My Mature Times - April 2013

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By Ray Vigil
Social Security Public Affairs Specialist in El Paso, Texas
Often times, people decide they need to apply for a new So-
cial Security card because they cant find their old one. As
long as you have all of the required information and docu-
mentation, its not difficult to obtain a replacement Social
Security card. But heres even better news: you probably
dont need the card.
When you think about it, your Social Security number is
your Social Security card. That is, knowing your number is
usually all youll ever need. Know your number by heart,
and youll never leave home without it.
In the event that you really do want or need to get a replace-
ment card, either for yourself or for a child, you can find all
the details at The
Get Or Replace a Social Security Card page provides in-
formation on how to obtain a replacement card and what
specific documents you need to provide. Each situation is
unique, but in most cases you simply need to print, com-
plete, and either mail or bring the application to Social Secu-
rity with the appropriate documentation (originals or
certified copies only).
In almost all cases, though, an application for your new-
borns Social Security card and number is taken in the hospi-
tal at the same time that you apply for your babys birth
There are a number of reasons a baby or child may need a
Social Security number, but the main one is so that you can
claim your child as a dependent on your tax return. Your
child also will need a Social Security number to apply for
certain government and social service benefits.
Whether you need a Social Security card for yourself or your
child, its easy to apply for one. But remember: if you al-
ready have one and just cant find it, in most cases all you
really need is to know your number. Memorize your Social
Security number, and youll never leave home without it.
Learn more about your Social Security card and number at
Senior Games Competition with
Table Tennis, Swimming and Tennis
The Games are
being sponsored
by HealthSpring
and Urgent Care
Home Heath Inc.,
and the City of El
Paso Parks and
Recreation Depart-
The Games will
culminate with an
awards banquet at
6:00 p.m. on May
3, 2013 at Hilos de
Plata Senior Cen-
ter, 4451 Delta St.
Participants must
be 50 years old to
Registration fee is:
$15 Includes 2 events and an official Senior Games T-Shirt
$5 Cost of each additional event
$45 Includes cost to participate in all events
Event Date Time Location
Bowling Thursday, April 18th 9am Bowl El Paso, 11144 Pellicano Dr.
Horseshoes Friday, April 19th 9am Eastside Senior Center,3200 FierroDr.
Cycling Saturday, April 20th 7am Ascarate Park, 6900 Delta Dr.
Road Race Saturday, April 20th 10am Ascarate Park, 6900 Delta Dr.
Golf Thursday, April 25th 9:30am Ascarate Park, 6900 Delta Dr.
Track and Field Saturday, April 27th 8:30am Burges High School,
7800 Edgemere Blvd.
Awards Banquet Friday, May 3rd 6pm Hilos de Plata Senior Center,
4451 Delta Dr.
Registration and event information is available at any Parks and Recreation Senior
Center or online at Information - (915) 544-0753.
Medical/Ostomy Supply, Inc.
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Fax: 915-351-1970
Monday thru Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Bath Safety
Patient Care
Too Much Calcium Is Risky for
Elderly Men
Calcium intake among Americans of all
ages is significantly less than the amount recom-
mended to assure normal bone health. In children
and teenagers, this has led to a lower total amount
of calcium in the bones in early adult life. From
age 20 onward, about 1 percent of the total cal-
cium is lost from bones each year. More is lost
around menopause because of reduction in the
levels of the female hormones estrogen and prog-
Over time as the bones become critically thin, os-
teoporosis develops, and that leads to loss of
height, curvature of the spine
(called a dowager's hump) and se-
rious fractures that can occur
spontaneously or after a fall.
Particularly serious are fractures
of the hip, after which fewer than
50 percent ever walk again; risk
of death in the following year is
25 percent greater, and a large
fraction require nursing home
While osteoporosis is largely a disease in women,
it also occurs in men but usually about 10 years
later. In other words, the bones of an 80-year-old
man are as likely to be osteoporotic as those of a
70-year-old woman.
Adequate lifelong intake of calcium and vitamin
D, together with exercises such as impact aero-
bics and weight training, help build bone and pro-
tect against osteoporosis. Because of risks of
breast and cervical cancer, blood clots, headaches
and heart attacks and strokes, hormone replace-
ment therapy is not recommended to prevent os-
teoporosis. In men and women over age 60,
supplementing the daily diet with 500 mg of cal-
cium plus 200 international units of vitamin D is
Concerns about calcium supplementation began
when a German study published in the journal
Heart in 2012 showed that some women taking
calcium supplements had elevated levels of cal-
cium in their blood, which in turn caused a sub-
stantially higher risk of heart disease. However an
increase in blood levels is not related to the cal-
cium absorbed from the bowel, either from the
diet or supplements.
The calcium concentration in the blood is finely
regulated by vitamin D, which promotes absorp-
tion of calcium from the bowel, and by a hor-
mone called parathyroid hormone, produced by
the parathyroid glands nestled within
the thyroid gland in the neck.
A slight increase in calcium leads to
a greater production of parathyroid
hormone, which drives calcium into
bone and maintains a normal level.
Low serum calcium reduces parathy-
roid levels, and calcium leaches from
bone to make the serum value nor-
Any increase in calcium entering the body is di-
verted into bone and does not raise serum calcium
levels. But when there is an abnormally high level
of either parathyroid hormone or vitamin D, the
level of calcium in blood increases. In this cir-
cumstance, calcium deposits in arteries makes
them thick and irregular and predisposes to block-
age that can lead to a heart attack.
Nevertheless, many experts in the field have
begun to argue that too much calcium in the diet
may be bad for you and may adversely affect the
heart. In an article just published in the Journal of
the American Medical Association, researchers
examined 388,229 men and women who were
participating the National Institutes of Health-
AARP Diet and Health Study. The subjects were
followed for 12 years commencing in 1995.
Continues on page 6
Dr. David Lipschitz
Reports: Elder Abuse Is Increasing Problem
Dr. David Lipschitz
Elder abuse is becoming
ever more common.
Numerous reports have documented
this rising problem. As a result, in
this legislative season, lawmakers in
several states are proposing new
laws to require reporting and harsher
penalties. Although exact numbers
are unknown, the American Psycho-
logical Association estimates that
every year, more than 4 million older
people are victims of physical, psy-
chological or other forms of abuse
and neglect.
Because of increased awareness and
training, crimes against residents in
nursing homes are less frequent. In
most cases, a family member or
hired caregiver is the abuser.
But abuse occurs in every setting
and is just as common in affluent as
in poor families, in those with high
levels of education, by spouses, chil-
dren and friends, irrespective of age,
sex or ethnicity.
Physical violence, while horrify-
ing, reflects only a small fraction of
the problem. The patient may be
slapped, dragged, pulled and
scratched if he fails to follow in-
structions, such as bathing, dressing
or using the toilet.
Most abuse is emotional or
psychological. A caregiver may
yell, humiliate, insult or threaten.
Neglect is a form of abuse. Failure to
feed, groom or assist with toileting;
allowing the patient to live in an un-
sanitary environment, or failing to
follow treatment plans are all forms
of neglect. On occasion, a caregiver
may abandon the patient at a hospi-
tal, park or even railway station.
Caregivers may take advantage of
patients financially by writing
checks, stealing Social Security
checks, cash or belongings or forg-
ing a signature.
Patients with Alzheimer's disease are
particularly prone to abuse. In 2009,
the journal BMJ published a study
that examined the prevalence and
forms of abuse among caregivers of
patients with Alzheimer's. A total of
52 percent of caregivers admitted to
some form abuse, the most common
being screaming or yelling (26 per-
cent), using a harsh tone or swearing
(18 percent) or threatening to send
the patient to a nursing home (4 per-
cent). Only 1 percent reported physi-
cal abuse.
Most caregivers who admitted to
emotional abuse indicated that it oc-
curred rarely. Caregivers who did
abuse their loved ones were remorse-
ful and guilty but felt provoked.
What causes abuse? Although
stress from being a caregiver is a
major risk factor for abuse, it is not
the most common. Stressed individu-
als are more likely to abuse if they
are depressed, receive no support
from family or who feel that being a
caregiver is overwhelming and bur-
Abuse is more common
in spouses who have
significant conflicts dur-
ing their marriage. Men
are more likely to abuse
than women, as are
those with low self-es-
teem, alcohol and drug
dependency or those
who have been abused
Abuse is more common if relatives
are financially dependent on the per-
son they are caring for.
Continues on page 6
Living Will Decreases Decision-Making Pain
By Dr. David Lipschitz
Can a week be worse? A woman
whom I was very close to died in her
mid-90s. For me it is a terrible loss,
and the frequent comment "that her
death was a blessing" or "she had
lived a long and wonderful life"
does not ring true. I will miss her,
our visits, the sage advice I fre-
quently received from her, her sto-
ries and her wit.
At her funeral, my sister called from
South Africa. My mother had just
had a stroke and could not speak or
walk. That day I left for South
Africa, and I write this column from
my sister's house.
My mother turns 90 in June. She has
embraced life to the fullest, is a
world-class bridge player and was
never without a man on her arm. She
remained full of vim and vigor, lov-
ing and healthy until that first Mon-
day in September when she had a
serious fall. She broke her shoulder,
her nose, but most significantly, her
After surgery and rehabilitation, she
seemed on the road to recovery. A
month later she developed a serious
gastrointestinal problem. While per-
forming gastroscopy to look at her
stomach, she had a cardiac arrest.
No one thought she would survive.
But after a six-week hospital stay,
she gradually recovered, went home
and was able to walk with a walker.
Two months later, she had her first
stroke. This affected the left side of
the body. Although walking was vir-
tually impossible, she remained as
sharp as a tack and was able to get
about in a wheelchair and communi-
And now the final blow. Seeing her
breaks my heart. She cannot speak,
does not understand and cannot
move without being carried from the
bed to a chair.
My mother does not have a living
will. We never discussed her wishes
should she become so seriously ill;
she always seemed so healthy and
invulnerable. This circumstance cre-
ates huge dilemmas for families,
particularly if there are disagree-
ments, conflicts and children are
scattered worldwide.
Children may feel guilty and have
different opinions on the value of ar-
tificial feeding. They question
whether continued hospitalizations
should be considered and if infec-
tions occur, should they be treated
with antibiotics?
I have three siblings, and we know
that my mother asked that she never
be hospitalized again. We have de-
cided not to
pass a tube
into her
stomach to
feed her ar-
She is able
to eat and
drink with help.
We will provide as much comfort
care as possible but will not do any-
thing that will prolong life for more
than a short while.
Because my mother is reaching the
end of her life, my family has spent
time discussing living wills and
what constitutes a terminal condition
legally and ethically. In the ad-
vanced health care directive that I
have signed, the definition is as fol-
lows: "A terminal condition means
an incurable and irreversible condi-
tion..Continues on next page
Continued from page 3...The results
showed that men (but not women)
taking 1,000 mg calcium daily as a
supplement were 20 percent more
likely to die from heart disease than
those not taking supplements. Based
on this information, it seems prudent
for men not to take calcium supple-
The average American diet that is to-
tally free of dairy products has ap-
proximately 800 mg of calcium. A
50- to 70-year-old man requires 1,000
mg of calcium daily, and over 71, the
requirement is 1200 mg. Increasing
calcium requirements to the recom-
mended level can readily be met by
drinking a glass of milk or eating an
ounce of cheese or a cup of yogurt,
all of which contain 300 mg of cal-
cium. To date, calcium from food
sources has not been shown to have
any serious adverse effects.
We want to recognize disease risk
and do everything possible to prevent
it. With adequate dietary calcium in
our diet, combined with appropriate
exercise and screening, the risks of
osteoporosis can be reduced. A cal-
cium supplement that seems so harm-
less increases heart attack risk and
should be avoided in adult men.
In medicine, nothing ever stays the
Dr. David Lipschitz is the author of
the book "Breaking the Rules of
Aging."More information is available
Continued from page 5.. caused by
injury, disease or illness, that would
within reasonable medical judgment
cause death within a reasonable pe-
riod of time in accordance with ac-
cepted medical standards, and
where application of life-sustaining
treatment would serve only to pro-
long the process of dying."
And life-sustaining treatment is de-
fined in part as follows: "to include,
without limitation, any medical or
surgical treatment, procedure or in-
tervention that uses mechanical or
artificial means, including but not
limited to hydration, artificial respi-
ration and cardiac resuscitation."
These are wrenching decisions for
families. No matter your age, it is
much more preferable to make your
wishes known by having an appro-
priate living will. Importantly, as-
sign a relative or close friend who
will become responsible for deci-
sions if you are unable to do so
Without a living will and if the fam-
ily cannot agree, the health care sys-
tem may have no choice but to be
unduly aggressive. This can be pre-
vented if all family members know
of their parent's wishes and if there
is total consensus on the treatment
If this is accomplished, recrimina-
tions and regrets will be avoided.
Involve your physician in the deci-
sion-making process, become as
knowledgeable as possible about
the illness and its prognosis and
consider what you would want done
were you in your loved one's condi-
Dr. David Lipschitz is the author of
the book "Breaking the Rules of
Aging."More information is
available at:
Living Will Decreases Decision...
Continued from page 4
As it can occur in every setting, it is
important that close friends, family
and physicians be on the lookout for
elder abuse. A problem should be
suspected if bruises, scratches or
fractures occur, if the patient com-
plains that the caregiver has been
emotionally abusive or if there are
signs of neglect, such as weight
loss, poor grooming and failure to
take medications.
Because of the breadth
of the problem, every
caregiver must be
aware that they are at
risk of being abusive.
The more that elder abuse is under-
stood, the greater the public aware-
ness and the more education, the
better. Learn as much as possible
about elder abuse and caregiving. If
possible, caregivers should not "go
it alone." Insist that chil-
dren, other siblings,
grandchildren or
friends help.
Every caregiver
should make
sure that his own
needs are met
and always con-
sider respite care if
possible. Look into
adult day health care
that provides the caregiver
time alone and an opportunity to get
things done.
Ask a relative to take over care for a
weekend or consider admission to a
nursing home or residential facility
for respite care. In many circum-
stances, this may be a benefit cov-
ered by Medicare or insurance.
And last but not least, join a
caregiver support group.
Rest assured there are
many wise individ-
uals who have ex-
perienced similar
Taking care of a
beloved spouse or
parent, although
very difficult, can be
spiritually rewarding and
a truly uplifting experience.
This will occur only if you truly un-
derstand the task and seek the nec-
essary support and love to make it
Elder Abuse...
By: Doppler Dave Speelman
Doppler" Dave Speelman is the chief meteorologist at KVIA-TV in El Paso. You can
watch his forecasts at 4, 5, 6 and 10 pm on ABC-7 (channel 6 cable). If you would like
Doppler Dave to address (explain) any weather issues you can email him at
Weather Trivia
What is the cloudiest city in the United States?
Its been a fairly windy
March. Weve recorded 12
days of wind gusts at 30 or
more miles per hour with a
peak gust around 60 for
three of those days.
Blowing dust and sand is a
common phenomenon in El
Paso this time of year. Mete-
orologist David Novlan and
Michael Hardiman at the Na-
tional Weather Service in
Santa Teresa noted that dur-
ing the months of March,
April and May there is a
42% chance of encountering
blowing dust on any single
day. This had been the case
since records were kept in El
Paso. It was noted from a
news article reporting on a
storm in 1895 (Cox, 2005):
A Big Blow hit El Paso late
on the night of April 4,
1895by the midnight the
anemometer (wind measur-
ing device) at the Weather
Bureau registered 50 mph
and continue to gain
strengthThe wind took
down many of the citys
scare trees and ripped away
telegraph, telephone
and power lines, leav-
ing the city without
electric lights.
Did you know that El Paso
averages 14.5 significant
dust events per year? This is,
in my opinion, the most un-
pleasant feature of our
weather. The wind does not
have to be considered exces-
sive but because this is our
driest time of the year it
doesnt take a lot of real
strong winds to elevate our
dust and sand. This blowing
dust causes many hazards.
We typically must endure re-
duced visibility; the dusty
conditions cause respiratory
problems and the blowing
dust can get in to moving
parts and reduce the mechan-
ical life of equipment. There
are often more accidents as-
sociated with dust storms re-
sulting in fatalities and roads
being closed due to the poor
It should be noted that
strong winds by themselves
are not sufficient for a sig-
nificant dust event. David
Novlan says the wind must
be sufficiently turbulent to
loft dust and it must occur in
a reasonably unstable envi-
At Least One More Month of Wind
A n s w e r : A A s t o r i a , O r e g o n . I t h a s 2 4 0 c l o u d y d a y s p e r y e a r .
A. Astoria, Oregon
B. Seattle, Washington
C. Elkins, West Virginia
D. Kalispell, Montana
If you want your upcoming event listed in SPOTLIGHTS Out & About section, please send all your relevant data
by e-mail to:
Out & About
Calendar of upcoming events for El Paso/ Southern New Mexico are
from March 29th - April 20th 2013
MWR Golf Tournament - Fort
Bliss MWR will host its Open Tour-
nament beginning with a shotgun
start at 9 a.m. Friday, March 29, at
the forts Underwood Golf Com-
plexs Sunset Course, 3200 Coe.
Four-person scramble tournament.
Prizes awarded for first, second and
third places, and closest to the pin.
Entry fee: $40 per player (includes
green fees, cart. rental, range balls
and lunch). Open to all. Information:
Harvey El Paso Playhouse,
2501 Montana, presents the charm-
ing comedy about a man and his in-
visible six-foot rabbit March
15-April 6. Directed by Matt
Moeller. Showtimes are 8 p.m. Fri-
day and Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday.
Tickets: $10 ($8 seniors, $7 mili-
tary/students with ID; $5 students
under 18). Information: 532-1317,
A kind and gentle man introduces
his imaginary friend to all of his
friends and family. His sister tries to
commit him (and his imaginary 6-
foot rabbit) to an insane asylum.
Will she succeed or will her
brothers charm win her over?
A Midsummer Nights
Dream - Kids-N-Co., 1301 Texas,
presents Shakespeares fantasy,
adapted by Layle Chambers, March
15-April 7,. Directed by Jaime Lu-
percio. Showtimes are 7:30 p.m. Fri-
days and Saturdays and 2:30 p.m.
Sundays. Tickets: $7 ($5 student,
military and seniors). Ticket infor-
mation: 351-1455 or
Easter Family Gathering
The Easter event geared towards
children age 2 to 10 and their fami-
lies is 10 a.m. to noon Saturday,
March 30, at First Christian Church,
901 Arizona (St. Vrain entrance),
with Easter crafts, egg decorating, a
story moment and egg hunt. Admis-
sion is free. Information: 533-6819
Downtown walking tour A
Downtown walking tour of Historic
Sites and Public Art is 10:30 a.m.
Saturday, March 30, starting at the
entrance of the El Paso Museum of
History, 510 N. Santa Fe, and pass-
ing through San Jacinto Plaza. The
tour will cover El Paso history from
1851 to 1950 including stage, mule
and trolley car lines, famous saloons,
brothels, and more. The tour is two
hours long, with a lunch break at
Tejas Cafe.
Meet at Museum of History at
10:15 a.m. Cost: $5 donation to the
Railroad and Transportation Mu-
seum of El Paso (free for children
with discounts for teachers, students,
and military. Special tours can be
scheduled in advance by contacting
the Railroad Museum. Information:
422-3420, 256-4409 or
Downtown Artist Market
The City of El Paso Museums and
Cultural Affairs Departments mar-
ket for area artists are Saturdays in
the Union Plaza District along An-
thony Street. Hours are 9 a.m. to 1
p.m. Space for about 53 artists avail-
able each month. Information: 541-
Marcha Campesina Sin
Fronteras and other community or-
ganizations will celebrate the accom-
plishments of United Farm Workers
of America founder Cesar Chavez
with a march that begins at 9 a.m..
Sunday, March 31, at the Farm
Worker Center, 201 E. Ninth and
travels to San Jacinto Plaza and
back. An indigenous blessing pre-
cedes the march at 9 a.m., and a re-
ception follows noon to 3 p.m. at the
center. Admission is free.
Crossland gallery The El Paso
Art Associations gallery is at 500
W. Paisano (in the Art Junction of El
Paso). Hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Tuesday through Friday, 11 a.m. to 3
p.m. Saturdays. Admission is free.
Information: 534-7377 or office@el-
Showing March 29-April 20: Bill
Rakocy Retrospective, showcasing
60 years of art by El Paso artist, with
more than 20 oils and watercolors,
and four musal. Opening reception is
6-8 p.m. Friday, March 29.
Continues on page 11
1 Brush's companion
5 Plant part
9 Yields to pressure
14 Spoken
15 Shade of blue
16 Heep, of fiction
17 Discharge
18 Final notice
19 Mother-of-pearl
20 Carnivore on cable
23 Slur over
24 Facial spasm
25 Go bad
27 Legal matter
28 Carnivore on the bas-
ketball court?
33 Fast fliers
35 Boy
36 Part of a cake
37 In the center of
39 Work by Emily Dickin-
41 Annika Sorenstam,
for one
44 A Bell ___ Adano
45 Winnie-the- ___
49 Carnivores in a flower
53 Lobbying org.
54 Chang's twin
55 Alfonso's queen
56 Principal Norse gods
58 Carnivore in a colorful
63 English dramatist
George ___
64 Well-ventilated
65 ___ soit qui mal y
66 Remove a mistake
67 Blue-green shade
68 1920s designer
69 Actress Winona
70 Columnist Bombeck
71 For fear that
1 Treasury
2 1997 AL East champs
3 Bolshevik
4 Mix
5 Winter forecast
6 Index card attach-
7 Threw out
8 Like 56 Across
9 Peter, once on TV
10 Mideast nation
11 Colonial ruler
12 Hoop site
13 Haggard hero-
21 Poetic contrac-
22 Grp. for FSU
and UNC
26 High hill
29 Whitney or Wal-
30 Michael Jackson
31 Pub pint
32 Light source
34 Nigerian-born pop
38 Debussy's La ___
39 Food from a tropical
40 Mine product
41 Fr. holy woman
42 Cold
43 Intellectual
44 More of an oddball
46 Landward
47 Turns a certain way
48 ___ Beecher Stowe
50 Hawaiian garland
51 Native
52 Diego or Francisco
57 Singer Merman
59 In addition
60 House of Lords mem-
61 British baby buggy
62 Jean Auel's heroine
63 Each
Join us for a
day of
awareness in
the world of
deaf, blind
and hard of
Leave empowered with the
use of technology and other
Thursday, April 25, 2013
8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.
Region 19 Education Service
6611 Boeing Bldg. A - Paso
Del Norte # 1& 2
Hosted by
Rebecca Hernandez and
Susana Santillan
Hard of Hearing and
Deaf Resource Specialists
ASL Interpreters, CART and
Assistive Listening Devices
will be available!
Please RSVP by April 18th
via emailing or calling: or
915-594-7194 (V/TTY) /
915-503-1336 (VP) or
915-594-4664 (V/TTY) /
915-503-1337 (VP)
CEUs will be provided!
El Paso, TX, March 28, 2013 El Pasoans Fighting
Hunger Food Bank needs the community to help win
$45,000 through the Walmart Fighting Hunger Together
competition. During the entire month of April, the food
bank is asking that El Pasoans visit
mart, click on the Fighting Hunger Together tab, and find
El Pasoans Fighting Hunger to vote. users
may vote once per day.
Approximately 200 Food Banks across the country are
competing for 40 prizes of $45,000 to fund programs
specifically to alleviate child hunger. A donation of this
size would make a significant impact.
The unfortunate truth is that more than 1 in 4 people in El
Paso County are food-insecure with over 135,000 of those
being children and 85,000 being adults and senior citi-
zens. The Agriculture Department defines food insecurity
as lacking consistent access to enough nutritious food for
an active, healthy lifestyle. Any degree of food insecurity
can lead to chronic hunger and malnutrition.
While the problem of hunger is not easily visible, hunger
and malnutrition are prominent in our community, and
have significant consequences.
Inadequately nourished children are apt to have develop-
mental and learning problems as well as more likely to be
susceptible to sickness, John Schwarting, Executive Di-
rector for El Pasoans Fighting Hunger.
The Walmart Foundation is a major partner in alleviating
hunger in El Paso. Since April of 2012, Walmart has com-
mitted $200,000 of funding to El Pasoans Fighting
Hunger. Help El Pasoans Fighting Hunger to continue to
receive the generous support of the Walmart Foundation
by voting every day during the month of April.
For more information concerning the Food Bank and how
you can help, visit or
call 915-298-0353.
Enchilada Plate Fundraiser
Riverside High School Alumni Associa-
tions fundraising sale is 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Monday through Thursday, April 1-4, at
The Lunch Box, 667 N. Carolina. Plate
consists of three red cheese enchiladas,
beans, rice and salad (drink not in-
cluded). Proceeds go towards scholarship
fund. Tickets: $6. Proceeds go towards
scholarship fund. Information/tickets:
A RHS Exes Meet and Greet is 5 to 8
p.m. Thursday, April 4, at The Lunch
Celebre la Familia The
fundraiser for Foster in Texas is 5:30 to 9
p.m. Thursday, April 4, at the Marriott
Hotel, 1600 Airway. Dinner and cocktails
and an auction of original wooden
houses painted by some of El Pasos
premier artists. Ticket information: 845-
7937, 373-922 or
Foster in Texas is a ministry of Lutheran
Social Services of the South. All money
raised will be used in El Paso.
Marcelo Rod-Che y Friends
The tropical salsa band performs 6-8 p.m.
Friday, March 29, as part of the grand
opening of De Franco Designs at its new
location, 5024 Doniphan Ste 6 in Placita
Santa Fe. The grand opening celebration
begins at 4 p.m. Admission is free. Infor-
mation: 351-1832.
STAR Western Gala The
Alzheimers Association STAR Chapter
of El Paso will host its annual gift basket
fundraiser Friday, April 5, at El Paso
Country Club. Information: Susie, 544-
1799 or
Womens History Month Confer-
ence The 2013 conference is April 2-
4 at UTEP. The conference features
activists, scholars and artists from all
fields hosting panels, workshops, lectures
and performances. Information: UTEP
Womens Resource Center, 747-5291 or
Sunland Park Racetrack &
Casino The live racing season runs
through April 16. Live racing is Tuesday,
Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Post time is
12:25 p.m.
General admission and parking are free.
Information: (575) 874-5200 or sunland-
Phillip Phillips The American Idol
winner performs at 7:30 p.m. Friday,
March 29, at NMSUs Pan American
Center in Las Cruces, with tentative
opening act alt rock band Churchill. Tick-
ets: $18.50 and $28.50 (Ticketmaster).
Information: (575) 646-1420.
Phillips debut single, Home, marked
the biggest opening sales week for an
Idol winners coronation song and has
since gone triple platinum, having been
featured as the soundtrack for the 2012
U.S. Olympics Womens Gymnastics
team and more recently as the unofficial
theme for Hurricane Sandy relief. In ad-
dition, his World From The Other Side
of the Moon debut album reached Num-
ber 4 on the record charts.
Mesilla Valley Stamp Show The
show is 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and
Sunday, March 30-31, at the Las Cruces
Convention Center, 680 E. University
Ave. in Las Cruces. Admission is free. In-
formation: (575) 202-1937.
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