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SCADA for Industrial Application

Varsha.K.S.Pai #1 Shruthi Prabhu #2


Electrical and Electronics Department, Visvesvaraya Technological University Canara Engineering College, India

Abstract- This paper describes the SCADA systems in terms of their architecture, their interface to the process hardware, the functionality and the application development facilities they provide. SCADA stands for supervisory control and data acquisition, a computer system for gathering and analyzing real time data. SCADA systems are used to monitor and control a plant or equipment in industries such as telecommunications, water and waste control, energy, oil and gas refining and transportation. SCADA is an industrial measurement and control system consisting of a central host or master (usually called a master station, master terminal unit or MTU) one or more field data gathering and control units or remotes (usually called remote stations, remote terminal units, or RTU's) and a collection of standard and/or custom software used to monitor and control remotely located field data elements. SCADA technology collects real-time data from virtually any environment where there is a need to monitor machinery or processes, make adjustments based on measurable conditions, measure down time, or regulate processes to avoid costly problems. The computer-based technology was designed to do all the things with little human involvement. From a central reading location, a SCADA system can monitor a number of remote sites equipped with RTUs. The RTUs measures various conditions and parameters, including tank levels, temperature, voltage, current, volume, and flow. The unit reports the data back to the CPU, carrying out the necessary analysis and cost functions. Thus, state of Art SCADA system plays major role in industrial process control application. Keywords- Introduction, Design of the laboratory, System Architecture, Commissioning, Conclusion.

the complexities and drawbacks of the conventional instrumentation schemes. Such an integrated power system thus needs a large amount of data to be acquired, processed and presented to the operator and the system engineer for effective operation of the power grid. These functions can be handled very effectively using adistributed processing system. It provides the system engineer and operator with a powerful tool, which gives immediate access to large amounts of current information from the data highway, and also past history from the archived data storage. The system engineer can also readily install new hardware for on-line data acquisition and control II. DESIGN OF LABORATORY Large SCADA systems are used in a wide range of applications like power station control, transmission, distribution automation, and smaller SCADA systems are used for industrial automation. In the proposed lab we wanted to give a general idea about SCADA systems which would be applicable to any of the above mentioned processes, in particular for substation automation. Hence designing the specifications for the laboratory was quite challenging and satisfying. SCADA for power systems, distributed in wide geographical areas, is an integrated technology comprising of the following four major components [10]: i) Master Station: It is a collection of computers, peripherals and appropriate input/output (I/O) systems that enable the operators to monitor the state of the power system (or a process) and control it ii) Remote Terminal Unit (RTU): RTU is the Eye, Ear and Hands of a SCADA system. The RTU acquires all the field data from different field devices, processes it and transmits the relevant data to the master station. At the same time, it distributes the control signals received from the master station to the field devices. iii) Communication System: It refers to the communication channels employed between the RTU and the master station. The bandwidth of the channel limits the speed of communication. iv) Human Machine Interface (HMI): HMI refers to the interface required for the interaction between the master station and the operators/users of the SCADA system. The proposed laboratory has all the above components of the SCADA system with on-line monitoring & control facilities as

I. INTRODUCTION ELECTRICAL power is one of the most important infrastructure inputs necessary for the rapid socio-economic development of a country. Currently, it constitutes about 20% of the total annual energy consumption on a worldwide scale with an ever-rising demand. This increase in demand has led to the installation and incorporation of a large number of electrical power generation units with increased capacities in a common power grid, making the operation of the entire system sensitive to the prevailing conditions. Therefore, the extensive and complex power systems have become unmanageable using the conventional instrumentation and control schemes. Intelligent systems based on microprocessors and computers have been employed for online monitoring and control of modern large-scale power systems [1], in generation, transmission and distribution, thereby overcoming

shown in Fig. 1. The master station has two engineering consoles for project implementation and four operator consoles for system monitoring. The SCADA hardware includes a distributed processing unit (DPU), a remote terminal unit (RTU) and a number of analog, digital and pulse input/output units and field equipment. The communication interface includes the Profibus and Modbus modules, and the LAN in the laboratory is through an Ethernet highway. The system software has the facility for easy online configuration for mimics, trends, reports etc. and for web navigation. An 11 KV substation, which is supplying power to the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, is being monitored. The prototype model of a 765 KV transmission line and on-load tap changer transformer (with auto transformer and stepper motor) have been developed, monitored and controlled through the SCADA system.

A. System Hardware The system hardware comprises of the processing units, the DPU and RTU, two engineering stations and four operator stations. Each of the hardware components is discussed in detail in Sections III-B and C 1) Distributed Processing Unit (DPU): The DPU is configured around a 32-bit Restricted Instruction Set Computer (RISC) processor AC800F with 4 MB memory as shown in Fig. 2. It can support up to 100 master less RTUs. At present there is only a single RTU communicating to the DPU. The DPU has a capability of handling more than 1000 inputs and outputs, but it is presently configured for 216 inputs and outputs (digital, analog, and pulse) The RTU, DPU and the input/output units are interconnected through the Profibus module, as shown in Fig. 3. The DPU has the Modbus module for dedicated communication with Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs).

Fig. 1. Overview of the laboratory. Fig. 2. The DPU and the RTU.

III. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE The architecture of SCADA system used in the laboratory, among the various processors connected to the data-highway, is of distributed function type. Distributed architecture was preferred as this is modular and expandable in future. The SCADA system used in the laboratory is microcomputer based with functional and database distribution. It has open ended system architecture comprising of the system hardware, the system software and human machine interface, which are discussed in detail below.

2) Remote Terminal Unit (RTU): The SCADA/EMS laboratory has a single RTU that can be stationed at a remote location. Presently in the absence of a sufficiently remote field, the RTU is functioning inside the laboratory itself. The RTU is also equipped with I/O channels (digital, analog and pulse) for capturing the field data, and has the modem for communicating on RS485 link. Like the DPU, the RTU is also configured around a 32-bit RISC processor AC800F. The RTU communicates to the master SCADA system (DPU) through a Profibus.

The DPU and RTU are currently performing the following functions in the laboratory: a) Data acquisition, system monitoring and control: The DPU and RTUacquire data (digital, analog and pulse) from the field equipment connected to the various input channels. These data are then passed on to the processor via the Profibus. The processor performs analytical calculations on these data and transmits them to the engineering and operator stations via the Ethernet. The various operators can thus monitor the field signals viz. voltage, current, frequency, temperature etc from the control room. The DPU also has analog, digital and pulse output modules, through which the operator can give control signals from the operator station to the field devices, e.g., a pulse output signal to rotate the stepper motor. b) Sequence of Events Recording (SOE): All the data in the DPU comes with a time stamping. The scan rate for digital data is usually 2 ms and for analog data it is 10 ms.The scan time can be set to 0.5 ms, 1 ms, 2 ms etc. as per the process requirement. SOE will provide the students a clear understanding of the various phenomena and events associated with a power system, both during its normal functioning and under fault conditions, as this is the basic tool for fault diagnostics

Mbps and is currently supporting a network of four operator stations and two engineering stations along with the DPU and the RTU, all connected in bus topology. The DPU passes real time data to the operator and engineering stations via the Ethernet through customized software. The I/O units are connected to the processor through the Profibus. The Modbus module connects the Intelligent Electronic Device, the Energy Analyzer, to the AC800F. The Modbus is incorporated in the system for performing dedicated tasks and for better understanding of the industrial buses. 5) Operator and Engineering Station: The SCADA system has six Pentium-IV Computers (running in the environment of Windows 2000) acting as the operator stations and engineering stations, so that, at a given time, a maximum of 10 students/trainees can work in the laboratory, two on each station, one station is left for faculty members and R&D work. Each of the four operator stations provides a customized, interactive, graphic user interface, designed using modern software programming techniques. The entire field can be monitored and controlled from the operator stations. Presently, as the field equipments being monitored are not very vast, each operator station covers the entire field, but in case of a vast field, each operator station can be configured to perform dedicated monitoring of different sections of the field. Two Pentium IV computers are serving as the engineering stations for the system. The engineering station runs the engineering software, programmed usingVisual Basic 6.0. The commissioning, adding newhardware, changing the tag settings, and associated tasks are performed at the engineering station using the engineering software. B. System Software Currently, the laboratory utilizes two system software programs for better understanding and proper utilization of the product available in the market. The first one is hardware specific and dedicated software, whereas the other one is an open-ended system software, which can communicate with any hardware device. This is to make the laboratory much more generalized, rather than constrained to a specific hardware. The SCADA software being used in the laboratory has provision for online configuration facilities like creation, modification, and deletion of process parameters in database, mimics, trends and reports. A web navigator has been designed using Java, to enable process management via Internet. The software has secured control facilities for executing individual digital output points or group of predefined points with a single command. It is capable of supporting standard power system software programs like MATLAB and EDSA. The dedicated software used in the system, Freelance 2000, consists of two main modules: Digivis, the operator software and Digitool, the engineering software as shown in the software relational diagram in Fig. 4. Digivis software offers a

Fig. 3. The processor, with the Ethernet, Profibus, and Modbus modules

3) Input/Output Units: At present the system has 216 input/output channels, including that of both the DPU and RTU. The analog inputs comprise of the signals coming from the voltage and current transducers connected to the various field devices like the 3phase transmission line, 3-phase load, etc. The digital inputs/ outputs are the capacitor bank on/off positions in the substation and the circuit breaker positions on the transmission line and the load. Apart from these, there are pulse inputs and outputs. 4) Data Highway: The laboratory incorporates industry standard networking. It has an Ethernet data highway (coaxial cable) operating at 10

user-friendly graphical interface in accordance with MSWindows standard. It provides a comprehensive, standard and free display logging, graphics and display facilities including trend archiving, system diagnostics, etc. Both free display and graphic displays are user-defined and are created using the graphic editor in the Digitool. The archived trend and log files are viewed using Digi Browse. Digi DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) permits to convert data to ASCII format, making it readable by third party softwares.

per the requirement. All unacknowledged alarms remain in flashing mode till they are acknowledged. Trend display is another useful tool of this software. By trend display we mean the display of variation of different parameters such as voltage, current, frequency, temperature etc. with time. The software can be configured to give both the past and the current trends. From these trends, we can predict the next trend also. These trends appear in the form of colorful graphs and can be given oscilloscopic form by choosing appropriate scales. This feature makes the software more user-interactive. This allows the students to reconstruct the sequence of events in case of a fault. Open ended software: SCADA portal is an open system software, which enables one to develop highly interactive HMI for remote control and PLC applications. It combines the unique usability features found in HMI with simple integration of control equipment and a variety of IEDs. It can communicate with locally and geographically distributed devices through communication protocols like OPC and Modbus. The applications in SCADA are based on object oriented principle. In the SCADA lab, we have configured SCADA portal using both OPC and Modbus protocols.

Fig. 4. Software relational diagram

The Digitool, also known as control builder, is operated in configuration mode where, the project is structured, configured, and documented. Configuration can be processed off-line. The project objects are assigned to the hardware structure as part of the system configuration, and can then be downloaded when the connection is later made on-line. Digitool can handle all types of IEC 61 131-3 programming languages like the Function Block Diagram (FBD), Instruction List (IL), Ladder Diagram (LD), and Sequential Function Chart (SFC). Once a field device is connected/wired to the appropriate input or output channel, depending upon the type of signal, it has to be configured in the software. Each signal coming from the field devices is allocated a tag at the DPU I/O channels. This tag acts as an address for the signal and also gives an indication about the type of signal. For example the tag AI1_C1_DPU indicates an analog input (AI) connected to the first channel (1) of the first analog input unit (C1) of the DPU. When the programming is done for a signal, it is allocated the same tag in the software, as it has in the DPU. All the back end programming is done in Digitool using functional blocks along with the appropriate logic functions. The typical Functional Block Diagram (FBD) is shown in Fig. 5. Digitool is a highly extensive module with several useful features such as visual and sound alarms, trend display, time stamping etc. Report of all field alarms and system alarms along with time stamping, description, state, and current value is generated. Alarms (visual as well as audio) can be set and displayed as

Fig. 5. Functional block diagram for the transmission line monitoring.

C. HumanMachine Interface (HMI) HMI refers to the communication between Man and Machine and is of utmost importance in modern computer based control systems. The HMI in the laboratory has been developed to make it highly descriptive, interactive and user friendly. This was done in order to enhance the students perception of electrical power systems and their performance. The control elements of the power system and other field devices are graphically modeled on a color monitor. The graphics have been developed in almost an exact replication

of the real time field setup, depicting all the field devices exactly as their layout in the laboratory. The control fields have been designed in the form of buttons having different color schemes for depicting different operating conditions such as red for off and green for on. The different visual alarms keep flashing on the top of the screen, till they are acknowledged. The HMI has been designed using both the softwares available, the Digivis and SCADA Portal

2) SOE & fault diagnostics. 3) Autotransformer tap positions. 4) Static VAR compensation and Ferranti effect. 5) Sub-station monitoring. V. CONCLUSION The SCADA Laboratory has been designed and commissioned to facilitate the understanding of real time monitoring & control of systems SCADA systems are used to monitor and control a plant and equipment in industries. The benefits one can expect from adopting a SCADA system a rich functionality and extensive development facilities. The systems are used to mission critical industrial processes where reliability and performance are paramount. These systems are used to gather and analyze real time data. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We are in debt to our principal Dr. Nagesh Prabhu Canara Engineering College for providing us with a conductive environment with all facilities that encourage us in our research. We are extremely grateful to our Prof. T.N Shanubhogue HOD for his moral support and encouragement We wish to express our gratitude to our technical co-ordinator Mr. Divyesh Divakar asst. Prof. E&E for his guidance and suggestion. REFERENCES
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IV. COMMISSIONING Commissioning of the laboratory involved the following main tasks: physical wiring of the devices; grounding; tag allocation; software customization; graphic design. Once all the field devices including the transmission line model were finalized and obtained in the laboratory, the main task was to connect them to the DPU and provide proper grounding schemes. The connection of the various analog and digital devices to the different input/output channels in the DPU has already been described in Sections IIIV. Ferrules bearing the appropriate tags have been attached to all the wires connecting the devices to the I/O channels, for easy identification and tracing, in case any change has to be made. The entire system has been earthed as per industrial standards. Tag allocation for various devices was an easy task as memory mapping in the system is automatic and a device connected to the appropriate channel is identified by the system on its own and the users can provide the tag of their own choice. Software customization was done by generating Functional Block Diagrams (FBD) for each of the field devices and then applying the appropriate logic. Audio and visual alarms were set to indicate different conditions in the devices for, e.g., when the transmission line current exceeds a particular limit both audio and visual alarms are generated. Graphical trends were generated for constant monitoring of the different parameter changes with time. Different parameters such as voltage, current, frequency etc. have been plotted in different colors for easy monitoring. Apart from the trends, a second by second record for each of the parameters is maintained in the system. No external circuit/ device is employed for this function as all the data coming from the DPU is already time stamped. All the graphics as mentioned earlier have been designed in an exact imitation of the actual field devices and their layout. The actual monitoring of the field is done through the Digivis module of the software. The graphics are highly interactive and easy to understand. A few of the experiments to be performed in the SCADA lab include on-line study and simulation of: 1) 3-phase transmission line.

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