Nearly All of The 10 Previous Permanent Secretaries Replaced - Timesofmalta - 27mar2013

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Nearly all of the 10 previous permanent secretaries replaced - timesofm...

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Nearly all of the 10 previous permanent secretaries replaced

Only three of the previous 10 permanent secretaries who served at ministries under the former administration have been retained, as the Government yesterday announced 14 appointments to the posts. The Office of the Prime Minister said there would be a transition period and the permanent secretaries who have not been kept would be utilised in projects compatible with their grade. This means everyones potential would be made use of, the OPM said. One of the first acts of the newly elected Labour government had been to invite all permanent secretaries to submit their resignations. Sources said only one refused to do so: Chris Ciantar, who worked at Wasteserv and later became permanent secretary at Mr Pullicinos Ministry of Resources and Rural Affairs. Under the new appointments, permanent secretary Paul Zahra has been retained from the previous administration but now takes over at the Ministry of European Affairs. The two others who have been kept on are James Calleja at the Ministry of Education and Alfred Camilleri at the Ministry of Finance. Joseph Cole has become permanent secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, John Borg at the Ministry of Tourism, Brian Montebello at the Ministry of Sustainable Development and the Environment and Joseph M. Callus at the Ministry of Transport and the Infrastructure. Joyce Dimech is now the permanent secretary at the Ministry for Gozo, Joseph Camilleri takes over at the Ministry for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and Civil Rights, Paulanne Mamo at the Ministry for the Economy, Investment and SMEs, Mark Musu at the Ministry for Social Policy and the Family, Kevin Mahoney at the Ministry of Home Affairs and National Security, while Mario Rodgers is permanent secretary at the Ministry for Energy and Water Conservation, with Joseph Rapa at the Ministry of Health.


Martin Saliba
Mar 28th, 20:17 Minn irrid jahdem maghna tfiser minn mux ha jahdem kontrina . Tiftakru xkien gara meta Alfred Sant kien mar ikellem lill kumisarju tal pulizija ta qabel Rizzo .

Joseph Bugeja
Mar 28th, 12:15 Whom did they replace? Labour leaning ones or P.N. leaning ones? If they were Labour's who's complaining if not other 'Labourites'? But if they were P.N.'s how come they were so? By sheer competence? Seniority? Luck? Or were they put there because they leaned towards the P.N. government, whether they were vociferous or not? It seems the arrogance stills lingers despite the electoral thrashing.

Joe Grech
Mar 28th, 08:16 What on earth does a Permanent Secretary do? In tiny Malta we have over 65M.P.s, over 65 Local Councils, an oversized Public Service, Permanent Secretaries, Consultants and what not. Can we really afford ALL THIS?

Francis Sammut
Mar 28th, 12:36 Quite right, what on earth do we need 14 ministers and 8 Parliamentary Secretaries plus all the MP's and all the above Ministerial secretaries? I thought the new government was going to lower the Ministerial expense not increase it! In this day and age where with the recession and global economy problems it is wise to try and work more with less. In fact in most companies that's what they teach!

Mar 28th, 17:15

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31/03/2013 19:39

Nearly all of the 10 previous permanent secretaries replaced - timesofm...

That is a very honest, apt and reasonable question, which the bulk of taxpayers ask themselves, especially when they interact with the Public Sector! Let us hope that the drive to reduce bureaucracy leads to a far more efficient use of the full public sector; and far more interaction with Public Private Partnerships, eventually leading to a natural transfer of personnel to the private sector.

R Axisa
Mar 28th, 07:26 Kien hemm perm secs li nhatru ftit xhur qabel l-elezzjoni.

Joseph Borg
Mar 28th, 03:23 May we have Hon. Helena Dalli's comments please?

K. Vella

Pat Hobson
Mar 27th, 22:50 No one can be the PN's oligarchy. It took many years in the making, forming its web of networks of commandos and mercenaries. The present government is doing what any new government usually does, change the upper echelons of power, to ones of trust and reliability. The lesson from Dr. Alfred Sant's days have been learned and imprinted in the PL's psyche! No more mistakes of that sort.

Sylvana Zarb Darmanin

Mar 27th, 21:49 Joe Tabone, are you conveniently forgetting PN's way of doing politics?! Do you really expect that the PL should keep PN's politically-appointed individuals?! Well, let me tell you PN's political ways: In 1987 I was just a signatory on a definite contract with Mid-Med Bank. My contract was terminated just because, as one newly appointed Director told me, I held Mintoffian sentiments!!

Joe Tabone
Mar 27th, 20:53 This is LABOUR's new way of doing politics - an Oligarchy in the making!

Ms Sandra Grech
Mar 27th, 21:54 Yes. Malta taghna biss should be their slogan. Hypocrites

Joseph Bugeja
Mar 28th, 12:14 I thought you liked oligarchies Joe. But then again I'm not sure you know what it means.

Deo Catania
Mar 28th, 12:41 Le Sandra u Joe, issa ibqghu mexxu intom, ghazlu n-nies intom u impjegaw nies Nazzjonalisti biss ghax l-elezzjoni u t-tkaxkira Papali li hadtu donnhom ma jfissru xejn ghalikom.

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31/03/2013 19:39

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