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Higher College of Technology Department of Engineering Electrical, Computers and Telecommunication Section

<Write your Project Title here>

Semester - II ( 2012 - 2013 )

Done as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for degree of

Bachelor of Technology
in Electrical Engineering ( Power )


Supervisors Name : Mr. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Date of submission : xx March 2013

I understand that all my project work must be my own unaided work. If I make use of material from any other sources I must clearly identify it as such in any interviews, reports, or examinations. I understand that my reports must be written unaided in my own words, apart from any quoted material which I must identify clearly in the correct manner. I understand that the work which I shall present for assessment must be work carried out by myself only during the project period which has not been previously prepared. Where any such previous work is make use of in the project, I shall make this clear in any interviews, reports or examinations. I understand that violation of these conditions may result in a mark of zero for the component or components of assessed work affected.

Student Name: Student Name: Date:


Signature: Signature:


This is to Certify that the Project titled is a bonafide record of work done by ., .., . and submitted as a partial requirement for the completion of Bachelor of Technology in Electrical Engineering ( Power ) in the Semester II of Academic Year 2013. 2012 -



Students : ID No. Name Signature

Panel Members: S.No. Name Signature

Chronological Order of Final Year Project Report Project A Title Page Declaration Certificate Acknowledgement Abstract Table of Contents List of Figures or Diagrams Chapter 1 Introduction The Introduction should cover the following: Background; Objective; Scope and limitation of study; Definition of terms Chapter 2 Project Plan The Project Plan should cover the following: Identification of activities; Allocation of work to be done; GANTT Chart; Cost and Benefit Analysis Chapter 3 Review of Related Literature Chapter 4 Project Design - This part should at least show the block diagram, schematics, or flowchart. Chapter 5 Design Testing or Simulations or Conceptualization References Appendices Project B Title Page Declaration Certificate Acknowledgement Abstract Table of Contents List of Figures or Diagrams Chapter 1 Introduction The Introduction should cover the following: Background; Objective; Scope and limitation of study; Definition of terms Chapter 2 Project Plan The Project Plan should cover the following: Identification of activities; Allocation of work to be done; GANTT Chart; Cost and Benefit Analysis Chapter 3 Review of Related Literature Chapter 4 Project Design - This part should at least show the block diagram, schematics, or flowchart. Chapter 5 Project Implementation Chapter 6 Testing and Results Chapter 7 Conclusion Chapter 8 Recommendation for Future Works References Appendices

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