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Tech priorities of organizations are always derived from their business priorities. So its important to first understand the latter before determining which tech to deploy.

Improving productivity is top business priority amongst the respondants(60%),followed by reducing operating cost and improving customer service.

Aggressive and outward facing business priorities are as under, 1) Rapid growth in business volumes. 2) Setting up new business units. For e.g. TCS (TATA CONSULTANCIES SERVICE) in GANDHINAGAR. There are many tech priorities related to business which are considered in function in the year 2012. 1) Improve productivity.(For e.g. Samsung tab launched their tablets series to compete in the market of Netbooks.) 2) Reduce operational costs.(For e.g. Now a days tablets are configured with latest technologies to ahead in the production and sales compare to laptops & netbooks.)

3) Improve the customer service. 4) Rapid growth in business volumes. 5) Set up new business units. 6) Compliance and regulations. 7) Overall risk management. 8) Create competitive pressure.

Tech priorities for 2012 are listed as under.

1) Information security 54% 2) Video conferencing - 44% 3) Bandwidth optimization 42% 4) Green IT 37% 5) WAN connectivity enhancement 35% 6) Storage 34% 7) DR and BCP 34% 8) Portal/ website- 33% 9) Unified communication- 30% 10) High speed networking in data center- 29% 11) Surveillance systems- 25% 12) E-commerce/ online- 17% 13) Power conditioning equipment- 13% 14) Other -13%

Once a deployment strategy is concluded by a particular business firm, the following parameters are to be considered by a firm or organization.

1) The in- tangibles. 2) Laptops/net tops. 3) Minimum clients per location. 4) Cost case period. 5) Diminishing costs over cost case period. 6) Hours of operations. 7) Excludes server operations.

Recently occurred legal issues related to the world of mobile technologies between two giant companies. 1) Apple seeks ban on 8 Samsung products. Apple inc is seeking a us sales ban on 8 models of Samsung electronics smart phones and the extension of a preliminary ban on a tablet computer after wining a patent trial against the south Korean company.

Apple, which won more than $ 1 billion on august 24 after a found Samsung infringed 6 of 7 patents at stake

in the trial, named the phones it wants barred in a filing with US district judge lucy koh in san jose, California. Necessary measures: Samsung gained 1.3% to 1,195,000 won at the close of Seoul trading, while the benchmark kospi index fell 0.1%. Apple, based in Cupertino California won a ban on US sales of Samsung galaxy tab 10.1 Tablet in June that the south Korean company said would not significantly affect its business. Apples list includes the galaxy s2 epic 4g ranked by Samsung as third best seller by units in the US among the disputed products the galaxy s 4g the fourth best and the galaxy s 2 t mobile the eighth best during past 2 years. The other devices included the galaxy s showcase the s 2 AT & T the s2 skyrocket and the droid charge. Some of the models began selling in the US more than a year ago.

IT strategy includes big plans for tablets next year:

1) Tablets have created a lot of buzz which is why most companies are trying to figure out how incorporate them in their flat of mobiles devices. 2) A lot of organizations are apprehensive about buying tablets for their employees which is why 30% of respondents are following employees to being their own tablets to office but not buy them. 3) Another 29% however are planning to buy tablets but only for their top management. 4) Only a quarter of the respondents were keeping tablets out of their system completely for now. 5) 18% were even building customs apps on tablets. 6) So the overall outlook for tablets definitely looks positive for the coming year.

List of latest tablets in the current market of technological gadgets.

1) Samsung galaxy tab 750 features: A fully loaded tablet which provides good competition to the I pad 2. The company totally revamped this tablet to give real competition to the I pad. The Samsung galaxy tab 750 runs on a 1 GHZ dual core NVIDIA Tegra 2 processor which is the same as LG optimum pad MOTOROLA atrix and as US eu pad transformer. It has connectivity options like 3G, WI-FI, Bluetooth and USB. The Bluetooth 3.0 connectivity will help the customer to transfer media at a much faster rate than USB 2.0. The tablet has a mini HDMI part. So you can look it up to a larger display to watch high definition videos. The battery life is good with the 7000 mAh battery powering on the tab for almost 8-9 hours. It provides the option of choosing between 16 GB and 32 GB internal storage. The camera also performed well is capable of capturing good images. Social networking is very much there with app like: 1) Twitter 2) Face book 3) Gmail etc.

Which can be accessed on a single screen? A sleek, elegant light weight tablet, the Samsung galaxy tab 10% gets as close to the I pad 2 as any other android tablets.

Laptops tablets are now history! is the loud clear message that stores you in the eye when you visit MILAGROWS WEBSITE.
1) The company calls it tab top which is a cross between a tablets & laptop. 2) The machine has ingredients that are as good as a net bookDDR3 1 GB RAM 1.2 GHZ processor multiple connectivity parts. 3) It is based on the Android 2.3 ginger bread 05 has been customized for content creation with similar ease comfort as a laptop offers. 4) It comes with 50 pre installed apps for specific industries work functions. 5) So you can get a device for sales force automation & for different industries like HOSPITALITY, EDUCATION, MEDICAL. 6) Applications have been pre loaded by the company for free.

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