Elsword Combos

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From ElWiki

1 Common Techniques 2 Elsword 2.1 Sword Knight 2.2 Magic Knight 2.3 Sheath Knight 2.4 Lord Knight 2.5 Rune Slayer 2.6 Infinity Sword 3 Aisha 3.1 High Mage 3.2 Dark Mage 3.3 Battle Magician 3.4 Elemental Master 3.5 Void Princess 3.6 Dimension Witch 4 Rena 4.1 Combat Ranger 4.2 Sniping Ranger 4.3 Trapping Ranger 4.4 Grand Archer 4.5 Wind Sneaker 4.6 Night Watcher 5 Raven 5.1 Sword Taker 5.2 Over Taker 5.3 Weapon Taker 5.4 Blade Master 5.5 Reckless Fist 5.6 Veteran Commander 6 Eve 6.1 Code Architecture 6.2 Code Exotic 6.3 Code Electra


6.4 Code Empress 6.5 Code Nemesis 6.6 Code Battle Seraph 7 Chung 7.1 Fury Guardian 7.2 Shooting Guardian 7.3 Shelling Guardian 7.4 Iron Paladin 7.5 Deadly Chaser 7.6 Tactical Trooper 8 Ara 9 Team Combinations


Description Name: Spring Step A difficult technique used to increase the movement speed and jump speed of the character. Eve's Spring Step is much more difficult and is used differently compared to other characters due to her gliding mechanics, and Chung's Spring Step is also difficult due to his ground stomping. Name: High Jump Helps you gain greater heights with the jump. Despite Rena's double-jump and Aisha's levitation, this will still work for all characters. Name: Quick Skill Allows you to activate a skill without any delay. It is great for flashy intentions and for certain skills/actives.





Combo [repeat] .... [repeat]

Description Quick, and basic slashing combo. A rather slow and repetitive combo but less effective. This combo is like the one described above, but if you time it right, you can do it faster.



Knockdown reset. (PvE only, untested in PvP) .... [on platform, repeat] ( (Optional) or ) A very difficult combo to pull, it works well if you have good attack speed.

Name: Counter Kick - Start with a Counterattack then reducing the KD counter with Kick then start with another combo

Name:Flame Juggler - Near the end of this you can add any skill or keep going Continue On. Basic Combo and finisher.

Sword Knight
Combo Description A combo that involves stabbing through the enemy over and over again. Slow, but flashy. Name: Supreme Dual Slash Combo Meant to be Sword Knight's strongest Bread and Butter Combo. Name: Break Em & Bag Em A basic combo with a finisher. It has its uses mostly in PvE, it can be used in repeat before the skill, but only for 1 cycle on normal monsters, bosses will counter if you try to start a 2nd cycle.




A hard KD reset combo that deals high damage.


[repeat] A combo starter where the "z" used after >>^xx is used to ensure that the skill does not miss. Due to the high knockdown value it is recommended to use kick as soon as possible. Similar to the usual bread and butter combo, but begins with a slow launch attack. Name: Armageddon Blade Combo At first the combo seems to be nooby, but when you use Armageddon Blade, the opponent will be surprised.



Magic Knight
Combo Description Name: Magic Knight's Annoying Combo Involves making Magic Knight shoot fireballs around the sides of the opponent constantly by strafting past them. Effective and can annoy many in PvP. [Repeat] Name: Multi Fireball Jutsu~ Just another quick annoying combo


Name: Flame Juggler Ver.2 - Same thing as Flame Juggler but Extended Repeat if you want or Use any skill.

Start the Flame Juggler Next.

Name: Counter Flame Kick - Using Counter Kick then adding Flame Juggler or Flame Juggler ver.2 for a good combination


Name: Phoenix Flower Ball Jutsu~ - Just Shooting Fireballs at your opponent Name: Low MP Simple Combo A simple combo involving Fire Fist. Can be finished


with Rising Slash, Wind Blade, or Sword Fire. Name: Alterasia Type-H Combo 1 One of Type-H's basic combos. This combo can be done by basic Elsword but this one are finished by Wind Blade.

Sheath Knight
Combo [repeat] Description Name: Basic Loop A basic loop with quick slashes, it is a lot easier to loop this combo as a Sheath Knight. Good in PVP. Name: Tricky loop Its pretty tricky but it works well

[repeat] [repeat] ~ ~ ~ loop) Harsh Chaser special active] (While in X loop) Roll (While in X loop) (While in X ~ [any

It's pretty simple if you get the hang of it.

Push and Pull A combo that works well in pvp. When using sword fall then make sure you do that right after they get hit by the skill.

Lord Knight
Combo [repeat] or A very basic stabbing combo for Lord Knight. before repeat Description


[when launched]

A ground KD reset combo for Lord Knight You can continue your combo after the skill. + Name: Break Em & Bag Em Ver 2.0 A simple LK combo with a finisher. It has its uses in PvE, untested in PvP. It can't be repeated before the skill.


@! If you know how to loop, then use it here, if not, just execute skill immediately after the 3rd X

[SKILL] or [repeat]

Name: Armor Smash An advanced combo for Lord Knight deal big damage.

Deadly Raid Using heavy attacks then Break their armor leaving them defenseless and vulnerable to Double Slash or continue with your combo using Armageddon Blade and repeat the combo and end it with Double slash. or instead of Double Slash, Add another then You can not do that because you do not get enough MP after the armor break for Double Slash. Works well for pve.

Rune Slayer
Combo [Lengthened] [repeat] A basic combo combining runes and quick slashes. Description


A basic slashing combo, followed by a Magic Launch Attack.


[repeat] [Warning : You need lot of attack speed] -

Hurl fire runes at your opponent constanty.

An intermediate combo dealing good dps [Insert skill "kick" somewhere along the line to [repeat] lengthen combo time] An awesome basic ground infinite combo for Rune Slayer. Especially effective with high attack speed and magic attack.

[repeat] -

Name: Grab You & Stab You Combo A decent combo, act as a finisher; has its uses in henir(challenge) and X runs since stoic is activated on firefist [Also Assault Slash has no delay upon activation] A easy to execute combo with high chance of casting magic chain's effect. You can insert Splash Explosion or Kick to extend the combo


Name: Put them to sleep! A buffed combo which can cycle depending on the amount of MP remaining, use Luna Blade instead of Splash Explosion to make this a finisher. [repeat]


Name: Rune Slayer lock combo A combo used to lock opponents and it wont allow laggers to run away!


Name: Ultimate Rune Slayer Combo A very powerful combo that can looped for a very long time until the opponent chooses to mana break. WARNING: Needs alot of MP to execute



Infinity Sword
Combo Description Name: Spinning Cut After a basic 3 hit combo, do a barrel roll slash and repeat combo.


Combo .... [repeat] [Repeat] [Repeat] [repeat]

Description Aisha's basic staff whack infinite combo. Aisha's Fire Ball Loop Aisha's 2nd Fire Ball Loop, not as lag sensitive as the one above. A basic launch-fireball combo.

A complicated series of launch combos.


Standard fireball combo, timing is strict after xxvx and >>^z


Must be used on platform, and have high attack speed as well as flawless timing. Can lock target in place if done correctly.

High Mage
Combo ..... Crazy's Combo [repeat] Description


.(missile Name: Magic Missle Lock only effective if you can keep your opponent from .(missile intersects). Repeat till it dissapears and running.starting out with >>zz helps Continue with Spinning Fireball(while ZZ-ing) or ANOTHER Magic Missle(if you meditate while ZZ-ing) or End with Chain Fireball/Burst. intersects). .(missile intersects).

Name: Patch's 5C combo ... ... If the 2nd fireball circle isn't ready yet, alternate with awakening or go with what you feel like!~

Name: Magic Knight Anno-....Wait WHAT....?! ... until too far away then finish with ] [Repeat A fireball strafe mindgame combo that lasts until the opponent somehow moves away or falls down. Hilarity ensures and will piss off many people in pvp (especially Magic Knights). Mindgame with Flaming Circle in between if it looks like you may get caught. Name: Lava Plume Has somewhat high KD but does decent damage. Opponents in PvP shouldn't be able to escape from it until they knock down. Can also be used to catch if you happen to be fighting someone who enjoys jumping over you for some reason. However, it drains Aisha's MP extremely quickly.

Dark Mage
Combo [repeat] Description Name: Dark Plasma Ball Spam Continue combo by trapping enemies inside a bark plasma ball. Name: Energy Stealer Firstly launch enemy into the air, then steals their mana, then double dash smack, hit ONCE then do a normal Z combo, ending it with a death field or skill of your choice.


Battle Magician
Combo [repeat] [repeat] Description Aisha's basic staff wack loop. Aisha's Star Ball Loop

Easy combo to grab in air

Elemental Master
Combo Description Name: Spring Wind Wind-attribute attack, causes pushback to opponent. Usable on ground only. This is one of her main means of defending against opponent's melee, as her melee generally cannot go toe-to-toe with her opponent's. Sadistic BnB, the best damage output(on a wall) outside of skills with the drawback of giving alot of MP to the enemy, use with caution.


Name: Flash of Spring Flashy BnB.


Name: I told you already this is not Thunder Witch

Void Princess
Combo [repeat] Description Name: Hammer Smash Continue smashing enemies with her bat hammer.


[repeat darkbolt]

Name: Anger Petit Bat Cage Trap Trap enemies inside anger's breath-like cage while hitting with darkbolts and hellstones .

Name: Aged Target Aiming

[move back abit]

Name: Lock-on Aim Can use Magic Adrenaline before starting this combo to boost your damage.

Perfect for using Aging when don't have a corner.

Dimension Witch
Combo [repeat] Description Name: Absorption hole Can be used to trap targets inside a dimension rift.

Combo .... [repeat]

Description A basic arrow spamming combo and one of basic Sniping Ranger main combo. Hold 'direction' button for faster shoots! Spam arrows in the direction you're facing. Change out the arrow direction behind the way you're facing. A simple fast repeating hit and using siege and canceling down siege and repeating over and over. Holding 'direction' button would help on canceling. A simple kicks combined with Rena's sliding kick, repeated over and over. This combo is a short inefficient combo if you're not good on doing double dash after attacking. A simple basic that can be linked with another combos, however can also be done near wall, making it keep repeating over and over. Warning, timing is



.... [repeat]

.... [repeat]

[repeat] [when near wall]


required on some condition, as Rena's kicks do have a bit of lag sometimes. [repeat] An extension of Rena's simple kick and siege, dealing more hits due to three kicks. A simple combination of Sliding kick upwards combines with diagonal arrow shots. This combo is inefficient as it requires timing, and knockdown enemy on the last arrow. Recommended to do another combo beforehand. A simple triple kicks followed with a kick that throw your enemy to the air, continued with a small jump and an arrow shot. This combo requires a timing on jump, yet this combo is quite rarely used. ... + ... Quite long and simple combo with only one knockback at the end. Need to be good at catching enemies mid-air, or you can choose to catch on the ground with a simple Z kick. Adding any more additional kicks will cause the enemy to knockdown before the Rail Stinger. An infinite kick combo with the launcher, followed by a running dash double-kick. You can then start it again when the target is coming down. Requires good timing to hit with the dash kick.


+ (repeat)

Combat Ranger
Combo (or ) [repeat] Description A stomping combo that throw your enemy to the air.. repeated! Combat Ranger's extension skills enable herself to do a mid-air kick, this would be one combo that requires timing. Doing this combo is normally only for flashy intentions. , [repeat] Simple three kicks followed with throwing enemy to the sky, continued with double sliding kick and upward kick.. Requires a bit of timing.

, [repeat]


A combo that requires timing in the middle, which actually are combination of basic combos and Combat Ranger's extension combo!

Sniping Ranger
Combo then quickly use [repeat] Description Instead of shooting an arrow, you cancel the arrow and use siege instead. This works with active skills and Special actives skills as well! Three arrow hits, followed by dashing in and launching. You can extend the combo by catching your prey with a kick or arrow as it's falling (kicks are easier).

Trapping Ranger
Combo Description A loop 3 hit combo that can be cancel during 3rd or 4th. is optional. After maxing Hunter's [repeat] Ability, you can add in a extra knockdown, but this will require for lesser .


3 hit combo then slide behind target and continue combo. This works well and covers both sides.

Grand Archer
Combo + (before you land on the ground) Description Combination of Rena's basic combo with a mix of Grand Archer extension combo moves. Towards the end, Rena does a backflip shoot which cost hefty mana and knockdown enemy.

Wind Sneaker


Combo [Repeat]

Description Name: Wind Sneaker's Loop Combo A simple combo all Wind Sneakers should learn. Name: OverKill Wind Sneaker's Loop Combo MANA BREAK FAST!


first hit miss Name: The Way of A Rena One Of the Hardest Combos I invented that includes Spring stepping, Air reset and KD reset


Name: Backflip abuse You can damage people by abusing Backflip [Need to skill note it] you can replace shield accel with awaken to do more damage at the start or magic adrenaline/accel

Name: Corner Rape Literally, This combo can last forever, but you need persistence, timing and accuracy if you want to do this combo


first hit miss


Night Watcher
Combo [pause] [land] Description Name: Flying Assault Starter Do a flying kick to catch targets and start combos.[Need a bit of practice] Name: Sword Slash 3 Hit loop combo with night watcher sword. With Prior Planned Blow, can do the [Repeat] last , knocking targets away with the damage

buff and can be caught by using Furious Engage.

Combo [repeat] [repeat] [repeat] [repeat] [repeat]

Description A slow combo that is rather ineffective. A slightly slow but effective slash-grab combo. A variation of the above combo. Does less damage but gives back more mana. A quick loop for Raven A quick infinite combo. Has very average range and knockback. A variation of the above combo. It reaches further and does more damage, but is slightly slower. Also note, the third hit of this combo does not affect/connect with certain mobs and bosses depending on position



and height. [repeat] [on platform] [repeat] Raven's fastest and most effective bread and butter combo A variation of the above that makes the combo faster when on floating platforms. An advanced combo that resets the knockdown counter. An extremely difficult, yet effective combo due to its low knockdown rate. The x must be cancelled with a forward dash. An easy loop that almost anyone can do. A Knock-up and catch repeated. Crow Rider Combo 1 One of Crow Rider's combos. This one utilizes the Maximum Cannon, and if you want to do maximum damage, timing is needed for the catch. If done correctly against a wall, the target is left standing. Crow Rider Combo 2 One of Crow Rider's combos. This one is a little harder because it requires speedy fingers and some timing. It launches the opponent to the floor. Breaking Rush Rush into the enemy to send them flying and then INSTANTLY bring them down with Earth Break. Works best with Earth Break note. Can be done without ZZZ. One of the closest things to an Infinite Combo for Raven. Use the ZZX<<> loop Three Times followed by full ZZXX combo then Earth Breaker(noted). Doable with loop done twice but followed with a KD very shortly. Works best without awakening. Plenty of room for improvment.



Sword Taker
Combo Description An advanced combo that deals 6 hits for only 2 KD.


Just some fun with the launchers. [repeat from ZZZ^Z] An easy loop if you can get the timing right. normal z-combo then dash z-combo, but then you dash-jump and do one slash, saving the person from knockdown.


Over Taker
Combo .. [Hold arrow button] A simple punch move used by many Over Takers. Description

.. repeat Raven combos]

[repeat or

You can chain this combo with all of Raven's other moves. A KD reset Combo.

[repeat] [repeat] [repeat] Awakening [CTRL]

A simple claw catch combo. Similar to Raven's bread and butter combo. A nice loop that deals decent damage.

Javelin Stab [A stronger shadow stab technique]

Awakening [CTRL] or

A good combo for those Over takers going for high destructive power. Using this combo when your Recklessfist and have the passive shall

enchant the power of the nasod arm thus making this combo more dangerous. Using the Nasod core in awakening shall prevent the enemy falling to the ground while using Charged Bolt, which would be


easy for a another combo.

Weapon Taker
Combo Description Name: You want magic damage? You've got it! [repeat] An easy loop that deals decent magic damage.

Name: Deal With That A basic combo using the two principal abilities of Weapon Taker. Average damage and easy to do.

Name: Variation of Deal With That (wait for fall) A little variation of deal with that.

Name: Muggers these days. A combo that's fairly easy to execute that also does a fair amount of damage. Good for beginners, I guess :/ Can be finished with any skill, XX~X, or looped into another combo. Name: Gunpowder Bomb I was having fun trying to make a combo with the >>^ZX cuz I realized you could catch from it XD So loop here you are. If you end with an overheated skill, this combo is pretty deadly. The initial >>^ZX is probably done best if close to the ground, and then you hold v to hit the ground faster.

as many times as wanted, end with skill.

Blade Master


Combo [repeat] or ...

Description A strong sword launch combo that can be repeated or chained to another combo. However, it is moderately slow and high attack speed is required. Heres a quick combo lesson. --.. My version is more simple by just

using the move, What you call "One Flash" instead of Spamming [repeat] ( or just A heavy sword combo that does high damage, but is moderately slow. ... Combination of heavy sword combo with sword taker's low KD dash combo. Can be looped quite easily. .


... Rushing Impact

... Rushing Blade

... Jump]

[High An effective combo finisher for bipedal, character-sized bosses.

A long combo that deals fair damage to the enemy. ---Repeat if


necessary. Can do this combo by replacing the to [hold] ETC.. . Must use shockwave right after the finisher! Then right after Shock wave is executed hold and Keep pressing just to make sure

you catch them, then Cut Tendon to cut their running off. Recommended to use this near the walls.

Just a combo that Murusame did in his "Blade Master: The secondary Tactic" Video. @= requires timing. Its one hit during the dash jump but then fall to the ground and do a normal z attack. best done with many platforms.

... ... : or or just after the last "one flash" you can do What ever you want but you have only 3hit left so you can do zzz or zz shadow piercing or flying impact (without doing "z" before or your opponent will fall)

Reckless Fist
Combo Gatlin' Catch [repeat] A repetitive combo that involves firing flares at your opponent. Does decent magic damage. A variation of the basic raven bread and butter combo that does insane damage with the addition of the Description



Nasod Arm combo of the Reckless Fist. A quick, easy, powerful ground combo in which Raven punches through the opponent multiple times, 4th hit is especially strong. [repeat] [On platform] Strong, can be hard to chain together, though more so when on solid ground then on a platform. Does very high magic damage.


A full combo that unleashes massive damage before finishing with a strong attack. If all hits land 40-50 mana will be gained. Weapon break for those pesky buffed enemies and bosses.

Name: Nasod Insanity Combo Does the basic punching combo, then cancels with Magic Adrenaline (+40% Magic Attack at Max Level). Afterwards, continues with the punching combo, then ends with Wild Charge. You can charge your fist for the period of the time when your opponent is recovering from the punch flinch, then unleash the ultimate one-two. Same combo as the over taker's one above but with a slight change. Using the combo below Gotcha'Mate the Awakening [CTRL] end combo then catch or use To catch while Can be used at the

awakening. Using this shall bring Destruction upon your foe's. Name: Gotcha'Mate Does the basic Slash Combo but uses his claws after the third hit for the stun, then he does the basic Heavy Combo with a Spike coming up from his foot and launching his enemies in the air, Which they are open so you can use X Crash right where they about to fall. Name: Reckless Fury A basic PvP combo which uses weapon break and ground impact for additional damage and extra combo length. Arc Enemy is used to lower KD and get in a few additional hits, although the enemy usually mana breaks right after an Arc


Enemy. Can use another Arc Enemy if you have the mana instead of using a finishing hit. This combo is easiest to use against walls.

Veteran Commander
Combo Description Name: Veteran Commander trailer Combo A combo from the trailer of veteran commander. Name: Combo Finisher ~ A basic finisher that every Veteran Commander should master. Name: Chain Active Combo A lethal combo that can be }






Basic Physical Attack infinite combo for Eve. Fast and effective. Lazy infinite combo for enemies that aren't large enough for the normal combo. Even Lazier infinite combo for enemies that aren't large enough for the normal combo. Turns enemies around making them less of a threat. Locks the enemy in the air. Use for large enemies.



chained with 100mp, dealing 1450% physical damage skill-wise, along with 2 status effects inflicted.



Code Architecture
Combo Description

CA basic combo. [repeat] Oberon diagonal slash spam. [repeat] (Hold ) A variation of the basic combo that deals much more


damage, but uses some MP. (release ) [repeat]

Code Exotic
Combo [Hold down arrow] .... [Repeat] A lazy ground combo for CE. Description

... [repeat]

A VERY painful infinite ground combo for CE.


Like Rena's Arrow-Arrow combo, but much closer. Magic buff for a KD reset and added damage.



[repeat] [Fix from upper combo]


Code Electra
Combo Description An infinite loop for Electra. If needed, reset the KD with a magical buff, and if out of MP, just >>ZZ repeatedly.


Code Empress
Combo Description



[or ] [repeat] A combo that allows easy mp regen. No KD or Luanch. Requires decent attack speed and good timing for loop.


[active or special active skill] [repeat] (Hold )

[or ] Aggressive Actives Using 3/4ths of your active skills to string up a combo. Note that releasing the Mega Electron Ball takes timing when your target drops down.

[or ]



) What is this assault... Using This might be one of the easiest combo spams ever made for Code Empress. As long as you utilize the combos that don't nock down or the ones that are easy to catch from, you can make this combo as long as you want :/ Throw in a Spitfire or Electronic Field for extra damage or if you think you might loose your target, or even start with a Spitfire or >>^XZ. It's all up to you.


Code Nemesis
Combo Description

A nice combo for Code Nemesis that uses 130 MP and deals good damage.

Harder, faster version of basic Infinite with less KD



Standard CN loop


Harder but longer variation to the above

[repeat] (Hold )






(Release (Hold )

Flashy as F-, gonna need to start with about 200mp to pull off.

(Release )


difficult combo that can be used to trap the enemy

(expected to fall


) [Repeat]




A modified infinijuggle that is slightly more lag sensitive but does more damage due to the added Mega Electronball.

(Reverse Direction and Repeat)

Code Battle Seraph

Combo Description

for a short while, then hold to hit the ground.

'Energetic Dash I honestly don't know if you can use this more than twice in PvP, so to reset the KD, use a magic buff. It adds extra damage :D



Description Repetitive Assault: A basic three hit loop that


launches on the third hit as well as reloads a cannonball. It's best to hold the down key ( ) while exectuting the combo for easy execution. (I don't believe you need to double tap to turn around) -Crescelius


Basic Slow Infinite combo for Chung [repeat] Physical Reload This combo allows you to reload while your hitting the crap out of your enemy


Basic Launch-Catch Infinite combo. Reloads two cannonballs. [repeat] Chase The first part

... is quite hard but it is easy for most people.



then start your own combo.

Basic KD Reset combo that is fairly easy to execute.

Name:Launching Landmine: A long combo ending with a launching catch.


[cancel after 3.rd or 4 th shot]

Name:Cannon Barrage: A long [cancel combo firing and reloading many again after 3 rd Cannonballs, shot[you should maximizing have 1 or 2 Damage on usage cannonballs now,if of much mana. you started wih 6]]

Fury Guardian
Combo Description Name: Friendly Guardian Bread and Butter Combo A fairly easy to execute infinite combo that deals rather substantial damage and returns a lot of mana. Name: Grandhammer Grind A complicated

(hold for a short while)

[Repeat] (Starting fully loaded)


(cancel after 3 shots) combo that deals high damage.



Name:Deadly Blow A massive combo that deals a deadly damage. cancel 3 shot


Name:Shota Ram Death Combo Long string of hits for high damage


(cancel before last shot)

and can be ended with a finisher or a buff.

or or (Any Buff) Name: Simplistic Dash Just a dash with a Human Tornado thrown in. It's fun and a pretty handy combo cuz it's short XD )One could end this with a skill like Lunatic Fury if they have enough MP)

Shooting Guardian
Combo Description




Name: GunFu smackdown A fairly easy to execute infinite combo that deals good damage. Super easy with attack speed 10% and above. After each combo sequence, can add skills for an extra kick. Need some right timing to catch enemy, use if you can't manage, near impossible to do in dwarf mode

(Afterwards continue to repeat

Name: Seiker Heart Very long and possibly complicated combo. Deals good amount of damage and mostly best used in PvP. If used with Petrifying or Burning attribute might be reduced to less hits.

until knockdown) wait or cancel combo Name: Dreyco's Honor An easy combo that I designed in level 20 so it is very suitable for the


shoot all except the last bullet then so you get closer, now here's a beginners as it is variation, you can for the ones that want to expand follow with their repertory. and skill like or

Shelling Guardian
Combo Description

enter siege shelling stance

Name: Chase you to hell A combo not so hard to use. Beginner friendly.

Iron Paladin
Combo Description Name: Expanded Dash This one's a little harder, but it involves more


attacking and screaming than the Simplistic Dash. High Attack speed would be nice for this one :/

(Then Repeat Easy to execute doesn't need a lot of without knowdwn) attack speed just be (at 200 MP) sure you have at least 1 cannonball

(And Punish Your Enemies!)

(Repeat 3 times)

Name: Xygon Spam Kinda Short and the last part works better as PvE combo but is useful for knowdown at arena

Deadly Chaser
Combo Description Name:Silver Bullets Basic combo, reloads one cannonball and


wastes little MP. [repeat]

Name:Bite the Bullet Simple Combo, reloads 2 cannonballs, little MP wasted if executed correctly.

Pistol Drive A combo that waste [repeat] until only 5mp if you connect all hits. If its 18hits Press you miss all four once more to shots you will lose finish it. Because of 19mp. End combo with cannon. KD.

Revolver Drive cost 265MP : A combo only involving your silver shooters.

anyskill after. Name:Both ways A combo that deals nice damage and dosent knockdown the target.


Name:Blast Off Simple combo to secure maximum damage out of Shooting Star.

Name:After Burner A combo that wastes MP even though it is effective.

Name:Taste My Cannon A combo that deals massive damage that drain's the opponent's HP fast.

Name:No Where to Hide A combo that deals massive damage Repeat that drains the opponent's HP fast and catches them.


Name: Up and down A combo that throws your enemies up an down and catches them. Really easy.


Name: Silver Gunslinger Combo involving only silver shooters but consumes quite MP.

(Catch with reload skill)

(Jump to the other side of target and repeat)

Name: Infinity Chaser Deadly Chaser's Infinite combo. May not work on some servers and might not succeed having burning or petrifying attributes.

Name: Cyprys Dead Combo Deadly Chaser's very good combo. May not work if someone use 100 pm to get down :(

(or) (repeat)

Name: Hidden Power? ???


or @ @ then

continue with your combo after Blitz Timing is needed # to cancel at 3~4 shot * Right after @

Name: I'm Not Overpowered Best used in PvP. An alternate version of the above combo except it reloads cannonballs and uses Siege Shelling for extra damage while the opponent is caught by Rumble Shot. Does great damage if done correctly and is rather simple to learn. Feel free to substitute Leg Shot with whatever you like better since Rumble Shot and Siege Shelling are the main parts of this.

Tactical Trooper








Team Must have good Combinations team work to do with 2 players or 3 this players Rune Slayer + Blade Master. Name: Black Storm: BladeMaster uses Blackhole and then ~ the Rune Slayer [Rune Slayer] Near comes near the the Blackhole blackhole and uses Storm Blade. [BladeMaster]

Eve and Chung (As Name: Knockoff far as I know...) Knock back This was only tested Near a platform is once in a PvP, and ideal for this it was entirely combo. The Chung accidental, but with should set up in some practice, I Siege Shelling think it would work under said pretty well. I know platform, with the it sure did for us! Eve above it. Eve: Perhaps the Chung could end with a skill like Scare [repeat until Chase/Dread Chase (if they are a person has fallen Shelling) or the off the platform]


Chung: Siege Shell Eve could catch and into oblivion! keep comboing. ( Copy of Raven's

but for two.) 1st person: Beginners Team Work c: Newbie combination :D

Second Person:

[repeat] Name: Lunatic Fury Guardian/Iron Siege Only tested Paladin + Another once with randoms in 2v2, but works Chung well in my opinion. While the enemies [FG/IP] are launched by Lunatic Fury, the [Chung #2] second Chung snipes them in midair with Siege Shelling for extra damage. [Blademaster]



Union Raid A combination of Blademaster and Recklessfist together. Attacking together with a unsion raid.


Charge until KD

General Guides
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