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CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR (BB403) Internal Assignment: 18 Marks Chapter No.1: Consumer behaviour: nature, scope & application 1.

Discuss consumer behaviour process. 2. Which disciplines have contributed to the study of consumer behaviour? OR Consumer behaviour is a Multi disciplinary in nature. 3. Family Life cycle and buying behaviour. 4. Major factors influencing buying decision. 5. Nature and scope of consumer behaviour. 6. Reasons for the development OR importance of consumer behaviour. Chapter No.2: Motivation: needs & goals, positive & negative motivation, types & systems of needs hierarchy & trio of needs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Definition of motivation. Different types of motivation. Concept/Types of needs. Discuss and critically evaluate Maslows Hierarchy of Needs. How motivation influences consumer behaviour / Consumer Decision Making.

Chapter No.3: Personality: nature, theories; Freudian, neo Freudian & trait 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Definition of personality. Nature of personality. Elements of personality. Intra Psychic theory of Sigmund Freud. ( Freudian Theory) Carl Jungs Extrovert Introvert Theory ( Neo Freudian Theory) Trait Theory How personality influences consumer behaviour / Consumer Decision Making.

Chapter No.4: Perception: sensation, absolute threshold and differential threshold 1. 2. 3. 4. What do you understand by Absolute threshold? Explain Differential Threshold (j.n.d) What is perception, subliminal Perception and Sensation? Explain the different factors affecting the selection of the stimuli. Explain the concept of perception. How does it is going to influence consumer behaviour.

Chapter No.5: Learning: classical learning, instrumental learning and cognitive learning theories 1. 2. 3. 4. Explain classical conditioning theory of learning. Discuss cognitive theory of learning. How instrumental conditioning is useful for marketing strategy. Discuss learning process and its applications in marketing.

Chapter No.6: Attitude: tricomponent attitude model and sources of influence 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Discuss nature of attitude Explain in detail the different theories of attitude formulation. Discuss Cognitive dissonance theory & tricomponent attitude model. How to bring changes in ones attitude. Explain the marketing Strategies for attitude change.

Chapter No.7: Reference groups: concepts, factors affecting reference groups. 1. 2. 3. 4. Group dynamics. What do you understand by group? Discuss the different stages of group formation. What do you understand by the concept of reference groups? Discuss different types of Reference groups. What are those factors that affect the reference group?

Chapter No.8: Social class & its Measurement 1. Meaning of social class. 2. What do you understand by the nature of social class? Discuss the approaches for measuring the social class. Chapter No.9: Culture & sub culture: definition & influence 1. Explain characteristics of culture. 2. Discuss influence of culture on consumer behaviour. 3. The nature of sub culture. Chapter No.10: Introduction to opinion leadership. 1. What do you understand by opinion leader? Discuss characteristics of opinion leader. 2. Discuss importance of opinion leader in consumer behaviour. Chapter No.11: Consumer innovation 1. Explain the concept of Diffusion of Innovation. What are different stages of Diffusion Process? 2. What do you understand by Adoption process? Discuss in detail different stages in the Adoption Process?

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