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Environmental Analysis

Overview of Environment in United Kingdom

We live in the world where the environment is of major concern. It is a major issue of concern because the natural processes are being disrupted by people to such an extent that the quality of life and nature surrounded us is threatened. The environmental issue in the world is increasing because of rapid growth in population which is giving rise to more consequential growth in energy consumption, and as there is growth in energy consumption which in turn give rise to carbon dioxide emission at high pace. As one of the developed country United Kingdom has high concern over environmental issues. UK Government has played an important role in reducing the greenhouse gas emissions. It has achieved the target of decrease in greenhouse gas emission of 12.5% from year 1990 level, given by Kyoto Protocol (institute of United Nation for climate change) and currently UK is making policies to cut green house gas emission by 20% (domestic goal). Also the government has reduced the amount of industrial
and commercial waste disposed of in landfill sites to 85% of 1998 levels and also recycling 25% of household waste and wants to increase it to 33% by 2015.

United Kingdom international agreements related to environment concerns are Air Pollution, Air Pollution-Nitrogen Oxides, Air Pollution-Persistent Organic Pollutants, Air Pollution-Sulfur 94, Air Pollution-Volatile Organic Compounds, Antarctic-Environmental Protocol, Antarctic-Marine Living Resources, Antarctic Seals, Antarctic Treaty, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Climate Change-Kyoto Protocol, Desertification, Endangered Species, Environmental Modification, Hazardous Wastes, Law of the Sea, Marine Dumping, Marine Life Conservation, Ozone Layer Protection, Ship Pollution, Tropical Timber 83, Tropical Timber 94, Wetlands, Whaling. Total renewable water resources in UK are about 160.6 cu km and total fresh water withdrawal in UK is 11.75 cu km per year. Major natural hazards in UK are floods and winter windstorms. The proportion of land area covered by forest is about 12.1% which was 11.5% in 2000. Proportion of total water resources used is 9.9%

Carbon dioxide emissions

UK government has concern for the carbon dioxide emission and they are continuously working to reduce it down. The chart shows the carbon dioxide emission (metric tons per capita) in UK and its comparison with past years. This data was issued by United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
10 9.5 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 6

CO2 emission


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Detail chart of Carbon dioxide emission is given in Appendix (K)

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Waris Hussain

UK PESTLE Analysis

Ecological Footprint
The UK's average ecological footprint is 5.45 global hectares per capita with variations between regions ranging from 4.80 gha (Wales) to 5.56 gha (East England). Beddington Zero Energy Development (BedZED) a 96-home mixed-income housing development found to have a footprint of 3.20 gha due to on-site renewable energy production, energy-efficient architecture, and an extensive green lifestyles program that included on-site London's first ca rsharing club.

Environmental issues in the United Kingdom

Air pollution Climate change issues Disposal of Royal Mail Rubber band Food wastage

Key Environmental Regulation

The key environmental regulations in UK cover the following areas Air Hazardous substances Land Packaging Waste and recycling Water UK allows Environmental permits and licenses for Discharge of liquid waste to public sewers Handling or storage of hazardous waste The emission of specific substances

Current Threat
A recent report from market research firm Environment Analyst indicates that the environmental consulting sector in the United Kingdom (UK) contracted by 8.4 percent in 2010, to stand at slightly less than US$ 2 billion (GB 1.2 billion). This is the markets second consecutive decline after more than two decades of unbroken growth. This decline of US$ 2 billion was primarily the result of government austerity at the national and local levels. In fact, 70 percent of the overall decline was attributable to the decrease in public spending; the remainder was lost in the private sector.

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Waris Hussain

UK PESTLE Analysis

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