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What is this? The following few pages will outline my signature requirement in all its aspects. I know there are other more traditional signature requirements that would require less authority to perform, but this is different. Ive got big plans. Apocalypse is a game I invented myself which was inspired by reality game shows, manga, comics, movies, TV shows and most obviously, zombies. Objective: The candidates objective is to try to get my signature for their binders, but in order to do so, they need to survive until the end of the given time limit. In accordance with traditional zombie movies and games, candidates will be allowed to use one of the following (depending on the approval of the dean of students): either a foam sword, or a nerf gun. Each of these weapons will have a unique set of rules I will cover next. Nerf Swords: First of all, I realize that there are going to be candidates who love the whole ninja vs zombie concept. (They made a game on it. Lol) So this is why I saw to it that swords would be incorporated into this set of rules. Secondly, I know how easy it is to go out of control with a nerf sword, (Im in the previously stated group of kids.) so I am making it a rule that a person with a sword can only kill 1 zombie every 30 seconds. A sword user kills a zombie by simply tapping them anywhere on the chest or head. Nerf Guns: Guns are the iconic weapons of the zombie apocalypse, thats why these guns are here. All of the bullets for these guns are foam darts, so we really dont need to worry about any paramedics here, obviously, but nerf gun users are often advised to wear eye protection. Ive gotten hit in the eye with a Velcro nerf dart- it doesnt hurt. Its just enough to make you say Gah! Oh, darn itI have a hole in my head. Thats up to you though, whether or not to take my word for it. Zombies are quite obviously killed by getting shotanywhere. These are special anti-zombie-materielfoam-nerf-dartsvery fancy stuff. At the beginning of the game, gunners start with 6 bullets each. Once a bullet has been shot, they cannot simply go retrieve it. There are special rules for such occurrences, as I will explain later in the zombies section. The only ammo candidates can carry is as much as will fit in the gun. This means you cant hold ammo if youre a swordsman, and you cannot hold ammo in your pockets. Candidates can only wield one of either weapon. No bad-A dual wielding today Im afraid. ************Candidates are not allowed to shoot non-affiliated civilians. Ever.********************

Any candidate that fails to abide by these rules will automatically be disqualified and return to headquarters. They dont even get to play as a zombie.

The Survivors: Survivors (candidates) will be placed in teams of four. The teams are decided depending on whom each candidate decided to pair up with and by which pair I pair that pair with. I will attempt to balance the teams as much as possible. After each team is decided, I will, by a method of my own choosing, determine which team is assigned which role: Roles: 1. Ammo carrier: As the name suggests, the ammo carrier will carry all the extra ammo. Any ammo that wont fit inside their gun can be kept in the ammo box(provided). This means they will essentially never run out of ammo. 2. Medic: Medics are probably the most sought after kind of team in the zombie apocalypse. They have supplies to prevent a person from succumbing to the zombie virus. Each medic team will carry something, I dont know what yet (Gatorade probably), but Ill keep track. Theyll have a set amount of charges which will nullify an instance of infection. Im planning on giving them 6 charges to begin with, with the ability to gain 1 with each completed mission. 3. Bait: As the name suggestsit sucks to be these guys. Not only will they not have any special equipment, their location will be relayed to the zombies every half hour. I sure hope theyve been pushing themselves at PT. Zombies: Zombies are comprised entirely of actives who wish to participate. Other people from ROTC can be invited to participate as well as zombies. There are three types of zombie: 1. The first and most common zombie will be the ones out on the field: Creepers. Their job is to try to infect as many candidates as possible by tagging them on any part of their body (discretion advisedplease!) They dont need to act like zombies. Theyll be running at you.

2. Jeepers Creepers are those skillful zombies able to tag four or more candidates. JCs can ignore the first shot or sword tap when attempting to tag a candidate. 3. The Mastermind (me): Ill be monitoring everyones movement via a smart phone app that lets me track you. Its advised to install the app, and then deny me permissions to access your location after the event is finishedI mean, unless you want me to see where you are. Thats up to you. All zombies are required to have an X on the back of both of their hands. This can be done with masking tape, highliter, marker, etc. just as long as it can be seen. Zombies are not allowed to remove the X until the event has finished or they decide to retire for the night. Getting Tagged: When a zombie is tagged, he or she will notify me that theyve been tagged by so and so, and Ill let them know for how long theyre dead. At the beginning of the game, each teams stun length against zombies is 2 minutes, meaning that if they tag a zombie, they have a 2 minute window to escape. I said earlier there was a method of getting ammo. Here it is, when an active or some other zombie is tagged, the survivors have the option of ransacking the corpse. Now due to morals and ethicsand legality, they cannot obviously ransack anyone, but heres what happens. The zombie will ask them one question (knowledge), and if they get it right, they get all the bullets that the zombie is carrying. Zombies accumulate bullets by either picking up bullets from fleeing survivors, or getting lit-up trying to tag them. When tagged, zombies are required to say how many bullets they have in their possession. Getting tagged is a different story for survivors. If they get tagged by a zombie (like in the movies) they will become a zombieshould they not get medical treatment. Once tagged, you must let me know (because the zombie is definitely going to tell me if youre tagged). Youll have 10 minutes to get to a designated de-contamination zone otherwise, your friend will become a brain-eating zombie. This time limit is shortened if youre tagged by a Jeepers Creeper to 5 minutes. This is where the Medic comes in, if youre friends with the medics, maybe theyll cure you. *wink wink* Friendly fire is anything but. If you fire a comrade, or intentionally go rogue and cut everybody, then theyre all treated as infected, and must be rushed to the decontamination zone. Finally, if any team falls below 2 people alive, the team is considered destroyed. Where and When? I plan on executing this event April 14th, from 1900-0100. The event will last 6 hours and will be restricted to the UT campus, outside of any buildings. A candidate will be automatically disqualified and zombified if he or she leaves the campus. A map of the designated play area is on the next page. Players may only enter buildings if they need to use the restroom, or grab a snack. 15 minutes maximum. The play area is marked in by the red border. It is not inclusive of Guadalupe.

Haha, so wait- we can just hide for 6 hours and get your signature? James Deitschel Missions: Ive already thought of that possibility, and I already know what games like that are like. It sucks. Thats what these missions are for. Missions serve to better survivors chances at lasting until the end of the event. Completing a mission will earn that team some sort of power-up which includes, but is not limited to: Stun Enhancement, Radar, or (For the bait) Swapping Roles. If that doesnt get the candidates to come out of their hidey-holes, Ill declare them campers, and put a price on their heads. Additionally, any zombies that try to tag them are considered Jeepers Creepers for the purposes of trying to tag them. After Notes: In the event that the Dean of Students denies my appeal for mock weapons, Ill switch to an alternative, clearly, non-mock weapon option which will most DEFINITELY require eye protection. Just keep that in mind.

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