Chap 005

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Chapter 5

Problems 3, 4, 7, 31
Input boxes in tan Output boxes in yellow Given data in blue Calculations in red Answers in green
NOTE: Some functions used in these spreadsheets may require that the "Analysis ToolPak" or "Solver Add-in" be installed in Excel. To install these, click on "Tools|Add-Ins" and select "Analysis ToolPak" and "Solver Add-In."

sis ToolPak"

Chapter 5
Question 3 Input area: Output area:

Discount rate Year 1 2 3 4 $ Cash flow

Chapter 5
Question 4 Input area:

Payment per year # of years Required rate of return

Output area:

Annuity present value Perpetuity present value


Chapter 5
Question 7 Input area:

Annual deposit # of years Interest rate on annuity

Output area:

Future value of annuity

Chapter 5
Question 31 Input area:

Interest rate first six months Interest rate thereafter # of times compounded Balance transferred

Output area:

Balance after 6 months Balance in one year Accrued interest

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

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