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Permanent Secretaries announced - only three out of 10 retained from o...

Tuesday, March 26, 2013, 19:12

Permanent Secretaries announced - only three out of 10 retained from old administration

The Office of the Prime Minister has announced the appointment of permanent secretaries for the various ministries. Three of the 10 permanent secretaries who served under the former government have been retained. The OPM said there will be a transition period, and the permanent secretaries who were not retained will be 'utilised' in projects compatible with their grade. The permanent secretaries are: Paul Zahra Ministry of European Affairs (Retained from the old administration but in new ministry). Joseph Cole Ministry of Foreign Affairs. John Borg Ministry of Tourism. Dr James Calleja Ministry of Education (Retained from the old administration). Brian Montebello Ministry of Sustainable Development and the Environment. Joseph M Callus Ministry of Transport and the Infrastructure. Mrs Joyce Dimech Ministry for Gozo. Joseph Camilleri Ministry for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and Civil Rights. Mrs Paulanne Mamo Ministry for the Economy, Investment and SMEs. Mark Musu Ministry for Social Policy and the Family. Kevin Mahoney Ministry of Home Affairs and National Security. Alfred Camilleri Ministry of Finance. (Retained from the old administration) Dr Mario Rodgers Ministry for Energy and Water Conservation. Joseph Rapa Ministry of Health.


Alfred Falzon
Mar 27th, 12:38

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Permanent Secretaries announced - only three out of 10 retained from o...

Are Permanent Secretaries selected by a Public Service Commission, following a call 4 use application, as is d normal with regard to other public Copyright Allied Newspapers Ltd., printed on - 31-03-2013 - This article is for personal only, and should not beprocedure distributed officers seeking promotion? This is d answer we are expecting, we ordinary mortals usually sidetracked by d powers-that-used-to-be! No beating about d bush, please! Just a straight answer & a frank one for that matter, for we are not dupes! aaf

Anthony Camilleri
Mar 27th, 11:54 Very good decision Mr. Mario Cutajar.This is the only way forward to start braking the circles created by blue eyes boys to protect themselves even if the Labour Movement takes goverment. Now this procedure must go further down and the ripple effect of this change must also reach Directors General and Directors as well as Assistant Directors, otherwise the web of axis will not be destroyed.

David Farrugia
Mar 27th, 10:29 I am trying to understand what Dr. Joseph Muscat meant during the election campaign by these words "Ana nadmu ma kuladd....." - We work with everybody.

Anthony Camilleri
Mar 27th, 11:58 Sur Farrugia qallilek bil malti u anke bl-ingliz nassumi li xi wahda minn dawn il-lingwi tifhem. Tahdem ma kullhadd jekk jkunu jridu jahdmu mieghek u jekk lesti li jmexxu il quddiem il policies u il mandat kbir li nghata il-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat. Nahseb li insejt tikkwota ukoll li Joseph ried jaghmel terrimot.

*Joseph Brincat
Mar 27th, 12:32 David Farrugia We work with everybody.? But you forgot to say " who wants to work with us "

J Martinelli
Mar 27th, 12:46 David, you may have lost something in the translation. Joseph really meant to say was, 'Ahna nahdmu lill-kulhadd'. (We'll do everyone in) The first three weeks in government amply illustrate the above quote.

Emanuel Farrugia
Mar 27th, 22:20 @Mr. Martinelli, stop being naive. Wara damdima elettoralii ghalAllali halaqkom ( as dear Mr. Lino Spiteri used to say it) will you ever learn to be a little humble ? Why are you so upset with the Labour Party ? Why don't you use your time trying to find out why the Nationalist Party received a damdima from the Maltese and Gozitan public at large . The Labour Party may not be perfect, but ....

Emanuel Farrugia
Mar 27th, 22:26 Sour grapes dear David, sour grapes said the fox when he could not reach the grapes. You need to reflect on other things dear David , much more pressing don't you think?

John Caruana
Mar 27th, 10:10 Mhux kull gvern dejjem ibiddell l-impjegati gholjin vicin il-ministri. Mella insejna x'gara meta kien tela il-gvern nazzjonalista? Mela insejna kemm impjegati man-NET sabu ruhhom malPBS? jew fl-ufficcju tal-Prim Ministru (Gordon Pisani) u ghamel sewwa Dr Gonzi impjega nies li seta javda. Hekk Ukoll Dr

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Permanent Secretaries announced - only three out of 10 retained from o...


David Muscat
Mar 27th, 09:45 For Clarity, for all those who dismissed commnts on meritocracy! The PS responsable for tourism, yesterday was given a confirmation of his good work by minister vella especially on the many good things present in the tourism policy was thrown out even following his readiness to continue working with the current administration! Maybe because he was not on Muscat's white list??

Dorielle Soler
Mar 27th, 08:48 There fine words were balm for wounded souls before elections, but others could read between the lines and knew that fine words do not equal fine actions !

V. Cauchi
Mar 27th, 08:25 The problem with Perm Secs has always been that although their raison d'etre was to guarantee continuity between altering ministers/ administrations, to be the "know-alls" in the historical running of a ministry and its policies, ministerial nomenclatures/ dicasteries eventually amalgamate and split. Reason why to consider having ministry names established in the Constitution, like France & Italy.

Jason Zammit
Mar 27th, 08:14 mata taghna biss..............

carlos ellul
Mar 27th, 08:41 Yeah the evil clique who expected to remain in power forever.

Alfred Vassallo
Mar 27th, 10:06 U mela taghkom BISS. Mur ghafdakom! Mhux kulhadd jaf x'pezza intkom. Ara x'gara fil 1996 meta A.Sant zamkhom hemm! Once bitten twice shy!

V. DeBono
Mar 27th, 10:30 u tal-maggoranza tal-poplu li ivvota ghal-tindifa tajba

rita Farrugia
Mar 27th, 10:32 @ Alfred Vassallo X'gara fil 1996? Mhux Mintoff waqqakom mil-gvern.

Alfred Vassallo
Mar 27th, 11:16 @rita Farrugia Mintoff waqana kif fil fatt ghamlu Debono - Mugliette - u JPO likhom IMMA fil 1996 kif taf int u il pn apologisti kolla meta Sant zamm lil majoranza ta nies li kienu japertinaw lil pn, bsaten fil roti sab u biex taxaqa meta neha lil Grima min Kastilja (Head of the Public service) u taha LM40,000 bhalla golden handshake EFA (meta regu tellu il pn) rega dahlu lura u qallu Zomom!!!!

Mr Andrew Camilleri
Mar 27th, 16:13 Jason, do you exopect a labour government to be run by nationalist appointees?

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Permanent Secretaries announced - only three out of 10 retained from o...

Joe Muscat
Mar 27th, 08:11 Everytime there is a new appointment by the PL government that replaces a person in a high position, PN bloggers moan and shout and scream!.The election result was a very strong and clear message that the country was not being run properly. So it would be acceptable for PN bloggers if the PL continued running the country with these same people? The electorate made the decision for change.

Carmel Scicluna
Mar 27th, 08:10 I wish to show my appreciation towards the PM for re-appointing Mr Paul Zahra permanent secretary. He surely deserves it. He is a workoholic and does not look at faces. Iwould also like to congratulate Mr Kevin Mahoney. Carmelo Scicluna

Gianfrancesco Buttigieg
Mar 27th, 08:07 I do not agree that a new government should change all the staff - even the hardworking, honest ones - but I can understand their reasons for doing so. What I cannot understand is the replacement of several chairmen and key posts by ex-One journalists with practically no experience in the field. Not even labour sympathisers with relevant experience - just ex-One/PL staff. So much for meritocracy.

Eddy Privitera
Mar 27th, 07:54 " Only three out of 10 retained from old administration " What did you expect, that a new government should not appoint new people ?

Rose Grima
Mar 27th, 08:52 Eddy, we are talking here about permanent secretaries..civil servants, not head of secretariat, communication officers and so o. Those, yes, I accept that each minister would want her/his people! Open your brains a bit!

Michael Magri
Mar 27th, 07:41 For all those shedding Crocodile Tears about the appointments of government political posts.. YES. I agree 100% that Political Appointments are ALL subject to change when a new government is elected. AND THAT`S HOW IT SHOULD BE. PN governments did it not only each time they were elected as a party, but EVEN when own ministers were changed from one ministry to another. So STOP being stupid.

Joseph Aquilina
Mar 27th, 08:18 These are not political appointments. The system is flawed if permanent secretries need to be replaced after a change in administration.

Michael Magri
Mar 27th, 17:12 Sur Aquilina.. Are you joking...!!!

R Axisa
Mar 27th, 22:17 Mr Aquilina - not political appointments??? How about those perm secs who were appointed as such only a few months before the election??

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Permanent Secretaries announced - only three out of 10 retained from o...

marlon apap
Mar 27th, 07:23 i think it was one of the mistakes in 1998 when labour was elected and not changing the higher staff, change in government shpould b.e change in higher staff too

Emanuel Baldacchino
Mar 27th, 07:19 Using the same yard stick, I am surprised that you are not calling for the Commander and Deputy Commander of the AFM to be changed too. After all they are also politically appointed by the PM of the day.

Emanuel Baldacchino
Mar 27th, 07:18 Maj Dalli - whilst change is good, it is not fair to make sweeping statements about civil servants who were appointed to top posts by working through the ranks. The fact that they have been removed does not mean that they have been a failure at their jobs, but that the new administration wants change that is not necessarily based on meritocracy as stated during the campaign.

Joseph Borg
Mar 27th, 07:07 I have only three words to say ... OH MY GOD!!!

John Attard
Mar 27th, 06:35 There is no doubt the some ex PSecs did not perform. But some did perform and it is a pity that they were moved on. However thumbs up for keeping Alfred Camilleri. A man of no colours at all. He deserves everyone s support .

Joseph Borg
Mar 27th, 07:15 I fully concur with your comment regarding Mr. Camilleri but I am disappointed regarding some new names on the list - I augur that they will START to perform.

Marthese Attard
Mar 27th, 09:35 Total Agree with Joseph. Some of the names on the list we hope they START to perform..... The rest well done and good luck.

John F. Galea
Mar 27th, 02:10 Permanent Secretaries, are they all recruited from the Civil Service? They had perforce to resign, rightly so. 7 were not taken on, what is their future once on contract?. Will they receive a golden handshake to compensate for remaining period, at tax payers' expense? I suggest to include a clause that on change of government the contract would cease to be binding. Especially now that we have 14.

Kevin Caruana
Mar 27th, 00:16 Wasn't the lack of women in parliament a dissapoinment for Joseph. Only 2 out of 10 are women....mah

Pierre Fenech
Mar 26th, 23:48 People who did a lot of harm should go and those who have good will should be retained. Now one need to have a deeper look at the various authorities in which a lot of bad practices took place over the past years.

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Permanent Secretaries announced - only three out of 10 retained from o...

J. Scicluna
Mar 26th, 23:28 Good move Mr PM! Retain any who performed AND are ready to work with a LP Government but the rest must GO. End of story.

Joseph Borg
Mar 28th, 03:36 You should have said 'ready to START WORKING' ... so much for meritocracy!!

Alex Dalli
Mar 26th, 23:19 I voted for change. Change comes with a clean sweeping broom. These supermen need to make way to let us have a breath of fresh air. More changes please. Bravo JM and LP govt team. More cleaning is required. Sant tried to leave these old spiders enjoy the cobweb. These guys had blocked development. More people need to go! Bravo JM. Maj Alexander Dalli (ret'd)

Pace M
Mar 26th, 23:02 Some people expect that people who failed, will still keep there post. I voted for change and that is what I expect. So well done PM. For the good of all Maltese. Ex PN.

J Buttigieg
Mar 26th, 22:15 The "Malta taghna lkoll" motto is getting more farcical by the hour.

Anthony Grech
Mar 26th, 22:22 Yes I agree. The Prime Minister should have left the no good GonziPN ministers in their cosy palaces..

Frank Zammit
Mar 26th, 23:49 What do you expect that the PL will keep the tried and tested old guards who failed miserably? We are not like the PN, all smiles but calmly watch Malta go down the drain? Your Party (trashed PN) has failed, now step aside and let the PL run the country for the benefit of all of us. There is no more room for the PN's incompetence. Call it what you like, u r in the smallest minority ever anyway.

Eddy Privitera
Mar 27th, 07:52 If the former permanent secretaries were kept, Malta Taghna Lkoll would have lost its meaning ! Shouldn't other capable people also be given a chance to prove their worth ? This is what Malta Taghna Lkoll means !

David Muscat
Mar 26th, 21:54 Continuity as against drastic change. hoping this does not disrupt too much the functioning of the governmental "engine". Looks somwhat dodgy to me in terms of 'Malta taghna lkoll'

Victor Caruana
Mar 26th, 22:46 Did you expect the PN to keep governing even after their election defeat? I'm afraid you're using the slogan Malta Taghna Lkoll loosely just to try and make fun of the government. Childish!

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Permanent Secretaries announced - only three out of 10 retained from o...

V. Cauchi
Mar 26th, 20:01 "Permanent Secretary" is a misnomer. They owed their origin under PN to a permanent top-post civil servant who can guarantee continuity between various ministers/ administrations. Yet they were already being moved around as it suited the individual liking of Ministers. Now LP is substituting them according to "service exigencies". It will all go down in the history of the evolution of govt posts.

Charles Busuttil
Mar 27th, 11:33 some of the former PS were gods -----lilian

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