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Public Procurement is the acquisition of goods, works or services through a competitive, open, transparent and non-discrepancy process by public

entities using public funds.

The objectives of public procurement

* To use public funds to procure goods, service and works in a wise ,economic and efficient manner. * To ensure that public procurement is carried out in a fair, transparent and nondiscriminatory manner. * To ensure that public procurement is based on value for money. * To reduce corrupt practices in public procurement.

The role of five actors in the public procurement process

In public procurement process there are five actors who have the decisive role ; These are Ministry of Finance and Economic Development Public Procurement and Property Administration Agency Head of public bodies Procurement and property administration Unit Procurement Endorsing committee . Ministry of Finance and Economic Development issues general directives and guidelines for public procurement .

Public Procurement and Property Administration Agency Issue Procurement and property administration manuals, standard bid document , and forms that are necessary for the implementation of procurement and property administration.

Head of public bodies Public bodies shall have overall responsibility for procurements they carry out and the property they administer.

Procurement and Property Administration Unit Identify the procurement need and prepare the procurement plan of the public body which is supported by action plan enabling them to execute in due time, the procurement necessary to implement their work program.

Procurement Endorsing committee Ensure that Public procurement is executed in compliance with the proclamation, the procurement directives. Identified procurement needs of the public body are in harmony with the annual procurement plan. Review and endorse procurements within the financial limits set by the directive. Advise the head of the public office on methods of achieving effective procurement. Public fund mean any monetary resource appropriate to a public body from the Federal Government treasury or aid grants and credits put at the disposal of the public bodies by foreign donors through the Federal Government or internal revenue of the public body.

In procurement there are nine key concepts or principles. The key principles are explain as follows:1. Professionalism is the discipline whereby education, experience, and professional
certification in public procurement. Continually contribute value to the organization and develop as a profession through educational standards in order to serve the public good. There is, therefore, the need to put well educated, experienced and responsible officers in charge of procurement in order that they can exercise skill, due care and caution in the performance of their duties . Professionalism also develop, support, and promote the highest professional standards in order to serve the public good and seek continuous improvement through on-going training, education, and skill enhancement.

2. Competition In the acquisition of goods ,works or services through purchasing there must be full, fair and legitimate competition among eligible suppliers. Procurement should be carried out by competition unless there are convincing reasons to the contrary. 3. Value for money is defined as the optimal combination of whole life cost, services, delivery and quality necessary to meet the end users requirement. Procurement must be well organized, carried out correctly with regard to quantity, quality and timeliness and at the optimum price, in accordance with the appropriate guidelines, principles and regulations. For all procurement activities through the optimum combination of efficiency, effectiveness and economy we can get value for money. Therefore to obtain value for money we must ensuring that the goods works or services procured meet the requirements for the task. 4. Fairness In all stages of procurement process no preferential treatment or favor should be given to any supplier or candidates. All suppliers must have access to get the same information at the time during all stages of procurement process. All tenders must, therefore, stand the chance of being selected in the tender evaluation process. 5. Transparency means that the same rules apply to all suppliers and that these rules are publicized as the basis of procurement decisions prior to their use. The contracting authority to create transparency by providing information about the procurement procedure and how it will be conducted. In order for tenderers to be afforded the same opportunities

for the submission of tenders, contract documents must be plain and clear and contain all of the requirements regarding the subject matter of the contract. 6. Ethical approach is an act and conduct business with honesty and integrity, avoid even the appearance of impropriety. In the execution of public fund a person should have an ethical behavior. No person or entity shall use his or her authority, position or office for any personal gain, which will be defined as soliciting, accepting or otherwise benefiting from anything of material value, in any form he or she maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity in all professional relationship. 7. Accountability means apply sound business judgment, be knowledgeable of and abide all applicable laws and regulations. Therefore an individual or procuring entity fully responsible for all aspects of the procurement process over which their exert authority. 8. Efficiency and effectiveness Procurement processes should be carried out as cost effectively as possible. Public bodies should meet the commercial, regulatory and socio economic goals of government in a balance manner appropriate to the procurement requirement.

Reference 1. JM DEWAN, KN SUDAR SHAN (1996). purchasing and material management. Discovery Publishing House New Delhim_110002 2. 3. Peter Baily, David Farmer, David Jessop and David Jones (1998) purchasing principles and management. eight edition FT prentice Hall

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