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Thickness of Selected Sheets of Paper Thickness

0.00385 0.00358 0.00372 0.00418 0.0038 0.00399 0.00424 0.00375 0.00449 0.00422 0.00407 0.00434 0.00381 0.00421 0.00397 0.00425 0.00449 0.00462 0.00467 0.00404 0.00391 0.00431 0.00398 0.00415
You are a quality analyst with John and Sons Company. Your company manufactures fax machines, copiers,

n= x-bar = s= = t- score Standard Error = Margin of Error = Lower Confidence Limit = Upper Confidence Limit =

24 0.00410 0.00031 0.005 3.1040 0.00006 0.00019 0.00391 0.00430

The machine purchased must be such that it should be able to handle paper thicknesses in the ra


I was given a sample of 24 sheet thicknesses from which I was asked to develop an interval of shee (a) I computed the mean and standard deviation of the sample of 24 sheet thicknesses (b) A 99.5% confidence interval translates into a 0.005 level of significance. So, = 0.005 (c) Since the sample size is small, a t- score was used to calculate the interval, rather than a z- scor (d) Standard error and Margin of error were calculated using SE = s/n and ME = t * SE (e) The confidence limits were calculated as [x-bar - ME, x-bar + ME]

I wish to conclude and propose to the Management that all future paper purchases must be inspe

ctures fax machines, copiers, and printers that use plain paper. The CEO of the company wants the machines to handle 99.5 percent of all the paper tha

paper thicknesses in the range [0.00391, 0.00430].

develop an interval of sheet thicknesses such that 99.5% of all such sheets could be properly handled by themachine without the paper g eet thicknesses nce. So, = 0.005 erval, rather than a z- score. For = 0.005 and 23degrees of freedom, the t- score is 3.1040 nd ME = t * SE

r purchases must be inspected for thickness and ensured that the thickess lies within the interval [0.00391, 0.00430]. Thus, 99.5% of the p

handle 99.5 percent of all the paper that is used in them without the paper getting jammed. The CEO asks you to determine the thickness of paper tha

by themachine without the paper getting jammed. These were the steps that I took towards meeting this objective:

0391, 0.00430]. Thus, 99.5% of the paper will be handled properly by the machine, resulting in enhances product efficiency and saving in

to determine the thickness of paper that the machines must be able to handle to achieve this target. What are the appropriate confidence limits for the

this objective:

ces product efficiency and saving in cost.

he appropriate confidence limits for the thickness of paper that the machines must be able to handle?

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