's crust and bring the African oil & gas exploration to a higher level of expertise and discovery, while reducing the higher cost of exploration, especially in risky and frontier areas. 3D seismic surveys has in the last decade made a major contribution to the increase in the discovery ratio. This session will discuss conventional technologies as well as developing new concepts for surveys.

8:40am 9:20am

9:30am 10:00am

Executive Exchange

10:05am 10:35am

Executive Exchange

Thought Leadership Understanding Heavy Oil: Optimizing Your Reservoir Energy companies have been extracting and producing heavy oil for over 100 years. Today, rising frontier exploration risks, access to resources challenges, lower gas costs, and low pricing differentials are helping to make heavy oil regions increasingly attractive to producers. However, the main challenge for energy companies is not in finding the resources, but in their ability to extract, produce, and sell heavy crudes within economic guidelines and with minimal environmental impact. Under stable market conditions, heavy oil reservoirs have the potential to generate many years of steady cash flow. Typically, these fields have the potential to generate ROI for over 50 years. However, when the energy ratio needed to produce and upgrade a barrel of heavy oil can be as high as 40%, the trick is to ensure balanced economics throughout the entire length of the workflow. This session will discuss challenges and innoviative solutions for companies who wish to optimize their heavy oil reservoir. Networking Break Thought Leadership Deepwater Challenges & Opportunities: Meeting Future Demands Increasing global energy demand, at a time when more assets are maturing and declining, is challenging the African Oil & Gas industry as never before. New technologies are increasing our abilities to discover and access hydrocarbon resources once thought to be inaccessible or unrecoverable. Technology is also enabling mature fields to be a significant source of production for many more years than initially planned. This session will discuss key industry challenges where our technology, experience, and commitment to service excellence are helping meet the demands of the future. Think Tank Transforming Wasted Resources into Domestic Energy It has been estimated that over 30% of Nigeria's vented and fugitive gas emissions could be captured at a profit (USD16.2 billion of sales revenues annually), and directly benefit populations suffering from energy poverty. For this to succeed, it is essential to understand the factors that could help turn wasted resources into a long-term solution for the alleviation of energy poverty. This session will discuss the divide between resources in place and utilization and demonstrate the complexity and challenge of transforming waste gas into domestic gas or electricity.

10:35am 10:55am

11:00am 11:30am

Executive Exchange

11:35am 12:05pm

Executive Exchange

Think Tank Extending the Life of Ageing Assets This session will discuss how African oil & gas organizations can align their goals as a user/operator with industry best practice to extend the life of their ageing assets, and thereby impact economic development and growth.

12:10pm 1:10pm

Networking Luncheon Thought Leadership

1:15pm 1:45pm

Executive Exchange

Thought Leadership Improving Logistic Operations Recognizing the increasing challenges in the African energy and petroleum sector of the oil and gas supply chain, organizations need to understand the serious nature of handling oil and hazardous substances safely and in an environmentally responsible manner. This session will also discuss the expanding offshore power generation industry; the oil and gas sector has unique and challenging supply chain needs. Technology and operational techniques are developing apace as we strive to meet the energy and efficiency challenges required particularly in this harsh environment. Roundtable Roundtable

1:50pm 2:20pm

Executive Exchange

2:30pm 3:30pm

Executive Visions The Future of Offshore Production An increasing portion of oil & gas production is coming from offshore resources, and although advancing technologies now permit production from deepwater and marginal fields, there are increasing concerns over space, weight, stability, safety and reliability. Technologies must be adapted to more restrictive operating conditions and harsh environments. With decades of global experience in various offshore conditions, this executive panel will discuss solutions and best practices that optimize production, efficiency and safety for a wide range of semi-submersible platforms and floating production units. Topics to be discussed include: Reducing footprint and weight while increasing power-to-size ratios Reducing engineering and installation times to help operators meeting or accelerating "first oil" date Enhancing equipment performance, flexibility and reliability

3:30pm 3:35pm 4:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 9:30pm

Concluding Remarks

Recreation & Relaxation Time

Farewell Dinner & Networking

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