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NeuroImage 37 (2007) 1417 – 1426

Comprehension of implicit meanings in social situations involving

irony: A functional MRI study
Keisuke Wakusawa, a,b,⁎ Motoaki Sugiura, a,c Yuko Sassa, a,d Hyeonjeong Jeong, a
Kaoru Horie, e Shigeru Sato, e Hiroyuki Yokoyama, b Shigeru Tsuchiya, b
Kazuie Inuma, f and Ryuta Kawashima a,d
Department of Functional Brain Imaging, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
Department of Pediatrics, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan
Department of Cerebral Research, National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Okazaki, Japan
Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society, Japan Science and Technology Corporation, Kawaguchi, Japan
LBC Research Center, Tohoku University 21st Century Center of Excellence Program in Humanities, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
Ishinomaki Red Cross Hospital, Ishinomaki, Japan
Received 5 February 2007; revised 5 June 2007; accepted 6 June 2007
Available online 27 June 2007

To understand implicit social meanings, the interaction of literal Introduction

meanings and relevant information in a situational context is important.
However, previous studies have not investigated such contextual In daily communication, verbal expressions may imply mean-
interactions. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we ings opposite to, or different from, their literal meaning. Com-
investigated cortical mechanisms underlying the processing of implicit prehension of such implicit meanings may require integration of
meanings, particularly irony, in realistic social situations, focusing on the literal meaning into the social context of the communicative
contextual interactions. Healthy subjects were shown pictures depicting situation. Sperber and Wilson (1995) suggested that interaction of
daily communicative situations during judgment tasks involving
literal meanings and contextually available “relevant” information
situational appropriateness and literal correctness. The left medial
prefrontal cortex showed significantly greater activation during tasks was an important aspect in understanding the speaker's intended
involving situational judgments than during literal judgments. The right implicit meaning.
temporal pole was activated task-independently during irony-specific This is particularly true for irony; indeed, the negative eval-
processing. The medial orbitofrontal cortex was activated task- uation of the situation that the speaker is commenting on in this
dependently during irony processing in situational judgment tasks. respect is an essential context for the comprehension of the negative
These regions have been reported to be involved in theory of mind, and connotation mediated by irony. However, despite the potential
have not been implicated in previous studies on the linguistic processing importance of the social situation in the comprehension of implicit
of implicit meanings. This suggests that the intentional assessment of meanings, previous cognitive neuroscience research has focused
situational appropriateness for task execution is carried out in the left only on linguistic aspects of such expressions (Tompkins and
medial prefrontal cortex, whereas irony is processed in the right
Flowers, 1987; Kaplan et al., 1990; Winner et al., 1998; Giora et al.,
temporal pole by assessing situational context automatically, and is
judged based on the situational context in the medial orbitofrontal 2000; Eviatar and Just, 2006; Wang et al., 2006a).
cortex. Our results show that the processing of implicit meanings and Previous psychological studies have shown a correlation
irony in contextually rich situations depends on brain mechanisms in- between comprehension of implicit meanings and theory of mind
volved in the “theory of mind,” based on processing relevant (ToM) or mentalizing (Happé, 1993; Ozonzoff and Miller, 1996;
information in a situational context, and suggest different functions in Baron-Cohen et al., 1999; Channon et al., 2004). ToM is the ability
each region. to attribute mental states to one's self and to others, in com-
© 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. prehending the mental states of others (Baron-Cohen et al., 1985).
Comprehension of irony, in particular, has been suggested to be
closely related to ToM. Happé (1993) showed that a higher level of
⁎ Corresponding author. Department of Functional Brain Imaging, ToM was necessary to understand irony than to comprehend other
Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University, Seiryo- implicit meanings, such as metaphors and similes, whereas idio-
machi 4-1, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8575, Japan. Fax: +81 22 717 8499. matic expressions, such as conventional metaphors, are processed
E-mail address: (K. Wakusawa). similarly to other common words (Swinney and Cutler, 1979). This
Available online on ScienceDirect ( may be explained by the higher level of processing in relation to
1053-8119/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1418 K. Wakusawa et al. / NeuroImage 37 (2007) 1417–1426

social context necessary to comprehend irony, as opposed to the Stimuli

metaphors, similes, and idioms.
Our study was designed to examine the cortical mechanisms A series of stimulus pictures describe daily communicative
underlying the processing of implicit meanings, which are mediated situations with two actors; an utterance by one actor to the other is
by communications in realistic social situations rich in social con- shown in a balloon (Fig. 1). The utterances include the expression
textual information, by means of functional magnetic resonance of irony [i.e., stating the opposite in relation to a given situation to
imaging (fMRI) in healthy adult subjects. imply a negative message (Irony); Fig. 1a], or conventional meta-
Using photographs of daily situations as stimuli, we investigated phor [i.e., an idiomatic expression or proverb that is literal nonsense
neural responses to implicit social meanings mediated by social but is routinely used in daily life (Metaphor); Fig. 1b].
situations. Stimulus pictures depicted communicative situations in To control for the effect of a situation presented in a picture per
which one person made an ironic or metaphoric statement to se, a stimulus using the same picture but with a different utterance
another. To reveal specific neural correlates for irony processing, we was prepared for each of the Irony and Metaphor stimuli, in which
compared the neural response to an ironic expression with that to a the utterance was literally correct but situationally inappropriate
metaphoric expression. Here, irony is an expression that conveys a (IronyCon and MetaphorCon, respectively) (Figs. 1c, d). The num-
meaning opposite to its literal meaning, with a negative connota- bers of characters in the balloons were adjusted between Irony and
tion, and metaphor is limited to expressions consisting of con- IronyCon, and between Metaphor and MetaphorCon. As foils,
ventional phrases, such as idiomatic expressions or proverbs. Direct stimuli in which the utterance was both situationally and literally
comparison between the cortical mechanisms for irony processing appropriate (Appropriate) (Fig. 1e) or inappropriate (Inappropriate;
and those for conventional metaphor processing has previously Fig. 1f) were also prepared. Fourteen stimuli for each of Irony,
been made in linguistic studies using fMRI (Eviatar and Just, 2006; Metaphor, IronyCon, and MetaphorCon, and 28 for each of Appro-
Uchiyama et al., 2006). However, the stimulus in those studies priate and Inappropriate, were selected from the original candidate
involved a relatively limited situational context. In contrast, using stimuli (48 for each of Irony and Metaphor, 48 for each of IronyCon
photographs, the situational contexts of stimuli in our study were and MetaphorCon, and 90 for each of Appropriate and Inappropri-
enriched, as in real-life situations. Thus, the interaction of literal ate) on the basis of the preliminary screening test. In this test, seven
meanings and situational contexts were better reflected in our or more out of eight subjects correctly evaluated that Irony stated
examination than in previous studies, and while both irony and the opposite meanings in relation to a given situation, to imply a
conventional metaphor have meanings different from their literal negative message, and Metaphor was an idiomatic expression or
denotations, situational integration is more critical in understanding proverb that is literal nonsense but is routinely used in daily life.
irony than conventional metaphors. Literal correctness and situational inappropriateness of IronyCon,
We investigated two aspects of the processing of implicit social MetaphorCon, and situational and literal appropriateness of Appro-
meaning using a block design and event-related analyses. First, we priate, inappropriateness of Inappropriate were also checked.
believed that intentional processing of implicit social meanings Mosaic pictures with a balloon showing “press the right button”
should be reflected in task-dependent activation. Using a block or “press the left button” served as the control for low-level visual
design analysis, we contrasted the situational appropriateness judg- processing and motor output (Control; Fig. 1g). Each stimulus was
ment task with the literal correctness judgment task to examine the back-projected onto a semi-translucent screen attached to the head
intentional processing, because processing of implicit social mean- coil of a magnetic resonance imaging scanner; the subject viewed
ings is essential for the judgment of situational appropriateness, but the stimuli via a mirror.
irrelevant for ascertaining literal correctness. Second, we differ-
entiated stimulus-specific responses to irony and metaphor by Tasks
event-related analysis for each stimulus type. Such stimulus-
specific responses may be task-dependent (observed during the Each subject performed the SITUATIONAL and LITERAL
situational judgment task only) or task-independent (observed tasks alternately. In the SITUATIONAL task, each subject was
regardless of the task). instructed to press the left button with the right index finger when
Considering the close relationship between the task requirement he/she had determined that the presented utterance was situationally
in this study and ToM, we predicted involvement of the medial appropriate, and to press the right button with the middle finger
frontal region, the temporal pole, and the superior temporal sulcus, when he/she had determined otherwise. In the LITERAL task, each
in which activation has been shown by functional imaging studies subject was instructed to press the left button with the right index
of ToM (Frith and Frith, 2003). finger when he/she had determined that the presented utterance was
a literally correct description of the given situation, and to press the
Materials and methods right button with the middle finger when he/she had determined
otherwise. During a blocked presentation of the Control stimuli,
Subjects each subject pressed a button according to the instruction in the
balloon (CONTROL task). In each block for the SITUATIONAL
Thirty-eight healthy, right-handed, Japanese volunteers (21 males and LITERAL tasks, either an Irony or a Metaphor stimulus alone
and 17 females, aged 18–38 years, mean = 22.3 years) participated in was intermingled among IronyCon, MetaphorCon, and foils. This
this experiment. All subjects had normal vision and none had a enabled us to separately analyze an Irony stimulus and a Metaphor
history of neurological or psychiatric illness. Handedness was eval- stimulus in the blocked design. The task design is schematically
uated using the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory (Oldfield, 1997). presented in Fig. 2.
Written informed consent was obtained from all subjects accord- Each stimulus was presented for 3.5 s with an interstimulus
ing to the guidelines of the Ethics Committee of Tohoku Univ- interval of 1.5 s. Each block consisted of seven trials starting with a
ersity and the Declaration of Helsinki (1991). visual instructional presentation for 4 s, followed by an eye-fixation
K. Wakusawa et al. / NeuroImage 37 (2007) 1417–1426 1419

Fig. 1. Examples of stimuli. The utterances in balloons were written in Japanese with English translations shown beneath the pictures. (a) Irony: The utterance
was literally opposite to the given situation in order to imply a message. (b) Metaphor: The utterance was an idiomatic expression that is literally nonsense. (c)
IronyCon: The given situation (picture) was the same as that for Irony, but the utterance was literally correct and situationally inappropriate. (d) MetaphorCon:
The given situation (picture) was the same as for Metaphor, but the utterance was literally correct and situationally inappropriate. (e) Appropriate: The utterance
was both situationally and literally appropriate. (f) Inappropriate: The utterance was both situationally and literally inappropriate. (g) Control: the mosaic pictures
with a balloon showed either “push the right button” or “push the left button.”

rest of 17 s. Five types of blocks, SITUATIONAL tasks during T1-saturation effect, 281 volumes were acquired in each fMRI
presentation of stimuli including Irony (SITUATIONAL_I) and session. An anatomical T1-weighted data set (thickness, 1 mm;
those including Metaphor (SITUATIONAL_M), LITERAL tasks FOV, 256 mm; data matrix, 192 × 224; TR = 1900 ms; TE = 3.93 ms)
during presentation of stimuli including Irony (LITERAL_I) and was acquired from each subject.
those including Metaphor (LITERAL_M), and CONTROL tasks,
were repeated four times during the task period of 1127s (Fig. 2). Preprocessing
The order of the blocks was counterbalanced across the subjects.
The following preprocessing procedures were performed using
fMRI measurement Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM2) software (Wellcome
Department of Cognitive Neurology, London, UK) and MATLAB
Forty-four transaxial gradient-echo images (echo time = 50 ms, (Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA): adjustment of acquisition timing
flip angle = 90°, slice thickness = 2.2 mm, slice gap = 0.77 mm, across slices, correction for head motion, spatial normalization
FOV = 192 mm, matrix = 64 × 64) covering the entire brain were using the anatomical image and the MNI template, and smoothing
acquired at a repetition time of 4 s, using an echo planar sequence using a Gaussian kernel with a full-width half-maximum of 9 mm.
and a Siemens Symphony (1.5 T) (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) Data from seven subjects (three males and four females) with ex-
MR scanner. Excluding four dummy scans for stabilization of the cessive head motion (more than 3 mm) or dubious task performance
1420 K. Wakusawa et al. / NeuroImage 37 (2007) 1417–1426

Fig. 2. Task design and models for analyses. The task schematically presented at the top. The task and stimulus types are illustrated in the thickness of the frame
line and in color. The order of the tasks is SITUATIONAL_I, LITERAL_I, SITUATIONAL_M, LITERAL_M, and CONTROL. The presented set of tasks was
repeated four times. The model of expected BOLD signal change is presented for five block types and for 4 of 13 event types.

(less than 80% correct responses) were excluded. Thus, data from stimuli, contrasts SITUATIONAL_I–LITERAL_I and SITUATIO-
31 subjects (18 males and 13 females) were analyzed. NAL_M–LITERAL_M, respectively, were masked by contrasts
Analysis TROL. These masks enabled us to avoid pseudoactivation due
to deactivation during the LITERAL_M task or the LITERAL_I
Two conventional two-level approaches to fMRI data analysis task.
were performed using different models (Fig. 2). We used a block In the second analysis, we modeled six stimulus types (Irony,
design to identify cortical areas involved in task-dependent IronyCon, Metaphor, MetaphorCon, Appropriate, Inappropriate), in
processing, that is, intentional comprehension of implicit social each of the SITUATIONAL and LITERAL tasks (denoted by
meanings. We employed an event-related design to detect a neural suffixes “_S” and “_L,” respectively, on each stimulus abbreviation).
response to an Irony or Metaphor stimulus, which reflects a Including the Control trial (Control stimulus/CONTROL task), the
stimulus-specific process. In both approaches, a voxel-by-voxel, models were of 13 trial types. A standard event-related hemody-
multiple regression analysis of the expected signal change was namic function was employed. Thus, to identify cortical areas that
applied to preprocessed images for each subject. Each analysis respond to Irony stimuli, the contrast Irony_S–IronyCon_S
employed a standard convolution model using the hemodynamic (pictures were controlled between these trials) was masked by the
response function provided by SPM2. Statistical inference on con- contrasts Irony_S–Appropriate_S, and Irony_S–Control. By mask-
trasts of parameter estimates was then performed with a second- ing with the contrast Irony_S–Appropriate_S, we excluded the
level, between-subject (random effects) model using a one-sample effect of different response types (that is, appropriate/inappropriate).
t-test. In the first analysis for examining sustained top-down activ- Masking with the contrast Irony_S–Control enabled us to avoid
ation associated with the tasks, we adopted five block conditions: pseudoactivation due to deactivation in IronyCon_S. Similarly, to
SITUATIONAL_I, SITUATIONAL_M, LITERAL_I, LITERAL_M, identify cortical areas that respond to a Metaphor stimulus, the
and CONTROL, employing a boxcar function at the first in- contrast Metaphor_S–MetaphorCon_S was masked by the contrasts
trasubject-level analysis. To identify cortical areas exhibiting Metaphor_S–Appropriate_S and Metaphor_S–Control.
greater activation during the SITUATIONAL task than during the For each voxel-by-voxel test, the statistical threshold was set to
LITERAL task, a contrast (SITUATIONAL_I + SITUATIONAL_M)– p b 0.001 for height, corrected to p b 0.05 for multiple comparisons
(LITERAL_I + LITERAL_M) was tested. This contrast was masked using the cluster size. For the masks, p b 0.05 for height was
by contrasts SITUATIONAL_I–LITERAL_I and SITUATIONAL_M– applied. A small volume correction was adopted for activation in
LITERAL_M to ensure that activation was not specific to an Irony the following regions in which we had a priori hypotheses (Frith
or a Metaphor stimulus, and by contrasts SITUATIONAL_I– and Frith, 2003), using box-shaped search areas (shown in []): the
CONTROL and SITUATIONAL_M–CONTROL to avoid pseu- medial prefrontal cortex [−20 ≤ x ≤ 20, 40 ≤ y ≤ 70, and 10 ≤ z ≤
doactivation due to deactivation during the LITERAL task. To 50], the temporal pole [−60 ≤ x ≤ −30, −5 ≤ y ≤ 25, and − 40 ≤ z ≤
separately identify greater activation during the SITUATIONAL − 10], and superior temporal sulcus [25 ≤ x ≤ 65, − 70 ≤ y ≤ −40,
task than during the LITERAL task for the Irony and Metaphor and 0 ≤ z ≤ 30].
K. Wakusawa et al. / NeuroImage 37 (2007) 1417–1426 1421

The region of interest (ROI) analysis dealt with the activation Table 2
profile for each activated area, that is, the estimated activation Activated region, determined by block design analysis: implicit social
(partial regression coefficient) generated at the peak voxel in the meaning
activated areas revealed by voxel-by-voxel analysis. Anatomical region Talairach coordinates t-value Cluster
For the activation peaks in the block design analysis, the differ- (x, y, z) size (mm3)
ential estimated activation in the contrast SITUATIONAL– Left medial − 10, 58, 24 4.57 424
LITERAL for six stimuli (Irony_S–_L, IronyCon_S–_L, Meta- prefrontal cortex
phor_S–_L, MetaphorCon_S–_L, Appropriate_S–_L, and Inap-
Coordinate and t-value for the peak voxel of significantly (t N 3.39,
propriate_S–_L) was analyzed using two-way analysis of variance p b 0.001, corrected to p b 0.05 by cluster size) activated regions are given
(ANOVA), including the effects of stimulus type (6) and subjects for the contrast (SITUATIONAL_I + SITUATIONAL_M)–(LITERAL_I +
(31) to determine whether the observed activation is caused by the LITERAL_M).
response to a specific stimulus type, rather than by a task-related
process. and Irony_S with Control), and (2) those related to the analyses of
For the activation peaks in the event-related design analysis, the the activation in metaphor processing (comparisons of Metaphor_S
estimated activation for 12 stimuli (Irony_S, IronyCon_S, Irony_L, with MetaphorCon_S, Metaphor_S with Appropriate_S, and
IronyCon_L, Metaphor_S, MetaphorCon_S, Metaphor_L, Meta- Metaphor_S with Control). The reaction time was significantly
phorCon_L, Appropriate_S, Inappropriate_S, Appropriate_L, and shorter in Irony_S than in IronyCon_S (p b 0.05, Tukey–Kramer
Inappropriate_L) against the Control stimuli was compared. The test), and longer in Irony_S than in Appropriate_S and Control
contrasts of interest were Irony_S–IronyCon_S, Irony_L–Irony- (p b 0.05, Tukey–Kramer test). The reaction time in Metaphor_S
Con_L, Metaphor_S–MetaphorCon_S, and Metaphor_L–Meta- did not differ significantly from those in MetaphorCon_S and
phorCon_L for the purpose of examining the question of whether Appropriate_S, but was significantly longer than that in Control
each regional activation for Irony or Metaphor processing depended (p b 0.05, Tukey–Kramer test). The percentage of correct responses
on the task-type. For comparison of estimated activation between was significantly lower in Irony_S than in Control (p b 0.05,
conditions in the peak voxel, we adopted a lenient threshold of Tukey–Kramer test).
p b 0.05 (without correction for multiple comparisons).
Block design analysis
Statistically significant activation determined by the block
Behavioral data design analysis is presented in Table 2 and Fig. 3. The left medial
prefrontal cortex was activated during the SITUATIONAL task in
The mean reaction times for the SITUATIONAL_I, SITUATIO- contrast to the LITERAL task. No statistically significant activation
NAL_M, LITERAL_I, LITERAL_M, and CONTROL conditions was observed in the contrast SITUATIONAL_I–LITERAL_I or
were 2222 ± 371, 2122 ± 320, 2239 ± 334, 2199 ± 263, and 933 ± SITUATIONAL_M–LITERAL_M tasks.
163 ms, respectively. Two-way ANOVA (task type × subject) The results of ROI analysis for this region are also shown in Fig.
revealed a significant main effect of task type (F4,124 = 405.73, p b 3c. Two-way ANOVA (stimulus type × subject) for differential
0.05). The reaction time was significantly shorter under CONTROL SITUATIONAL–LITERAL activation revealed no statistically
than the other four conditions and under the SITUATIONAL_M significant effect of stimulus type (F5,150 = 0.12, p = 0.99).
condition than under the LITERAL_I condition (p b 0.05, Tukey–
Kramer test). Event-related design analysis
The mean reaction time and the mean percentage of correct
responses for each trial type (as used in the event-related analysis) Statistically significant activation determined by event-related
are shown in Table 1. Two-way ANOVAs (stimulus type × subject) analysis is shown in Table 3 and Fig. 4. Statistically significant
for the reaction time and the percentage of correct responses both activation in the contrast Irony_S–IronyCon_S was seen in the
revealed significant main effects of trial type (reaction time: medial orbitofrontal cortex and the right temporal pole, but was not
F 12,372 = 84.69, p b 0.05, percentage of correct responses: observed in the contrast Metaphor_S–MetaphorCon_S.
F12,372 = 5.35, p b 0.05). The contrasts of interest were (1) those The results of ROI analysis of these two regions are also shown
related to the analyses of the activation for irony processing (com- in Figs. 4d and e. In the medial orbitofrontal cortex, activation was
parisons of Irony_S with IronyCon_S, Irony_S with Appropriate_S, greater under the Irony_S condition than under the IronyCon_S

Table 1
Mean reaction times and percentage of correct responses for each trial type
Task/trial Irony IronyCon Metaphor MetaphorCon Appropriate Inappropriate
SITUATIONAL (_S) 2190 ± 393 2403 ± 497 2123 ± 353 2193 ± 466 1950 ± 313 2181 ± 380
90.63 ± 0.09 89.73 ± 0.07 92.41 ± 0.11 86.61 ± 0.08 95.98 ± 0.07 91.74 ± 0.09
LITERAL (_L) 2376 ± 421 2061 ± 430 2219 ± 371 2378 ± 358 2341 ± 277 2108 ± 308
87.5 ± 0.12 97.32 ± 0.07 88.39 ± 0.14 90.18 ± 0.10 92.63 ± 0.08 93.65 ± 0.06
CONTROL (Control) 933 ± 163
933 ± 163
In each cell, the top number is mean reaction time (ms) and the bottom number is percentage of correct responses (%) for each trial type. The reaction time was
measured from the onset of the presentation of each stimulus. Values are the mean ± standard deviation (S.D.) of all subjects.
1422 K. Wakusawa et al. / NeuroImage 37 (2007) 1417–1426

Fig. 3. Activated region determined by block design analysis and the activation profile. (a) Significant activation on the glass brain, and (b) mean normalized T1-
weighted MRIs of 31 subjects. In the activation profile (c), the parameter estimate for each stimulus relative to the Control at the peak activation is shown. No
significant effect of stimulus type was observed in differential _S–_L activation. The error bar shows the standard deviation.

condition, and greater under the Metaphor_S condition than under Discussion
the MetaphorCon_S condition at the lenient threshold (p b 0.05
without correction for multiple comparisons). No statistically Task-dependent activation was observed in the left medial
significant difference in activation was observed between the prefrontal cortex during the situational judgment task, as compared
Irony_L and IronyCon_L conditions, and between the Metaphor_L to the literal judgment task, suggesting that this region is involved in
and MetaphorCon_L conditions. The activation for the contrast intentional processing of implicit social meaning. The right
Irony_S–IronyCon_S was greater than that for the contrast temporal pole showed stimulus-specific activation during the
Metaphor_S–MetaphorCon_S. In the right temporal pole, activa- processing of ironic stimuli, as compared to processing the same
tion was greater under the Irony_S condition than under the pictures with literal expressions in both tasks, suggesting that this
IronyCon_S condition, and greater under the Irony_L condition region may be linked to irony-specific processing, regardless of the
than under the IronyCon_L condition, and these differences were task. The medial orbitofrontal cortex was activated during the
statistically significant. No statistically significant difference in processing of ironic stimuli, as compared to processing of the same
activation was seen between the Metaphor_S and MetaphorCon_S pictures with literal expressions, only in the situational judgment
conditions, or between the Metaphor_L and MetaphorCon_L task. The ROI analysis showed activation in this region during
conditions. No statistically significant difference was seen between metaphor processing; however, it was less active than during irony
the activation for the contrast Irony_S–IronyCon_S and that for the processing (the difference was statistically significant). Thus, the
contrast Irony_L–IronyCon_L. medial orbitofrontal cortex appears to be preferentially related to
task-dependent processing of irony. Consistent with our prediction,
all the identified areas overlapped with the cortical regions
Table 3 implicated in ToM (Frith and Frith, 2003).
Activated regions, determined by event-related analysis: irony
Anatomical regions Talairach coordinates t-value Cluster size Left medial prefrontal cortex
(x, y, z) (mm3)
Medial orbitofrontal 2, 46, −14 5.61 840 The results of block design analyses show that the left medial
cortex prefrontal cortex is linked to the task-dependent process of asses-
Right temporal pole 52, 12, −32 4.78 600 sing socially implicit meanings. This region has been implicated in
Coordinates and t-values for the peak voxels of significantly activated various tasks of social cognition (Frith and Frith, 2003; Ochsner et
regions are given for the contrast (Irony_S–IronyCon_S). Other details are al., 2004; Amodio and Frith, 2006). These tasks may be uniformly
the same as in Table 2. conceptualized as an assessment of the relationship between an
K. Wakusawa et al. / NeuroImage 37 (2007) 1417–1426 1423

Fig. 4. Activated areas determined by event-related analysis and activation profiles. Mean normalized T1-weighted MRIs of 31 subjects: (a) medial orbitofrontal
cortex, (b) right temporal pole, and (c) significant activations on the glass brain. Regarding the activation profiles, activations in response to stimuli were
compared with each other by the paired t-test without correction for multiple comparison (*p b 0.05, n.s. = not significant) at the peak activation determined by
event-related analysis. Other details are the same as those shown in Fig. 3.

individual's information and the specific situation involved TIONAL–LITERAL task was not likely to be a default mode
(Fletcher et al., 1995; Greene et al., 2004; Berthoz et al., 2002; activation because we used the mask SITUATIONAL_M–CON-
Mitchell et al., 2004; Ochsner et al., 2004; Sugiura et al., 2004). For TROL; the reaction times in the SITUATIONAL tasks were shorter
example, the formation of an individual's impression in a given than those in the LITERAL tasks, but were longer than in the
situation (Mitchell et al., 2004) and his/her dispositional inference CONTROL task. Thus, the differential activation cannot be
(Sugiura et al., 2004) can be seen as a judgment arising from a explained by the difference in task difficulty or attention load.
person's social position, that is, the assessment of the relationship
between an individual and the social norm. Comprehension of the Right temporal pole
mental states of characters (Fletcher et al., 1995; Castelli et al.,
2000) and judgment of emotional facial expressions (Lane et al., The right temporal pole showed stimulus-specific activation in
1997; Phan et al., 2003) require assessment of the relationship both SITUATIONAL and LITERAL tasks. These results show that
between a person's mental state and the social situation. Emotional irony is processed regardless of the task type; that is, irony is
moral judgment (Greene et al., 2004) and processing of social recognized automatically in the right temporal pole. Irony is
transgression (Berthoz et al., 2002) constitute processing of social distinguishable from metaphor, in that social context (such as the
human relationships. This unified functional concept appears to relationship between a speaker's intention and others) has an
agree with our SITUATIONAL task; utterances mediating socially important role in irony comprehension (Sperber and Wilson, 1995).
implicit meanings may be processed in close association with the A role for the right temporal pole in accessing emotional context has
person concerned, and be judged by how they relate to the social been suggested by activation of this region in studies that examined
situation. subjects while watching sad movies (Lévesque et al., 2003) and that
However, the left medial prefrontal cortex has often been retrieved an emotional episodic memory (Dolan et al., 2000). The
implicated in default mode activation, which is the baseline activity results of Mobbs et al. (2006) showed that the temporal pole was
at rest, and this activity is decreased by various goal-directed related to emotional context framing, consistent with the role of this
behaviors (Raichle et al., 2001) or attention load (McKiernan et al., region suggested in our study. Activation of this region during
2003). In our study, the activation in the contrasting SITUA- recognition of autobiographical materials (Damasio et al., 1996;
1424 K. Wakusawa et al. / NeuroImage 37 (2007) 1417–1426

Nakamura et al., 2000, 2001; Sugiura et al., 2001) may be related to a role for these regions in the processing of situational context, as
access to social context. In addition, the automatic nature of such a found in the present study.
process has also been suggested in previous imaging studies (Dolan We also showed that each of these areas had a different activ-
et al., 2000; Lévesque et al., 2003; Sugiura et al., 2006) in which the ation pattern across stimulus and task conditions. Functional differ-
right temporal pole was activated independently of the task entiation between ToM-related regions is a topic of recent interest
requirement. and has been discussed in several publications (Saxe and Wexler,
2005; Amodio and Frith, 2006; Frith and Frith, 2006), and the
Medial orbitofrontal cortex present results may contribute to the understanding of such matters.
Regions previously found to be related to linguistic processing,
Activation in the medial orbitofrontal cortex was task-dependent such as the left inferior frontal gyrus, implicated in accessing the
and stimulus-specific, thus constituting irony-selective activation. mental lexicon (Giora et al., 2000; Lee and Dapretto, 2006), and the
These results indicate that this region is associated with the cons- right superior and middle temporal gyri, implicated in the
cious assessment of irony, leading to situational judgment. Irony is construction of narrative coherence (Eviatar and Just, 2006), were
judged to be appropriate in a given situation on the basis of its social not found to be active in this study. The lack of activation in these
context. areas for the linguistic processing was replicated even at a liberal
Involvement of the medial orbitofrontal cortex in judgment, threshold (p b 0.05, without correction for multiple comparisons).
based on the emotional context of a social situation, has been sug- The reason for this inconsistency may be that the implicit meanings
gested by several functional imaging studies (Farrow et al., 2001; in our study were judged primarily on the basis of situational
Berthoz et al., 2002; Moll et al., 2002). While activation of this information, derived from the pictures. Thus, the need for linguistic
region was statistically significant for the metaphor in the ROI processing was much less than in previous studies. Accordingly, our
analysis, it was greater for irony than for the metaphor (this was also results suggest that if rich situational contexts are available,
statistically significant). A greater involvement of the medial processing of implicit meanings depends more on brain mechanisms
orbitofrontal cortex in irony than in metaphor processing may be involved in ToM, especially the mechanisms underlying interaction
explained by the fact that comprehension of emotional context is of literal meanings and relevant information in situational contexts,
essential in irony processing, but is arbitrary in metaphor processing than on the linguistic processing of these expressions. Wang et al.
(Sperber and Wilson, 1995). (2006b) showed that children engaged the medial prefrontal cortex
This activation is not likely to be a default mode activation, in and left inferior frontal gyrus more strongly than adult subjects,
that we used the mask Irony_S–Control; the reaction time under the while adults recruited anterior temporal regions more strongly than
Irony_S condition was shorter than that under the IronyCon_S children during irony processing. This observed shift in the regions
condition, but it was longer than in the Control. Thus, differential involved from the network for linguistic processing (inferior frontal
activation cannot be explained by the difference in the task dif- gyrus) to the anterior temporal regions may be explained by the
ficulty or attention load. increased amount of available situational context for the adults.
A possible counterargument to our results is that the irony-
Comparison to previous studies on the processing of implicit related activation in the right temporal pole and the medial
meaning orbitofrontal cortex may be explained by the negative connotation
of irony, rather than an integrative process with the situational
This study showed that the left medial prefrontal cortex was context. However, we do not think this is likely. The temporal pole
associated with judgment of relational appropriateness between an is not activated in processing of simple negative connotations, but is
individual's information and social situation, and was thus activated in processing negative emotions perceived in a certain
relevant to the appropriateness judgment of both irony and meta- social context, in the present and previous studies (Dolan et al.,
phor. Irony was automatically processed by assessing the emo- 2000; Mobbs et al., 2006). Furthermore, the medial orbitofrontal
tional context of a social situation in the right temporal pole, and cortex is involved in reflecting negative emotions to judgment in
was judged on the basis of this context in the medial orbitofrontal this and previous studies (Farrow et al., 2001; Moll et al., 2002),
cortex. Judgment of metaphor was also dependent on the medial rather than mere perception of negative emotions.
orbitofrontal cortex, but to a lesser extent than irony, presumably
because reference to emotional context is irrelevant for judgment Conclusions
of metaphors.
Previous studies have shown that these three regions, the left In social situations, comprehension of irony involves the right
medial prefrontal cortex, right temporal pole, and medial orbito- temporal pole and the medial orbitofrontal cortex, presumably
frontal cortex, are related to ToM (Frith and Frith, 2003). However, because it requires automatic access to the social context and
few studies have shown that these three regions are involved in the judgment, based on this context, carried out in these regions,
processing of irony or metaphor (see, e.g., Brownell et al., 1984, respectively. The left medial prefrontal cortex is involved in the
1990; Bottini et al., 1994; Kempler et al., 1999; Rapp et al., 2004; judgment of appropriateness of both irony and metaphor, probably
Eviatar and Just, 2006; Lee and Dapretto, 2006; Mashal et al., by means of the processing of the relationship between a person's
2007). In these studies, the stimuli involved relatively limited social information and the situation. These regions have been suggested to
situations and these limited situations were presented explicitly. In be involved in ToM, and our results reveal that each region has a
contrast, the picture stimuli used in our study were rich in social different function in processing implicit meaning and irony in
context and were presented implicitly, as they would occur in daily realistic situations. Our results suggest that processing of implicit
life in which such expressions would be used. The lack of activation meanings in context-rich situations depends more on brain
in regions involved in ToM in previous studies (Eviatar and Just, mechanisms involved in ToM, especially the mechanisms related
2006; Lee and Dapretto, 2006; Mashal et al., 2007) further suggests to the interaction of literal meanings and relevant information in
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