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Group of members : 1) NG YON HUI 2) GAN QI LI 3) CHIA LEE FANG 4) LIM LI TING

Subject: Science Class: 5K Number of pupils : Age: 11 year old Date : 17 March 2011 Time: 10.35 11.35 a.m. (1 hour) Theme: Survival of the species Learning Area: 2. plant survival Learning Objective: Understanding that different plants have their own ways to ensure the survival of their species. Learning Outcomes: By the end of this unit, pupils should able to: a) state various ways plants disperse their seeds and fruits. b) explain why plants need to disperse seeds or fruits. 20 / 20


Art, English Prior Knowledge: Pupils understand how plants ensure the survival of species, e.g. a) by water, b) by wind, c) by animal, d) by explosive mechanism Scientific skills: Observing and communicating. Critical thinking skills: Attributing, Relating, Compare and Contrast Scientific attitudes and values:
a) Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment. Pupils become aware of

the various ways plants disperse their seeds and fruits. b) Being responsible about the safety of the environment Teaching Aid and Materials: 1) Flash cards 2) Orchid Plant 3) A4 papers 4) Pictures of plants 5) Worksheet



Teaching & Learning Activities


Orientation (15 minutes)

Attract students attention. Assesses students prior knowledge: The various ways plants reproduce.

Teacher brings a pot of flower (orchid) to drew students attention. Teacher shows some types of seeds to students. Students are required to predict what seeds had teacher shows. Students are required to discuss and tell the teacher about seeds are get from what plants Teacher uses flash cards to show some various type of flowers. . (coconuts,papaya ,kapok, watermelon,mango, balsam, ) Students are able to think and investigate the ways of reproduce in these plants. The students are divided into 6 Appendix 3: groups. Teacher gives one picture of plant to each group. Scientific skills:: Every student will get an A4 Observing Communicating paper. Students are required to write down the way of dispersal on paper. Students are required to discuss Critical thinking with their group members to skill: find out the answer. Analyzing Students are required to show Approach:

Eliciting ideas (15 minutes)

The ways of the plants dispersal. 1. By wind (shorea) 2. By water (lotus) 3. By animals (tomatoes) 4. Explosive mechanism (petai)

Pictures of animals

Interpreting data

their answer.

Discussion carried

Teacher prepares all the answer out by students on the black board. Attention: make sure all the members are actively involve Multiple intelligent: interpersonal, artistic

Restructuring ideas (15 minutes)

Describe how the plants dispersal and the characteristic. Wind : small size , light , and has wing like structure or fine hair. Water : has husk to help it float , air spaces. Animals : Fruit , has fleshy and edible part, hard seed that cannot be




to Scientific skill: Communicating

students why plants need to Observing reproduce? Teacher explains four types of the plants dispersal and the characteristic by using CD. Teacher corrects their mistakes Critical thinking and explains it more details to skills: ensure the students mastery the analyzing knowledge completely.

Approach: socialization

digested by animals. Explosive mechanism : Fruit dries up , splits at the edges and the seeds are pushed out.

Multiple intelligent: interpersonal , intrapersonal

Application (10 minutes)

Fill in the blanks activity: Name the special characteristics of . the plants dispersal.

Teacher gives the clues to Appendix 4: everyone in the class. exercise to find the answer. Teacher discuss the answer with students. Scientific skill: Observing Critical thinking skills: Analyzing, making conclusions Multiple intelligent: Visual spatial, Intrapersonal Clues Students are required to do the Alphabets table

Reflection (5 minutes)

Summary of the lesson: Homework: Fill in exercisePupils are required to fill in the correct answer in their exercise book. ( exercise which are have many pictures, students are able to fill in and classify the plants dispersal.

Teacher summaries the whole Appendix 5: lesson learnt today. Worksheet. Teacher imposes the value of Scientific skill: appreciate the creation of God Observing and always care about the plant. Critical thinking students skills: understanding by doing the fill Analyzing Scientific attitudes in and classifying exercise. To strengthen Teacher comments the class performance in the lesson. and values: Appreciative, caring Multiple intelligent: Naturalist, Intrapersonal

Students do homework at home.

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