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Shortcuts That Trigger Attraction in Women In the 1974, the animal behaviourist Dr Michael W.

Fox performed a very intriguing experiment with turkeys that will help you get laid. The application of this experiment is the basis of the best-selling book INFLUENCE written by Professor Robert Cialdini. As a social psychologist, Robert Cialdini is interested in the psychology of compliance: What are the factors that cause one person to say yes to another person? What psychological principles influence the tendency to comply with a request? Cialdini terms these principles weapons of influence. The idea that underlays the entire book is that humans have certain evolutionary triggers that can be activated. Shortcuts, that we rely on to make make certain decisions without waiting for all the details. In our own case, what are the shortcuts that trigger attraction in a woman. What are the specific factors that make a girl follow you right into your bed?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Heres an excerpt from page 10: Turkey mothers are good mothersloving, watchful, and protective. They spend much of their time tending, warming, cleaning, and huddling their young beneath them; but there is something odd about their method. Virtually all of this mothering is triggered by one thing: the cheep-cheep sound of young turkey chicks. Other identifying features of the chicks, such as their smell, touch, or appearance, seem to play minor roles in the mothering process. If a chick makes the cheep-cheep noise, its mother will care for it; if not, the mother will ignore or sometimes kill it. The extreme reliance of maternal turkeys upon this one sound was dramatically illustrated by animal behaviorist M. W. Fox (1974) in his description of an experiment involving a mother turkey and a stuffed polecat. For a mother turkey, a polecat is a natural enemy whose approach is to be greeted with squawking, pecking, clawing rage. Indeed, the experiments found that even a stuffed model of a polecat, when drawn by a string to a mother turkey, received an immediate and furious attack. [Page 1 of 3]

When, however, the same stuffed replica carried inside it a small recorder that played the cheep-cheep sound of baby turkeys, the mother not only accepted the oncoming polecat but gathered it underneath her. When the machine was turned off, the polecat model again drew a vicious attack. How ridiculous a mother turkey seems under these circumstances: She will embrace a natural enemy just because it goes cheep-cheep and she will mistreat or murder one of her chicks just because it does not. She acts like an automaton whose maternal instincts are under the automatic control of that single sound. The ethnologists tell us that this sort of thing is far from unique to the turkey. They have begun to identify regular, blindly mechanical patterns of action in a wide variety of species. Called fixed-action patterns, they can involve intricate sequences of behavior, such as entire courtship or mating rituals. A fundamental characteristic of these patterns is that the behaviors comprising them occur in virtually the same fashion and in the same order every time. It is almost as if the patterns were recorded on tapes within the animals. When a situation calls for courtship, a courtship tape gets played; when a situation calls for mothering, a maternal behavior tape gets played. Click and the appropriate tape is activated; whirr and out rolls the standard sequence of behaviors.

Human Shortcut Example 1: The proprietor of a Native American jewelry store in Arizona was having trouble selling her inventory of certain turquoise pieces. Despite the fact that the jewelry was of high quality, and it was the peak of the tourist season, the stuff wouldnt sell. The owner had priced the jewelry reasonably. She had placed it in a central display location. Shed even asked her staff to point it out to browsers. Nothing worked. Finally, the owner gave up. She was going to unload the pieces, even if it meant taking a loss. On her way out of town for a business trip, she dashed off a note to a member of her sales staff Everything in this display case times . So it was no surprise when the owner arrived back at her shop to find that all the turquoise jewelry had sold. What puzzled and pleased the proprietor was the fact that her staff person had misread her hastily-

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scrawled note (deciphering the as a 2), and doubled the price of each piece rather than cutting it in half. Blind Mechanical Shortcut: Expensive = Good. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

How Attraction Works Men are primarily attracted to physical traits, and women are primarily attracted to PERSONALITY traits. Men are instantly attracted to the sight of a young, shapely female body. As a man, you know that this process happens instantly and all by itself, meaning you dont even have a choice in the matter. You dont see a woman and decide to find her attractive. Once your brain sees shortcuts in her that indicate youth and fertility (breasts, hair, hips, lips, etc). Attraction automatically gets triggered in you without your consent! WOMEN, on the other hand, are attracted when they interact with a man who sub-communicates certain QUALITIES and PERSONALITY TRAITS. Once a man sub-communicates certain attributes, a womans is automatically triggered. She has no control over the process. Think about that for a moment. Mens attraction circuits are triggered by what they see. Womens attraction is triggered by what they dont see. To sum up Attraction is different for men than it is for women. While men are attracted mostly by physical traits, women are attracted mostly by PERSONALITY traits. Women dont decide who to feel attracted to with their logical minds. They decide with their emotions and then make up reasons and rationalize it. Attraction Isnt a Choice! This is why some men attract women so well, while others dont and why ANY man can improve his success with women DRAMATICALLY, no matter his looks, age, or income. You will get all these specific attraction triggers or shortcuts in the coming days. BTW, I highly recommend you get INFLUENCE from Amazon. It will be one of the best books youve ever read. [Page 3 of 3]

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