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The Bristol Stool Form Scale1

Type 1 Separate hard lumps, like nuts (hard to pass). Sausageshaped but lumpy.

Ideal Stools
Type 3 Like a sausage but with cracks on its surface. Like a sausage or snake, smooth and soft.

Type 2

Type 4

May indicate diarrhea and urgency

Type 5 Soft blobs with clear-cut edges (passed easily). Type 6 Fluffy pieces with ragged edges, a mushy stool. Type 7 Watery, no solid pieces. ENTIRELY LIQUID.

1. Bristol Stool Chart. Continence Foundation of Australia. Available at: Accessed on 15 Nov. 2012. The Bristol Stool Chart was developed by K. W. Heaton and S. J. Lewis at the University of Bristol. Lewis SJ, Heaton KW. Stool Form Scale as a Useful Guide to Intestinal Transit Time. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 1997; 32 (9): 920-924.

Easy Finish

Easy Finish
Significantly relieves symptoms of constipation.1, 2 Used for all ages.1
Adults and adolescents Children (7 14 years) Children (1 6 years) Infants under 1 year

Oral Solution
Starting dose daily Maintenance dose daily

15 - 45 ml 15 ml 5 - 10 ml Up to 5 ml

15 - 30 ml 10 - 15 ml 5 - 10 ml Up to 5 ml

Indicated for:

Where a soft stool is considered of medical benefit (haemorrhoids, post colonic/anal surgery).

1. Data on File, Duphalac (lactulose), Master SmPC, dated 26th April 2011. 2. Sanders JF. Lactulose syrup assessed in a double-blind study of elderly constipated patients. J Am Geriatr Soc 1978; 26 (5): 236-9.


Constipation: regulation of the physiological rhythm of the colon.

Lactulose may be given as a single daily dose or in two divided doses, for Duphalac in bottles the measuring cup should be used. After a few days the starting dosage may be adjusted to the maintenance dose based upon treatment response. Several days (2-3 days) of treatment may be needed before treatment effect occurs.
Prescribing information: Product name: Duphalac, Duphalac Fruit, oral solution. Active ingredient: Lactulose. Therapeutic indications: Constipation: regulation of the physiological rhythm of the colon. Where a soft stool is considered of medical benefit. Portal Systemic encephalopathy (PSE): treatment and prevention of hepatic coma or precoma. Dosing recommendations: Starting/maintenance dose oral solution: Infants < 1 yr: up to 5 ml. Children (1-6 yrs and 7-14 yrs): 5-10 ml, 15 ml respectively; maintenance dose: 5-10 ml, 10-15 ml respectively. Adults/adolescents: Starting dose 15-45 ml, maintenance dose 15-30 ml. PSE: please consult full prescribing information. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the active substance/ingredients. Contra-indicated in patients with galactosaemia and in bowel obstruction. Special warnings and precautions: Consult physician in case of insufficient therapeutic effect after several days. Administer with care to lactose intolerant patients. Dose used in PSE may need to be taken into consideration for diabetics. Defaecation reflex could be disturbed during treatment. Patients with the rare hereditary problem of galactose or fructose intolerance, the Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption should not take this medicine. Trademark Fruit contains 0.4 vol % ethanol, i.e. up to 160 mg per dose. Side effects: Flatulence may occur during first few days of treatment. At higher doses than instructed, abdominal pain and diarrhoea may occur. If high doses (PSE) are used for extended period of time, the patient may experience an electrolyte imbalance due to diarrhoea. Other: flatulence, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting; diarrhoea if dosed too high. For further prescribing information, please consult your local prescribing information.

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