Preface of Algorithms

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Preface of algorithms


Like all Software engineering processes, the study of analysis and design of algorithms is
driven by the need of efficiently solving many practical computational problems and
applications encountered in almost all intra and inter disciplinary aspects of computer
science and engineering. The word ‘efficiently’ above deserves a few more lines here.
In a first note, algorithm efficiency means how much space (both auxiliary and
immediate) and computing time the program (algorithm) would need from beginning of
its execution till its completion. The point to talk about is that both computing time and
space in computer memory is a bound resource. Our digital computers, however fast are
not infinitely fast, and the storage, however large and cheap, is not indefinite and free.
Besides these performance constraints, Software engineering process has its own
limitations of design, documentation, data abstraction, modularity, error handling etc. An
efficient algorithm thus would be one that takes care of all these issues. Any wrongly
conceived algorithm, on the other hand, can take much space or may terminate in a time
that far exceeds its expectations. Deciding on what algorithm would be best for a
particular problem is the central theme of the design and analysis of algorithms. Problem
instances are not rare when different algorithms exist for a single problem. In such cases,
we can’t stick to a particular solution. Instead deeper analysis of efficiency of all the
solutions as well as much deeper analysis of the problem itself is required. For example
both insertion sort and merger sort solves the same sorting problem over a sequence of n
numbers. Then which solution to opt for. Let’s see an instant solution
Insertion sort uses an incremental approach while merge uses divide and conquer to sort
the given array. Both of them are different approaches. Insertion sort takes time = c1*n^2
i.e . n^2 while merge sort upper bound in worst case time is =c2*nlgn.(or O(nlgn) ) where
c1 and c2 are constant that does not depend on n.
Insertion sort usually has a smaller constant factor than merge sort so c1
significantly smaller inputs, insertion sort is faster. but once the size of the input grows,
merge sort obviously shows its advantage of smaller ‘lgn’ as against the much larger
factor ‘n’ of insertion sort in its running time. So at larger inputs merge dominates. This
Analysis of both of them (problem as well as algorithm) reveals that it would be clever to
use insertion sort within merger sort so that when sub problems grows small, faster
insertion sort is used.
Even if we have a particular efficient solution (on space and time scale) for a problem,
choosing it straightaway can do more harm than good. Software Engineering experiences
in building large systems have shown that difficulty in implementation, quality and
performance of the final result depends heavily on carefully choosing the best data
structures also. After the data structures are chosen, the algorithm to be used often
becomes obvious. However, sometimes it is the algorithm that governs the choice of the
data structure as some algorithm works best with some data structures only. This point
will be clearer when studying data structures for disjoint sets.

What makes the subject the most interesting discipline of the entire computer engineering
(atleast according to me) is the fact that there is no line drawn in any engineering
discipline where you can say that “from this point, algorithms are of no use”. Algorithms
are encountered almost everywhere, where there is any phenomenon related to computers
and programming.
In computer Operating systems, as early as 1960s when the concept of multitasking
operating system developed, problems of process synchronization and scheduling
surrounded. Then Solutions to classical problems of synchronization including producer-
consumer problem, critical section problem, readers writers problem, dining philosophers
etc have been carefully studied and efficient algorithms were devised to solve them. CPU
and Disk scheduling are other two main aspects of Time sharing systems which are
achieved using efficient scheduling algorithms like SJFS, round robin etc. Strategy to
choose algorithms become more complex when we dealt with multiple processor
systems.We used parameters like throughput to compare algorithms and analytically
evaluate them using several deterministic models. Some applications of graphs, such as
Bankers algorithm, are also used while handling deadlocks. Talking about graphs, is to
say that, many graph problems such as covering and partitioning problems, graph
coloring problems, shortest paths, vertex ordering and problems of isomorphism also
seek algorithms for their solution while graphs themselves have their own interesting
history of providing good solutions to some of the most long standing problems of CS.
Teleprinter’s problem that was a long standing problem of communication theory was
solved using an application of Euler digraph in 1940. Another called Konnisbridge
problem has a similar older history. In Computer networks, need less to say, the role of
algorithms is indispensable. They play a major role in providing solutions to many
problems in computer networks theory. Issues of channel allocation, congestion control,
routing (using shortest paths algorithms like Dijkstra, Bellmanford), rendering maps and
interpolating addresses are vital to every network design. In the theory of compiler
construction, error detection & handling, code optimization , symbol table mapping,
parsing and other design issues are answered by clever algorithms only. Storing and
retrieval of the astronomical volumes of data that is stored on the internet in different
data bases and tools for data analysis require sophisticated algorithms. Public key
cryptography and techniques of digital signature in e-commerce are among the chief
technologies that makes use of numerical algorithms and number theory.
The hardware design, in electronics, manufacturing and IT industry use algorithms. The
design of GUI relies on algorithms. Computational biology makes use of algorithms and
Theoretically we see algorithm as a tool for solving well-defined computational problems
but place of algorithm in modern computing is not less important than advanced
technologies like fast hardwares with high clock rates, pipelining and super scale
architecture, interactive GUIs, OOS, advanced LAN and WAN networking technologies
etc. Although there are applications that do seem to require algorithms at the application
level but they do so extensively on the bed. All these applications are written in one or
the other language that finally translate into machine language. They are then processed
by compiler, interpreter or assemblers all of which use algorithms at the core of their
functioning. There are, however problems, in theoretical computer science for which no
efficient algorithms are known. An important subset of these are known as NP-complete
problems. We try to break such problems into either subproblems for which there is an
efficient algorithms or try to find optimization solutions for smaller class of inputs. We
shall take this topic later.

As already said, important Prerequisites to study and design algorithms are a strong
mathematical background in various concepts among others. A good list (although may
not be exhaustive) is prepared for you below.

Concept from discreet mathematics : sets and their laws,relations and groups.
Functions : monotonicity, floors and ceilings, exponential, log,iterated
arithmetic functions, interpolation and approximations.
Polynomials and Polynomial equations :
Polynomials : asymptotic behavior of polynomials, DFT and use of FFT to reduce time of
polynomial multiplication, convolution theorem, FFT using modular arithmetic
Polynomials equations :
• Single variable
1. Linear equations -algebric and trancendental
Direct methods to solve - quadratic, cubic (Carden’s and Horner’s method) and
biquadratic equations.
Indirect methods or approximation methods or iterative numerical methods
(genarally for higher degree transcendental equations ) - Bisection, Iteration,
Regula-falsi, Secant,Newton Raphson, Lin-Bairstow’s, Muller and Graeffe’s root
squaring method.
• Multi variables (>=2 variables ) or system of simultaneous algebric equations
Here we have more than one equations or a system of simultaneous algebric equations.
we usually represent such a system using Matrices. In connection with Matrices, there
arise two numerical problems besides finding the solution of equations by methods as
briefed up below. The first is finding the inverse of a Matrix using gauss elimination,
Gauss Jordan, Crout’s method partition method and the other is to finding the eigen
Values and corresponding eigen vectors of a Matrix where we come across methods like
Caley Hamilton Theorem, Power method, Lacobs method, Given’s method and House
Holder’s method. Computation for the eigen values and simultaneous linear equations are
required in many engineering and scientific problems.
1. Simultaneous non-linear equations.
Indirect methods-method of iteration, complex roots by Newton Raphson
2. Simultaneous linear equations
Direct methods-Cramers rule,matrix inversion methods, Gauss elimination, Gauss
Jordan, Crout’s (LU) method iterative methods-Jacob’s method, gauss-Seidal, Relaxation
and illconditioned system of equations.
Series and Summations: log, exponential and binomial series.
Elementary number theoretic notations: Basic concepts : divisibility, modular
equivalence, unique factorization ,GCD and euclids algorithm , Lame’s theorem,
concepts of modular arithmetic (finite groups eg abelian group, lagrange’s theorem,
chinese remainder theorem), integer factorization.
Combinatorics-permutation and combination, binomial coefficients, stirlings formula
Probability : axioms on probability distributions (discrete and continuous uniform
probability distributions), Bayes theorem, Boole’s inequality, discrete random variables:
discrete random variables, probability density functions, property of linearity of
expectation, variance and standard division of random variables, geometric and binomial
Numerical analysis is the study of algorithms for the problems of continuous mathematics
(as distinguished from discrete mathematics). Numerical analysis naturally finds
applications in all fields of engineering and the physical sciences, but in the 21st century,
the life sciences and even the arts have adopted elements of scientific computations.
Ordinary differential equations appear in the movement of heavenly bodies (planets, stars
and galaxies); optimization occurs in portfolio management; numerical linear algebra is
essential to quantitative psychology; stochastic differential equations and Markov chains
are essential in simulating living cells for medicine and biology.

We chiefly focus on studying and analyzing asymptotic efficiency of algorithms ie how
the running time of an algorithm increases with the size of the input in the limit, as the
size of the input increases without bounds. We chose algorithms for large inputs that are
asymptotically more efficient. To study this, several asymptotic notations have been
developed to make the analysis easy. Aho, Hopcraft and Ullaman also advocated the use
of this analysis for comparing relative performances of algorithms.

Dynamic programming is suited for problems that show optimal sub structure so that re
computation of a sub-sub problems is avoided as unlike another technique Divide and
conquer where every sub problems are independent so that every time they need to be
computed recursively. The equation of the running time of algorithms here are obtained
in the form of recurrences (function values in terms of its values at smaller inputs) that
are solved using various recurrences techniques Interesting to see that recurrences were
studied as early as 1202 by L. Fibonacci for whom the Fibonacci numbers are named. On
the other hand, in dynamic programming, the re computation is avoided by maintaining a
table of results, better known as memoization. It’s great advantage is that it reduces
exponential complexity of many problems to polynomial complexity but unfortunately its
not a solution to all complex problems. Assembly line scheduling, matrix chain
multiplication, longest common sub sequence are some example better understood in
context of dynamic programming. An important and simpler variant of Divide and
conquer is Decrease and conquer used by binary search algorithm. Another approach,
similar to dynamic is Greedy where we do not look for an exact solution for
solving sub problems steps instead a greedy choice is made of what looks best for the
moment. Greedy is not always the best solution but when is works correctly, it is the
fastest. Kruskal algorithm for finding MST is perhaps the best known example of it other
we would study include activity selection, task scheduling, Huffman codes etc.
Greedy and dynamic are infact two independent methods to solve a higher class of
problems called optimization problems. These problems go through a series of steps with
a set of choices at each step. Optimization finds its application in the design of Huffman
codes for data compression, optimal solution of matroids, MST, shortest path from single
source, TSP, knapsack 0-1, Chvatal’s set covering heuristics to name a few. Avid readers
would question that how it is possible to know whether a problem can be best solved by a
greedy approach or dynamic. It is of course not known, so we first use dynamic approach
to find a solution and then show that we can always make greedy choices using greedy
algorithm to arrive at an optimal solution. We also study other design methods such as
Amortized Analysis where the cost of all operations is averaged using methods such as
accounting and potential. Linear programming is for problems like maximum flow and
Integer programming which is complex variant of linear programming is where the
solution space is restricted to all integers. Linear programming and Randomization
are useful techniques besides greedy in the design of approximation algorithms eg
3CNF problem uses randomization to get an optimized version of the problem and vertex
cover problem uses linear programming for the same.TSP, set covering, subset-sum
are other problems that exploit either approximation or greedy. Some of them NP-
complete problems, as we shall see, that have only possible route i.e to find a near
optimal solution using approximation algorithm. Yet some problems use Reduction or
Transform and conquer where the goal is to transform a problem into another simpler
such that the complexity before does not dominate the complexity after.
Search and enumeration, as the name suggests is related to counting, Backtracking,
where reverse paths to the choice of options are often followed when solutions using
particular option is not what we are looking for Hill climbing where the basic idea is to
start with a poor solution to a problem and then repeatedly apply optimizations to that
solution until it become optimal or meets some other requirements. It is used in network
flow problems. Probabilistic analysis is another powerful way of analyzing
algorithms that usually incorporate random behavior on the distribution of inputs. We call
these algorithms as randomized algorithms such as Hiring problem and Birthday paradox.
Use of probability in analyzing algorithms, for eg the average case analysis of quicksort,
bucketsort, and the order statistic algorithm use probability, however use of probability
puts several restrictions on the input and that’s not easy. Randomization and
probabilistic analysis have become fundamental tools in modern Computer Science, with
applications ranging from combinatorial optimization to machine learning to
cryptography to complexity theory and to the design of protocols for communication
networks. Often randomized algorithms are more efficient, and conceptually simpler and
more elegant than their deterministic counterparts. Probabilistic and heuristic
approaches is by far my most favorite design strategy that will be taken in some what
more details later. Yet other simpler strategies include Recursion and iteration, often
taken as same are not exactly. However, every recursive version has an equivalent
iterative version and vice versa. The knowledge of what implementation, whether
recursion or iteration, is to be used depends entirely on the problem eg Tower of Hanoi is
analyzed using recursion only. Besides straight forward algorithm design strategies like
divide and conquer and dynamic, we also use data structures, often, as a tool to devise
efficient algorithms. Amongst many, Heapsort algorithm is a perfect example of it that
uses the property of heap. This is because most often, the algorithm we design tend to
require operations that several data structure support. We then tend to use such data
structures directly in the algorithm and implement the operations of that data structure as
a ‘sub-step’ in the algorithm.
For example when an algorithm uses a data structure say binary heap, it means that it
inherently uses one, two or all of the operations (such as insertion, deletion or search) of
the underlying data structure in its steps. The total time then comes out to be the time
taken by algorithm + time taken by such operations. This brings out the indispensability
of asymptotically analyzing all the operations of the data structures besides analyzing the
algorithm themselves. Consider another example.
There are several operations that we perform on dynamic sets eg insertion, deletion, test
membership of an element, successor, predecessor etc. The issue of which data structure
we may use to represent these sets depend on what ‘set of operations’ we would use. We
may use data structures such as stacks, queues, Linked list and rooted trees eg BST and
its variants to represent dynamic sets but when we need only to implement dictionary
operations (insert, delete and search), we use hash tables to represent dynamic sets as
hashing calculates to much better asymptotic efficiency.
In many other cases it has been proved that significant improvements in efficiency can be
obtained by selecting (or designing) appropriate representations of the data structures
employed and the algorithms for their manipulation, without requiring any changes to the
underlying algorithms. Another important use of data structures is in the implementation
of disjoint sets as some applications involve grouping n distinct elements into a collection
of disjoint sets. We implement these disjoint sets as data structures. One of the many
applications of disjoint set data structure arises in determining the components of an
undirected graph.

From one point of view, algorithms can be either deterministic or non-deterministic
depending on whether they make use of clever choices or heuristics or not. The latter
definitely use heuristics and other techniques for making typical and accurate guesses.
But actually, computer scientists classify problems (and not algorithms) into equivalent
classes based on the complexity of the best possible algorithm for them.
Computational complexity theory, as a branch of the theory of computation in computer
science, investigates the problems related to the amounts of resources required for the
execution of algorithms (e.g., execution time), and the inherent difficulty in providing
efficient algorithms for specific computational problems. Much of complexity theory
deals with (1) Decision problems. A decision problem is a problem where the answer is
always yes or no. Complexity theory distinguishes between problems verifying yes and
problems verifying no answers. A problem that reverses the yes and no answers of
another problem is called a complement of that problem. The theory of computational
complexity establishes decision problems into three main complexity classes P
(polynomial), NP (non-deterministic polynomial) and NPC (NP-complete).
A complexity class is the set of all of the computational problems which can be solved
using a certain amount of a certain computational resource.
Class P or Tractable or easy problems are set of those problems that are solvable in
polynomial time by a deterministic machine ie on inputs of size n, their worst case
running time is O(n^k) for some constant k
The complexity class NP is the set of decision problems that can be solved by a
nondeterministic machine in polynomial time. Class includes the Boolean satisfiability
problem, the Hamiltonian path problem and the vertex cover problem etc.
Class NPC, is a subset of NP are the most interesting set of decision problems because
neither any polynomial time algorithm exists for them nor we have been able to prove
that whether such an algorithm exists or not. But these problems have two interesting
properties. One, If any single problem in NP-complete can be solved in polynomial time,
then every problem in NP can also be solved in polynomial time. If ever we find a
polynomial solution to any NPC problem, than due to this property one, every problem in
NP can be quickly solved. So we would say that It is not known whether every problem
in NP can be quickly solved—this is called the P = NP problem. Nobody has yet been
able to determine conclusively whether NP-complete problems are in fact solvable in
polynomial time, making this one of the great unsolved problems of mathematics.
The Clay Mathematics Institute is offering a $1 million reward to anyone who has a
formal proof that P=NP or that P.NP. Second property is, their solutions can be verified
in polynomial time. But from where does this solution comes which we are verifying. To
verify the solution, we somehow give a ‘certificate’ of the solution and then prove that
the certificate is correct in polynomial time in the input size. NP-complete problems are
studied because the ability to quickly (in polynomial time) verify ‘solutions’ to a problem
using certificates seems to correlate with the ability to quickly solve that problem itself.
There is another class of problems called (2) Intractable (Hopcroft, et al, 2007: 368) or
hard problems are those that require super polynomial time. To see why exponential-time
solutions might be unusable in practice, consider a problem that requires 2^n operations
to solve (n is the size of the input). For a relatively small input size of n=100, and
assuming a computer that can perform 10^12 operations per second, a solution would
take about 4×10^10 years, much longer than the current age of the universe. Complexity
theory assumes problems that lack polynomial-time solutions are intractable for more
than the smallest inputs. Problems that are known to be intractable in this sense include
those that are exponential TIME-complete. If NP is not the same as P, then the NP-
complete problems are also intractable in this sense. What this means “in practice” is
open to debate. Then there are (3) problems that can’t be solved by any computer, no
matter how much time is provided such as Turing’s famous Halting problem.
Decision problems seems to stand opposite of optimization problems in which we always
try to find the best optimal solution so that we don’t say ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ quickly to any
particular solution. in this sense, NP-completeness applies directly to decision problems
but no to optimization problems.
I would love to cover this entire manual from theory of NP-completeness but that’s not
feasible so more details and lemmas later.

Algorithms are essentially implemented in one or the other language (HLL eg Perl, JAVa
,C++ or LLL) and are designed to function in either serial, parallel or distributed
environments. Algorithms have to incur additional costs of communication overhead if
they are used for distributed environments while algorithms that are designed for serial
environments execute only one instruction at a time.
Parallel models have benefit in a sense that several processor works on the same problem
at the same time. parallel and distributed techniques divide a problem into more
symmetric/asymmetric sub problems and get back the results There are 3 major types of
machines, depending on their representation of data in the memory: · Pointed Machines –
these machines represent data as pointers only, no arrays are defined in these machines.
· RAM model – these machines represent data as arrays. In all the lectures, it is assumed
that we are working with these machines.· PRAM model – this model is used in parallel
computing, and is similar to the RAM model. the algorithms given here are all based on
RAM model of computation which is given as a separate study.

After all this talking, it is needless to say now that Algorithms are an essential part of
EVERY computer system (the capitalization does matters) and so as the need to master
its concepts for EVERY CS student (the capitalization does matters again),,
Its important because if we ever think of any innovation, we should not be lacked by
fundamentals that really begin them.

Hope you’ve enjoy talking with me and enjoy developing your concepts too.
Thanks !
Amit Nigam, Author

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