Report On Mobile Usage

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Submitted to Prof. A. H. Sequeira

Submitted by Ragvendra Kumar 12HM29

Table of Contents......................................................................................................................... Acknowledgement....................................................................................................................... . Introduction................................................................................................................................. . Literature Review........................................................................................................... Project Design........................................................................................................................... Results...................................................................................................................................... Discussion and Recommendations.................................................................................... Study Limitations and Areas for Further Research.................................................................... Conclusion......................................................................................... References................................................................................................................................. Appendix A (Sample Survey)...................................................................................................

INTRODUCTION The development of mobile communication has been a long journey of innovation which is constantly evolving and updating as a result of consumers changing needs and preferences. Mobile phone is one of the most important services which provided. It is very much essential for the growth and development of any industry and people. Indian mobile industry growth rate substantially increases day by day. The boom comes in growth of the mobile communication industry is in the year 2006-07. This growth rate is increasing day by day because these days every person need to be get connected and get updated by the situations thats why growth of mobile sector is increasing consistently. The widespread utilization of mobile phones in communication and information transfer leads in improvement in mobile phone technology. To meet users information needs, innovative features and applications are continuously being added to mobile phones to make them perform many more new functions. Mobile is becoming and will be going to continue to become the dominant means of communication because it is very easy to access and it is very much portable and if we compare it with the landline it is very much cheap because for mobile services we have to established the different network towers which is not costly as compare to landline because for this we have to deploy the copper landline cables which is much most costly as compare to establishment of the network towers, and although mobile provides the flexibility and portability but landline cant. Now these days generally public opted for mobile phone services and these services are very much cheap these days. In our study we generally conduct our research on the limited area that is NITK (Campus). In this we are going to conduct the survey though the research tool which is questionnaire with the help of this survey is able to get results. In this result we are going to analyze the application of mobile phone by the students of NITK. The research is not being generalized easily but is able to understand the inferences the sample area is very much narrow because we are conducting survey at the NITK.

With the help of this survey are going to be aware about the mobile phone application. As these days the present generation is very much lean towards the gadgets. With the help of this survey we are to know about the classroom environment effected by the mobile phone, and with the help of this we are able to come to some extent that how much mobile is important for the communicating and how does it contribute in their studies.

LITERATURE REVIEW, CITATIONS Mobile phone may be placed as mutual communication medium for all population. Mobile phone technology is very fast growing and it is getting enhanced day by day. Mobile phone is rapidly evolving and reaching to apex position in the communication technology it is a medium to connect people. From marketing perspective, consumer choice behaviour can be studied through the classical five-step (needinformation searchevaluation of alternativespurchasepost-purchase evaluation) problem solving paradigm or through the progression of consumer choice from a product class to brand choice (Dorsch, Grove, and Darden, 2000). In the study it is mentioned that how people use people use mobile for communication purpose, in India people use much more mobile phone for the communication purposes. They use their mobile phone for text messaging very much in India. But this is saddest part that people of India unaware of the usage of the mobile phone because they use mobile phone while driving this causes accidents. Students use their mobile phone in the classroom which may distract the environment of the classroom. If we consider the evolution of the mobile phone, social communication has increased in recent years very rapidly. If we see now a days every person is having mobile phone with the help of this they are in touch with people and they can they their work very easily these days mobile is a necessity for everyone. There are two types of groups which use the mobile phone is safety users and another one is sophisticated users. The safety users kept their mobile phones for emergencies, while the sophisticated users use their mobile phones to be in touch with the people or they want to be more social active and they need to be in advancement of the technology. The study also derived that the younger generation had more social communication and they want to use the technology advancement. This shows that the technology has become main stream for the next generation of media users. The research is also done in the medical field like Nomophobia its literary meaning is no mobile phobia that is the fear of being out of mobile phone contact. Like a person is in an area of no network, has run out of balance or discharge of the battery, the person get anxious, this thing may adversely affect the concentration of the person.


Research Title - Study on application of mobile phones by students of NITK.

2.1 Title of the study A study on the application of mobile phone by students of NITK, Surathkal. 2.2 Statement of the problem The main aim of the report is to conduct an analysis on application of mobile phone at NITK campus and to reveal the results with regard to assess the information on how the use the mobile phone. 2.3 Research Questions RQ1. What are the various features considered by the students when looking for a new mobile phone? RQ2. What are the various effects of mobile phones on students of NITK? RQ3. What are the different purposes of using mobile phones by students of NITK? 2.4 Research Objective RO1. To identify the various features considered by the students when looking for a new mobile phone. RO2. To determine the various effects of mobile phones on students of NITK. RO3. To analyze the different purposes of using mobile phones by students of NITK. 2.5 Scope of the study The report is mainly concentrated towards the NITK campus and all the information are collected from the students of NITK.

3.1 Research Methodology

Research is systematic and logical study of an issue or a problem to arrive at accurate results, research the job of collecting, recording and analyzing relevant data to arrive at decisions. The present study is systematic, objective and exhaustive search for the studies of the facts relevant to application of the mobile phone. It is objective, precise and arrives at conclusion on the basis of certain evidences Research Design: - Descriptive Study Descriptive approach to seek new insights and assess the application of mobile phone in a new light at NITK. The approach is from specific to generalization. Reasoning: - Inductive We are using inductive reasoning because inquiry is specific to general. Conclusion will be drawn from one or more facts or evidence which is a hypothesis. Technique: - Quantitative We use Quantitative Descriptive strategy for study of responses regarding use of mobile phone by students. Quantitative research generates numerical data or data that can be converted into numbers. Method: - Survey method Survey method is used in the study for data collection through questionnaires. Findings to be presented using Descriptive Data Analysis.

Sampling design

Sampling Technique: - Non Probability Convenience Sampling Sampling is systematic approach of selecting a few elements ( a sample) from entire collection unit( a population) in order to make some reference about the total population. It is a small segment of the whole population, representing its general qualities as far as possible. In non- probability sampling, the chance of any particular unit in the population being selected is unknown, since the randomness is not involved in the selection process. The three most frequently used non-probability design are judgement, convenience and quota sampling. Instrument technique: - Questionnaire Data was collected with the help of using questionnaire. A questionnaire, which is also familiar as an interview schedule with a format containing a list of questions sequentially ordered to obtain information relevant to the objective of the study. We will conduct survey with the help of questionnaire which is constructed from the Investigative Questions which will be around 14 Questions. The questionnaires for research include a combination of the following kind: a. closed- ended b. direct- question c. multiple choice Universe: - Finite Population: - Students of NITK Target Population: - Students from under graduation, post graduation and research scholars. Sample: - A convenient sample will be drawn from sampling frame containing students of NITK. Sample Element: - Student of NITK Population size-5400

Sample size- 190

3.2 Calculation of sample size Confidence level= 95% Significance level= 5% Confidence interval= 7.08 The calculated sample size is 190 Sample size = Z2*p*(1-p)/e2 Where, Z= standard error (1.96 for 95% confidence level) p= worst case proportion (0.5) e= confidence interval taken in decimal Sample size for finite population = sample size / 1+ (sample size 1/P) Where P = population Reference of calculation of sample size:

Hypothesis Hypothesis-1


H0 (null hypothesis): There is a significant relationship between gender and period for which they change mobile phone. H1 (alternate hypothesis): There is no significant relationship between gender and period for which they change mobile phone.

Hypothesis-2 H0 (null hypothesis): There is significant relationship between academic programme with making online transactions through mobile phone. H1 (alternate hypothesis): There is no significant relationship between academic programme with making online transactions through mobile phone.



a. Gender: Male Female

INTERPRETATION: From the data it can be interpreted that out of 190 respondents 69 were female and 121 were male. b. Age Group: 15-20 years 25-30 years 20-25 years 30-above

INTERPRETATION: From the data it can be interpreted that out of 190 respondents 44 were of age group 15-20,81 were aged between 20-25, 57 between 25-30 and the rest of the 8 respondents were above 30 years of age.


c. Programme: Under Graduate Research Scholar

Post Graduate

INTERPRETATION: From the data it can be interpreted that out of 190 respondents 14 were research scholars , 82 were doing UG program and 94 were doing PG program. 1. Do you use mobile phone specifically for the purpose of communication? Yes No


INTERPRETATION: From the data it can be analyzed that out of 190 respondents 144 were using mobile majorly for communication while 46 are not .So it can be interpreted that NITK students use mobile phone majorly for communication purpose 2. Rate your level of satisfaction for mobile phone as the tool for entertainment? Highly satisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Highly dissatisfied Neutral

INTERPRETATION: From the data it can be analyzed that out of 190 respondents 25 are highly satisfied, 140 are satisfied while 24 are neutral, only 1 is dissatisfied and no one is highly dissatisfied. So it can be analyzed that NITK students are satisfied with mobile phone as a tool for entertainment. 3. Which operating system do you prefer for your mobile phone? Android BlackBerry Windows Others Symbian


INTERPRETATION: From the data it can be interpreted that 54% prefer Android OS,11.5% prefer Windows,11.5% prefer Symbian, 7.3% prefer Blackberry and the rest prefer other operating systems. 4. Which mobile phone brand do you prefer? Nokia Sony Ericsson Samsung BlackBerry Others_______________

INTERPRETATION: Analysis reveals that out of 190 respondents 72 prefer Nokia and 78 prefer Samsung, 14 prefer BlackBerry, 12 prefer Sony Ericson, rest prefer other brands. So it can be interpreted that Students of NITK prefer mostly either Nokia or Samsung.


5. How often do you change your mobile phone? Less than 1 year Above 2 years 1-2 years

INTERPRETATION: From the data it can be analyzed that out of 190 respondents 68 change mobile phone in less than one year, 74 change mobile phone in between 1-2 years and the rest change mobile phone after 2 years. 6. What is the price range you look for while purchasing a mobile phone? Less than Rs. 5,000 Rs. 10,000- 20,000 Rs. 5,000- 10,000 Rs. 20,000- above


INTERPRETATION: From the data it can be interpreted NITK students look for a price range 5000-20000 while purchasing a mobile phone. 7. Do you relate mobile phone with status symbol? Yes No

INTERPRETATION: From the data it can be analyzed that out of 190 respondents 109 consider mobile phone as status symbol and 81 doesnt feel it as a status symbol .So Students of NITK are almost neutral in this case. 8. Which of the service providers do you use? Idea Docomo Airtel Others Vodafone


INTERPRETATION: From the data it can be interpreted that NITK students use Docomo and Airtel the most when compared to rest of all other service providers. 9. What do you use your mobile phone for? Voice calls Internet Messaging Others

INTERPRETATION: From the data it can be analyzed that out of 190 respondents 80 use mobile phone for voice calls, 62 use it for messaging, 42 for internet and the rest for other purposes. 10. Does your mobile phone deviate you from studies? Yes No

INTERPRETATION: From the data it can be interpreted that NITK students feel that mobile phone deviates them from studies.


11. Mobile phone distracts classroom environment Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree


INTERPRETATION: From the data it can be interpreted that out of 190 respondents 30 strongly agree that mobile phone distracts classroom environment, 72 agree to it while 49 of them are neutral, 21 disagree with it and 18 highly disagrees with it. 12. How satisfied you are with your current mobile phone? Highly satisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Highly dissatisfied Neutral

INTERPRETATION: From the data it can be interpreted that NITK students are satisfied with their current mobile phones.


13. Could you imagine your life without a mobile phone? Yes No

INTERPRETATION: From the data it can be interpreted that Students of NITK cannot imagine life without mobile phone.



Hypothesis Testing Hypothesis-1 H0 (null hypothesis): There is a significant relationship between gender and period for which they change mobile phone. H1 (alternate hypothesis): There is no significant relationship between gender and period for which they change mobile phone. Chi Square analysis on relationship between gender and period for which they change mobile phone.

Less than Gender Male Female Total 1 yr 43 10 53 1 - 2 yr 48 41 89 Table 1.1 above 2 yr 30 18 48 Total 121 69 190

O 43 10 48 41 30 18 190

E 33.7526315 8 19.2473684 2 56.6789473 7 32.3210526 3 30.5684210 5 17.4315789 5

(O-E)2 85.5138227 1 85.5138227 1 75.3241274 2 75.3241274 2 0.32310249 3 0.32310249 3 322.322105 3

(O-E)2/E 2.533545348 4.442883871 1.328961297 2.330497347 0.010569813 0.018535469 10.66499315

190 Table 1.2


Statistical test: Use the one sample X2 to compare the observed distribution to a hypothesized distribution. The X2 test is used because the responses are classified into nominal categories and there are sufficient observations. Significance Level: =0.05 Calculated Value: X 2= sum of (O-E)2/E = 10.66 No. of degree of freedom = (2-1) (3-1) =2 Critical test value: Based on the critical value table X2 with 2 d.f., the value obtained is 5.99 for =0.05 Interpretation: The calculated value (10.66) is greater than the critical value (5.99), so the null hypothesis is rejected and we conclude that there is no significant relationship between gender and period for which they change mobile phone. Hypothesis-2 H0 (null hypothesis): There is significant relationship between academic programme with making online transactions through mobile phone. H1 (alternate hypothesis): There is no significant relationship between academic programme with making online transactions through mobile phone. Chi Square analysis on significant relationship between academic programme with making online transactions through mobile phone. Yes No. of (O) interviewees 36 94 31 82 13 14 80 190 Table 2.1 Percentage 49.48 43.16 7.36 100 Expected (E) 39.584 34.528 5.888 80

UG PG PhD. Total


O 36 31 13 80

E 39.584 34.528 5.888 80

(O-E)2 12.8450 6 12.4467 8 50.5805 4 75.8723 8

(O-E)2/E 0.324501 0.360484 8.590446 9.275431

Table 2.2 Statistical test: Use the one sample X2 to compare the observed distribution to a hypothesized distribution. The X2 test is used because the responses are classified into nominal categories and there are sufficient observations. Significance Level: =0.05 Calculated Value: X 2= sum of (O-E)2/E = 9.27 No. of degree of freedom = (3-1) (2-1) =2 Critical test value: Based on the critical value table X2 with 2 d.f., the value obtained is 5.99 for =0.05 Interpretation: The calculated value (9.27) is greater than the critical value (5.99), so the null hypothesis is rejected and we conclude that there is no significant relationship between academic programme with making online transactions through mobile phone.


SUMMARY AND FINDINGS 1. It has been found that Android operating system is dominating the rest of them because 54% of the students prefer this OS. 2. Docomo and Airtel has a neck to neck competition in NITK . 3. Samsung and Nokia together constitutes the major share of mobile phones used by the students of NITK


1. Sample size is one constraint, since it is 190 we cannot exactly predict the view of the entire population from the sample size. 2.Time period constraint.


CONCLUSION From the research it can be concluded that students of NITK use many applications of mobile phone like the mobile internet, online bank transactions, voice calls. It also reveals that there is no significant relationship between the gender and period of changing the mobile phone. One more interesting point is that majority of students are switching to new mobile phones with in 2 years of their usage of existing mobile phone Students of NITK are much accustomed to mobile phones such that they cant imagine life without mobile phone.



1. Business research methods by Donald R Cooper and Pamela S Schindler. 2. Research Methodology by C.R. Kothari. 3. Gilroy, M. (2004). Invasion of the classroom cell phones. Education Digest, 69, 56-60. Retrieved September 21, 2008, from Academic Search Complete database. 4. Harper, R. (2006, March 30). New addiction: Texting. The Muleskinner. Retrieved October 1, 2008, from 5. Evaluate Mobile Phone Dependence Among Students of a Medical College By Sanjay Dixit and Harish Shukla. 6. Journal of Euromarketing, Vol. 14(3) 2005, The Haworth Press, Inc. 7. Mobile phone usage patterns amongst university students: A comparative study between India and USA. Masters Paper for the M.S. in I.S degree. April, 2006 by Sayan Chakraborty.


Question to ask Q1. Do you use mobile phone specifically for the purpose of communication? Q2. Rate your level of satisfaction for mobile phone as the tool for entertainment? Suggested question type Closed ended type Scale nominal Additional suggestions The option would be a)yes b)no

Rate one item on a scale


It includes option a)highly satisfied b) satisfied c)neutral d) dissatisfied e)highly dissatisfied

Q3. Do you use mobile phone for making online transactions?

Closed ended type


The option would be a)yes b)no

Q4. Which operating system do you prefer for your mobile phone?

Single response multiple choice


It includes options like a)Android b)Windows c)Symbian d)Blackberry e)others

Q5. Which mobile phone brand do you prefer?

Single response multiple choice


It includes options like a)Nokia b)Samsung c)Sony ericsson d)Blackberry e) Others, specify..

27 Q6. How often do you change your mobile phone? Single response multiple choice interval It includes options like a) less than 1year b) 1-2 years c)above 2 years

Q7. What is the price range you look for while purchasing a mobile phone?

Single response multiple choice


Include options a) less than Rs.5000 b)Rs.5000-Rs.10000 c)Rs.10000-Rs.20000 d)more than Rs.20000

Q8.Do you relate mobile phone with status symbol?

Closed ended


Option would be a)yes b)no

Q9. Which of the service providers do you use?

multiple response multiple choice


It includes options like a)Idea b)Airtel c)Vodafone d)DOCOMO e) Others, specify..

Q10. What do you use your

mobile phone for?

Multiple response multiple choice


Options would be a)voice calls b)messaging c)internet d)others

Q11. Does your

mobile phone deviate you from studies?

Closed ended type


The option would be a)yes b)no

28 Q12. Mobile phone distracts classroom environment Likert scale summated rating ordinal It includes options a)strongly agree b) agree c)neutral d) disagree e)strongly disagree Q13. How satisfied you are with your current mobile phone? Likert scale summated rating ordinal It includes option a)highly satisfied b) satisfied c)neutral d) dissatisfied e)highly dissatisfied Q14. Could you imagine your life without a mobile phone? Closed- ended type nominal The option would be a)yes b)no

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