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04-801 HOMEWORK 1 Name: NIZEYIMANA Jean Paul Andrew ID: jnizeyim Course: Entrepreneurship for Emerging Markets

Individual Writing Assignment

Entrepreneurial Ethics provides the basic rules or parameters for conducting any activity in an acceptable manner, represents a set of principles prescribing a behavioral code of what is good and right or bad and wrong, defines situational moral duty and obligations [1]. In this essay, I am going to talk about which of my own personal beliefs, values and assumptions would I be sure to infuse into my organization, how would I ensure that they were internalized in my organization, which would be my best ethical guide: motives, rules for guiding actions, or outcomes and finally how would my customers/clients be able to identify the impact of my companys ethical code. Personal beliefs are important in a company because its successes and failures will depend on them. My personal beliefs are friendly organization and customer-centric. Values are also essential element in an organization, they can help one to do his/her best and strengthen good character. My values are; trustworthy and high quality work. In order to let people follow my beliefs and values I need to let them learn about my beliefs because its not enough for me to know what I believe while no one else is aware of it. To internalize my values, I will make sure that there is trustworthy in the entire organization, make sure that everyone is honest. There should be sincere respect for customers and no discrimination. High quality work can be measured by its output, I will make sure that everyone is doing what is supposed to do and in the way its supposed to be done. Workers must be supervised with respect and patience.

Concerning my ethical guide, my best one would be outcomes because I like to judge the work by its results or output, I believe in the expression saying that The end justifies the means. You can do good job, have motivation or have good rules for guiding actions but if the outcomes are not good, none will recognize this. Ethical codes are adopted by organizations to assist members in understanding the difference between 'right' and 'wrong' and in applying that understanding to their decisions[2]. Customers/clients will be able to identify the impact of my companys ethical code by looking at employees and directors ethical behavior and conduct; they must have honesty and fairness. Customers/clients must obtain the satisfaction expected from the company in order to be able to identify the impact of its ethical code.

REFERENCES [1] Carter Crockett, Entrepreneurship for Emerging Markets, course notes, 2013 [2]

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